Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
decor [dɪˈkɔːr] сущ
декорм, оформлениеср, отделкаж, декорацияж, убранствоср, украшениеср
- architectural decor – архитектурный декор
- decor of the hall – оформление зала
- elegant decor – изящная обстановка
лепной декор
отделка интерьера
decor [dɪˈkɔːr] прил
noun | ||
оформление | decor, formalization, typography, figuration, get-up | |
декорации | scenery, decor, set | |
орнамент | ornament, decor, tracery, garniture |
Предложения со словом «decor»
The decor came straight out of a fiend’s imagination. |
Все здесь казалось воплощением фантазий какого — то демона. |
The restaurant was simple and expensive, designed for eating, not for gazing at the decor . |
Ресторан был скромный и дорогой, предназначенный для еды, а не для разглядывания интерьеров. |
The room had been decorated for the event with flowers and draped fabrics, but no one was paying any attention to the decor . |
Зал был декорирован цветами и драпировками, но никто не обращал внимания на обстановку. |
It’s a quick walk to the conference room, which is stunning in size and decor . |
Мы быстро прошли в конференц — зал, поразивший меня своими размерами и оформлением . |
Each social and professional position requires its own proper expanse, decor , and pattern. |
Каждый социальный и профессиональный уровень требует своих размеров помещения, процедур и декора. |
I didn’t like the decor much either, but I could feel my hand. |
Мне этот декор тоже не слишком нравился, но зато я уже владела рукой. |
There was some tired marble decor and a building directory. |
Унылый мрамор и указатель компаний, чьи офисы расположены в здании. |
You cannot tell me that you prefer this sad decor to the garden. |
Не говорите мне, что вы предпочитаете эту унылую обстановку саду. |
All our guest rooms are furnished in traditional decor and our highly comfortable beds invite you to relax and feel well. |
Все номера оформлены в традиционном стиле, они имеют высококачественные комфортабельные кровати, на которых вы сможете расслабиться и почувствовать себя превосходно. |
A black lacquered plate and a chromium-plated box constitute the basic elements of the stylish decor . |
Черные лакированные пластины и хромированный короб являются основными элементами этого стильного декора. |
The rooms offer a stylish, modern decor and carefully designed interiors. |
В стильных современных номерах гостей ожидают тщательно оформленные интерьеры. |
Light Decor Paradyż is a freeware, internet programme for interior design, in a three dimensional space. |
Light Decor Paradyz — это интернитовая, бесплатная программа для проектирования интерьеров, в трёхмерном пространстве. |
Individually and only for you created piece of furniture or a detail of decor will make your home interior exclusive and bring extravagant aesthetics. |
Мы верим, что деревянная мебель сохраняет лечебные качества дерева, успокаивает и создает домашний уют. |
Located in Calafell and Granollers, the Gaudir Decor shops offer unique items that open up new possibilities in decoration and interior design trends. |
Магазины Gaudir Decor находятся в Калафеле и в Гранольерсе и предлагают Вам уникальные предметы, открывающие большие возможности для оформления интерьера и соответствующие самым модным тенденциям. |
Ready-made articles: Decorative utensils, a sculpture, decor of an interior. |
Мы поставляем перчатки для разных сезонов с самыми различными подкладками. |
With the hotel’s modern decor and double glazing, guests will be assured a peaceful slumber. |
Гостям будет обеспечен спокойный сон благодаря современному декору отеля с двойным остеклением. |
Le Bar offers a modern approach to the traditional bar menu served in a contemporary decor . |
Ле Бар предлагает современный подход к традиционному меню бара и современную обстановку. |
Le Bar, a piano bar, features a literary décor that creates a warm, relaxing atmosphere. |
Le Bar — это бар с фортепиано, декор которого выполнен особенности литературном стиле, который создает теплую и расслабляющую атмосферу. |
