Crack синонимы

«Worms choose only the best fruit.» — Черви выбирают только лучшие плоды

 Tuesday [ʹtju:zdı] , 02 May [meı] 2023


  • Англо-русский словарь

    1. [kræk] n (сущ.)

    1. 1) треск

    2) щёлканье (хлыста)

    3) удар (грома)

    2. разг. резкий звучный удар; затрещина

    3. трещина; щель, расселина

    4. ломающийся голос (у мальчика)

    5. эмоц.-усил. что-л. замечательное, первоклассное (игрок, спортсмен, лошадь и т. п.)

    6. вор. жарг.

    1) кража со взломом

    2) вор-взломщик

    7. сл. попытка, проба, эксперимент

    8. амер. сл. остроумная реплика; саркастическое замечание

    9. сл. пунктик, лёгкое помешательство

    10. диал., амер. болтовня, оживлённая дружеская беседа; трёп

    11. амер. рассвет (тж. crack of dawn)

    12. прожилка (в камнях)

    13. разг. момент, мгновение

    2. [kræk] a (прил.) разг.

    великолепный, первоклассный; знаменитый

    3. [kræk] adv (наречие)

    с треском, с резким отрывистым звуком

    4. [kræk] v (глаг.)

    1. производить шум, треск; щёлкать (хлыстом)

    2. 1) расщеплять; вызывать растрескивание

    2) трескаться, давать трещину

    3. 1) раскалывать, разбивать (резким ударом)

    2) разг. преодолеть, одолеть

    4. ломаться (о голосе)

    5. разг. откупорить

    6. вор. жарг.

    1) совершить кражу со взломом

    2) взломать (тж. to crack open)

    7. сл.

    1) свести с ума, довести до психоза

    2) тронуться, помешаться

    8. сл. подорвать (репутацию, доверие и т. п.)

    9. амер. сл. (on) доказывать

    10. диал., амер.

    1) болтать, трещать; сплетничать

    2) хвастаться

    11. спец. крекировать (нефть)

    5. [kræk] int (межд.)



колоть, расщеплять, раздроблять; расколачивать, разламывать Синонимы: break I 2., crush 2.

давать трещину, трескаться, растрескиваться; раскалываться Синонимы: break I 2., crush 2.

разг. решить трудную задачу Синонимы: solve

разг. выпивать, опустошать (бутылку) Синонимы: empty 3., drink 1.

поставить или побить рекорд Синонимы: break a record

разг. произносить вслух; громко говорить, заявлять (о чём-л.) Синонимы: boast I 2., brag 2.

трещина, щель (особенно в полу), расселина; свищ Синонимы: breach 1., chink I 1., cleft 1., crevice, fissure

изъян, недостаток Синонимы: flaw I 1., deficiency, failing 1., unsoundness

разг. острота, шутка; шпилька, едкое замечание Синонимы: fun 1., amusement, mischief

великолепный, первоклассный, прекрасный, замечательный Синонимы: first-rate 1., first-class 1., pre-eminent, superexcellent

с треском, со свистом Синонимы: pop I 3., plop 2.

Синонимы: crack n.
1 break, fracture, chink, crevice, rift, gap, flaw, split,
fissure, slit, cleft, split, check, rupture, breach: The crack
in the dam was caused by an earthquake.
2 snap, report, bang,
clap, shot: I ducked when I heard the crack of the rifle.
moment, instant, time, second: She gets up at the crack of

4 snap: He cracks the whip and the horses start up.
break, fracture, rupture; shiver, shatter, smash: He fell
backwards on the pavement and cracked his skull.
6 fissure,
craze, crackle, US alligator: The heat of the sun caused the
paint to crack.

Фразы, идиомы, фразовые глаголы, сленг , примеры предложений

Примеры фраз, тематические словари

to crack on smth. — доказать что-л.

in a crack — мгновенно, в два счёта

he has a crack — он слегка тронулся

crack! down it came! — трах!, всё рухнуло!

to crack a safe — взломать сейф


Разговорные фразы

уст.; разг. сию секунду, в один момент

They will be here in a crack. — Они будут здесь сию же минуту.


совершить попытку, попытаться (сделать что-л.)

