Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
circumstances [ˈsɜːkəmstənsɪz] сущ
сложившаяся ситуация
(current situation)
circumstance [ˈsɜːkəmstəns] сущ
условиеср, положениеср, ситуацияж
(term, situation)
- difficult circumstances – трудные условия
- economic circumstance – экономическая ситуация
случайм, фактм
(case, fact)
- following circumstances – следующие случаи
сложившиеся обстоятельства
(these circumstances)
noun | ||
обстоятельства | circumstances, conditions, condition, circs | |
условия | circumstances, circs | |
материальное положение | circumstances, economic conditions, circs |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
circumstances сущ
- situation · circumstance
- environment · atmosphere
circumstance сущ
- condition · context · circumstances · term
- occasion · event · thing · occurrence · consideration · incident · fact · case
- situation, conditions, state of affairs, position, events, turn of events, incidents, occurrences, happenings, factors, context, background, environment
- the facts, the details, the particulars, how things stand, the lay of the land, what’s what, the score
- financial position, lot, lifestyle, resources, means, finances, income
- fate, lot, fortune, destiny, luck, portion
- condition, consideration
- context, setting
Предложения со словом «circumstances»
I believe heroes are not created easily, and I choose to work with individuals who are survivors and facing everyday routines that are not always full of color, people who are on their way to a better life, fighting against life circumstances . |
Я верю, что героями стать нелегко, и я выбираю работу с теми, кто не сдаётся и кто, сталкиваясь с повседневной жизнью, которая не всегда полна ярких красок, продолжает искать путь к лучшей жизни, борясь с жизненными обстоятельствами . |
It means that our early circumstances have a profound influence on the way that the rest of our lives play out. |
Значит, что обстоятельства ранней жизни оказывают глубокое влияние на направление развития всей последующей жизни. |
And under normal circumstances , I would agree with Caitlin. |
При обычных обстоятельствах я бы согласилась с Кейтлин. |
Protein markers, while effective in some populations, are not very specific in some circumstances , resulting in high numbers of false positives, which then results in unnecessary work-ups and unnecessary procedures. |
Анализы на онкомаркёры эффективны только в некоторых популяциях и в ряде случаев недостаточно специфичны, что приводит к множеству ложноположительных результатов и влечёт за собой ненужные манипуляции и процедуры. |
Every bit of biology I have mentioned here can change in different circumstances . |
Каждый упомянутый биологический элемент может меняться в разных условиях. |
So is that a project you would urge on liberals, if you like — progressives — to rethink the ground rules around political correctness and accept a little more uncomfortable language in certain circumstances ? |
Значит, вы предлагаете либералам — если хотите, прогрессивным, — пересмотреть основные правила касаемо политической корректности и признать неприятную доселе манеру в сложившихся обстоятельствах ? |
With therapy and medication and self-care, life eventually returned to whatever could be thought of as normal under the circumstances . |
После терапии, медикаментозного лечения и заботы о себе, жизнь стала возвращаться к тому, что можно было назвать нормальным, учитывая обстоятельства . |
And if you don’t care about them, you don’t have to see yourself as having a moral obligation to think about the circumstances that shaped their lives. |
А если он тебя не интересует, ты не чувствуешь себя морально обязанным вникать в обстоятельства его жизни. |
And they position us as the victims of unforeseen and totally unavoidable circumstances . |
И выставляют нас жертвами непредвиденных и неизбежных обстоятельств . |
Well actually, under the right circumstances , an amount of highly enriched uranium about the size of your morning latte would be enough to kill 100,000 people instantly. |
Честно говоря, при некоторых обстоятельствах , высокообогащённого урана в количестве примерно с чашку вашего утреннего латте будет достаточно, чтобы мгновенно убить сто тысяч людей. |
But no, Canadians voted for their new national slogan to be — I kid you not — As Canadian as possible under the circumstances . |
Но нет, канадцы избрали новым национальным слоганом фразу — я не шучу — Настолько канадский, насколько позволяют условия. |
I had to be adaptable like Carly and evolve my skills, my mindset, and my circumstances , and then I had to be resilient, like Stefano, and resurrect myself and my career like a phoenix from the ashes. |
Я должна была адаптироваться, как Карли, чтобы улучшить свои навыки, изменить образ мыслей и обстоятельства , а затем я должна была стать настойчивой, как Стефано, чтобы воскресить себя и свою карьеру, как феникс из пепла. |
But now I believe that there are no circumstances on earth where violent jihad is permissible, because it will lead to greater harm. |
Но теперь я убеждён, что ни при каких обстоятельствах насильственный джихад не должен существовать в мире, потому что он приносит бóльший вред. |
And I was radicalized — enough to consider violence correct, even a virtue under certain circumstances . |
Я подвергся радикализации, настолько, что был готов оправдывать насилие и даже считать его добродетелью. |
A victim of circumstance caught up in a war, cruelly thrust upon him by the cruel circumstances of the time. |
Будучи жертвой обстоятельств , он попал на войну, непосильное бремя которой волею судеб опустилось на его плечи. |
Victims of circumstances . |
Жертвы обстоятельств . |
However, because of family circumstances , I also needed to start working as soon as possible. |
Однако из — за семейных обстоятельств мне пришлось начать работать как можно скорее. |
In August of 2014, protests broke out in Ferguson, Missouri, after the killing of an African-American teenager by a white police officer, under murky circumstances . |
В августе 2014 года в Фергюсоне, штат Миссури вспыхнули протесты после того, как белый полицейский убил афро — американского подростка при невыясненных обстоятельствах . |
She hadn’t yet used the neudar under field circumstances . |
Ей еще не приходилось пользоваться нейдаром в полевых условиях. |
So much formality under such circumstances left him speechless. |
Такой формализм в подобных условиях лишил его дара речи. |
A pillhead can swallow a pill under any circumstances . |
Помешанный на таблетках может принимать их в любых условиях. |
Who could tell what his son’s circumstances really were? |
Кто знает, в каких условиях живет его сын? |
We told security not to disturb you under any circumstances . |
Мы сказали охране не беспокоить вас ни при каких обстоятельствах . |
