synonyms for coordination
synonyms for coordination
- allocation
- allotment
- analysis
- arrangement
- designation
- distribution
- grade
- regulation
- apportionment
- assignment
- assortment
- codification
- collocation
- consignment
- denomination
- department
- disposal
- disposition
- division
- echelon
- gradation
- grading
- graduation
- group
- grouping
- kind
- order
- ordering
- ordination
- organization
- sizing
- sorting
- systematization
- taxonomy
- alloting
- cataloguing
- categorizing
- distributing
- tabulating
- typecasting
- civil rights
- equal opportunity
- fairness
- identity
- impartiality
- parity
- tolerance
- commensurateness
- correspondence
- equatability
- equilibrium
- equipoise
- equivalence
- evenness
- homology
- likeness
- par
- parallelism
- sameness
- uniformity
- adequation
- fair play
- fair practice
- fair shake
- isonomy
- engineering
- planning
- strategy
- organization
- plans
- systematization
- masterminding
- grouping
- institution
- management
- system
- alignment
- assembling
- assembly
- chemistry
- composition
- configuration
- conformation
- constitution
- construction
- design
- disposal
- format
- formation
- formulation
- framework
- harmony
- makeup
- making
- method
- methodology
- organism
- pattern
- plan
- planning
- regulation
- running
- situation
- standard
- standardization
- structure
- symmetry
- unity
- whole
- forming
- organizing
- structuring
- direction
- location
- acclimatization
- adaptation
- assimilation
- bearings
- familiarization
- fix
- position
- breaking in
- lay of the land
- sense of direction
- settling in
- aerobic fitness
- agility
- anaerobic fitness
- cardiovascular fitness
- condition
- endurance
- fitness
- flexibility
- physical conditioning
- shape
- strength
- adjustment
- arrangement
- control
- governance
- management
- settlement
- supervision
- administration
- classification
- codification
- direction
- governing
- government
- guidance
- handling
- moderation
- modulation
- reconciliation
- regimentation
- reorganization
- standardization
- superintendence
- systematization
- tuning
- functioning
- administration
- care
- charge
- conduct
- control
- direction
- handling
- leadership
- maintenance
- operation
- organization
- oversight
- performance
- regulation
- supervision
- working
- intendance
- superintendency
- arrangement
- organization
- rule
- scheme
- structure
- classification
- combination
- complex
- conformity
- entity
- ideology
- integral
- orderliness
- philosophy
- regularity
- setup
- sum
- theory
- totality
- fixed order
- frame of reference
- integrate
- logical order
- red tape
On this page you’ll find 244 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to coordination, such as: allocation, allotment, analysis, arrangement, designation, and distribution.
- difference
- disagreement
- dissimilarity
- unlikeness
- disproportion
- imbalance
- inequality
- unfairness
- disorganization
- disproportion
- imbalance
- disorientation
- mix up
- deregulation
- disorganization
- lawlessness
- mismanagement
- disorganization
- ignorance
- mismanagement
- neglect
- fraction
- part
- cog
- disorder
- disorganization
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!
How to use coordination in a sentence
We need a coordination of all the forces that make for social amelioration in modern life to correct present false impressions.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- allocation
- alloting
- allotment
- analysis
- apportionment
- arrangement
- assignment
- assortment
- cataloguing
- categorizing
- codification
- collocation
- consignment
- coordination
- denomination
- department
- designation
- disposal
- disposition
- distributing
- distribution
- division
- echelon
- gradation
- grade
- grading
- graduation
- group
- grouping
- kind
- order
- ordering
- ordination
- organization
- regulation
- sizing
- sorting
- systematization
- tabulating
- taxonomy
- typecasting
- adequation
- civil rights
- commensurateness
- coordination
- correspondence
- equal opportunity
- equatability
- equilibrium
- equipoise
- equivalence
- evenness
- fair play
- fair practice
- fair shake
- fairness
- homology
- identity
- impartiality
- isonomy
- likeness
- par
- parallelism
- parity
- sameness
- tolerance
- uniformity
- coordination
- engineering
- masterminding
- organization
- planning
- plans
- strategy
- systematization
- alignment
- assembling
- assembly
- chemistry
- composition
- configuration
- conformation
- constitution
- construction
- coordination
- design
- disposal
- format
- formation
- forming
- formulation
- framework
- grouping
- harmony
- institution
- makeup
- making
- management
- method
- methodology
- organism
- organizing
- pattern
- plan
- planning
- regulation
- running
- situation
- standard
- standardization
- structure
- structuring
- symmetry
- system
- unity
- whole
- affiliations
- aggregations
- alliances
- associations
- bands
- bodies
- businesses
- cartels
- circles
- cliques
- clubs
- coalitions
- combinations
- combines
- companies
- concerns
- concords
- confederations
- consortiums
- cooperatives
- corporations
- coteries
- crews
- establishments
- federations
- fraternities
- guilds
- houses
- industries
- institutes
- institutions
- leagues
- lodges
- machines
- monopolies
- orders
- outfits
- parties
- professions
- sets
- societies
- sodalities
- sororities
- squads
- syndicates
- teams
- trades
- troupes
- trusts
- unions
- acclimatization
- adaptation
- assimilation
- bearings
- breaking in
- coordination
- direction
- familiarization
- fix
- lay of the land
- location
- position
- sense of direction
- settling in
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for Coordination?
arrangement, categorization
order, management
management, arrangement
order, managing
management of organization, managing
settlement, managing
arrangement, managing
introduction, management of organization
management of organization
management of organization
management of organization
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coordinated, coordinate, coordinator, coordinating
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Synonyms for Coordination. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 29, from
Synonyms for Coordination. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Apr. 2023. <>.
