- adverse
- calamitous
- cataclysmic
- catastrophic
- destructive
- dire
- dreadful
- fatal
- fateful
- harmful
- ill-fated
- ruinous
- terrible
- tragic
- unfavorable
- unfortunate
- cataclysmal
- hapless
- ill-starred
- luckless
- unlucky
- unpropitious
- untoward
On this page you’ll find 99 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to disastrous, such as: adverse, calamitous, cataclysmic, catastrophic, destructive, and dire.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use disastrous in a sentence
And new consequences, still more disastrous than any she had foreseen, presented themselves one after another.
One way alone offered—to break the disastrous contracts by payments made down without delay.
Besides, the storm that had threatened on the night of his first visit had proved a most disastrous one.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- disastrous
- distressing
- grave
- harsh
- intense
- painful
- serious
- terrible
- disastrous
- distressing
- grave
- harsh
- intense
- painful
- serious
- terrible
- baleful
- calamitous
- deadly
- deleterious
- destructive
- disastrous
- evil
- fatal
- harmful
- hurtful
- malefic
- noxious
- pernicious
- pestilent
- pestilential
- poisonous
- venomous
- wicked
- calamitous
- cataclysmic
- catastrophal
- catastrophic
- devastating
- disastrous
- fatal
- ruinous
- tragic
- calamitous
- cataclysmal
- catastrophal
- catastrophic
- disastrous
- fatal
- ruinous
- tragic
- calamitous
- cataclysmal
- cataclysmic
- catastrophal
- disastrous
- fatal
- ruinous
- tragic
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
All synonyms in one line
adverse, awful, calamitous, catastrophic, destructive, en.synonym.one, detrimental, dire, disturbing, evil, excessive, extreme, fatal, foreboding, ill, inauspicious, lethal, menacing, miserable, negative, severe, sinister, terrible, threatening, unfavourable, unfortunate, en.synonym.one, unlucky, unpropitious, virulent, black, fateful.
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What is another word for Disastrous?
catastrophic, help
help, terrible
help, inauspicious
characteristic, terrible
help, tragic
devastating, help
terrible, deadly
terrible, unsuccessful
inauspicious, terrible
ominous, detrimental
unfortunate, inauspicious
unfortunate, distressing
unsuccessful, catastrophic
detrimental, devastating
unsuccessful, catastrophic
inauspicious, adverse
dire, detrimental
dire, tragic
unfortunate, detrimental
unfortunate, detrimental
unfortunate, tragic
inauspicious, adverse
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Synonyms for Disastrous. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 29, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/disastrous
Synonyms for Disastrous. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/disastrous>.
Synonyms for Disastrous. 2016. Accessed April 29, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/disastrous.
What is another word for disastrous?
556 synonyms found
[ dˌɪsˈastɹəs], [ dˌɪsˈastɹəs], [ d_ˌɪ_s_ˈa_s_t_ɹ_ə_s]
Related words: disastrous weather, disastrous event, catastrophic natural disaster, natural disaster, effect of natural disasters, historical natural disasters, human-caused disasters, disasters in the Bible, manmade disasters
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Table of Contents
• adverse (adjective)
- hard,
- adverse,
- catastrophic,
- burdensome,
- miserable,
- difficult,
- antipathetic,
- distressful,
- detrimental,
- unfavorable,
- calamitous,
- perilous,
- troublesome,
- unfriendly,
- inauspicious,
- grievous,
- unpropitious,
- opposing.
• bad (adjective)
- painful.
• baneful (adjective)
- malefic,
- wicked,
- venomous.
• cataclysmal (adjective)
- most catastrophal,
- more catastrophal,
- catastrophal.
• costly (adjective)
- loss making,
- more loss making,
- sacrificial,
- more loss-making,
- most loss making,
- most lossmaking,
- lossmaking,
- more lossmaking,
- most loss-making.
• deplorable (adjective)
- wretched,
- scandalous,
- godawful,
- opprobrious.
• destructive (adjective)
- injurious,
- deadly,
- Wreckful,
- deleterious,
- Lethiferous,
- damaging,
- Extirpative,
- feller,
- Wrackful,
- Eradicative.
• detrimental, devastating (adjective)
- ill-starred,
- hapless,
- luckless,
- dreadful.