Might I ask the circumstances under which you got them? |
Могу я узнать, при каких обстоятельствах вы ее приобрели? |
There’s no evidence that he died in suspicious circumstances . |
Нет никаких улик, делающих его смерть подозрительной |
And we found the body under suspicious circumstances , sir. |
И мы нашли тело при подозрительных обстоятельствах , сэр |
Её наивность и другие обстоятельства будут ей в оправдание. |
A courtesy I was never offered in similar circumstances . |
Любезность, которую мне никогда не предлагали в схожих обстоятельствах . |
He’d rarely met a criminal under these circumstances . |
Он редко встречался с настоящими преступниками при таких обстоятельствах . |
In the circumstances , that would be the final straw. |
А в моих обстоятельствах это явилось бы последней соломинкой. |
There was one particular piece you played under extraordinary circumstances . |
Было одно произведение, которое вы играли при чрезвычайных обстоятельствах . |
The circumstances of Mr. Fisher’s arrest are irrelevant. |
Обстоятельства задержания м — ра Фишера не имеют значения. |
You keep your family together in the most difficult circumstances . |
Вам удаётся держать семью вместе в самых трудных обстоятельствах . |
But you don’t collect on contracts under these circumstances . |
Но ты не можешь взимать по контракту в таких обстоятельствах . |
Dmitriy Arkadeyevich had adapted himself quite well to changing circumstances . |
Сам Дмитрий Аркадьевич вполне успешно приспособился к изменившимся обстоятельствам . |
CID III is looking into the circumstances of her death. |
Управление по расследованию уголовных преступлений интересуется обстоятельствами ее гибели. |
They are needed everywhere, and I hope that my interests in this subject will never change inspite of any circumstances . |
Они нужны везде, и я надеюсь, что мои интересы в этой теме никогда не изменится несмотря на любые обстоятельства . |
A fully-charged mask would support twelve to fourteen hours of vigorous outdoor activity, under normal circumstances . |
При обычных условиях полностью заряженный респиратор рассчитан на двенадцать — четырнадцать часов активной работы. |
But under no circumstances can that contract become public knowledge. |
Но ни при каких условиях нельзя делать этот контракт достоянием общественности. |
Under ordinary circumstances , that would be a force capable of crushing any enemy. |
В обычных условиях такая армия могла сокрушить любого врага. |
I’m quite convinced that under ordinary circumstances the radiations won’t hurt me. |
Полностью убежден, что в нормальных условиях радиация для меня безвредна. |
Even our civil laws permit abortion under certain circumstances . |
Даже наши гражданские законы позволяют делать аборты лишь при определенных обстоятельствах . |
Only under special circumstances do the actions of individuals make that much difference. |
Действия отдельных людей могут иметь значение только при наличии особых обстоятельств . |
Under these circumstances her volatile nature could compromise the mission. |
При данных обстоятельствах ее изменчивый характер может поставить под угрозу всю миссию. |
I have very often hoped and intended to come back, but have been prevented by many circumstances . |
Я часто мечтала и надеялась побывать здесь, но разные обстоятельства мешали мне. |
It was the Zeroth Law, first formulated by the remarkable robot Giskard Reventlov, that allowed him to continue functioning under these circumstances . |
Только Нулевой Закон, сформулированный замечательным роботом Жискаром Ревентловом, позволял Дэниелу продолжать действовать в таких обстоятельствах . |
It might be a matter of peculiar importance in the event of circumstances which well might arise. |
Это может стать делом особой важности вследствие некоторых весьма вероятных событий. |
The ME’s report ruling the circumstances of Iris Peterson’s death undetermined, pending investigation. |
Отчет медэксперта говорит, что обстоятельства смерти Ирис Петерсон неопределенны до окончания расследования. |
The pathologist was an honourable man doing a trying job in difficult circumstances . |
Патологоанатом был достойным человеком он делал тяжелую работу в сложной обстановке. |
The liquor was relaxing me and I was losing the edge of my annoyance about the circumstances of my introduction to Drew. |
Алкоголь заставил меня расслабиться, и я уже не так переживала из — за обстоятельств знакомства с Дрю. |
In view of the circumstances , I know that Your Honor will not require me to mention the nature of that development, at least in the presence of the jury. |
В силу обстоятельств я не могу упоминать о его сути перед присяжными. |
You have fulfilled your duty as my brother’s wife under trying circumstances . |
Вы исполняете долг жены моего брата в очень тяжелых обстоятельствах . |
During the tumult which attended the retreat of the Templars, Rebecca saw and heard nothing-she was locked in the arms of her aged father, giddy, and almost senseless, with the rapid change of circumstances around her. |
Во время суматохи, сопровождавшей отъезд храмовников, Ревекка ничего не видела и не слышала. |
I’ve had to hear it too often in dire circumstances . |
Мне слишком часто приходилось слышать ее при мрачных обстоятельствах . |
He spent the next twenty minutes giving Gabriel a thorough account of the circumstances surrounding the killing. |
В течение последующих двадцати минут он дал подробный отчет об обстоятельствах , сопутствовавших убийству. |
These particular circumstances will paint a thorough picture of the horrific events endured in Selma. |
Детали произошедшего помогут вам составить подробную картину чудовищных событий, имевших место в Сельме. |
He does not exactly recollect the circumstances , though he has heard them from Mr. Darcy more than once, but he believes that it was left to him conditionally only. |
Он не припоминает в точности обстоятельств , хотя не раз слышал о них от своего друга. |
He must lose his Fremen concubine in circumstances where no other shared the blame. |
Свою фрименку — наложницу он должен потерять в таких обстоятельствах , когда винить в этом будет некого. |
I submit to my fellow select men and citizens that there is an entirely other way of viewing our dreadful circumstances . |
Я представляю на рассмотрение Совета и наших горожан совершенно другой взгляд на наши ужасные обстоятельства . |
It has never escaped my attention that you encouraged me to be open in all circumstances . |
От моего внимания никогда не ускользало, что вы поощряли меня быть откровенным при любых обстоятельствах . |
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Synonyms for Circumstances. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 02, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/circumstances
Synonyms for Circumstances. N.p., 2016. Web. 02 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/circumstances>.