Synonyms for Coordination. 2016. Accessed April 29, 2023.
What is another word for coordination?
1831 synonyms found
[ kə͡ʊˈɔːdɪnˈe͡ɪʃən], [ kəʊˈɔːdɪnˈeɪʃən], [ k_əʊ_ˈɔː_d_ɪ_n_ˈeɪ_ʃ_ə_n]
Table of Contents
- strategy,
- preparation,
- arrangements,
- conspiracy,
- planning,
- agreement,
- tactic.
- kick,
- close,
- spread,
- reach out,
- open,
- extend,
- wave,
- fold your arms/hands,
- bend,
- stretch.
• act (noun)
- coordination.
• categorization (noun)
- classification.
• classification (noun)
- department,
- pigeonholing,
- distribution,
- grade,
- disposal,
- group,
- consignment,
- Distributing,
- designation,
- denomination,
- allocation,
- division,
- kind,
- assignment,
- systematization,
- Tabulating,
- sorting,
- ordering,
- order,
- apportionment,
- grouping,
- categorizing,
- gradation,
- disposition,
- analysis,
- graduation,
- assortment,
- echelon,
- arrangement,
- allotment.
• command (noun)
- supremacy,
- reign,
- control,
- authority,
- hold,
- sovereignty,
- mastery,
- grip,
- government,
- discipline,
- mandate,
- will,
- power,
- direction,
- charge,
- prowess,
- grasp,
- command,
- sway,
- rule,
- management,
- domination,
- commission,
- law.
• equality (noun)
- equal opportunity,
- likeness,
- correspondence,
- parallelism,
- impartiality,
- fair play,
- equatability,
- Adequation,
- civil rights,
- fairness,
- fair shake,
- evenness,
- commensurateness,
- equivalence,
- sameness,
- homologies,
- homology,
- identity,
- Isonomy,
- equipoise,
- par,
- uniformity,
- tolerance,
- parity,
- equilibrium,
- fair practice.
• fashion (noun)
- fashion,
- dapperness,
- slickness,
- savoir-faire,
- nattiness,
- vogue,
- showiness,
- chicness,
- stylishness,
- snappiness,
- convention,
- decorum,
- decorousness,
- smartness,
- ritziness,
- fanciness,
- rakishness.
• logistics (noun)
- engineering,
- plans.
• organization (noun)
- formation,
- making,
- Forming,
- standard,
- institution,
- pattern,
- framework,
- whole,
- situation,
- running,
- conformation,
- standardization,
- organism,
- composition,
- methodology,
- construction,
- configuration,
- unity,
- plan,
- symmetry,
- format,
- design.
• orientation (noun)
- bearings,
- position,
- breaking in,
- fix,
- location,
- acclimatization,
- lay of the land.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- regulation,
- fixed order,
- logical order,
- gradings,
- alloting,
- structuring,
- ideology,
- grading,
- Organizing,
- organisms,
- taxonomy,
- settling in,
- sense of direction,
- formings,
- collocation,
- chemistry,
- coordinations,
- equality,
- Familiarization,
- integrals,
- ordination,
- sizing,
- formulation,
- synchronization,
- collocations,
- system,
- codification,
- Taxonomies,
- codifications,
- make-up,
- masterminding,
- co-ordination,
- orientation,
- frame of reference,
- chemistries,
- logistics,
- orderings,
- organization,
- physical fitness,
- familiarizations,
- formulations,
- typecasting,
- make-ups,
- Cataloguing.
• physical fitness (noun)
- flexibility,
- endurance,
- aerobic fitness,
- strength,
- shape,
- fitness,
- cardiovascular fitness,
- physical conditioning,
- condition,
- anaerobic fitness.
• plan (noun)
- idea,
- chart,
- scheme,
- expectation,
- anticipation,
- intention,
- plot,
- premeditation,
- conception,
- proposition,
- blueprint,
- aim,
- contrivance,
- invention.
• regulation (noun)
- reorganization,
- handling,
- administration,
- regimentation,
- governing,
- settlement,
- supervision,
- tuning,
- moderation,
- tunings,
- guidance,
- governance,
- modulation,
- superintendence.
• running (noun)
- performance,
- leadership,
- working,
- oversight,
- workings,
- operation,
- intendance,
- conduct,
- functioning,
- maintenance,
- Superintendency,
- care.
• system (noun)
- sum,
- theory,
- totality,
- complex,
- setup,
- integrate,
- regularity,
- combination,
- integral,
- philosophy,
- red tape,
- orderliness,
- entity.
Other synonyms:
• nimbleness
- agility.
