- aim
- consider
- envisage
- foresee
- intend
- mean
- mull over
- ponder
- propose
- think of
- weigh
- deliberate
- design
- excogitate
- expect
- mind
- observe
- percolate
- purpose
- ruminate
- speculate
- study
- aspire to
- brood over
- chew over
- cool out
- kick around
- meditate on
- muse over
- perpend
- reflect upon
- size up
- take in
- consider
- examine
- notice
- audit
- behold
- eye
- inspect
- observe
- peer
- penetrate
- peruse
- pierce
- probe
- pry
- regard
- scan
- scrutinize
- see
- study
- survey
- view
- witness
- pore over
- stare at
On this page you’ll find 154 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to contemplate, such as: aim, consider, envisage, foresee, intend, and mean.
- ignore
- neglect
- disbelieve
- forget
- look away
- overlook
- discard
- disregard
- scorn
- slight
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use contemplate in a sentence
One step might spoil everything and lead to an exposure, the consequences of which were altogether too terrible to contemplate.
And when we contemplate aright the exercise as sanctioned by the procedure of God, how distinctly are these brought before us!
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- address
- angle
- aspire
- attempt
- cast
- concentrate
- contemplate
- covet
- design
- direct
- endeavor
- essay
- fix
- focus
- intend
- level
- mean
- plan
- propose
- purpose
- set one’s sights on
- sight
- slant
- steer
- strive
- target
- train
- try
- want
- wish
- zero in on
- zoom in
- addressing
- angling
- aspiring
- attempting
- casting
- concentrating
- contemplating
- coveting
- designing
- directing
- endeavoring
- essaying
- fixing
- focusing
- intending
- leveling
- meaning
- planning
- proposing
- purposing
- setting one’s sights on
- sighting
- slanting
- steering
- striving
- targeting
- training
- trying
- wanting
- wishing
- zero in on
- zooming in
- addresses
- angles
- aspires
- attempts
- casts
- concentrates
- contemplates
- covets
- designs
- directs
- endeavors
- essays
- fixes
- focuses
- intends
- levels
- means
- plans
- proposes
- purposes
- sets one’s sights on
- sights
- slants
- steers
- strives
- targets
- trains
- tries
- wants
- wishes
- zero in on
- zooms in
- aim for
- anticipate
- contemplate
- count on
- foresee
- imagine
- look for
- plan on
- reckon on
- catch
- consider
- contemplate
- descry
- discern
- distinguish
- earmark
- eye
- eyeball
- feast one’s eyes
- flash
- lay eyes on
- note
- notice
- observe
- perceive
- regard
- scan
- see
- spot
- spy
- survey
- view
- watch
- witness
- catches
- considers
- contemplates
- descries
- discerns
- distinguishes
- earmarks
- eyeballs
- eyes
- feasts one’s eyes
- flashes
- lies eyes on
- notes
- notices
- observes
- perceives
- regards
- scans
- sees
- spies
- spots
- surveys
- views
- watches
- witnesses
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for Contemplate?
think about, consider
look at, activity
think about, activity
ponder, consider
ponder, meditate
ponder, activity
plan, expect
think over
consider, ponder
think, meditate
conjecture, ponder
mull over
think about, plan
look at, believe
believe, intend
meditate, process
look at, activity
consider, intend
activity, study
think, reason
look at, see
look at, see
consider, intend
conjecture, believe
chew over
plan, think about
plan, stipulate
anticipation, believe
intend, plan
see, gaze at
have in mind
study, scrutinise
gaze at
gaze at
intend, planned
think about
mull over
gaze at
expect, foresee
think of
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contemplation, contemplative, contemplating
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Synonyms for Contemplate. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 01, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/contemplate
Synonyms for Contemplate. N.p., 2016. Web. 01 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/contemplate>.
Synonyms for Contemplate. 2016. Accessed May 01, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/contemplate.
All synonyms in one line
aim, analyse, anticipate, assimilate, await, en.synonym.one, brew, brood, calculate, chew over, cogitate, conceive, concoct, consider, contrive, count, count on, deliberate, design, devise, digest, discuss, dwell on, estimate, examine, excogitate, en.synonym.one, expect, foreordain, frame, hope, hypothesise, hypothesize, imagine, infer, inspect, intend, judge, mean, meditate, mull, mull over, muse, observe, pause, peer, plan, plot, ponder, premeditate, project, propose, en.synonym.one, purpose, rationalise, rationalize, reason, reflect, reflect on, reflect upon, regard, ruminate, ruminate over, scrutinise, scrutinize, speculate, study, surmise, survey, theorise, theorize, think, think about, think over, weigh.
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4555 synonyms found
[ kˈɒntɪmplˌe͡ɪt], [ kˈɒntɪmplˌeɪt], [ k_ˈɒ_n_t_ɪ_m_p_l_ˌeɪ_t]
Related words: fancy, ponder, consideration, reflect, reckon, think about
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Table of Contents
- take a long hard look at someone/something,
- take something into consideration.
- visualization,
- have visions of (doing) something,
- picture.
- mind,
- project,
- target,
- planned.
• bargain for (noun)
- bargain.
• contemplate (noun)
- excogotate,
- meditate.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- anticipation,
- study.
• aim (verb)
- sets one’s sights on,
- sets sights on,
- zeroed in on,
- zeroes on,
- set one sights on,
- setting sights on,
- set ones sights on,
- zoomed in,
- zeroes in on,
- setting one sights on,
- set sights on,
- sets ones sights on,
- sets one sights on,
- zoom in,
- zeroing on,
- zooming in,
- zeroing in on,
- zooms in,
- setting one’s sights on,
- setting ones sights on,
- zeroed on.
• bargain for (verb)
- fore seen,
- fore seeing,
- fore-sees,
- aimed for,
- aims for,
- reckoned on,
- fore-see,
- reckons on,
- fore see,
- planning on,
- fore-seeing,
- planned on,
- fore-saw,
- reckoning on,
- fore sees,
- aiming for,
- fore-seen,
- fore saw.
• behold (verb)
- dis cern,
- be-hold,
- feast one eyes,
- dis-cern,
- feasts ones eyes,
- be holding,
- feasted eyes,
- feast ones eyes,
- feasting eyes,
- feasting one eyes,
- be holds,
- be-holds,
- feasting one’s eyes,
- feasts one eyes,
- be-holding,
- feasts one’s eyes,
- feasted one eyes,
- be-held,
- feasted ones eyes,
- feast eyes,
- feasted one’s eyes,
- feasts eyes,
- feasting ones eyes.
• cogitate (verb)
- flashing on,
- stewing over,
- kicks around,
- flashes on,
- flashed on,
- mulled over,
- noodled around,
- noodles around,
- chew cud,
- noodling around,
- stewed over,
- stews over.
• cognition (verb)
- contemplate.
• commune (verb)
- dis courses,
- dis-cussing,
- dis coursed,
- dis cussed,
- dis-cussed,
- dis course,
- dis cusses,
- dis-courses,
- dis-coursed,
- dis cuss,
- dis cussing,
- dis-cusses,
- dis-coursing,
- confided in,
- confides in,
- dis-cuss,
- dis coursing,
- confiding in,
- dis-course.
• compare (verb)
- matches up,
- in-spects,
- sized up,
- weighed against another,
- placing in juxtaposition,
- matching up,
- setting side by side,
- placed juxtaposition,
- stacking against,
- sets against,
- sets side by side,
- in-spect,
- in spect,
- stacking up against,
- holding a candle to,
- place juxtaposition,
- stacks against,
- holds a candle to,
- places in juxtaposition,
- held a candle to,
- in spects,
- placed in juxtaposition,
- hold candle to,
- placing juxtaposition,
- stacks up against,
- holds candle to,
- sizes up,
- stacked up against,
- holding candle to,
- stacked against,
- held candle to,
- weighs against another,
- places juxtaposition,
- weighing against another,
- stack against.
• concentrate (verb)
- directs attention,
- racked brains,
- cracking one brains,
- got beam,
- was engrossed in,
- gat the beam,
- getting beam,
- racks one’s brains,
- got on beam,
- cracked one’s brains,
- hammered away at,
- occupies thoughts,
- gets beam,
- cracks one’s brains,
- fixt attention,
- rivetting,
- racking brains,
- occupied thoughts,
- heads trip,
- racking one brains,
- getting on beam,
- cracks one brains,
- cracks ones brains,
- gets on the beam,
- were engrossed in,
- occupying thoughts,
- wast engrossed in,
- pours it on,
- brooded over,
- am engrossed in,
- got the beam,
- hammers away at,
- thought hard,
- considering closely,
- fixed attention,
- cracked ones brains,
- rack one brains,
- pouring on,
- is engrossed in,
- focusses attention,
- rack ones brains,
- getting on the beam,
- focuses attention,
- heading trip,
- crack ones brains,
- racked one’s brains,
- gets the beam,
- directing attention,
- thinking hard,
- are engrossed in,
- rivetted,
- cracks brains,
- hammering away at,
- being engrossed in,
- pours on,
- considered closely,
- considers closely,
- pouring it on,
- gets on beam,
- gat on beam,
- directed attention,
- cracking brains,
- broods over,
- focusing attention,
- gave attention,
- gotten the beam,
- get on beam,
- racks ones brains,
- get beam,
- cracked one brains,
- getting the beam,
- got on the beam,
- poured on,
- racking ones brains,
- gotten beam,
- racks brains,
- putting mind to,
- bring bear,
- gotten on the beam,
- wert engrossed in,
- thinks hard,
- crack brains,
- fixes attention,
- puts mind to,
- focussing attention,
- cracking ones brains,
- racks one brains,
- poured it on,
- cracked brains,
- racking one’s brains,
- cracking one’s brains,
- gives attention,
- gotten on beam,
- racked ones brains,
- gat on the beam,
- fixing attention,
- racked one brains,
- get the beam,
- brooding over,
- crack one brains,
- headed trip,
- focussed attention,
- gat beam.
• consider (verb)
- keep mind,
- allowed for,
- kept in mind,
- keeping in mind,
- re cognizing,
- keeping mind,
- keeps mind,
- assenting to,
- flirted with,
- tost around,
- took under advisement,
- chews over,
- chewed over,
- kept mind,
- re cognizes,
- tossing around,
- subscribing to,
- perpending,
- saw about,
- perpends,
- reckons with,
- assents to,
- re cognize,
- reckoned with,
- re-cognizing,
- reckoning with,
- re-cognized,
- take in to account,
- flirting with,
- chewing over,
- thinks over,
- seeing about,
- providing for,
- subscribes to,
- takes under advisement,
- takes into account,
- tosses around,
- thinks out,
- assented to,
- allows for,
- taking under advisement,
- re cognized,
- sees about,
- flirts with,
- keeps in mind,
- provides for,
- perpended.
• deliberate (verb)
- de-bate,
- de-bates,
- running a flagpole,
- puts thinking cap,
- bats it around,
- puts on thinking cap,
- de liberates,
- de-bated,
- runs up a flagpole,
- running up flagpole,
- runs a flagpole,
- de liberate,
- de-liberate,
- batting it around,
- de bates,
- putting thinking cap,
- de liberating,
- sweating over,
- runs up flagpole,
- ran flagpole,
- de bate,
- de liberated,
- de-liberated,
- de-liberates,
- de-liberating,
- run a flagpole,
- talking over,
- runs flagpole,
- talked over,
- putting on thinking cap,
- ran a flagpole,
- ran up a flagpole,
- de-bating,
- de bating,
- running flagpole,
- de bated,
- put thinking cap,
- ran up flagpole,
- sweated over,
- batted it around,
- sweats over,
- running up a flagpole,
- run flagpole,
- talks over.
• design (verb)
- de vised,
- de-sign,
- de-vise,
- pre-pare,
- de signed,
- de-signs,
- de signing,
- pre-pared,
- pre paring,
- de-signed,
- de signs,
- de vising,
- de vise,
- de sign,
- pre pare,
- pre pared,
- de-vising,
- pre-paring,
- de-signing,
- pre pares,
- de-vised.
• drive at (verb)
- hadst mind,
- having mind,
- hadst in mind,
- hast mind,
- haddest mind,
- had mind,
- hath in mind,
- hints at,
- hinting at,
- hast in mind,
- hath mind,
- having in mind,
- refers to,
- alludes to,
- alluding to,
- haddest in mind,
- has mind,
- had in mind,
- have mind.
• entertain (verb)
- cogitating on,
- cogitated on,
- cogitates on,
- musing over,
- muses over,
- mused over.
• envisage/envision (verb)
- had a picture of,
- viewing minds eye,
- forms mental picture of,
- hadst a picture of,
- viewed minds eye,
- view minds eye,
- looked up on,
- views minds eye,
- has a picture of,
- thinks up,
- having picture of,
- viewed mind eye,
- views mind eye,
- hath picture of,
- view in minds eye,
- view mind’s eye,
- having a picture of,
- viewed in mind eye,
- haddest a picture of,
- had picture of,
- looking upon,
- look up on,
- viewing in minds eye,
- thinking up,
- hast picture of,
- views in minds eye,
- looking up on,
- haddest picture of,
- viewing in mind’s eye,
- views mind’s eye,
- view mind eye,
- viewed in mind’s eye,
- forming mental picture of,
- views in mind eye,
- pre dict,
- viewed mind’s eye,
- hadst picture of,
- has picture of,
- viewing in mind eye,
- hath a picture of,
- hast a picture of,
- formed mental picture of,
- looks up on,
- have picture of,
- viewing mind eye,
- view in mind eye,
- viewing mind’s eye,
- views in mind’s eye,
- viewed in minds eye,
- looks upon,
- pre-dict.
