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discovering, discovery, discoverer, discovered, discoverable, discoverability
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Synonyms for Discover. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 30, from
Synonyms for Discover. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2023. <>.
Synonyms for Discover. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2023.
- catch
- come upon
- design
- detect
- determine
- devise
- disclose
- explore
- hear
- identify
- invent
- learn
- locate
- notice
- observe
- realize
- recognize
- reveal
- see
- spot
- unearth
- ascertain
- conceive
- contrive
- debunk
- discern
- distinguish
- elicit
- espy
- glimpse
- originate
- perceive
- pioneer
- sense
- bring to light
- come across
- dig up
- ferret out
- get wind of
- get wise to
- light upon
- look up
- nose out
- pick up on
- smoke out
- think of
- turn up
On this page you’ll find 147 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to discover, such as: catch, come upon, design, detect, determine, and devise.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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The verb discover is used with objective clauses as a synonym of learn in order to suggest that the new information acquired is surprising to the learner: I discovered that she had been married before. To learn is to add to one’s knowledge or information: to learn a language. To ascertain is to verify facts by inquiry or analysis: to ascertain the truth about an event. To detect implies becoming aware of something that had been obscure, secret, or concealed: to detect a flaw in reasoning.
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How to use discover in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- catch on
- check
- check out
- check up on
- confirm
- determine
- dig
- discover
- divine
- double-check
- establish
- eye
- eyeball
- find out
- fix
- get down cold
- get down pat
- get hold of
- get it down
- get the hang of
- identify
- learn
- learn the ropes
- make certain
- make sure
- peg
- pick up
- pick up on
- read
- see
- settle
- size
- size up
- tell
- verify
- catching on
- checking
- checking out
- checking up on
- confirming
- determining
- digging
- discovering
- divining
- double-checking
- establishing
- eyeballing
- eyeing
- finding out
- fixing
- getting down cold
- getting down patting
- getting hold of
- getting it down
- getting the hang of
- identifying
- learning
- learning the ropes
- look-seeing
- making certain
- making sure
- pegging
- picking up
- picking up on
- reading
- seeing
- settling
- size up
- sizing
- telling
- verifying
- bumped into
- chance upon
- discovered
- happened upon
- hit upon
- light upon
- met
- noticed
- stumbled upon
- uncovered
- unearthed
- advanced
- brought forth
- composed
- detected
- discovered
- found
- furnished
- invented
- offered
- originated
- presented
- produced
- proposed
- provided
- recommended
- stumbled upon
- submitted
- uncovered
- advanced
- brought forth
- composed
- detected
- discovered
- found
- furnished
- invented
- offered
- originated
- presented
- produced
- proposed
- provided
- recommended
- stumbled upon
- submitted
- uncovered
- bump into
- chance upon
- discover
- happen upon
- hit upon
- light upon
- meet
- notice
- stumble upon
- uncover
- unearth
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
1 bring to light, come across, come upon, dig up, find, light upon, locate, turn up, uncover, unearth
2 ascertain, descry, detect, determine, discern, disclose, espy, find out, get wise to (informal) learn, notice, perceive, realize, recognize, reveal, see, spot, suss (out) (slang) turn up, uncover
3 conceive, contrive, design, devise, invent, originate, pioneer
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
( discovers 3rd person present) ( discovering present participle) ( discovered past tense & past participle )
1 verb If you discover something that you did not know about before, you become aware of it or learn of it.
(=find out, learn)
She discovered that they’d escaped… V that
It was difficult for the inspectors to discover which documents were important… V wh
Haskell did not live to discover the deception… V n
It was discovered that the tapes were missing. it be V-ed that
2 verb If a person or thing is discovered, someone finds them, either by accident or because they have been looking for them.
A few days later his badly beaten body was discovered on a roadside outside the city. be V-ed, Also V n
3 verb When someone discovers a new place, substance, scientific fact, or scientific technique, they are the first person to find it or become aware of it.