Synonyms for Circumstances. 2016. Accessed May 02, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/circumstances.
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fortune, destiny, fate, luck, lot, circumstances, portionnoun
your overall circumstances or condition in life (including everything that happens to you)
«whatever my fortune may be»; «deserved a better fate»; «has a happy lot»; «the luck of the Irish»; «a victim of circumstances»; «success that was her portion»
tidy sum, fortune, fate, peck, mint, band, plenty, lot, batch, raft, quite a little, passel, portion, parcel, dowry, spate, muckle, mass, constituent, pile, share, good deal, stack, chance, luck, destiny, deal, serving, dowery, dower, percentage, caboodle, hazard, wad, flock, hatful, mickle, component, slew, heap, mess, part, bunch, sight, mountain, draw, helping, component part, set, great deal, pot, circle -
a person’s financial situation (good or bad)
«he found himself in straitened circumstances»
luck, portion, fortune, destiny, fate, lot
Matched Categories
- Condition
- Possession
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How to use circumstances in a sentence?
John Kirby:
The United States had consistently urged China to release Tenzin Delek Rinpoche, most recently out of concern for his health. We hope Chinese authorities will investigate and make public the circumstances surrounding his death.
Tim Canova:
The Wikileaks emails indicate that Debbie Wasserman Schultz used DNC resources to assist her reelection campaign in violation of federal law. According to the emails, top DNC officials used party resources to monitor, respond to, and impede my campaign on numerous occasions, my campaign election lawyers are investigating these circumstances and preparing a complaint against Wasserman Schultz with the Federal Election Commission.
Philip Alston:
It can’t be done except under really dire circumstances.
Police Chief Charlie Beck:
Any time an unarmed person is shot by a Los Angeles police officer, Los Angeles takes extraordinary circumstances to justify that, and I have not seen those extraordinary circumstances at this point.
Peter Cook:
Our forces watched this training camp for weeks leading up to the operation, and at the time of the strike there were no indications of any civilians present. While the circumstances of their deaths remain unclear, we, nevertheless, express our deepest condolences to the Serbian government and the families of those killed, when conducting our operations, the U.S. military goes to extraordinary lengths to limit the risk of civilian casualties, and in our campaign to defeat ISIL we will continue to do so.
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synonyms for circumstances
synonyms for circumstances
- assets
- capital
- chances
- class
- command
- degree
- dowry
- footing
- income
- lifestyle
- lot
- means
- outlook
- position
- precedence
- prestige
- property
- prospects
- prosperity
- rank
- rating
- resources
- situation
- sphere
- standing
- state
- station
- status
- substance
- times
- financial status
- net worth
- way of life
- worldly goods
On this page you’ll find 61 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to circumstances, such as: assets, capital, chances, class, command, and degree.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use circumstances in a sentence
This was no strange sight to the boy by that time, but it was awkward in the circumstances, for he had neither gun nor spear.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- circumstances
- settings
- surroundings
- surroundings
- abstracts
- brass tacks
- chapter and verse
- circumstances
- compilations
- conclusions
- details
- documents
- dope
- dossier
- evidence
- experiments
- facts
- figures
- goods
- info
- input
- knowledge
- materials
- measurements
- memorandums
- notes
- picture
- proof
- reports
- results
- scoop
- score
- statistics
- testimony
- whole story
- ambiance
- aura
- backdrop
- background
- circumstances
- climate
- conditions
- context
- domain
- element
- encompassment
- entourage
- habitat
- hood
- jungle
- locale
- medium
- milieu
- mise en scène
- neck of the woods
- neighborhood
- purlieus
- scene
- scenery
- setting
- situation
- status
- stomping ground
- surroundings
- terrain
- territory
- turf
- zoo
- ambiance
- auras
- backdrops
- backgrounds
- circumstances
- climates
- conditions
- contexts
- domains
- elements
- encompassments
- entourages
- habitats
- hoods
- jungles
- locales
- media
- milieus
- neck of the woods
- neighborhoods
- purlieuses
- sceneries
- scenes
- settings
- situations
- statuses
- stomping grounds
- surroundings
- terrains
- territories
- turfs
- zoos
- Moirai
- accident
- break
- certainty
- chance
- circumstances
- contingency
- destiny
- doom
- expectation
- experience
- fifty-fifty
- fighting chance
- fluke
- fortuity
- fortunateness
- good break
- hazard
- history
- karma
- kismet
- life
- luck
- lucked into
- lucked out
- luckiness
- lucky break
- lucky hit
- portion
- providence
- roll of the dice
- run of luck
- star
- streak of luck
- success
- way the ball bounces
- way the cookie crumbles
- wheel of fortune
- character
- circumstances
- coherence
- distinctiveness
- existence
- identification
- integrity
- ipseity
- name
- oneness
- particularity
- personality
- self
- selfdom
- selfhood
- selfness
- singleness
- singularity
- status
- uniqueness
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for circumstance?