We’d like to have a crack at climbing the peak. — Мы хотим попытаться взойти на пик.



Идиоматические выражения,фразы

a hard nut to crack

1. крепкий орешек
Tom sure is a hard nut to crack. I can’t figure him out.

a tough nut to crack

1. крепкий орешек
It won’t be easy getting her approval. She’s a tough nut to crack.

crack a bottle

1. раздавить бутылочку
After dinner we cracked a bottle of port and smoked cigars.


Фразовые глаголы

crack up (inf)

1. надорваться; сломаться; тронуться (умом)
Peter cracked up and was unable to work for a year. He had kept too busy for years, and when failures came, he cracked up.
2. лопаться от смеха, животики надорвать
Mary cracked up when Jim walked in wearing his funny clothes. When I told her about everything that had happened, she just cracked up.
3. расписывать(преувеличивать достоинства)
His abilities are not what they were cracked up to be. In bad weather, a sailing cruise isn’t what it’s cracked up to be.

crack down (on sb/sth)

(v adv, v adv pr) (имеется n) разг. обрушиться, наброситься (на кого-л.); принимать крутые меры
(против кого-л. /чего-л.); «закручивать гайки», накладывать запрет на что-л.; пресекать что-л. ¦ The
government decided to crack down (on students ) hard
after such a petition. — После такой петиции правительство решило принять крутые меры против студентов.


Сочетаемость частей речи

a crack-pot theory—сумасбродная теория
(сочетаемость существительных:)

to crack a problem—решить проблему
(сочетаемость существительных:)

a hard nut to crack — твердый орешек
(Фразеология прилагательных)

to cut/ crack a joke—отпустить шутку на чей-то счет
(сочетаемость существительных:)


Словарь ненормативной лексики английского языка

Who is cracking down on you now? — Кто на тебя наезжает на этот раз?

This bombshell’s ass is gonna crack soon! — У этой секс-бомбы зад скоро треснет!


Пословицы и поговорки

Не разгрызешь ореха — не съешь ядра.
He that will eat the kernel, must crack the nut.
Тот, КТО хочет съесть ядро, должен расколоть орех.
He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.
Кто хочет съесть плод, тот должен залезть на дерево.
(пословицы и поговорки)


Словарные статьи, содержащие слово


WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cracknoun

    To overcome a security system or a component.

    crack cocaine

  2. cracknoun

    The space between the buttocks.

    The ball cracked the window.

    ass, bum, arse

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. crack

    Whatever mars the beauty or completeness of an object is a blemish, whether original, as squinting eyes, or the result of accident or disease, etc., as the pits of smallpox. A blemish is superficial; a flaw or taint is in structure or substance. In the moral sense, we speak of a blot or stain upon reputation; a flaw or taint in character. A defect is the want or lack of something; fault, primarily a failing, is something that fails of an apparent intent or disappoints a natural expectation; thus a sudden dislocation or displacement of geological strata is called a fault. Figuratively, a blemish comes from one’s own ill-doing; a brand or stigma is inflicted by others; as, the brand of infamy.

    blemish, blot, blur, brand, daub, defacement, defect, deformity, dent, disfigurement, disgrace, dishonor, fault, flaw, imperfection, injury, reproach, smirch, soil, speck, spot, stain, stigma, taint, tarnish

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. crack, cleft, crevice, fissure, scissurenoun

    a long narrow opening

    go, cracking, fracture, whirl, fling, sally, crack, fissure, wisecrack, quip, pass, tornado, cleft, offer, snap, crevice, chap, scissure, cranny, gap, crack cocaine, shot


  2. gap, cracknoun

    a narrow opening

    «he opened the window a crack»

    go, quip, cracking, fracture, whirl, fling, spread, sally, crack, crack cocaine, fissure, wisecrack, interruption, pass, break, tornado, cleft, offer, snap, crevice, chap, disruption, opening, cranny, gap, scissure, col, shot


  3. crevice, cranny, crack, fissure, chapnoun

    a long narrow depression in a surface

    go, feller, cracking, fracture, cuss, whirl, fling, sally, blighter, crack, fissure, wisecrack, gent, quip, pass, tornado, cleft, offer, snap, crevice, chap, scissure, cranny, gap, crack cocaine, bloke, fellow, fella, shot, lad