…the first European to discover America… V n
They discovered how to form the image in a thin layer on the surface. V wh, Also V that
discoverer ( discoverers plural) n-count oft N of n
…the myth of Columbus as the heroic discoverer of the Americas 500 years ago.
4 verb If you say that someone has discovered a particular activity or subject, you mean that they have tried doing it or studying it for the first time and that they enjoyed it.
I wish I’d discovered photography when I was younger… V n
5 verb When a actor, musician, or other performer who is not well-known is discovered, someone recognizes that they have talent and helps them in their career.
usu passive
The Beatles were discovered in the early 1960’s. be V-ed
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus
! Cyber investigation |
n. |
Cyber investigation is electronic method conducted through electronic system to search and discover the online facts or information. |
[Tech.];[Leg.] Cyber investigation is electronic method conducted through electronic system to search the online facts |
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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
Of human actions or character, detect is used, almost without exception, in a bad sense; discover may be used in either the good or the bad sense, oftener in the good; he was detected in a fraud; real merit is sure to be discovered. In scientific language, detect is used of delicate indications that appear in course of careful watching; as, a slight fluttering of the pulse could be detected. We discover what has existed but has not been known to us; we invent combinations or arrangements not before in use; Columbus discovered America; Morse invented the electric telegraph. Find is the most general word for every means of coming to know what was not before certainly known. A man finds in the road some stranger’s purse, or finds his own which he is searching for. The expert discovers or detects an error in an account; the auditor finds the account to be correct. Compare DISCERN.
See synonyms for HIDE.
ascertain, descry, detect, discern, disclose, expose, ferret out, find, find out, invent
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote
find, invent, descry, disclose, unearth, ferret out, ascertain, discern, make known, detect, betray, indicate, manifestAntonyms:
conceal, suppress, repress, miss, lose, overlook, mask, cover, screen
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:4.2 / 10 votes
detect, observe, find, discover, noticeverb
discover or determine the existence, presence, or fact of
«She detected high levels of lead in her drinking water»; «We found traces of lead in the paint»
line up, detect, recover, chance upon, follow, strike, let out, find oneself, get wind, get, get hold, reveal, keep an eye on, attain, let on, find, acknowledge, retrieve, get word, fall upon, rule, notice, disclose, divulge, chance, abide by, determine, see, find out, keep, key, come up, remark, bring out, celebrate, watch over, comment, take note, honor, identify, name, encounter, learn, come upon, happen, watch, receive, happen upon, feel, describe, point out, chance on, incur, come across, expose, observe, get a line, distinguish, witness, honour, mention, pick up, give away, ascertain, mark, maintain, unwrap, break, respect, bump, light upon, regain, obtain, discover, key out, note, hear -
learn, hear, get word, get wind, pick up, find out, get a line, discover, seeverb
get to know or become aware of, usually accidentally
«I learned that she has two grown-up children»; «I see that you have been promoted»
turn around, ensure, read, pick up, collar, unwrap, key out, reveal, look, experience, get word, visualise, come upon, watch, assure, memorise, fancy, intoxicate, go steady, distinguish, disclose, learn, chance upon, receive, instruct, run into, discover, light upon, escort, try, perk, fall upon, lift up, con, uplift, reckon, give away, take heed, consider, gain vigor, study, name, come across, get a line, elate, collect, chance on, bring out, divulge, take care, let on, control, ascertain, insure, attend, date, realize, check, peck, interpret, meet, image, larn, gather up, strike, take, catch, see to it, cop, find out, see, listen, construe, regard, visualize, describe, picture, find, catch out, call for, perk up, visit, identify, view, project, percolate, arrest, let out, hear, realise, go out, envision, happen upon, determine, take in, nab, get wind, nail, encounter, figure, acquire, examine, expose, break, witness, understand, detect, teach, key, run across, attain, memorize, go through, notice, observe, apprehend -
