Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
disgrace [dɪsˈgreɪs] гл
позорить, бесчестить, обесчестить, опозорить, унижать, посрамить, осрамить, порочить
(shame, dishonor, humiliate, defame)
disgrace [dɪsˈgreɪs] сущ
немилостьж, опалаж
(disfavor, disfavour)
позорм, позорищеср, срамм
(shame, embarrassment)
- indelible disgrace – несмываемый позор
бесчестьеср, бесчестиеср
- public disgrace – публичное унижение
посрамлениеср, поношениеср
(opprobrium, reproach)
noun | ||
позор | disgrace, shame, dishonor, infamy, ignominy, stigma | |
немилость | disgrace, disfavor, disfavour | |
бесчестие | dishonor, disgrace, dishonour | |
опала | disgrace, proscription | |
позорный поступок | scandal, disgrace | |
verb | ||
позорить | disgrace, shame, dishonor, discredit, defame, attaint | |
опозорить | disgrace, bring to shame | |
срамить | disgrace | |
осрамить | disgrace, shame | |
бесчестить | dishonor, disgrace, stigmatize, defame, abuse, blot | |
лишать расположения | disgrace | |
подвергать немилости | disgrace | |
разжаловать | bust, degrade, disgrace, relegate, break, lower |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
disgrace сущ
- shame · reproach · scandal · humiliation · outrage · disfavor · stigma
- dishonor · ignominy · dishonour · infamy · opprobrium · disrepute · odium
- humiliate · discredit · demean · debase
- ugliness · deformity
- fall from grace
- dishonor, shame, discredit, ignominy, degradation, disrepute, ill repute, infamy, scandal, stigma, opprobrium, obloquy, condemnation, vilification, contempt, disrespect, humiliation, embarrassment, loss of face, disesteem
- scandal, outrage, discredit, reproach, affront, insult, stain, blemish, blot, black mark, crime, sin
- ignominy, shame
- bring shame on, shame, dishonor, discredit, bring into disrepute, degrade, debase, defame, stigmatize, taint, sully, tarnish, besmirch, stain, blacken, drag through the mud/mire
- discredit, dishonor, stigmatize, humiliate, cause to lose face, chasten, humble, demean, put someone in their place, take down a peg or two, cut down to size
- discredit
- shame, attaint, dishonor
- take down, put down, degrade, demean
Предложения со словом «disgrace»
William alone was responsible for the disgrace she was now suffering. |
Ведь Вильгельм лично виновен в унижении, которому ее сейчас подвергают. |
He supposed that it was because he had witnessed her disgrace . |
Он объяснял такое отношение тем, что он был свидетелем ее унижения. |
I’ve lived with every kind of disgrace you can think of. |
За свою жизнь я познал все возможные грани унижения. |
He couldn’t believe a Highlander would disgrace himself so thoroughly with such cowardly behavior. |
Ему не верилось, что нагорец может опозорить себя подобным поступком. |
Her power was sinking; everything must sink under such a proof of family weakness, such an assurance of the deepest disgrace . |
Все должно было кончиться при таком семейном позоре, при столь явном свидетельстве глубочайшего бесчестия . |
To keep dignity, and give honor where it’s due, so that defeat is not disgrace . |
Как сохранять достоинство, как отдавать должное врагу, как не превращать поражение в позор. |
His disgrace and execution will strike a deadly blow to their morale. |
Потеря его чести и казнь нанесут огромный удар по их морали. |
You have no bearing to enter these proceedings and disgrace King and country. |
Ты не имеешь права прерывать церемонию и позорить короля и страну. |
Only for very serious offenses involving disgrace to their honor were they stripped of their status and treated as commoners. |
Только за деяния, связанные с бесчестьем , его лишают статуса и судят как простолюдина. |
She had not been at Buckkeep to share my fall and my disgrace . |
Ее не было в Баккипе, и она не смогла разделить мое падение и бесчестье . |
The term itself was richly insulting; the tone in which it was uttered added disgrace to it, but Pola showed no sign of resentment. |
И обращение, и тон были оскорбительны, но Пола не выразила возмущения. |
His father would prefer a son dead than in this terrible disgrace which would speed him to his own grave. |
Отец предпочел бы, чтобы сын умер, но не оказался опозоренным. |
A Klingon would gladly face the most horrible punishment rather than bring shame or disgrace to his family name. |
Клингон скорее примет самое ужасное наказание, чем принесет позор или бесчестье имени своего Дома. |
Their blood would seep down to the deepest roots where it would erase the stigma of failure and disgrace . |
Их кровь дотечет до самых глубоких корней, смоет клеймо поражения и позора. |
I will disgrace you in the eyes of your peers and in the annals of history. |