3907 synonyms found
[ sˈɜːkəmstˌans], [ sˈɜːkəmstˌans], [ s_ˈɜː_k_ə_m_s_t_ˌa_n_s]
Related words: circumstance synonym, circumstance examples, circumstances definition, circumstances synonyms, circumstances meaning, circumstances dictionary definition
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Table of Contents
- case,
- chance,
- article,
- cause,
- exigency,
- conditions,
- adjunct,
- time,
- contingency,
- place,
- happenstance,
- proviso,
- coincidence,
- element,
- intervention,
- concern,
- fortuity.
- be.
- real.
- happen.
• affair (noun)
- pro vince,
- under taking,
- trans action,
- trans actions,
- pro-vinces,
- under-taking,
- office functions,
- trans-actions,
- under-takings,
- pro vinces,
- under takings,
- pro-vince,
- trans-action.
• circumstance (noun)
- incidence,
- happening,
- condition,
- cardinal point,
- instant,
- basis,
- milestone,
- moment,
- landmark,
- context,
- consideration.
• crisis (noun)
- Exigence.
• destiny (noun)
- course event,
- course events,
- divine decrees,
- pro spects,
- pre determination,
- pre-determination,
- way ball bounces,
- fore-ordinations,
- fore ordination,
- what is writtens,
- pre-determinations,
- way the cookie crumble,
- way the ball bounce,
- wheel fortune,
- After-life,
- pro spect,
- de sign,
- after-lives,
- pre destination,
- way cookie crumble,
- way ball bounce,
- pre destinations,
- foreordinations,
- in-tents,
- in tents,
- fore ordinations,
- the star,
- in tent,
- de-signs,
- de-sign,
- course of event,
- predeterminations,
- de signs,
- pre-destinations,
- pre-destination,
- after lives,
- pro-spects,
- pre determinations,
- moirais,
- world come.
• development (noun)
- out come,
- up shots,
- turn event,
- turn events,
- out-comes,
- up-shots,
- eventuations,
- up shot,
- transpirations,
- out comes,
- up-shot,
- out-come,
- turn of event.
• doom (noun)
- de crees,
- lap of gods,
- handwriting wall,
- lap god,
- fixed futures,
- lap the god,
- de cree,
- lap of god,
- lap the gods,
- de-cree,
- lap of the god,
- de-crees,
- lap gods.
• episode (noun)
- goings-ons,
- inter lude,
- inter ludes,
- what’s going downs,
- whats going down,
- whats going downs,
- goings ons,
- inter-lude,
- goings on,
- inter-ludes,
- goingson,
- what going down,
- goingsons,
- what going downs.
• event (noun)
- circumstance.
• fact (noun)
- in-formations,
- in-formation,
- in formations.
• factor (noun)
- part parcel,
- makins,
- fixin.
• fate (noun)
- inescapablenesses,
- handwriting the wall,
- divine wills.
• grandeur (noun)
- luxuriousnesses,
- inclusivenesses,
- expansivenesses,
- superbities,
- pre eminence,
- augustnesses,
- pre-eminences,
- statelinesses,
- pre eminences,
- impressivenesses,
- handsomenesses.
• hot spot (noun)
- LS,
- L.
• juncture (noun)
- meeting points,
- cross roads,
- cross road.
• lot (noun)
- hand one is dealts,
- run luck,
- hand is dealts,
- hand is dealt.
• matter (noun)
- dis tress,
- up sets,
- dis-tresses,
- shooting matches,
- up-set,
- up-sets,
- dis-tress,
- dis tresses.
• occasion (noun)
- pro-vocations,
- pro vocations,
- pro vocation.
• occurrence (noun)
- reality,
- news,
- incident.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- matter,
- inevitability,
- wonts,
- godown,
- proceeding,
- impressiveness,
- determinants,
- fixin’s,
- fact,
- something else,
- datums,
- juncture,
- way the ball bounces,
- sublimity,
- conjuncture,
- doom,
- superbity,
- transpiration,
- Fore-ordination,
- mission,
- affair,
- meeting point,
- lowdown,
- nitty gritty,
- inevitabilities,
- intents,
- marvel,
- conjunctures,
- constellations,
- goings-on,
- Rara Avis,
- statistic,
- jobs,
- Sublimities,
- questions,
- hand one is dealt,
- opulence,
- go-down,
- point,
- horoscope,
- fixed future,
- possibility,
- rank,
- predestination,
- office function,
- organisms,
- Eventuation,
- inescapableness,
- future,
- lap of the gods,
- determinant,
- pre-eminence,
- pre-requisites,
- prerequisites,
- serendipity,
- phenomenon,
- pursuits,
- handsomeness,
- obligation,
- mileposts,
- phase,
- occasions,
- part and parcel,
- divine will,
- expansiveness,
- facts of life,
- shooting match,
- development,
- Augustness,
- destiny,
- state of affairs,
- makin’s,
- cross-roads,
- way the cookie crumbles,
- handwriting on wall,
- specifics,
- corporeality,
- constellation,
- godowns,
- datum,
- run of luck,
- predetermination,
- thing,
- abc,
- luxuriousness,
- in formation,
- makin,
- lot,
- state,
- imperatives,
- world to come,
- up set,
- turn of events,
- way,
- pre-requisite,
- particular,
- occasion,
- event,
- after life,
- one for the book,
- the stars,
- course of events,
- portion,
- one for the books,
- Corporealities,
- inclusiveness,
- realms,
- Cross-road,
- fixins,
- speciality,
- Fame,
- to do,
- milepost,
- promptings,
- sentences,
- Specialities,
- way cookie crumbles,
- grandeur,
- foreordination,
- fate,
- factor,
- facts,
- what is written,
- what’s going down,
- episode,
- whole story,
- stateliness,
- divine decree,
- circumstantials,
- occurrence.
