Credit синоним

All synonyms in one line

acceptance, accolade, account, acknowledgment, advance,, allowance, assent, assets, assurance, authority, award, badge, belief, bonds, celebrity, certitude, character, citation, cite, commendation, condition, confidence, course credit, credence, credibility,, credit entry, credit rating, debt, deferred payment, desert, distinction, due, eminence, entitlement, estate, esteem, estimation, excellence, faith, fame, footing, funds, glory, honesty, honor, honour, importance, influence, loan, lustre,, mention, merit, mortgage, name, position, power, praise, prestige, quotation, rank, recognition, reference, reliance, renown, reputation, repute, standing, status, stocks, sureness, tick, tribute, trust, trustworthiness, valuation, value, wealth, worth, accommodate, account, accredit, accuse, add,, advance, ascribe, assume, attribute, believe, blame, chalk up, charge, confide in, connect, consider, create, debit, deem, dream, enter, feel, have faith in, hold, impute,, keep score, lay, lend, loan, presume, record, refer, register, sense, think, trust, understand.

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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • credit [ˈkredɪt] сущ

    1. аккредитивм

      (letter of credit)

      • documentary credit – документарный аккредитив
    2. заслугаж


      • great credit – большая заслуга
    3. честьж


    4. зачетм


      • personal credit – личный зачет
    5. довериеср


      • full credit – полное доверие
    6. займым, кредитованиеср, кредитм

      (lending, loan)

      • credit limit – лимит кредитования
      • investment tax credit – инвестиционный налоговый кредит
      • export credit insurance – страхование экспортных кредитов
      • revolving credit facility – возобновляемый кредит
      • central bank credit – кредит центрального банка
    7. кредитоспособностьж


      • credit check – проверка кредитоспособности
  • credit [ˈkredɪt] гл

    1. кредитовать


    2. приписывать


    3. зачислить


  • credit [ˈkredɪt] прил

    1. кредитный, кредитовый

      • credit line – кредитная линия
      • credit card number – номер кредитной карточки
      • credit reporting agency – кредитное агентство
      • credit risk management – кредитный риск
      • global credit crisis – мировой кредитный кризис
  • credit [ˈkredɪt] нареч

    1. в кредит

кредит credit, tick, trust, chalk, jawbone
зачет credit
честь honor, credit, privilege, distinction, honour
доверие trust, confidence, credence, faith, reliance, credit
похвала praise, compliment, commendation, credit, panegyric, recommendation
долг debt, duty, obligation, credit, trust, liability
уважение respect, consideration, esteem, regard, honor, credit
признательность appreciation, gratitude, acknowledgment, thankfulness, credit, acknowledgement
вера faith, belief, trust, confidence, creed, credit
доброе имя reputation, honor, credit, honour
хорошая репутация honor, credit, fair name, honour
влияние influence, impact, effect, power, sway, credit
значение value, meaning, importance, significance, sense, credit
сумма, записанная на приход credit
кредитный credit
кредитовать credit
доверять trust, trust in, confide, entrust, rely on, credit
верить believe, trust, credit, give credence to, trow, give credit to
приписывать attribute, ascribe, assign, impute, credit, attach

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • credit сущ

    • credit rating · trust · loan · borrowing · credit facility · letter of credit · offset · caption
    • honor · acclaim · merit · honour
    • ascribe


  • praise, commendation, acclaim, acknowledgment, recognition, kudos, glory, esteem, respect, thanks, admiration, tributes, gratitude, appreciation, bouquets, brownie points, marks
  • reputation, repute, image, name, good name, character, prestige, standing, status, estimation, credibility
  • credence, belief, faith, trust, reliance, confidence
  • loan, advance, financing, installments, plastic
  • deferred payment
  • citation, quotation, cite, mention, reference, acknowledgment
  • recognition
  • credit rating
  • credit entry
  • course credit


  • believe, accept, give credence to, trust, have faith in, buy, swallow, fall for, take something as gospel (truth)
  • ascribe, attribute, assign, accredit, chalk up, put down
  • accredit

Предложения со словом «credit»

The winners get the job or a good credit card offer.