• Other relevant words:
- make,
- disperse,
- prevision,
- figure,
- flexibleness,
- trickery,
- government agency,
- sop up,
- master,
- possibility,
- loveliness,
- bureaucratic procedure,
- unfastened,
- small town,
- complain,
- suitcase,
- dictation,
- authorisation,
- administrate,
- brain,
- big businessman,
- testament,
- bureau,
- complaint,
- conservation of parity,
- bequeath,
- wafture,
- armorial bearing,
- auspicate,
- comparison,
- applied science,
- model,
- libra,
- consolidation,
- carry off,
- practice of law,
- ordinate,
- diagram,
- gathering,
- edict,
- mogul,
- forwardness,
- centre,
- military campaign,
- playact,
- 1,
- acquit,
- bodily structure,
- stretch out,
- colony,
- accessibility,
- founding,
- total,
- correction,
- cute,
- aviation,
- expected value,
- doctor,
- bursting charge,
- ensure,
- join,
- smart,
- chemical equilibrium,
- briskness,
- afford,
- verify,
- payload,
- tote up,
- embellish,
- storage area,
- seemliness,
- quick-wittedness,
- hale,
- burster,
- competency,
- leading,
- put,
- contraption,
- complex body part,
- boot,
- propose,
- witticism,
- body structure,
- pay off,
- delay,
- tier,
- core,
- reference frame,
- stance,
- melodic theme,
- attainment,
- betoken,
- sustain,
- rush,
- flex,
- set,
- negociate,
- unanimous,
- coordinate system,
- equalisation,
- cattle farm,
- speciality,
- jam,
- sectionalisation,
- book,
- wed,
- confine,
- proposal,
- kernel,
- bode,
- berth,
- attraction,
- goodwill,
- flair,
- doings,
- outline,
- approximation,
- chassis,
- agitate,
- roleplay,
- puff,
- wittiness,
- order of magnitude,
- curve,
- lash-up,
- dissemble,
- segmentation,
- spellbind,
- bending,
- monastic order,
- straight,
- blaze,
- equilibrize,
- manakin,
- beautify,
- banquet,
- tricky,
- destination,
- rank,
- shoot for,
- shakeup,
- widget,
- school of thought,
- tycoon,
- availability,
- residue,
- natural law,
- mix,
- appreciation,
- flesh,
- experimental condition,
- take,
- exponent,
- lightsomeness,
- admit,
- aid,
- harbor,
- dominate,
- course,
- proportion,
- baron,
- introduction,
- pretend,
- dilute,
- fiat,
- stylus,
- colonization,
- moderate,
- partitioning,
- linguistic rule,
- index,
- word form,
- bag,
- cast,
- mental institution,
- stoop,
- conclusion,
- appoint,
- ascendence,
- durability,
- unharmed,
- federal agency,
- conjunction,
- might,
- draught,
- juxtaposition,
- lieu,
- appointment,
- stretching,
- guileful,
- blessing,
- composite,
- flush,
- knavish,
- penny-pinching,
- closing,
- summarise,
- accountancy,
- align,
- i,
- wield,
- material body,
- nurse,
- isotropy,
- gist,
- nub,
- identity element,
- banner,
- affiliation,
- drive,
- poise,
- concordance,
- transition,
- cause,
- guardianship,
- sum of money,
- positioning,
- inventiveness,
- quarter,
- equalizer,
- marking,
- draw out,
- agree,
- harmoniousness,
- leeway,
- closing curtain,
- object,
- fixate,
- program,
- expectancy,
- clutches,
- harbour,
- programme,
- open air,
- ism,
- even,
- curb,
- account statement,
- political theory,
- counterweight,
- built-in,
- equaliser,
- mathematical operation,
- decree,
- reorganisation,
- limit,
- electricity,
- contain,
- leaders,
- accost,
- absorb,
- make do,
- data formatting,
- alimony,
- rationalisation,
- bear,
- account,
- concord,
- go for,
- situate,
- splendor,
- blondness,
- lightness,
- link,
- moderateness,
- entire,
- incorporate,
- cargo deck,
- speak,
- mixed bag,
- site,
- architectural plan,
- indistinguishability,
- bitch,
- circularize,
- gear up,
- carrying out,
- homework,
- calculation,
- influence,
- mend,
- heart and soul,
- transcription,
- rules of order,
- plow,
- curl,
- superpower,
- effectiveness,
- dig,
- intrigue,
- deform,
- relief,
- prognosticate,
- draw poker,
- lot,
- art,
- railroad tie,
- feather,
- harmonise,
- treatment,
- monotony,
- range,
- presidency,
- conventionalism,
- supervise,
- excite,
- politics,
- accommodate,
- labyrinthine sense,
- draw play,
- theoretical account,
- devisal,
- carry on,
- concur,
- pitch contour,
- arrange,
- bushel,
- enjoin,
- focussing,
- slip,
- top executive,
- excogitation,
- alteration,
- surface,
- fight,
- determine,
- satisfying,
- depict,
- formula,
- omen,
- view,
- touchstone,
- overlook,
- panache,
- sort out,
- cookery,
- scaling,
- alikeness,
- frame-up,
- count on,
- reference,
- apposition,
- slyness,
- near,
- compare,
- commitment,
- get by,
- completely,
- identity operator,
- ordain,
- cover,
- identification,
- initialize,
- modification,
- tie beam,
- tricksy,
- regime,
- brainpower,
- way,
- ranch,
- nigh,
- perpetration,
- establishment,
- quislingism,
- social structure,
- mannikin,
- shoot,
- side,
- intonation,
- police force,
- subordination,
