Crash синонимы на английском

  • blast
  • clash
  • boom
  • burst
  • clang
  • clap
  • clatter
  • crack
  • din
  • peal
  • racket
  • slam
  • smash
  • smashing
  • sound
  • thunder
  • thunderclap
  • wham
  • accident
  • collapse
  • impact
  • pileup
  • wreck
  • bump
  • crack-up
  • crash-land
  • crunch
  • jar
  • jolt
  • percussion
  • ram
  • shock
  • sideswipe
  • smash
  • splashdown
  • thud
  • thump
  • total
  • washout
  • fender bender
  • fender tag
  • rear-ender
  • smash-up
  • stack up
  • abend
  • head crash
  • program crash
  • program error
  • program failure
  • system crash
  • system error
  • smash
  • crunch
  • dash
  • disintegrate
  • fracture
  • fragment
  • shatter
  • shiver
  • sideswipe
  • splinter
  • total
  • bang into
  • crack up
  • pile up
  • smash up
  • wrack up
  • bump
  • collapse
  • collide
  • ditch
  • dive
  • drop
  • hurtle
  • meet
  • overturn
  • plunge
  • slip
  • smash
  • topple
  • tumble
  • lurch
  • overbalance
  • pancake
  • pitch
  • prang
  • sprawl
  • upset
  • washout
  • bite the dust
  • crash-land
  • drive into
  • fall flat
  • fall headlong
  • fall prostrate
  • give way
  • go in
  • plough into
  • splash down

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

On this page you’ll find 227 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to crash, such as: blast, clash, boom, burst, clang, and clap.


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How to use crash in a sentence


OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • abort
  • crash
  • loss
  • bide
  • bunk
  • bunk out
  • crash
  • dwell
  • hang out
  • inhabit
  • lodge
  • nest
  • perch
  • reside
  • room
  • roost
  • settle
  • squat
  • stay
  • bash
  • beat
  • bump
  • clatter
  • collide
  • crash
  • hammer
  • hit
  • knock
  • pound
  • pummel
  • rap
  • slam
  • smash
  • strike
  • thump
  • whack
  • boomed
  • burst
  • clanged
  • clattered
  • crashed
  • detonated
  • drummed
  • echoed
  • exploded
  • made noise
  • pealed
  • rattled
  • resounded
  • sounded
  • thumped
  • thundered
  • bang
  • blow-up
  • burst
  • crash
  • detonation
  • discharge
  • dynamite
  • eruption
  • explosion
  • outbreak
  • outburst
  • salvo
  • volley
  • annihilate
  • batter
  • burst
  • bust
  • bust up
  • crack
  • crash
  • crush
  • damage
  • demolish
  • disintegrate
  • divide
  • eradicate
  • finish off
  • fracture
  • fragment
  • make hash of
  • make mincemeat of
  • part
  • pull to pieces
  • rend
  • separate
  • sever
  • shatter
  • shiver
  • smash
  • snap
  • splinter
  • split
  • tear
  • torpedo
  • total
  • trash

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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  • fall

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Synonyms for crash

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Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. clang, clangor, clangour, clangoring, clank, clash, crashnoun

    a loud resonant repeating noise

    «he could hear the clang of distant bells»

    clangour, smash, encounter, collapse, clank, skirmish, wreck, brush, clangoring, clangor, friction, clash, clang

  2. crash, wrecknoun

    a serious accident (usually involving one or more vehicles)

    «they are still investigating the crash of the TWA plane»

    clangour, shipwreck, clank, collapse, smash, clangoring, clangor, wreck, clash, clang

  3. crash, collapsenoun

    a sudden large decline of business or the prices of stocks (especially one that causes additional failures)

    clangour, flop, prostration, clank, collapse, smash, clangoring, clangor, wreck, clash, clang

  4. crash, smashnoun

    the act of colliding with something

    «his crash through the window»; «the fullback’s smash into the defensive line»

    clangor, clang, bang, clash, strike, wreck, smasher, smash-up, clangoring, collapse, belt, clank, knock, overhead, hit, clangour, bash, smash