You will enjoy a variety of room types, all furnished with antique décor and modern conveniences. |
Вас порадует разнообразие типов номеров, каждый из которых обставлен антикварной мебелью и оборудован современными удобствами. |
Each different in layout, style and decor , our rooms feature slanted, wooden beamed ceilings, ‘cotto’ floors and bathrooms decorated with marble and mosaics. |
В номерах замка, отличающихся друг от друга дизайном и стилем, содержатся оригинальные фресковые живописи, потолки с деревом высшего качества, пол, облицованный обожженным кирпичом и ванные, украшенные мрамором и мозаикой. |
The National features timeless elegance and sleek, classic décor that is a visual feast of style. |
Знаменитый отель Biltmore стремится сделать Ваше пребывание максимально приятным. |
The guest rooms and suites feature luxury bedding and an elegant, designer, typically French-style décor. |
Номера и люксы оснащены роскошными кроватями, внутренний дизайн выполнен в элегантном типично французском стиле. |
I was playing the part of a director, describing where shots should be filmed and what decor should be used. |
Я играл роль режиссёра, рассказывая, где будет сниматься фильм и какие декорации нужно использовать. |
A background of shabby chintz and horses and dogs. Miss Marple felt vaguely, would have been much more suitable than this richly furnished interior decor . |
Интуиция подсказала ей — здесь, в этом богатом и до неприличия роскошном интерьере, Пэт неуютно, мебель из потертого ситца, конюшня, псарня — вот где она на месте. |
The decor is in tatters and the staff surly. |
Номер в хлам а персонал сердится. |
You forever were sticking on the refrigerator, and I would have to snatch them down because nothing blended with the decor . |
Ты всегда вешала на холодильник, а мне приходилось их снимать, потому что ничего не сочеталось с интерьером. |
On the far wall, dominating the decor , was an enormous wooden crucifix, which Langdon placed as fourteenth century Spanish. |
На дальней стене висело огромных размеров деревянное распятие. Испания, четырнадцатый век, тут же определил Лэнгдон. |
The only thing spooky about this place is the tacky decor . |
Единственная пугающая вещь в этом месте — это безвкусный дизайн. |
Miss Grosvenor was to Mr Fortescue just a necessary part of the office decor — which was all very luxurious and very expensive. |
Для мистера Фортескью мисс Гросвенор была лишь неотъемлемой частью служебного интерьера, во всех отношениях исключительно шикарного и дорогого. |
We painted the decor white to create a distinct style. |
Мы выкрасили декорации белым, чтобы создать особый стиль. |
Doubt that was part of the original decor . |
Сомневаюсь, что это часть исходного декора. |
Name brands and decor can often tell you a lot about who you’re dealing with. |
Названия торговых марок и оформление интерьера часто могут многое сказать о том с кем ты имеешь дело. |
Which some people think injects religious symbolism into the decor . |
Некоторые люди думают, что плохо вводить религиозную символику в обстановку. |
They have the same table games, the same slot machines, the same decor . Hell, even the cocktail waitresses look the same. |
Во всех них одинаковые столы, одинаковые автоматы, одинаковый интерьер, даже официантки похожи. |
You look so tidy having no honors or other forms of distinguishing decor . |
Вы такой опрятный, без почестей или каких — либо других отличий. |
I hand-picked nearly every piece of decor in this place. |
Я лично выбирала практически все детали интерьера. |
After a long shift, nothing better than big, oily plates of Chinese food late at night in a garishly fluorescent-lit establishment of minimal decor and dubious hygiene. |
После длинной смены нет ничего лучше большой, жирной тарелки китайской еды поздно ночью в ярко освещённой кафешке минимального декора и сомнительной чистоты. |
Anyway, the decor of my drawing room is much more appropriate. |
В любом случае, обстановка в моей гостиной стала более подходящей. |
Dusky little bloodbeast are totally at odds with my decor.d your… |
