Предложения со словом «dad»
Several months after I graduated from college, my dad had a massive heart attack that should have killed him. |
Через несколько месяцев после окончания мною колледжа у отца был тяжёлый сердечный приступ, который должен был свести его в могилу. |
My dad is a carpenter and a Sufi. |
Мой отец — плотник и суфий. |
His sense of belonging within his family, his purpose as a dad, his transcendent meditation, repeating our names — these, he says, are the reasons why he survived. |
Его чувство сопричастности к семье, его предназначение быть отцом, его трансцендентная медитация, повторение наших имён — это, говорит он, причины его выживания. |
And I had lost so much money that I had to borrow 4,000 dollars from my dad to help to pay my family bills. |
Я потерял так много денег, что мне пришлось занять 4 000 долларов у своего отца, чтобы оплатить домашние счета. |
I called up my dad, and I go, Dad! I just discovered a new microorganism species. |
Я позвонила отцу и сказала: «Пап, я только что открыла новый вид микроорганизма! |
Now, my dad is my biggest fan, so in that crushing moment where he wanted to kill my new little life form, I realized that actually I had failed him, both as a daughter and a scientist. |
Мой отец поддерживает меня больше всех, поэтому в тот сокрушительный момент, когда он захотел истребить моё открытие, я осознала, что на самом деле подвела его, — и как дочь, и как учёный. |
Dad, how come he gets to ride, and they have to walk? |
Пап, а как получилось, что он верхом на коне, а им приходится идти пешком? |
Yet, I inherited my condition from my dad. |
Хотя я унаследовала моё заболевание от папы. |
That’s my dad, Ralph, in London, in 1940 with his father Samuel. |
Это мой отец Ральф в Лондоне в 1940 году с моим дедом Самюэлем. |
So my dad sat down with him with an Audubon book, paper, pencils and brads — for those of you who have gotten a little less young and remember brads — and he said to my brother. |
Поэтому отец усадил его со справочником по орнитологии, бумагой, карандашами и скрепками — для тех, кто уже не такой молодой и помнит скрепки, — и сказал моему брату. |
And they helped my dad start a clothing shop. |
Они помогли моему отцу открыть магазин одежды. |
These days, I too have become a dad. |
Сейчас я и сам отец. |
My dad’s family is Jewish, and my mom’s family are non-practicing Christians. |
Мой отец из еврейской семьи, а семья матери — непрактикующие христиане. |
His dad had a gas station and a repair shop when he was growing up. |
Его отец держал заправку и автосервис. |
For example, APOE4 is a gene variant that increases amyloid, but you can inherit a copy of APOE4 from mom and dad and still never get Alzheimer’s. |
К примеру, ген APOE4 способствует накоплению бета — амилоида, но можно унаследовать этот ген от обоих родителей и никогда не заболеть. |
A child’s love for mom and dad grows through their touch, their gaze, their voice, their tenderness. |
Малыш любит и узнаёт папу и маму через их прикосновение, их взгляд, их голос, их нежность. |
What I did, who I was with, the main sensations I had for every waking hour , If the feeling came as I thought of my dad who recently passed away, or if I could have just definitely avoided the worries and anxieties. |
Что я делала, с кем я была, Мои основные ощущения за всё время, Если ко мне приходили воспоминания об отце, который недавно умер, или если я могла избежать волнений и тревог. |
It was a complete surprise, as my dad promised that in my town he knew nobody who voted for him. |
Это было абсолютно неожиданно, потому что отец сказал, что не знал ни одного человека, голосовавшего за него. |
My dad was outside mowing the lawn, my mom was upstairs folding laundry, my sister was in her room doing homework and I was in the basement playing video games. |
Папа занимался стрижкой газона, мама наверху в доме убирала выстиранное бельё, сестра в своей комнате делала уроки, а я в подвале играл в видеоигры. |
My mom was freaking out, my dad ran around to put out the fire and of course my sister started recording a Snapchat video. |
Мама испугалась, папа выбежал, чтобы потушить огонь, а сестра, конечно же, начала снимать видео, чтобы выложить его в Snapchat. |
Besides my dad’s grill catching on fire, most of our samples vaporized into nothing, or exploded inside expensive furnaces, leaving a horribly sticky mess. |
Кроме того, что сгорел гриль моего отца, большинство образцов просто испарилось или взорвалось внутри дорогих печей, оставив после себя ужасную грязь. |