discover, findverb
make a discovery, make a new finding
«Roentgen discovered X-rays»; «Physicists believe they found a new elementary particle»
line up, detect, distinguish, chance upon, find oneself, get, bring out, get hold, reveal, disclose, attain, let on, find, describe, get word, retrieve, fall upon, rule, strike, come up, chance, determine, see, find out, key, expose, give away, regain, break, encounter, learn, happen, receive, happen upon, feel, divulge, identify, incur, come across, key out, observe, get a line, notice, witness, name, pick up, recover, ascertain, obtain, bump, unwrap, hear, come upon, light upon, get wind, chance on, discover, let out -
discover, findverb
make a discovery
«She found that he had lied to her»; «The story is false, so far as I can discover»
line up, detect, distinguish, chance upon, find oneself, get, bring out, get hold, reveal, disclose, attain, let on, find, describe, get word, retrieve, fall upon, rule, strike, come up, chance, determine, see, find out, key, expose, give away, regain, break, encounter, learn, happen, receive, happen upon, feel, divulge, identify, incur, come across, key out, observe, get a line, notice, witness, name, pick up, recover, ascertain, obtain, bump, unwrap, hear, come upon, light upon, get wind, chance on, discover, let out -
fall upon, strike, come upon, light upon, chance upon, come across, chance on, happen upon, attain, discoververb
find unexpectedly
«the archeologists chanced upon an old tomb»; «she struck a goldmine»; «The hikers finally struck the main path to the lake»
detect, come over, chance upon, distinguish, excise, let out, hear, bring out, identify, hit, arrive at, disclose, attain, let on, chance on, describe, get word, reach, take, key, fall upon, meet, strike, reveal, move, assume, enter upon, see, find out, collide with, coin, gain, encounter, give away, fall, divulge, walk out, impinge on, shine, affect, run into, scratch, happen upon, achieve, pick up, run across, come across, resonate, observe, get a line, notice, key out, mint, strickle, name, accomplish, impress, expose, take up, come to, expunge, unwrap, break, learn, come upon, light upon, get wind, discover, luck into, find, make -
unwrap, disclose, let on, bring out, reveal, discover, expose, divulge, break, give away, let outverb
make known to the public information that was previously known only to a few people or that was meant to be kept a secret
«The auction house would not disclose the price at which the van Gogh had sold»; «The actress won’t reveal how old she is»; «bring out the truth»; «he broke the news to her»; «unwrap the evidence in the murder case»
crack, snitch, unveil, pick up, break away, give way, unwrap, key out, soften, scupper, get word, shop, split up, fall apart, part, collapse, shit, die, distinguish, transgress, learn, chance upon, weaken, exhibit, widen, bump, discover, light upon, demote, stop, set off, fall upon, break in, break out, separate, emit, split, go, give away, damp, undo, smash, name, come across, interrupt, founder, get a line, offend, get out, release, relegate, get wind, chance on, bring out, violate, reveal, divulge, pause, betray, let on, get around, wear out, cave in, debunk, conk out, put out, break-dance, denounce, check, break up, breach, introduce, come upon, publish, give, attain, see, strike, bring on, better, find out, grass, uncover, burst, go bad, peril, describe, break off, disclose, endanger, bust, identify, find, fail, rat, break dance, issue, dampen, let loose, fall in, erupt, let out, hear, intermit, ruin, kick downstairs, happen upon, fracture, break down, infract, produce, go against, come apart, bankrupt, give out, tell on, develop, expose, break, detect, discontinue, key, snap off, notice, display, observe, wear, stag, utter, recrudesce -
see for the first time; make a discovery
«Who discovered the North Pole?»