Победители получают желаемую работу или выгодное кредитное предложение.

What we are trying to do is now use our own tools — and just to get nerdy for a second, we’re talking about first-loss risk debt instruments, we’re talking about derisking, blended finance, we’re talking about political risk insurance, credit enhancement — all these things that I’ve now learned at the World Bank Group that rich people use every single day to make themselves richer, but we haven’t used aggressively enough on behalf of the poor to bring this capital in.

Что мы пытаемся сделать, это использовать наши собственные инструменты — и на секундочку, речь идёт о первоубыточных долговых обязательствах государства, о снижении рисков комбинированного финансирования, о страховке от политического риска, усилении кредита — все те вещи, о которых я узнал в Группе Всемирного банка и которые богачи используют каждый день, чтобы обогатиться дальше, но которые мы не использовали так агрессивно ради бедных, чтобы приносить капитал.

There’s no course credit for this.

Они не получают за это оценок.

You will tend to do smaller work on smaller stages, your economic power will be less, your reach of audiences will be less, and your credit will be less as an artist.

Ты будешь делать меньше работы для меньших площадок, твои экономические возможности будут меньше, твоя аудиторя будет малочисленнее и доверия к тебе, как к творцу, будет меньше.

All of your financial information is held in digital databases, but your credit card company can’t just post your purchase history online.

Вся ваша финансовая информация хранится в электронных базах данных, но ваш эмитент не может просто так опубликовать историю ваших покупок.

As their routine, cash-handling tasks receded, they became less like checkout clerks and more like salespeople, forging relationships with customers, solving problems and introducing them to new products like credit cards.

Как только их обычная рутина — выдача и приём наличных — отступила, они стали не столько кассирами, сколько продавцами, занимающимися выстраиванием отношений с клиентами, решением вопросов, предложением новых услуг, таких как ссуды, кредитные карты и вклады.

He maxed out 11 credit cards and racked up six figures in personal debt and it still wasn’t enough.

Он набрал 11 кредитов, и его долг превысил шестизначное число, но всё равно этого не хватало.

Take, for example, a credit card company that’s opened up a center that functions as a hub for academics, for NGOs and governments, all working together.

Например, компания по выпуску кредитных карт, которая открыла центр для учёных, неправительственных организаций и правительства, где они работают вместе.

They’re looking at information in credit card swipes and using that to find insights about how households in India live, work, earn and spend.

Отслеживают использование кредитных карт, на основе чего получают представление об активности населения Индии: жизни, работе, заработках и тратах.

They can detect credit card fraud and block spam and they can translate between languages.

Выявить мошенничество с кредитными картами или блокировать спам, они могут переводить с других языков.

Do you remember the first time you put your credit card details into a website?

Вы помните, когда в первый раз ввели данные своей кредитки в форму на сайте?

I had to give her credit for her perseverance.

Ее упорству и настойчивости нельзя было не отдать должное.

Credit went down in a wild whirl of selling.

Бешеный вихрь выброшенных на рынок акций вызвал стремительное падение курсов.

There also were credit card receipts in the car.

К тому же в машине оказались квитанции платежей по кредитке.

We process your insurance claims and credit card charges.

Мы обрабатываем твои страховые полисы и расходы на кредитной карте.

We’ll credit you for this packet and submit another.

Мы оплатим вам издержки за этот пакет и пришлем новый.

Because I never go overdrawn, I pay off my credit card, I try to make sure my savings get a reasonable rate of interest, I never run out of cash, I’m just a kind of an organized person money-wise.

Потому что я никогда не превышаю кредит, расплачиваюсь моей кредитной карточкой, стараюсь получать на свои сбережения разумную процентную ставку, никогда не остаюсь без наличных денег, я просто организованный человек, поступающий мудро с деньгами.

Passports, credit cards, IDs, the works.

Паспорт, кредитки, новое удостоверение, места работы.

Her own credit disk was somewhere on her desk.

Ее кредитный диск валялся где — то на столе.

Mark had arranged a bank account and credit card.

Марк открыл для нее банковский счет и кредитную карту.