So yes, although we started with catching my dad’s grill on fire and failing so many times that we almost quit, it was well worth it when we look back at it now. |
И хотя мы начали с того, что сожгли гриль, терпели неудачи много раз и уже были готовы всё бросить, теперь, оглядываясь назад, мы понимаем, что всё было не зря. |
The dad of a sweet baby for whom we cared at the end of her life certainly captured this dichotomy when he reflected that there are a lot of people to help you bring an infant into the world but very few to help you usher a baby out. |
Отец одной малышки, которая попала к нам перед тем, как покинуть этот мир, без сомнения уловил эту грань, он сказал, что появиться на свет ребёнку помогают десятки рук, а вот проводить в последний путь могут помочь только единицы. |
We started the prom after hearing a dad lament that he would never pin a boutonniere on his son’s tuxedo lapel. |
Мы начали это делать, услышав, как один отец сожалел о том, что он никогда не прикрепит бутоньерку на смокинг сына. |
And they were on dad’s work schedule. |
И они жили по рабочему расписанию отца. |
And they survived, but they were heartbroken, and I’m not sure my dad ever really got over leaving Vienna. |
И я не уверен, что отец смирился с отъездом из Вены. |
Now, how many of you have run a business with a spreadsheet by hand, like my dad did for his small printing business in Philadelphia? |
А многие ли из вас управляли бизнесом при помощи таблиц, написанных от руки, как делал мой отец в своей небольшой типографии в Филадельфии? |
I said, Before you were born, it was just your mom and dad, or mom and mommy. |
Я говорила: До того как ты родился, были только твои мама и папа или мама и мама. |
And that fear is understandable, because we live in a very heteronormative and geneticized society — a world that still believes that true families consist of one mom, one dad and their genetically related children. |
И этот страх можно понять, потому что мы живём в очень гетеронормативном и зацикленном на генетике обществе — в мире, где до сих пор верят, что настоящие семьи состоят из одной мамы, одного папы и генетически родственных им детей. |
And we saw one lesbian couple who said, When our son asks us, Do I have a dad? |
Одна лесбийская пара сообщила: Когда наш сын спросит, есть ли у него папа. |
We will say ‘No, you do not have a dad. |
Мы скажем, что у него нет папы. |
They were saying, Dad, if we have to go, can we at least ride our bikes? |
Они спросили: Папа, а можно нам поехать на велосипедах? |
My dad was a psychologist like me, but his real love and his real passion was cinema, like my brother. |
Отец тоже был психологом, но его страстью всегда было кино, как и у брата. |
What my dad was saying is that we’ve all been assigned ranges and roles in this world. |
Он имел в виду, что жизнью нам назначены роли и рамки. |
You go from one cell, mom and dad coming together to make one cell, in a cascade to 10 trillion cells. |
Одна клетка, сделанная мамой и папой, каскадом превращается в 10 триллионов. |
I distinctly remember telling my dad that I wanted to buy a navy blue secondhand Peugeot on eBay. |
Я отчётливо помню, как сказала папе, что хочу купить на eBay подержанный Пежо синего цвета. |
Because one of my premonitions was seeing my dad die. |
Потому что одним из предчувствий была смерть моего отца. |
The following Saturday evening Dad called me into his study. |
Вечером следующей субботы отец позвал меня к себе в кабинет. |
We are not staying at mom and dad’s guesthouse. |
Не будем мы жить у родителей в гостевом домике. |
My fight with dad led to a reconciliation with mom. |
Моя ссора с папой привела к воссоединению с мамой. |
He said they blamed Dad for the Shadow-storms. |
Он сказал, что они обвиняют отца в этих бурях. |
His mum beating up his dad in a police station. |
Его мама избивает его отца прямо в участке полиции. |
Her dad could tell a pretty good ghost story. |
Её папа мог рассказать достаточно классную историю о призраке. |
His dad dropped him off at my doorstep yesterday. |
А вчера его отец оставил Сэма у моего порога. |
And your dad told me to spy on Rebecca. |
И твой отец сказал мне шпионить за Ребеккой |
And their dad was just a telegram on the mantelpiece. |
От их отца осталась только телеграмма на каминной полке. |
I want to know why my dad hates his mom |
Я хочу знать, почему мой отец ненавидит свою мать |