detect, distinguish, chance upon, bring out, reveal, disclose, attain, let on, find, describe, get word, fall upon, strike, see, find out, key, expose, give away, break, learn, happen upon, divulge, identify, come across, key out, observe, get a line, notice, name, pick up, unwrap, hear, come upon, light upon, get wind, chance on, let out -
identify, discover, key, key out, distinguish, describe, nameverb
identify as in botany or biology, for example
account, detect, distinguish, chance upon, signalise, trace, let out, separate, place, secern, bring out, reveal, disclose, attain, let on, depict, cite, find, describe, get word, differentiate, fall upon, refer, strike, spot, report, nominate, make, pick out, see, find out, key, expose, bring up, give away, mark, break, appoint, severalise, tell apart, signalize, happen upon, delineate, list, divulge, identify, make out, come across, key out, observe, get a line, notice, recognize, line, name, pick up, call, mention, draw, discern, advert, recognise, tell, unwrap, constitute, learn, come upon, light upon, get wind, chance on, diagnose, discover, secernate, severalize, hear
Matched Categories
- Conceive
- Learn
- Sight
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
reveal, communicate, tell, disclose, exhibit, show, manifest, make manifest, impart, make known, lay open, lay bare, expose to view -
ascertain, detect, find out, get the first knowledge of -
descry, discern, espy, see, behold, get sight of, get a glimpse of
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «discover»:
uncover, discovering, detect, discovery, discovers, learn, uncovering, find, explore, discovered, identify, detection, detecting
Suggested Resources
Song lyrics by discover — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by discover on the website.
How to pronounce DISCOVER?
How to say DISCOVER in sign language?
How to use DISCOVER in a sentence?
Frederick The Great:
The greatest and noblest pleasure which men can have in this world is to discover new truths; and the next is to shake off old prejudices.
Joni Eareckson Tada:
One of the most wonderful things about knowing God is that there’s always so much more to know, so much more to discover. Just when we least expect it, He intrudes into our neat and tidy notions about who He is and how He works.
Ahmed Korayem:
The mind is, by far, the most complex tool ever created. The day we’ll discover every minutia of its inner workings is the day we’ll know everything there is to know about this universe.
L.F. Magister:
You discover that are in the right direction when you see no reason to look back.
Jemma Falkenmire:
Australia was one of the first countries to discover a blood donor with this antibody, so it was quite revolutionary at the time.
Translations for DISCOVER
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- اكتشفArabic
- откривам, намирамBulgarian
- descobrirCatalan, Valencian
- odkrýt, objevitCzech
- darganfodWelsh
- opdageDanish
- entdeckenGerman
- ανακαλύπτω, αποκαλύπτωGreek
- malkovriEsperanto
- destapar, descubrirSpanish
- یافتن, آشکار کردن, کشف کردنPersian
- paljastaa, löytääFinnish
- découvrirFrench
- rùisg, faigh a-machScottish Gaelic
- felfedezHungarian
- հայտնաբերելArmenian
- discoperirInterlingua
- scoprire, discoprireItalian
- 発見する, 見つけるJapanese
- მიაგნო, აღმოაჩინოGeorgian
- 발견하다, 찾아내다Korean
- detego, invenioLatin
- пронаоѓа, откриваMacedonian
- oppdageNorwegian
- onthullen, ontdekken, blootleggenDutch
- oppdageNorwegian
- odkryć, odkrywaćPolish
- descobrirPortuguese
- descoperiRomanian
- обнаруживать, раскрыть, открывать, раскрывать, обнаружить, открытьRussian
- avslöja, upptäckaSwedish
- கண்டுபிடிக்கTamil
- keşfetmekTurkish
- phát kiến, phát hiệnVietnamese
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acquire, ascertain, attain, attract, author,, betray, blaze, break, bring out, bring to light, chance on, chance upon, colonise, colonize, come across, come on, come upon, compose, conceive, contrive, create, debunk, describe, descry, detect,, determine, devise, dig, dig out, discern, disclose, distinguish, divine, divulge, drum up, encounter, espy, excavate, exhume, explore, expose, fall upon, find, find out, fix, found, get, get a line, get wind, get word,, give away, glimpse, happen upon, hear, hit, hit upon, identify, initiate, introduce, invent, key, key out, know, lay bare, learn, let on, let out, light upon, locate, look at, make known, make out, master, meet, meet with, memorise, memorize, muck-rake, name, note, notice, observe, originate, perceive, pick up, pioneer, position, provide, put, recognise, recognize, reveal, scent, scoop, see, settle, shovel, show up, situate, smell, sniff, spade, spot, spy, start, strike, trace, track, uncover, unearth, unwrap.
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