Сумеречный маленький кровожадный монстр абсолютно несовместимы с моим декором. |
We’re king video To show we haven’t roughed up your decor . |
У нас есть видео, чтобы вы увидели, что мы не трогали ничего лишнего. |
All the decor is true to the time. |
Все соответсвует тому времени. |
My father went for historical accuracy when he had the mansion reconstructed but I was thinking of taking some liberties with the decor . |
Мой отец стремится к исторической точности в обстановке особняка но я подумал о некоторых изменениях. |
I made a few changes to the decor . |
Я внес небольшие изменения в интерьер. |
Only since his house was featured on Architecture and Decor . |
С тех пор как его дом попал на обложку Архитектуры и Декора. |
Well, it’s part of the decor . |
Ну, это часть обстановки. |
So you had the motive… an overly serious dislike of the decor . |
И у вас был мотив… чересчур серьезная нелюбовь к декору. |
‘We’re not talking about bank rolling the decor ‘in your private office, Minister.’ |
Мы говорим не о счете за обновление декора вашего личного кабинета, министр. |
As for my clothing, my choice of decor , the modern world is an awfully uncomfortable place, don’t you think? |
Что же до одежды и убранства, современный мир — ужасно неудобное место, не так ли? |
Just look at that decor ! |
Только посмотрите на это убранство! |
What’s the decor , Early Mexican Brothel? |
Что за рисунок? Мексиканские узоры? |
So, what do you call this decor , anyway? |
Так это ты называешь декором, да? |
And his taste in decor is… |
И его вкус в декоре очень… |
Heh, not in the food or decor ’cause LOL. |
Конечно, не в еде и оформлении , потому что LOL. |
Yes, the Mambo… goes best with this decor . |
Просто мамбо лучше всего подходит к такому оформлению салона. |
Even if it is a tragedy — there, too, the decor must be correct. |
Даже если это трагедия, декорации все равно должны быть правильными. |
I brought the room decor ! |
Я принес декорации для комнаты! |
Why their place had no music, no view, no decor . |
Почему дома не было ни музыки, ни вида из окна, ни украшений? |
Just don’t touch the decor , okay? |
Только украшения не трогайте, ладно? |
Yeah, she’s been buying bad holiday decor |
Да, скупает безвкусные праздничные украшения… |
So it would be good, it would be very good, if we could all remain calm in the presence of decor . |
Так что было бы хорошо, очень хорошо, если мы будем сохранять спокойствие, учитывая окружающую обстановку. |
How to pronounce decor?
How to say decor in sign language?
How to use decor in a sentence?
Le Nechet:
The decoration is magnificent at this New Orleans-inspired spot, voodoo, sorcery, the menu printed on tarot cards… This cocktail bar really stands out because of this cool, unique décor.
Melissa Brodt:
I would love for somebody to come in and take it if they think it’s useful, we don’t have any interest in keeping it because it doesn’t really go with mid-century modern decor and we’re not really baseball fans.
Lorenzo Maraviglia:
The decor, the rooms, it’s all original, what you see is real, even the staff uniforms.
Chief Dana Cowin:
Chefs are also looking to their families as touchstones, we’ve seen a lot of paeans to grandmothers. In fact, Olamaie is named for one of the two chefs’ grandmothers. Tim Maslow of Ribelle took over his father’s restaurant, Strip T’s, and reinvented the food, while leaving the décor the same. Carlos Salgado of Taco Maria was born into a family that had a Mexican-American restaurant and now he’s elevated that traditional cooking.
Courtnay Tartt Elias:
Some new Halloween décor has had a vintage feel to it, so it seems natural that people are seeking the ‘real deal’ — actual vintage items now, mercury glass pumpkins, textural gourds in colors other than orange, velvet pumpkins, and items decoupaged with vintage Halloween artwork are examples of newer seasonal décor with a vintage feel.
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[ dˈe͡ɪkɔː], [ dˈeɪkɔː], [ d_ˈeɪ_k_ɔː]
Table of Contents
- Patterning,
- overlay.
• artifact (noun)
- interior decoration,
- decor.