• devastating (adjective)
- most annihilating,
- more annihilating,
- most mortifying,
- more desolating,
- most desolating,
- more mortifying,
- de-solating,
- de solating.
• dire (adjective)
- de pressing,
- more oppressing,
- portentous,
- more scowling,
- most scowling,
- re-doubtable,
- de-pressing,
- most oppressing,
- re doubtable.
• evil (adjective)
- no good,
- maleficent,
- heinous.
• fatal (adjective)
- in curable,
- in-curable,
- killing,
- in-evitable,
- more mortiferous,
- most mortiferous,
- in evitable,
- more killing,
- most killing.
• fateful (adjective)
- hellfire.
• harmful (adjective)
- Harassing,
- murderous,
- mischievous.
• hellfire (adjective)
- fire-and-brimstone.
• horrendous (adjective)
- most horrifyin,
- more horrifyin,
- horrendous.
• ill-fated (adjective)
- illfated,
- ill fated.
• ill-fated/ill-starred (adjective)
- illstarred,
- most misfortunate,
- mis fortunate,
- ill omened,
- un happier,
- un-happy,
- more ill-omened,
- un happy,
- more ill omened,
- in-auspicious,
- most illomened,
- more misfortunate,
- in auspicious,
- de-stroyed,
- more illomened,
- most ill omened,
- most blighted,
- more blighted,
- de stroyed,
- ill starred,
- most ill-omened,
- un happiest,
- mis-fortunate.
• infelicitous (adjective)
- in felicitous,
- in-felicitous.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- fateful,
- fatal,
- tough luck,
- bad break,
- behind eight ball,
- ill-omened,
- tragic,
- woeful,
- illomened,
- unfortunate,
- deplorable,
- ill-chosen,
- horrifyin,
- down on luck,
- sinister,
- dire,
- evil,
- Doomful,
- terrible,
- devastating,
- heart-rending,
- loss-making,
- harmful,
- out of luck,
- in a bad way,
- blackhearted,
- Mortiferous,
- anguished,
- Unpliable,
- unprosperous,
- costly,
- misfortunate,
- unlucky,
- untoward,
- destructive,
- hard luck,
- ill-fated,
- infelicitous,
- baneful.
• sad (adjective)
- more dejecting,
- most heart rending,
- tearful,
- more discomposing,
- more heart rending,
- more disheartening,
- dis-composing,
- heart rending,
- more saddening,
- up-setting,
- most dejecting,
- up setting,
- most disheartening,
- dis-heartening,
- most discomposing,
- most saddening,
- more heart-rending,
- tearjerking,
- dis heartening,
- dis composing,
- tear jerking,
- most heart-rending.
• sinister (adjective)
- more blackhearted,
- fore boding,
- most doomful,
- illboding,
- more doomful,
- un favorable,
- ill boding,
- un-favorable,
- most blackhearted,
- most foreboding,
- more foreboding,
- dis-quieting,
- Ill-boding,
- dis-honest,
- dis quieting,
- dis honest,
- fore-boding.
• star-crossed (adjective)
- star crossed,
- most jinxed,
- starcrossed,
- more jinxed.
• terrible (adjective)
- more unnerving,
- inconvenient,
- in convenient,
- un welcome,
- un nerving,
- most dreaded,
- most petrifying,
- un-welcome,
- un-nerving,
- more dreaded,
- most unnerving,
- aweinspiring,
- more petrifying,
- awe inspiring,
- unwelcome,
- in-convenient.
• tragic (adjective)
- de-solate,
- de solate,
- more crushing,
- most crushing,
- most anguished,
- more anguished.
• unfortunate (adjective)
- out luck,
- in appropriate,
- in-opportune,
- in opportune,
- un fortunate,
- more unprosperous,
- in bad way,
- most shattered,
- more shattered,
- un-fortunate,
- in-appropriate,
- un suitable,
- un-becoming,
- un-prosperous,
- un becoming,
- most unprosperous,
- un-suitable,
- un prosperous.
• unlucky (adjective)
- un luckier,
- un timely,
- un luckiest,
- un-lucky,
- down luck,
- un-timely,
- un timeliest,
- un-luckiest,
- un-timeliest,
- un-luckier,
- un timelier,
- un-timelier,
- un lucky.
