- accentuate
- affirm
- assert
- highlight
- indicate
- maintain
- point out
- reiterate
- repeat
- underline
- underscore
- accent
- articulate
- charge
- dramatize
- enlarge
- enunciate
- headline
- hit
- impress
- italicize
- mark
- pinpoint
- press
- pronounce
- punctuate
- spotlight
- weight
- bear down
- dwell on
- insist on
- labor the point
- limelight
- make a point
- make clear
- make emphatic
- make much of
- play up
- point up
- put accent on
- rub in
On this page you’ll find 96 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to emphasize, such as: accentuate, affirm, assert, highlight, indicate, and maintain.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use emphasize in a sentence
I have wanted him to do it absolutely on his own, and I could not emphasize this better than by coming right away to Mudros.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- accentuate
- draw attention to
- emphasize
- highlight
- intensify
- stress
- underline
- underscore
- accent
- bring attention to
- call attention to
- draw attention to
- emphasize
- feature
- give prominence to
- highlight
- point up
- spotlight
- stress
- underline
- underscore
- accented
- brought attention to
- called attention to
- drew attention to
- emphasized
- featured
- gave prominence to
- highlighted
- pointed up
- spotlighted
- stressed
- underlined
- underscored
- accents
- brings attention to
- calls attention to
- draws attention to
- emphasizes
- features
- gives prominence to
- highlights
- points up
- spotlights
- stresses
- underlines
- underscores
- affirm
- assert
- avouch
- claim
- contend
- declare
- emphasize
- insist
- justify
- predicate
- proclaim
- prove
- state
- swear
- verify
- affirming
- asserting
- avouching
- claiming
- contending
- declaring
- emphasizing
- insisting
- justifying
- predicating
- proclaiming
- proving
- stating
- swearing
- verifying
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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phrasal verb
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Emphasized Thesaurus
Definitions of Emphasized
Emphasized Antonyms
Nearby Words
emphasis, emphasise, emphasizing, emphasised
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Synonyms for Emphasized. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 30, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/emphasized
Synonyms for Emphasized. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/emphasized>.
Synonyms for Emphasized. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/emphasized.
All synonyms in one line
emphasised, emphatic, accented, accentuated, punctuated, stressed, underlined, en.synonym.one, underscored.
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Synonym definition
A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.
Antonym definition
An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.
Use of synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:
- — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
- — Avoid repetitions in a text.
Examples of synonyms
The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».
Examples of antonyms
The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».
Use of synonyms-thesaurus.com
In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the synonyms for emphasized. These synonyms for the word emphasized are provided for your information only.
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What is another word for emphasized?
56 synonyms found
[ ˈɛmfɐsˌa͡ɪzd], [ ˈɛmfɐsˌaɪzd], [ ˈɛ_m_f_ɐ_s_ˌaɪ_z_d]
Table of Contents
• emphasized (noun)
- stressed.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- emphatic,
- emphasised.
• intensified (verb)
- underlined,
- magnified,
- increased,
- exaggerated,
- Heightened,
- escalated,
- deepened,
- Accentuated,
- intensified,
- sharpened.
Other synonyms:
- advertised.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- accentuate,
- enforced,
- underscored,
- enhanced,
- positive,
- highlighted,
- supported,
- emphasise,
- maintained,
- Italicized,
- punctuate,
- accented,
- Punctuated,
- spotlighted,
- tried,
- jutted out,
- emphasize,
- underscore,
- exclamatory,
- buttressed,
- brought out,
- forcible,
- noted down,
- forceful,
- left a mark,
- strengthened,
- declared,
- affirmed,
- Urged,
- underline,
- intense,
- strained,
- pointed,
- try,
- avowed,
- laid down,
- marked,
- accent,
- Underpinned,
- featured,
- decided,
- reinforced.
How to use «Emphasized» in context?
Emphasized is a metal band from Memphis, Tennessee. The group formed in 2003, and released their debut album, This Heart of Mine, in 2007. The band has since released two more albums, Unconditional in 2011 and Write About Love in 2014.
Paraphrases for Emphasized:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Proper noun, singular
emphasize, stressing.
Verb, past tense
emphasise, emphasised, underlined.
Verb, past participle
emphasised, underlined, underscored.
Proper noun, singular
Reverse Entailment
Verb, past tense
Verb, past participle
Verb, past tense
Proper noun, singular
welcomes, urges, emphasizes, points, says.