I just got a ping on Ashley’s credit card.

Я только что получил выписку с кредитной карты Эшли.

Can I have your credit card number and expiration date?

можете назвать номер кредитной карточки и срок ее действия?

Azzie caught the tone and tapped the black credit card.

Аззи правильно понял клерка и постучал по черной кредитной карточке.

I can’t take credit for the throw pillows.

Не могу поставить себе в заслугу выбор диванных подушек.

But it’s called Credit Plus, not Charge Plus!

Но она названа Кредит Плюс, а не Приказ Плюс.

I just need the credit card on your reservation.

Мне нужен номер кредитной карты, которой оплачивали бронирование номера.

I was under investigation for defrauding a credit union.

Я был под следствием за обман с кредитным союзом.

As they themselves say, an American must have one wife, two cars, three children, four pets, five suits, six acres, seven credit cards — and is lucky to have eight cents in his pocket.

Как они сами говорят, американец должен иметь одну жену, две машины, трое детей, четверо животных, пять исков, шесть акров, семь кредитных карт — и повезло, если восемь центов в кармане.

As they themselves say, American must have one wife, two cars, three children, four pets, five suits, six acres, seven credit cards — and is lucky to have eight cents in his pocket.

Как они сами говорят, у американца должна быть одна жена, две машины, трое детей, четверо домашних животных, пять костюмов, шесть акров земли, семь кредитных карточек — и он считается счастливчиком, если в его кармане есть восемь центов.

A large country, full of natural resources, awaits development, and has to be developed with very little use of credit.

Большая страна, полная природных ресурсов, нуждается в развитии и должна развиваться при минимальном использовании кредитов.

No record of a credit card purchase or personal check clearing for any kind of artwork.

Никаких записей о пользовании кредитной картой Или чековой книжкой за любой вид искусства.

Next in the review were the credit-card and phone records.

Следующими на очереди оказались банковская кредитная карта и распечатка телефонных разговоров.

I saw it on a credit card list when checking out the other owners.

Я увидел счет, оплаченный кредитной картой, когда проверял машины.

Miss Crawford made her first essay with great credit to herself, and no inconvenience to Fanny.

Первое испытание мисс Крофорд выдержала с честью и не доставила Фанни никаких неудобств.

I did gestures of defeat, tried to introduce her to Block formally so she’d know who got official credit for her rescue.

Я пытался представить ее Тупу, чтобы она знала, кому официально принадлежит честь ее освобождения.

The only difference is that you will not get the credit you deserve.

Единственная разница,что вы не получите той чести которую заслуживаете.

Let’s not give either the Council or the universe that much credit.

Не слишком ли велика честь для Совета или Вселенной?

Colpepper stayed behind a couple of days to do some shopping, judging by his credit card charges.

Колпеппер задержался на пару дней, ходил по магазинам, судя по оплатам с его кредитной карты.

Credit card shows frequent trips to liquor stores and bars.

Данные с кредитки подтверждают частые походы в винные магазины и бары.

But thanks to the credit crunch, his massively improved property is now worth less than it was before he began work on it.

Но благодаря кризису его дорогая собственность сколько стоила еще до улучшения.

We’re trying to look into Bill’s finances, but we can’t find any credit cards, not even a bank account.

Мы пытались проверить финансы Билла, но не нашли ни кредитных карт, ни банковских счетов.

One man deserves credit for embodying the best that we can be.

Один человек заслуживает особенной похвалы за воплощение того хорошего, чем мы можем быть.

You don’t get credit for doing the right thing for the wrong reasons.

Нельзя записать на свой счёт доброе дело, если оно сделано из дурных побуждений.

From the red-beaded handbag he drew a new, bright orange credit card.

Из красной украшенной бисером сумочки он вытащил новенькую ярко — оранжевую кредитную карточку.

We can check your credit cards, surveillance cameras.

Мы можем проверить ваши кредитки, записи камер наблюдения.

Check his bank accounts, credit cards, student loan, the lot.

Проверь его банковские счета, кредитки, студенческую ссуду, всё.