  5. crashverb

    (computer science) an event that causes a computer system to become inoperative

    «the crash occurred during a thunderstorm and the system has been down ever since»

    clangour, clank, collapse, smash, clangoring, clangor, wreck, clash, clang

  6. crashverb

    fall or come down violently

    «The branch crashed down on my car»; «The plane crashed in the sea»

    break apart, break up, go down, barge in, doss down, doss, gate-crash, dash, ram

  7. crashverb

    move with, or as if with, a crashing noise

    «The car crashed through the glass door»

    break apart, break up, go down, barge in, doss down, doss, gate-crash, dash, ram

  8. crash, ramverb

    undergo damage or destruction on impact

    «the plane crashed into the ocean»; «The car crashed into the lamp post»

    barge in, chock up, go down, force, cram, doss down, drive, gate-crash, break apart, doss, pound, wad, jampack, ram down, break up, ram, jam, dash

  9. crashverb

    move violently as through a barrier

    «The terrorists crashed the gate»

    break apart, break up, go down, barge in, doss down, doss, gate-crash, dash, ram

  10. crash, break up, break apartverb

    break violently or noisily; smash;

    fragmentise, fragmentize, decompose, collapse, gate-crash, interrupt, ram, split up, pick, go down, dismantle, break up, recess, part, crock up, disunify, sever, cut off, fragment, split, disperse, separate, disrupt, dissolve, crack, scatter, disassemble, break apart, doss down, barge in, calve, dissipate, dispel, break down, resolve, take apart, doss, dash, adjourn, break, crack up

  11. crashverb

    occupy, usually uninvited

    «My son’s friends crashed our house last weekend»

    break apart, break up, go down, barge in, doss down, doss, gate-crash, dash, ram

  12. crashverb

    make a sudden loud sound

    «the waves crashed on the shore and kept us awake all night»

    break apart, break up, go down, barge in, doss down, doss, gate-crash, dash, ram

  13. barge in, crash, gate-crashverb

    enter uninvited; informal

    «let’s crash the party!»

    cut in, break apart, doss down, break up, butt in, go down, break in, doss, barge in, chime in, dash, chisel in, gate-crash, put in, ram

  14. crashverb

    cause to crash

    «The terrorists crashed the plane into the palace»; «Mother crashed the motorbike into the lamppost»

    break apart, break up, go down, barge in, doss down, doss, gate-crash, dash, ram

  15. crash, dashverb

    hurl or thrust violently

    «He dashed the plate against the wall»; «Waves were dashing against the rock»

    barge in, scare off, go down, shoot, scoot, pall, doss down, frighten away, flash, gate-crash, scare, break apart, doss, daunt, scud, break up, ram, scare away, frighten off, dart, dash, smash

  16. crashverb

    undergo a sudden and severe downturn

    «the economy crashed»; «will the stock market crash again?»

    break apart, break up, go down, barge in, doss down, doss, gate-crash, dash, ram

  17. crash, go downverb

    stop operating

    «My computer crashed last night»; «The system goes down at least once a week»

    barge in, go down, come down, set, doss down, go under, settle, gate-crash, break apart, doss, sink, descend, fall, break up, ram, decline, wane, dash

  18. doss, doss down, crashverb

    sleep in a convenient place

    «You can crash here, though it’s not very comfortable»

    break apart, doss down, break up, go down, barge in, doss, gate-crash, dash, ram

Matched Categories

    • Bed Down
    • Change
    • Collide
    • Fall
    • Happening
    • Hurl
    • Move
    • Occupy
    • Pass
    • Sound

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «crash»:

    crashes, crashed, collision, accident, collide, collapse, crushing, shock, incident, clash, accidents, crush, meltdown

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  1. crash

    Song lyrics by crash — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by crash on the website.

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How to use crash in a sentence?

  1. David Ehrenreich:

    The extreme atmospheric conditions met in WASP-76b and its siblings, other ‘ultra-hot’ gas giants, are not found anywhere in our solar system and would be very difficult to reproduce in a lab, therefore, these exotic objects are unique laboratories to crash-test our climate models and understand the most extreme forms of atmospheric evolution.

  2. Mickey Mehta:

    Today life is going through unstable paces, animals slaved in cages and food exhibited in show-cases. We eat thrash, our language is brash, life is a dash and humanity is about to crash. Black is cash, party is a bash and cleansing is just a splash. Wake up, come back to nature or else a human being will just be reduced to a caricature . Let your life be naturalized, get MickeyMized.

  3. Andy Beshear:

    We’ve got some tough news out of Fort Campbell, with early reports of a helicopter crash and fatalities are expected, please pray for all those affected.