You’re gonna fight with your mom and dad. |
Ты будешь бороться вместе с твоими мамой и папой. |
Then mom and dad start calling us, acting weird. |
Потом мама и папа звонят нами и ведут себя странно. |
Ian and I are treating mom and dad to dinner. |
Мы с Йеном пригласили маму с папой на ужин. |
Mom and Dad won’t let me talk to them. |
Мама и папа не хотят, чтобы я разговаривала с ними |
I can’t believe my dad agreed to this. |
Я не верю, что моему папочке это понравится. |
Only your dad could survive surgery during a siege. |
Только твой отец мог выдержать операцию во время осады. |
Eloise Williams had been with Dad since before the riots. |
Элоиз Уильямс начала работать на отца еще до бунтов. |
I’m going to make something with my own hands for my Mum, Dad, Granddad and Granny. |
Я собираюсь сделать что — то своими руками для мамы, папы, дедушки и бабушки. |
Yeah, and my dad recently turned fifty one. |
Да, а папе недавно исполнился пятьдесят один год. |
I’d say the ideal is, probably, a mom, dad, two cars, maybe three cars if you’ve got the kid in high school, a suburban home, a nice big garage, in probably a sub, a suburb of a big city, and two, yeah, or three kids, but more and more there’s a lot of divorce, which is probably breaking up that model. |
Идеальная семья это, скорее всего, мама, папа, две машины, а может даже три машины, если ребенок учится в старших классах, дом в пригороде, большой хороший гараж, скорее всего, на окраине большого города, и два или три ребенка, но разводов становится все больше и больше, что, скорее всего, разрушает эту модель. |
Then, my little brother Christian is very charming, and my dad’s one of the, probably, one of the smartest and most kind of, |
А мой младший брат Кристиан такой милый, а мой папа, наверное, один из умнейших и самых как бы, |
I’d say, I, Rachel and my dad, all like Russian literature a lot. |
Мы все: я, мой отец и Рейчел очень любим русскую литературу. |
Actually, my dad took Russian in college, for one semester, and then he was called on a religious mission to Brazil, and spent two years learning Portuguese. |
На самом деле, мой отец изучал русский язык в течение одного семестра в колледже, а потом его призвали в религиозную миссию в Бразилию, и он провел там два года, изучая португальский. |
What is another word for Dad?
Use filters to view other words, we have 122 synonyms for dad.
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- old man
- papa
- parent
- daddy
- pa
- pop
- pappy
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
On this page you’ll find 11 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to dad, such as: old man, papa, parent, daddy, pa, and pop.
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How to use dad in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- ancestor
- begetter
- dad
- daddy
- forebearer
- origin
- pa
- padre
- papa
- parent
- pop
- predecessor
- procreator
- progenitor
- sire
- source
- aristocrat
- baron
- bishop
- captain
- commandant
- commander
- count
- dad
- don
- duke
- earl
- governor
- king
- leader
- liege
- magnate
- man upstairs
- marquis
- monarch
- nobility
- noble
- nobleman
- old man
- overlord
- parliamentarian
- patrician
- peer
- potentate
- prince
- royalty
- ruler
- seigneur
- sovereign
- superior
- viscount
- boyfriend
- dad
- male parent
- male spouse
- parent
- dad
- daddy
- pa
- pop
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for dad?
498 synonyms found
[ dˈad], [ dˈad], [ d_ˈa_d]
Related words: dad jokes for kids, dad jokes for kids to tell, dad jokes for adults, dads puns and jokes, good dad jokes, dad jokes blog, good dad jokes to tell, dad joke
Related questions:
Table of Contents
• Pa (noun)
- pa.
- old man,
- sire,
- kin.
• dad (noun)
- daddy,
- papa,
- P.A.,
- dada,
- pop,
- pappa,
- pater.
• father (noun)
- begetter,
- padre,
- Procreator,
- pas,
- Padres,
- Padri,
- procreators,
- daddies,
- begetters.
• lord (noun)
- bi shops,
- bi-shops,
- bi shop,
- man upstair,
- bi-shop.
• master (noun)
- lord.
• old man (noun)
- male spouse,
- male parents,
- head of the house.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- earl,
- lieges,
- potentate,
- parliamentarian,
- duke,
- marquis,
- viscount,
- marquises,
- seigneur,
- parliamentarians,
- viscounts,
- father,
- commandants,
- seigneurs,
- man upstairs,
- commandant,
- liege.
• person (noun)
- dad.
• father (verb)
- male parent.
• Other relevant words: (verb)
- relationship.