  4. crack, cracking, snapnoun

    a sudden sharp noise

    «the crack of a whip»; «he heard the cracking of the ice»; «he can hear the snap of a twig»

    gap, sally, crevice, cranny, snap, whirl, snatch, elasticity, fissure, duck soup, picnic, piece of cake, ginger snap, offer, chap, ginger nut, crack cocaine, centering, quip, go, cinch, crack, scissure, pass, snapshot, gingersnap, wisecrack, pushover, walkover, fracture, fling, snap bean, child’s play, press stud, catch, breeze, grab, snap fastener, tornado, cracking, cleft, shot


  5. shot, cracknoun

    a chance to do something

    «he wanted a shot at the champion»

    gap, sally, shaft, stab, dig, guessing, cranny, snap, whirl, fissure, tornado, blastoff, stroke, barb, guesswork, offer, chap, crack cocaine, shooter, slam, scene, quip, go, crack, scissure, pass, snapshot, shooting, wisecrack, gibe, guess, fracture, fling, jibe, crevice, cracking, cleft, injection, pellet, dead reckoning, shot


  6. wisecrack, crack, sally, quipnoun

    witty remark

    go, cracking, fracture, whirl, fling, sallying forth, sally, crack, epigram, fissure, wisecrack, quip, pass, tornado, cleft, offer, snap, crevice, chap, scissure, sortie, cranny, gap, crack cocaine, shot


  7. cracknoun

    a blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts

    «there was a crack in the mirror»

    go, cracking, fracture, whirl, fling, sally, fissure, wisecrack, quip, pass, tornado, cleft, offer, snap, crevice, chap, scissure, cranny, gap, crack cocaine, shot


  8. crack, crack cocaine, tornadonoun

    a purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted; highly addictive

    go, cracking, fracture, whirl, fling, sally, crack, fissure, wisecrack, twister, quip, pass, tornado, cleft, offer, snap, crevice, chap, scissure, cranny, gap, crack cocaine, shot


  9. crack, fling, go, pass, whirl, offernoun

    a usually brief attempt

    «he took a crack at it»; «I gave it a whirl»

    mountain pass, cristal, sally, strait, swirl, gap, hug drug, twisting, disco biscuit, flip, crevice, cranny, head, bye, snap, whirl, notch, fissure, spin, offer, passing game, offering, commotion, convolution, turn, chap, passing play, tour, laissez passer, quip, vortex, go, spree, crack, scissure, pass, crack cocaine, spell, wisecrack, toss, walk, twist, fracture, base on balls, fling, ecstasy, go game, straits, liberty chit, qualifying, passport, tornado, twirl, cracking, cleft, passing, shot


  10. fracture, crack, crackingadjective

    the act of cracking something

    go, fault, cracking, fracture, pass, fling, sally, crack, fissure, geological fault, wisecrack, faulting, quip, shift, break, tornado, cleft, offer, snap, crevice, chap, scissure, cranny, gap, crack cocaine, whirl, shot


  11. ace, A-one, crack, first-rate, super, tiptop, topnotch, top-notch, tops(p)verb

    of the highest quality

    «an ace reporter»; «a crack shot»; «a first-rate golfer»; «a super party»; «played top-notch tennis»; «an athlete in tiptop condition»; «she is absolutely tops»


  12. crack, check, breakverb

    become fractured; break or crack on the surface only

    «The glass cracked when it was heated»

    crack, ensure, hold in, break away, give way, jibe, soften, reveal, tick off, unwrap, fall apart, gibe, part, chequer, collapse, hold, moderate, transgress, learn, founder, checker, weaken, check out, mark off, bump, discover, relegate, stop, go, demote, break out, separate, condition, assure, split, give away, crack up, damp, smash, tally, interrupt, get out, suss out, arrest, check off, bring out, check over, violate, divulge, give, pause, let on, match, get around, check up on, control, look into, ascertain, wear out, mark, insure, conk out, break-dance, go over, train, check, hold back, give out, break in, die, split up, break through, expose, better, find out, see, discipline, offend, go bad, breach, break off, disclose, bust, recrudesce, break up, correspond, curb, break dance, go against, dampen, fit, fall in, erupt, let out, check into, intermit, ruin, snap, contain, kick downstairs, burst, determine, fracture, break down, retard, infract, turn back, fail, come apart, watch, bankrupt, develop, see to it, break, crock up, discontinue, snap off, tick, cave in, wear, agree, delay