So we check to see if there are any payments to a phone network for credit top-ups.

Так что мы проверим, проходила ли по этому счёту предоплата за телефон.

How you’ve claimed credit for everything that he’s accomplished.

И как ты приписывала себе в заслуги все его достижения.

I don’t want to claim credit for something I didn’t create.

Я не хочу приписывать себе заслугу в создании того, что было создано не мной.

You’re gonna go into that pitch and take all the credit?

Ты пойдёшь на эту встречу и припишешь себе все мои заслуги?

I wish I could take credit, but this is society.

Хотел бы я приписать идею себе, но таково наше общество.

So long as I get the monthly living expenses on time, and I get to use credit cards and such.

Пока я вовремя получаю на ежемесячные расходы и пользуюсь кредитками.

You pay his credit card charges, Including charges for spray paint.

Вы оплачиваете расходы по его кредитной карте, включая даже баллончики с краской.

Old Scott doesn’t hold back on the credit card charges.

Старый Скотт не ограничивал себя в расходах по кредитке.

The deliveries were paid for by a phony credit card signed Windom Earle.

Доставка оплачена фальшивой кредитной картой с подписью Уиндома Эрла.

Credit balances that soared magically as loot from pillaged worlds flowed through his hands.

Бухгалтерские балансы, взлетающие на астрономическую высоту при поступлении добычи из ограбленных Миров.

She ran the National Armed Forces Credit Union until she segued to the private sector.

Она управляла национальным кредитным союзом вооруженных сил, пока плавно не перешла в частный сектор.

Dozens of people who got off that plane are starting to receive alerts that their credit cards have been frozen.

Десятки людей, вышедших из этого самолёта, начали получать уведомления о замораживании их кредиток.

You must give me the credit for a certain amount of observation and common sense.

Признайте, что я не обделена здравым смыслом и наблюдательностью.

It has its own cinema, newspaper, its own TV station and credit cards.

Там есть свои кинотеатры, газеты, свои телестанции и кредитные карты.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. credit

    Belief, as an intellectual process, is the acceptance of some thing as true on other grounds than personal observation and experience. We give credence to a report, assent to a proposition or to a proposal. Belief is stronger than credence; credence might be described as a prima facie belief; credence is a more formal word than belief, and seems to imply somewhat more of volition; we speak of giving credence to a report, but not of giving belief. Goods are sold on credit; we give one credit for good intentions. Conviction is a belief established by argument or evidence; assurance is belief beyond the reach of argument; as, the Christian’s assurance of salvation. An opinion is a general conclusion held as probable, tho without full certainty; a persuasion is a more confident opinion, involving the heart as well as the intellect. In religion, a doctrine is a statement of belief regarding a single point; a creed is a summary statement of doctrines. Confidence is a firm dependence upon a statement as true, or upon a person as worthy. Reliance is confidence on which we act or are ready to act unquestioningly; we have a calm reliance upon the uniformity of nature. Trust is a practical and tranquil resting of the mind upon the integrity, kindness, friendship, or promises of a person; we have trust in God. Faith is a union of belief and trust. Faith is chiefly personal; belief may be quite impersonal; we speak of belief of a proposition, faith in a promise, because the promise emanates from a person. But belief in a person is often used with no appreciable difference from faith. In religion it is common to distinguish between intellectual belief of religious truth, as any other truth might be believed, and belief of the heart, or saving faith.

    assent, assurance, belief, confidence, conviction, credence, creed, doctrine, faith, opinion, reliance, trust

    denial, disbelief, dissent, distrust, doubt, doubt, incredulity, infidelity, misgiving, rejection, skepticism, suspicion, unbelief