• examine (verb)
- inspect,
- verify,
- check,
- review,
- peruse.
• excogitate (verb)
- in vent,
- ex cogitates,
- de riving,
- de-riving,
- in-vent,
- de rived,
- in venting,
- de rive,
- in-vents,
- ex cogitated,
- de-rived,
- ex cogitate,
- ex-cogitated,
- in vented,
- ex-cogitating,
- in vents,
- de-rives,
- de rives,
- de-rive,
- ex-cogitate,
- ex cogitating,
- in-venting,
- ex-cogitates,
- in-vented.
• expect (verb)
- deduce,
- dread,
- apprehend,
- infer,
- foresee,
- foreknow,
- presume,
- anticipate,
- assume,
- forebode,
- gather,
- presuppose,
- surmise,
- await,
- suspect,
- envisage.
• eye (verb)
- had a look,
- hadst look,
- gives the eye,
- takes a look,
- glances at,
- glanced at,
- haddest look,
- takes look,
- haddest a look,
- hadst a look,
- stares at,
- giving eye,
- giving the eye,
- taking a look,
- took a look,
- hast look,
- took look,
- gave eye,
- gives eye,
- staring at,
- keeping eagle eye on,
- have look,
- taking look,
- hast a look,
- keeps eagle eye on,
- hath look,
- had look,
- give eye,
- kept eagle eye on,
- has look,
- gave the eye,
- take look,
- hath a look,
- has a look,
- glancing at,
- having look,
- having a look.
• gaze (verb)
- gets a load of,
- gat load of,
- getting a load of,
- gets an eyeful,
- gotten eyeful,
- gat a load of,
- getting eyeful,
- getting an eyeful,
- got load of,
- gotten a load of,
- gat an eyeful,
- get load of,
- gotten an eyeful,
- lamped,
- get eyeful,
- gets eyeful,
- getting load of,
- gat eyeful,
- got eyeful,
- gets load of,
- got a load of,
- looking fixedly,
- gotten load of.
• gaze at (verb)
- notice,
- penetrate,
- peer,
- audit,
- witness,
- pry,
- probe,
- examine,
- view,
- pierce.
• goggle (verb)
- gazes openmouthed,
- riveted the eyes on,
- gaze open mouthed,
- gazing open-mouthed,
- riveting eyes on,
- rivets the eyes on,
- rivetting the eyes on,
- gazing open mouthed,
- riveted eyes on,
- gaze openmouthed,
- gazes open mouthed,
- gazed open mouthed,
- gazed openmouthed,
- rivetted eyes on,
- rivetting eyes on,
- rivet eyes on,
- riveting the eyes on,
- gazes open-mouthed,
- rivetted the eyes on,
- gazed open-mouthed,
- gazing openmouthed,
- rivets eyes on.
• hope (verb)
- desire,
- believe,
- rely,
- trust,
- yearn,
- aspire,
- want.
• hypothesize (verb)
- hazarding a,
- hazards a,
- hazarded a.
• imagine (verb)
- create,
- ideate,
- fantasize,
- brainstorm,
- theorize,
- perceive,
- opine,
- conceive,
- suppose,
- invent.
• intend (verb)
- de voting,
- hoping to,
- de-note,
- re-solve,
- de notes,
- de-cree,
- de cree,
- de vote,
- am resolved,
- de-crees,
- de-voted,
- hopes to,
- re-solves,
- re-serve,
- am determined,
- art resolved,
- de-noted,
- being resolved,
- art determined,
- de noted,
- ex-pressing,
- re-serves,
- re serve,
- wast resolved,
- ex-press,
- de note,
- re-served,
- ex press,
- in tended,
- wert determined,
- figures on,
- being determined,
- in-tends,
- hoped to,
- in tend,
- in-tend,
- figured on,
- was resolved,
- de-creed,
- is resolved,
- in-tending,
- ex pressed,
- looked forward,
- is determined,
- de-notes,
- looks forward,
- were determined,
- were resolved,
- re-solving,
- in tends,
- de-noting,
- are determined,
- de creed,
- re serving,
- figuring on,
- wert resolved,
- was determined,
- are resolved,
- de crees,
- de noting,
- re-serving,
- aspires to,
- re served,
- in-tended,
- de voted,
- ex pressing,
- re solves,
- de votes,
- wast determined,
- de-voting,
- de-vote,
- re-solved,
- aspired to,
- de-votes,
- sets aside,
- re solve,
- in tending.
• look (verb)
- be-ware,
- be ware,
- take gander,
- took sights,
- pored over,
- be-wared,
- took a gander,
- took in sights,
- taking the sights,
- takes in sights,
- be-waring,
- takes sights,
- took in the sights,
- takes a gander,
- takes gander,
- be wares,
- take in sights,
- taking gander,
- taking in sights,
- takes the sights,
- took the sights,
- took gander,
- be-wares,
- taking sights,
- takes in the sights,
- be waring,
- take the sights,
- pores over,
- take sights,
- taking a gander,
- taking in the sights,
- be wared.
• mean (verb)
- pre ordained,
- pre-destine,
- pre destine,
- pre-ordain,
- pre-destining,
- pre-destines,
- pre ordains,
- pre ordaining,
- pre ordain,
- pre-ordaining,
- pre-ordained,
- pre-destined,
- pre destines,
- pre destining,
- sets out,
- pre destined,
- pre-ordains.
• mull (verb)
- de-laying,
- de-lay,
- re view,
- woolgathers,
- de laying,
- re views,
- muses on,
- re-viewed,
- re-views,
- re viewing,
- woolgathered,
- re viewed,
- mused on,
- re-view,
- de-lays,
- de lay,
- musing on,
- de lays.
• muse (verb)
- build castles air,
- wert lost in thought,
- puzzles over,
- be lost thought,
- builds castles in air,
- builds castles air,
- being lost thought,
- wast lost in thought,
- am lost in thought,
- art lost in thought,
- was lost thought,
- am lost thought,
- built castles in air,
- puzzled over,
- wert lost thought,
- builded castles air,
- puzzling over,
- builded castles in air,
- being lost in thought,
- were lost thought,
- is lost in thought,
- art lost thought,
- building castles in air,
- wast lost thought,
- were lost in thought,
- is lost thought,
- building castles air,
- was lost in thought,
- built castles air.
• observe (verb)
- kept eye on,
- keeps ones eye on,
- got eyeful of,
- picks up on,
- keeping ones eye on,
- keep one eye on,
- dis covered,
- eagle eyeing,
- eagleeying,
- eagleeyes,
- eagle eyed,
- keeps one’s eye on,
- getting an eyeful of,
- eagleeyed,
- dis-covers,
- keeping one’s eye on,
- dis-covered,
- gotten eyeful of,
- picked up on,
- gotten an eyeful of,
- keep eye on,
- dis covers,
- kept ones eye on,
- gat an eyeful of,
- eagle-eyes,
- eagle eying,
- keeps one eye on,
- keeping one eye on,
- get eyeful of,
- picked upon,
- keeping eye on,
- gets an eyeful of,
- got an eyeful of,
- kept one eye on,
- gets eyeful of,
- kept one’s eye on,
- getting eyeful of,
- dis covering,
- eagle-eying,
- pick upon,
- dis-covering,
- eagleeye,
- eagleeyeing,
- picks upon,
- payed attention to,
- dis cover,
- keep ones eye on,
- picking upon,
- gat eyeful of,
- eagle-eyeing,
- keeps eye on,
- dis-cover.
• plan (verb)
- lay provisions,
- fixt to,
- has every intention,
- Re-present,
- lays in provisions,
- laid provisions,
- having every intention,
- out lining,
- roughing in,
- re-presented,
- made arrangements,
- re-adies,
- laid in provisions,
- fixed to,
- figures out,
- lays provisions,
- out-lines,
- re presenting,
- had every intention,
- re present,
- re-presenting,
- out line,
- roughed in,
- out-line,
- out-lining,
- re-presents,
- making arrangements,
- laying provisions,
- out lines,
- roughs in,
- haddest every intention,
- hast every intention,
- re presents,
- hath every intention,
- re adies,
- hadst every intention,
- re presented,
- out-lined,
- makes arrangements,
- fixes to,
- laying in provisions,
- out lined.
• ponder (verb)
- gives thought to,
- pipe dreamt,
- gave thought to,
- pipe dreamed,
- giving thought to.
• pore (verb)
- looks over.
• project (verb)
- pre-determining,
- pre determined,
- pre determines,
- maps out,
- de lineated,
- de-lineated,
- de lineate,
- pre determining,
- de-lineate,
- pre-determined,
- mapped out,
- pre-determines,
- pre determine,
- pre-determine.
• propose (verb)
- pro posing,
- pro pose,
- pro posed,
- pro-posed,
- pro-posing,
- pro-pose.
• purpose (verb)
- make up ones mind,
- wrought for,
- make mind,
- has a mind to,
- made ones mind,
- made one’s mind,
- making up mind,
- hast mind to,
- making mind,
- hadst view,
- having a mind to,
- bade for,
- have mind to,
- bids for,
- hath view,
- made one mind,
- hast view,
- having in view,
- make ones mind,
- hast in view,
- bidding for,
- made up ones mind,
- making one’s mind,
- make up one mind,
- makes up one mind,
- haddest in view,
- makes mind,
- haddest a mind to,
- made up mind,
- hadst in view,
- had view,
- making up one mind,
- haddest mind to,
- had a mind to,
- working for,
- made mind,
- has view,
- makes up one’s mind,
- making ones mind,
- haddest view,
- making one mind,
- worked toward,
- has mind to,
- worked for,
- had in view,
- hath in view,
- makes up mind,
- works toward,
- making up ones mind,
- make one’s mind,
- having view,
- works for,
- hadst mind to,
- makes up ones mind,
- hath mind to,
- having mind to,
- made up one mind,
- make one mind,
- makes one’s mind,
- makes ones mind,
- wrought toward,
- have view,
- had mind to,
- made up one’s mind,
- hadst a mind to,
- hath a mind to,
- hast a mind to,
- has in view,
- makes one mind.
• question (verb)
- delve,
- dispute,
- canvass,
- poll,
- interrogate,
- interpolate,
- query,
- ask,
- catechize,
- inquire,
- investigate,
- question,
- quiz,
- challenge,
- seek,
- explore.
• reason (verb)
- de ducts,
- de-duce,
- de duce,
- threshed out,
- de-duct,
- Syllogized,
- de ducted,
- threshes out,
- thinking through,
- de ducting,
- thinks through,
- de-ducting,
- drawing from,
- draws from,
- de-duces,
- draws conclusion,
- drew conclusion,
- de-ducts,
- Syllogizing,
- syllogizes,
- drew from,
- de-ducted,
- threshing out,
- drawing conclusion,
- de duct,
- de duces.
• regard (verb)
- payed attention,
- re marking,
- re gards,
- re-marked,
- took in to consideration,
- re-marking,
- re mark,
- re-gard,
- over-looking,
- take in to consideration,
- re spect,
- re spects,
- pays attention,
- re-spects,
- re gard,
- over-look,
- over looked,
- re-spect,
- taking in to consideration,
- re-marks,
- took into consideration,
- re marks,
- re marked,
- over looks,
- over look,
- looks on,
- over-looks,
- takes into consideration,
- takes in to consideration,
- looking on,
- re-gards.
• ruminate (verb)
- used head,
- used ones head,
- stewed about,
- uses ones head,
- uses one’s head,
- uses one head,
- used one’s head,
- used one head,
- use ones head,
- using one head,
- using head,
- uses head,
- stews about,
- use one head,
- using ones head,
- stewing about,
- using one’s head.
• scan (verb)
- had a looksee,
- has look see,
- runs over,
- haddest a look-see,
- hadst a look-see,
- having a look see,
- gives onceover,
- hast a look-see,
- in-quired,
- hath look see,
- having looksee,
- in-quire,
- taking stock of,
- looking and down,
- looked up down,
- giving once over,
- haddest looksee,
- give once-over,
- flips through,
- hadst a look see,
- looks up down,
- haddest a looksee,
- had look-see,
- leafs through,
- hast look see,
- looks and down,
- has look-see,
- hast a looksee,
- hath a look see,
- has a look see,
- in-quires,
- hast a look see,
- had look see,
- gave onceover,
- giving the onceover,
- took stock of,
- looking up down,
- gives the once-over,
- has looksee,
- looked up and down,
- had a look see,
- hath looksee,
- giving once-over,
- looked down,
- hath a looksee,
- has a look-see,
- having a looksee,
- give once over,
- have look see,
- gave the onceover,
- hadst look see,
- hadst look-see,
- giving the once over,
- hadst a looksee,
- gave once-over,
- give the onceover,
- looking up and down,
- looks up and down,
- in quires,
- look and down,
- gave once over,
- have look-see,
- haddest look-see,
- looking through,
- look up down,
- glances over,
- in quired,
- leafed through,
- glancing over,
- has a looksee,
- thumbs through,
- gives once-over,
- have a look see,
- takes stock of,
- looked and down,
- had looksee,
- gives the once over,
- hath a look-see,
- hadst looksee,
- glanced over,
- having look-see,
- having a look-see,
- give onceover,
- flipping through,
- in quiring,
- thumbing through,
- in quire,
- looks through,
- have looksee,
- hast look-see,
- had a look-see,
- gives once over,
- flipped through,
- thumbed through,
- haddest look see,
- having look see,
- gives the onceover,
- hath look-see,
- giving onceover,
- giving the once-over,
- hast looksee,
- looks down,
- in-quiring,
- dip in to,
- haddest a look see,
- leafing through,
- gave the once over.