• unsuccessful (adjective)
- stillborn,
- botched,
- fruitless,
- failed,
- unrealized,
- losing,
- counterproductive,
- sickly,
- frustrated,
- belly up,
- finished,
- d.o.a.,
- unmet,
- tin-pot,
- unfulfilled,
- slack,
- in vain,
- vain.
• untoward (adjective)
- un yielding,
- in docile,
- un disciplined,
- in-docile,
- un-manageable,
- un pliable,
- in tractable,
- un pliabler,
- un manageable,
- un-yielding,
- in-tractable,
- un-pliabler,
- un-pliablest,
- unpliabler,
- un-governable,
- un pliablest,
- unpliablest,
- un-pliable.
• woeful (adjective)
- more grieving,
- more tortured,
- heartsick,
- more racked,
- in-adequate,
- Racked,
- more agonized,
- dis-appointing,
- most racked,
- most agonized,
- dis appointing,
- most tortured,
- most grieving,
- in adequate.
- risky.
- ruinous,
- help.
• black (noun)
- black.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- characteristic.
• defeated (verb)
- unsuccessful.
Other synonyms:
- insidious,
- threatening,
- lethal,
- treacherous,
- combustible,
- dangerously,
- cataclysmal,
- overactive,
- sketchy,
- hazardous,
- inimical,
- cataclysmic,
- malign,
- mortally,
- noxious,
- unsafe,
- precarious,
- perilously,
- undesirable,
- dangerous,
- parlous,
- kamikaze,
- prejudicial,
- pernicious,
- lunatic,
- wanton,
- suicidal,
- marauding.
- poisonous,
- glowering,
- unsound,
- hostile,
- sticky,
- ill,
- ferocious,
- convulsive.
- mortal,
- explosive,
- seriously,
- volatile,
- suspect,
- serious.
- nasty.
- negative.
- hot.
• discouraging
- hopeless.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- pathetic,
- touching,
- obnoxious,
- consumptive,
- immensely,
- uncommonly,
- ominous,
- exceptionally,
- consuming,
- correctly,
- foreboding,
- cumbersome,
- disgraceful,
- lachrymose,
- cursed,
- paroxysmal,
- menacing,
- earnestly,
- manque,
- withering,
- disheartening,
- unfortunately,
- enormously,
- piteous,
- dark,
- unwholesome,
- shockingly,
- oppressive,
- regrettable,
- malignant,
- bleak,
- bootleg,
- devastative,
- awful,
- highly,
- terrific,
- blackened,
- frightfully,
- inglorious,
- grave,
- pitiful,
- lamentable,
- disasterous,
- spasmodic,
- wasting,
- unfavourable,
- poor,
- minacious,
- soberly,
- shameful,
- poignant,
- herky-jerky,
- desperate,
- shocking,
- fearfully,
- heart-breaking,
- unluckily,
- unsuccessfully,
- demolishing,
- cumbrous,
- Fratricidal,
- abortive,
- severe,
- heartrending,
- orgasmic,
- bad,
- saddening,
- terminal,
- mightily,
- Depredatory,
- hardly,
- sorrowful,
- hateful,
- Subversionary,
- Desolating,
- bringing ruin,
- profoundly,
- distressing,
- gravely,
- horrible,
- funereal,
- internecine,
- morose,
- remarkably,
- very,
- Star-crossed,
- importantly,
- extremely,
- properly,
- hurtful,
- poorly,
- pitch-dark,
- awry,
- duly,
- disturbing,
- severely,
- sad,
- ruining,
- ravaging,
- most,
- blue,
- troubling,
- harrowing,
- achromatic,
- mournful,
- bottom,
- upsetting,
- heartily,
- baleful,
- minatory,
- dreadfully,
- exceedingly,
- mordant,
- crushing,
- vandalistic,
- substantially,
- bitter,
- poor person,
- barren,
- doa,
- crippling,
- soundly,
- wasteful,
- vastly,
- significantly,
- grim,
- terrifically,
- greatly,
- predetermined,
- dolorous,
- raven,
- moving,
- iii,
- Annihilatory,
- excruciating,
- ineffective,
- particularly,
- appalling,
- dismal,
- nihilist,
- melancholy,
- virulent,
- contraband,
- unhappy,
- subversive,
- unproductive,
- washed-up,
- unavailing,
- gloomy,
- good deal,
- smutty,
- self-destructive,
- deeply,
- tough,
- unpleasant,
- considerably,
- excessively,
- agonizing,
- spastic,
- seismic,
- widely,
- horrifying,
- very much,
- ailing,
- onerous,
- jinxed,
- sternly,
- heavily,
- ignominious,
- cheerless,
- jerky,
- disadvantageous,
- unusually,
- infinitely,
- Destroying,
- awfully,
- racking,
- pitch black,
- deathly,
- austere,
- pitiable,
- dim,
- upheaving,
- Vandalic,
- out of joint,
- toxic,
- generously,
- lugubrious,
- depressing,
- forlorn,
- rough,
- liberally,
- nihilistic,
- hugely,
- demolitionary,
- unpromising,
- desperately,
- bungled,
- quite,
- tragical,
- tremendously,
- badly,
- terribly.
