Dark синонимы на английском

What is another word for Dark?

  • gloomy

    faint, dismal

  • black

    light, hair

  • obscure

    light, dismal

  • darkness

    gloom, place

  • dismal

    gloomy, characteristic

  • dim

    faint, light

  • sullen

    angry, warn

  • dreary

    gloomy, bleak

  • dusky

    dim, swarthy

  • morose

    despairing, grim

  • night

    place, time

  • glum

    angry, gloomy

  • dingy

    characteristic, dirty

  • murky

    dim, faint

  • grim

    gloomy, shaded

  • bleak

    gloomy, dismal

  • evil

    character trait

  • cheerless

    characteristic, grim

  • unlit

    black, dim

  • swarthy

    hair, black

  • gloom

    darkness, place

  • shadowy

    dim, dismal

  • drab

    characteristic, grim

  • twilight

    darkness, place

  • sinister

    evil, grim

  • moody

    bleak, dreary

  • dusk

    darkness, place

  • shade

    darkness, gloom

  • shadow

    gloom, darkness

  • dour

    angry, moody

  • somber

    grim, happy

  • pitch-black

    black, dim

  • tenebrous

    crepuscular, lack of light

  • indistinct

    obscure, cloudy

  • mournful

    sombre, despairing

  • secret

    property, mysterious

  • mysterious

    property, secret

  • opaque

    enigmatic, non-transparent

  • concealed

    property, secret

  • sable

    hair, black

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    Gloomy (forests or haunted mansions) happy (idk)


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darkness, darken, darkening, darkly, darkened, darky, darkling, darkroom, darkish, darksome

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Synonyms for Dark. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 02, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/dark

Synonyms for Dark. N.p., 2016. Web. 02 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/dark>.

Synonyms for Dark. 2016. Accessed May 02, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/dark.

  • Определения слова dark

    • (английская фамилия) english surname example.
      • ? (помета)
    • тёмный.
      • Guided by the sound, we soon found him helpless in a dark recess.

Синонимы к слову dark

    • bleak
    • brown
    • brunette
    • darkness
    • depressing
    • dim
    • dimness
    • dusk
    • evil
    • gloom
    • gloomy
    • murky
    • mysterious
    • night
    • obscurity
    • sad
    • shade
    • shadows
    • shadowy
    • shady
    • sinister
    • threatening
    • unhappy

Похожие слова на dark

    • dark
    • darken
    • darkened
    • darkening
    • darkens
    • darker
    • darkest
    • darklier
    • darkliest
    • darkly
    • darkroom
    • darkroom’s
    • darkrooms

Гипонимы к слову dark

    • darkish

Гиперонимы к слову dark

    • surname

Антонимы к слову dark

    • darkless
    • light

Однокоренные слова для dark

  • глаголы

    • darken
    • darkle


    • darkling
    • darkly


    • darkish
    • darkless
    • darkling
    • darksome


    • darkness
    • darkey
    • darky

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All synonyms in one line

cimmerian, abstruse, adumbrate, bad, becloud, en.synonym.one, black, black as soot, blind, blurred, blurry, cabbalistic, cheerless, clouded, cloudy, coal black, coal-black, colourless, concealed, confidential, confused, corrupt, cryptic, cynical, despairing, devilish, en.synonym.one, dim, dingy, dirty, disconsolate, discouraging, dismal, doleful, drab, dreary, dull, dun, dusk, dusky, ebony, eclipse, enigmatic, esoteric, evil, filmy, flagitious, foliated, foreboding, foul, frown, frowning, en.synonym.one, gloomy, grim, hazy, hellish, hidden, ignorant, immoral, impenetrable, in the dark, incomprehensible, indistinct, inky, jet, jet black, lowering, menacing, morbid, morose, mournful, murky, mysterious, mystical, nebulous, neutral, obscure, occult, ominous, opaque, oppressive, overcast, overhanging, pale, pessimistic, phantom, pitch, pitch-black, raven, recondite, reticent, sable, sad, secluded, secret, shaded, shadowy, shady, silent, sober, sombre, sooty, sullen, sullied, swarthy, umbrageous, unclear, uneducated, unenlightened, unlettered, unlit, untaught, vague, vegetated, blackness, darkness, dimness, dusk, gloom, en.synonym.one, gloominess, hiding, iniquity, mystery, night, nightfall, nighttime, obscurity, secrecy, shade, shadow, silence, twilight, wickedness, benighted, blue, colored, coloured, dark-skinned, en.synonym.one, dour, drear, glowering, glum, moody, non-white, saturnine, sinister, sorry, sour.