• scrutinize (verb)
- went over with fine tooth comb,
- went over with a fine-tooth comb,
- put under microscope,
- puts under a microscope,
- taking the measure of,
- scrutinated,
- burnt up,
- goes over with a fine tooth comb,
- inquired in to,
- inquire in to,
- go over with finetooth comb,
- went over with a fine tooth comb,
- perlustrating,
- going over with a finetooth comb,
- go over with fine-tooth comb,
- taking measure of,
- go over with a finetooth comb,
- putting under a microscope,
- going over with finetooth comb,
- puts under microscope,
- putting under microscope,
- checks over,
- goes over with fine-tooth comb,
- inquires in to,
- goes over with fine tooth comb,
- goes over with a fine-tooth comb,
- took the measure of,
- takes measure of,
- inquiring in to,
- went over with a finetooth comb,
- scrutinating,
- inquiring into,
- pro-bed,
- went over with fine-tooth comb,
- perlustrated,
- went over with finetooth comb,
- pro bed,
- checking over,
- goes over with finetooth comb,
- going over with fine tooth comb,
- go over with fine tooth comb,
- going over with a fine-tooth comb,
- going over with fine-tooth comb,
- takes the measure of,
- going over with a fine tooth comb,
- burns up,
- scrutinates,
- perlustrates,
- inquires into,
- goes over with a finetooth comb,
- took measure of,
- go over with a fine tooth comb.
• see (verb)
- catches a glimpse of,
- wert apprised of,
- catch glimpse of,
- catching glimpse of,
- wast apprised of,
- being apprised of,
- catching sight of,
- takes notice,
- is apprised of,
- catching a glimpse of,
- caught a glimpse of,
- were apprised of,
- took notice,
- am apprised of,
- are apprised of,
- was apprised of,
- catches glimpse of,
- art apprised of,
- caught glimpse of.
• speculate (verb)
- calling the turn,
- having hunch,
- beating brains,
- pipe-dreamed,
- beats ones brains,
- psychs out,
- hazard guess,
- pipe-dreamt,
- called it,
- beat one brains,
- running it flagpole,
- beating one brains,
- runs it up flagpole,
- hast hunch,
- run it flagpole,
- hath a hunch,
- has hunch,
- hath hunch,
- ran it flagpole,
- hazards guess,
- pipedreaming,
- calling it,
- beats one’s brains,
- hazarded a guess,
- having a hunch,
- pipedreamed,
- haddest hunch,
- runs it flagpole,
- pipedreamt,
- hazarding a guess,
- doping out,
- hazards a guess,
- ran it up flagpole,
- beat brains,
- hadst hunch,
- guesstimates,
- haddest a hunch,
- beating ones brains,
- reading between lines,
- hazarded guess,
- had a hunch,
- doped out,
- called turn,
- reads between lines,
- dopes out,
- call turn,
- had hunch,
- beat ones brains,
- calls it,
- psyching out,
- hazarding guess,
- beats one brains,
- calling turn,
- calls turn,
- beating one’s brains,
- guesstimating,
- called the turn,
- beats brains,
- calls the turn,
- hadst a hunch,
- pipe-dreams,
- running it up flagpole.
• survey (verb)
- over-sees,
- pro spects,
- super intends,
- sets at,
- staked out,
- re-searching,
- over-saw,
- pro spect,
- super-intended,
- super vised,
- super vising,
- over seen,
- re search,
- checking up,
- over see,
- tested waters,
- over-seen,
- super-intends,
- tests waters,
- super intend,
- checks up,
- over sees,
- re searched,
- re searches,
- re searching,
- super intending,
- test waters,
- super-intend,
- super-vised,
- setting at,
- stakes out,
- super intended,
- pro-spects,
- over seeing,
- super vise,
- over saw,
- re-searched,
- testing the waters,
- super-intending,
- checked up,
- super-vise,
- tests the waters,
- testing waters,
- tested the waters.
• think (verb)
- brood,
- cerebrate,
- calculate,
- analyze,
- weigh,
- imagine,
- evaluate,
- appraise,
- think,
- debate.
• think about seriously; plan (verb)
- take in.
• turn over (verb)
- reflects on,
- wonders about,
- reflecting on,
- wondering about,
- wondered about.
• view (verb)
- eagles eye,
- eagling eye,
- feasting eyes on,
- eagled eye,
- feasted eyes on,
- setting eyes on,
- feasts eyes on,
- sets eyes on.
• watch (verb)
- keeping an eye on,
- keeps tabs on,
- kept tabs on,
- keeping tabs on.
Other synonyms:
- sleep on,
- chew on,
- think through,
- visualize,
- grope,
- rethink,
- dwell on,
- step back,
- reconsider,
- grapple with,
- size up,
- read into,
- Intellectualize,
- dream away.
- play around,
- daydream,
- assess,
- wonder,
- rationalize.
- turn over,
- wrap up.
- travel.
- make up.
- fancy.
- say.
- give.
• compare
- weigh against another,
- hold a candle to,
- match up,
- set side by side,
- Bracketed,
- parallels,
- juxtaposed,
- sizing up,
- Bracketing,
- place in juxtaposition,
- set against,
- setting against,
- stack up against,
- matched up.
• deliberate
- knock around,
- bat it around,
- run up a flagpole,
- talk over,
- put on thinking cap,
- rack brains,
- run up flagpole,
- sweat over.
• expect
- wait for,
- look forward to,
- hope for,
- watched for,
- Foreknown,
- be afraid,
- Foreknowing,
- watching for,
- waiting for,
- watch for,
- foreknows,
- bargain on,
- bargain for,
- Foreknew,
- looking forward to,
- see coming,
- is afraid,
- look ahead to,
- in the cards,
- waited for,
- hoped for.
• eye
- have a look,
- glance at,
- Ogled,
- ogle,
- take a look,
- keep eagle eye on,
- stare at,
- stared at,
- give the eye,
- Ogling,
- leer.
• goggle
- Rued,
- rivet the eyes on,
- ru,
- gaze open-mouthed,
- Rus.
• hope
- depend on,
- be sure of,
- deem likely,
- promise oneself,
- take heart,
- sweat it out,
- have faith,
- knock wood,
- knock on wood,
- keep fingers crossed,
- sweating out,
- Hoped,
- sweat it,
- depended on,
- think to,
- sweat out,
- look at sunny side,
- having faith,
- hang in,
- feel confident.
• intend
- hope to,
- importing,
- sets apart,
- aspire to,
- set apart,
- figure on,
- be resolved,
- be determined,
- look forward,
- adding up,
- looking forward,
- adds up,
- setting aside,
- aspiring to,
- setting apart.
• look at
- watch.
• mean
- fating,
- setting out,
- set out.
• mull
- woolgathering,
- muse on,
- woolgather.
• observe
- paying attention to,
- eagle-eye,
- pick up on,
- get an eyeful of,
- observed,
- keep one’s eye on,
- picking up on,
- paid attention to,
- pays attention to.
• Other relevant words:
- entrust,
- interview,
- demonstrate,
- intelligent,
- shot,
- depict,
- discipline,
- put together,
- disuse,
- flirting,
- yawn,
- nog,
- look upon,
- hanker,
- tip,
- turn on,
- draw close,
- indorse,
- declare,
- baulk,
- solve,
- sweep oar,
- buzz off,
- carelessness,
- delegate,
- thinks about,
- reenforcement,
- overhear,
- faith,
- declaration,
- grate,
- flock,
- rival,
- apologize,
- smear,
- vignette,
- end run,
- amount,
- scrape,
- excursionist,
- sleep with,
- go to,
- horizon,
- pull together,
- link,
- aim,
- print,
- lot,
- spirit,
- expression,
- critical review,
- fall guy,
- declare oneself,
- check up on,
- pin,
- bandy,
- intimation,
- tack,
- come up,
- sheet,
- intentional,
- retentive,
- jam,
- epitome,
- ask out,
- phase,
- locomote,
- put up,
- ignore,
- stomach,
- tacky,
- square off,
- convict,
- scar,
- flash lamp,
- illusion,
- feature article,
- butt,
- appear,
- fig,
- advisement,
- reveal,
- integrated,
- lie in,
- sorb,
- centre,
- ca-ca,
- inhabit,
- bank bill,
- claver,
- insert,
- drill hole,
- finish up,
- astatine,
- careful,
- formula,
- bring,
- intermediate,
- begin,
- consummate,
- bar,
- heart,
- keep up,
- descriptor,
- specify,
- let,
- connect,
- put in,
- judgment,
- flirt with,
- criterion,
- eat away,
- take away,
- offering,
- brush,
- ready,
- defy,
- mug,
- master key,
- focusing,
- bed,
- lour,
- cranch,
- physique,
- balk,
- feature of speech,
- model,
- impulsion,
- custody,
- stray,
- pauperization,
- call into question,
- arbitrate,
- valuate,
- pour on,
- hinted at,
- pore over,
- depersonalize,
- flashbulb,
- stare down,
- accord,
- simulate,
- fuck off,
- intention,
- gouge,
- pulverization,
- measure out,
- railroad engineer,
- coming,
- try on,
- victimize,
- retrieve,
- snub,
- commemorate,
- dressed ore,
- once-over,
- contend,
- crisscross,
- chew over,
- digging,
- imagination,
- zero,
- propose,
- come on,
- gloating,
- quite a little,
- go,
- dallier,
- destination,
- submit,
- fare,
- pretend,
- hachure,
- fall out,
- erode,
- vagabond,
- dedicate,
- double-dyed,
- admonisher,
- speculate,
- plotted,
- controvert,
- chalk out,
- grade,
- fall,
- apologise,
- boldness,
- allow in,
- ricochet,
- expanse,
- have a look-see,
- condense,
- gather in,
- privation,
- selective service,
- loom,
- become,
- mend,
- Parleying,
- gum elastic,
- programme,
- heading,
- germinate,
- tholepin,
- musical note,
- stain,
- have got,
- looked for,
- waitress,
- interrogative sentence,
- sheath,
- come upon,
- move,
- riffed,
- dupe,
- give ear,
- objective,
- rotate,
- take in the sights,
- overture,
- focal point,
- scoped,
- funding,
- trustfulness,
- vamp,
- dawn,
- award,
- generate,
- air castle,
- fabricate,
- shew,
- call it,
- proceeds,
- attain,
- take into consideration,
- characteristic,
- facial expression,
- perusal,
- ponder,
- map out,
- mathematical function,
- complete,
- calculated,
- resile,
- add up,
- kickshaw,
- lather,
- wooden leg,
- puzzle out,
- attentive,
- see,
- necessitate,
- conscientious,
- contribute,
- bear out,
- cut across,
- fount,
- brass,
- has in mind,
- seaport,
- short letter,
- principal,
- air,
- expose,
- daydreaming,
- greenback,
- get by,
- eff,
- crack,
- approach shot,
- godhead,
- instance,
- banker’s bill,
- localization,
- gave the once-over,
- actualize,
- pile,
- turn to,
- take off,
- steal,
- get it on,
- contour,
- subdue,
- curiosity,
- jot,
- make bold,
- elbow grease,
- toss around,
- Schemed,
- favour,
- entail,
- travail,
- var.,
- signal caller,
- attestor,
- invoke,
- love,
- pull up,
- broadcast,
- clutch,
- fend for,
- catch up with,
- gage,
- fill in,
- philander,
- give away,
- bank,
- sentinel,
- nurse,
- confab,
- chaffer,
- serve,
- envisions,
- consequence,
- applied scientist,
- receipt,
- good deal,
- mental picture,
- stick out,
- overlord,
- pass water,
- admiration,
- diagram,
- drum,
- rankle,
- check-out procedure,
- blaze up,
- investigation,
- defraud,
- movement,
- nonperformance,
- couple,
- praxis,
- psyched out,
- escalate,
- cognise,
- regard,
- event,
- concord,
- bull’s eye,
- greet,
- go off,
- degree,
- riffian,
- envision,
- leave,
- deutsche mark,
- crossbeam,
- engulf,
- hazard,
- disputation,
- optic,
- confront,
- tip over,
- Targeted,
- crap,
- chimneysweep,
- gain vigor,
- effort,
- hint at,
- scan,
- give voice,
- progress to,
- sterilize,
- limit,
- put one across,
- see to it,
- arrogate,
- fish,
- pondering,
- wish,
- devote,
- word-painting,
- take a gander,
- chat up,
- draught,
- jurist,
- enlist,
- liaise,
- direct,
- visual sense,
- swindle,
- prevision,
- doctor,
- rook,
- fanfare,
- impression,
- muster,
- invention,
- call the turn,
- implication,
- give way,
- notation,
- limn,
- wee,
- hinge on,
- further,
- Intimated,
- referring to,
- prefigure,
- even,
- enquire,
- concur,
- pipe-dream,
- frame up,
- mulls over,
- skipper,
- differentiate,
- rule,
- write out,
- adjudicate,
- nourish,
- stew over,
- eyeballing,
- back up,
- deutschmark,
- bewilder,
- passkey,
- delicacy,