• phenomenon (noun)
- rarae aves,
- something elses,
- one for books,
- one for book.
• point (noun)
- de tail,
- re spects,
- de-tails,
- re spect,
- re-spect,
- re-spects,
- de-tail,
- de tails.
• possibility (noun)
- attainableness,
- likeliness,
- workableness,
- achievability,
- fifty-fifty,
- tossup,
- practicability,
- toss up,
- outside chance,
- practicabilities.
• predicament (noun)
- large order,
- hangup,
- predicaments,
- soups,
- rough go,
- tall order ticklish spot tight situation trouble,
- hang up,
- soup.
• proceeding (noun)
- pro cess,
- pro-cess,
- go downs,
- come offs,
- go-downs,
- pro-cesses.
• rank (noun)
- primacy,
- hierarchy.
• situation (noun)
- placement,
- quality,
- formation,
- scene,
- ambience,
- site,
- disposition,
- standing,
- style,
- location,
- configuration,
- environment,
- spot,
- situation,
- aspect,
- layout,
- mode,
- modality,
- arrangement,
- status,
- post,
- position,
- station,
- property.
• thing (noun)
- sub stances,
- sub-stance,
- in-dividual,
- in dividual,
- sub stance,
- sub-stances.
• Other relevant words: (verb)
- detail.
• predestinate (verb)
- wheels fortune,
- handwritings the wall,
- handwritinged on the wall,
- fore ordains,
- nemesisses,
- handwritinged on wall,
- destinied,
- fore-ordains,
- kismeting,
- fore ordaining,
- endinged,
- terminationing,
- horoscoped,
- handwritinging wall,
- fore-ordaining,
- moiraiing,
- inescapablenessed,
- providencing,
- out-coming,
- pre determines,
- pre determining,
- pre-ordaining,
- handwritinged the wall,
- destinying,
- moiraied,
- pre-determined,
- destinationed,
- inescapablenessing,
- wheeled fortune,
- terminationed,
- pre ordains,
- wheels of fortune,
- pre-determining,
- nemesised,
- predestinationing,
- pre-determines,
- upshoted,
- upshoting,
- divined will,
- nemesises,
- nemesising,
- wheeling of fortune,
- out coming,
- karmaing,
- pre-ordained,
- handwritinging on the wall,
- handwritings wall,
- wheeled of fortune,
- endinging,
- fore ordain,
- starsed,
- handwritings on wall,
- pre ordain,
- futuring,
- handwritinged wall,
- predestinationed,
- pre determined,
- pre ordained,
- fore ordained,
- pre determine,
- pre-ordains,
- handwritinging the wall,
- pre-ordain,
- divines will,
- horoscoping,
- consequenced,
- pre ordaining,
- handwritinging on wall,
- Consequencing,
- starsing,
- divining will,
- pre-determine,
- karmaed,
- providenced,
- wheeling fortune,
- futured,
- handwritings on the wall,
- outcomed,
- starses,
- fore-ordain,
- kismeted,
- destinationing.
• predestine (verb)
- pre destine,
- pre-destined,
- pre destining,
- pre-destine,
- pre-destines,
- pre-destining,
- pre destines,
- pre destined.
Other synonyms:
- dimension,
- the status quo,
- predicament,
- footing,
- irony,
- state of play,
- melting pot,
- milieu,
- extenuating circumstances,
- palimpsest,
- eventuality,
- encounter,
- climate,
- scenario,
- pros and cons,
- backdrop.
- deal,
- pressure,
- health,
- kaleidoscope,
- experience,
- stage,
- accident,
- locus,
- taste,
- dynamic,
- seedbed,
- estate,
- life history.
- water,
- picture,
- equation.
- history,
- go,
- matrix,
- world,
- front.
- proposition,
- ground,
- business.
- order.