• decoration (noun)
- decorative scheme,
- furniture.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- furnishings,
- ornament,
- accoutrement,
- scenery,
- ambience,
- decoration,
- atmosphere,
- Furnishing,
- snow globe,
- Accoutrements,
- ornamentation,
- setting,
- classy.
• scenery (noun)
- stage set,
- stage setting,
- landscape,
- vista.
Other synonyms:
- daisy chain,
- flourish,
- glitter,
- fretwork,
- curlicue,
- inlay,
- wind chimes,
- border,
- adornment,
- trim,
- fob,
- doily,
- detailing,
- marquetry,
- woodcarving,
- green,
- brass,
- stencil,
- decal,
- festoon,
- scroll,
- embellishment,
- streamer,
- boss.
- stud,
- mobile.
- accessory.
• Other relevant words:
- draw,
- sic,
- gullible,
- reduce,
- chew out,
- localise,
- margin,
- gravel,
- piece of furniture,
- fabric,
- viands,
- cheek,
- exercise set,
- chit,
- color in,
- waft,
- smell out,
- naming,
- projectile,
- rely,
- attend,
- irritate,
- agreement,
- throw off,
- puzzler,
- clipping,
- chance,
- bedevil,
- supplying,
- compressed,
- degenerate,
- boom,
- deteriorate,
- sprigger,
- greens,
- eccentric,
- laid,
- annoyer,
- convenience,
- gleam,
- blueprint,
- find,
- calkin,
- matt,
- located,
- outlook,
- dribble,
- drop cloth,
- looking at,
- bawl out,
- accessary,
- neglect,
- fixedness,
- horizon,
- appreciation,
- appointee,
- sensitive,
- rag week,
- thought,
- gustatory sensation,
- caulking,
- well-kept,
- cougar,
- plane,
- bait,
- manner,
- nettle,
- honour,
- cut back,
- butt,
- downplay,
- bring down,
- ambiance,
- trim down,
- brass section,
- laurels,
- expect,
- coiffe,
- spare,
- tasting,
- ringlet,
- quality,
- shore up,
- decalcomania,
- glister,
- yellow journalism,
- turnout,
- butt on,
- razz,
- candidate,
- discolour,
- garb,
- atmospheric state,
- striptease artist,
- pitch,
- particularization,
- colour,
- bank,
- matte,
- coloring material,
- plaque,
- frame in,
- power train,
- stemmer,
- taste perception,
- purpose,
- play tricks,
- illuminance,
- pall,
- meet,
- material,
- he-man,
- garden rocket,
- get at,
- nomadic,
- emboss,
- sample,
- see,
- coloring,
- knob,
- dot,
- take to task,
- roving,
- case,
- environ,
- gustation,
- orbit,
- lop,
- berate,
- connive,
- contrive,
- counterpoise,
- gloss,
- sort,
- expansion,
- laurel wreath,
- try out,
- butt against,
- fastness,
- savourless,
- check,
- composition,
- counterpose,
- ragtime,
- chafe,
- roll,
- discolor,
- determined,
- lay,
- honey oil,
- clean-cut,
- blind,
- administration,
- diorama,
- call on the carpet,
- drop down,
- take in,
- leafy vegetable,
- elan,
- enlargement,
- fixing,
- devil,
- drapery,
- heavens,
- holding,
- flatten,
- screen background,
- conception,
- placement,
- shine,
- intermediate,
- covert,
- fluid,
- cut,
- plant,
- swish,
- chief,
- chew up,
- overlook,
- frame,
- typeset,
- fox,
- prize,
- await,
- adjust,
- airplane propeller,
- free fall,
- eyeshot,
- skirt,
- outline,
- solidification,
- project,
- distort,
- cover,
- throw away,
- look at,
- spend,
- cat valium,
- flavour,
- theatrical production,
- frustrate,
- taunt,
- stud poker,
- mystifier,
- viridity,
- tag end,
- emblazon,
- commissariat,
- ready,
- green river,
- mending,
- borderline,
- gismo,
- air,
- posh,
- mother wit,
- congeal,
- set down,
- molding,
- hardened,
- prop up,
- grooming,
- omit,
