( classes plural & 3rd person present) ( classing present participle) ( classed past tense & past participle )
1 n-count A class is a group of pupils or students who are taught together.
He had to spend about six months in a class with younger students…, Reducing class sizes should be a top priority.
2 n-count A class is a course of teaching in a particular subject.
oft n N
He acquired a law degree by taking classes at night…, I go to dance classes here in New York.
3 n-uncount If you do something in class, you do it during a lesson in school.
in N
There is lots of reading in class.
4 n-sing The students in a school or university who finish their course in a particular year are often referred to as the class of that year.
N of date
These two members of Yale’s Class of ’57 never miss a reunion.
5 n-var Class refers to the division of people in a society into groups according to their social status.
…the relationship between social classes…, …the characteristics of the British class structure.
chattering classes
middle class
upper class
working class
6 n-count A classof things is a group of them with similar characteristics.
usu N of n
…the division of the stars into six classes of brightness.
7 verb If someone or something is classed as a particular thing, they are regarded as belonging to that group of things.
Since the birds inter-breed they cannot be classed as different species… be V-ed as n/adj
I class myself as an ordinary working person… V pron-refl as n
I would class my garden as medium in size… V n as adj/n
Malaysia wants to send back refugees classed as economic migrants. V-ed
8 n-uncount If you say that someone or something has class, you mean that they are elegant and sophisticated.
INFORMAL, approval He’s got the same style off the pitch as he has on it<endash>sheer class.
business class
10 If someone is in a class of their own, they have more of a particular skill or quality than anyone else. If something is in a class of its own, it is better than any other similar thing.
in a class of one’s own phrase usu v-link PHR
As a player, he was in a class of his own.
business class
Business class seating on an aeroplane costs less than first class but more than economy class. adj ADJ n
You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat.
Business class is also an adverb., adv ADV after v
They flew business class.
Business class is the business class seating on an aeroplane., n-uncount
The Australian team will be seated in business class.
class action ( class actions plural ) A class action is a legal case brought by a group of people rather than an individual. n-count usu sing
Someone who is class-conscious is very aware of the differences between the various classes of people in society, and often has a strong feeling of belonging to a particular class. adj
Nineteenth-century Britain was a class-conscious society.
class-consciousness n-uncount
There was very little snobbery or class-consciousness in the wartime navy.
economy class
On an aeroplane, an economy class ticket or seat is the cheapest available. adj ADJ n
The price includes two economy class airfares from Brisbane to Los Angeles.
economy-class syndrome
Economy-class syndrome is a serious medical condition caused by blood clots in the legs moving up to the lungs; used especially in connection with long-haul flights. n-uncount
Lemon juice can help to prevent economy-class syndrome by improving blood circulation.
evening class ( evening classes plural ) An evening class is a course for adults that is taught in the evening rather than during the day. n-count
Jackie has been learning flamenco dancing at an evening class for three years.
first-class , first class
1 adj If you describe something or someone as first-class, you mean that they are extremely good and of the highest quality.
The food was first-class…, She has a first-class brain and is a damned good writer.
2 adj You use first-class to describe something that is in the group that is considered to be of the highest standard.
He officially announced his retirement from first-class cricket yesterday…, Harriet graduated with a first class degree in literature…
3 adj First-class accommodation on a train, aeroplane, or ship is the best and most expensive type of accommodation.
He won himself two first-class tickets to fly to Dublin., …first-class passengers.
First-class is also an adverb., adv ADV after v
She had never flown first class before.
First-class is the first-class accommodation on a train, aeroplane, or ship., n-uncount
He paid for and was assigned a cabin in first class.
4 adj In Britain, first-class postage is the quicker and more expensive type of postage. In the United States, first-class postage is the type of postage that is used for sending letters and postcards.
Two first class stamps, please…
First-class is also an adverb., adv ADV after v
It took six days to arrive despite being posted first class.