- candour,
- assemblage,
- deflect,
- formatting,
- cognitive operation,
- stretchability,
- acquisition,
- motley,
- lodge,
- grace of god,
- intensity level,
- king,
- inflection,
- personal identity,
- arrest,
- cope,
- collecting,
- commencement exercise,
- conceptualization,
- integrating,
- link up,
- judicature,
- ossification,
- cathexis,
- public presentation,
- take aim,
- guile,
- like,
- entirety,
- club,
- unaired,
- stretchiness,
- dodging,
- debase,
- emplacement,
- major power,
- fear,
- propagate,
- devising,
- swing,
- focusing,
- present,
- demeanour,
- grapple,
- pickle,
- handle,
- closemouthed,
- human action,
- presidential term,
- hold back,
- give,
- brightness,
- review,
- guard,
- cargo,
- aggregation,
- intent,
- outlook,
- eagerness,
- grandeur,
- comprehend,
- compartmentalization,
- eventide,
- draw in,
- end,
- manikin,
- foreshadow,
- traffic pattern,
- acclimatisation,
- clench,
- finale,
- acculturation,
- beef,
- set up,
- potentiality,
- first moment,
- authorities,
- crafty,
- heraldic bearing,
- eve,
- good will,
- apparatus,
- calculate,
- functional,
- use,
- symmetricalness,
- play,
- second power,
- treat,
- governing body,
- skullduggery,
- margin,
- deck,
- inadvertence,
- police,
- contend,
- pass around,
- finagle,
- constellation,
- assailable,
- mathematical group,
- placement,
- military capability,
- social organization,
- abidance,
- hold up,
- mode,
- repair,
- practice,
- survival,
- fascinate,
- control condition,
- predominate,
- expand,
- plain,
- guide,
- musical composition,
- dodge,
- press,
- traction,
- keep in line,
- explosive charge,
- inherent,
- suck,
- air division,
- govern,
- mirror symmetry,
- radiation diagram,
- turn on,
- exposed,
- field of study,
- compounding,
- ordinance,
- geometrical regularity,
- foretell,
- stratagem,
- accuse,
- ascendancy,
- smorgasbord,
- powerfulness,
- cheeseparing,
- pull off,
- trace,
- persuade,
- oblige,
- lading,
- call,
- guild,
- resolution,
- fundamental law,
- field,
- augur,
- sense of balance,
- outspread,
- sterilise,
- depth psychology,
- shake-up,
- take for,
- unresolved,
- conformance,
- portend,
- linear,
- imprint,
- mental quickness,
- attention,
- one,
- old ironsides,
- adorn,
- splice,
- alinement,
- act as,
- kettle of fish,
- give up,
- fold,
- roll,
- methodological analysis,
- persuasiveness,
- open up,
- saddle,
- say,
- shut down,
- mind,
- grace period,
- come together,
- penning,
- chemical group,
- prescript,
- glare,
- duty assignment,
- mentality,
- grooming,
- mess,
- piece of music,
- protract,
- tally,
- predict,
- code,
- physique,
- appellation,
- preference,
- harmonisation,
- jiggery-pokery,
- bring off,
- bearing,
- crook,
- association,
- equilibrate,
- obligate,
- caution,
- put out,
- garbage disposal,
- genial,
- fasten,
- stipulate,
- convening,
- received,
- pull back,
- drag,
- tending,
- stipulation,
- loading,
- personal manner,
- have,
- effort,
- typography,
- office,
- figuring,
- heading,
- counselling,
- direct,
- deport,
- make out,
- convenience,
- close up,
- train,
- military strength,
- twist,
- beckon,
- foxiness,
- chichi,
- superintend,
- accounting system,
- widen,
- undecided,
- mandatory,
- billing,
- shell out,
- prepare,
- deputation,
- mental capacity,
- patch,
- precondition,
- spread out,
- agency,
- radical,
- harmonize,
- correct,
- apply,
- focus,
- forge,
- reach,
- lapse,
- wholeness,
- desexualise,
- solid,
- summation,
- bedcover,
- purport,
- apprehension,
- content,
- parliamentary procedure,
- learning ability,
- nimbleness,
- lame,
- hold out,
- expression,
- add,
- building complex,
- move,
- program line,
- objective,
- summate,
- dispersed,
- criterion,
- desex,
- beauteousness,
- compass,
- prep,
- hypothesis,
- permissiveness,
- accomplishment,
- measure,
- degree,
- take out,
- spreadhead,
- manual dexterity,
- musical theme,
- volition,
- meat,
- constrain,
- slipperiness,
- public square,
- potency,
- hooking,
- deal,
- self-confidence,
- mental synthesis,
- statement,
- u.s. constitution,
- strain,
- spread head,
- opened,
- blame,
- posit,
- graduation exercise,
- prognosis,
- operate,
- adjudge,
- bailiwick,
- throw,
- freight,
- counsel,
- number,
- wholly,
- pay back,
- modishness,
- doctrine,
- dispersion,
- dispense,
- substance,
- variant,
- circularise,
- load,
- waving,
- cargo hold,
- appellative,
- send,
- string,
- candor,
- state of grace,
- name and address,
- sterilize,
- take shape,
- jauntiness,
- subject,
- quetch,
- genius,
- confining,
- temperament,
- skinny,
- organise,
- mannequin,
- paste,
- ready,
- dodgy,
- construct,
- movement,
- obtain,
- metier,
- acclimation,
- synchronicity,
- apportioning,
- soak up,
- wag,
- scatter,