- fly high,
- fructify,
- enclothe,
- shake off,
- trimness,
- purvey,
- savour,
- looking,
- experience,
- establishment,
- fender,
- standard pressure,
- tablet,
- offstage,
- watch,
- adjuvant,
- scaffolding,
- decorate,
- gustatory perception,
- good sense,
- nark,
- puzzle,
- survey,
- vault of heaven,
- memorial tablet,
- tease,
- firmament,
- yarn,
- transmutation,
- colourise,
- proviso,
- article of furniture,
- fixed,
- suspension,
- flatcar,
- localize,
- personal chattel,
- arena,
- band,
- paraphernalia,
- dress down,
- send away,
- ground,
- bandaging,
- specify,
- place setting,
- batten down,
- honor,
- clothe,
- clothes,
- fertilization,
- expend,
- perceptiveness,
- sink,
- banner,
- shred,
- swear,
- lozenge,
- drop-off,
- attribute,
- panache,
- bet,
- categorical,
- reckon,
- dimension,
- lattice,
- watch pocket,
- modelling,
- fleeceable,
- rile,
- excogitation,
- edge,
- horse sense,
- habitue,
- crop,
- coruscation,
- chide,
- devolve,
- embellish,
- ancillary,
- transcription,
- report,
- putting surface,
- determine,
- shore,
- sphere of influence,
- garnishee,
- fixity,
- play a trick on,
- conniption,
- caparison,
- accolade,
- floral arrangement,
- trig,
- jell,
- doyly,
- purview,
- circumstance,
- appear,
- hush up,
- feeling,
- stylus,
- imprint,
- common sense,
- tormenter,
- brass instrument,
- tantalize,
- smack,
- ring,
- puma,
- dictated,
- average,
- doyley,
- lot,
- grace,
- mobile river,
- binding,
- salad dressing,
- glisten,
- sight,
- flavorless,
- commons,
- valance,
- depend,
- coil,
- elaborateness,
- sleek over,
- trounce,
- thrive,
- contrivance,
- spiritualist,
- mold,
- colorize,
- particularisation,
- reparation,
- wood engraving,
- pennant,
- arugula,
- send packing,
- striptease,
- prosper,
- ecdysiast,
- coif,
- aim,
- perspective,
- put down,
- projection screen,
- unripe,
- strategy,
- panorama,
- sensation,
- bead,
- dip,
- celestial sphere,
- smell,
- secure,
- swing,
- regular,
- play a joke on,
- aspect,
- mass medium,
- annexe,
- gaffer,
- pennon,
- drop off,
- whorl,
- clarification,
- knock off,
- drip,
- designing,
- monotone,
- rocket engine,
- go under,
- string,
- prostrate,
- brag,
- grant,
- greenish,
- fall,
- preference,
- apartment,
- belongings,
- call down,
- geartrain,
- planning,
- fertilisation,
- twit,
- take care,
- system,
- suite,
- panther,
- rouge,
- colourize,
- empyrean,
- political boss,
- bound,
- straight,
- nerve,
- have words,
- annoy,
- retinue,
- garment,
- rally,
- tableau vivant,
- landscape painting,
- get to,
- play down,
- gloss over,
- standard atmosphere,
- overlayer,
- mental picture,
- provender,
- invention,
- drape,
- fix,
- unripened,
- neck of the woods,
- intrigue,
- marqueterie,
- title,
- ride,
- raiment,
- designation,
- fly,
- fiber,
- seth,
- culture medium,
- extension,
- limit,
- screenland,
- sentience,
- annex,
- spirit,
- preparation,
- light,
- dangling,
- mantle,
- adjustment,
- expression,
- contraption,
- accommodation,
- catamount,
- place,
- elucidation,
- picture,
- semblance,
- filmdom,
- expectation,
- character reference,
- putting green,
- fancywork,
- persuasion,
- wave,
- adjoin,
- blusher,
- vividness,
- bent,
- cogwheel,
- screw thread,
- appurtenant,
- predilection,
- flair,
- secureness,
- gear wheel,
- mend,
- shift,
- curing,
- lambast,
