Communicate синонимы на английском

What is another word for Communicate?

  • convey

    transmit, move

  • transmit

    activity, move

  • tell

    speech, knowledge

  • impart

    activity, speech

  • pass on

    transmit, convey

  • transfer

    transmit, activity

  • announce

    make known, convey

  • disclose

    remark, knowledge

  • talk

    contact, words

  • spread

    move, disseminate

  • pass

    move, knowledge

  • intercommunicate

  • declare

    make known, remark

  • report

    knowledge, convey

  • reveal

    language, make known

  • inform

    speech, language

  • speak

    contact, say

  • divulge

    activity, remark

  • broadcast

    spread, publicise

  • commune


  • relate

    convey, connect

  • proclaim

    make known, spread

  • make known

    speech, convey

  • converse

    talk, mutually exchange information

  • carry

    move, knowledge

  • give

    activity, express

  • state

    remark, words

  • express

    show, pronounce

  • advise

    tell, inform

  • publicize

    inform, publicise

  • put across

  • disseminate

    spread, make known

  • say

    tell, words

  • publish


  • advertise

    publicise, publicize

  • utter

    words, say

  • correspond

    contact, ideas

  • get across


  • connect


  • manifest

    show, indicate

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Nearby Words

communication, communicable, communicating, communicative, communicatory, communicant, communicator, communicated

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communication, communicate, mobile phone communication, communicate, mobile phone press, journalist, photographer communication, communicate, mobile phone sheep, bleat, communication communication, communicate, mobile phone

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Synonyms for Communicate. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 01, from

Synonyms for Communicate. N.p., 2016. Web. 01 May. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Communicate. 2016. Accessed May 01, 2023.

Синонимы к слову communicate

    • be in contact
    • be in touch
    • commune
    • connect
    • converse
    • convey
    • correspond
    • exchange a few words
    • impart
    • interconnect
    • join
    • lead into
    • link
    • make a statement
    • make an announcement
    • pass on
    • publicize
    • put out
    • share
    • speak
    • talk
    • write

Похожие слова на communicate

    • communicate

Посмотрите другие слова

    • Что такое giving way
    • Определение термина propitiatory
    • Толкование слова devote
    • Что означает понятие allot
    • Лексическое значение let somebody have
    • Словарь значения слов up to that time
    • Грамматическое значение sooner than
    • Значение слова rather than
    • Прямое и переносное значение слова until that time
    • Происхождение слова give to
    • Синоним к слову acquaint with
    • Антоним к слову in attendance
    • Омоним к слову sustenance
    • Гипоним к слову propitiating
    • Холоним к слову nearby
    • Гипероним к слову present-day
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову offering
    • Перевод слова на другие языки presentations


acquaint, announce, be in contact, be in touch, connect, convey, correspond, declare, disclose, disseminate, divulge, impart, inform, make known, pass on, phone, proclaim, publish, report, reveal, ring up     (informal, chiefly Brit.)   signify, spread, transmit, unfold  
   conceal, cover up, hold back, hush up, keep back, keep secret, keep under wraps, repress, sit on     (informal)   suppress, whitewash     (informal)   withhold  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( communicates    3rd person present)   ( communicating    present participle)   ( communicated    past tense & past participle  )

1       v-recip   If you communicatewith someone, you share or exchange information with them, for example by speaking, writing, or using equipment. You can also say that two people communicate.  
My natural mother has never communicated with me…      V with n  
Officials of the CIA depend heavily on electronic mail to communicate with each other…      pl-n V with pron-recip  
They communicated in sign language.      pl-n V  

  communication      n-uncount   oft N with/between n  
Lithuania hasn’t had any direct communication with Moscow., …use of the radio telephone for communication between controllers and pilots…     

2       verb   If you communicate information, a feeling, or an idea to someone, you let them know about it.  
They successfully communicate their knowledge to others…      V n to n  
People must communicate their feelings.      V n  