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1    black, brunette, dark-skinned, dusky, ebony, sable, swarthy  

2    cloudy, darksome     (literary)   dim, dingy, indistinct, murky, overcast, pitch-black, pitchy, shadowy, shady, sunless, unlit  

3    abstruse, arcane, concealed, cryptic, deep, Delphic, enigmatic, hidden, mysterious, mystic, obscure, occult, puzzling, recondite, secret  

4    bleak, cheerless, dismal, doleful, drab, gloomy, grim, joyless, morbid, morose, mournful, sombre  

5    benighted, ignorant, uncultivated, unenlightened, unlettered  

6    atrocious, damnable, evil, foul, hellish, horrible, infamous, infernal, nefarious, satanic, sinful, sinister, vile, wicked  

7    angry, dour, forbidding, frowning, glowering, glum, ominous, scowling, sulky, sullen, threatening  

8    darkness, dimness, dusk, gloom, murk, murkiness, obscurity, semi-darkness  

9    evening, night, nightfall, night-time, twilight  

10      (figurative)   concealment, ignorance, secrecy  

1    blond, blonde, fair, fair-haired, flaxen-haired, light, light-complexioned, towheaded  

2 & 4    bright, cheerful, clear, genial, glad, hopeful, pleasant, sunny  

black, dark, pitch-black, pitchy, Stygian, unilluminated, unlit  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( darker    comparative)   ( darkest    superlative  )

1       adj   When it is dark, there is not enough light to see properly, for example because it is night.,   (Antonym: light)
It was too dark inside to see much…, People usually draw the curtains once it gets dark…, She snapped off the light and made her way back through the dark kitchen.     

  darkness      n-uncount  
The light went out, and the room was plunged into darkness.     

  darkly      adv   ADV -ed  
…a darkly lit, seedy dance hall.     

2       n-sing   The dark is the lack of light in a place.  
the N  
  (Antonym: light)
I’ve always been afraid of the dark.     

3       adj   If you describe something as dark, you mean that it is black in colour, or a shade that is close to black.,   (Antonym: light)
He wore a dark suit and carried a black attaché case…     

  darkly      adv   ADV after v, ADV adj/-ed  
Joanne’s freckles stood out darkly against her pale skin…     

4       comb in colour   When you use dark to describe a colour, you are referring to a shade of that colour which is close to black, or seems to have some black in it.,   (Antonym: light)
She was wearing a dark blue dress.     

5       adj   If someone has dark hair, eyes, or skin, they have brown or black hair, eyes, or skin.  
He had dark, curly hair…     

6       adj   If you describe a white person as dark, you mean that they have brown or black hair, and often a brownish skin.,   (Antonym: fair)
Carol is a tall, dark, Latin type of woman…     

7       adj   A dark period of time is unpleasant or frightening.  
usu ADJ n  

This was the darkest period of the war.     

8       adj   A dark place or area is mysterious and not fully known about.  
ADJ n  
…the dark recesses of the mind.     

9       adj   Dark thoughts are sad, and show that you are expecting something unpleasant to happen.  
LITERARY   usu ADJ n  

Troy’s chatter kept me from thinking dark thoughts.     