Я опозорю тебя на глазах твоей ровни и в исторических документах. |
It was shameful of me To disgrace the memory of your husband. |
Мне стыдно, что я пытался осквернить память о вашем муже. |
Dolokhov has been reduced to the ranks and Monsieur Pierre has left Petersburg in disgrace . |
Долохов был понижен в звании, а месье Пьер с позором покинул Петербург. |
He would rather die than disgrace himself. |
Он лучше умрёт, чем опозорит себя. |
And most men of family will be afraid of the disgrace that they get caught up in if and when the mystery of her parentage is revealed. |
А большинство благородных мужчин будут опасаться позора, в который они будут вовлечены, если и когда тайна ее происхождения будет раскрыта. |
Karl, you’re a disgrace to the profession. |
Карл, ты позор нашей профессии. |
Disbarment and disgrace are all that lies ahead. |
Отставка и унижение — вот, что ждет меня впереди. |
Detective Gordon, I hear you’ve been thrown out in disgrace . |
Детектив Гордон, слышал вас выгоняют с позором. |
And if Kozak died in disgrace then that disgrace would be passed along to the rest of his family. |
И если Козак умер с позором, этот позор передастся всей его семье. |
You are not to regard it as a disgrace . |
Вы не должны считать это позором. |
But the Grand Coven let it collapse in disgrace . |
Но Великий Шабаш позволил ему кануть в небытие. |
Allowing it to remain in limbo would be a tremendous stumbling block, not to mention a disgrace . |
И если позволить ему оставаться в подвешенном состоянии, то это было бы колоссальным камнем преткновения, не говоря уж о том, что это было бы позором. |
Let him live in the agony of his own disgrace . |
Позволь ему жить в муке от его собственного позора. |
Her parents do not want her because they feel that she has become “tainted” and a disgrace to the family. |
Ее родители отказались от нее, поскольку, по их мнению, она стала порченой , опозорив семью. |
Richard Nixon, known for law and order, is driven from office in disgrace . |
Ричард Никсон, известный сторонник строгих мер, с позором лишается своего поста. |
The case is a standing disgrace to the United States, testament to the Bush administration’s sinister black sites prison program. |
Это дело – вечный позор Соединенных Штатов и свидетельство о зловещих «черных тюрьмах», созданных администрацией Буша. |
The fallout was relatively severe: Ten IOC members were expelled or resigned in disgrace . |
Последствия оказались довольно печальными: всем замешанным в скандале членам МОК пришлось с позором уйти в отставку. |
Either she will succeed with it, or it will become a monumental disgrace for Germany and a disaster for the German economy. |
Либо она с ним справится, либо он станет монументальным позором для Германии и катастрофой для немецкой экономики. |
Come to think of it, no one elected Ford’s vice president, either, since Ford himself assumed that office when Nixon’s number two, Spiro Agnew, likewise resigned in disgrace . |
И вице — президента в команде Форда тоже никто не избирал, поскольку второй номер в администрации Никсона, Спиро Агню, тоже с позором ушел в отставку. |
I would rather be killed than live in disgrace . |
Я лучше умру, чем буду жить с позором. |
Mao’s death allowed for Deng Xiaoping’s return from disgrace and internal exile. |
Смерть Мао позволила Дэн Сяопину вернуться из опалы и внутренней ссылки. |
I’ll make you pay for all of these, I’ll disgrace you to the whole world. |
Я заставлю тебя заплатить за все это, я тебя на весь мир ославлю. |
And when calamity or when disgrace is coming to it, let the Dedlocks listen for my step!’ |
А когда ему будет грозить беда или позор, да услышат Дедлоки мои шаги! |
Public disgrace I might have faced, although I am a man whose character has never yet borne a stain. |
Я вынес бы бесчестье , хотя на моей совести нет ни единого пятнышка. |
But it’s no disgrace to have calluses on your hands. |
Но мозолистые руки не позор. |
It’s like, why didn’t I resign in disgrace 12 years ago? |
Почему же я не уволился с позором 12 лет назад? |
Do not return to your families with the stigma of disgrace marked on your brows. |
Не возвращайтесь к вашим близким с клеймом позора. |
Your brother was ejected from the High Council in disgrace your lands seized and now your son, Alexander, has to bear the stigma of being the son of a traitor. |
Твоего брата с позором отстранили от должности в Верховном Совете, ваши земли узурпированы, а твой сын, Александр, обречен нести клеймо сына предателя всю свою жизнь. |
If you do not remember, recollect the National Theatre, Poverty Is No Disgrace , and the humble artist who played African.’ |