3       v-recip   If one person communicateswith another, they successfully make each other aware of their feelings and ideas. You can also say that two people communicate.  
He was never good at communicating with the players…      V with n  
Family therapy showed us how to communicate with each other.      pl-n V with pron-recip  
…considerate individuals who can communicate and work in a team.      pl-n V  

  communication      n-uncount   oft N with/between n  
There was a tremendous lack of communication between us…, …communication skills.     

  communicator     ( communicators    plural)    n-count  
She’s a good communicator.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. communicate

    To announce is to give intelligence of in some formal or public way. We may announce that which has occurred or that which is to occur, tho the word is chiefly used in the anticipative sense; we announce a book when it is in press, a guest when he arrives. We advertise our business, communicate our intentions, enunciate our views; we notify an individual, give notice to the public. Declare has often an authoritative force; to declare war is to cause war to be, where before there may have been only hostilities; we say declare war, proclaim peace. We propound a question or an argument, promulgate the views of a sect or party, or the decision of a court, etc. We report an interview, reveal a secret, herald the coming of some distinguished person or great event. Publish, in popular usage, is becoming closely restricted to the sense of issuing through the press; we announce a book that is to be published.

    advertise, announce, circulate, declare, enunciate, give notice (of), give out, herald, make known, notify, proclaim, promulgate, propound, publish, report, reveal, say, spread abroad, state, tell

    bury, conceal, cover (up), hide, hush, keep back, keep secret, secrete, suppress, withhold

    The event was announced to the family by telegraph.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. communicate

    adjoin, join, touch, reveal, disclose, divulge, promulgate, publish, attach, co-operate, unite, impart, tell, announce, declare

    separate, disjoin, recede, stop, suppress, conceal, secrete, withhold, reserve

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:3.5 / 4 votes

  1. communicate, pass on, pass, pass along, put acrossverb

    transmit information

    «Please communicate this message to all employees»; «pass along the good news»

    run, perish, elapse, go past, make pass, progress, top, put across, go by, draw, evanesce, occur, die, slip by, snuff it, impart, turn over, go, spend, slide by, croak, fade, hand, commune, legislate, happen, egest, authorise, exceed, fleet, pass away, slip away, drop dead, overstep, relegate, transcend, make it, authorize, pop off, transmit, devolve, cash in one’s chips, kick the bucket, give, fall out, hap, march on, excrete, go on, sink, eliminate, move on, lapse, pass off, give-up the ghost, intercommunicate, return, blow over, take place, lead, expire, overhaul, advance, go through, reach, communicate, submit, convey, come about, choke, pass by, go across, overtake, glide by, extend, circulate, distribute, decease, fall, pass, pass around, exit, conk, travel by, buy the farm, pass along, clear, go along, surpass, guide, leave, pass on

    curse, excommunicate, unchurch

  2. communicate, intercommunicateverb

    transmit thoughts or feelings

    «He communicated his anxieties to the psychiatrist»

    pass, pass on, intercommunicate, pass along, convey, communicate, put across, commune, transmit

    excommunicate, unchurch, curse

  3. convey, transmit, communicateverb

    transfer to another

    «communicate a disease»

    communicate, express, beam, channel, fetch, commune, put across, transport, convey, broadcast, impart, pass, air, pass along, channelize, get, pass on, transmit, take, carry, channelise, transfer, conduct, bring, send, intercommunicate

    excommunicate, unchurch, curse

  4. communicateverb

    join or connect

    «The rooms communicated»

    pass, pass on, intercommunicate, pass along, convey, put across, commune, transmit

    unchurch, curse, excommunicate

  5. communicateverb

    be in verbal contact; interchange information or ideas

    «He and his sons haven’t communicated for years»; «Do you communicate well with your advisor?»