- on the job,
- coalition,
- assigning,
- billet,
- prospect,
- pull out,
- running play,
- celerity,
- careen,
- readying,
- magnate,
- forte,
- cargo area,
- registration,
- part,
- methodicalness,
- contrive,
- candid,
- mental process,
- similitude,
- mending,
- military commission,
- allot,
- connect,
- hunting expedition,
- pull,
- summarize,
- institutionalise,
- altogether,
- forcefulness,
- crease,
- collection,
- wish,
- unhurt,
- drawing card,
- commencement,
- tear,
- mental ability,
- push,
- entirely,
- squawk,
- ascendance,
- qualify,
- carrying into action,
- orientation course,
- slick,
- political science,
- being,
- go around,
- steerage,
- chemical science,
- secret plan,
- describe,
- process,
- delegation,
- maneuver,
- buck,
- muddle,
- sleight,
- rock,
- bill,
- commit,
- place,
- attractor,
- mete out,
- postponement,
- skulduggery,
- appliance,
- electrical capacity,
- last,
- adhesive friction,
- assure,
- secure,
- unit,
- humor,
- fill up,
- arranging,
- presage,
- see,
- decorate,
- closelipped,
- linkup,
- electric charge,
- offer,
- run,
- withdraw,
- procedure,
- availableness,
- fabrication,
- oneness,
- confederacy,
- committal,
- meeting place,
- sense of equilibrium,
- deal out,
- smarting,
- comport,
- preparedness,
- marrow,
- take the field,
- identicalness,
- analytic thinking,
- class,
- oversee,
- colonisation,
- fittingness,
- clear,
- aggregate,
- gadget,
- instauration,
- regularize,
- channel,
- space-reflection symmetry,
- essence,
- constitutional,
- level,
- secretive,
- marry,
- computing,
- equity,
- purpose,
- project,
- operative,
- say-so,
- concept,
- turn,
- absorption,
- rapidity,
- locating,
- detention,
- commissioning,
- commove,
- normalisation,
- inwardness,
- adulterate,
- card,
- carry,
- fair-mindedness,
- capable,
- delicacy,
- foursquare,
- statecraft,
- technology,
- authorship,
- rate,
- sound off,
- storage allocation,
- bed cover,
- manoeuvre,
- consort,
- haul,
- predilection,
- statesmanship,
- mission,
- diplomatic negotiations,
- undetermined,
- variety,
- dash,
- insane asylum,
- vestibular sense,
- splendour,
- human activity,
- qualification,
- discreetness,
- sleeper,
- custody,
- mould,
- draw off,
- flourish,
- last word,
- residual,
- insure,
- reap,
- overtop,
- uniformness,
- rapprochement,
- airless,
- crosstie,
- tot,
- microscope stage,
- check,
- draw a bead on,
- require,
- score,
- intact,
- worry,
- sectionalization,
- constabulary,
- distribute,
- track,
- draw and quarter,
- heart-to-heart,
- schema,
- touch on,
- localization,
- rouse,
- fit in,
- dictate,
- prescribe,
- miscellanea,
- brass,
- circulate,
- individuality,
- inbuilt,
- flamboyance,
- posture,
- draft,
- fan out,
- parcelling,
- go,
- retain,
- overt,
- speech,
- initiation,
- view as,
- consign,
- section,
- assignation,
- writing,
- installation,
- step,
- great power,
- invariability,
- plication,
- committee,
- add up,
- tractableness,
- reserve,
- lastingness,
- purchase order,
- naming,
- nitty-gritty,
- floridness,
- inclination,
- bear down,
- assurance,
- descriptor,
- hocus-pocus,
- furbish up,
- world power,
- business leader,
- chic,
- legal philosophy,
- comeliness,
- mitigation,
- asylum,
- compliance,
- paper,
- approach pattern,
- suck up,
- data format,
- consideration,
- sly,
- capableness,
- restraint,
- plot of land,
- clever,
- counseling,
- society,
- remainder,
- reaching,
- bow,
- defy,
- wily,
- alliance,
- heart,
- nonpartisanship,
- rein,
- undefended,
- execution,
- hearty,
- routine,
- prefigure,
- anatomy,
- tightlipped,
- find,
- stint,
- contour,
- imagination,
- building,
- paleness,
- alacrity,
- kvetch,
- give care,
- harness,
- estimate,
- interpersonal chemistry,
- specialty,
- point,
- apprehend,
- all,
- plot of ground,
- spreading,
- organize,
- fixing,
- aspire,
- prediction,
- straightforward,
- tutelage,
- behave,
- complicated,
- zeal,
- united states constitution,
- works,
- government activity,
- add together,
- union,
- closure,
- foxy,
- fixture,
- makeup,
- burden,
- surgical process,
- instruction,
- tendency,
- concern,
- criminal maintenance,
- feast,
- discernment,
- plat,
- law of nature,
- prolong,
- report,
- regularisation,
- reparation,
- right,
- repulsion,
- wiliness,
- get the picture,
- var.,
- attract,
- creation,
- giving medication,
- stopping point,
- sum total,
- represent,
- spatial relation,
- entireness,
- monetary standard,
- halt,
- see to it,
- bedspread,
- grad,
- theme,
- science,
- method acting,
- flexure,
- origination,
- synchrony,
- gap,
- stretch along,
- sustainment,
- long suit,
- connive,
- self-assurance,
- stuffy,
- enactment,
- charge up,
- suggestion,
- desegregate,
- convey,
- spring,
- keep,
- social system,