  13. crackverb

    make a very sharp explosive sound

    «His gun cracked»

    crack up, break up, check, crock up, collapse, snap, break, break through


  14. snap, crackverb

    make a sharp sound

    «his fingers snapped»

    snatch up, click, crack up, shoot, break through, tear, flick, break down, crack, collapse, snarl, photograph, check, break, lose it, snap, crock up, bust, break up, snatch, rupture


  15. crackverb

    hit forcefully; deal a hard blow, making a cracking noise

    «The teacher cracked him across the face with a ruler»

    crack up, break up, check, crock up, collapse, snap, break, break through


  16. break through, crackverb

    pass through (a barrier)

    «Registrations cracked through the 30,000 mark in the county»

    crack up, crack, break up, push through, check, crock up, snap, collapse, come out, come through, break, break through, erupt


  17. crackverb

    break partially but keep its integrity

    «The glass cracked»

    crack up, break up, check, crock up, collapse, snap, break, break through


  18. snap, crackverb

    break suddenly and abruptly, as under tension

    «The pipe snapped»

    snatch up, click, crack up, shoot, break through, tear, flick, break down, crack, collapse, snarl, photograph, check, break, lose it, snap, crock up, bust, break up, snatch, rupture


  19. crackverb

    gain unauthorized access computers with malicious intentions

    «she cracked my password»; «crack a safe»

    crack up, break up, check, crock up, collapse, snap, break, break through


  20. crack up, crack, crock up, break up, collapseverb

    suffer a nervous breakdown

    fragmentise, fragmentize, decompose, collapse, interrupt, crash, burst, split up, pick, break through, snap, dismantle, break up, recess, fall in, cave in, part, crock up, sever, cut off, fragment, split, disperse, separate, disrupt, give, dissolve, crumble, founder, give way, crack, disassemble, break apart, crumple, calve, dissipate, scatter, break down, resolve, take apart, dispel, adjourn, break, crack up, tumble, check


  21. crackverb

    tell spontaneously

    «crack a joke»

    crack up, break up, check, crock up, collapse, snap, break, break through


  22. crackverb

    cause to become cracked

    «heat and light cracked the back of the leather chair»

    crack up, break up, check, crock up, collapse, snap, break, break through


  23. crackverb

    reduce (petroleum) to a simpler compound by cracking

    crack up, break up, check, crock up, collapse, snap, break, break through


  24. crackverb

    break into simpler molecules by means of heat

    «The petroleum cracked»

    crack up, break up, check, crock up, collapse, snap, break, break through


Matched Categories

    • Attempt
    • Blemish
    • Break
    • Break In
    • Break Up
    • Change
    • Chemistry
    • Cocaine
    • Depression
    • Hit
    • Noise
    • Opening
    • Opportunity
    • Pass
    • Sound
    • Suffer

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. cracknoun

    break, cleft, breach, chink, fissure, crevice, cranny, opening

  2. cracknoun

    report, clap, pop, burst, explosion

  3. cracknoun

    snap (of a whip)

  4. crackverb

    break (partially), CRAZE

  5. crackverb

    split, chop, cleave, rend asunder

  6. crackverb

    snap (as a whip)

  7. crackverb

    break, split, burst, chap, open in chinks

  8. crackverb

    brag, bluster, vapor, vaunt, boast, gasconade, crow, exalt one’s self, magnify one’s self, TALK BIG

  9. crackadjective

    [Colloquial.] excellent, first-rate, of the first class, first-class

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. crackadjective

    first-rate, excellent, fine, capital, first-class

  2. cracknoun

    chink, crevice, cranny, fissure, rift, rime, rent, cleft, interstice, rupture, breach, flaw, report, clap, pop, explosion, snap

  3. crackverb

    break, chop, cleave, split, rift, snap

Suggested Resources

  1. crack

    Song lyrics by crack — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by crack on the website.

How to pronounce CRACK?