    pass, pass on, intercommunicate, pass along, convey, put across, commune, transmit

    curse, unchurch, excommunicate

  6. communicateverb

    administer Communion; in church

    pass, pass on, intercommunicate, pass along, convey, put across, commune, transmit

    unchurch, curse, excommunicate

  7. commune, communicateverb

    receive Communion, in the Catholic church

    convey, transmit, pass on, intercommunicate, pass along, communicate, put across, commune, pass

    excommunicate, curse, unchurch

Matched Categories

    • Covenant
    • Interact
    • Intercommunicate

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «communicate»:

    communicating, disclose, transmit, communication, convey, submit, inform, communicates, provide, contact, disseminate, communicated, send, share, notify, impart, interact, communications

How to pronounce COMMUNICATE?

How to say COMMUNICATE in sign language?

How to use COMMUNICATE in a sentence?

  1. George Steinbrenner:

    Brian and I have been doing this a lot of years together. He’s extremely intelligent, he understands the deal when it comes to relying on pro scouting, relying on analytics, but also building areas that all teams are building like analytics, like performance science. We communicate very well. There’s not much that happens without him running it by me first. He knows that’s the way I want it. I think he’s done a good job. This team that we put together leaving spring training was a very, very good team. And they just have n’t played up to their potential that I believe we still have.

  2. Jeff Link:

    It’s bad timing for those senators, they all need to find a way to break through the noise and communicate from the trial.

  3. Warren Fried:

    He would start mimicking Groot by changing the way he would say ‘bah.’ Groot became his voice — he was able to change ‘bah’ to ‘Groot.’ His behavior changed, and his communication with others did as well. we hear things repetitively, it sticks into our memory so we can communicate it out.

  4. House Speaker Paul Ryan:

    We just said, ‘Be yourself, communicate to the country, represent your party as well as you have been and you’ll be just fine,’ i think she’s a great spokesman for our party, I think the future is extremely bright for Nikki and that’s why we asked her to do it.

  5. George Steinbrenner:

    I ’m not afraid to make changes as we saw with the manager a few years ago, but the changes have to be made for more than just the sake of making changes. I know I’m stating the obvious, But again, I ’m going to be looking at everybody’s performance at the end of the year throughout the organization, baseball ops or not, and that’s what I do every year, and it’s not something I tend to do in the middle of the year. Do I like consistency, do I( like) having the same people around, that I am used to, that I communicate well with, that we can kind of understand each other ? Yes. But not if we’re having serious problems with that person’s performance or in the way that players or in other departments, other employees look — respect or don’t respect that person.

Translations for COMMUNICATE

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • تفاهمArabic
  • причастя́вам се, съобща́вам, общувам, предава́мBulgarian
  • komunikovatCzech
  • mitteilen, verständigen, kommunizierenGerman
  • comulgar, compartir, comunicarSpanish
  • communiquerFrench
  • iompairIrish
  • 連絡をとる, 通じる, 伝えるJapanese
  • 의사소통하다Korean
  • meedelen, communiceren, mededelenDutch
  • comunicarPortuguese
  • уведомля́ть, причаща́ться, причасти́ться, уве́домить, переда́ть, сообща́ть, сообщи́ть, обща́ться, передава́тьRussian
  • kommuniceraSwedish
  • بات چیتUrdu
  • liên lạcVietnamese

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  • Norsk (Norwegian)
  • English (English)


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acquaint, advance, advertise, advise, announce,, apprise, articulate, bestow, broadcast, chatter, circulate, cite, commune, confer, confess, converse, convey, declare, deliver, disclose, discuss, disperse, distribute, divulge, evince,, exhibit, explain, express, give, gossip, impart, inform, intercommunicate, make known, manifest, mention, notify, offer, pass, pass along, pass on, present, proclaim, promote, promulgate, pronounce, propagate, publicise, publicize, publish,, put across, read, reveal, say, signal, signify, speak, speak to, spread, state, talk, teach, tell, transfer, transmit, utter, verbalise, verbalize, voice.

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  • Committed to синоним