10       adj   Dark looks or remarks make you think that the person giving them wants to harm you or that something horrible is going to happen.  
LITERARY   usu ADJ n  

…dark threats.     

  darkly      adv   ADV with v  
`Something’s wrong here,’ she said darkly…     

11       adj   If you describe something as dark, you mean that it is related to things that are serious or unpleasant, rather than light-hearted.  
usu ADJ n  
Their dark humor never failed to astound him…     

  darkly      adv   ADV adj  
The atmosphere after Wednesday’s debut was as darkly comic as the film itself…     

13    If you do something after dark, you do it when the sun has set and night has begun.  

after dark      phrase  
They avoid going out alone after dark.     

14    If you do something before dark, you do it before the sun sets and night begins.  

before dark      phrase  
They’ll be back well before dark.     

15    If you are in the darkabout something, you do not know anything about it.  

in the dark      phrase   v-link PHR, PHR after v, oft PHR about n  
The investigators admit that they are completely in the dark about the killing…     

16    If you describe something someone says or does as a shot in the dark or a stab in the dark, you mean they are guessing that what they say is correct or that what they do will be successful.  

a shot/stab in the dark      phrase   shot inflects  
Every single one of those inspired guesses had been shots in the dark.     

dark age        ( dark ages    plural  ) , Dark Age  

1       n-count   If you refer to a period in the history of a society as a dark age, you think that it is characterized by a lack of knowledge and progress.  
WRITTEN, disapproval   The Education Secretary accuses teachers of wanting to return to a dark age.     

2       n-proper   The Dark Ages are the period of European history between about 500 A.D. and about 1000 A.D.  
the N  

dark glasses     
Dark glasses are glasses which have dark-coloured lenses to protect your eyes in the sunshine.      n-plural   also a pair of N  

dark horse        ( dark horses    plural  ) If you describe someone as a dark horse, you mean that people know very little about them, although they may have recently had success or may be about to have success.      n-count  

dark matter     
Dark matter is material that is believed to form a large part of the universe, but which has never been seen.      n-uncount  

pitch-dark      , pitch dark  
Pitch-dark means the same as pitch-black.      adj  

It was pitch-dark in the room and I couldn’t see a thing.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

dark night of the soul




1. [Rel.] expression used to describe metaphorically a period of ignorance and spiritual crisis that precedes the communion with Divinity ; 2. in a larger meaning, it is used when refering to having a hard time, going through a phase of pessimism, sadness, failure etc.

The expression’s origin is the poem with the same title written by Saint John of the Cross, while he was emprisoned in the 16th century for his initiatives of reforming the Carmelite Order.

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. darkadjective

    secret, sinister, hidden

  2. darkadjective

    malign, sinister

  3. darkadjective


    pale, light, bright

  4. darkadjective

    Having an absolute or (more often) relative lack of light.

    The room was too dark for reading.

    gloomy, dim

    lit, light, bright

  5. darkadjective

    Conducive to hopelessness; depressing or bleak

    The Great Depression was a dark time.

    negative, pessimistic, hopeless

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. dark

    Strictly, that which is black is absolutely destitute of color; that which is dark is absolutely destitute of light. In common speech, however, a coat is black, tho not optically colorless; the night is dark, tho the stars shine. That is obscure, shadowy, or shady from which the light is more or less cut off. Dusky is applied to objects which appear as if viewed in fading light; the word is often used, as are swart and swarthy, of the human skin when quite dark, or even verging toward black. Dim refers to imperfection of outline, from distance, darkness, mist, etc., or from some defect of vision. Opaque objects, as smoked glass, are impervious to light. Murky is said of that which is at once dark, obscure, and gloomy; as, a murky den; a murky sky. Figuratively, dark is emblematic of sadness, agreeing with somber, dismal, gloomy, also of moral evil; as, a dark deed. Of intellectual matters, dark is now rarely used in the old sense of a dark saying, etc. See MYSTERIOUS; OBSCURE.