How to use «Disastrous» in context?
I have never seen anything more disastrous in my life than what happened at the Royal Wedding. The whole day was a disaster from start to finish. I’m not just talking about the fact that the wedding was filmed on location and the weather was terrible, I’m also talking about the fact that the bride and groom looked miserable the entire time. Plus, there was the debacle of the toast not being read. If that wasn’t bad enough, the couple then had to run away to Botswana because of the riots. If there’s one thing that can ruin a wedding, it’s riots.
Paraphrases for Disastrous:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
calamitous, cataclysmic, catastrophic, ruinous.
adverse, bad, baleful, crippling, damaging, dangerous, deplorable, desperate, destroyed, disadvantageous, dismal, disruptive, distressing, disturbing, dramatic, fatal, grave, grievous, grim, harmful, heinous, hideous, horrific, horrifying, ill-fated, lethal, miserable, murderous, nefarious, negative, noxious, ominous, outrageous, painful, sad, serious, shocking, sinister, suicidal, terrifying, unfortunate, unholy, unspeakable, unsuccessful, vicious, wretched, life-threatening, post-disaster.
Other Related
abysmal, appalling, atrocious, awful, deadly, deleterious, destructive, detrimental, devastating, dire, drastic, dreadful, fateful, horrendous, horrible, pernicious, severe, terrible, tragic.
Homophones for Disastrous:
- dexterous, dextrous, dysdercus, destress, dustrag, diestrous, dioestrous, dextrose, distress, diestrus, dextrorse.
Word of the Day
bow 1
- Synonyms:
twist tie,
Nearby words
- disaster relief area
- disaster relief areas
- disaster-area
- disasterous
- disasters
- Disastrous
- (dead) set against something
- (do you) understand?
- -day wonder
- D
- d and c
- DISASTROUS synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- DISASTROUS synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— DISASTROUS synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of DISASTROUS
— another words for DISASTROUS
Предложения со словом «disastrous»
The disastrous effects of war still haunt Khmer people today. |
Ужасающие последствия войны по сей день преследуют кхмерский народ. |
In an admiral commanding a fleet it can be disastrous . |
Для адмирала, командующего флотом, она может обернуться катастрофой. |
OK, if you’re disabled or something like that, then that’s different, but for the general members of the public sitting there and just flicking round the channels, that I think has been disastrous for our attention spans, because, they’re, people are so impatient, they want things immediately, they want entertainment, they want everything instantly and I think that remote control was the beginning of this. |
Конечно, если вы инвалид или что — то подобное, то это другое дело, но для общей массы людей просто щелкать по кругу каналы, я думаю, что это имело катастрофические последствия для нашего внимания, потому что люди такие нетерпеливые, они хотят немедленно, хотят развлечений, хотят все сразу, и я думаю, что пульт дистанционного управления стал началом этого. |
Well, that was a disastrous morning. |
И так, это было катастрофическое утро. |
The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. |
Потенциал бедственного роста скрытой силы существует и будет сохраняться. |
The Russians played at surrender until winter, and then he began his disastrous retreat. |
До зимы Русские притворялись, что сдаются, а потом он начал отступление. |
A simple error in chemical formula calculation can cause disastrous volatility. |
Простейшая ошибка в химических вычислениях приводит к гибельной неустойчивости. |
The rival parties promenaded the streets with arms in their hands; and at every occasion of their meeting a collision was to be apprehended which might have been attended with disastrous results. |
При каждой встрече соперников можно было опасаться столкновения, которое грозило самыми пагубными последствиями. |
He could touch and name every link in that disastrous chain of events. |
Он мог вспомнить и назвать каждое звено этой пагубной цепи событий. |
I don’t want to stumble from one disastrous relationship to another. |
Я не хочу ковылять от одних провальных отношений к другим. |
He knew of the two disastrous attempts Jonathan had made on that treacherous face, each of which had failed to claim his life by only the narrowest margin. |