Если не помните, то вспомните Народный театр, Бедность не порок и скромного артиста, игравшего Африкана. |
For a millennium, our clan was forced to nest in the crevices of the Dangai Precipice World in disgrace . |
Тысячу лет наш клан жил в самом дальнем уголке разделителя миров. |
To men who only aim at escaping felony, nothing short of the prisoner’s dock is disgrace . |
Если вы всего — навсего стремитесь избежать уголовного преследования, ничто, кроме скамьи подсудимых, не послужит для вас бесчестьем . |
She ought to realize that the greatest disgrace of all for her lies in that marriage, in being connected with those vile people, with that paltry society. |
Она должна сознать, что главнейший позор заключается для нее в этом браке, именно в связи с этими подлыми людьми, с этим жалким светом. |
Your behaviour was deceitful, immoral and, ultimately, a disgrace to this school. |
Ты обманывала, твое поведение было безрассудным и унизительным для школы. |
Call a cab in Heaven’s name, and let me try to forget in slumber the memory of this night’s disgrace . |
Позовите извозчика, ради всех богов, и попробуем хотя бы во сне забыть о позоре нынешней ночи. |
Or that’s because all my disgrace Would eyes attract to you, belated, |
Не потому ль, что мой позор Теперь бы всеми был замечен, |
I imagine the disgrace of telling you the truth… that four cardinals he had sworn to protect seem to have disappeared… |
Представляю, какой позор обрушился бы на его голову, скажи он вам правду… скажи он, что четыре кардинала, которых он поклялся охранять, исчезли. |
I must protect my own reputation from a disgrace which is your fault, not mine. |
Я должен оградить свою репутацию от позора, виной которому не я, а ты, мой друг. |
Twenty-one serves were all it ever took for Appleby to disgrace another opponent. |
Двадцать одна подача — все, что ему было нужно, чтобы повергнуть противника в прах. |
He was not afraid of being brought to justice, or of the judgement of society, or of disgrace , but simply of being beaten up. |
Не правосудия, не суда общественности, не позора боялся Русанов, а просто, что его будут бить. |
Sent home in disgrace , Exposed to the sardonic barb of my cousin sanjay. |
Вернуться домой с позором, значит подвергнуться сардоническим подколам моей кузины Соньи. |
It’s one thing for me to face disgrace but I will not see my daughter shamed. |
Сам я готов вынести позор, но позорить дочерей не стану. |
In any case, there is no disgrace in such belief and my questions were not intended as insults. |
В этом предположении нет ничего оскорбительного для вас… |
But you? You’re a disgrace to Nelly bottoms everywhere. |
А ты – ты просто позоришь всё принцессово сословье. |
Chong Mong-ju, clipped of power, in disgrace , had retired to sulk somewhere on the far north-east coast. |
Чонг — Монг — Джу, лишенный власти, впавший в немилость, удалился брюзжать в какой — то далекий закоулок на северовосточном побережье. |
Any match her ‘other origins’ would attract would surely disgrace her and the family’s rank. |
Любая партия привлечет внимание к ее другим корням и запятнает ее и ее социальное положение. |
Unless you rescind, consent to silence, he will concoct a premise for your disgrace and expulsion. |
Если вы откажетесь и не будете молчать, он придумает место, куда отправит вас с позором в изгнание. |
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 2 votes
Abase refers only to outward conditions. «Exalt him that is low, and abase him that is high.» Ezek. xxi, 26. Debase applies to quality or character. The coinage is debased by excess of alloy, the man by vice. Humble in present use refers chiefly to feeling of heart; humiliate to outward conditions; even when one is said to humble himself, he either has or affects to have humility of heart. To disgrace may be to bring or inflict odium upon others, but the word is chiefly and increasingly applied to such moral odium as one by his own acts brings upon himself; the noun disgrace retains more of the passive sense than the verb; he disgraced himself by his conduct; he brought disgrace upon his family. To dishonor a person is to deprive him of honor that should or might be given. To discredit one is to injure his reputation, as for veracity or solvency. A sense of unworthiness humbles; a shameful insult humiliates; imprisonment for crime disgraces. Degrade may refer to either station or character. An officer is degraded by being reduced to the ranks, disgraced by cowardice; vile practises degrade; drunkenness is a degrading vice. Misfortune or injustice may abase the good; nothing but their own ill-doing can debase or disgrace them.