If you describe something as high-class, you mean that it is of very good quality or of superior social status. adj usu ADJ n
…a high-class jeweller’s.
lower class ( lower classes plural ) , lower-class Some people use thelower class or thelower classes to refer to the division of society that they consider to have the lowest social status. n-count-coll usu pl
Education now offers the lower classes access to job opportunities…
Lower class is also an adjective., adj
…lower-class families…
middle class ( middle classes plural ) Themiddle class or middle classes are the people in a society who are not working class or upper class. Business people, managers, doctors, lawyers, and teachers are usually regarded as middle class. n-count-coll usu the N
…the expansion of the middle class in the late 19th century…, The President may have secured some support from the middle classes.
Middle class is also an adjective., adj
He is rapidly losing the support of blue-collar voters and of middle-class conservatives…
reception class ( reception classes plural ) A reception class is a class that children go into when they first start school at the age of four or five.
(BRIT) n-count
second-class , second class
1 adj If someone treats you as a second-class citizen, they treat you as if you are less valuable and less important than other people.
Too many airlines treat our children as second-class citizens.
2 adj If you describe something as second-class, you mean that it is of poor quality.
usu ADJ n
I am not prepared to see children in some parts of this country having to settle for a second-class education.
3 adj The second-class accommodation on a train or ship is the ordinary accommodation, which is cheaper and less comfortable than the first-class accommodation.
He sat in the corner of a second-class carriage…, …a second-class ticket.
Second class is also an adverb., adv ADV after v
I recently travelled second class from Pisa to Ventimiglia.
Second-class is second-class accommodation on a train or ship., n-uncount
In second class the fare is £85 one-way.
4 adj In Britain, second-class postage is the slower and cheaper type of postage. In the United States, second-class postage is the type of postage that is used for sending newspapers and magazines.
…a second-class stamp.
Second class is also an adverb., adv ADV after v
They’re going to send it second class.
5 adj In Britain, a second-class degree is a good university degree, but not as good as a first-class degree.
A second-class honours degree is the minimum requirement.
A third-class degree is the lowest honours degree that can be obtained from a British university. adj ADJ n
top-class , top class
Top-class means among the finest of its kind. adj
We think he’ll turn into a top-class player.
upper class ( upper classes plural ) , upper-class The upper class or the upper classes are the group of people in a society who own the most property and have the highest social status, and who may not need to work for money. n-count-coll usu the N
…goods specifically designed to appeal to the tastes of the upper class…
Upper class is also an adjective., adj usu ADJ n
All of them came from wealthy, upper class families.
word class ( word classes plural ) A word class is a group of words that have the same basic behaviour, for example nouns, adjectives, or verbs. n-count
working class ( working classes plural ) The working class or the working classes are the group of people in a society who do not own much property, who have low social status, and who do jobs which involve using physical skills rather than intellectual skills. n-count-coll the N
…increased levels of home ownership among the working classes.
Working class is also an adjective., adj usu ADJ n
…a self-educated man from a working class background…, The group is mainly black, mainly working-class.
A world-class sports player, performer, or organization is one of the best in the world. (JOURNALISM) adj usu ADJ n
He was determined to become a world-class player.
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
A class is a number or body of persons or objects having common pursuits, purposes, attributes, or characteristics. A caste is hereditary; a class may be independent of lineage or descent; membership in a caste is supposed to be for life; membership in a class may be very transient; a religious and ceremonial sacredness attaches to the caste, as not to the class. The rich and the poor form separate classes; yet individuals are constantly passing from each to the other; the classes in a college remain the same, but their membership changes every year. We speak of rank among hereditary nobility or military officers; of various orders of the priesthood; by accommodation, we may refer in a general way to the higher ranks, the lower orders of any society. Grade implies some regular scale of valuation, and some inherent qualities for which a person or thing is placed higher or lower in the scale; as, the coarser and finer grades of wool; a man of an inferior grade. A coterie is a small company of persons of similar tastes, who meet frequently in an informal way, rather for social enjoyment than for any serious purpose. Clique has always an unfavorable meaning. A clique is always fractional, implying some greater gathering of which it is a part; the association breaks up into cliques. Persons unite in a coterie through simple liking for one another; they withdraw into a clique largely through aversion to outsiders. A set, while exclusive, is more extensive than a clique, and chiefly of persons who are united by common social station, etc. Circle is similar in meaning to set, but of wider application; we speak of scientific and religious as well as of social circles.