- entertain,
- safety,
- shop,
- looked at,
- perk,
- meet,
- gainsay,
- fixture,
- moving picture,
- banknote,
- act,
- put mind to,
- single-valued function,
- stigmatise,
- come across,
- accumulate,
- lease,
- prognosticate,
- justice,
- key out,
- characterisation,
- postdate,
- overturn,
- chink,
- reflective,
- play,
- envisioned,
- keep down,
- utter,
- meter,
- have a hunch,
- sympathize,
- viewer,
- expound,
- respectfulness,
- press out,
- argument,
- span,
- look across,
- launch,
- set one’s sights on,
- bid,
- imbue,
- cite,
- no-good,
- unwavering,
- brush up,
- compositor’s case,
- arouse,
- squirm,
- dominate,
- average,
- send,
- power hammer,
- marker,
- pronounce,
- opinion,
- idea,
- hatful,
- scene,
- staking out,
- sum,
- grizzle,
- normal,
- looking down,
- fool around,
- breath,
- mark off,
- drudge,
- puzzle over,
- inspired,
- pock,
- depiction,
- piece,
- tag,
- use up,
- give birth,
- unified,
- take to be,
- prize,
- imprint,
- sustenance,
- compilation,
- thorough,
- have a go at it,
- spring,
- aline,
- regard as,
- cross off,
- double,
- sacrifice,
- wink,
- takings,
- survey,
- great deal,
- take to heart,
- brand,
- teach,
- word,
- memorize,
- avow,
- inclose,
- discount,
- spectator,
- take heed,
- sneer,
- leg,
- osseous tissue,
- anatomy,
- diddle,
- mulct,
- time,
- eyeballs,
- instal,
- practice session,
- base,
- contain,
- process,
- fight back,
- bit,
- portion out,
- pounding,
- knowledgeable,
- freewheel,
- drive,
- perplex,
- get hold,
- start,
- chance on,
- view in mind’s eye,
- winkle,
- align,
- take down,
- dreams of,
- looking over,
- flesh out,
- reckoning,
- standard of measurement,
- video,
- bread and butter,
- excogitate,
- grip,
- wrap,
- broody,
- confabulate,
- deepen,
- express mail,
- persuasion,
- trip,
- overflow,
- select,
- look out,
- bang,
- burn down,
- radiate,
- frown,
- touchstone,
- livelihood,
- sign,
- occupation,
- tenacious,
- collapse,
- bet,
- dig out,
- public opinion poll,
- commune,
- doom,
- look up to,
- secret plan,
- dreaming of,
- spell,
- chat,
- prickteaser,
- nurture,
- approximation,
- flip over,
- mess,
- garish,
- lounge,
- president pierce,
- draw,
- afterthought,
- hope,
- documentation,
- flirtation,
- neck,
- baffle,
- set at,
- prospect,
- pit,
- glee,
- variant,
- musical accompaniment,
- adjudge,
- level off,
- line of work,
- run into,
- mete out,
- public figure,
- crown,
- curb,
- tatty,
- return,
- sink in,
- fall over,
- fight,
- reduce,
- depersonalise,
- devolve on,
- entrap,
- diverted,
- format,
- manikin,
- have a looksee,
- knack,
- mention,
- keep back,
- thought about,
- oblige,
- comprise,
- inmate,
- crosshatch,
- have intercourse,
- compensate,
- malleus,
- brush off,
- spurt,
- visual modality,
- elicit,
- giving attention,
- galosh,
- coiffure,
- picket,
- wishing,
- craunch,
- hazard a,
- consecrate,
- beg,
- ascertained,
- Endeavoring,
- roll,
- wander,
- get the hang,
- label,
- smirch,
- place,
- accompany,
- get wind,
- configuration,
- bound,
- front,
- patronage,
- dreamed of,
- hook on,
- have sex,
- watch out,
- gleam,
- induce,
- tactile property,
- chitchat,
- abduce,
- drag,
- observation,
- mean,
- browsing,
- penury,
- recitation,
- hazard a guess,
- heedful,
- look at,
- choose,
- care for,
- safe,
- sized,
- mystify,
- fuss,
- guide,
- nidus,
- extort,
- sympathise,
- reverie,
- revue,
- radiance,
- stratum,
- border,
- translate,
- rough out,
- lineation,
- note of hand,
- subsidisation,
- uncover,
- go through,
- foresightful,
- seize,
- imbibe,
- endure,
- haunt,
- character,
- surmount,
- let in,
- cognize,
- grapple,
- arrive at,
- bushel,
- hatchback door,
- prospicient,
- found,
- purge,
- thinker,
- conscription,
- picture show,
- mensuration,
- tick,
- fill,
- check off,
- nail down,
- sire,
- persevere,
- scoop,
- shield,
- commit,
- nowadays,
- crowbar,
- honour,
- supervise,
- offer up,
- maculation,
- beam of light,
- schoolmaster,
- fulfil,
- assign,
- confidence game,
- rove,
- refulgence,
- peck,
- expand,
- manoeuvre,
- wrack,
- scoop out,
- sulk,
- coif,
- welcome,
- appropriate,
- blob,
- tender,
- jaw,
- thinking out,
- neglectfulness,
- suspend,
- expectation,
- strike out,
- ride,
- fit out,
- convey,
- smoke,
- appreciation,
- feast eyes on,
- foresighted,
- looks fixedly,
- forestall,
- pass judgment,
- bring in,
- ground,
- bonk,
- work for,
- crow,
- lump,
- pay attention,
- confidence,
- goon,
- accommodate,
- dress,
- phantasy,
- refer,
- discourse,
- meditation,
- scanning,
- guestimate,
- eat into,
- enlarge,
- Re-search,
- thought,
- almighty,
- figure of speech,
- enumerate,
- plunk for,
- feature film,
- indigence,
- honor,
- cut into,
- rubberise,
- flash on,
- cock,
- fearful,
- take measure of,
- pot,
- take note,
- ache,
- nail,
- appoint,
- joint,
- observant,
- infiltrate,
- distinction,
- fair game,
- fulfill,
- confess,
- chafe,
- dole out,
- foretell,
- denounce,
- conception,
- sightseer,
- stay,
- contemplative,
- size,
- looker,
- stupefy,
- icon,
- vigil,
- stick,
- reconcile,
- rough drawing,
- happen,
- find,
- impetus,
- experience,
- apply,
- haven,
- informant,
- extract,
- portion,
- draw near,
- musing,
- concentre,
- assignment,
- fortune,
- define,
- twinkling,
- cave in,
- centering,
- jut,
- perk up,
- mill about,
- ambition,
- cope,
- tick off,
- take for,
- tally,
- articulate,
- occupy,
- thinking about,
- partiality,
- localisation,
- defend,
- open,
- lout,
- augur,
- horn in,
- tell apart,
- put,
- lubber,
- pauperism,
- mapping out,
- halt,
- bailiwick,
- everlasting,
- gospel according to mark,
- pipe dreaming,
- reference,
- muster in,
- look up and down,
- confide,
- reasoning,
- bill,
- influence,
- revolve,
- leaf,
- provided for,
- succeed,
- twinkle,
- accredit,
- embroil,
- get laid,
- visual sensation,
- subcontract,
- tump over,
- clod,
- dish out,
- fight down,
- overrun,
- natural rubber,
- providential,
- os,
- constitute,
- embodiment,
- hammer away at,
- run across,
- recapitulation,
- meanspirited,
- bunco,
- send off,
- terrible,
- keep tabs on,
- boil down,
- glow,
- stigma,
- beat,
- charter,
- take on,
- signification,
- mean value,
- micturate,
- sting,
- living,
- quarrel,
- billet,
- incorporated,
- look for,
- scam,
- imaging,
- drudgery,
- look over,
- prey,
- plan,
- fool,
- sojourn,
- bulk large,
- maestro,
- mental image,
- pickle,
- asseverate,
- candled,
- clear,
- nonplus,
- make love,
- bad for,
- alluded to,
- stoppage,
- hunting,
- reminder,
- delay,
- mending,
- effulgence,
- moonshine,
- romance,
- point out,
- take stock of,
- fasten,
- class,
- burn off,
- set off,
- show,
- shoot for,
- movie,
- start out,
- dweeb,
- evaluator,
- distrust,
- cumulate,
- in-between,
- oppugn,
- skeletal system,
- mull over,
- hump,
- drag in,
- tone,
- precis,
- narrow,
- brassy,
- perspire,
- situate,
- Predicting,
- bring out,
- skim,
- amass,
- usurp,
- adequate,
- trope,
- smooth,
- think about,
- track,
- swing,
- subject field,
- insure,
- mop up,
- tawdry,
- articulation,
- human face,
- centralise,
- indirect request,
- noodle around,
- frightening,
- gathering,
- discovered,
- steep,
- checkout,
- subsidization,
- twist,
- has a hunch,
- looking for,
- schematization,
- superintend,
- atomic number 85,
- cause,
- omen,
- descend,
- birth,
- limited,
- sell,
- counterfeit,
- be,
- sham,
- watcher,
- roll in the hay,
- philosophize,
- recap,
- recall,
- do it,
- pursue,
- plow,
- painting,
- mope around,
- firmness,
- rebound,
- preserve,
- key,
- be engrossed in,
- take account,
- break up,
- finish off,
- altercate,
- order,
- get through,
- regulate,
- tidal bore,
- subscribed to,
- kick around,
- bombilate,
- program,
- get together,
- annotation,
- beware,
- subscribe,
- urinate,
- patch up,
- plant,
- retard,
- straighten up,
- jimmy,
- toying,
- quarry,
- drop,
- creator,
- pee-pee,
- Peeping,
- looked fixedly,
- short-change,
- pictured,
- impediment,
- fall into place,
- think out,
- take a shit,
- reappraisal,
- diagramming,
- paradigm,
- adjust,
- break down,
- nerd,
- constrain,
- polish off,
- satisfy,
- soak up,
- rubbers,
- construe,
- cast,
- bank check,
- like,
- bank note,
- reparation,
- innovate,
- exert,
- go around,
- chump,
- causa,
- leach,
- break,
- motivation,
- take shape,
- strategy,
- second thought,
- stoma,
- make water,
- have a mind to,
- progress,
- interrogative,
- lie,
- main,
- push,
- chaw,
- work toward,
- posting,
- pipedreams,
- assemble,
- delineated,
- public debate,
- state,
- variety,
- look down,
- linger over,
- intend,
- lunation,
- location,
- crop,
- suck,
- take a leak,
- newsbreak,
- riffing,
- government note,
- cro,
- sea captain,
- fag,
- afford,
- comment,
- kettle of fish,
- lookout,
- read between lines,
- concern,
- spirit level,
- reexamination,
- human body,
- talk about,
- inning,
- Meditated,
- pip,
- dicker,
- clasp,
- guarantee,
- portray,
- barb,
- give thought to,
- excruciate,
- tier,
- glance over,
- moonlight,
- tire,
- speech,
- condition,
- dally,
- piss,
- range of a function,
- philosophise,
- tack together,
- name and address,
- flame up,
- pic,
- teaser,
- collect,
- brushup,
- raise,
- flesh,
- repute,
- construct,
- move over,
- restrain,
- do by,
- lay down,
- pin down,
- longsighted,
- excuse,
- sound off,
- move around,
- withdraw,
- surf,
- have a picture of,
- tangle,
- riff,
- lift out,
- card,
- single-foot,
- wriggle,
- spend a penny,
- strike,
- jaunt,
- slam,
- mite,
- gaudy,
- assure,
- cram,
- cheap,
- confidence trick,
- swing out,
- ticker,
- book,
- bode,
- word picture,
- mastermind,
- perspective,
- knowing,
- nous,
- determination,
- inculpate,
- sound,
- ex-serviceman,
- cut,
- creative thinker,
- permit,
- react,
- tease,
- bunko,
- communicate,
- victor,
- evince,
- paroxysm,
- generalise,
- abrade,
- chromosome mapping,
- psych out,
- blemish,
- diagraming,
- think over,
- change of location,
- mingy,
- take apart,
- buzz,
- perusing,
- handgrip,
- passel,
- build,
- even off,
- middle,
- dig into,
- pure,
- founder,
- infix,
- confine,
- mountain,
- invite,
- destiny,
- pout,
- footle,
- calibre,
- prediction,
- meretricious,
- looks for,
- recoil,
- cartel,
- rate,
- prognosis,
- amused,
- tax,
- comprehend,
- have a bun in the oven,
- cleric,
- motion picture,
- boast,
- original,
- fray,
- apprehension,
- business,
- kept an eye on,
- hear,
- keep abreast,
- labor,
- hold dear,
- scram,
- scrutinate,
- list,
- frame in,
- promote,
- torture,
- consent,
- agonise,
- stool,
- designing,
- cook,
- throw,
- chit,
- ruminative,
- conjoin,
- postponement,
- latch on,
- ecclesiastic,
- look back,
- jiffy,
- compliments,
- schematisation,
- account,
- digit,
- yield,
- queue,
- shit,
- professional,
- cogitation,
- poster,
- get hold of,
- enclose,
- denominate,
- obedience,
- look through,
- look-alike,
- divvy up,
- simulacrum,
- reflects,
- enunciate,
- allowing for,
- tell,
- signify,
- come,
- slave,
- line,
- private,
- tossed around,
- combine,
- synthetic rubber,
- soft touch,
- correct,
- liken,
- fix attention,
- shuffling,
- rubberize,
- exteriorise,
- brain,
- chimneysweeper,
- handicap,
- allot,
- agnise,
- hold on,
- exposure,
- storage area,
- tackle,