Verb, past tense
accent, accused, added, addressed, adjusted, admitted, advanced, advised, affirm, affirmed, agreed, ali, alleged, also, announced, any, apart, appreciated, articulated, attached, called, celebrated, centered, charged, clarified, committed, concentrated, concluded, condition, confirmed, considered, credited, declared, defined, demonstrated, described, determined, developed, disclosed, discovered, drew, elaborated, encouraged, endorsed, especially, estimated, expanded, experienced, exposed, expressed, favored, favour, featured, felt, focused, focussed, formed, found, granted, held, identified, illuminated, illustrated, imported, included, informed, intensified, kept, listed, made, maintained, marked, mostly, note, noted, noticed, observed, on, outlined, permitted, placed, pledged, pointed, preferred, pressed, primarily, privileged, promised, proved, put, raised, reaffirm, reasoned, reassured, recognised, recognized, recommended, recorded, reflected, reinforced, related, relieved, remembered, remind, renewed, repeated, reported, requested, revealed, rose, ruled, said, saw, set, showcase, special, specified, spoke, stiffened, suggested, supported, sur, thought, tied, toughened, treasure, tried, uncovered, universal, uphold, valued, voiced, wanted, welcomed, Accentuated, Advocated, Allowed, Alluded, Applauded, Argued, Averred, Awarded, Was, Became, Believed, Brought, Carried, Cautioned, Circled, Claimed, Deemed, Deployed, Did, Discussed, Echoed, Emerged, Enabled, Excelled, Exhibited, Flagged, Gave, Went, Had, Heeded, Indicated, Insisted, Invoked, Manifested, Mentioned, Objected, Offered, Participated, Persisted, Pleaded, Rated, Regarded, Reiterated, Remarked, Replied, Responded, Resulted, Returned, Scored, Served, Singled, Targeted, Told, Testified, Upheld, Urged, Viewed, Vowed, Warned, Wished, Worked, Wrote, Commended, Complained, Contended, Praised, Promoted, Provided, Pushed, Stipulated, Submitted, privileges, summarized, circulated, showed, ensured, restated, presses, recalled, reconfirmed, reaffirmed, prioritized, participants, reasserted, reminded, showcased, Favoured, signalled, re-affirmed, prioritised, confimed, outposted.
Verb, past participle
accelerated, accented, added, addressed, advanced, advised, affirmed, aggravated, agreed, ali, alleged, announced, appreciated, articulated, ascertained, assigned, attached, attempted, attested, backed, based, called, centered, centred, charged, chosen, clarified, committed, compounded, concentrated, concluded, condemned, confirmed, considered, consolidated, conspicuous, credited, decided, declared, defined, delineated, demonstrated, depicted, described, detailed, detected, determined, directed, disclosed, discovered, distinguished, documented, done, drawn, driven, elaborated, embossed, encouraged, endorsed, engaged, enhanced, established, evidenced, evoked, expanded, exposed, expressed, faced, featured, felt, fixed, focus, focused, focussed, forgotten, formed, fostered, found, geared, given, granted, guaranteed, heard, held, hired, identified, illuminated, illustrated, importance, included, increased, informed, initiated, intensified, known, listed, located, made, maintained, marked, mounted, noted, noticed, observed, oriented, outlined, overcome, overstated, placed, pointed, posted, preferred, prepared, prescribed, presented, pressed, privileged, pronounced, proved, proven, pursued, put, raised, recognised, recognized, recommended, recorded, referenced, refined, reflected, reinforced, relevance, relieved, remembered, renewed, repeated, reported, respected, restricted, revealed, risen, ruled, said, seen, seized, selected, sent, set, sharpened, significance, sought, specified, spoken, strengthened, substantiated, suggested, supported, sustained, taken, terminated, tied, touched, toughened, treated, tried, uncovered, understood, valued, verified, very, voiced, welcomed, worn, worsened, written, Accentuated, Accorded, Advocated, Aimed, Amplified, Appeared, Argued, Attributed, Awarded, Been, Borne, Boosted, Brought, Captured, Carried, Cited, Claimed, Deemed, Denounced, Deployed, Discussed, Displayed, Echoed, Elucidated, Emerged, Engrained, Excelled, Exemplified, Exercised, Filed, Flagged, Heeded, Heightened, Incurred, Indicated, Insisted, Introduced, Invoked, Judged, Launched, Looked, Manifested, Met, Mentioned, Quoted, Rated, Referred, Regarded, Reiterated, Returned, Seconded, Shown, Talked, Targeted, Told, Underpinned, Undertaken, Upheld, Urged, Viewed, Warned, Widened, Commended, Complained, Comprised, Contended, Contributed, Criticised, Praised, Promoted, Prompted, Propounded, Pushed, Spared, Stationed, Steepened, Submitted, tabled, overestimated, exacerbated, allocated, restated, underestimated, recalled, reconfirmed, reaffirmed, opted, prioritized, reasserted, reminded, showcased, laid, Favoured, signalled, spotlighted, prioritised, outposted.
Proper noun, singular
Other Related
Verb, past tense
acknowledged, asserted, assure, assured, strengthened, tightened, Cited, Referred, underscored.
Verb, past participle
acknowledged, asserted, assured, tightened.
Verb, base form
emphasise, overemphasize, underlined, underscored.
Verb, past tense
Homophones for Emphasized:
- emphasised, embossed.