• Other relevant words:
- caliber,
- joyride,
- spiritualize,
- go past,
- eudaemonia,
- good will,
- cater,
- circumvent,
- apotheosis,
- opus,
- injured party,
- squawk,
- rack,
- snap,
- jubilate,
- doubt,
- populace,
- co-occurrence,
- piece of music,
- utility program,
- front line,
- gospel singing,
- recession,
- full term,
- tale,
- bankrupt,
- encrust,
- compensate,
- federal reserve note,
- follow through,
- dining table,
- devisal,
- arrive at,
- chevy,
- scotch,
- logos,
- face,
- abide by,
- club,
- rareness,
- game,
- spokesperson,
- discontinue,
- restrict,
- savour,
- bagful,
- fanfare,
- possession,
- evidently,
- clutter,
- furbish up,
- missionary post,
- overthrow,
- hobby,
- gradation,
- thickening,
- disco biscuit,
- sentinel,
- desire,
- military position,
- unsex,
- observatory,
- instrumentate,
- turn over,
- dandy,
- message,
- material body,
- developing,
- purport,
- collapse,
- objet d’art,
- cracking,
- scoop shovel,
- geological formation,
- earn,
- uncrystallised,
- band,
- observe,
- realness,
- insistence,
- bill,
- typeface,
- debt instrument,
- welter,
- bandstand,
- twosome,
- futurity,
- modus operandi,
- sceptre,
- bunch,
- finicky,
- bowl over,
- target,
- utilization,
- congratulate,
- schema,
- outline,
- fulfill,
- business enterprise,
- encased,
- forcemeat,
- fauna,
- device characteristic,
- build,
- chronicle,
- telescope,
- stopping point,
- cock,
- flair,
- macrocosm,
- tear down,
- excogitation,
- wane,
- spare-time activity,
- news report,
- die,
- do work,
- call for,
- cash in hand,
- cro,
- stock,
- conciliate,
- headland,
- energy,
- valuate,
- bechance,
- twain,
- outlet,
- sit,
- gimmick,
- determinative,
- second advent,
- bear on,
- handing over,
- bank bill,
- passport,
- blueprint,
- come apart,
- rudiments,
- sparkle,
- abnormalcy,
- bailiwick,
- exclusion,
- apparent movement,
- higher-ranking,
- disunite,
- stabilise,
- enjoin,
- tone of voice,
- choice,
- grit,
- active,
- remnant,
- assemblage,
- adult,
- ram,
- federal agent,
- bank note,
- take a chance,
- clobber,
- stylus,
- summation,
- background signal,
- core,
- cast aside,
- distinguishing characteristic,
- demeanor,
- the three estates,
- wreak,
- responsibleness,
- deciding,
- final result,
- spring,
- get around,
- mo,
- remark,
- count,
- photograph,
- slip away,
- watershed,
- sleep with,
- belongings,
- consequent,
- advert,
- check,
- crucial,
- giving birth,
- plan,
- figurehead,
- disturbance,
- ail,
- breaking,
- sales booth,
- enforce,
- incased,
- contingence,
- break out,
- spell,
- tack,
- place upright,
- orb,
- motion,
- power structure,
- laud,
- military issue,
- sterilise,
- flock,
- trice,
- military operation,
- fierceness,
- hoo-hah,
- gear,
- shapeless,
- ace,
- lulu,
- expire,
- fleck,
- justness,
- promontory,
- singularity,
- blend in,
- drift,
- adhere,
- marijuana cigarette,
- manage,
- hand,
- openhanded,
- blink of an eye,
- emergence,
- ambit,
- emplacement,
- cast out,
- constitution,
- meat,
- suffering,
- disoblige,
- global,
- shuffling,
- fall apart,
- department of state,
- church doctrine,
- bang,
- eye socket,
- topographic point,
- junction,
- insistent,
- dyad,
- parole,
- setup,
- sizeableness,
- deception,
- agreement,
- batch,
- braces,
- component part,
- deck,
- abc’s,
- splendor,
- caseful,
- overturned,
- authority,
- gameboard,
- complement,
- oppugn,
- cope,
- venue,
- spark,
- foothold,
- put forward,
- academic degree,
- liquid body substance,
- altogether,
- powderiness,
- complex body part,
- demesne,
- graveness,
- go through,
- play tricks,
- inconvenience oneself,
- perk up,
- demonstration,
- keen,
- caput,
- fear,
- entirely,
- control board,
- mussiness,
- clause,
- transit,
- right wing,
- rap,
- attainability,
- puppet,
- claw,
- difficulty,
- interview,
- panel,
- note value,
- centre,
- fuck,
- field of study,
- twinkling,
- strings,
- decision,
- cark,
- loving cup,
- distraint,
- worried,
- weigh,
- come down,
- couple,
- hollow,
- planetary,
- strait,
- unmingled,
- domain,
- weather,
- estate of the realm,
- taste sensation,
- doohickey,
- map,
- justly,
- impale,
- fount,
- hang back,
- curtilage,
- trouble oneself,
- evanesce,
- powerful,
- specify,
- intercession,
- groovy,
- demarcation line,
- par,
- nonsubjective,
- boxful,
- lie with,
- ken,
- union,
- pocketbook,
- drop behind,
- patently,
- intermezzo,
- crotchet,
- rules of order,
- mathematical process,
- foible,
- chemical mechanism,
- understanding,
- close,
- downright,
- drive,
- plentiful,
- contour,
- feel,
- dodge,
- lean,
- care,
- stakes,
- capital,
- evident,
- steer,
- persuasion,
- have sex,
- banknote,
- soap,
- tidy sum,
- leaving,
- superiority,
