Close синонимы на английском

  • Определения слова close

    • помета. закрывать
    • закрываться
    • затыкать, заделывать
    • запирать; заключать (куда-либо, во что-либо)
    • кончать, заканчивать, завершать
    • прекращаться, кончаться, заканчиваться
    • закрываться, завершаться каким-либо курсом (о торгах на бирже).
      • en (фин.)
    • принимать предложение (деловое); заключать сделку; приходить к соглашению
    • соединять, объединять, смыкать
    • замыкать (цепь).
      • en (техн.)
    • приближаться, надвигаться; постепенно окружать; подходить близко; сближаться вплотную
    • входить (войти) в ближний бой, схватиться в рукопашной; войти в соприкосновение (с противником).
      • en (военн.)
    • английская фамилия

Синонимы к слову close

    • accurate
    • adjacent
    • airless
    • bar
    • be over
    • block
    • blockade
    • bring to a close
    • careful
    • cessation
    • chummy
    • close by
    • close down
    • close up
    • come together
    • compact
    • complete
    • completion
    • concentrated
    • conclude
    • conclusion
    • culminate
    • dear
    • definite
    • denouement
    • dense
    • devoted
    • discontinue
    • draw to a close
    • end
    • ending
    • exact
    • faithful
    • familiar
    • finale
    • finish
    • firm
    • fuse
    • gather
    • go bust
    • go into liquidation
    • go out of business
    • handy
    • heavy
    • intimate
    • join
    • keen
    • literal
    • local
    • lock
    • loving
    • marked
    • meet
    • meticulous
    • minute
    • muggy
    • mum
    • near
    • nearby
    • obstruct
    • on your doorstep
    • oppressive
    • packed
    • particular
    • plug
    • precise
    • pronounced
    • put up the shutters
    • quiet
    • rigorous
    • seal
    • seal off
    • secretive
    • secure
    • shut
    • shut down
    • shut up shop
    • silent
    • similar
    • slam
    • solid
    • sticky
    • stop trading
    • strict
    • strong
    • sultry
    • taciturn
    • tight
    • uncommunicative
    • unite
    • within walking distance
    • wrap up

Похожие слова на close

    • close
    • closed
    • closefisted
    • closely
    • closemouthed
    • closeness
    • closeness’s
    • closeout
    • closeout’s
    • closeouts
    • closer
    • closer’s
    • closes
    • closest
    • closeted
    • closeting
    • closets

Гиперонимы к слову close

    • surname

Фразеологизмы для слова close

    • close in

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All synonyms in one line

abutting, adjacent, adjoining, aside, beside,, immediate, imminent, impending, near, near at hand, neighbouring, next, present, proximate, abundant, abutting, accurate, adjacent, adjoining,, affection, almost, amiable, amicable, approximate, aside, assiduous, attached, avaricious, beside, bordering, bosom, breathless, careful, chary, chummy, clannish, close-fisted, close-knit, close-mouthed,, closemouthed, compact, compressed, concentrated, condensed, confidential, confined, congested, constant, correct, crammed, cramp, cramped, critical, crowded, dangerous, dear, dense, devoted, disdainful, earnest, endangered, exact, exclusive, express,, faithful, familiar, fast, firm, fixed, friendly, full, gracious, greedy, hairbreadth, hard, haughty, hazardous, heart, heavy, hot, humid, illiberal, immediate, imminent, impending, impenetrable, imperfect, imprecise, insular, intense, intent, intimate, lifelike, literal, mean, mercenary, meticulous, minute, miserly, muggy, narrow, near, near at hand, neighbouring, niggard, niggardly, not quite, oppressive, packed, painstaking, parsimonious, penurious, perilous, physical, poor, precarious, precise, present, proximate, quiet, reserved, restraining, restricted, reticent, saving, scanty, secretive, sedate, silent, similar, small, snug, solid, staunch, steady, sticky, stifling, stingy, strained, strict, strong, stuffy, sultry, sweltering, sympathetic, taciturn, taut, tense, thick, tight, trim, true, trusted, two by four, unchanging, unsafe, verbatim, warm, adjournment, attainment, closing, closing curtain, completion,, conclusion, connection, culmination, denouement, end, ending, expiration, finale, finis, finish, junction, last, stopping point, termination, union, adjourn, approach, arrange, bang, bar,, barricade, belt, bind, blast, block, bolt, boycott, bring to an end, cease, check, choke, clasp, clinch, clobber, clog, close down, close in on, close up, come closer, come together,, come upon, complete, conclude, confine, confirm, confront, connect, constrict, consume, consummate, crash, culminate, dam, decide, desist, determine, discontinue, draw near, enclose, encounter, end, eventuate, exile, face, fasten,, fill, fill up, finish, finish off, fix, fold, forbid, front, fulfil, hinder, hold, hold back, impede, issue, jam, latch, limit, link, lock, meet, narrow, near, obstruct, outlaw, padlock, paste, perorate, pin, plaster, plug, prove, push, quit, realise, realize, recapitulate, resolve, rise, seal, secure, settle, shut, shut down, shut off, shut out, slam, smash, stick, stop, stop up, stuff, summarise, terminate, tie, tighten, unite, use up, wallop, wind up, wrap up, airless, cheeseparing, close-fitting, closelipped, confining,, nigh, penny-pinching, skinny, tightlipped, unaired, closely.

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. close2


    extend, widen

  2. close1

    oppressive, muggy

  3. close2

    An enclosed field.

    We owe them our thanks for bringing the project to a successful close.

    shut, close up, cover, shut off, close off, end, finale

    start, beginning, open

  4. close1

    At a little distance; near.

    Is your house close?

    cul-de-sac, nearby, close by, near

    far off, far, far away, distant

  5. close2

    To put an end to.

    He is a close friend.

    terminate, close down, finish, wind up, intimate, end

    start, begin, commence, initiate, cool, distant, aloof

  6. close1

    articulated with the tongue body relatively close to the hard palate



  7. close1

    To terminate a computer program or a window or file thereof.

    close out, exit

    open, start

  8. close1



English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. close

    Adjacent farms may not be connected; if adjoining, they meet at the boundary-line. Conterminous would imply that their dimensions were exactly equal on the side where they adjoin. Contiguous may be used for either adjacent or adjoining. Abutting refers rather to the end of one building or estate than to the neighborhood of another. Buildings may be adjacent or adjoining that are not attached. Near is a relative word, places being called near upon the railroad which would elsewhere be deemed remote. Neighboring always implies such proximity that the inhabitants may be neighbors. Next views some object as the nearest of several or many; next neighbor implies a neighborhood.

    abutting, adjacent, adjoining, attached, beside, bordering, conterminous, contiguous, coterminous, near, neighboring, next, nigh

    detached, disconnected, disjoined, distant, remote, separate

    The farm was adjacent to the village.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. close

    narrow, limited, restricted, condensed, packed, secret, compressed, solid, firm, compact, reserved, niggardly, shut, fast, dense

    wide, open, ample, spacious, airy, unconfined, dispersed, rarefied, subtle, vaporous, patent, public, advertised, open-handed, liberal, frank