  4. Eric Burkett:

    This is our forever home, Eric Burkett said, holding back tears as Eric Burkett six year old son Lochlen patted his arm. There’s a master bathroom that is completely accessible. There are adaptive showers so that Eric Burkett can bathe Eric Burkett and self-lowering shelves in the state-of-the-art kitchen, so that now Eric Burkett can cook again for Eric Burkett family. The idea of getting up and moving around freely without thinking about logistics. Should I use a chair ? Should I use crutches ? All that’s gone, Eric Burkett said. Pointing to the wall of Eric Burkett new home outside Pittsburgh, this Marine has a few reminders from Flag Day that Eric Burkett life changed on a training mission in Morocco. That is actually of one of the prop rotors of the V-22 that crashed. On the back of that, I don’t know how many Marines signed that, Eric Burkett said. The foundation started by actor Gary Sinise, best known for Gary Sinise role as Lt. Dan in the 1994 movie Forrest Gump, is trying to build 10 to 12 homes per year for severely injured veterans and first responders. It will hand over the keys to its 50th smart home this August. Donations from Home Depot, JC Penny, GE, Benjamin Moore and the Semper Fi Fund among others made Home Depot possible. Fox News first told the Burketts’ story in 2014 while The Burketts ‘ and The Burketts ‘ family were recovering at Walter Reed. The Burketts ‘ and The Burketts ‘ wife were raising their four children at the time in a set of tiny rooms at the hospital. They have since given birth to twins, Nolynn and Roawyn, who are now 18 months old. A master archer, Eric Burkett began competing as a Paralympian in an effort to begin to heal after the crash. I hate shooting from a wheelchair. A lot of guys don’t mind it because you’re a little bit lower, you don’t have to worry about this instability of your legs.

  5. Benjamin Black:

    While our moon is moving away from Earth at a few centimeters per year, Phobos is moving toward Mars at a few centimeters per year, so it is almost inevitable that it will either crash into Mars or break apart, one of our motivations for studying Phobos was as a test case to develop ideas of what processes a moon might undergo as it moves inward toward a planet.

Translations for crash

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • حادث إصطدام, تحطمArabic
  • крушэ́нне, ава́рыя, катастро́фаBelarusian
  • катастро́фа, трясък, катастрофирам, разбивам, провал, срив, сриване, грохот, крах, с трясък, строшавам, сривам се, внезапноBulgarian
  • sammenstød, flystyrt, krash, overnatte, lyn-, crash, nedbrud, forceret, crashe, bragDanish
  • Zusammenstoß, anprallen, Absturz, Krachen, abstürzenGerman
  • kraŝiEsperanto
  • choque, chocarSpanish
  • pika-, törmäys, tappura, kolari, intensiivi-, rysähdys, romahdus, sortua, kuokkia, kaatua, onnettomuus, rohdin, kaatuminen, törmätä, romahtaa, lauma, romuttaa, törmäyttääFinnish
  • accident, descente, planter, plantage, krach, écrasement, s’écraser, pieuterFrench
  • baleset, szerencsétlenségHungarian
  • menabrakIndonesian
  • blocco, fracasso, imbucarsi, incidente, scontro, crolloItalian
  • クラッシュ, 激突, 墜落, クラッシュする, 衝突, 衝突するJapanese
  • 추락, 충돌Korean
  • ruinaLatin
  • bäikéierenLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • computercrash, knal, neerstorten, beurscrash, botsing, crash, binnenvallen, vastlopenDutch
  • wypadek, krach, awaria, grzmot, kraksaPolish
  • batida, falha, colidir, falhar, bater, chocar, invadirPortuguese
  • гро́хот, крах, врезаться, грохнуться, сломать, сломаться, круше́ние, поло́мка, разбиться, разбить, грохнуть, нагрянуть, переночевать, ава́рия, катастро́фаRussian
  • våldgästa, kraschaSwedish
  • ава́рія, катастро́фаUkrainian
  • tai nạnVietnamese
  • 碰撞Chinese

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1    bang, boom, clang, clash, clatter, clattering, din, racket, smash, smashing, thunder  

2    break, break up, dash to pieces, disintegrate, fracture, fragment, shatter, shiver, smash, splinter  

3    come a cropper     (informal)   dash, fall, fall headlong, give way, hurtle, lurch, overbalance, pitch, plunge, precipitate oneself, sprawl, topple  

4    bang, bump (into), collide, crash-land     (an aircraft)   drive into, have an accident, hit, hurtle into, plough into, run together, wreck  