- wholly,
- consumption,
- rattling,
- harden,
- chance event,
- oeuvre,
- measure,
- collateral,
- h2o,
- braggart,
- bound,
- exceed,
- official document,
- foreland,
- disorder,
- recess,
- spotter,
- regulation,
- regulate,
- environs,
- find,
- go bad,
- mount up,
- collation,
- compass,
- line of work,
- reproduction,
- psychometric test,
- blot,
- have to do with,
- emergency brake,
- foreordained,
- peachy,
- workaday,
- tolerate,
- quiz,
- raising,
- presence,
- useableness,
- pink,
- bombastic,
- jamming,
- plenteous,
- economic consumption,
- manifestly,
- snap off,
- come across,
- put,
- support,
- self-aggrandizing,
- constitutional,
- sumptuosity,
- film,
- rack up,
- brawl,
- break-dance,
- good,
- power point,
- vogue,
- serving,
- wrick,
- billet,
- stock-purchase warrant,
- reflection,
- corner,
- screw,
- plank,
- esteem,
- span,
- skeleton,
- trend,
- supplement,
- obliteration,
- ideal,
- auxiliary,
- roast,
- gospels,
- earthly concern,
- highlife,
- emerge,
- partially,
- lay,
- unwrap,
- lay on the line,
- dish,
- knit,
- foreman,
- formalness,
- elbow room,
- determining,
- school principal,
- contrive,
- liquor,
- suffice,
- servant,
- burden,
- slip,
- rift,
- gather,
- relegate,
- bet,
- oscilloscope,
- notch,
- self-possession,
- differentiation,
- gravitational force,
- facial expression,
- ecstasy,
- extend,
- outdoor stage,
- liberty chit,
- wizard,
- cogency,
- draw up,
- bestride,
- disruption,
- doodad,
- hardness,
- grammatical constituent,
- pattern,
- process,
- split second,
- font,
- border,
- serviceability,
- relieve oneself,
- governing body,
- furnish,
- declamatory,
- sagaciousness,
- connive,
- abide,
- bout,
- whole step,
- dynamism,
- seventh heaven,
- penchant,
- expressive style,
- furiousness,
- unrivalled,
- signal,
- sake,
- tarradiddle,
- suffer,
- joke,
- bear,
- growth,
- eccentric,
- tax,
- demote,
- geological fault,
- observation tower,
- transcription,
- ruining,
- block,
- pastime,
- articulation,
- deliver,
- variant,
- caustic remark,
- moxie,
- engrossed,
- far-famed,
- stratum,
- flesh,
- addict,
- pose,
- bionomic,
- steady,
- social structure,
- procreation,
- chivvy,
- delineation,
- blank space,
- heraldic bearing,
- resolution,
- blessing,
- appreciate,
- exposure,
- daub,
- refinement,
- knead,
- clime,
- impute,
- slipway,
- discomfit,
- nous,
- gaolbreak,
- discover,
- full point,
- circuit board,
- trope,
- eldritch,
- pictorial matter,
- critical point,
- standstill,
- hatchway,
- curiosity,
- grand,
- action at law,
- boastfully,
- rumination,
- assigning,
- figure of speech,
- service program,
- uncanny,
- grad,
- mind,
- gap,
- celestial orbit,
- flim-flam,
- social system,
- damp,
- effectuate,
- pester,
- departure,
- society,
- wight,
- essay,
- expiry,
- ca-ca,
- redress,
- restore,
- meeting,
- tuberosity,
- thrust,
- cast away,
- exalt,
- aright,
- workplace,
- pompous,
- deterrent example,
- jussive mood,
- humankind,
- tiptop,
- fixture,
- criticize,
- overwork,
- acculturation,
- skirmish,
- circumscribe,
- cognize,
- mighty,
- exam,
- grace period,
- package,
- assembly,
- back,
- commission,
- delicacy,
- wrench,
- plainly,
- leisure time,
- speculation,
- military control,
- headspring,
- pretext,
- serve well,
- scepter,
- stall,
- distinguish,
- human beings,
- quetch,
- recitation,
- wallow,
- conjunction,
- jaunt,
- split,
- hoo-ha,
- achievement,
- lift out,
- moirae,
- arithmetic mean,
- dowry,
- superstar,
- kick in,
- lieu,
- period,
- drop dead,
- give up,
- bespeak,
- chess opening,
- prove,
- become,
- smasher,
- laying waste,
- caper,
- prise,
- belong,
- eclat,
- prevail,
- protrude,
- conjuration,
- sample,
- formulate,
- smirch,
- height,
- act upon,
- engagement,
- gravitas,
- sweetener,
- prospect,
- water system,
- add,
- holy order,
- display board,
- mess hall,
- all-encompassing,
- ancillary,
- stumble,
- lookout station,
- broker,
- habit,
- adversity,
- act as,
- dissemble,
- solicit,
- bushel,
- have it off,
- activeness,
- pledge,
- name,
- mending,
- public utility,
- consider,
- hop on,
- coruscation,
- proclaim,
- object lesson,
- flue,
- musing,
- commit,
- qualifying,
- victory,
- rush,
- head up,
- bed,
- feeling,
- issuance,
- rig,
- authorize,
- imprint,
- sensory system,
- state department,
- kick back,
- convenience,
- fabric,
- wrapped,
- make out,
- taradiddle,
- typecast,
- bitch,
- handbag,
- illusion,
- trial run,
- english,
- bring in,
- metre,
- knit stitch,
- croak,
- exult,
- quirkiness,
- gizmo,
- demand,
- suspension,
- book,
- demise,
- ontogenesis,
- elapse,
- stemma,
- plug-in,
- fullness,
- fig,
- here and now,
- fend,
- hump,
- wear out,
- give away,
- thrill,
- universe,