  2. closeverb

    shut, conclude, stop, complete

    open, initiate, conduct, protract

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. stopping point, finale, finis, finish, last, conclusion, closenoun

    the temporal end; the concluding time

    «the stopping point of each round was signaled by a bell»; «the market was up at the finish»; «they were playing better at the close of the season»

    cobbler’s last, termination, shoemaker’s last, refinement, coating, closing, last, polish, coda, finish, culture, ending, end, cultivation, ratiocination, close, finishing, finis, finale, stopping point, closing curtain, goal, final stage, death, destination, decision, conclusion, determination

    yonder, long, yon, loosely knit, out-of-town, ventilated, remote, careless, public, coarse, communicatory, distant, nonadjacent, harsh, generous, communicative, unrestrained, ulterior, unconfined, far-flung, unequal, extreme, inaccurate, removed(p), long-distance, loose, deep, faraway, open, open up

  2. conclusion, end, close, closing, endingnoun

    the last section of a communication

    «in conclusion I want to say…»

    shutting, goal, termination, determination, end, closing curtain, conclusion, decision, finish, ending, culmination, terminal, death, mop up, ratiocination, close, finis, finale, stopping point, remainder, completion, remnant, closing, destruction, shutdown, final stage, oddment, closedown, closure, windup, last

    communicatory, out-of-town, loosely knit, distant, unrestrained, yon, nonadjacent, communicative, public, deep, inaccurate, loose, ventilated, removed(p), careless, extreme, ulterior, unequal, long-distance, harsh, coarse, yonder, long, generous, remote, unconfined, far-flung, faraway, open up, open

  3. finale, close, closing curtain, finisadjective

    the concluding part of any performance

    closing curtain, finale, stopping point, finis, ending, conclusion, close, end, finish, last, coda, closing

    ventilated, communicatory, unrestrained, communicative, unequal, ulterior, nonadjacent, remote, generous, long, distant, public, yon, deep, faraway, extreme, inaccurate, unconfined, yonder, far-flung, careless, harsh, out-of-town, removed(p), loose, long-distance, coarse, loosely knit, open, open up

  4. closeadjective

    at or within a short distance in space or time or having elements near each other

    «close to noon»; «how close are we to town?»; «a close formation of ships»

    skinny, tightlipped, cheeseparing, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, airless, nigh, close-fitting, tight, confining, closemouthed, near, unaired, secretive, closelipped

    nonadjacent, deep, coarse, generous, communicatory, public, removed(p), unequal, far-flung, inaccurate, unconfined, faraway, distant, ventilated, loose, long-distance, careless, harsh, yon, ulterior, unrestrained, long, yonder, extreme, loosely knit, remote, communicative, out-of-town, open, open up

  5. closeadjective

    close in relevance or relationship

    «a close family»; «we are all…in close sympathy with…»; «close kin»; «a close resemblance»

    skinny, tightlipped, cheeseparing, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, airless, nigh, close-fitting, tight, confining, closemouthed, near, unaired, secretive, closelipped

    deep, unequal, communicative, yonder, long, unrestrained, yon, distant, coarse, out-of-town, inaccurate, careless, extreme, far-flung, ventilated, ulterior, remote, faraway, communicatory, generous, unconfined, nonadjacent, loosely knit, removed(p), loose, harsh, public, long-distance, open, open up

  6. near, close, nighadjective

    not far distant in time or space or degree or circumstances

    «near neighbors»; «in the near future»; «they are near equals»; «his nearest approach to success»; «a very near thing»; «a near hit by the bomb»; «she was near tears»; «she was close to tears»; «had a close call»

    near(a), good, closemouthed, snug, cheeseparing, tight, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, airless, nigh, close-fitting, close, tightlipped, confining, approximate, near, nigh(a), unaired, secretive, dear, skinny, closelipped

    communicative, long, unequal, loosely knit, harsh, removed(p), inaccurate, communicatory, ulterior, yonder, unconfined, remote, distant, deep, coarse, generous, far-flung, yon, unrestrained, extreme, loose, careless, long-distance, nonadjacent, public, ventilated, faraway, out-of-town, open up, open

  7. closeadjective

    rigorously attentive; strict and thorough

    «close supervision»; «paid close attention»; «a close study»; «kept a close watch on expenditures»

    skinny, tightlipped, cheeseparing, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, airless, nigh, close-fitting, tight, confining, closemouthed, near, unaired, secretive, closelipped

    careless, yon, faraway, far-flung, extreme, deep, public, coarse, remote, loose, unconfined, long, nonadjacent, generous, communicative, distant, removed(p), ventilated, long-distance, yonder, loosely knit, communicatory, unequal, ulterior, unrestrained, harsh, inaccurate, out-of-town, open up, open

  8. close, faithfuladjective

    marked by fidelity to an original

    «a close translation»; «a faithful copy of the portrait»; «a faithful rendering of the observed facts»

    skinny, tightlipped, cheeseparing, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, airless, nigh, close-fitting, close, tight, confining, closemouthed, near, unaired, secretive, closelipped

    harsh, long-distance, inaccurate, loose, loosely knit, unconfined, communicatory, unrestrained, remote, deep, communicative, faraway, ventilated, generous, ulterior, removed(p), out-of-town, long, far-flung, careless, coarse, distant, unequal, public, nonadjacent, extreme, yonder, yon, open up, open

  9. close, tightadjective

    (of a contest or contestants) evenly matched

    «a close contest»; «a close election»; «a tight game»

    close, pissed, cheeseparing, blind drunk, close-fitting, besotted, rigorous, slopped, nigh, soused, mingy, blotto, faithful, squiffy, pixilated, cockeyed, secretive, tightlipped, crocked, fuddled, tight, snug, stiff, airless, skinny, mean, compressed, sozzled, closemouthed, taut, nasty, plastered, miserly, closelipped, sloshed, stringent, stuffy, pie-eyed, unaired, smashed, soaked, penny-pinching, wet, loaded, near, confining

    distant, deep, generous, extreme, removed(p), harsh, coarse, yonder, loosely knit, nonadjacent, unrestrained, ventilated, communicatory, out-of-town, unconfined, faraway, loose, communicative, careless, remote, unequal, yon, inaccurate, long, long-distance, public, far-flung, ulterior, open, open up

  10. close, confiningadjective


    «close quarters»

    skinny, tightlipped, cheeseparing, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, airless, nigh, limiting, close-fitting, close, tight, confining, restricting, closemouthed, near, constraining, constrictive, unaired, secretive, closelipped

    removed(p), ulterior, remote, generous, unrestrained, long, out-of-town, communicative, extreme, inaccurate, unconfined, ventilated, nonadjacent, deep, distant, faraway, loose, coarse, unequal, public, careless, loosely knit, far-flung, communicatory, yonder, long-distance, yon, harsh, open, open up

  11. airless, close, stuffy, unairedadjective

    lacking fresh air

    «a dusty airless attic»; «the dreadfully close atmosphere»; «hot and stuffy and the air was blue with smoke»

    skinny, tightlipped, cheeseparing, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, airless, nigh, close-fitting, stodgy, close, tight, confining, closemouthed, near, unaired, secretive, closelipped

    out-of-town, communicative, communicatory, long, nonadjacent, inaccurate, harsh, generous, removed(p), deep, coarse, loosely knit, distant, unrestrained, faraway, public, yon, unconfined, ventilated, careless, remote, yonder, extreme, loose, far-flung, long-distance, ulterior, unequal, open, open up