5    accident, bump, collision, jar, jolt, pile-up     (informal)   prang     (informal)   smash, smash-up, thud, thump, wreck  

6    bankruptcy, collapse, debacle, depression, downfall, failure, ruin, smash  

7    be ruined, collapse, fail, fold, fold up, go belly up     (informal)   go broke     (informal)   go bust     (informal)   go to the wall, go under, smash  

8      (of a course of studies, etc.)   emergency, immediate, intensive, round-the-clock, speeded-up, telescoped, urgent  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( crashes    plural & 3rd person present)   ( crashing    present participle)   ( crashed    past tense & past participle  )

1       n-count   A crash is an accident in which a moving vehicle hits something and is damaged or destroyed.  
oft n N  

His elder son was killed in a car crash a few years ago., …a plane crash.     

2       verb   If a moving vehicle crashes or if the driver crashes it, it hits something and is damaged or destroyed.  
The plane crashed mysteriously near the island of Ustica.      V  
…when his car crashed into the rear of a van…      V into n  
Even his death, after crashing his motorcycle on a bridge in New Orleans, was spectacular…      V n  
Her body was found near a crashed car.      V-ed  

3       verb   If something crashes somewhere, it moves and hits something else violently, making a loud noise.  
The door swung inwards to crash against a chest of drawers behind it…      V prep/adv  
I heard them coming, crashing through the undergrowth, before I saw them.      V prep/adv  

4       n-count   A crash is a sudden, loud noise.  
Two people in the flat recalled hearing a loud crash about 1.30 a.m.     

5       verb   If a business or financial system crashes, it fails suddenly, often with serious effects.     (BUSINESS)  
When the market crashed, they assumed the deal would be cancelled.      V  
      Crash is also a noun., n-count  
He predicted correctly that there was going to be a stock market crash.     

6       verb   If a computer or a computer program crashes, it fails suddenly.     (COMPUTING)  
…after the computer crashed for the second time in 10 days.      V   crash out      phrasal verb   If someone crashes out somewhere, they fall asleep where they are because they are very tired or drunk.  
(=flake out)  

I just want to crash out on the sofa…      V P  
The band are crashed out on the floor.      V-ed P  

crash barrier        ( crash barriers    plural  ) A crash barrier is a strong low fence built along the side of a road or between the two halves of a motorway in order to prevent accidents.  
  (BRIT)      n-count  
in AM, use guardrail     

crash course        ( crash courses    plural  ) A crash coursein a particular subject is a short course in which you are taught basic facts or skills, for example before you start a new job.      n-count   usu with supp, oft N in n  
I did a 15-week crash course in typing.     

crash helmet        ( crash helmets    plural  ) A crash helmet is a helmet that motorcyclists wear in order to protect their heads if they have an accident.      n-count  

crash-land        ( crash-lands    3rd person present)   ( crash-landing    present participle)   ( crash-landed    past tense & past participle  ) , crash land   If a pilot crash-lands an aircraft, or if it crash-lands, it lands more quickly and less safely than usual, for example when there is something wrong with the aircraft, and it cannot land normally.      verb  
He arrives in his biplane and crash lands it in a tree…      V n  
A light aircraft crash-landed on a putting green yesterday.      V  

  crash-landing     ( crash-landings    plural)    n-count  
His plane made a crash-landing during a sandstorm yesterday.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

train crash




used figuratively, a train crash means something disastrously bad

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as in collision

the violent coming together of two bodies into destructive contact

the fiery crash of two jumbo jet airplanes in midair


as in collapse

a falling short of one’s goals

refused to be discouraged by the crash of her hairdressing business


as in boom

a loud explosive sound

the crash of cymbals


as in shock

a forceful coming together of two things

a story about the crash of two alien cultures and the unfortunate consequences


as in to smash

to cause to break with violence and much noise

crashed the vase against the wall


as in to bump

to come into usually forceful contact with something

the speeding car crashed into the tree with horrifying results


as in to die

to stop functioning

my computer crashed yet again


as in to push

to force one’s way

fleeing animals crashed through the forest


as in to fall

to go to a lower level especially abruptly

sales of that phone have crashed since the competing version came out


as in to retire


to go to one’s bed in order to sleep

I’m so exhausted that I’m just going to crash as soon as we get home


as in to stay


to reside as a temporary guest

I’m going to crash at my sister’s apartment when I’m in New York

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“Crash.” Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 2 May. 2023.


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