How to say CRACK in sign language?

How to use CRACK in a sentence?

  1. Kyi Nyan Lynn:

    They terrorized us first, so we were given the duty to crack down on them. As we cracked down, whole villages fled.

  2. Mark Pocan:

    I’m introducing legislation that would abolish ICE and crack down on the agency’s blanket directive to target and round up individuals and families, the heartless actions of this abused agency do not represent the values of our nation and the U.S. must develop a more humane immigration system, one that treats every person with dignity and respect.

  3. Andrew Lebovich:

    The Parliament was debating tougher anti-terrorism laws when the museum attack took place. The worry now is that Tunisia’s security services will crack down hard on Islamists increasing tensions and making the problem far worse.

  4. The Texas:

    Vice President Joe Biden. You know the nice thing? You don’t need a punchline, i promise you it works. The next party you’re at, just walk up to someone and say, ‘Vice President Joe Biden’ and just close your mouth. They will crack up laughing.

  5. Peter DeFazio:

    Enbridge’s actions leading up to the spill were deplorable: federal investigators found that Enbridge’s integrity management procedures were so deficient that Enbridge allowed well-documented crack defects in corroded areas to propagate until the pipeline failed.

Translations for CRACK

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • الكراكArabic
  • цепнатина, процеп, пукване, пукнатина, саркастична забележка, трясъкBulgarian
  • badallCatalan, Valencian
  • křupnutí, rupnutí, štěrbina, vtip, puklina, škvíra, prasknutí, mezírka, trhlina, prasklina, vtípek, fórekCzech
  • sprækkeDanish
  • Knacks, Krachen, Riss, Spalte, Knall, Ritze, Sprung, einreißen, knallen, berstenGerman
  • ράγισμα, χαραμάδα, κρότος, τριγμός, ρωγμή, ρήγμα, κρακ, ευθυμία, ραγίζω, τρίζω, σπάω, τρελαίνομαι, κάνω κρότοGreek
  • grieta, estallido, broma, chiste, gallo, crack, piedra, rendija, raja, agrietarse, soltar gallosSpanish
  • praguEstonian
  • ترکPersian
  • läppä, vilaus, lohkaisu, crack, rusahdus, pamahdus, persvako, hulluttelu, jutustelu, äänenmurros, halkeama, kuulumiset, kahjo, rehentely, herja, hetki, murjaisu, rasahdus, räsähdys, pamaus, rako, murtokoodi, keskustelu, turina, kaheli, viikari, ratkaista, rikkoa, halkeilla, murtua, paukauttaa, murtaa, murjaista, sihauttaa, hajota, krakata, avata, rehennellä, särkyä, rasahtaa, pamauttaa, särkeä, krakkautua, haljeta, hajottaa, posauttaa, mennä rikki, rikkoutua, kaatua, mennä nurin, rusahtaa, raottaaFinnish
  • fissure, crack, craquement, plaisanterie, craquerFrench
  • repedésHungarian
  • ճաքArmenian
  • stecca, crepa, stonareItalian
  • 裂け目, ひび, 亀裂Japanese
  • قرته‌, درزKurdish
  • plaisaLatvian
  • Māori
  • пукнатина, процеп, цеп, пукање, досеткаMacedonian
  • retakanMalay
  • အက်Burmese
  • gekraak, breuk, crack, barst, spleet, krakenDutch
  • trzask, szparkaPolish
  • crec, racha, rego, estalo, craque, cofrinho, abertura, crack, estralar, craquearPortuguese
  • crăpătură, fisură, crăpaRomanian
  • трещина, треск, щель, тре́скаться, потре́скатьсяRussian
  • prasklina, škára, komentár (ironically), prasknutie, puklina, trhlina, štrbina, uštipačná poznámka, rozpučiťSlovak
  • spricka, springaSwedish

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[ kɹˈak], [ kɹˈak], [ k_ɹ_ˈa_k]

How to use «Crack» in context?

Crack cocaine, also known as cocaine base, is a crystalline powder form of cocaine that is snorted, smoked, or injected. Crack cocaine typically produces a more intense high than powder cocaine and is more likely to produce addiction.