Он знал о двух отчаянных попытках восхождения по этой предательской стене, предпринятых Джонатаном. |
The Taglians launched one uncoordinated, inept counterattack which turned disastrous when they began to run away again. |
Таглиосцы провели беспорядочную и неуклюжую контратаку, которая обернулась катастрофой, когда они снова побежали. |
THE Mob did not try another gambit right after their disastrous attempt to move in on Deva’s bookies. |
После катастрофической попытки подъехать к букмекерам Девы Синдикат не пробовал других гамбитов. |
She could imagine all too many disastrous reasons for Silver’s delay. |
Она вполне представляла себе множество несчастных случаев, которые могли задержать Сильвер. |
The problem is that flyers’ wings are liable to sudden, total, disastrous failure. |
Проблема заключается в том, что крылья летателей подвержены внезапным, тотальным, катастрофическим отказам. |
Spread out as far as you can, so you can’t be wiped out in a single disastrous war. |
Распространяться как можно шире, чтобы всю расу не уничтожила одна катастрофическая война. |
Horror and dismay over the disastrous defeat the Navy had suffered at Grendelsbane. |
Ужас и смятение от катастрофического поражения флота при Грендельсбейне. |
Fighting with one heart and one mind, we won the battle against the disastrous floods. |
В нашей единодушной борьбе мы одержали победу в битве с катастрофическими наводнениями. |
Moreover, the international community should endeavour to prevent the disastrous consequences with which conflicts were usually fraught. |
Кроме того, международному сообществу следует стремиться к предупреждению катастрофических последствий, которыми, как правило, чреваты различные конфликты. |
Armed conflicts are disastrous , but they are not natural disasters; they are man-made. |
Вооруженные конфликты губительны, но они не являются стихийными бедствиями, они порождаются человеком. |
Besides the obvious disastrous effects upon islands and their populations, many heavily populated river deltas and their cities would be made uninhabitable. |
Помимо очевидных губительных последствий для островов и их населения многие дельты рек с большой плотностью населения и находящиеся там города могут стать непригодными для проживания. |
There is increased understanding of the disastrous short-term and long-term impact on civilians of the use of explosive weapons in populated areas. |
Растет понимание катастрофических кратко — и долгосрочных последствий применения оружия взрывного действия в населенных районах для гражданских лиц. |
Otherwise, a disastrous political signal would be sent. |
В противном случае это послужит политическим сигналом, который может привести к катастрофическим последствиям. |
A cloud of pessimism and dark foreboding for the future arose as a result of the disastrous events in the former Yugoslavia, Rwanda, Burundi and Somalia. |
Атмосфера пессимизма и мрачных прогнозов возникла в результате катастрофических событий в бывшей Югославии, Руанде, Бурунди и Сомали. |
The civil war in Burundi has had a disastrous effect on the food security of the Burundi people. |
Гражданская война в Бурунди влечет за собой катастрофические последствия для продовольственной безопасности бурундийского населения. |
The provocative policies of Israel and the repressive measures undertaken on the pretext of reasons of security were likely to prove disastrous if they continued. |
Провокационная политика Израиля и репрессивные меры, принимаемые под предлогом обеспечения безопасности, могут привести к катастрофическим последствиям, если им не будет положен конец. |
Their disastrous results for many poor children deserve greater attention, leading to restraint and more emphasis on preventive services. |
Ее пагубные результаты для многих детей из бедных семей заслуживают более внимательного изучения, которое могло бы способствовать проявлению сдержанности и перенесению акцента на превентивные услуги. |
The disastrous Russian assault on Grozny in 1994 is an example of how not to fight in a city. |
Катастрофическое российское наступление на Грозный в 1994 году стало примером того, как не надо воевать в городе. |
While China’s May private sector manufacturing PMI was disappointing, it was by no means disastrous . |