  12. close, tightadjective

    of textiles

    «a close weave»; «smooth percale with a very tight weave»

    close, pissed, cheeseparing, blind drunk, close-fitting, besotted, rigorous, slopped, nigh, soused, mingy, blotto, faithful, squiffy, pixilated, cockeyed, secretive, tightlipped, crocked, fuddled, tight, snug, stiff, airless, skinny, mean, compressed, sozzled, closemouthed, taut, nasty, plastered, miserly, closelipped, sloshed, stringent, stuffy, pie-eyed, unaired, smashed, soaked, penny-pinching, wet, loaded, near, confining

    communicative, yonder, unequal, harsh, deep, faraway, nonadjacent, far-flung, loosely knit, distant, long-distance, out-of-town, generous, ventilated, yon, communicatory, removed(p), careless, coarse, unrestrained, public, long, loose, inaccurate, remote, unconfined, extreme, ulterior, open up, open

  13. closeadjective

    strictly confined or guarded

    «kept under close custody»

    skinny, tightlipped, cheeseparing, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, airless, nigh, close-fitting, tight, confining, closemouthed, near, unaired, secretive, closelipped

    remote, harsh, removed(p), faraway, out-of-town, nonadjacent, loosely knit, distant, unequal, loose, ventilated, unconfined, communicative, public, generous, long-distance, deep, yonder, far-flung, careless, yon, extreme, long, inaccurate, unrestrained, ulterior, coarse, communicatory, open, open up

  14. closeadjective

    confined to specific persons

    «a close secret»

    skinny, tightlipped, cheeseparing, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, airless, nigh, close-fitting, tight, confining, closemouthed, near, unaired, secretive, closelipped

    distant, out-of-town, far-flung, unequal, ventilated, unrestrained, faraway, unconfined, inaccurate, remote, coarse, communicatory, generous, deep, ulterior, extreme, removed(p), careless, loosely knit, nonadjacent, loose, public, long-distance, long, yon, communicative, harsh, yonder, open, open up

  15. close, snug, close-fittingadjective

    fitting closely but comfortably

    «a close fit»

    skinny, tightlipped, cheeseparing, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, cozy, airless, nigh, cosy, close-fitting, close, tight, confining, closemouthed, near, unaired, secretive, closelipped

    long, unconfined, ventilated, unequal, distant, inaccurate, generous, faraway, far-flung, careless, unrestrained, long-distance, yonder, harsh, coarse, loose, ulterior, extreme, yon, removed(p), out-of-town, deep, remote, nonadjacent, communicative, public, communicatory, loosely knit, open, open up

  16. closeadjective

    used of hair or haircuts

    «a close military haircut»

    skinny, tightlipped, cheeseparing, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, airless, nigh, close-fitting, tight, confining, closemouthed, near, unaired, secretive, closelipped

    yonder, loose, ulterior, removed(p), unconfined, generous, distant, extreme, unequal, harsh, careless, remote, long-distance, yon, ventilated, public, long, communicatory, nonadjacent, communicative, faraway, coarse, unrestrained, deep, out-of-town, inaccurate, loosely knit, far-flung, open up, open

  17. cheeseparing, close, near, penny-pinching, skinnyadjective

    giving or spending with reluctance

    «our cheeseparing administration»; «very close (or near) with his money»; «a penny-pinching miserly old man»

    scraggy, near(a), skinny, boney, tightlipped, cheeseparing, weedy, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, tight-fitting, airless, nigh, tightfitting, close-fitting, underweight, close, good, tightly fitting, tight, approximate, confining, closemouthed, near, tight fitting, nigh(a), unaired, secretive, dear, scrawny, closelipped

    generous, long-distance, ulterior, careless, unequal, deep, yon, coarse, far-flung, communicatory, public, yonder, inaccurate, long, out-of-town, loosely knit, removed(p), unconfined, extreme, ventilated, communicative, harsh, loose, faraway, unrestrained, remote, nonadjacent, distant, open up, open

  18. close, closelipped, closemouthed, secretive, tightlippedverb

    inclined to secrecy or reticence about divulging information

    «although they knew her whereabouts her friends kept close about it»

    skinny, tightlipped, cheeseparing, snug, penny-pinching, stuffy, faithful, airless, nigh, close-fitting, close, tight, confining, closemouthed, near, unaired, secretive, closelipped

    ventilated, nonadjacent, remote, inaccurate, distant, unconfined, public, careless, faraway, communicatory, out-of-town, coarse, yon, generous, communicative, far-flung, loose, extreme, ulterior, long, harsh, yonder, unequal, long-distance, unrestrained, removed(p), loosely knit, deep, open, open up

  19. close, shutverb

    move so that an opening or passage is obstructed; make shut

    «Close the door»; «shut the window»

    exclude, shut down, come together, close, fold, close down, conclude, keep out, fill up, close up, shut, shut out

    distant, public, unconfined, inaccurate, removed(p), unequal, communicative, far-flung, out-of-town, loose, yon, unrestrained, coarse, ulterior, careless, long, faraway, remote, generous, harsh, extreme, yonder, communicatory, deep, nonadjacent, ventilated, loosely knit, long-distance, open, open up

  20. close, shutverb

    become closed

    «The windows closed with a loud bang»

    exclude, shut down, come together, close, fold, close down, conclude, keep out, fill up, close up, shut, shut out

    inaccurate, careless, distant, harsh, removed(p), long-distance, public, far-flung, ventilated, ulterior, communicatory, out-of-town, yon, unequal, long, coarse, unconfined, faraway, communicative, yonder, loosely knit, remote, nonadjacent, extreme, generous, unrestrained, loose, deep, open up, open

  21. close up, close, fold, shut down, close downverb

    cease to operate or cause to cease operating

    «The owners decided to move and to close the factory»; «My business closes every night at 8 P.M.»; «close up the shop»

    block, come together, pen up, belt up, shut, button up, fill up, impede, conclude, be quiet, dummy up, clam up, close up, keep mum, close, close down, obstruct, fold, obturate, turn up, shut down, fold up, shut up, jam, occlude

    communicatory, yon, far-flung, long-distance, loose, unconfined, unequal, extreme, ulterior, distant, careless, yonder, loosely knit, out-of-town, public, faraway, deep, nonadjacent, ventilated, harsh, unrestrained, coarse, communicative, generous, inaccurate, removed(p), remote, long, open, open up

  22. closeverb

    finish or terminate (meetings, speeches, etc.)