    Have faith in God; the faith of the gospel.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. creditnoun

    belief, trustworthiness, reputation, security, honor, praise, merit, confidence, faith

    disbelief, distrust, untrustworthiness, shame, insecurity, disgrace, censure

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.0 / 7 votes

  1. recognition, creditnoun


    «give her recognition for trying»; «he was given credit for his work»; «give her credit for trying»

    credit, acknowledgment, mention, course credit, credit rating, identification, citation, quotation, reference, acknowledgement, credit entry, cite, realization, realisation, deferred payment, recognition

    immediate payment, debit, debit entry, cash

  2. creditnoun

    money available for a client to borrow

    acknowledgment, mention, course credit, citation, quotation, reference, recognition, credit rating, credit entry, deferred payment, cite

    debit, debit entry, cash, immediate payment

  3. credit, credit entrynoun

    an accounting entry acknowledging income or capital items

    credit, acknowledgment, mention, course credit, citation, quotation, reference, recognition, credit rating, credit entry, deferred payment, cite

    cash, immediate payment, debit entry, debit

  4. creditnoun

    used in the phrase `to your credit’ in order to indicate an achievement deserving praise

    «she already had several performances to her credit»;

    acknowledgment, mention, course credit, citation, quotation, reference, recognition, credit rating, credit entry, deferred payment, cite

    cash, debit, immediate payment, debit entry

  5. credit, deferred paymentnoun

    arrangement for deferred payment for goods and services

    credit, acknowledgment, mention, course credit, citation, quotation, reference, recognition, credit rating, credit entry, deferred payment, cite

    debit entry, cash, immediate payment, debit

  6. credit, course creditnoun

    recognition by a college or university that a course of studies has been successfully completed; typically measured in semester hours

    credit, acknowledgment, mention, course credit, citation, quotation, reference, recognition, credit rating, credit entry, deferred payment, cite

    cash, debit, immediate payment, debit entry

  7. citation, cite, acknowledgment, credit, reference, mention, quotationnoun

    a short note recognizing a source of information or of a quoted passage

    «the student’s essay failed to list several important citations»; «the acknowledgments are usually printed at the front of a book»; «the article includes mention of similar clinical cases»

    extension, denotation, commendation, course credit, book of facts, character reference, credit rating, reference point, character, reference, mention, citation, honorable mention, deferred payment, acknowledgement, reference book, quote, acknowledgment, credit entry, recognition, computer address, consultation, address, source, quotation, cite, point of reference, credit, reference work

    debit entry, debit, cash, immediate payment

  8. creditnoun

    an entry on a list of persons who contributed to a film or written work

    «the credits were given at the end of the film»

    acknowledgment, mention, course credit, citation, quotation, reference, recognition, credit rating, credit entry, deferred payment, cite

    immediate payment, cash, debit, debit entry

  9. credit rating, creditverb

    an estimate, based on previous dealings, of a person’s or an organization’s ability to fulfill their financial commitments

    credit, recognition, mention, reference, citation, quotation, credit entry, acknowledgment, credit rating, course credit, deferred payment, cite

    debit, immediate payment, cash, debit entry

  10. creditverb

    give someone credit for something

    «We credited her for saving our jobs»


    debit entry, debit, immediate payment, cash

  11. accredit, creditverb

    ascribe an achievement to

    «She was not properly credited in the program»

    accredit, recognise, credit, recognize

    debit, cash, immediate payment, debit entry

  12. creditverb

    accounting: enter as credit

    «We credit your account with $100»


    debit entry, cash, immediate payment, debit

  13. creditverb

    have trust in; trust in the truth or veracity of


    immediate payment, cash, debit entry, debit

Matched Categories

    • Account
    • Assets
    • Attainment
    • Attribute
    • Title
    • Trust

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. creditnoun

    belief, trust, faith, confidence, credence, reliance

  2. creditnoun

    reputableness, esteem, regard, good repute, good reputation, high character

  3. creditnoun

    influence (of a good name), power

  4. creditnoun

    merit, honor, proof of desert

  5. creditverb

    believe, give faith to, put faith in, rely upon, confide in, doubt not, make no doubt of, take upon credit

  6. creditverb

    place to the credit of, carry to the credit of one’s account, enter upon the credit side

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. creditnoun

    belief, faith, confidence, repute, good name, esteem, honor, influence, prestige, trust, tick

    discredit, dishonor, unbelief

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «credit»:

    appropriation, credits, crédit, lending, appropriations, loan, receivable, crédito, loans, provision, vote, solvency, merit, honour, credence, crediting, credibility, borrowing, receivables, fertiliser, honor, claim

How to pronounce CReDIT?