association, caste, circle, clan, clique, club, company, coterie, grade, order, rank, setPreposition:
A class of merchants; the senior class at (sometimes of) Harvard; the classes in college.
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes
class, category, familynoun
a collection of things sharing a common attribute
«there are two classes of detergents»
kinsperson, mob, form, family unit, kinfolk, grade, division, family line, year, home, course of instruction, kinsfolk, course of study, family, social class, house, syndicate, crime syndicate, folk, socio-economic class, menage, household, fellowship, sept, kin, phratry, stratum, course, category -
class, form, grade, coursenoun
a body of students who are taught together
«early morning classes are always sleepy»
category, ground level, figure, tier, flesh, frame, stratum, mark, kind, track, chassis, social class, physical body, grad, soma, row, course of action, score, human body, division, level, socio-economic class, grade, manikin, sort, form, mannikin, mannequin, conformation, phase, course of study, family, word form, trend, path, cast, gradation, configuration, variant, degree, course, pattern, bod, year, signifier, shape, descriptor, line, course of instruction, variety, strain, anatomy, physique, contour, var., material body, manakin, build -
class, stratum, social class, socio-economic classnoun
people having the same social, economic, or educational status
«the working class»; «an emerging professional class»
social class, layer, level, grade, form, category, socio-economic class, course of instruction, course of study, division, course, stratum, year, family -
course, course of study, course of instruction, classnoun
education imparted in a series of lessons or meetings
«he took a course in basket weaving»; «flirting is not unknown in college classes»
path, form, family, program, stratum, grade, division, programme, year, course of instruction, course of study, trend, socio-economic class, syllabus, social class, line, row, track, curriculum, course of action, course, category -
class, divisionnoun
a league ranked by quality
«he played baseball in class D for two years»; «Princeton is in the NCAA Division 1-AA»
course of instruction, form, grade, division, partition, year, sectionalization, course, part, section, naval division, course of study, family, air division, social class, partitioning, socio-economic class, sectionalisation, segmentation, variance, stratum, category -
class, yearnoun
a body of students who graduate together
«the class of ’97»; «she was in my year at Hoehandle High»
social class, grade, form, category, yr, twelvemonth, socio-economic class, course of instruction, course of study, division, course, stratum, year, family -
(biology) a taxonomic group containing one or more orders
social class, grade, form, category, socio-economic class, course of instruction, course of study, division, course, stratum, year, family -
elegance in dress or behavior
«she has a lot of class»
social class, grade, form, category, socio-economic class, course of instruction, course of study, division, course, stratum, year, family -
classify, class, sort, assort, sort out, separateverb
arrange or order by classes or categories
«How would you classify these pottery shards—are they prehistoric?»
tell apart, distinguish, classify, associate, single out, split up, shed light on, crystalise, differentiate, sieve, divide, crystalize, fall apart, part, crystallise, carve up, sort, severalize, consort, split, come apart, separate, correct, severalise, dissever, furcate, assort, affiliate, illuminate, clear, discriminate, discipline, branch, secern, screen out, elucidate, screen, crystallize, clear up, enlighten, relegate, disunite, straighten out, tell, break, sort out, ramify, fork, break up, secernate
Matched Categories
- Biology
- Education
- Gathering
- Taxonomic Group
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote
rank or order (of persons) -
set (as of pupils pursuing the same studies) -
scientific division (of animate or inanimate objects, including orders, genera, and species), kind, sort -
category, predicament -
arrange, rank, range, classify, dispose, distribute, form into classes
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «class»:
category, classroom, classes, grade, classe, classy, classifies, categories, kind, klass, klasse, level, type, course, class2, strata, classrooms, kinds, courses, school, sort, sorts, homeroom, categorizes, catégorie
Suggested Resources
Song lyrics by class — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by class on the website.