- reckoning,
- localisation,
- necktie,
- stead,
- embodiment,
- shoot down,
- spot,
- shaping,
- take hold,
- size,
- controller,
- kicking,
- engine room,
- shake,
- parity bit,
- hole,
- variance,
- humour,
- tactics,
- travelling bag,
- collaborationism,
- designing,
- bod,
- deed,
- substantial,
- traveling bag,
- ascendency,
- leave,
- gild,
- undulate,
- restore,
- legerity,
- deposit,
- restrain,
- bobby pin,
- turn to,
- estimation,
- trend,
- stagecoach,
- us constitution,
- comparability,
- cook,
- partition,
- provision,
- combining,
- strong point,
- outdoors,
- crouch,
- subject field,
- build,
- regularise,
- aggroup,
- squarely,
- phase,
- grant,
- precaution,
- glibness,
- constitute,
- reference system,
- snug,
- humdrum,
- crimp,
- coordinative,
- authorization,
- sum up,
- time lag,
- easing,
- cognitive process,
- consecrate,
- behavior,
- innovation,
- file,
- potpourri,
- organic law,
- crusade,
- clutch,
- take up,
- mathematical process,
- training,
- surgical operation,
- centering,
- status,
- ascertain,
- strong suit,
- center,
- ace,
- cattle ranch,
- synchronising,
- rescript,
- lead,
- coordination compound,
- continue,
- system of rules,
- check bit,
- sort,
- capacitance,
- faithful,
- compartmentalisation,
- electrical energy,
- miscellany,
- have got,
- amount of money,
- enduringness,
- systematisation,
- musical harmony,
- unfold,
- deportment,
- piece,
- strings,
- tight,
- war paint,
- confidence,
- mental home,
- pith,
- holy order,
- trade,
- tolerant,
- dominance,
- gallop,
- loose,
- close-fitting,
- turn away,
- get out,
- receptive,
- hold on,
- hold in,
- understanding,
- intensity,
- amount,
- commencement ceremony,
- prevail,
- subject area,
- disembowel,
- mightiness,
- totally,
- military posture,
- state of affairs,
- restrict,
- village,
- shut,
- counterpane,
- anatomical structure,
- bidding,
- opus,
- attitude,
- thrill,
- arithmetic mean,
- transfix,
- counterbalance,
- reckon,
- leg,
- wait,
- broadcast,
- leveling,
- sanction,
- synchroneity,
- proportionateness,
- liquidation,
- treaty,
- tie-in,
- social club,
- version,
- philosophical system,
- broaden,
- desexualize,
- transmit,
- bang,
- thread,
- human body,
- electric pig,
- mark,
- conceptualisation,
- bind,
- counterpoise,
- free grace,
- running game,
- dish out,
- surgery,
- alchemy,
- thought,
- signifier,
- constitution of the united states,
- bed covering,
- standardisation,
- parcel out,
- conventionality,
- wangle,
- initialise,
- define,
- accordance,
- engineering science,
- perspective,
- desegregation,
- ingenious,
- institutionalize,
- regulate,
- pact,
- scoring,
- temperance,
- physical composition,
- fabric,
- ornament,
- gripe,
- cooking,
- radiation pattern,
- kick back,
- delineate,
- diffuse,
- single,
- bond,
- forum,
- pose,
- bit,
- tie-up,
- pass,
- surgical procedure,
- imbibe,
- parliamentary law,
- jurisprudence,
- recoil,
- coaction,
- forethought,
- method of accounting,
- balance wheel,
- dominion,
- graph,
- term,
- safari,
- calibration,
- proportionality,
- cabal,
- circumstance,
- defend,
- impart,
- focal point,
- handgrip,
- game,
- disseminate,
- residuum,
- brandish,
- finis,
- title,
- political campaign,
- finish,
- swank,
- closely,
- line,
- fashioning,
- hook,
- lay,
- square up,
- political orientation,
- overspread,
- tilt,
- stock,
- foundation,
- force,
- unsex,
- magnificence,
- poke out,
- sureness,
- take form,
- sustenance,
- elan,
- out-of-doors,
- tot up,
- composing,
- declare,
- principle,
- normal,
- facing pages,
- para,
- undefendable,
- organisation,
- mold,
- unscathed,
- moving ridge,
- acquirement,
- ground level,
- gismo,
- statistical distribution,
- ruler,
- haulage,
- take in,
- bid,
- conclude,
- manipulate,
- supervising,
- pull in,
- naval division,
- fitting,
- mixture,
- eviscerate,
- expressive style,
- musical arrangement,
- expertness,
- geological formation,
- post,
- withstand,
- psychiatric hospital,
- soma,
- flap,
- close down,
- undulation,
- computer address,
- be after,
- shipment,
- demeanor,
- ending,
- attach,
- thanksgiving,
- hairgrip,
- synchronism,
- come up to,
- salmagundi,
- behaviour,
- psychoanalysis,
- upkeep,
- saving grace,
- accusation,
- keep back,
- elongate,
- tractability,
- entertain,
- stretch forth,
- tell,
- conformism,
- dole out,
- allowance,
- frame,
- grandness,
- target,
- sustentation,
- work,
- study,
- square toes,
- semblance,
- bureaucratism,
- craftiness,
- co-ordinate,
- grammatical construction,
- delegacy,
- proffer,
- deem,
- equilibrise,
- physical body,
- mental hospital,
- support,
- military position,
- get,
- specify,
- parceling,
- rest,
- gizmo,
- military operation,
- integrity,
- maintain,
- clasp.