- swear,
- mastication,
- fantasy,
- eye,
- approach pattern,
- wait on,
- traffic pattern,
- rase,
- pick out,
- shaft,
- peg down,
- travelling,
- farm out,
- clutches,
- written report,
- tarry,
- feign,
- wee-wee,
- handle,
- go about,
- cargo hold,
- promise,
- seduce,
- miss,
- engross,
- abstract,
- looking,
- spotter,
- deficiency,
- compete,
- weight,
- wring,
- apprise,
- attentiveness,
- raft,
- deference,
- part,
- crosspiece,
- awful,
- stew,
- dreaming,
- kicked around,
- field general,
- stumblebum,
- witnesser,
- externalise,
- smoothen,
- trade,
- pay heed,
- call back,
- pack,
- couch,
- farsighted,
- paid attention,
- research,
- populate,
- Riveted,
- type,
- form mental picture of,
- unsex,
- squeeze,
- opinion poll,
- borrow,
- motion-picture show,
- rig,
- mannequin,
- inquiry,
- stick with,
- digest,
- bounce,
- moon on,
- inaugurate,
- plot of ground,
- ingest,
- castle in the air,
- push aside,
- patronise,
- sexual,
- pass over,
- eminence,
- commence,
- thrust,
- desex,
- dawdle,
- pile up,
- horrific,
- look up,
- clench,
- get to,
- luck,
- smudge,
- conduct,
- rent,
- prove,
- eagre,
- include,
- beget,
- view as,
- aegir,
- strike off,
- intent,
- feast one’s eyes,
- collar,
- flavor,
- goody,
- incubation,
- psychoanalyze,
- mill around,
- underframe,
- vex,
- heartbeat,
- role,
- fill out,
- wonk,
- allege,
- observantly,
- field of study,
- furbish up,
- intromit,
- center,
- eyeballed,
- aim for,
- radiation diagram,
- agnize,
- claim,
- public eye,
- suspicious,
- fumble,
- heighten,
- incur,
- depend upon,
- observe,
- veteran,
- dead reckoning,
- dig up,
- lucifer,
- slang,
- chief,
- thought out,
- excogitation,
- pucker,
- brook,
- kind,
- fall in,
- pipe dream,
- privilege,
- bearing,
- call for,
- looked upon,
- ray of light,
- permeate,
- retain,
- tied,
- subject,
- reinforcement,
- prevail,
- glitter,
- off-white,
- exercise,
- stigmatize,
- grow,
- diagramed,
- sentiment,
- distinguish,
- donkeywork,
- prolong,
- attack,
- get under one’s skin,
- defendant,
- insight,
- settle,
- backing,
- deduct,
- churchman,
- channelize,
- lurk,
- compute,
- press,
- canvas tent,
- equate,
- matter,
- scud,
- syllogise,
- mill,
- take over,
- mentation,
- thoughtful,
- comparison,
- finger,
- foreshadow,
- detention,
- bridle,
- reflect,
- librate,
- deepness,
- rubbered,
- incriminate,
- reccy,
- defecate,
- hinge upon,
- game,
- exposit,
- jehovah,
- side,
- remove,
- radio beam,
- pillow slip,
- feeler,
- puzzler,
- pollard,
- command,
- flummox,
- go steady,
- oarlock,
- grappling,
- burn,
- sleep together,
- come after,
- gestate,
- total,
- slur,
- pasture,
- metre,
- interpret,
- moment,
- advise,
- shell out,
- convention,
- impose,
- deed over,
- ambit,
- flash bulb,
- wheel,
- tear down,
- pay back,
- marvel,
- lunar month,
- pay,
- scoping,
- mystifier,
- bent,
- perforate,
- electron beam,
- agree,
- material body,
- sterilise,
- watch over,
- liftgate,
- step up,
- take to,
- countenance,
- difference,
- fantasise,
- knock about,
- aver,
- piddle,
- require,
- garner,
- orchestrate,
- check into,
- engender,
- gulp,
- working toward,
- flow,
- clear up,
- promissory note,
- cerebration,
- depute,
- rake,
- paying attention,
- pate,
- atomic number 44,
- presage,
- control,
- oaf,
- levels,
- visual perception,
- omit,
- confirm,
- grind away,
- equivalence,
- leaf through,
- get up,
- redact,
- look on,
- take form,
- inquire into,
- stick to,
- look,
- pop the question,
- quantify,
- lummox,
- sleuth,
- measurement,
- outfit,
- sizing,
- supporting,
- pass,
- languish,
- pinch,
- projection,
- beggarly,
- work,
- oscilloscope,
- stop,
- informal,
- brood over,
- dream of,
- install,
- hash out,
- hateful,
- lord,
- measuring rod,
- portend,
- revaluation,
- administer,
- deterrent,
- circumstances,
- visual image,
- inflict,
- ikon,
- blink,
- party favor,
- knock over,
- disclose,
- display case,
- compound,
- oculus,
- shuffle,
- swither,
- dare,
- looks at,
- let out,
- observance,
- lack,
- audited account,
- ruminate,
- casing,
- manage,
- stick in,
- bring forth,
- placard,
- deal out,
- rationality,
- verification,
- unite,
- actualise,
- batch,
- square up,
- toil,
- call forth,
- cop,
- lie with,
- note value,
- step,
- score,
- wake,
- brewage,
- coquette,
- journeying,
- trump up,
- shaft of light,
- speckle,
- hang around,
- pensive,
- enact,
- demand,
- use,
- coquet,
- get a line,
- forgather,
- tantrum,
- sequester,
- dabble,
- substantiation,
- flashy,
- stage,
- transom,
- mistrust,
- profess,
- run over,
- thumb,
- head,
- superior,
- hole,
- obtain,
- office,
- isolate,
- nerve,
- importation,
- premise,
- dope out,
- staring,
- fathom,
- pipe-dreaming,
- record,
- call down,
- verbalize,
- poke,
- goggle,
- epithet,
- fondness,
- meaning,
- mold,
- perlustrate,
- hold up,
- architectural plan,
- flashgun,
- care,
- wind,
- veterinary surgeon,
- problem,
- strain,
- tripper,
- call,
- resolution,
- undertaking,
- advertize,
- share,
- telephone number,
- smatter,
- give attention,
- argumentation,
- fishy,
- painstaking,
- screening,
- issue,
- confidant,
- practise,
- generalize,
- Visioning,
- moon around,
- take in charge,
- counter,
- butterfly,
- punctuate,
- encounter,
- berth,
- range,
- proffer,
- film,
- profundity,
- rubbernecker,
- manducate,
- gallery,
- queue up,
- pry bar,
- worm,
- dilly-dallier,
- enter,
- pull down,
- blow,
- ruthenium,
- recco,
- subject area,
- hitch,
- wrecking bar,
- unionize,
- speak up,
- god almighty,
- abide,
- bring up,
- psychoanalyse,
- have in view,
- shell,
- flush,
- took notice of,
- settle on,
- sweep up,
- synopsis,
- set about,
- inquired into,
- broom,
- shoot the breeze,
- bottom,
- trice,
- Re-mark,
- bell ringer,
- resound,
- chew the fat,
- union,
- framing,
- brim over,
- home in,
- counterbalance,
- ghost,
- photoflash,
- excavate,
- rotated,
- focussing,
- torment,
- phone number,
- muse,
- catechise,
- incubate,
- deliver,
- ensnare,
- compeer,
- toy,
- thoroughgoing,
- fascinate,
- fearsome,
- stake out,
- parcel out,
- time lag,
- dreamt of,
- put on,
- slew,
- key pattern,
- shoot,
- surmisal,
- err,
- light upon,
- accost,
- pictorial matter,
- ostentation,
- enumeration,
- rubber eraser,
- roll up,
- appraisal,
- typeface,
- bullock,
- repair,
- ramble,
- Valuing,
- pioneer,
- leave out,
- specialize,
- gimcrack,
- follow-up,
- conform to,
- realise,
- estimation,
- refulgency,
- pay off,
- outface,
- think up,
- resume,
- engage,
- rough,
- subscribe to,
- rack one’s brains,
- manakin,
- dire,
- go up,
- report,
- ordinate,
- quail at,
- acquire,
- recollect,
- purport,
- give tongue to,
- dreaded,
- fling,
- dodge,
- versed,
- kick in,
- exteriorize,
- chip,
- position,
- tomography,
- spate,
- get over,
- memorise,
- design,
- consume,
- meditative,
- represent,
- economic value,
- supposition,
- Perpend,
- get into,
- softwood,
- connote,
- caliber,
- relieve oneself,
- verbalise,
- quid,
- sort,
- keep an eye on,
- burning up,
- catch,
- blot,
- wonderment,
- arctic,
- nock,
- plan of attack,
- publicise,
- reassessment,
- checked over,
- stack,
- show off,
- bod,
- field,
- equalize,
- cadence,
- cling,
- business deal,
- contract,
- chit-chat,
- doubtfulness,
- explicate,
- hold off,
- get down,
- exact,
- be held,
- contravention,
- lookout man,
- hatching,
- junction,
- buy,
- focalize,
- stud,
- play along,
- bring down,
- characterization,
- larn,
- feel out,
- think back,
- deal with,
- call up,
- unadulterated,
- guesswork,
- allude to,
- back,
- gawp,
- muckle,
- check over,
- profoundness,
- desexualize,
- retrospect,
- doubt,
- confidential information,
- abide by,
- hand-to-hand struggle,
- trustingness,
- burned up,
- looked over,
- cargo area,
- gain,
- potation,
- set,
- moony,
- get a load of,
- spotlight,
- Visioned,
- loaf,
- Earmarked,
- even out,
- reconsideration,
- self-gratification,
- numerate,
- kicking around,
- deliberate,
- mental imagery,
- lollygag,
- focus attention,
- touch,
- cross out,
- object,
- numeral,
- border on,
- be known as,
- guard,
- seeing,
- have it away,
- plenty,
- arrant,
- conserve,
- glint,
- suit,
- wield,
- poke into,
- grammatical case,
- signal,
- vista,
- point,
- dissolve,
- mother,
- mensurate,
- upset,
- golosh,
- behold,
- post,
- provide,
- backup,
- get across,
- implore,
- waiting,
- protrude,
- chance upon,
- looking at,
- Lamping,
- take out,
- dainty,
- run down,
- develop,
- occupy thoughts,
- invite out,
- aspiration,
- intercede,
- target area,
- monitoring device,
- treasure,
- argufy,
- gear up,
- comply,
- bunko game,
- horrendous,
- riffs,
- layer,
- bastardly,
- cathode-ray oscilloscope,
- loiter,
- persist,
- preeminence,
- daub,
- speak out,
- fleck,
- inner,
- train,
- range in,
- oneirism,
- be adrift,
- jab,
- don,
- espouse,
- befool,
- excavation,
- moot,
- preface,
- fear,
- arrive,
- soupcon,
- checker,
- ensure,
- perspiration,
- sample,
- volunteer,
- pee,
- fasten on,
- situation,
- negligence,
- wrestling,
- takes notice of,
- Imaged,
- direful,
- critique,
- fake,
- bore-hole,
- chore,
- innovation,
- thole,
- rivet,
- Scanned,
- bid for,
- understanding,
- assent to,
- mickle,
- run it up flagpole,
- flavour,
- counting,
- primary,
- be after,
- draft copy,
- dodging,
- plat,
- coiffe,
- fixate,
- sodding,
- prototype,
- adopt,
- headache,
- exhibit,
- present tense,
- gull,
- come home,
- hang up,
- scrub,
- coquetry,
- firmness of purpose,
- lead,
- rubbering,
- reconnoiter,
- engine driver,
- apportion,
- resoluteness,
- trouble,
- string up,
- payoff,
- lower,
- hold back,
- connive,
- falsify,
- confer,
- pair,
- draw a bead on,
- manduction,
- running over,
- burst,
- assert,
- interpenetrate,
- hang on,
- keep,
- stylemark,
- prefer,
- mates,
- take stock,
- attestant,
- undercover agent,
- moon about,
- accompaniment,
- niggle,
- effectuate,
- be intimate,
- surveil,
- dullard,
- scratch,
- convulsion,
- externalize,
- referred to,
- targeting,
- framework,
- smithy,
- stark,
- surrogate,
- topographic point,
- financial support,
- get the picture,
- suck in,
- venture,
- inspection,
- tinge,
- contradict,
- touch on,
- groom,
- affirm,
- keep in mind,
- tint,
- archeological site,
- numeration,
- acquaint,
- stargaze,
- carry,
- locomotive engineer,
- beat one’s brains,
- minx,
- internal,
- patch,
- usher in,
- puddle,
- pretermit,
- radiation pattern,
- suffer,
- pillowcase,
- kick about,
- corroborate,
- go out,
- cogitate,
- review article,
- face up,
- look out over,
- cede,
- suck up,
- circumnavigate,
- making up one’s mind,
- lallygag,
- suggestion,
- speck,
- tramp,
- limited review,
- get along,
- salute,
- haul up,
- flat,
- motion,
- scrap,
- take a hop,
- apprize,
- sudor,
- uphold,
- instruct,
- scout,
- looked on,
- purpose,
- take notice of,
- headmaster,
- link up,
- demo,
- glide path,
- sequestrate,
- dash,
- take exception,
- look out on,
- hammering,
- difference of opinion,
- secure,
- get an eyeful,
- drawing,
- institute,
- dismiss,
- be lost in thought,
- hornswoggle,
- dispense,
- reckon with,
- glisten,
- underpin,
- build up,
- cheque,
- set eyes on,
- measured,
- bray,
- refresh,
- keep apart,
- vexation,
- earn,
- nobble,