abase, bring low, cast down, debase, degrade, depress, discredit, dishonor, humble, humiliate, lower, reduce, sinkAntonyms:
advance, aggrandize, dignify, elevate, exalt, honor, promote, raise, uplift
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
shame, disgrace, ignominyverb
a state of dishonor
«one mistake brought shame to all his family»; «suffered the ignominy of being sent to prison»
ignominy, shame, disgrace, pity -
dishonor, disgrace, dishonour, attaint, shameverb
bring shame or dishonor upon
«he dishonored his family by committing a serious crime»
violate, put down, discredit, dishonor, demean, ravish, attaint, take down, outrage, assault, rape, shame, dishonour, disgrace, degrade -
take down, degrade, disgrace, demean, put downverb
reduce in worth or character, usually verbally
«She tends to put down younger women colleagues»; «His critics took him down after the lecture»
unload, land, write down, repose, bring down, cheapen, dishonour, pull down, raze, drop off, disgrace, lower, discredit, take down, dismantle, get down, place down, demean, shame, record, lay, tear down, degrade, let down, level, set down, put down, attaint, dishonor, drop, enter, discharge, destroy, rase, note -
discredit, disgraceverb
damage the reputation of
«This newspaper story discredits the politicians»
disgrace, put down, disbelieve, demean, attaint, dishonor, shame, discredit, dishonour, take down, degrade
Matched Categories
- Disparage
- Humiliate
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
disfavor, degradation -
dishonor, discredit, disrepute, disesteem, shame, reproach, ignominy, infamy, opprobrium, obloquy, odium, scandal, blot on one’s escutcheon -
dishonor, discredit, degrade, debase, tarnish, stain, sully, taint; bring shame, reproach, dishonor, or a stain upon
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
reproach, discredit, dishonor, shame, infamy, degradation, disrepute, ignominy, obloquy, odium, opprobrium, scandal, debasement, abasement -
dishonor, humiliate, shame, degrade, debase, abase, discredit, tarnish, sully
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «disgrace»:
shame, scandal, ignominy, shameful, dishonour, dishonor, embarrassment, outrage, blot, misfortune, scandalous, pity
How to pronounce Disgrace?
How to say Disgrace in sign language?
How to use Disgrace in a sentence?
Donald Trump:
I could fire everybody right now, but I don’t want to stop it because politically I don’t like stopping it, it’s a disgrace. It should never have been started, because there is no crime.
Pierre Corneille:
It is the crime not the scaffold which is the disgrace.
Donald Trump:
Theyre trying to infiltrate the White House, long after the election, this is a disgrace. Hopefully the attorney general will do whats right, and I believe he will. … Its possibly the greatest scandal in the history of this country.
Bernie Sanders:
What is going on is a disgrace beyond belief.
George Will:
When SiSi of Egypt, head of the most important nation in the world for the Islamic world… gives an extraordinary speech saying this is a disgrace what’s being done and there must be a reformation in Islam, it is just possible we’ve reached a critical mass of horror and things are going to change.
Translations for Disgrace
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- عار, خزيArabic
- позор, безчестие, позоряBulgarian
- zostudit, ponižování, ostuda, ponižovat, ostouzení, ostouzet, poníženíCzech
- Schmach, Schande, UngnadeGerman
- όνειδος, ανυποληψία, ατιμάζω, αίσχος, δυσμένεια, ντροπή, ατίμωση, καταισχύνω, ντροπιάζωGreek
- malhonorigiEsperanto
- deshonrar, desgraciaSpanish
- epäsuosio, väheksyäFinnish
- ignominie, disgrâce, honteFrench
- desfavorizar, deshonoroIdo
- óvirðingIcelandic
- infamia, ignominia, vergogna, disonorareItalian
- 恥辱, 恥, 不名誉Japanese
- 치욕, 恥辱Korean
- infamia, ignominiaLatin
- vanæreNorwegian
- desgraçaPortuguese
- dizgrație, ocară, rușine, dizgrațiaRomanian
- бесчестие, срам, срамить, бесчестить, опозорить, осрамить, позо́р, позорить, обесчестить, позорRussian
- ганьба́Ukrainian
- 恥辱, sỉ nhụcVietnamese
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aspersion, baseness, blame, blemish, blot, en.synonym.one, brand, calumny, censure, chagrin, contempt, defamation, degradation, disapprobation, disfavour, dishonour, disrepute, flaw, humiliation, ignominy, indignity, infamy, insult, mark, mortification, obloquy, en.synonym.one, odium, opprobrium, regret, remorse, reproach, ridicule, scandal, shame, slur, smear, smirch, stain, stigma, taint, tarnish, abase, attaint, blemish, contaminate, debase, en.synonym.one, defame, defile, degrade, demean, depress, deteriorate, dirty, discredit, dishonor, dishonour, embarrass, foul, humble, humiliate, lower, malign, put down, ridicule, scandalise, scandalize, en.synonym.one, set up, shame, sink, slander, smear, smirch, soil, stain, stultify, sully, taint, take down, tarnish, disfavor, disregard, disrepute, enmity.