- flim-flam,
- sparkle,
- monotonic,
- prognosis,
- rigid,
- tone,
- categoric,
- reference,
- rig,
- fin,
- formalisation,
- gear mechanism,
- counterbalance,
- fit out,
- typewriter ribbon,
- organisation,
- balance,
- governing body,
- passementerie,
- lambaste,
- type,
- fashion,
- beautify,
- screen out,
- date,
- pose,
- overlie,
- adorn,
- dodging,
- engagement,
- miniature,
- palm,
- shave,
- persona,
- cast,
- equalizer,
- signified,
- palpate,
- colouration,
- arrange,
- persecutor,
- bother,
- strike down,
- valance board,
- flank,
- dodge,
- roquette,
- circle,
- snip,
- intention,
- newspaper publisher,
- gumption,
- innovation,
- scintillation,
- depression,
- park,
- sieve,
- tactile property,
- directly,
- perimeter,
- figure,
- glint,
- sensory faculty,
- dangle,
- shield,
- metier,
- scantling,
- wing flat,
- vexer,
- opinion,
- brandish,
- wearing apparel,
- 2-dimensional,
- domain,
- movable,
- exotic dancer,
- riddle,
- modeling,
- expressive style,
- rivet,
- watch chain,
- grapheme,
- dun,
- way,
- printing,
- rebuke,
- governance,
- flavor,
- decent,
- fictional character,
- rocket salad,
- musical arrangement,
- stripteaser,
- arranging,
- unload,
- gadget,
- masking paper,
- sentiency,
- savor,
- test,
- verdure,
- notion,
- cortege,
- intricacy,
- prepare,
- fit,
- theme,
- appurtenance,
- search,
- sense of taste,
- taste sensation,
- effect,
- driblet,
- gearing,
- colouring,
- stripper well,
- habilitate,
- miss,
- tinge,
- studhorse,
- field,
- amplification,
- locality,
- immature,
- party boss,
- hirer,
- dark-green,
- tag,
- graph,
- backstage,
- cut down,
- wander,
- pare,
- mouthful,
- flavourless,
- supply,
- scope,
- weave,
- common,
- trim back,
- plan,
- correct,
- tab key,
- position,
- role,
- catch,
- supplement,
- intent,
- delimitation,
- overleap,
- flatbed,
- go down,
- sector,
- readiness,
- area,
- pull a fast one on,
- constellate,
- skyrocket,
- peeler,
- matted,
- belief,
- mount,
- dash,
- abut,
- aura,
- pigment,
- regard,
- fibre,
- victuals,
- assignment,
- cliff,
- meander,
- repair,
- coloration,
- wait,
- vicinity,
- textile,
- block out,
- expand,
- shed,
- countersink,
- typographical,
- hardening,
- sentiment,
- fictitious character,
- region,
- train of thought,
- colorise,
- key,
- cast off,
- train,
- widget,
- solidifying,
- vapid,
- throw,
- clip,
- boundary line,
- add-on,
- refinement,
- pelmet,
- graphic symbol,
- gizmo,
- schema,
- medical dressing,
- fell,
- honcho,
- level,
- organization,
- mat,
- light-green,
- crucify,
- try,
- sheet,
- gear up,
- equaliser,
- two-dimensional,
- shot,
- prune,
- facade,
- dress,
- welkin,
- flat tire,
- geared wheel,
- housing,
- wandering,
- festoonery,
- assistant,
- situated,
- scold,
- macho-man,
- working out,
- march,
- translation,
- insipid,
- desktop,
- background signal,
- put,
- penchant,
- mode,
- finger,
- discernment,
- foreman,
- boldness,
- trick,
- concealment,
- airscrew,
- remonstrate,
- unconditional,
- reprimand,
- jet,
- surround,
- dismiss,
- pearl,
- trend,
- stuffing,
- silver screen,
- super acid,
- define,
- fecundation,
- latticework,
- face,
- outfit,
- curl,
- primed,
- set up,
- discharge,
- gustatory modality,
- present,
- sheathing,
- environs,
- wind,
- peregrine,
- jaw,
- tailored,
- pretermit,
- mountain lion,
- tatter,
- stamp,