    «The meeting was closed with a charge by the chairman of the board»

    shut down, come together, fold, close down, conclude, fill up, close up, shut

    extreme, deep, inaccurate, generous, faraway, out-of-town, loosely knit, unrestrained, harsh, careless, unconfined, public, yon, long, ventilated, yonder, communicatory, distant, removed(p), far-flung, ulterior, communicative, coarse, long-distance, remote, nonadjacent, loose, unequal, open, open up

  23. conclude, closeverb

    come to a close

    «The concert closed with a nocturne by Chopin»

    reason out, reason, come together, close, fold, close down, conclude, shut down, fill up, close up, shut, resolve

    yon, loose, far-flung, public, long, nonadjacent, unrestrained, long-distance, ulterior, deep, distant, yonder, ventilated, loosely knit, faraway, remote, communicatory, inaccurate, coarse, harsh, communicative, unequal, removed(p), extreme, out-of-town, generous, careless, unconfined, open, open up

  24. closeverb

    complete a business deal, negotiation, or an agreement

    «We closed on the house on Friday»; «They closed the deal on the building»

    shut down, come together, fold, close down, conclude, fill up, close up, shut

    distant, long, public, coarse, inaccurate, unconfined, remote, careless, faraway, yon, ulterior, harsh, far-flung, removed(p), extreme, generous, unrestrained, communicatory, nonadjacent, unequal, ventilated, yonder, deep, out-of-town, loose, communicative, long-distance, loosely knit, open, open up

  25. closeverb

    be priced or listed when trading stops

    «The stock market closed high this Friday»; «My new stocks closed at $59 last night»

    shut down, come together, fold, close down, conclude, fill up, close up, shut

    harsh, deep, removed(p), remote, faraway, yon, inaccurate, unrestrained, loose, ventilated, yonder, coarse, long, far-flung, careless, unconfined, nonadjacent, public, loosely knit, long-distance, extreme, out-of-town, communicative, generous, distant, unequal, communicatory, ulterior, open, open up

  26. closeverb

    engage at close quarters

    «close with the enemy»

    shut down, come together, fold, close down, conclude, fill up, close up, shut

    faraway, careless, communicative, distant, deep, generous, nonadjacent, unconfined, public, communicatory, loose, harsh, inaccurate, remote, out-of-town, long, extreme, loosely knit, removed(p), ulterior, yon, coarse, yonder, ventilated, unrestrained, unequal, long-distance, far-flung, open up, open

  27. closeverb

    cause a window or an application to disappear on a computer desktop

    shut down, come together, fold, close down, conclude, fill up, close up, shut

    ventilated, loose, careless, faraway, unequal, extreme, deep, removed(p), loosely knit, out-of-town, inaccurate, long-distance, harsh, unconfined, far-flung, communicative, distant, yonder, nonadjacent, unrestrained, generous, communicatory, yon, ulterior, remote, public, coarse, long, open up, open

  28. closeverb

    change one’s body stance so that the forward shoulder and foot are closer to the intended point of impact

    shut down, come together, fold, close down, conclude, fill up, close up, shut

    long, unequal, deep, loose, nonadjacent, coarse, yonder, generous, unrestrained, unconfined, removed(p), communicative, communicatory, ulterior, public, careless, remote, harsh, distant, ventilated, long-distance, faraway, far-flung, inaccurate, yon, out-of-town, loosely knit, extreme, open up, open

  29. close, come togetherverb

    come together, as if in an embrace

    «Her arms closed around her long lost relative»

    shut down, come together, close, fold, close down, conclude, fill up, close up, shut

    faraway, unconfined, unrestrained, distant, nonadjacent, yon, ventilated, far-flung, loose, public, harsh, out-of-town, generous, loosely knit, removed(p), careless, ulterior, deep, extreme, long, yonder, communicative, coarse, communicatory, unequal, inaccurate, remote, long-distance, open, open up

  30. closeverb

    draw near

    «The probe closed with the space station»

    shut down, come together, fold, close down, conclude, fill up, close up, shut

    remote, nonadjacent, yon, generous, communicative, extreme, long-distance, public, long, unequal, loosely knit, faraway, loose, harsh, far-flung, unconfined, out-of-town, deep, distant, unrestrained, ventilated, communicatory, coarse, careless, inaccurate, removed(p), ulterior, yonder, open up, open

  31. closeverb

    bring together all the elements or parts of

    «Management closed ranks»

    shut down, come together, fold, close down, conclude, fill up, close up, shut

    extreme, ventilated, inaccurate, ulterior, faraway, yonder, removed(p), loose, far-flung, unequal, harsh, public, yon, coarse, long-distance, loosely knit, out-of-town, unconfined, remote, long, nonadjacent, communicative, careless, distant, generous, unrestrained, deep, communicatory, open up, open

  32. closeverb

    bar access to

    «Due to the accident, the road had to be closed for several hours»

    shut down, come together, fold, close down, conclude, fill up, close up, shut

    harsh, inaccurate, deep, ulterior, distant, loose, loosely knit, long, remote, faraway, communicative, yonder, coarse, careless, public, removed(p), long-distance, far-flung, unconfined, unrestrained, ventilated, unequal, extreme, yon, communicatory, generous, out-of-town, nonadjacent, open up, open

  33. close, fill upverb

    fill or stop up

    «Can you close the cracks with caulking?»

    shut down, come together, close, fold, close down, conclude, make full, fill up, close up, shut, fill

    generous, yon, harsh, distant, communicative, unrestrained, yonder, out-of-town, inaccurate, coarse, nonadjacent, long-distance, communicatory, deep, unequal, careless, extreme, faraway, public, ventilated, ulterior, long, remote, removed(p), loose, loosely knit, unconfined, far-flung, open, open up

  34. close up, closeverb

    unite or bring into contact or bring together the edges of

    «close the circuit»; «close a wound»; «close a book»; «close up an umbrella»

    block, come together, belt up, shut, button up, fill up, impede, conclude, be quiet, dummy up, clam up, close up, keep mum, close, close down, obstruct, fold, obturate, shut down, shut up, jam, occlude

    loose, remote, yonder, deep, harsh, inaccurate, coarse, unequal, distant, out-of-town, unconfined, communicative, nonadjacent, public, loosely knit, unrestrained, yon, careless, removed(p), ventilated, communicatory, faraway, long-distance, long, ulterior, far-flung, generous, extreme, open, open up

  35. closeadverb

    finish a game in baseball by protecting a lead

    «The relief pitcher closed with two runs in the second inning»

    shut down, come together, fold, close down, conclude, fill up, close up, shut

    communicatory, long, coarse, public, communicative, loosely knit, extreme, loose, nonadjacent, distant, remote, long-distance, yonder, unconfined, ventilated, unequal, generous, yon, out-of-town, far-flung, harsh, deep, inaccurate, unrestrained, removed(p), ulterior, careless, faraway, open up, open

  36. near, nigh, closeadverb

    near in time or place or relationship

    «as the wedding day drew near»; «stood near the door»; «don’t shoot until they come near»; «getting near to the true explanation»; «her mother is always near»; «The end draws nigh»; «the bullet didn’t come close»; «don’t get too close to the fire»

    most, tight, nigh, well-nigh, close, virtually, about, nearly, almost, near, closely

    out-of-town, loose, unconfined, unequal, yonder, public, ulterior, generous, distant, remote, far-flung, ventilated, long, careless, harsh, communicative, nonadjacent, unrestrained, deep, inaccurate, faraway, removed(p), communicatory, yon, long-distance, loosely knit, extreme, coarse, open, open up

  37. close, closely, tightadverb

    in an attentive manner

    «he remained close on his guard»

    tight, nigh, fast, close, nearly, near, intimately, closely

    communicatory, distant, deep, nonadjacent, yonder, generous, public, far-flung, long, communicative, coarse, faraway, long-distance, removed(p), extreme, loose, yon, harsh, unrestrained, inaccurate, ulterior, unequal, unconfined, remote, ventilated, careless, loosely knit, out-of-town, open, open up