• syntax
- grammar.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- dexterity,
- cooperation,
- standoff,
- steering,
- evening up,
- constitution,
- accord,
- Coaptation,
- address,
- conformity,
- coordinating,
- harmonization,
- wit,
- equilibration,
- balancing,
- artistry,
- ingenuity,
- workmanship,
- quickness,
- Codifying,
- balance,
- grace,
- forecast,
- competence,
- skillfulness,
- skill,
- tactfulness,
- coordinate,
- finesse,
- corrective action,
- expertise,
- style,
- attunement,
- diplomacy,
- handiness,
- evening,
- computation,
- resource,
- assembling,
- horsemanship,
- Dextrousness,
- Dexterousness,
- tact,
- accounting,
- teamwork,
- manner,
- savvy,
- craft,
- reconciliation,
- missile guidance,
- Equalizing,
- wizardry,
- form,
- adeptness,
- Classifying,
- resourcefulness,
- seamanship,
- know-how,
- airmanship,
- marksmanship,
- automatic electronic navigation,
- integration,
- normalization,
- accommodation,
- processing,
- Bravura,
- adroitness,
- technique,
- assimilation,
- Systematizing,
- cleverness,
- mastership,
- capability,
- method,
- alignment,
- Methodization,
- forecasts,
- rationalization,
- deftness,
- manipulation,
- brilliance,
- tie,
- assembly,
- regularization,
- categorization,
- drawn battle,
- ingeniousness,
- adaptation,
- craftsmanship,
- record keeping,
- artfulness,
- artisanship,
- collaboration,
- facility,
- Reconcilement,
- ability,
- charting,
- adjustment,
- inspection,
- equating,
- capacity,
- draw,
- timing,
- braking,
- Squaring,
- efficiency,
- readjustment,
- cunning,
- equalization,
- proficiency,
- readiness,
- dead heat,
- structure,
- equation,
- harmony,
- routinization,
- virtuosity.
How to use «Coordination» in context?
The coordination Process
Coordination is the process by which organs and muscles work together to achieve a common goal. It is often thought of as the «the marriage of motion and purpose.» In order for coordinated action to take place, everything from the muscles to the brain must be working in sync.
At its most basic level, coordination involves bringing together two or more separate activities into a single, cohesive action. For example, when you raise your arm, your muscles work together to raise your hand. This type of coordination is often referred to as » Directed Action .
Paraphrases for Coordination:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
coordinating, co-ordinating.
Proper noun, singular
coordinating, co-ordinating.
Noun, plural
Noun, singular or mass
coordinating, co-ordinating.
Forward Entailment
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
Reverse Entailment
Proper noun, singular
Noun, singular or mass
Proper noun, singular
coordinated, uncoordinated.
Proper noun, plural
Proper noun, singular
collaboration, concerted, consultation, cooperation, coordinated, orchestration, Bodies, Emergencies, Consultations, Measures, co-operation, questions, nations, matters, linkages, CCS, Co-ordinates.
Noun, plural
coordinated, partnerships, linkages, interactions, coordinators, banknotes.
Noun, singular or mass
approximation, cohesion, collaboration, combination, conjunction, connection, consolidation, consultation, contact, convergence, cooperation, coordinated, men, orchestration, co-operation, networking, streamlining, harmonising.
coherently, harmoniously.
Verb, past tense
facilitated, linked, Acted, Had.
Verb, gerund or present participle
Linking, networking.
Verb, past participle
Verb, 3rd person singular present
works, exists, harmonizes, oversees, ensures, results.
Verb, base form
Other Related
Proper noun, singular
harmonization, Concertation, coordinates, coordinators.
Noun, plural
coordinates, alignments.
Noun, singular or mass
harmonization, interaction, Concertation, coordinates.
Verb, past tense
coordinated, coordinating, co-ordinating.