How to say CReDIT in sign language?

How to use CReDIT in a sentence?

  1. Kei Kamara:

    The Columbus Crew was a credit to everyone, we did well tonight, we knew they were going to press us. It was hard to get out of their press. We just kept pushing each other.

  2. Rob Portman:

    That created quite a problem, and President Biden, to his credit, said we will not be re-negotiating these items in the reconciliation package.

  3. Chancellor Angela Merkel on Thursday:

    Germany is ready to do what it can.. to stabilise Iraq in view of the big security challenges and economic challenges, so today we have given Iraq credit of 500 million euros for unspecified purposes.

  4. Lorne Baring:

    The CDS market is indicating a future financial stress for bond holders in the banking sector. There are concerns that the banking sector is under-capitalized in Europe and credit conditions are sub-optimal.

  5. Sharon Degener:

    Yoga gave me life again, a passion and a purpose, i credit Jenni Wendell with turning The Yamas Niyamas around.

Translations for CReDIT

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • ائتمانArabic
  • доверие, вяра, вярвам, кредитBulgarian
  • připsatCzech
  • Kreditwürdigkeit, KreditGerman
  • créditoSpanish
  • کردیتPersian
  • suoritus, luottamus, kunniamaininta, vahvuus, vähennys, kunnia, lopputekstit, pisteet, luotto, opintopiste, voimavara, krediitti, palautus, tunnustus, antaa tunnustus, hyvittää, piste, luottotiedot, tunnustuspalkinto, uskoa, suorituspiste, maksuaika, usko, hyvitys, luottokelpoisuusFinnish
  • reconnaissance, crédit, mériteFrench
  • creideasScottish Gaelic
  • אשראיHebrew
  • hitelHungarian
  • credito, riconoscimentoItalian
  • 奥付, 信用, クレジットタイトル, クレジット, 単位Japanese
  • saldo, crediteren, krediet, toedenken, geloven, geloof hechten aan, lofbetuiging, kredietwaardigheid, toeschrijven, lof, betalingsuitstelDutch
  • kreditereNorwegian
  • acreditar, créditoPortuguese
  • creditRomanian
  • пове́рить, доверя́ть, припи́сывать, ве́рить, кредитова́ть, дове́рить, приписа́ть, дове́рие, заслу́га, ве́ра, креди́т, очко́, зачётRussian
  • vjerovatiSerbo-Croatian
  • erkännande, kredit, krediteraSwedish
  • పరపతిTelugu
  • tín dụngVietnamese
  • 信用Chinese

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     ( credits    plural & 3rd person present)   ( crediting    present participle)   ( credited    past tense & past participle  )

1       n-uncount   If you are allowed credit, you are allowed to pay for goods or services several weeks or months after you have received them.  
oft on N  
The group can’t get credit to buy farming machinery…, You can ask a dealer for a discount whether you pay cash or buy on credit.     

2       n-uncount   If someone or their bank account is in credit, their bank account has money in it.  
  (mainly BRIT)   in N, N n  
The idea that I could be charged when I’m in credit makes me very angry…, Interest is payable on credit balances.     

3       verb   When a sum of money is creditedto an account, the bank adds that sum of money to the total in the account.,   (Antonym: debit)
She noticed that only $80,000 had been credited to her account…      be V-ed to n  
Midland decided to change the way it credited payments to accounts…      V n to n  
Interest is calculated daily and credited once a year, on 1 April.      be V-ed, Also V n  

4       n-count   A credit is a sum of money which is added to an account.,   (Antonym: debit)
The statement of total debits and credits is known as a balance.     

5       n-count   A credit is an amount of money that is given to someone.  

Senator Bill Bradley outlined his own tax cut, giving families $350 in tax credits per child…     

6       n-uncount   If you get thecreditfor something good, people praise you because you are responsible for it, or are thought to be responsible for it.  
oft the N for n/-ing     (Antonym: blame)
It would be wrong for us to take all the credit…, Some of the credit for her relaxed manner must go to Andy.     