Matched Categories

    • Approach
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Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. closeverb

    shut, shut up

  2. closeverb

    stop, obstruct, choke, stop up

  3. closeverb

    conclude, finish, terminate, end, complete, bring to a period

  4. closeverb

    unite, coalesce, come together, be brought together

  5. closeverb

    terminate, end, be concluded

  6. closenoun

    end, conclusion, termination

  7. closeadjective

    tight, closed, shut fast

  8. closeadjective

    hidden, secret, private

  9. closeadjective

    reserved, taciturn, reticent, secretive, not communicative, of few words

  10. closeadjective

    retired, withdrawn, concealed, secluded, pent up

  11. closeadjective

    confined, stagnant, motionless

  12. closeadjective

    oppressive, uncomfortable

  13. closeadjective

    dense, compact, solid, compressed, firm, thick

  14. closeadjective

    near, approaching nearly

  15. closeadjective

    intense, intent, unremitting, earnest, fixed

  16. closeadjective

    10. faithful, accurate, precise, exact, strict, nice

  17. closeadjective

    parsimonious, stingy, penurious, miserly, niggardly, close-fisted, close-handed, mean, illiberal, ungenerous

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. closeadjective

    oppressive, uncomfortable, muggy, unventilated, narrow, cramped, close-mouthed, secretive, reticent, reserved, uncommunicative, taciturn, dense, solid, compact, imporous, near, adjacent, adjoining, intimate, confidential, parsimonious, stingy, penurious niggardly, miserly, illiberal, close-fisted, exact, literal, faithful, intent, assiduous, fixed, intense

  2. closenoun

    conclusion, end, peroration, grapple, court, area, enclosure, inclosure, yard

  3. closeverb

    shut, stop, occlude, conclude, finish, end, terminate, inclose, encompass, confine, environ, grapple, clinch, lute, calk

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «close»:

    closely, narrow, near, closure, nearly, closing, almost, shut, tight, nearby, closer, proximity, closed, latch, intimate, closes, shutdown, conclude, lock, vicinity, end, strong, straits, strait, fill, farm, conclusion, document, intimately, approximately, intensive, narrowly, next, adjacent, finish, closures, strict, bridge, firm

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  1. close

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How to use Close in a sentence?

  1. Chris Vagasky:

    That can cause what is known as self-initiated upward lightning, so the lightning occurs because you have charged at the tip of this wind turbine blade that is really close to the base of the cloud, and it’s really easy to get a connection of the electric charge.

  2. Rice Hartigan:

    Alignments between these two planets are rather rare, occurring once every 20 years or so, but this conjunction is exceptionally rare because of how close the planets will appear to one another, youd have to go all the way back to just before dawn on March 4, 1226, to see a closer alignment between these objects visible in the night sky.

  3. Gaurang Shah:

    Looking at yesterday and today’s recovery from the lows, my sense is that we are somewhere close to the bottom, my advice would be to avoid the small and mid-cap stocks right now because their valuations have run up to a great extent.

  4. Kilian Jornet:

    Of course, when you are suffering it’s not a pleasure moment but if you want to achieve something to see who you are, to explore yourself, you need to go close to your limits, the satisfaction comes from the whole process, not just the results or the suffering itself.

  5. Utibe Essien:

    How close is a hospital really connected to an academic medical center that knows the latest and greatest surgical procedures? Do they have the technology to be able to do some really innovative and safe work? looking into ways at the hospital level that we can address these disparities, I think, is going to be important.

Translations for Close

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  • قريب, أغلق, قفلArabic
  • yakın, qapamaqAzerbaijani
  • яҡынBashkir
  • блізкі, зачыняць, зачыніцьBelarusian
  • близък, край, задънена улица, затварям, завършек, закриване, приключвам, закривамBulgarian
  • বন্ধ করাBengali
  • pròxim, cloure, tancarCatalan, Valencian
  • blízký, zavřítCzech
  • mwll, agos, trymaidd, mwrnWelsh
  • lukke, tætDanish
  • drückend, schwül, nah, Sackgasse, schließen, beenden, zumachenGerman
  • tu, xeEwe
  • κλείνω, ΚοντάGreek
  • korligita, proksima, fermi, finiEsperanto
  • cercano, íntimo, cerca, acercarse, fin, conclusión, tapar, acortar, cerrar, terminar, concluir, achicar, cierre, finalizarSpanish
  • sulgemaEstonian
  • نزدیک, بستنPersian
  • läheinen, loppu, lopettaa, pienentää, sulkeutua, sulkea, päättää, päätös, umpikuja, kiinniFinnish
  • proche, près, mettre fin à, terminer, finir, conclusion, achèvement, clore, fermer, conclure, fin, cul-de-sac, boucherFrench
  • dlúth, dún, druidIrish
  • faisg, dlùth, clobhsa, dùinScottish Gaelic
  • rematar, terminar, pechar, pór finGalician
  • קרוב, קרובה, סגרHebrew
  • पास, बंद करना, बंद करेHindi
  • pwòchHaitian Creole
  • becsuk, BezárásHungarian
  • մոտ, մոտիկ, փակելArmenian
  • vicin, proxime, clauder, concluder, terminarInterlingua
  • dekat, tutupIndonesian
  • klozarIdo
  • vicino, vicina, terminare, chiudere, concludere, fineItalian
  • לִסְגוֹרHebrew
  • 近い, 閉じる, 閉める, 閉まるJapanese
  • ახლო, დახურვაGeorgian
  • ជិត, បិទKhmer
  • ಮುಚ್ಚಿKannada
  • 닫다, 닫기Korean
  • nêzik, نزیک, داخستن, کۆتاییKurdish
  • claudo, propeLatin
  • schléissen, zoumaachenLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
  • ໃກ້, ອັດLao
  • artimas, uždarytiLithuanian
  • tuvs, slēgt, aizdarīt, aiztaisīt, aizvērtLatvian
  • taupiri, korire, tata, mutunga, pā, whakamutu, whakaotinga, whakaotiMāori
  • menutupMalay
  • temm, agħlaqMaltese
  • ပိတ်Burmese
  • nabije, drukkend, dichtbij, zwoel, dichten, dichtdoen, sluiten, beëindigen, verkleinenDutch
  • nær, avslutte, lukke, stenge, LukkNorwegian
  • barrar, tancar, sarrar, tamparOccitan
  • zamknąć, zamykać, bliskoPolish
  • próximo, vizinho, perto, fechar, encerrar, concluir, cerrar, terminarPortuguese
  • serrar, sarar, sarrar, serrer, finirRomansh
  • aproape, termina, finisa, închideRomanian
  • близкий, закрытие, тупик, завершение, закрыть, закрывать, сокращать, завершать, окончание, завершить, заканчивать, сократить, закончитьRussian
  • serrai, serrareSardinian
  • zatvoriti, затворитиSerbo-Croatian
  • zavrieťSlovak
  • blízu, zapretiSlovene
  • nära, stänga, avslutaSwedish
  • fungu, fungaSwahili
  • நெருக்கமானTamil
  • ముగించు, మూయు, CloseTelugu
  • ปิด, งับ, หุบThai
  • saraTagalog
  • yakın, kapatmak, örtmek, kitlemek, kapatTurkish
  • закрити, зачиняти, зачинити, закриватиUkrainian
  • بند کرنا, بند کریںUrdu
  • đóng, gầnVietnamese
  • שליסן, closeYiddish
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1    bar, block, bung, choke, clog, confine, cork, fill, lock, obstruct, plug, seal, secure, shut, shut up, stop up  