Verb, gerund or present participle
coordinating, co-ordinating.
Verb, 3rd person singular present
coordinated, coordinating, coordinates, Co-ordinates.
Verb, base form
coordinated, coordinating, co-ordinating.
Proper noun, singular
Homophones for Coordination:
- credendum, Cretan Dittany.
Hyponym for Coordination:
categorization, classification, categorisation, sorting, skillfulness.
grammatical relation.
coordination contour
контур согласования
coordination procedure
порядок взаимодействия
facilitate coordination
упрощать координацию действий
flight coordination
уточнение задания на полет
rescue coordination center
координационный центр по спасанию
English-Russian aviation dictionary > coordination
coordination координация coordination координирование coordination согласование coordination of legislation координация законодательства
English-Russian short dictionary > coordination
Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > coordination
English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > coordination
взаимодействие; координация, координирование, согласование;
см. тж.
CAS airspace coordination (altitude, lateral, timing) — координация использования воздушного пространства для обеспечения непосредственной авиационной поддержки (эшелонирование по высоте, фронту и времени)
English-Russian military dictionary > coordination
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > coordination
общ. координация, координирование, согласование
Англо-русский экономический словарь > coordination
English-russian dctionary of contemporary Economics > coordination
Politics english-russian dictionary > coordination
Англо-русский словарь нефтегазовой промышленности > coordination
Англо-русский строительный словарь > coordination
1. n координирование, координация, согласование
2. n грам. сочинение
Синонимический ряд:
3. formulation (noun) alignment; arrangement; classification; correlation; formulation; method; organization; plan; standardization; systematization
Антонимический ряд:
chaos; clumsiness; confusion
English-Russian base dictionary > coordination
координация, координирование; согласование
English-Russian big polytechnic dictionary > coordination
1) координация, согласование
Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > coordination
English-Russian big medical dictionary > coordination
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > coordination
координация; согласование, координирование
aircrew coordination
autopilot coordination
roll coordination
roll-yaw coordination
Авиасловарь > coordination
согласование; координация
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > coordination
Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > coordination
координация ; согласование ; ? coordination of economic plans ; ? coordination of economic policy ; ? lack of coordination ;
Англо-Русский словарь финансовых терминов > coordination
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
coordination — [ kɔɔrdinasjɔ̃ ] n. f. • 1361; bas lat. coordinatio, de ordinatio « mise en ordre » 1 ♦ Agencement des parties d un tout selon un plan logique, pour une fin déterminée. ⇒ organisation. Entreprise qui échoue faute de coordination. Coordination des … Encyclopédie Universelle
Coordination — is the act of coordinating, making different people or things work together for a goal or effect to fulfill desired goals in an organization.Coordination is a managerial function in which different activities of the business are properly adjusted … Wikipedia
coordination — co‧or‧di‧na‧tion [kəʊˌɔːdˈneɪʆn ǁ koʊˌɔːr ] noun [uncountable] the organization of people or things so that they work together well : • She is responsible for the coordination of all the company s training activities. * * * coordination UK US… … Financial and business terms
coordination — also co ordination, c.1600, orderly combination, from Fr. coordination (14c.) or directly from L.L. coordinationem (nom. coordinatio), from pp. stem of L. coordinare to set in order, arrange, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + ordinatio… … Etymology dictionary
coordination — or co ordination [kō ôrd΄ n ā′shən] n. [LL coordinatio] 1. a coordinating or being coordinated 2. the state or relation of being coordinate; harmonious adjustment or action, as of muscles in producing complex movements: Also coördination … English World dictionary
Coordination — Co*[ o]r di*na tion, n. 1. The act of co[ o]rdinating; the act of putting in the same order, class, rank, dignity, etc.; as, the co[ o]rdination of the executive, the legislative, and the judicial authority in forming a government; the act of… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
coordination — coordination. См. филетическая корреляция. (Источник: «Англо русский толковый словарь генетических терминов». Арефьев В.А., Лисовенко Л.А., Москва: Изд во ВНИРО, 1995 г.) … Молекулярная биология и генетика. Толковый словарь.
Coordination — (v. lat.), 1) Beiordnung, Zuordnung; Gesetz der C. od. Association (s.d.), nach welchem gewisse Nervenerscheinungen auf scheinbar entfernte Veranlassung hin zu Stande kommen, z.B. Niesen bei Reizung der Nasenschleimhaut etc.; 2) Gleichstellung,… … Pierer’s Universal-Lexikon
coordination — index adjustment, compatibility, contribution (participation), regulation (management) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton … Law dictionary
coordination — (also co ordination) ► NOUN 1) the action or process of coordinating. 2) the ability to move different parts of the body smoothly and at the same time … English terms dictionary
coordination — (BrE also co ordination) noun 1 working together ADJECTIVE ▪ better, greater ▪ close, effective ▪ poor ▪ inter agency … Collocations dictionary
Synonym definition
A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.
Antonym definition
An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.
Use of synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:
- — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
- — Avoid repetitions in a text.
Examples of synonyms
The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».
Examples of antonyms
The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».
Use of
In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available. Here you use the synonyms for coordination. These synonyms for the word coordination are provided for your information only.
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