- placed,
- atm,
- lineament,
- mark,
- seem,
- mould,
- calculate,
- background knowledge,
- auxiliary,
- pattern,
- wood block,
- trying on,
- try-on,
- tantrum,
- tantalise,
- torment,
- count,
- pill,
- bland,
- tabloid,
- lay out,
- lecture,
- tog,
- front,
- leave out,
- shipshape,
- newspaper,
- involution,
- vex,
- batting,
- context,
- consider,
- part,
- coiffure,
- watch guard,
- fanfare,
- gyre,
- facial expression,
- clay sculpture,
- vogue,
- theatrical role,
- awarding,
- monotonous,
- squiggle,
- greenness,
- savorless,
- medical prognosis.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- color patterns,
- figuration,
- medal,
- asbestos board,
- illumination,
- flower arrangement,
- color scheme,
- backdrop,
- tormentor,
- elaboration,
- Emblazonry,
- transformation scene,
- insignia,
- finery,
- style,
- hanging,
- rag,
- thread,
- garnish,
- award,
- counterweight,
- scene,
- Garnishment,
- act drop,
- cloth,
- drop,
- tab,
- flat,
- interior design,
- ambiance component,
- teaser,
- window dressing,
- arrangement,
- set,
- transformation,
- Emblazonment,
- Colour Scheme,
- screen,
- adjunct,
- asbestos,
- dressing,
- flipper,
- woodcut,
- scrim,
- Garniture,
- drop curtain,
- apparel,
- trimming,
- color,
- batten,
- wing,
- enrichment,
- coulisse,
- medallion,
- embroidery,
- rocket,
- fire curtain,
- tableau,
- ribbon,
- curtain,
- cyclorama.
How to use «Decor» in context?
Decorating your home is a personal reflection of your style and personality. There is no one «right» way to decorate, and any combination of elements can look great together. In this article, we’ll discuss some ideas for decorating your home without spending a fortune.
The first step is to think about your style. Are you Old World romantic? Elegant and classy? Functional and modern? There are many different ways to decorate based on your personality, and you can mix and match different styles to create a unique look.
Paraphrases for Decor:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Forward Entailment
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
layout, setting.
Noun, singular or mass
Other Related
Noun, singular or mass
backdrop, scenery, Decorating.
Noun, singular or mass
Homophones for Decor:
- due care, dossier, dicer, dish washer, doojigger, dysuria, desire, death chair, dishware, disarray, dozer, dicker, decree, dodger, dosser, dowager, dowser, daycare, disagree, dekker, disc harrow, dagger, daguerre, deicer, disk harrow, descry, dioscorea, day care, dishwasher, decry, dakar, disk error, docker, digger, deck chair, degree, Dies Irae, daiquiri, dowitcher, de jure, De Saussure, dog-ear, decker, dasyure.
Hyponym for Decor:
ornament, ornamentation, decoration.
as in scenery
the array of painted backgrounds and furnishings used to establish the setting in a stage production
a minimalist approach has been taken with the stage decor for this production of the play
Thesaurus Entries Near decor
Cite this Entry
“Decor.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/decor. Accessed 2 May. 2023.
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Rhymes with Decor
- atcor
- balcor
- jewelcor
- quebecor
- utilicorp
How do you pronounce decor?
Pronounce decor as ˈdeɪkɔr.
US — How to pronounce decor in American English
UK — How to pronounce decor in British English