2    axe     (informal)   cease, complete, conclude, culminate, discontinue, end, finish, mothball, shut down, terminate, wind up  

3    come together, connect, couple, fuse, grapple, join, unite  

1    clear, free, open, release, unblock, unclog, uncork, unstop, widen  

2    begin, commence, initiate, open, start  

3    disconnect, disjoin, disunite, divide, part, separate, split, uncouple  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  


close          [2]  

1    adjacent, adjoining, a hop, skip and a jump away, approaching, at hand, cheek by jowl, handy, hard by, imminent, impending, just round the corner, near, nearby, neighbouring, nigh, proximate, upcoming, within sniffing distance, within spitting distance     (informal)   within striking distance     (informal)  

2    compact, congested, cramped, cropped, crowded, dense, impenetrable, jam-packed, packed, short, solid, thick, tight  

3    accurate, conscientious, exact, faithful, literal, precise, strict  

4    alert, assiduous, attentive, careful, concentrated, detailed, dogged, earnest, fixed, intense, intent, keen, minute, painstaking, rigorous, searching, thorough  

5    attached, confidential, dear, devoted, familiar, inseparable, intimate, loving  

6    airless, confined, frowsty, fuggy, heavy, humid, muggy, oppressive, stale, stifling, stuffy, suffocating, sweltering, thick, unventilated  

7    hidden, private, reticent, retired, secluded, secret, secretive, taciturn, uncommunicative, unforthcoming  

8    illiberal, mean, mingy     (Brit. informal)   miserly, near, niggardly, parsimonious, penurious, stingy, tight as a duck’s arse     (taboo slang)   tight-fisted, ungenerous  

1    distant, far, far away, far off, future, outlying, remote  

2    dispersed, empty, free, loose, penetrable, porous, uncongested, uncrowded  

5    alienated, aloof, chilly, cold, cool, distant, indifferent, standoffish, unfriendly  

6    airy, fresh, refreshing, roomy, spacious  

8    charitable, extravagant, generous, lavish, liberal, magnanimous, unstinting  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  


close          [3]  
      n   cessation, completion, conclusion, culmination, denouement, end, ending, finale, finish, run-in, termination  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  




1]     ( closes    3rd person present)   ( closing    present participle)   ( closed    past tense & past participle  )   (SHUTTING OR COMPLETING)  
Please look at category 12 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.     

1       verb   When you close    something such as a door or lid or when it closes, it moves so that a hole, gap, or opening is covered.      
  (Antonym: open)
If you are cold, close the window…      V n  
Zacharias heard the door close…      V  
Keep the curtains closed.      V-ed  

2       verb   When you close    something such as an open book or umbrella, you move the different parts of it together.      
Slowly he closed the book.      V n  

3       verb   If you close    something such as a computer file or window, you give the computer an instruction to remove it from the screen.         (COMPUTING)  
To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard.      V n  

4       verb   When you close    your eyes or your eyes close   , your eyelids move downwards, so that you can no longer see.         
Bess closed her eyes and fell asleep…      V n  
When we sneeze, our eyes close.      V  

5       verb   When a place closes or is closed, work or activity stops there for a short period.  
  (Antonym: open)
Shops close only on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day…      V  
It was Saturday; they could close the office early…      V n  
Government troops closed the airport…      V n  
The restaurant was closed for the night.      V-ed  

6       verb   If a place such as a factory, shop, or school closes, or if it is closed, all work or activity stops there permanently.  
Many enterprises will be forced to close…      V  
If they do close the local college I’ll have to go to Worcester.      V n  
      Close down means the same as close   ., phrasal verb      
Minford closed down the business and went into politics…      V P n (not pron)  
Many of the smaller stores have closed down.      V P, Also V n P  

  closing      n-sing  

…since the closing of the steelworks in nearby Duquesne in 1984.     

7       verb   To close    a road or border means to block it in order to prevent people from using it.      
They were cut off from the West in 1948 when their government closed that border crossing.      V n  

8       verb   To close    a conversation, event, or matter means to bring it to an end or to complete it.      
Judge Isabel Oliva said last night: `I have closed the case. There was no foul play.’…      V n  
The Prime Minister is said to now consider the matter closed.      V-ed  
…the closing ceremony of the National Political Conference.      V-ing  

9       verb   If you close    a bank account, you take all your money out of it and inform the bank that you will no longer be using the account.   ,   (Antonym: open)
He had closed his account with the bank five years earlier.      V n  

10       verb   On the stock market or the currency markets, if a share price or a currency closes at a particular value, that is its value at the end of the day’s business.     (BUSINESS, Antonym: open)  
Dawson shares closed at 219p, up 5p…      V prep/adv  
The US dollar closed higher in Tokyo today.      V adj-compar  

11       n-sing   Theclose   of a period of time or an activity is the end of it. To bring or draw something to a close means to end it.      
oft the N of n, to a N  

By the close of business last night, most of the big firms were hailing yesterday’s actions as a success…, Brian’s retirement brings to a close a glorious chapter in British football history…     



  to close the door on something  


  to close your eyes to something  


  to close ranks  

close down  
  close 6  
close off      phrasal verb   To close    something off means to separate it from other things or people so that they cannot go there.      
(=seal off)  

Police closed off about 12 blocks of a major San Francisco thoroughfare for today’s march…      V P n (not pron)   close up  

1       phrasal verb   If someone closes up a building, they shut it completely and securely, often because they are going away.  
(=shut up, lock up)  

Just close up the shop…      V P n (not pron)  
The summer house had been closed up all year.      V-ed P  

2       phrasal verb   If an opening, gap, or something hollow closes up, or if you close    it up, it becomes closed or covered.      
Don’t use cold water as it shocks the blood vessels into closing up.      V P, Also V n P  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


close          [2]     ( closer    comparative)   ( closest    superlative  )   (NEARNESS; ADJECTIVE USES)  
Please look at category 18 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.     

1       adj   If one thing or person is close   to another, there is only a very small distance between them.      
v-link ADJ, ADJ after v, oft ADJ prep/adv  

Her lips were close to his head and her breath tickled his ear…, The man moved closer, lowering his voice…, The tables were pushed close together so diners could talk across the aisles.     

  closely      adv   ADV after v, ADV -ed  
Wherever they went they were closely followed by security men.     

2       adj   You say that people are close   to each other when they like each other very much and know each other very well.      
oft ADJ to n  
She and Linda became very close…, As a little girl, Karan was closest to her sister Gail…, I shared a house with a close friend from school…     

  closeness      n-uncount  
I asked whether her closeness to her mother ever posed any problems.     

3       adj   Your close    relatives are the members of your family who are most directly related to you, for example your parents and your brothers or sisters.      
ADJ n     (Antonym: distant)
…large changes such as the birth of a child or death of a close relative.     

4       adj   A close    ally or partner of someone knows them well and is very involved in their work.      
usu ADJ n, also v-link ADJ to n  
He was once regarded as one of Mr Brown’s closest political advisers…, A senior source close to Mr Blair told us: `Our position has not changed.’     