7       verb   If people credit someone with an achievement or if it is credited to them, people say or believe that they were responsible for it.  
The staff are crediting him with having saved Hythe’s life…      V n with -ing/n  
The screenplay for `Gabriel Over the White House’ is credited to Carey Wilson.      be V-ed to n, Also V n to n  

8       verb   If you credit someone with a quality, you believe or say that they have it.  
I wonder why you can’t credit him with the same generosity of spirit…      V n with n  

9       n-sing   If you say that someone is a credit to someone or something, you mean that their qualities or achievements will make people have a good opinion of the person or thing mentioned.  
a N to n     (Antonym: disgrace)
He is one of the greatest British players of recent times and is a credit to his profession.     

10       n-count   The list of people who helped to make a film, a CD, or a television programme is called thecredits.  
usu pl  

11       n-count   A credit is a successfully completed part of a higher education course. At some universities and colleges you need a certain number of credits to be awarded a degree.  

12    If you say that something does someone credit, you mean that they should be praised or admired because of it.  

to do sb credit      phrase   V inflects  
You’re a nice girl, Lettie, and your kind heart does you credit.     

13    To give someone credit for a good quality means to believe that they have it.  

to give someone credit for sth      phrase   V inflects, PHR n  
Bratbakk had more ability than the media gave him credit for.     

14    You say on the credit side in order to introduce one or more good things about a situation or person, usually when you have already mentioned the bad things about them.  

on the credit side      phrase   PHR with cl  
On the credit side, he’s always been wonderful with his mother.     

15    If something is to someone’s credit, they deserve praise for it.  

to sb’s credit      phrase   PHR with cl, it v-link PHR that  
She had managed to pull herself together and, to her credit, continued to look upon life as a positive experience…     

16    If you already have one or more achievements to your credit, you have achieved them.  

with/have sth to your credit      phrase  
I have twenty novels and countless magazine stories to my credit.     

carbon credit        ( carbon credits    plural  ) Carbon credits are an allowance that certain companies have, permitting them to burn a certain amount of fossil fuels.      n-count   usu pl  
By investing in efficient plant it could generate lots of valuable carbon credits to sell to wealthier, more wasteful nations.     

consumer credit     
Consumer credit is money that is lent to people by organizations such as banks, building societies, and shops so that they can buy things.      n-uncount  
New consumer credit fell to $3.7 billion in August.     

credit card        ( credit cards    plural  ) A credit card is a plastic card that you use to buy goods on credit. Compare charge card.      n-count  

credit hour        ( credit hours    plural  ) A credit hour is a credit that a school or college awards to students who have completed a course of study.  
  (AM)      n-count  
Now he needs only two credit hours to graduate.     

credit note        ( credit notes    plural  ) A credit note is a piece of paper that a shop gives you when you return goods that you have bought from it. It states that you are entitled to take goods of the same value without paying for them.  
  (BRIT)      n-count  
in AM, use credit slip     

credit rating     
Your credit rating is a judgment of how likely you are to pay money back if you borrow it or buy things on credit.      n-sing  

credit slip        ( credit slips    plural  ) A credit slip is the same as a credit note.  
  (AM)      n-count  

credit transfer        ( credit transfers    plural  )

1       n-count   A credit transfer is a direct payment of money from one bank account into another.  
  (BRIT)   also by N  
in AM, use money transfer     

2       n-count   If a student has a credit transfer when they change from one school or college to another, their credits are transferred from their old school or college to their new one.  

letter of credit        ( letters of credit    plural  )

1       n-count   A letter of credit is a letter written by a bank authorizing another bank of pay someone a sum of money. Letters of credit are often used by importers and exporters.     (BUSINESS)  

2       n-count   A letter of credit is a written promise from a bank stating that they will repay bonds to lenders if the borrowers is unable to pay them.     (BUSINESS)  
The project is being backed by a letter of credit from Lasalle Bank.     

tax credit        ( tax credits    plural  ) A tax credit is an amount of money on which you do not have to pay tax.      n-count  

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