    Compare synonyms for LIGHT.

    black, dim, dismal, dusky, gloomy, murky, mysterious, obscure, opaque, sable, shadowy, shady, somber, swart, swarthy

    bright, brilliant, clear, crystalline, dazzling, gleaming, glowing, illumined, light, lucid, luminous, radiant, shining, transparent, white

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. dark

    black, dusky, sable, swarthy, opaque, obscure, enigmatical, recondite, abstruse, unintelligible, blind, ignorant, besotted, benighted, dim, shadowy, inexplicable, secret, mysterious, hidden, murky, nebulous, cheerless, dismal, dim, gloomy, sombre, joyless, mournful, sorrowful

    white, fair, light, radiant, bright, lucid, crystalline, transparent, brilliant, plain, intelligible, enlightened, glaring, dazzling, illumined, festive, luminous

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. dark, darknessnoun

    absence of light or illumination

    duskiness, shadow, darkness, swarthiness, night, nighttime, wickedness, iniquity

    lighting, light, lit, white, candent, lighting-up(a), bioluminescent, fluorescent, good-natured, pastel, pale, livid, palish, sunstruck, cheerful, blond, floodlighted, candescent, floodlit, bright, good, enlightened, luminescent, blonde, lamplit, light-colored, light-haired, ablaze(p), lighted, active, well-lighted, incandescent, comprehensible, comprehendible, autofluorescent, reddened, unconcealed, sunlit, powdery, phosphorescent, inflamed, illuminated

  2. iniquity, wickedness, darkness, darknoun

    absence of moral or spiritual values

    «the powers of darkness»

    swarthiness, immorality, shabbiness, sinfulness, lousiness, sin, ugliness, shadow, nighttime, iniquity, night, wickedness, evil, duskiness, unfairness, sliminess, repulsiveness, darkness, nefariousness, loathsomeness, vileness, injustice

    light, lighting, active, powdery, white, pastel, ablaze(p), blond, good-natured, blonde, good, floodlighted, well-lighted, cheerful, livid, comprehensible, enlightened, incandescent, comprehendible, reddened, luminescent, candent, phosphorescent, light-haired, inflamed, lighted, lit, autofluorescent, sunlit, illuminated, candescent, pale, light-colored, lamplit, floodlit, lighting-up(a), unconcealed, palish, bioluminescent, fluorescent, bright, sunstruck

  3. darkness, dark, shadownoun

    an unilluminated area

    «he moved off into the darkness»

    nighttime, fantasm, shadower, night, phantom, shadow, iniquity, tincture, wickedness, trace, phantasm, vestige, darkness, swarthiness, tail, phantasma, duskiness, apparition

    lighting, light, comprehendible, good, bioluminescent, blonde, active, sunstruck, lamplit, pastel, sunlit, unconcealed, inflamed, powdery, lighted, fluorescent, cheerful, light-colored, pale, illuminated, lit, comprehensible, candescent, floodlighted, palish, lighting-up(a), incandescent, livid, luminescent, candent, white, light-haired, ablaze(p), enlightened, well-lighted, blond, bright, reddened, autofluorescent, floodlit, phosphorescent, good-natured

  4. night, nighttime, darknoun

    the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside

    wickedness, nighttime, darkness, iniquity, night, shadow

    light, lighting, livid, candent, light-colored, reddened, floodlit, autofluorescent, light-haired, palish, bright, powdery, ablaze(p), sunlit, blonde, well-lighted, bioluminescent, comprehensible, comprehendible, cheerful, floodlighted, lighting-up(a), illuminated, lit, active, fluorescent, lighted, incandescent, white, inflamed, unconcealed, blond, good, luminescent, pale, sunstruck, enlightened, lamplit, candescent, phosphorescent, good-natured, pastel