5       adj   Close contact or co-operation involves seeing or communicating with someone often.  
ADJ n  
Both nations are seeking closer links with the West…, He lived alone, keeping close contact with his three grown-up sons.     

  closely      adv   ADV after v  
We work closely with the careers officers in schools.     

6       adj   If there is a close    connection or resemblance between two things, they are strongly connected or are very similar.      
usu ADJ n  

There is a close connection between pain and tension…, Clare’s close resemblance to his elder sister invoked a deep dislike in him.     

  closely      adv   ADV before v, ADV -ed  
…a pattern closely resembling a cross., …fruits closely related to the orange.     

7       adj   Close inspection or observation of something is careful and thorough.  

He discovered, on closer inspection, that the rocks contained gold…, Let’s have a closer look.     

  closely      adv   ADV with v  
If you look closely at many of the problems in society, you’ll see evidence of racial discrimination.     

8       adj   A close    competition or election is won or seems likely to be won by only a small amount.      
It is still a close contest between two leading opposition parties…, It’s going to be very close.     

  closely      adv   usu ADV -ed  
This will be a closely fought race.     

9       adj   If you are close   to something or if it is close   , it is likely to happen or come soon. If you are close   to doing something, you are likely to do it soon.            
v-link ADJ, usu ADJ to n/-ing  

She sounded close to tears…, A senior White House official said the agreement is close…, He’s close to signing a contract.     

10       adj   If something is close    or comes close   to something else, it almost is, does, or experiences that thing.         
v-link ADJ, usu ADJ to n  

An airliner came close to disaster while approaching Heathrow Airport…     

11       adj   If the atmosphere somewhere is close   , it is unpleasantly warm with not enough air.      

12    Something that is close by or close at hand is near to you.  

close by/at hand      phrase   usu v-link PHR, PHR after v  

Did a new hairdressing shop open close by?…, His wife remains behind in Germany, but Jason, his 18-year-old son, is closer at hand.     

13    If you describe an event as a close shave, a close thing, or a close call, you mean that an accident or a disaster very nearly happened.  

a close call/shave/thing      phrase  
You had a close shave, but you knew when you accepted this job that there would be risks.     

14    If you keep a close eyeon someone or something or keep a close watchon them, you observe them carefully to make sure they are progressing as you want them to.  

keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth      phrase   V inflects, usu PHR on n  
The President’s foreign policy team are keeping a close eye on events.     

15    Close to a particular amount or distance means slightly less than that amount or distance. In British English, you can also say close on a particular amount or distance.  

close to/on      prep-phrase   PREP amount  
(=almost, nearly)  

Sisulu spent close to 30 years in prison…, Catering may now account for close on a quarter of pub turnover.     

16    If you look at something close up or close to, you look at it when you are very near to it.  

close up/to      phrase   usu PHR after v, v-link PHR  
They always look smaller close up.     

17    If something such as a competition or an election is too close to call, it is not possible to predict who will win because it seems likely to be won by only a very small margin.     (JOURNALISM)  

too close to call      phrase   PHR with cl  
In the Senate, the count is too close to call at this point.     

  at close quarters  


  at close range  


Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


close          [3]     ( closes    3rd person present)   ( closing    present participle)   ( closed    past tense & past participle  )   (NEARNESS; VERB USES)   If you are closingon someone or something that you are following, you are getting nearer and nearer to them.      verb  
I was within 15 seconds of the guy in second place and closing on him.      V on n   close in  

1       phrasal verb   If a group of people close inon a person or place, they come nearer and nearer to them and gradually surround them.  
(=move in)  

Hitler himself committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin…      V P on n  
As Parretti walked across the tarmac, fraud officers closed in.      V P  

2       phrasal verb   When winter or darkness closes in, it arrives.  

The dark nights and cold weather are closing in.      V P  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  


Close            ( Closes    plural  )   (USED AS A ROAD NAME)   Close    is used in the names of some streets in Britain.          n-in-names   n N  
…116 Dendridge Close.     

close   [1]     ( closes    3rd person present)   ( closing    present participle)   ( closed    past tense & past participle  )   (SHUTTING OR COMPLETING)  
Please look at category 12 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.     

1       verb   When you close something such as a door or lid or when it closes, it moves so that a hole, gap, or opening is covered.  
  (Antonym: open)
If you are cold, close the window…      V n  
Zacharias heard the door close…      V  
Keep the curtains closed.      V-ed  

2       verb   When you close something such as an open book or umbrella, you move the different parts of it together.  
Slowly he closed the book.      V n  

3       verb   If you close something such as a computer file or window, you give the computer an instruction to remove it from the screen.     (COMPUTING)  
To close your document, press CTRL+W on your keyboard.      V n  

4       verb   When you close your eyes or your eyes close, your eyelids move downwards, so that you can no longer see.  
Bess closed her eyes and fell asleep…      V n  
When we sneeze, our eyes close.      V  

5       verb   When a place closes or is closed, work or activity stops there for a short period.  
  (Antonym: open)
Shops close only on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day…      V  
It was Saturday; they could close the office early…      V n  
Government troops closed the airport…      V n  
The restaurant was closed for the night.      V-ed  

6       verb   If a place such as a factory, shop, or school closes, or if it is closed, all work or activity stops there permanently.  
Many enterprises will be forced to close…      V  
If they do close the local college I’ll have to go to Worcester.      V n  
      Close down means the same as close., phrasal verb  
Minford closed down the business and went into politics…      V P n (not pron)  
Many of the smaller stores have closed down.      V P, Also V n P  

  closing      n-sing  

…since the closing of the steelworks in nearby Duquesne in 1984.     

7       verb   To close a road or border means to block it in order to prevent people from using it.  
They were cut off from the West in 1948 when their government closed that border crossing.      V n  

8       verb   To close a conversation, event, or matter means to bring it to an end or to complete it.  
Judge Isabel Oliva said last night: `I have closed the case. There was no foul play.’…      V n  
The Prime Minister is said to now consider the matter closed.      V-ed  
…the closing ceremony of the National Political Conference.      V-ing  

9       verb   If you close a bank account, you take all your money out of it and inform the bank that you will no longer be using the account.,   (Antonym: open)
He had closed his account with the bank five years earlier.      V n  

10       verb   On the stock market or the currency markets, if a share price or a currency closes at a particular value, that is its value at the end of the day’s business.     (BUSINESS, Antonym: open)  
Dawson shares closed at 219p, up 5p…      V prep/adv  
The US dollar closed higher in Tokyo today.      V adj-compar  

11       n-sing   Thecloseof a period of time or an activity is the end of it. To bring or draw something to a close means to end it.  
oft the N of n, to a N  

By the close of business last night, most of the big firms were hailing yesterday’s actions as a success…, Brian’s retirement brings to a close a glorious chapter in British football history…     



  to close the door on something  


  to close your eyes to something  


  to close ranks  

close down  
  close 6  
close off      phrasal verb   To close something off means to separate it from other things or people so that they cannot go there.  
(=seal off)  

Police closed off about 12 blocks of a major San Francisco thoroughfare for today’s march…      V P n (not pron)   close up  

1       phrasal verb   If someone closes up a building, they shut it completely and securely, often because they are going away.  
(=shut up, lock up)  

Just close up the shop…      V P n (not pron)  
The summer house had been closed up all year.      V-ed P  

2       phrasal verb   If an opening, gap, or something hollow closes up, or if you close it up, it becomes closed or covered.  
Don’t use cold water as it shocks the blood vessels into closing up.      V P, Also V n P  

close   [2]     ( closer    comparative)   ( closest    superlative  )   (NEARNESS; ADJECTIVE USES)  
Please look at category 18 to see if the expression you are looking for is shown under another headword.     