- interrogation,
- course,
- followup,
- flaunt,
- flick,
- tuck,
- previse,
- taking into consideration,
- confide in,
- split second,
- skeletal frame,
- flimflam,
- sudate,
- ease up,
- pull in,
- stand for,
- raze,
- gross,
- fetch,
- plane,
- stag,
- empathize,
- crunch,
- trademark,
- approach path,
- prune,
- confirmation,
- be hold,
- transmit,
- machination,
- guesstimated,
- balance beam,
- intellection,
- reason,
- integrate,
- test the waters,
- typesetter’s case,
- esteem,
- concenter,
- loud,
- perfect,
- cut through,
- routine,
- publicize,
- consider,
- significance,
- worn spot,
- father,
- whirl,
- stomate,
- mannikin,
- swan,
- maneuver,
- dapple,
- compose,
- tidy sum,
- thought process,
- mallet,
- gibe,
- expectancy,
- focalise,
- capture,
- masticate,
- setting,
- wad,
- try out,
- showing,
- set forth,
- access,
- answer,
- elaborate,
- glide slope,
- horizontal surface,
- take aim,
- pencil eraser,
- quantity,
- photograph,
- ran over,
- tilt,
- reasonableness,
- see about,
- withstand,
- nab,
- pensiveness,
- gumshoe,
- miserly,
- rivets,
- hire,
- elysian,
- thinking over,
- travel to,
- turn back,
- twin,
- soma,
- diagnose,
- zero on,
- stand,
- direct attention,
- dismantle,
- hypothesis,
- unionise,
- prise,
- bowl over,
- conclude,
- lever,
- well-grounded,
- passe-partout,
- patronize,
- bind,
- blaze,
- pegleg,
- equip,
- pass on,
- muse over,
- signifier,
- yardbird,
- get on the beam,
- pervade,
- deny,
- astuteness,
- thought over,
- juncture,
- order of payment,
- thumb through,
- prophylactic,
- cartoon,
- educate,
- pine,
- taking notice of,
- comminute,
- sense,
- persona,
- eyeshot,
- judgement,
- feeling,
- yaw,
- riffle,
- take a crap,
- let on,
- manoeuver,
- screw,
- chewing,
- chip in,
- enounce,
- cipher,
- rich person,
- primed,
- gift,
- happen upon,
- revalue,
- approximate,
- conflict,
- yard bird,
- lean,
- moderate,
- yen,
- news bulletin,
- brainwave,
- veterinarian,
- dart,
- make do,
- live with,
- panorama,
- hallmark,
- plot of land,
- triumph,
- cover,
- importee,
- telescope,
- obligate,
- plug,
- lookup,
- plans on,
- lounger,
- frame of reference,
- jazz,
- pitch,
- represented,
- input,
- take under advisement,
- even up,
- caoutchouc,
- hustle,
- savoir-faire,
- writhe,
- check mark,
- plump for,
- function,
- decoct,
- enterprise,
- peep,
- fail,
- fixing,
- plodding,
- chequer,
- cheek,
- intrust,
- thought up,
- own,
- paint a picture,
- task,
- slant,
- tab,
- trend,
- zero in on,
- bear,
- fix up,
- comparability,
- floor,
- hollow,
- psyche,
- corporate trust,
- centralize,
- overleap,
- visualisation,
- bone up,
- pour it on,
- encase,
- echo,
- varan,
- fence,
- vamper,
- think hard,
- president grant,
- get a load,
- come up to,
- betoken,
- federal reserve note,
- time value,
- dissect,
- snoop,
- affect,
- regale,
- sound out,
- blink of an eye,
- ring,
- physical body,
- mould,
- endeavour,
- dalliance,
- reckon on,
- turn,
- lineament,
- call in,
- go over with a fine-tooth comb,
- imaginativeness,
- Gazed,
- swallow,
- hand,
- ramp up,
- apprehensiveness,
- spirt,
- cypher,
- coordinate,
- wish well,
- equalise,
- word form,
- tight,
- dillydallier,
- new york minute,
- sentry,
- caper,
- limelight,
- palpate,
- find out,
- grimace,
- bill of exchange,
- posit,
- hindrance,
- gall,
- funny,
- confer with,
- cogitate on,
- brilliance,
- flashing,
- depend,
- motive,
- clue,
- extend,
- dreadful,
- showcase,
- stir,
- expressage,
- approaching,
- conciliate,
- put under a microscope,
- technologist,
- con game,
- chassis,
- jibe,
- diffuse,
- consist,
- marking,
- friction match,
- reach,
- hypothesize,
- flip through,
- Parleyed,
- dubiousness,
- background,
- manufacture,
- channelise,
- conglomerate,
- travel along,
- stab,
- purview,
- hover,
- conniption,
- aforethought,
- break one’s back,
- labour,
- trashy,
- cross,
- mint,
- patsy,
- deliberation,
- mass,
- irradiation,
- trace,
- moil,
- sport,
- saint mark,
- make up one’s mind,
- deprivation,
- pore,
- charge,
- riddle,
- sharpen,
- commend,
- produce,
- wear,
- fuck,
- eyeball,
- build castles in air,
- savvy,
- grounds,
- draw out,
- springiness,
- flare,
- instant,
- mulling over,
- direction,
- celebrate,
- godly,
- muddle,
- newsflash,
- gag,
- goldbrick,
- caseful,
- natter,
- come off,
- sail,
- filter,
- interest,
- look fixedly,
- prod,
- keep going,
- expatiate,
- revolved,
- auspicate,
- predicts,
- polish,
- put one over,
- conceptualise,
- guesstimate,
- measuring stick,
- alter,
- ray,
- get word,
- standard,
- take the measure of,
- phrase,
- advance,
- take hold,
- scrutinize,
- mash,
- poring over,
- drive at,
- guinea pig,
- well over,
- computer address,
- stimulate,
- light beam,
- take care,
- financial backing,
- rehearse,
- play off,
- advert,
- rub,
- intellect,
- have it off,
- delineation,
- condom,
- pound,
- nominate,
- delimitate,
- orb,
- test,
- adumbrate,
- take after,
- materialise,
- sop up,
- empathise,
- agaze,
- cud,
- Surveyed,
- bugger off,
- photo,
- possess,
- diagrammed,
- fall upon,
- debone,
- have in mind,
- dumbfound,
- come near,
- erect,
- plunge,
- proctor,
- gens,
- lawsuit,
- array,
- exertion,
- looked through,
- jut out,
- nose,
- shady,
- sight,
- feed,
- buck up,
- system,
- divulge,
- ostentate,
- conformation,
- burn up,
- arrest,
- captain,
- flip,
- foregather,
- reexamine,
- check up,
- allow for,
- give the once over,
- conjure,
- expect,
- pulverisation,
- sucker,
- rear,
- mull,
- choke,
- imagery,
- veterinary,
- seize on,
- hunt,
- merged,
- enjoin,
- mug up,
- aspect,
- got an eyeful,
- substantiate,
- example,
- machinate,
- locating,
- ivory,
- desexualise,
- story,
- intrude,
- brush aside,
- bespeak,
- recognise,
- pose,
- pipedream,
- endorse,
- monitor lizard,
- correspond,
- hatchback,
- unwrap,
- amaze,
- orbit,
- reserve,
- graze,
- consider closely,
- make believe,
- lick,
- dreamy,
- overcome,
- concession,
- know as,
- storey,
- impart,
- gaze,
- precede,
- traveling,
- tipple,
- date,
- home run,
- locomotion,
- recollective,
- compare,
- provide for,
- gossip,
- evoke,
- taste,
- poll parrot,
- specialise,
- speak,
- pick up,
- pearl,
- restore,
- render,
- escort,
- godlike,
- live,
- moving-picture show,
- deposit,
- depart,
- cargo deck,
- carry on,
- delimit,
- harp,
- stress,
- buckle down,
- smoking,
- scoop up,
- master copy,
- wealthy person,
- enquiry,
- radiancy,
- font,
- distribute,
- immerse,
- make up mind,
- hold in,
- assist,
- attestator,
- candling,
- revery,
- go for,
- click,
- traversal,
- dilate,
- effigy,
- register,
- reliance,
- overtop,
- farseeing,
- smell,
- skeleton,
- synodic month,
- notification,
- cozy,
- schema,
- guessing,
- trave,
- heap,
- gravel,
- plan on,
- detect,
- mess about,
- slip,
- concentrate,
- mate,
- swig,
- effect,
- reason out,
- eccentric,
- give up,
- swank,
- near,
- crack one’s brains,
- rowlock,
- refer to,
- give the once-over,
- chatter,
- float,
- eager,
- fashion,
- maker,
- scoot,
- measuring.
• plan
- figure out,
- blueprinted,
- lines up,
- figured out,
- quarterback,
- have every intention,
- lining up,
- crafting,
- blueprinting,
- crafted,
- lay in provisions,
- rough in,
- fix to,
- quarterbacking,
- make arrangements,
- Mapped,
- fixing to,
- line up,
- mapping,
- quarterbacks.
• reason
- thresh out,
- draw conclusion,
- syllogize,
- thought through,
- draw from.
• ruminate
- use head,
- use one’s head,
- stew about.
• see
- clocked,
- catch sight of,
- be apprised of,
- catches sight of,
- clocking,
- caught sight of,
- taking notice,
- Glimpsed,
- catch a glimpse of.
• turn over
- reflected on,
- wonder about.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- forge,
- hint,
- stare,
- discuss,
- feature,
- present,
- percolate,
- take for granted,
- play around with,
- look out for,
- give heed to,
- occupy oneself with,
- reflect upon,
- judge,
- treat,
- plunge into,
- describe,
- job,
- tolerate,
- grind,
- pattern,
- outline,
- receive,
- conceptualize,
- frame,
- go over,
- destine,
- have,
- monitor,
- get,
- speculation,
- talk of,
- restudy,
- be abstracted,
- learn,
- meditate on,
- ponder over,
- keep in view,
- speculate on,
- reflect on,
- drill,
- conjecture,
- reckon,
- scrupulous,
- lucubrate,
- note,
- premeditate,
- vet,
- theorise,
- chew,
- insinuate,
- concoct,
- wade through,
- rely upon,
- count upon,
- image,
- suggest,
- hit the books,
- prepare,
- brood on,
- delineate,
- look to,
- look ahead,
- advert to,
- predict,
- flirt,
- pay attention to,
- cook up,
- see to,
- case,
- mark,
- bethink,
- appreciate,
- dream up,
- realize,
- take notice,
- forecast,
- ascertain,
- practice,
- remember,
- scheme,
- be expectant,
- wait,
- be motivated by,
- puzzle,
- read,
- see ahead,
- discover,
- conjure up,
- look into,
- devise,
- foretaste,
- set up,
- be attentive,
- attend to,
- bear in mind,
- put forth,
- scrutinise,
- chew the cud,
- harbour,
- sketch,
- draft,
- put on one’s thinking cap,
- account for,
- toy with,
- rely on,
- look beyond,
- make note of,
- Elucubrate,
- think of,
- drift,
- attend,
- hypothesise,
- dig,
- admit,
- deem,
- con over,
- cool out,
- guess,
- bone,
- work up,
- con,
- allow,
- Trow,
- postulate,
- sustain,
- take under consideration,
- count on,
- face,
- accept,
- trifle with,
- at,
- support,
- undertake,
- contrive,
- reverberate,
- look after,
- perceive of,
- draw up,
- play with,
- dream,
- take,
- practises,
- resolve,
- take upon oneself,
- divine,
- long,
- roam,
- recognize,
- hypothecate,
- check out,
- analyse,
- Destinate,
- lay out,
- heed,
- animadvert to,
- work out,
- remark,
- gape,
- reconnoitre,
- maintain,
- compass,
- introspect,
- hold,
- keep in sight,
- animadvert,
- swot,
- put forward,
- reflect over,
- be absorbed,
- traverse,
- seem,
- determine,
- conceive of,
- foster,
- imply,
- take into account,
- reflect about,
- think it over.
How to use «Contemplate» in context?
The word contemplate conjures up visions of deep thought, introspection and concentration. For some, contemplation may be a relaxing activity to take time for oneself. For others, contemplation may be a form of meditation or contemplation used in religious traditions to aid in spiritual growth. In essence, the word contemplate has many definitions and applications. What is important is that we all use it in a way that supports our personal growth and development. Here are a few things to keep in mind when contemplating:
1. Take time for yourself: In order to be able to contemplate something effectively, you need to give yourself some time.
Paraphrases for Contemplate:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Verb, non-3rd person singular present
anticipate, consider, contain, envisage, envision, foresee, include, intend, ponder, predict, prescribe, provide, foresaw.
Verb, base form
accommodate, address, anticipate, behold, conceivable, conceive, confront, consider, considered, contain, devise, discuss, dream, encompass, entertain, envisage, envision, examine, foresee, imagine, include, incorporate, intend, ponder, predict, prescribe, propose, provide, reconsider, rethink, stipulate, treat, visualize, Envisaged, Considering, stipulates.