  5. dark, darknessadjective

    an unenlightened state

    «he was in the dark concerning their intentions»; «his lectures dispelled the darkness»

    duskiness, shadow, darkness, swarthiness, night, nighttime, wickedness, iniquity

    lighting, light, lamplit, cheerful, comprehensible, floodlit, powdery, white, phosphorescent, bright, active, lighting-up(a), floodlighted, light-colored, light-haired, well-lighted, bioluminescent, pastel, unconcealed, palish, pale, comprehendible, enlightened, lit, autofluorescent, candent, incandescent, ablaze(p), good-natured, blonde, fluorescent, blond, reddened, sunstruck, candescent, lighted, sunlit, good, luminescent, illuminated, livid, inflamed

  6. darkadjective

    devoid of or deficient in light or brightness; shadowed or black

    «sitting in a dark corner»; «a dark day»; «dark shadows»; «dark as the inside of a black cat»

    dreary, non-white, saturnine, sullen, dingy, drear, grim, sour, coloured, gloomy, morose, black, dismal, sinister, moody, drab, dark-skinned, benighted, dour, obscure, blue, glum, glowering, sorry, disconsolate

    lighting, light, white, palish, inflamed, comprehendible, blond, lamplit, good-natured, floodlighted, candent, pale, unconcealed, lit, blonde, pastel, reddened, luminescent, autofluorescent, sunstruck, incandescent, lighting-up(a), comprehensible, good, bright, powdery, ablaze(p), cheerful, well-lighted, lighted, enlightened, floodlit, light-haired, fluorescent, active, illuminated, phosphorescent, livid, candescent, light-colored, bioluminescent, sunlit

  7. darkadjective

    (used of color) having a dark hue

    «dark green»; «dark glasses»; «dark colors like wine red or navy blue»

    dreary, non-white, saturnine, sullen, dingy, drear, grim, sour, coloured, gloomy, morose, black, dismal, sinister, moody, drab, dark-skinned, benighted, dour, obscure, blue, glum, glowering, sorry, disconsolate

    lighting, light, active, good-natured, inflamed, blond, blonde, pastel, comprehensible, powdery, pale, white, good, candescent, bioluminescent, phosphorescent, incandescent, lamplit, fluorescent, floodlighted, candent, bright, ablaze(p), sunstruck, lit, floodlit, lighted, well-lighted, luminescent, lighting-up(a), sunlit, light-colored, livid, illuminated, enlightened, reddened, unconcealed, autofluorescent, palish, light-haired, cheerful, comprehendible

  8. darkadjective

    brunet (used of hair or skin or eyes)

    «dark eyes»

    dreary, non-white, saturnine, sullen, dingy, drear, grim, sour, coloured, gloomy, morose, black, dismal, sinister, moody, drab, dark-skinned, benighted, dour, obscure, blue, glum, glowering, sorry, disconsolate

    lighting, light, good, comprehensible, autofluorescent, candent, palish, cheerful, enlightened, lit, blond, powdery, pastel, floodlighted, white, inflamed, good-natured, luminescent, lighting-up(a), floodlit, light-colored, lighted, unconcealed, comprehendible, well-lighted, phosphorescent, pale, sunlit, incandescent, sunstruck, bioluminescent, candescent, lamplit, livid, active, ablaze(p), blonde, reddened, light-haired, fluorescent, illuminated, bright

  9. black, dark, sinisteradjective

    stemming from evil characteristics or forces; wicked or dishonorable

    «black deeds»; «a black lie»; «his black heart has concocted yet another black deed»; «Darth Vader of the dark side»; «a dark purpose»; «dark undercurrents of ethnic hostility»; «the scheme of some sinister intelligence bent on punishing him»-Thomas Hardy

    blackened, ominous, sullen, bootleg, black-market, disgraceful, calamitous, forbidding, dismal, moody, non-white, disconsolate, threatening, coloured, glum, fatal, dark-skinned, black, fateful, baleful, smuggled, inglorious, menacing, dim, pitch-dark, glowering, minatory, obscure, sour, pitch-black, grim, mordant, drab, benighted, contraband, shameful, saturnine, disastrous, smutty, ignominious, sorry, gloomy, morose, bleak, dingy, dreary, dour, drear, opprobrious, minacious, blue, sinister

    lighting, light, good-natured, sunlit, lighting-up(a), lighted, unconcealed, light-colored, cheerful, well-lighted, good, white, powdery, inflamed, lit, candescent, floodlit, ablaze(p), autofluorescent, bioluminescent, active, phosphorescent, candent, luminescent, floodlighted, livid, reddened, pastel, fluorescent, blond, blonde, enlightened, incandescent, pale, palish, bright, light-haired, comprehensible, lamplit, comprehendible, illuminated, sunstruck