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- contempt
- degradation
- dishonor
- disrespect
- humiliation
- ignominy
- opprobrium
- reproach
- scorn
- stigma
- abasement
- abuse
- baseness
- blemish
- blur
- brand
- comedown
- contumely
- corruption
- culpability
- debasement
- debasing
- defamation
- derision
- disbarment
- discredit
- disesteem
- disfavor
- disrepute
- humbling
- infamy
- meanness
- obloquy
- odium
- pollution
- prostitution
- put down
- scandal
- slander
- slight
- slur
- spot
- stain
- taint
- tarnish
- turpitude
- venality
- black eye
- ill repute
- ingloriousness
- besmirch
- debase
- defame
- defile
- degrade
- discredit
- dishonor
- disparage
- disrespect
- humiliate
- reproach
- slander
- stigmatize
- sully
- tarnish
- abase
- attaint
- blot
- depress
- deride
- derogate
- desecrate
- disfavor
- disregard
- expel
- humble
- libel
- lower
- mock
- reduce
- ridicule
- slur
- snub
- stain
- taint
- give a black eye
- lose face
- put down
- take down a peg
- tar and feather
On this page you’ll find 197 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to disgrace, such as: contempt, degradation, dishonor, disrespect, humiliation, and ignominy.
- approve
- clean
- commend
- compliment
- credit
- elevate
- flatter
- honor
- laud
- praise
- purify
- upgrade
- exalt
- increase
- raise
- respect
- tell the truth
- welcome
- esteem
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use disgrace in a sentence
The Marshals were inclined to attribute their disgrace to the ill-will of Berthier and not to the temper of Napoleon.
I nursed him through several attacks of delirium tremens, and was always in fear that he would get out and disgrace us.
«You spoke of disgrace,» she observed gently, swaying her fan before her by its silken cord.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- belittle
- debase
- degrade
- demean
- diminish
- disgrace
- dishonor
- humble
- humiliate
- lower
- mortify
- reduce
- shame
- cross to bear
- disgrace
- load
- millstone
- misery
- woe
- black eye
- black mark
- blemish
- blot
- disgrace
- dishonor
- humiliation
- ignominy
- shame
- spot
- stigma
- taint
- tarnish
- befoul
- besmirch
- blacken
- cloud
- denigrate
- dirty
- disgrace
- smear
- smudge
- soil
- stain
- sully
- taint
- tarnish
- bad name
- black mark
- blemish
- disgrace
- dishonor
- lost face
- shame
- shiner
- smear
- stain
- stigma
- black eye
- blemish
- censure
- disgrace
- dishonor
- lost face
- shame
- smear
- stain
- stigma
- taint
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for Disgrace?
dishonour, shame
dishonour, respect
respect, dishonour
activity, shame
respect, matter
respect, shame
dishonour, matter
matter, dishonour
shame, discredit
respect, shame
discredit, bad reputation
discredit, stain
affront, embarrassment
bad reputation
matter, derision
make a fool of, bring shame upon
activity, lower
lower, discredit
matter, stigma
activity, derision
activity, derision
odium, bad reputation
stain, derision
humiliate, bring shame upon
derision, taint
activity, bring shame on
stain, scandal
discredit, bring shame on
bring shame upon
humiliate, bring shame upon
bring shame upon
put down
bad reputation
stain, stigma
lower, taint
stain, taint
take down
bad reputation
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Synonyms for Disgrace. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 01, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/disgrace
Synonyms for Disgrace. N.p., 2016. Web. 01 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/disgrace>.
Synonyms for Disgrace. 2016. Accessed May 01, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/disgrace.