Несмотря на то, что производственный PMI частного сектора Китая за май был разочаровывающим, он ни в коем случае не был катастрофическим. |
Official resources need to be tripled — through a larger European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF), Eurobonds, or massive ECB action — to avoid a disastrous run on these sovereigns. |
Необходимо утроить официальные ресурсы — через Европейский стабилизационный фонд, Евробонды или серьезное воздействие ЕЦБ — чтобы избежать разрушительного воздействия на эти правительства. |
Hence the disastrous effect of generalizing about Trump’s supporters as racists or, as Hillary Clinton did, “deplorables” who are “irredeemable.” |
Этим объясняются катастрофические последствия обобщения сторонников Трампа как расистов или, какими их сделала Хиллари Клинтон “жалкими” то есть “безнадежными”. |
Arafat’s legacy is thus a political culture in which a leader may portray a disastrous tactic, strategy, or outcome as a victory and be believed. |
Таким образом, наследство Арафата — это политическая культура, в которой лидер может избрать гибельную тактику, стратегию, или победный результат и все в нее будут верить. |
In the case of the Iraq war, Blair has never conceded that the war was mistaken in conception or disastrous in practice. |
В случае иракской войны Блэр никогда не задумывался о том, что война ошибочна по самому замыслу или что она на практике оборачивается катастрофой. |
For years, the Ukrainian government has pursued a disastrous economic policy, rendering a serious financial crisis possible or even likely. |
Долгие годы украинское правительство проводит катастрофическую политику в сфере экономики, из — за чего серьезный финансовый кризис становится возможен и даже вполне вероятен. |
Or is it subject to a fatal compulsion to repeat the same mistakes, despite the disastrous lessons of the past? |
Или она фатально обречена на повторение одних и тех же ошибок, несмотря на катастрофические уроки прошлого? |
But must the milder method – call it parliamentary or constitutional democracy – break down periodically in disastrous fashion? |
Но должен ли более мягкий метод – назвать ли его парламентской или конституционной демократией – время от времени претерпевать катастрофическую ломку? |
Without risk management, poor people will not experiment with new crops or more productive methods, because any mistake could be disastrous . |
Без управления риском бедные не будут экспериментировать с новыми сельскохозяйственными культурами или более производительными методами, потому что любая ошибка может обернуться бедствием. |
Did she destroy the power of vested interests and create a genuine meritocracy, or did she entrench bankers and financiers as the new elite, with disastrous consequences? |
Уничтожила ли она власть корыстных интересов и создала подлинную меритократию, или же укрепила банкиров и финансистов в качестве новой элиты, породив катастрофические последствия? |
Sometimes people trip over the equipment, or a piece of scaffolding falls, with disastrous consequences. |
Иногда люди спотыкаются об оборудование, или обрушается часть помоста с бедственными последствиями. |
In the case of the Iraq war, Blair has never conceded that the war was mistaken in conception or disastrous in practice: for him, it was still “the right thing to do.” |
В случае иракской войны Блэр никогда не задумывался о том, что война ошибочна по самому замыслу или что она на практике оборачивается катастрофой: для него она все равно была «правильным действием». |
It would be disastrous to destroy the emergent Iraqi-Kurdish entity in the name of an abstract and no-longer existent greater Iraq. |
Было бы непростительной ошибкой разрушать нарождающуюся иракско — курдскую общность во имя абстрактного и более не существующего единого Ирака. |
These policies were pursued with a vengeance during the Clinton administration, and the results were little short of disastrous for the Russian people. |
Проведение подобного рода политики сопровождалось ощущением мести со стороны администрации Клинтона, а ее результаты оказались почти катастрофическими для россиян. |
The first was the disastrous battle of Ilovaisk, in August, where Kiev lost up to 1,000 men and much heavy equipment. |
Первой была катастрофическая битва под Иловайском в августе прошлого года, когда Киев потерял до 1 тысячи человек и большое количество тяжелого вооружения. |