  10. darkadjective


    «keep it dark»

    dreary, non-white, saturnine, sullen, dingy, drear, grim, sour, coloured, gloomy, morose, black, dismal, sinister, moody, drab, dark-skinned, benighted, dour, obscure, blue, glum, glowering, sorry, disconsolate

    light, lighting, ablaze(p), autofluorescent, sunstruck, lamplit, white, cheerful, powdery, floodlit, pale, enlightened, fluorescent, pastel, palish, good-natured, comprehendible, good, lighting-up(a), blond, light-haired, sunlit, light-colored, candescent, comprehensible, well-lighted, candent, bright, reddened, lighted, lit, active, livid, phosphorescent, illuminated, inflamed, unconcealed, floodlighted, luminescent, bioluminescent, blonde, incandescent

  11. dark, dour, glowering, glum, moody, morose, saturnine, sour, sullenadjective

    showing a brooding ill humor

    «a dark scowl»; «the proverbially dour New England Puritan»; «a glum, hopeless shrug»; «he sat in moody silence»; «a morose and unsociable manner»; «a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius»- Bruce Bliven; «a sour temper»; «a sullen crowd»

    pertinacious, heavy, forbidding, glum, sullen, dogged, moody, non-white, temperamental, threatening, coloured, disconsolate, dark-skinned, black, gloomy, drear, benighted, off, blue, glowering, obscure, sour, sinister, turned, grim, saturnine, tenacious, off-key, dour, false, unyielding, sorry, drab, dingy, dreary, dismal, persistent, lowering, rancid, morose

    light, lighting, bioluminescent, ablaze(p), sunstruck, lighted, illuminated, powdery, livid, cheerful, candescent, sunlit, fluorescent, luminescent, blonde, lit, inflamed, white, palish, blond, good, pastel, floodlighted, unconcealed, enlightened, good-natured, comprehensible, reddened, active, floodlit, comprehendible, pale, candent, lighting-up(a), light-haired, bright, phosphorescent, autofluorescent, lamplit, light-colored, incandescent, well-lighted

  12. benighted, darkadjective

    lacking enlightenment or knowledge or culture

    «this benighted country»; «benighted ages of barbarism and superstition»; «the dark ages»; «a dark age in the history of education»

    dreary, non-white, saturnine, sullen, dingy, drear, grim, sour, coloured, gloomy, morose, black, dismal, sinister, moody, drab, dark-skinned, benighted, dour, obscure, blue, glum, glowering, nighted, sorry, disconsolate

    light, lighting, fluorescent, well-lighted, white, phosphorescent, lighting-up(a), autofluorescent, pale, palish, floodlighted, ablaze(p), bioluminescent, candescent, cheerful, comprehendible, sunlit, powdery, bright, sunstruck, pastel, blonde, light-haired, lit, illuminated, good-natured, lighted, active, incandescent, lamplit, livid, floodlit, reddened, comprehensible, blond, candent, unconcealed, good, enlightened, luminescent, light-colored, inflamed