1       adj   If one thing or person is closeto another, there is only a very small distance between them.  
v-link ADJ, ADJ after v, oft ADJ prep/adv  

Her lips were close to his head and her breath tickled his ear…, The man moved closer, lowering his voice…, The tables were pushed close together so diners could talk across the aisles.     

  closely      adv   ADV after v, ADV -ed  
Wherever they went they were closely followed by security men.     

2       adj   You say that people are closeto each other when they like each other very much and know each other very well.  
oft ADJ to n  
She and Linda became very close…, As a little girl, Karan was closest to her sister Gail…, I shared a house with a close friend from school…     

  closeness      n-uncount  
I asked whether her closeness to her mother ever posed any problems.     

3       adj   Your close relatives are the members of your family who are most directly related to you, for example your parents and your brothers or sisters.  
ADJ n     (Antonym: distant)
…large changes such as the birth of a child or death of a close relative.     

4       adj   A close ally or partner of someone knows them well and is very involved in their work.  
usu ADJ n, also v-link ADJ to n  
He was once regarded as one of Mr Brown’s closest political advisers…, A senior source close to Mr Blair told us: `Our position has not changed.’     

5       adj   Close    contact or co-operation involves seeing or communicating with someone often.      
ADJ n  
Both nations are seeking closer links with the West…, He lived alone, keeping close contact with his three grown-up sons.     

  closely      adv   ADV after v  
We work closely with the careers officers in schools.     

6       adj   If there is a close connection or resemblance between two things, they are strongly connected or are very similar.  
usu ADJ n  

There is a close connection between pain and tension…, Clare’s close resemblance to his elder sister invoked a deep dislike in him.     

  closely      adv   ADV before v, ADV -ed  
…a pattern closely resembling a cross., …fruits closely related to the orange.     

7       adj   Close    inspection or observation of something is careful and thorough.      

He discovered, on closer inspection, that the rocks contained gold…, Let’s have a closer look.     

  closely      adv   ADV with v  
If you look closely at many of the problems in society, you’ll see evidence of racial discrimination.     

8       adj   A close competition or election is won or seems likely to be won by only a small amount.  
It is still a close contest between two leading opposition parties…, It’s going to be very close.     

  closely      adv   usu ADV -ed  
This will be a closely fought race.     

9       adj   If you are closeto something or if it is close, it is likely to happen or come soon. If you are closeto doing something, you are likely to do it soon.  
v-link ADJ, usu ADJ to n/-ing  

She sounded close to tears…, A senior White House official said the agreement is close…, He’s close to signing a contract.     

10       adj   If something is close or comes closeto something else, it almost is, does, or experiences that thing.  
v-link ADJ, usu ADJ to n  

An airliner came close to disaster while approaching Heathrow Airport…     

11       adj   If the atmosphere somewhere is close, it is unpleasantly warm with not enough air.  

12    Something that is close by or close at hand is near to you.  

close by/at hand      phrase   usu v-link PHR, PHR after v  

Did a new hairdressing shop open close by?…, His wife remains behind in Germany, but Jason, his 18-year-old son, is closer at hand.     

13    If you describe an event as a close shave, a close thing, or a close call, you mean that an accident or a disaster very nearly happened.  

a close call/shave/thing      phrase  
You had a close shave, but you knew when you accepted this job that there would be risks.     

14    If you keep a close eyeon someone or something or keep a close watchon them, you observe them carefully to make sure they are progressing as you want them to.  

keep a close eye/watch on sb/sth      phrase   V inflects, usu PHR on n  
The President’s foreign policy team are keeping a close eye on events.     

15    Close to a particular amount or distance means slightly less than that amount or distance. In British English, you can also say close on a particular amount or distance.  

close to/on      prep-phrase   PREP amount  
(=almost, nearly)  

Sisulu spent close to 30 years in prison…, Catering may now account for close on a quarter of pub turnover.     

16    If you look at something close up or close to, you look at it when you are very near to it.  

close up/to      phrase   usu PHR after v, v-link PHR  
They always look smaller close up.     

17    If something such as a competition or an election is too close to call, it is not possible to predict who will win because it seems likely to be won by only a very small margin.     (JOURNALISM)  

too close to call      phrase   PHR with cl  
In the Senate, the count is too close to call at this point.     

  at close quarters  


  at close range  


close   [3]     ( closes    3rd person present)   ( closing    present participle)   ( closed    past tense & past participle  )   (NEARNESS; VERB USES)   If you are closingon someone or something that you are following, you are getting nearer and nearer to them.      verb  
I was within 15 seconds of the guy in second place and closing on him.      V on n   close in  

1       phrasal verb   If a group of people close inon a person or place, they come nearer and nearer to them and gradually surround them.  
(=move in)  

Hitler himself committed suicide as Soviet forces were closing in on Berlin…      V P on n  
As Parretti walked across the tarmac, fraud officers closed in.      V P  

2       phrasal verb   When winter or darkness closes in, it arrives.  

The dark nights and cold weather are closing in.      V P  

Close-cropped hair or grass is cut very short.      adj   usu ADJ n  

Close-fitting clothes fit tightly and show the shape of your body.      adj   usu ADJ n  

A close-knit group of people are closely linked, do things together, and take an interest in each other.      adj   usu ADJ n  
Events over the last year have created a close-knit community.     

If you describe something such as a race or contest as a close-run thing, you mean that it was only won by a very small amount.      adj   ADJ n  
In such a close-run race as this election, the campaign becomes all important.     

close season  
in AM, use closed season      In football and some other sports, the close season is the period of the year when the sport is not played professionally.  
  (BRIT)      n-sing  
Football clubs have been busy in the close season transfer market.     

close-up     ( close-ups    plural  ) A close-up is a photograph or a picture in a film that shows a lot of detail because it is taken very near to the subject.      n-count  
…a close-up of Harvey’s face.      If you see something in close-up, you see it in great detail in a photograph or piece of film which has been taken very near to the subject.  

in close-up      phrase  
Hughes stared up at him in close-up from the photograph.     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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close friend


dirk-toothed tiger


Close relation of prehistoric Sabre-toothed tiger

thick as thieves


expression to qualify two or more people who are very close, get along well and share secrets to each other; combined with the fact that, in the old days, ‘thick’ used to also mean ‘close together’, who else better understands a thief but another thief, right?

Those two boys are thick as thieves. They’ve been close since they were babies!




to pay close attention to (someone or something)

shovel list


«It’s a list of all the people and things I hate so much I want to hit them in the face with a shovel.» Concept coming from the Marian Keyes novel, The Mystery of Mercy Close (2012).

care package


1. a package containing food, clothes or other items that the receiver has difficulties in procuring by himself; 2. a package containing small gifts for close persons

kissing cousin


an acquaintance or relative close enough to greet by giving a kiss

He(She)’s a keeper


expression used for saying that someone is worth being kept close (as a friend, partner..)

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