How to use crack in a sentence

By midmonth, the state had recorded possibly the hottest temperature ever measured on earth — 130 degrees in Death Valley — and an otherworldly storm of lightning had cracked open the sky.


Johnson remained isolated in her bedroom, the door cracked open so her sons could check on her.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • affected
  • argued into
  • brought around
  • convinced
  • cracked
  • disposed
  • drew
  • got
  • got around
  • impressed
  • inclined
  • induced
  • promoted
  • prompted
  • put across
  • rammed down throat
  • sold
  • sucked in
  • swayed
  • talked into
  • won over
  • affecting
  • arguing into
  • bringing around
  • convincing
  • cracking
  • disposing
  • drawing
  • getting
  • getting around
  • impressing
  • inclining
  • inducing
  • promoting
  • prompting
  • putting across
  • ramming down throat
  • selling
  • sucking in
  • swaying
  • talking into
  • winning over
  • affecting
  • arguing into
  • bringing around
  • convincing
  • cracking
  • disposing
  • drawing
  • getting
  • getting around
  • impressing
  • inclining
  • inducing
  • promoting
  • prompting
  • putting across
  • ramming down throat
  • selling
  • sucking in
  • swaying
  • talking into
  • winning over
  • affecting
  • arguing into
  • bringing around
  • convincing
  • cracking
  • disposing
  • drawing
  • getting
  • getting around
  • impressing
  • inclining
  • inducing
  • promoting
  • prompting
  • putting across
  • ramming down throat
  • selling
  • sucking in
  • swaying
  • talking into
  • winning over
  • affects
  • argues into
  • brings around
  • convinces
  • cracks
  • disposes
  • draws
  • gets
  • gets around
  • impresses
  • inclines
  • induces
  • promotes
  • prompts
  • puts across
  • rams down throat
  • sells
  • sucks in
  • sways
  • talks into
  • wins over
  • affects
  • argues into
  • brings around
  • convinces
  • cracks
  • disposes
  • draws
  • gets
  • gets around
  • impresses
  • inclines
  • induces
  • promotes
  • prompts
  • puts across
  • rams down throat
  • sells
  • sucks in
  • sways
  • talks into
  • wins over
  • affects
  • argues into
  • brings around
  • convinces
  • cracks
  • disposes
  • draws
  • gets
  • gets around
  • impresses
  • inclines
  • induces
  • promotes
  • prompts
  • puts across
  • rams down throat
  • sells
  • sucks in
  • sways
  • talks into
  • wins over
  • accomplished
  • adept
  • apt
  • capable
  • clever
  • competent
  • consummate
  • conversant
  • crack
  • crackerjack
  • drilled
  • effective
  • effectual
  • efficient
  • exercised
  • experienced
  • expert
  • finished
  • gifted
  • on the beam
  • phenom
  • pro
  • qualified
  • savvy
  • sharp
  • skillful
  • slick
  • talented
  • trained
  • up to speed
  • versed
  • whiz
  • with it
  • badinage
  • banter
  • bon mot
  • crack
  • drollery
  • gag
  • gibe
  • insult
  • jeer
  • jest
  • joke
  • mockery
  • offense
  • pleasantry
  • pun
  • repartee
  • retort
  • riposte
  • sally
  • satire
  • spoof
  • wisecrack
  • witticism

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

1. crack

noun. a blemish resulting from a break without complete separation of the parts.

2. crack

noun. a brief trial.


3. crack

noun. a chance to do something.


4. crack

noun. a flippant or sarcastic remark.


5. crack

noun. a long narrow depression in a surface.


6. crack

noun. a long narrow opening.


7. crack

noun. a narrow opening.


8. crack

noun. a purified and potent form of cocaine that is smoked rather than snorted.


9. crack

noun. a sudden sharp noise.


10. crack

noun. a sudden sharp, explosive noise.


11. crack

noun. a sudden sharp, powerful stroke.


12. crack

noun. a trying to do or make something.


13. crack

noun. a usually brief attempt.


14. crack

noun. a usually narrow partial opening caused by splitting and rupture.


15. crack

noun. a very brief time.


16. crack

noun. attempt.


17. crack

verb. become fractured.


18. crack

noun. blow.


19. crack

verb. break.


20. crack

verb. break down.


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