  13. dark, obscureadjective

    marked by difficulty of style or expression

    «much that was dark is now quite clear to me»; «those who do not appreciate Kafka’s work say his style is obscure»

    vague, sullen, unnoticeable, glum, dismal, moody, apart(p), coloured, disconsolate, dark-skinned, black, gloomy, benighted, non-white, blue, glowering, obscure, sour, unknown, sinister, grim, dour, hidden, saturnine, sorry, drab, dingy, isolated, dreary, drear, unsung, morose

    light, lighting, incandescent, unconcealed, pale, pastel, active, cheerful, blonde, well-lighted, lamplit, good-natured, inflamed, candescent, light-haired, bright, livid, powdery, autofluorescent, comprehendible, sunstruck, fluorescent, reddened, lit, enlightened, palish, light-colored, white, floodlit, comprehensible, good, luminescent, lighting-up(a), phosphorescent, blond, illuminated, bioluminescent, candent, lighted, sunlit, ablaze(p), floodlighted

  14. blue, dark, dingy, disconsolate, dismal, gloomy, grim, sorry, drab, drear, drearyadjective

    causing dejection

    «a blue day»; «the dark days of the war»; «a week of rainy depressing weather»; «a disconsolate winter landscape»; «the first dismal dispiriting days of November»; «a dark gloomy day»; «grim rainy weather»

    black, blueish, non-white, gloomful, stern, unappeasable, ghastly, moody, forbidding, relentless, dingy, raunchy, bluish, mordant, sorry, risque, gruesome, depressed, dirty, gamey, down in the mouth, low, sinister, olive-drab, lamentable, muddied, unrelenting, sullen, juicy, sulky, bad, gloomy, meritless, low-spirited, saturnine, good-for-naught, dispirited, gamy, down(p), grisly, good-for-nothing, naughty, unconsolable, benighted, sad, muddy, sober, gentle, grubby, grungy, dark-skinned, aristocratic, inconsolable, racy, regretful, somber, spicy, blue-blooded, blue, puritanical, no-count, drear, macabre, disconsolate, no-account, dreary, grimy, coloured, inexorable, puritanic, aristocratical, no-good, deplorable, glowering, morose, pitiful, patrician, profane, blasphemous, sombre, drab, glum, unforgiving, glooming, sour, blue(a), downcast, downhearted, distressing, dour, obscure, sick, grim, dismal, begrimed

    light, lighting, inflamed, white, powdery, bright, lamplit, phosphorescent, pale, luminescent, good-natured, sunlit, pastel, autofluorescent, lighted, candescent, lit, blonde, blond, comprehendible, illuminated, reddened, unconcealed, candent, incandescent, fluorescent, livid, active, good, light-colored, palish, enlightened, sunstruck, lighting-up(a), comprehensible, cheerful, well-lighted, floodlighted, light-haired, floodlit, ablaze(p), bioluminescent

  15. colored, coloured, dark, dark-skinned, non-whiteadjective

    having skin rich in melanin pigments

    «National Association for the Advancement of Colored People»; «dark-skinned peoples»

    biased, sullen, colorful, swart, glum, dismal, moody, non-white, coloured, disconsolate, dark-skinned, black, gloomy, benighted, blue, glowering, obscure, sour, sinister, dusky, grim, dingy, dour, saturnine, sorry, dyed, drab, slanted, swarthy, dreary, bleached, drear, one-sided, morose

    lighting, light, lighting-up(a), powdery, well-lighted, fluorescent, candent, pale, floodlighted, white, light-colored, candescent, blonde, blond, sunstruck, active, floodlit, phosphorescent, good, luminescent, cheerful, bright, livid, enlightened, sunlit, lamplit, unconcealed, light-haired, lighted, pastel, palish, autofluorescent, ablaze(p), comprehendible, good-natured, reddened, incandescent, illuminated, inflamed, bioluminescent, lit, comprehensible

  16. darkadjective

    not giving performances; closed

    «the theater is dark on Mondays»

    dreary, non-white, saturnine, sullen, dingy, drear, grim, sour, coloured, gloomy, morose, black, dismal, sinister, moody, drab, dark-skinned, benighted, dour, obscure, blue, glum, glowering, sorry, disconsolate

    lighting, light, sunstruck, unconcealed, ablaze(p), bright, pastel, enlightened, white, livid, phosphorescent, active, candent, blond, lamplit, lighted, blonde, powdery, comprehensible, lit, incandescent, palish, floodlit, inflamed, pale, floodlighted, fluorescent, light-haired, candescent, luminescent, good-natured, good, cheerful, autofluorescent, light-colored, illuminated, comprehendible, well-lighted, lighting-up(a), reddened, sunlit, bioluminescent

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Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. evenfall

    it is dark out at evenfall.