How to pronounce class?
How to say class in sign language?
How to use class in a sentence?
Commissioner Elzbieta Bienkowska:
I remain convinced that the best way to restore consumer trust is to treat them fairly, without the need for class action threats.
Al Sharpton:
I think it may have been( 300) or 400 people there, maybe 20 Black, and for them to give me five or six standing ovations showed that this is a real possibility of us bridging, a real police accountability movement that is based on race, and class.
Patrick Louchouarn:
None of them have failed until the end of the class, meaning the only reason a student would fail is because he or she hasn’t performed the actual, you know, with the expectations for that particular class.
Joe Biden:
It’s a MAGA agenda all right. Let me tell you about this ultra-MAGA agenda — it’s extreme, as most MAGA things are, under this new plan, this tax plan, the ultra-MAGA agenda, while big corporations and billionaires are going to pay nothing more, the working class folks will pay a hell of a lot more.
Hasan Cemal:
Erdogan has to date never held a real press conference, because he never wished to take and answer questions from those opposing him … Even the coup leaders including Evren held press conferences, i harshly criticized Turgut Ozal. He still allowed me on his plane for trips, invited us to his press conferences and engaged in fiery debates with me and other opposition journalists. Even the second-class democracy of those times was better than today.
Translations for class
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- فَصْلArabic
- класа, класифицирам, курс, клас, наборBulgarian
- klasBreton
- classe, cursCatalan, Valencian
- классChechen
- třídaCzech
- Klasse, Unterricht, Classis, StilGerman
- τάξη, ταξινομώ, κατατάσσω, μάθημα, κορυφή, ομοταξία, κομψότητα, θέση, κλάση, σειρά, είδος, κατηγορίαGreek
- klasoEsperanto
- clase, curso, promociónSpanish
- rühm, seisus, klass, kursusEstonian
- کلاس, طبقه, دوره, رده, رسته, دسته, گروه, برازندگی, درجهPersian
- saapumiserä, luokka, vuosikurssi, tyyli, huippu, yhteiskuntaluokka, luokkajako, luokitella, kurssiFinnish
- classe, cours, promotionFrench
- aicme, cúrsa, grád, rang, mianachIrish
- clasScottish Gaelic
- מחלקה, כיתה, שכבה, מעמד, מעמדות, קורסHebrew
- क्लासHindi
- osztályHungarian
- դաս, դասակարգ, դասարան, կարգ, մակարդակArmenian
- klasoIdo
- farrými, flokka, klasi, árgangur, flokkur, bekkurIcelandic
- ceto, condizione sociale, classe, lezione, rango, corsoItalian
- 等級, クラス, 学級, 授業, 種類, 階級, 級, 学年, 綱Japanese
- ថ្នាក់Khmer
- 반, 授業, 클래스, 班, 수업Korean
- scholaLatin
- KlassLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- ຊະນິດLao
- klaseLatvian
- клас, класа, сталеж, класира, одделение, отменост, курсMacedonian
- kelasMalay
- laag, klas, klasseDutch
- klasse, kurs, årskull, kullNorwegian
- klasa, kursPolish
- classe, curso, aula, turmaPortuguese
- clasăRomanian
- класс, разряд, курс, группа, занятие, классифицироватьRussian
- stalež, razred, сталеж, класа, klàsa, разредSerbo-Croatian
- klass, klassificera, kurs, årskurs, avgångsklassSwedish
- darasaSwahili
- வகுப்புTamil
- తరగతిTelugu
- sınıfTurkish
- класUkrainian
- klad, sogät, hikladanef, jikladanef, kladanefVolapük
- 類Chinese
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Synonym definition
A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.