Other synonyms:
- matriarchal,
- motherhood,
- mom,
- soccer mom,
- deadbeat dad,
- fatherhood,
- mammy,
- birth parent,
- supermom,
- parentage,
- Pappy,
- birth mother,
- paternity,
- parental,
- birth father,
- motherly,
- parenthood,
- parenting,
- momma,
- Single Parent,
- empty nester,
- custodial parent.
- paternal,
- maternity,
- mum,
- old woman.
- mother,
- progenitor,
- maternal,
- parent.
- ma,
- folk.
- natural.
• Other relevant words:
- divine,
- church father,
- senior,
- fall through,
- cleft,
- folk music,
- topnotch,
- divinity fudge,
- ethnic music,
- back-number,
- get it on,
- have it off,
- straightforward,
- blood-related,
- ultraconservative,
- penn,
- bolt down,
- bug out,
- love,
- common wormwood,
- buttoned-down,
- lie with,
- fringe,
- washing soda,
- give,
- pass,
- spoon food,
- kinsfolk,
- screw,
- antediluvian patriarch,
- father-god,
- soft diet,
- extreme right-winger,
- archaic,
- female parent,
- raw,
- generate,
- don,
- noble,
- pedigree,
- cancel,
- mammilla,
- bourgeois,
- bring forth,
- nanny-goat,
- club soda,
- sky pilot,
- ascendant,
- slapdash,
- rude,
- founding father,
- hearty,
- have a go at it,
- overlord,
- passee,
- refreshful,
- fall flat,
- roll in the hay,
- cracking,
- get,
- reactionist,
- enatic,
- crack up,
- diehard,
- family relationship,
- immortal,
- whirl,
- tops,
- nurse,
- maternalism,
- old hand,
- elderberry bush,
- age-old,
- silent,
- smack,
- authorship,
- do it,
- charge,
- belt,
- substantial,
- dusty miller,
- seltzer,
- overprotect,
- bash,
- bracing,
- flop,
- root,
- kinfolk,
- older,
- gramps,
- godhead,
- come out,
- clap,
- perfection,
- have sex,
- hidebound,
- start,
- make out,
- matinee idol,
- blood line,
- kinsperson,
- get laid,
- offer,
- hump,
- tonic water,
- second power,
- sleep together,
- old stager,
- old-fashioned,
- ex,
- stock,
- tyro,
- commander,
- she-goat,
- mamma,
- feudal lord,
- check,
- phratry,
- feudatory,
- ace,
- input,
- deity,
- chap,
- sally,
- gaffer,
- toss off,
- jehovah,
- slap,
- slam,
- sparkling water,
- a-one,
- squarely,
- birth,
- liegeman,
- kinship group,
- antediluvial,
- have intercourse,
- lineage,
- common people,
- down,
- stimulation,
- gap,
- primogenitor,
- pop out,
- lifelike,
- break through,
- laminitis,
- eruption,
- nursemaid,
- break up,
- line,
- fracture,
- carbonated water,
- blood,
- satisfying,
- break,
- graybeard,
- square toes,
- stimulating,
- public square,
- instinctive,
- master of arts,
- family line,
- innate,
- engender,
- grandmother,
- wisecrack,
- smash,
- member of parliament,
- granny knot,
- maker,
- master,
- oldtimer,
- akin,
- theology,
- milliampere,
- ancient,
- military chaplain,
- bay state,
- biological,
- pablum,
- tit,
- beget,
- button-down,
- department of defense,
- bonk,
- boot,
- old geezer,
- give way,
- fuck,
- blast,
- agnatic,
- excitant,
- teat,
- pop up,
- first-rate,
- folks,
- lame,
- scissure,
- spang,
- antecedent,
- sr.,
- vassal,
- antiquate,
- defense department,
- collapse,
- fuss,
- kill,
- rear,
- demode,
- go,
- god almighty,
- line of descent,
- florists’ chrysanthemum,
- antiquated,
- souvenir,
- bloodline,
- pa system,
- agnate,
- old colony,
- snap,
- enate,
- granddaddy,
- gestation,
- keepsake,
- top-notch,
- drink down,
- fall in,
- luik,
- feather,
- bulge,
- restorative,
- token,
- seignior,
- greybeard,
- fogey,
- massachusetts,
- raise,
- pour down,
- nobleman,
- materfamilias,
- rush,
- stimulant drug,
- paragon,
- materialistic,
- mass.,
- bulge out,
- ancestry,
- clan,
- cautious,