    Submitted by rinat on August 14, 2019  

  2. melanochroic

    dark complexion is termed as melanochroic

    mafic rocks

    Submitted by gdalai on September 23, 2020  

  3. melony

    melony [mel-ony] as a girls’ name is a greek name, and the name melony means «black, dark». melony is an alternate form of melanie (greek). associated with greek, black.

    Submitted by rinat on September 10, 2019  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. darkadjective

    unilluminated, unenlightened, dusky, shadowy, rayless, sunless, darksome, lurid, murky, cloudy, shady, overcast, black, ebon, cimmerian, not light, pitchy

  2. darkadjective

    mysterious, obscure, incomprehensible, unintelligible, enigmatical, mystic, mystical, recondite, occult, transcendental, abstruse, cabalistic

  3. darkadjective

    gloomy, disheartening, discouraging, cheerless, dismal

  4. darkadjective

    untaught, ignorant, unlettered, rude

  5. darkadjective

    wicked, atrocious, infamous, foul, vile, infernal

  6. darknoun

    darkness, obscurity, want of light

  7. darknoun

    ignorance, blindness, want of knowledge

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. darkadjective

    unilluminated, sunless, dusky, rayless, cimmerian, pitchy, tenebrific, murk, murky, dingy, shadowy, shady, mirky, lowering, overcast, gloomy, sullen, stygian, sombre, obscure, mysterious, incomprehensible, recondite abstruse, cabalistic, cryptic, enigmatical, occult, brunette, swart, swarthy

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «dark»:

    darkness, black, darth, bleak, obscure, gloomy, nightfall, sombre, dark-coloured, dusky, grim, night, murky, noir, blackness, shadowy, obscurity, ignorance, negro, blacked-out, somber, brown, dismal, gloom, shady, unclear, darkened, sinister, dim, shadow, dusk

Suggested Resources

  1. dark

    Song lyrics by dark — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by dark on the Lyrics.com website.

  2. DARK

    What does DARK stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the DARK acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.

How to pronounce dark?

How to say dark in sign language?

How to use dark in a sentence?

  1. Estela Hernandez:

    Just stick to those standards, just teach history the way that it is outlined there. Those standards are teaching the dark areas of American history, and it should be taught and it will make us uncomfortable.

  2. Amnesty International:

    Since yesterday( Thursday), she has received a wave of harassment and threats on social media, including gender-based insults and calls for her arrest, amal Fathy criticized the Egyptian government for failing to protect women, and her arrest has shown just how pertinent her concerns are. It is a dark day when the Egyptian authorities are more concerned with silencing a woman who speaks out about sexual harassment than taking steps to address the issue.

  3. Arne Duncan:

    It started with the pandemic, and then the George Floyd murder, those next six or eight weeks after that were honestly probably the worst six or eight weeks of my life. We had a staff member killed, we had three of our young men killed, we had a 20-month-old baby of one our men (that) was killed, and it was just an extraordinarily dark time.

  4. Melissa Young:

    I’m looking out at the passengers and it’s quiet and it’s dark and it occurred to me at that moment how vulnerable the passengers were at the hands of the two men who were flying the plane, and he didn’t have an answer. It was right there that I knew I had to figure it out.

  5. Scott C. Holstad:

    My playing fields were comprised of a black and white universe – cold/hot, light/dark, heaven/hell, right/wrong – this, my guide, my birthright. Something was buried in the back of my soul – the signs were all there but no one knew, no one could tell so when I eventually went over the edge, it was meant to be a lesson learned.


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