We have given our planet the disastrous gift of climate change, rising temperatures, the reducing of polar ice caps, deforestation and decimation of animal species. |
«Мы подарили нашей планете ужасный подарок в виде изменений климата, роста температур, сокращения полярного ледового покрова, вырубки лесов и уничтожения многих видов животных». |
On one disastrous day in October 1951 — dubbed Black Tuesday — MiGs took out six of nine Superforts. |
В один из катастрофических дней в октябре 1951 года — его прозвали «Черный вторник» — МиГи сбили шесть из десяти «Суперкрепостей». |
Those twin interests combine, to somewhat disastrous effect, in 2002’s Tender Kiss of a Russian Werewolf. |
В 2002 году его двойной интерес к оборотням и России нашел воплощение в чудовищной книге под названием «Tender Kiss of a Russian Werewolf» («Нежный поцелуй русского оборотня»). |
These comforting fictions led Russia to the disastrous miscalculations of the Novorossiya campaign. |
Эти утешительные вымыслы привели Россию к катастрофическим просчетам кампании «Новороссия». |
“There are virtually no apologists left among U.N. states for Syria’s disastrous human rights record,” said Philippe Bolopion, U.N. director for Human Rights Watch. |
«У злополучных нарушений прав человека в Сирии фактически не осталось сторонников среди государств — членов ООН», — заявил Филиппе Болопьон, руководитель Human Rights Watch от ООН. |
If that growth is not achieved in an environmentally sustainable way, its effects on poverty and human well-being will be disastrous . |
Если рост не будет достигнут без потерь в экологии, их последствия на бедных и уровень жизни будет ужасен. |
Sechin wants help from Putin, but another bond bailout would be disastrous for the ruble. |
Сечин надеется на помощь от Путина, однако еще одно спасение «Роснефти» стало бы для рубля катастрофой. |
the protectionist shutting-off of developed-country markets during the Great Depression which had disastrous consequences for the developing economies. |
протекционистское отсечение рынков развивающихся стран во времена Большой депрессии, которое имело опасные последствия для развивающихся стран. |
In fact, 2017 could turn out to be a disastrous year for Vladimir Putin’s government, unless it fundamentally changes political course. |
Фактически 2017 год грозит обернуться для правительства Владимира Путина катастрофой, если только не произойдет фундаментального изменения политического курса. |
British Colonial rulers put Muslims in charge in Nigeria’s North, which proved disastrous for religious minorities, including Christians, who were not exempt from Islamic laws. |
Британские колониальные правители поставили во главу севера Нигерии мусульман, что оказалось губительным для религиозных меньшинств, включая христиан, которые вынуждены были жить по законам ислама. |
Handing over any local power before those leaders are ready to use it would be an error, with potentially disastrous consequences. |
Передача каких — либо местных полномочий, прежде чем здешние лидеры будут готовы принять их, будет ошибкой с потенциально разрушительными последствиями. |
It is this chemistry that makes oil so disastrous . |
Это то, что делает нефть настолько опасной. |
Sefelt doesn’t like to take them because of what he calls disastrous side effects, and Fredrickson likes a double dose because he’s scared to death of having a fit. |
Сефелт не хочет принимать их из — за того, что называет губительным побочным действием, а Фредриксон хочет двойную дозу, потому что до смерти боится припадка. |
At the present instant one of the most revered names in England is being besmirched by a blackmailer, and only I can stop a disastrous scandal. |
Сейчас, например, одно из самых уважаемых лиц в Англии находится во власти шантажиста, и отвратить грядущую катастрофу могу только я. |
I don’t know how many more of your disastrous love stories I can hear. |
Не знаю, право же, сколько ещё твоих горестно — любовных сказаний я вынесу. |
Disastrous as the result had been, it was obviously in no way foreseen or intended by the thoughtless crew who arranged the motley procession. |
Легкомысленная толпа, затеявшая шутовскую процессию, конечно, не предвидела и не хотела такой катастрофы, какая случилась. |
This is, moreover, the most disastrous of social symptoms. |
Вообще же говоря, это самый грозный из симптомов всех общественных болезней. |