- maternal quality,
- keynote,
- kin group,
- know,
- jazz,
- almighty,
- beach wormwood,
- bolt,
- flush,
- sister,
- protrude,
- defense,
- consanguine,
- human relationship,
- crop up,
- nipple,
- maternally,
- dictator,
- make love,
- super,
- conservativist,
- foster-father,
- lad’s love,
- commanding officer,
- marquess,
- tiptop,
- veteran,
- stimulus,
- graven image,
- liege lord,
- stemma,
- smasher,
- thrill,
- popular,
- granddad,
- quip,
- square up,
- soda ash,
- liege subject,
- refreshing,
- beau ideal,
- eff,
- foursquare,
- have it away,
- cranny,
- belt down,
- straight,
- brisk,
- stager,
- outmoded,
- tornado,
- grandma,
- quinine water,
- fissure,
- born,
- tonal,
- old-hat,
- ascendent,
- descent,
- origin,
- tribe,
- passe,
- bring up,
- warhorse,
- strike,
- crevice,
- tiro,
- consanguineous,
- florist’s chrysanthemum,
- cave in,
- god,
- nan,
- sleep with,
- absinthe,
- mamilla,
- far-right,
- pregnancy,
- bed,
- forefather,
- grandad,
- accented,
- knock,
- fresh,
- motherliness,
- novice,
- nurture,
- initiate,
- be intimate,
- kindred,
- pa.,
- solid,
- kick,
- sodium carbonate,
- sept,
- crock up,
- nanna,
- grannie,
- regulator,
- fling,
- kinship,
- shot,
- cognate.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- divinity,
- matriarch,
- reactionary,
- paterfamilias,
- old-timer,
- elder,
- Fathership,
- beginner,
- pap,
- methuselah,
- founder,
- has-been,
- ancestor,
- pascal,
- antique,
- starets,
- creator,
- genitor,
- patriarch,
- idol,
- protoactinium,
- square,
- fogy,
- soda pop,
- popping,
- crack,
- grandfather,
- Family Member,
- Grandsire,
- great-grandfather,
- old liner,
- protactinium,
- dadda,
- conservative,
- regular old fogy,
- governor,
- Fud,
- comrades,
- stimulant,
- dodo,
- old believer,
- Abba,
- fuddy-duddy,
- tonic,
- relic,
- bang,
- soda water,
- old boy,
- pop music,
- dod,
- stepfather,
- has-beens,
- mossback,
- soda,
- granny,
- dadaism,
- traditionalist,
- longhair,
- antediluvian,
- fossil.
How to use «Dad» in context?
Few words about ‘dad‘. It means father or one’s own father, or simply the male parent. A dad is an important figure in a child’s life and is responsible for imparting values and providing a strong foundation for the child’s future.
Dads play a big role in their child’s life, whether it is spending quality time together, sharing hobbies, teaching them about life, chatting about everything under the sun, providing emotional support during troubling times or simply just being there for them when they need it.
Paraphrases for Dad:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Cardinal number
Proper noun, singular
Noun, singular or mass
Verb, past tense
Verb, gerund or present participle
Verb, past participle
Verb, non-3rd person singular present
Verb, 3rd person singular present
Verb, base form
Cardinal number
Reverse Entailment
Noun, plural
Noun, plural
Proper noun, singular
Does, requests, merits.
Noun, plural
Hobbies, dogs, projects, guys, girls, kids.
Noun, singular or mass
brother, grandpa, fassia.
congratulations, POPI, -papa.
Verb, past tense
Verb, gerund or present participle
fighting, thinking, Doing.
Verb, past participle
avenged, needed.
Other Related
Cardinal number
da, daddy, daddy-o, -daddy.
Proper noun, singular
da, dada, daddy, Relatives, -daddy.
Noun, plural
Noun, singular or mass
da, dada, daddy, grandfather, husband.
da, daddy.
da, dada, daddy, dadda, -daddy.
Verb, past tense
dada, daddy.
Verb, non-3rd person singular present
Verb, 3rd person singular present
Verb, base form
da, daddy.