Antonym definition
An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.
Use of synonyms and antonyms
Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:
- — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
- — Avoid repetitions in a text.
Examples of synonyms
The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».
Examples of antonyms
The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».
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- chic
- dashing
- fine
- fly
- sharp
- classy
- fashionable
- foxy
- collection
- degree
- department
- division
- family
- grade
- league
- rank
- school
- style
- branch
- brand
- breed
- cast
- caste
- character
- classification
- color
- denomination
- description
- designation
- distinction
- domain
- estate
- feather
- frame
- genre
- genus
- grain
- grouping
- hierarchy
- humor
- ilk
- kidney
- make
- mold
- name
- nature
- order
- origin
- property
- province
- quality
- range
- rate
- sect
- section
- selection
- set
- source
- species
- sphere
- standing
- status
- stripe
- suit
- temperament
- value
- variety
- circle
- club
- company
- degree
- family
- grade
- league
- place
- position
- ancestry
- birth
- bourgeoisie
- breed
- caliber
- caste
- clan
- clique
- condition
- connection
- coterie
- derivation
- descent
- estate
- extraction
- genealogy
- hierarchy
- influence
- intelligentsia
- lineage
- moiety
- nobility
- origin
- pedigree
- pigeonhole
- prestige
- quality
- sect
- source
- sphere
- standing
- state
- station
- status
- stock
- strain
- stratum
- tier
- title
- cultural level
- pecking order
- social rank
- the right stuff
- course
- division
- grade
- room
- seminar
- session
- study
- subject
- academy
- colloquium
- form
- homeroom
- line
- recitation
- section
- seminary
- subdivision
- course of study
- lecture group
- quiz group
- round table
- study group
- account
- allot
- appraise
- assess
- assign
- assort
- brand
- classify
- codify
- consider
- designate
- divide
- evaluate
- gauge
- grade
- group
- hold
- identify
- judge
- mark
- part
- pigeonhole
- rank
- rate
- reckon
- regard
- score
- separate
On this page you’ll find 311 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to class, such as: chic, dashing, fine, fly, sharp, and classy.
- effect
- end
- result
- whole
- unemployment
- conclusion
- consequence
- death
- effect
- end
- outgrowth
- result
- whole
- abandon
- combine
- connect
- disbelieve
- disorganize
- disregard
- ignore
- join
- keep
- neglect
- retain
- scatter
- unite
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use class in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- align
- array
- class
- classify
- clear the decks
- dispose
- file
- fix up
- form
- group
- line up
- methodize
- organize
- police
- police up
- position
- put in good shape
- put in order
- put to rights
- range
- rank
- regulate
- sort
- spruce
- spruce up
- systematize
- tidy
- whip into shape
- adapts
- adjusts
- agrees to
- blueprints
- charts
- comes to terms
- compromises
- concerts
- constructs
- contrives
- decides
- designs
- determines
- devises
- directs
- drafts
- establishes
- frames
- gets acts together
- gets ready
- hammers out a deal
- harmonizes
- irons out
- lies out
- line up
- makes a connection
- makes ready
- manages
- maps out
- negotiates
- organizes
- prepares
- projects
- promotes
- provides
- pulls a wire
- pulls things together
- quarterbacks
- resolves
- schedules
- schemes
- sets stage
- settles
- shapes up
- tailors
- works out
- works out a deal
- categorize
- class
- classify
- group
- rank
- suit
- type
- adorablenesses
- allurements
- allures
- artistry
- attractions
- blooms
- charms
- classes
- comelinesses
- delicacies
- elegance
- exquisitenesses
- fairness
- fascinations
- glamors
- good looks
- graces
- handsomeness
- loveliness
- polishes
- pulchritude
- refinements
- shapelinesses
- styles
- symmetries
- winsomenesses
- category
- class
- group
- grouping
- lot
- braces
- cantilevers
- girders
- joints
- reinforcements
- struts
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for Class?
category, social division
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