Verb, non-3rd person singular present
Hyponym for Contemplate:
consider, look at, take, deal.
look at, view, consider.
contemplate [ˊkɒntəmpleɪt]
1) созерца́ть
2) предполага́ть, намерева́ться
3) рассма́тривать
4) обду́мывать, размышля́ть
5) ожида́ть;
Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > contemplate
Персональный Сократ > contemplate
contemplate намереваться contemplate обдумывать, размышлять contemplate обдумывать contemplate ожидать; I do not contemplate any opposition from him я не ожидаю с его стороны противодействия contemplate ожидать contemplate предполагать, намереваться contemplate предполагать contemplate размышлять contemplate рассматривать contemplate рассчитывать contemplate созерцать contemplate ожидать; I do not contemplate any opposition from him я не ожидаю с его стороны противодействия
English-Russian short dictionary > contemplate
Англо-русский синонимический словарь > contemplate
ˈkɔntempleɪt гл.
1) обозревать, разглядывать, созерцать, пристально разглядывать the beautiful statue which they were contemplating ≈ прекрасная статуя, которую они созерцали Syn: view
2., observe
2) обдумывать, продумывать, размышлять He contemplated resigning. ≈ Он думал, не уйти ли ему в отставку. Her manner of life during these years is pleasant to contemplate. ≈ Мысленно представлять ее жизнь в эти годы одно удовольствие. Syn: consider, meditate, muse II
1., ponder, study
2., think over
3) рассматривать Is it not necessary to contemplate it in all its aspects? ≈ Неужели надо рассматривать все аспекты этого дела? Syn: regard
4) намереваться, полагать, предполагать Syn: intend, mean III, be about, purpose
5) ждать, ожидать, рассчитывать Syn: look for, expect
созерцать, пристально рассматривать — she stood contemplating herself in the mirror она стояла, пристально рассматривая себя в зеркале — the old man *d the past старик мысленно возвращался к прошлому размышлять;
обдумывать, рассматривать — to * a problem рассматривать проблему — I will * your proposal я обдумаю ваше предложение намереваться, предполагать — he *s going to London next week он предполагает поехать в Лондон на будущей неделе — she is contemplating a trip to Europe она планирует поездку в Европу ожидать, рассчитывать — I do not * any opposition from him я не думаю, что он будет против
contemplate намереваться ~ обдумывать, размышлять ~ обдумывать ~ ожидать;
I do not contemplate any opposition from him я не ожидаю с его стороны противодействия ~ ожидать ~ предполагать, намереваться ~ предполагать ~ размышлять ~ рассматривать ~ рассчитывать ~ созерцать
~ ожидать;
I do not contemplate any opposition from him я не ожидаю с его стороны противодействияБольшой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > contemplate
1. созерцать, пристально рассматривать
she stood contemplating herself in the mirror — она стояла, пристально рассматривая себя в зеркале
the old man contemplated the past — старик мысленно возвращался к прошлому
2. размышлять; обдумывать, рассматривать
to contemplate a problem — рассматривать /обдумывать/ проблему
3. намереваться, предполагать
he contemplates going to London next week — он предполагает поехать в Лондон на будущей неделе
4. ожидать, рассчитывать
I do not contemplate any opposition from him — я не думаю, что он будет против
НБАРС > contemplate
1) обозревать, созерцать; пристально разглядывать
The beautiful statue which they were contemplating belonged to their host. — Прекрасная статуя, которую они созерцали, принадлежала их хозяину.
2) обдумывать, продумывать, размышлять
He contemplated resigning. — Он подумывал, не уйти ли ему в отставку.
Her manner of life during these years is pleasant to contemplate. — Мысленно представлять её жизнь в эти годы — одно удовольствие.
4) намереваться, предполагать
5) ждать, ожидать, рассчитывать
Англо-русский современный словарь > contemplate
1) размышлять, обдумывать, рассматривать
English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > contemplate
1. v созерцать, пристально рассматривать
2. v размышлять; обдумывать, рассматривать
3. v намереваться, предполагать
4. v ожидать, рассчитывать
Синонимический ряд:
2. consider (verb) consider; excogitate; mind; perpend; ponder; study; think out; think over; weigh
4. look (verb) eye; gaze; gaze upon; look; look upon; regard; view
5. look at (verb) examine; gaze at; inspect; look at; observe; peer; survey; watch
6. mean (verb) aim; design; intend; mean; plan; project; propose; purpose
7. meditate (verb) brood; cogitate on; meditate; muse; muse on; reflect on; think about
8. reflect (verb) cerebrate; chew over; cogitate; deliberate; mull; reflect; revolve; ruminate; speculate; think; think through; turn over
Антонимический ряд:
discard; disregard; ignore; neglect; overlook; reject; waive
English-Russian base dictionary > contemplate
1) Общая лексика: иметь в виду, намереваться, обдумать, обдумывать, планировать, поразмыслить, предполагать, предположить, пристально рассматривать, размышлять, рассматривать, рассмотреть, созерцать, ожидать , ждать, обозревать, пристально разглядывать, продумывать, разглядывать, затевать (в некоторых контекстах)
4) Дипломатический термин: созерцать
Универсальный англо-русский словарь > contemplate
1) созерцать
2) обдумывать, размышлять
3) рассматривать
4) предполагать, намереваться
5) ожидать; I do not contemplate any opposition from him я не ожидаю с его стороны противодействия
* * *
(v) рассматривать; созерцать
* * *
обозревать, разглядывать, созерцать
* * *
[con·tem·plate || ‘kɒntempleɪt]
созерцать, лицезреть, размышлять, обдумывать, иметь в виду, намереваться, предполагать, рассматривать, ожидать* * *
* * *
1) обозревать, разглядывать, созерцать, пристально разглядывать
2) обдумывать
3) рассматриватьНовый англо-русский словарь > contemplate
English-Russian big medical dictionary > contemplate
проектировать; рассматривать возможность; предполагать
English-Russian dictionary on nuclear energy > contemplate
- рассматривать
Англо-русский словарь нормативно-технической терминологии > contemplate
обозревать, разглядывать, созерцать, пристально разглядывать
обдумывать, продумывать, размышлять
намереваться, полагать, предполагать
ждать, ожидать, рассчитывать
Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > contemplate
созерцать; обдумывать, размышлять; сосредоточенно обдумывать (что-либо); намериваться; рассматривать как объективный факт, считать предметом; рассматривать отвлеченно
Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > contemplate
Patent terms dictionary > contemplate
1) ставить целью, иметь намерением ; замышлять
Англо-русский юридический словарь > contemplate
рассматривать; созерцать; обдумывать; предполагать; намереваться; замышлять
English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > contemplate
English-Russian smart dictionary > contemplate
- Следующая →
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
- 6
- 7
См. также в других словарях:
Contemplate — Con tem*plate (?; 277), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Contemplated} (# or #); p. pr. & vb. n. {Contemplating}.] [L. contemplatus, p. p. of contemplari to contemplate; con + templum a space for observation marked out by the augur. See {Temple}.] 1. To look … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Contemplate — Con tem*plate, v. i. To consider or think studiously; to ponder; to reflect; to muse; to meditate. [1913 Webster] So many hours must I contemplate. Shak. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
contemplate — [v1] think about seriously; plan aim, aspire to, brood over, chew over, consider, cool out*, deliberate, design, envisage, excogitate, expect, foresee, intend, kick around*, mean, meditate on, mind, mull over, muse over, observe, percolate,… … New thesaurus
contemplate — ► VERB 1) look at thoughtfully. 2) think about. 3) think profoundly and at length. 4) have as a probable intention. DERIVATIVES contemplator noun. ORIGIN Latin contemplari survey, observe, contemplate , from templum … English terms dictionary
contemplate — index anticipate (expect), brood, concentrate (pay attention), conjure, consider, deliberate, de … Law dictionary
contemplate — 1590s, from L. contemplatus, pp. of contemplari survey, observe (see CONTEMPLATION (Cf. contemplation)). Related: Contemplated; contemplating … Etymology dictionary
contemplate — 1 study, *consider, weigh, excogitate Analogous words: *ponder, meditate, muse, ruminate: reflect, cogitate, speculate, *think 2 observe, survey, notice, remark, note, perceive, discern, *see, view, behold, descry, espy Analogous words: * … New Dictionary of Synonyms
contemplate — [kän′təm plāt΄] vt. contemplated, contemplating [< L contemplatus, pp. of contemplari, to gaze attentively, observe (orig., in augury, to mark out space for observation < com , intens. + templum,TEMPLE1] 1. to look at intently; gaze at 2.… … English World dictionary
contemplate — verb ADVERB ▪ seriously ▪ She was seriously contemplating moving to Mexico. ▪ even ▪ How could you even contemplate such an idea? VERB + CONTEMPLATE ▪ … Collocations dictionary
contemplate — con|tem|plate [ˈkɔntəmpleıt US ˈka:n ] v [Date: 1500 1600; : Latin; Origin: , past participle of contemplari, from com ( COM ) + templum ( TEMPLE)] 1.) [T] to think about something that you might do in the future = ↑consider ▪ He had even… … Dictionary of contemporary English
contemplate */*/ — UK [ˈkɒntəmˌpleɪt] / US [ˈkɑntəmˌpleɪt] verb Word forms contemplate : present tense I/you/we/they contemplate he/she/it contemplates present participle contemplating past tense contemplated past participle contemplated 1) a) [transitive] to… … English dictionary
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
To see is simply to become conscious of an object of vision; to look is to make a conscious and direct endeavor to see. To behold is to fix the sight and the mind with distinctness and consideration upon something that has come to be clearly before the eyes. We may look without seeing, as in pitch-darkness, and we may see without looking, as in case of a flash of lightning. To gaze is to look intently, long, and steadily upon an object. To glance is to look casually or momentarily. To stare is to look with a fixed intensity such as is the effect of surprise, alarm, or rudeness. To scan is to look at minutely, to note every visible feature. To inspect is to go below the surface, uncover, study item by item. View and survey are comprehensive, survey expressing the greater exactness of measurement or estimate. Watch brings in the element of time and often of wariness; we watch for a movement or change, a signal, the approach of an enemy, etc. Compare APPEAR.
behold, descry, discern, gaze, glance, inspect, look, regard, scan, see, stare, survey, view, watch
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.6 / 5 votes
meditate, behold, observe, ponder, study, purpose, design, intend, projectAntonyms:
ignore, overlook, waive, abandon
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
look at thoughtfully; observe deep in thought
«contemplate one’s navel»
ruminate, mull, chew over, think over, mull over, muse, study, speculate, reflect, excogitate, ponder, meditate -
consider as a possibility
«I contemplated leaving school and taking a full-time job»
ruminate, mull, chew over, think over, mull over, muse, study, speculate, reflect, excogitate, ponder, meditate -
study, meditate, contemplateverb
think intently and at length, as for spiritual purposes
«He is meditating in his study»
meditate, study, speculate, consider, reflect, chew over, excogitate, learn, canvass, analyse, read, hit the books, think over, ruminate, ponder, muse, take, mull, canvas, analyze, mull over, examine -
chew over, think over, meditate, ponder, excogitate, contemplate, muse, reflect, mull, mull over, ruminate, speculateverb
reflect deeply on a subject
«I mulled over the events of the afternoon»; «philosophers have speculated on the question of God for thousands of years»; «The scientist must stop to observe and start to excogitate»
hypothecate, shine, theorise, speculate, theorize, reflect, chew over, excogitate, suppose, hypothesise, formulate, devise, mull over, study, contrive, ponder, invent, muse, ruminate, hypothesize, meditate, forge, reverberate, mull, conjecture, job, think over
Matched Categories
- Consider
- Look At
- Think
Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
play withverb
in the sense of «to play with any idea»
i play with the ideas that are presented in your poetry.
Submitted by csalvay on October 19, 2021
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
study, ponder, meditate on, dwell on, think about, reflect upon, consider or view attentively, revolve in the mind -
intend, purpose, design, have in view, have in contemplation, look forward to
How to pronounce contemplate?
How to say contemplate in sign language?
How to use contemplate in a sentence?
John Bel Edwards:
The implications of having a Category 4 storm while hospitals are full are beyond what we normally contemplate.
Mahatma Gandhi, 1922 Circuit House speech (court) charged with «attempting to disaffect towrds his majestys government»:
Affection cannot be manufactored or regulated by law. If one has no affection for a person or a system, one should be free to give the fullest expression to his disaffection, so long as he does not contemplate, promote, or incite to violence.
Hillary Clinton:
I don’t think we’ve seen the bottom yet, I think it’s very unfortunate to contemplate but more can happen that would put our rights at risk, our freedom at risk, our values, our fundamental views about what it means to be Americans.
Rachel Carson:
Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts.
House Administration chairwoman:
( Bolton’s) latest flash report reveals, again, disturbing inadequacies in the Department leadership’s preparation for, and response to, the January 6 attack, examining these latest findings and recommendations will assist The House Administration Committee as we contemplate reforms.
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(v) 1. look or gaze at or on or upon, behold, view, survey, observe, begard, eye; scan, scrutinize, inspect: I contemplated the scene of the Grand Canal from my hotel room. 2. ruminate (over), ponder (on or over), deliberate (over), muse (on or over), meditate or reflect (on), think (about or over), mull over, cogitate (over), turn over in one’s mind, brood on or over, chew on or over, consider, study, examine: She was contemplating the events of the past nighd. Give me a moment to contemplate. 3. plan, intend, think of or about, consider, entertain the idea or notion of: After we broke up, I contemplated emigrating to Australia.
Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
contemplate [ˈkɔntempleɪt] гл
размышлять, обдумывать, думать, подумывать, обдумать, помышлять, рассуждать, поразмышлять, поразмыслить, помыслить
(ponder, think, reflect)
созерцать, лицезреть
намереваться, предполагать, собираться
(intend, anticipate)
рассматривать, рассмотреть
замышлять, наметить
(think over)
contemplate [ˈkɔntempleɪt] прил
verb | ||
созерцать | behold, contemplate, meditate | |
лицезреть | contemplate | |
размышлять | reflect, meditate, think, ponder, contemplate, speculate | |
рассматривать | consider, view, regard, examine, review, contemplate | |
обдумывать | think, ponder, consider, think over, mull, contemplate | |
предполагать | assume, guess, suppose, expect, suspect, contemplate | |
ожидать | expect, anticipate, look forward, await, look for, contemplate | |
намереваться | mean, intend, plan, design, set out, contemplate | |
иметь в виду | keep in mind, bear in mind, have in view, have in mind, mean, contemplate |
Предложения со словом «Contemplate»
Stare at the sky or contemplate your navel or something. |
Пялься на небо, созерцай свой пупок или что угодно. |
I wish I could just retire to Brocket Hall and contemplate the rooks. |
Хотел бы я просто удалиться в Брокет Холл и наблюдать за грачами. |
My eyes flashed up with the first small spark of feeling I’d had in too long to contemplate . |
В моих глазах вспыхнули первые искорки чувств, которые я так долго сдерживала внутри себя. |
So you will have the rest of your days to contemplate your complete and utter failure. |
Поэтому тебе придется до конца дней своих созерцать свой полнейший и неоспоримый провал. |
Then a pang of realism forced Lassan’s mind to contemplate failure. |
Затем он вернулся от мечтаний к реальности и счел нужным рассмотреть возможность поражения. |
It would be unbearable to contemplate the necessity of making his marital relations public property. |
Невыносимо думать о том, что он будет вынужден сделать свои супружеские отношения достоянием гласности. |
However, they contemplate placement of limitations on the use of public funds by the State of installation. |
Однако они предусматривают наложение ограничений на использование государственных средств государством, отвечающим за установку. |
Certainly gave him enough time to contemplate his imminent demise. |
Хотя конечно это дало ему время, чтобы осмыслить свой неизбежный конец. |
In a power generation project, for example, the power purchase agreement may contemplate the following charges:. |
Например, в отношении проекта по строительству электростанции соглашение о приобретении электроэнергии может предусматривать следующие сборы:. |
These rules generally contemplate situations involving tangible assets. |
В этих нормах обычно рассматриваются ситуации, связанные с материальными активами. |
For that reason, the horizontal proliferation of nuclear weapons is a grave threat the consequences and dangers of which we dare not even contemplate . |
Поэтому горизонтальное распространение ядерного оружия таит в себе серьезную угрозу, последствия и опасности которой мы даже не решаемся предсказать. |
Ultimately, it is not impossible to contemplate Greece departing the European Union or even NATO. |
В конечном итоге, нельзя исключать выход Греции из Евросоюза и даже из НАТО. |
That means U.S. policy must contemplate the need to counter Russian moves in sharing weapons and technologies with hostile or potentially hostile countries, like Iran. |
А это значит, что США в своей политике должны предусмотреть меры противодействия российским попыткам поставлять такое оружие и соответствующие технологии враждебным и потенциально враждебным государствам, таким как Иран. |
Against that backdrop, our conscience recoils and our eyes cannot help but shed a tear as we contemplate a terrible reality that cannot be erased merely by words or statements. |
С учетом этого мы испытываем угрызения совести и не можем не печалиться, будучи свидетелями ужасающей реальности, устранить которую одними словами или заявлениями невозможно. |
The alternative is a new Cold War — or worse, an option too unpalatable to contemplate . |
Альтернативой этому является новая холодная война или еще того хуже — вариант, который даже страшно себе представить. |
Reserve holdings represent an outdated concept, and the world should contemplate some way of making them less central to the operation of the international financial system. |
Резервные фонды являются устаревшей концепцией, и мир должен задуматься над тем, как сделать их менее важными для функционирования международной финансовой системы. |
I’d already had a lurking-horror experience with Alien: Isolation on Oculus Rift that caused me to seriously contemplate ripping the VR headset off my head midway through. |
К этому моменту я уже знал, что такое испытать ужас от Alien: Isolation в очках виртуальной реальности Oculus Rift. В тот раз я всерьез думал о том, чтобы сорвать с себя гарнитуру прямо в середине игры. |
If you’re going to the trouble of creating a formal legal agreement, then you might as well contemplate what might happen if the deal goes bad. |
Если ты озаботился тем, чтобы составить официальное юридическое соглашение, то тебе нелишне подумать, что может случиться, если сделка расстроится. |
In a massive first-strike, at least some of these weapons would survive and destroy the aggressor, which is why no one could contemplate doing it. |
Во время массивного первого удара хотя бы часть такого оружия должна сохраниться и уничтожить агрессора. Именно поэтому никто и не помышлял о его применении. |
It’s one thing, though, to contemplate what an actor like Russia could do to the American grid; it’s another to contemplate why it would. |
Но одно дело размышлять о том, что может сотворить с американской энергосистемой такая страна как Россия, и совсем другое — понять, зачем ей это нужно. |
(The Soviets likely did not contemplate it very seriously in any case. |
(Советы в любом случае не думали всерьез о его использовании. |
Stopping before one of Raphael Sanzio’s Holy Families, only recently hung, she paused to contemplate the serene face-medieval, Madonnaesque, Italian. |
Остановившись перед Святым семейством Рафаэля, одним из последних приобретений Каупервуда, она задумалась, глядя на безмятежное лицо средневековой итальянской мадонны. |
With an aged an inscrutable midnight face she seems to contemplate him with a detachment almost godlike but not at all benign. |
Глаза на древнем, черном непроницаемом лице созерцают его с отрешенностью небожителя, но отнюдь не милостиво. |
Everywhere upon it we have the right of light, we contemplate its beauties, we lay bare its defects. |
Мы имеем право освещать ее всюду; мы созерцаем ее красоты и обнажаем ее уродства. |
Lastly, there was the thought that her love after all had been divided, part for him, part for the child, a discovery which no man in his position could contemplate with serenity. |
Наконец ему пришло в голову, что она делила свою любовь между ним и ребенком, — ни один мужчина в его положении не мог бы спокойно с этим примириться. |
Do you contemplate a personal or directorial control of this entire system? |
Вы, простите, имеете в виду личный контроль над всей этой единой сетью или контроль директората? |
I respect and applaud your indifference to fine poetry when you can contemplate the meretricious charms of this young person. |
Я уважаю и даже восхищаюсь вашим безразличием к высокой поэзии, раз внимание ваше поглощено продажными прелестями этого юного существа. |
I don’t contemplate losing, he remarked, coolly. |
Это невозможно, — ответил он холодно. |
They call it the Room of Tears, named for the sublime mixture of joy and sorrow that he must contemplate at this moment. |
Они называют её комнатой слёз в честь безупречной смеси радости и горечи, которую он должен созерцать в этот момент. |
But we know for a fact that, in emergencies, the executive will contemplate actions that do not have clear legislative authority and might be constitutionally dubious. |
Но мы точно знаем, что в экстренных случаях исполнительная власть предпринимает действия, не имеющие четкого одобрения законодательной. Они могут быть сомнительны с точки зрения конституции. |
Amid so many marvellous engravings, there is one etching in particular, which is supposed to represent Doctor Faust, and which it is impossible to contemplate without being dazzled. |
Среди ею чудесных гравюр особо примечателен офорт, изображающий, как полагают, доктора Фауста. На этот офорт нельзя смотреть без глубокого волнения. |
They were now quite poor again, about to move from their big house into cheaper quarters; and this was not pleasing for her to contemplate . |
Теперь они опять были бедны, собирались переезжать из своего большого дома в более дешевую квартиру, и она всеми силами гнала от себя эти печальные мысли. |
But for the moment, I lapsed into complete denial, and told myself this was too absurd to even contemplate . |
Но в тот момент я впала в полное отрицание и говорила себе, что даже предполагать это слишком абсурдно. |
Mr. Farebrother, my dear sir, is a man deeply painful to contemplate . |
Мистер Фербратер, любезный сэр, это человек, о котором нельзя не скорбеть. |
Perhaps she was content to contemplate him from afar, at the general loading of wood and coal by the forces of all the passengers. |
Может быть, она довольствовалась его лицезрением издали на общих погрузках дров и угля силами всех едущих. |
I did not, like him, attempt a critical knowledge of their dialects, for I did not contemplate making any other use of them than temporary amusement. |
В отличие от Клерваля, я не вдавался в научное изучение восточных языков, ибо не ставил себе иной цели, кроме временного развлечения. |
I contemplate at least a temporary withdrawal from the management of much business, whether benevolent or commercial. |
Я предполагаю на некоторое время прекратить как коммерческую, так и благотворительную деятельность. |
It is an interesting fact to contemplate that the Calligans, like the various members of the Butler family, never suspected Aileen of the least tendency toward a wayward existence. |
Интересно, что Келлигенам, так же как и Батлерам, никогда бы и в голову не пришло, что Эйлин способна на предосудительный поступок. |
I was hoping digging this hole into the earth would give you time to contemplate your soul, a daily reminder of… |
Я надеялся, что выкапывание этой ямы в земле даст тебе время подумать о своей душе, станет ежедневным напоминанием… |
Now we can talk, analyze, contemplate . |
Теперь можно говорить, анализировать… размышлять. |
Across the spring Popeye appeared to contemplate him with two knobs of soft black rubber. |
Лупоглазый разглядывал его словно бы двумя черными кнопками из мягкой резины. |
Until at the workshop door, you contemplate the ravenous beast who would debauch your husband? |
До тех пор, пока на пороге мастерской вы не узрели алчное чудовище, которое развращало Вашего мужа? |
With a knife in expert hands… two men in 10… survive the procedure we contemplate . |
Если скальпель в руках у мастера, то после такой операции выживают двое из 10. |
He was jealous of every suitor she had, he didn’t contemplate parting with her, and he turned Pfefferkuchen out. He was a queer fish the father, an Englishman. . . . |
Ко всякому жениху ревновал, не понимал, как можно расстаться с нею, и Феферкухена прогнал, чудак какой — то англичанин… |
When he has nothing else to do, he can always contemplate his own greatness. |
Когда ему нечего делать, он может размышлять о своей знатности. |
I can only contemplate such exhibitions of will and spirit and conclude, as I so often conclude, that precisely there resides reality. |
Я могу только констатировать подобные проявления ума и воли и заключить, как я не раз заключал, что в них — то и таится реальное. |
The disaster was too immense to contemplate . |
Несчастье было столь громадно, что не умещалось в сознании. |
To contemplate the wasteland of our lives? |
Чтобы взирать на развалины наших жизней? |
To contemplate is to labor, to think is to act. |
Созерцать — все равно что трудиться; мыслить — все равно что действовать. |
Let me at least have time to contemplate this affecting struggle between love and virtue. |
Ах, дайте же мне по крайней мере время понаблюдать эту трогательную борьбу между любовью и добродетелью. |
From the tortures of my own heart, I turned to contemplate the deep and voiceless grief of my Elizabeth. |
Терзаясь сам, я видели глубокое, безмолвное горе моей Элизабет. |
Let’s not learn how to actually do anything. Let’s just sit and contemplate the glory of me in all my complexities. |
Давайте не будем учиться, как что — то создать, а сядем и хорошенько обдумаем великолепие нашего Я. |
He was horrified at what his actions had led her to contemplate . |
Он ужаснулся, поняв, как далеко зашел. |
To contemplate the extermination of the human species and the long pause that follows before some other species crops up, it calms you more than anything else. |
Предвидеть гибель человечества и появление на земле после долгой ночи нового homo sapiens — что может быть великолепнее. |
Elevated roads in Chicago, owing to the sparseness of the population over large areas, were a serious thing to contemplate . |
Постройка надземных дорог в Чикаго представлялась ему делом довольно рискованным, так как многие обширные районы города были еще довольно слабо заселены. |
I found myself wishing that she were dead, for I could not contemplate the horrible perversions the obscene creature’s would put her to if she remained alive in their captivity. |
Я поневоле желал ей смерти — настолько невыносимо было думать об опасностях, которым она подвергалась, если оставалась живой во власти этих кошмарных существ. |
She gave him a certain time to contemplate the masterpiece and then took him to a picture representing a railway-station. |
Она дала ему время полюбоваться шедевром, а потом подвела к картине, изображавшей вокзал. |
Well, Peter, that could be terrifying to contemplate . |
Знаешь, Питер, размышления на эту тему пугают. |
I contemplate the moment in the garden, the idea of allowing your own crucifixion. |
Я представляю на мгновение что меня самого распяли. |
How do you suppose I can seriously contemplate entrusting any share of my fortune to a man who has so little regard for what the world considers as right and proper? |
Сам посуди, могу ли я доверить долю моего состояния человеку, которому наплевать на мнение света? |
Synonym definition
A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.
Antonym definition
An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.
Use of synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:
- — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
- — Avoid repetitions in a text.
Examples of synonyms
The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».
Examples of antonyms
The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».
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