Cardinal number
Homophones for Dad:
- die out, dido, dewey, D, dyeweed, duet, dated, DOEI, deadeye, dat, dod, dye, dew, doodad, due date, due to, dotty, deadhead, do it, dit, ditto, death, deity, dhoti, dote, DEA, dead heat, d-day, doha, dewy-eyed, de, diode, dhawa, da, daw, 2d, d.a., DoI, ditty, doh, dah, duty, deed, dita, dyed, dotted, dyad, dude, ddt, die away, d.o.a., dodo, duad, dd, dhow, dowdy, 3D, due, dy, day, dawah, duette, ded, dada, dethaw, 3-D, DO, da’wah, Deadwood, do away with, dead, doe, die, data, daddy, duo, dado, diet, dia, death duty, date, doodia, dyewood, dud, day-to-day, dewy, dot.
Hyponym for Dad:
father, male parent, begetter.
Word of the Day
bow 1
- Synonyms:
twist tie,
Nearby words
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- Dad
- (dead) set against something
- (do you) understand?
- -day wonder
- D
- d and c
- DAD synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- DAD synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— DAD synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of DAD
— another words for DAD
WiktionaryRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote
papa, Pa, dada, pater, papá, pappa, daddio, pa, pop, Pop, daddy, papà, pops, paw
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
dad, dada, daddy, pa, papa, pappa, popnoun
an informal term for a father; probably derived from baby talk
tonic, dada, protoactinium, atomic number 91, pa, popping, pappa, pop, papa, daddy, public address system, dadaism, pop music, protactinium, soda pop, soda water, pascal, soda
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
[Childish terms.] father
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «dad»:
daddy, father, papa, pop, ahs, pope, poppa, pa, -dad, dada, -daddy, dadda, -papa, père, fathers, ahsor, pappy, dady, popi, papi, fassia, dda, pap, pops
Suggested Resources
Song lyrics by dad — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by dad on the Lyrics.com website.
What does DAD stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the DAD acronym on the Abbreviations.com website.
How to pronounce dad?
How to say dad in sign language?
How to use dad in a sentence?
Scott McLaughlin:
I miss my mom and dad dearly, wish you guys were here.
Dad Archie Manning:
Dad Archie Manning’s not said anything to me about it, i don’t know if it is [ his last game ], but because of that possibility, I hope that he can win this game and if he decides to hang it up, go out on top.
Jamie Lynn:
My dad was handling that and my mom was with me and I didn’t know what was going on and I wasn’t let in to know, i was just an afterthought. I had no idea. I saw it like the rest of the world.
Paul Malley:
At the end of the day, I’ve heard from too many families that they could n’t agree on what to do for mom or dad, and it’s often not on your radar until it’s too late.
Lisa Marie:
I remember him as my dad.
Translations for dad
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- papa, paAfrikaans
- بَابَا, أبArabic
- dədəAzerbaijani
- атайBashkir
- та́та, па́паBelarusian
- та́ткоBulgarian
- tatínekCzech
- farDanish
- Vati, Papi, PapaGerman
- μπαμπάςGreek
- paĉjoEsperanto
- papáSpanish
- taat, issiEstonian
- aitatxoBasque
- پدر, بابا, بابPersian
- isi, faija, isäukko, setä, pappa, isäFinnish
- papaFrench
- deaide, daidIrish
- אַבָּאHebrew
- पिताजी, बाप, बापू, अब्बा, बाबाHindi
- apu, apaHungarian
- հայրիկArmenian
- ayahIndonesian
- babbo, papà, pàItalian
- אַבָּאHebrew
- お父さん, パパJapanese
- მამაGeorgian
- ឳKhmer
- 아빠, 아버지Korean
- PaterLatin
- tėtisLithuanian
- tētisLatvian
- та́то, та́теMacedonian
- ബാപ്പ, അച്ഛന്Malayalam
- बाबा, पप्पाMarathi
- pappa, paDutch
- pappaNorwegian
- tato, tatuś, tataPolish
- papá, paiPortuguese
- tatăRomanian
- па́па, папа́ша, па́почка, ба́тюшка, ба́тя, тя́тя, папаRussian
- тата, tataSerbo-Croatian
- otecko, tatík, tatkoSlovak
- tata, ata, očka, očeSlovene
- pappaSwedish
- தந்தை, தாதா, அப்பாTamil
- తండ్రిTelugu
- คุณพ่อ, พ่อThai
- dädeTurkmen
- babaTurkish
- па́па, та́то, та́тусьUkrainian
- بابا, دادا, باپ, ابّا, والد صاحبUrdu
- ba, tía, bố, cha, thầyVietnamese
- fatülVolapük
- טאַטעYiddish
- 爸Chinese
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