- instantaneous,
- son,
- day of reckoning,
- unhinge,
- bare,
- objective lens,
- curse,
- extremum,
- wee,
- properly,
- suitcase,
- gunpoint,
- password,
- assessment,
- split up,
- splashiness,
- furrow,
- esthesis,
- eff,
- wait on,
- mankind,
- shit,
- entr’acte,
- plump,
- musical score,
- grudge,
- plus,
- tribulation,
- trip out,
- usance,
- especial,
- discern,
- plague,
- remainder,
- patent,
- make pass,
- assistance,
- sequence,
- amour,
- interchange,
- sense impression,
- let out,
- el,
- homely,
- growing,
- bit,
- firearm,
- link up,
- scintillation,
- beryllium,
- one-armed bandit,
- stroke,
- adept,
- take in,
- dying,
- pop off,
- grammatical case,
- violence,
- all-embracing,
- move,
- evangel,
- harass,
- sterilize,
- snuff it,
- carry out,
- percentage point,
- subroutine,
- division,
- farm out,
- encompassing,
- control,
- box seat,
- evolution,
- micturate,
- heading,
- mechanics,
- abcs,
- embroilment,
- unite,
- width,
- capable,
- arouse,
- dubiousness,
- future tense,
- factor out,
- precipitation,
- unornamented,
- will power,
- ascribe,
- sentiency,
- going away,
- pull in,
- body of work,
- obstruct,
- carry on,
- examination,
- naming,
- stack,
- table,
- ring,
- serviceableness,
- sense,
- cup of tea,
- dole out,
- pressing,
- hereinafter,
- show,
- put away,
- tap,
- engage,
- surgery,
- assign,
- glaring,
- nonsuch,
- get by,
- perish,
- blend,
- practicableness,
- upturned,
- indispensable,
- lymph node,
- stage business,
- turgid,
- gloat,
- pig out,
- unmatched,
- possible action,
- boss,
- payoff,
- region,
- drumhead,
- weight,
- execute,
- gallus,
- sensory faculty,
- look,
- beast,
- gain,
- signifier,
- priming coat,
- nock,
- master,
- purchase order,
- travel,
- subject area,
- stain,
- mire,
- necessitate,
- witticism,
- vallecula,
- grievous bodily harm,
- pursuit,
- scoopful,
- comportment,
- nation,
- strong-arm,
- undercoat,
- cart,
- pay off,
- manifest,
- stimulate,
- expression,
- wit,
- violate,
- trump,
- quite a little,
- bargain,
- slope,
- mollify,
- moderate,
- represent,
- right field,
- yield,
- intend,
- plow,
- beef,
- kit,
- perceptiveness,
- air pressure,
- flex,
- fury,
- incline,
- entropy,
- get,
- pinnacle,
- fountainhead,
- slide by,
- wellbeing,
- answer,
- energize,
- profuseness,
- purse,
- derangement,
- primary,
- crow,
- make do,
- feature article,
- panoptic,
- automobile,
- grandiloquence,
- interrogate,
- riding horse,
- accomplished fact,
- flavour,
- conk out,
- help,
- ping,
- crusade,
- bureau,
- erupt,
- braggy,
- given,
- excrete,
- time slot,
- inconvenience,
- punt,
- sense of taste,
- decently,
- uttermost,
- confused,
- by-line,
- wand,
- take chances,
- lash-up,
- service,
- distributor point,
- urine,
- noted,
- constitutive,
- acres,
- go game,
- theme,
- getup,
- top,
- apparent,
- render,
- fourth dimension,
- social movement,
- field,
- mend,
- put to work,
- dash,
- utilize,
- scout,
- plane,
- impression,
- towering,
- traveling bag,
- testify,
- antigenic determinant,
- misadventure,
- helping,
- profusion,
- handsome,
- campaign,
- assemble,
- trematode,
- interference,
- prodigality,
- mind-set,
- move around,
- forge,
- fall,
- enwrapped,
- swelled,
- adam,
- upstage,
- calculate,
- strength,
- dangerous undertaking,
- promise,
- pull down,
- showdown,
- bring out,
- dick,
- time of year,
- offend,
- social rank,
- deportment,
- impede,
- decease,
- gubbins,
- polish,
- economic value,
- movie,
- unmatchable,
- typewrite,
- alter,
- tone up,
- puzzle out,
- threshold,
- time value,
- abstract,
- anatomy,
- unembellished,
- depict,
- tonus,
- pomposity,
- holy scripture,
- visual modality,
- run,
- jumble,
- distich,
- go under,
- resultant,
- prominent,
- vision,
- gustatory modality,
- bad,
- follow up,
- hard drink,
- home,
- bloodline,
- try,
- right on,
- hook shot,
- staidness,
- forcible,
- insistency,
- special,
- set out,
- channelise,
- overeat,
- piece of work,
- deform,
- gleam,
- require,
- quotidian,
- beingness,
- sizeable,
- transcendence,
- dredge,
- admit,
- run aground,
- clash,
- dodging,
- fit out,
- nominate,
- charm,
- mouthful,
- highness,
- judgement,
- maven,
- unusual person,
- oddity,
- magniloquence,
- take a shit,
- presumption,
- courtly,
- shine,
- adapt,
- comprehensiveness,
- orbital cavity,
- guide,
- press,
- desktop,
- invest,
- ground substance,
- initiative,
- pertain,
- glucinium,
- timber,
- queerness,
- congresswoman,
- hold up,
- indebtedness,
- point of view,
- name and address,
- bear witness,
- chant,
- prime,
- remote,
- demolition,
- causal agency,
- flowering,
- sphere,
- divide,
- alteration,
- lofty,
- cul de sac,
- liberal,
- modus vivendi,
- live,
- roll in the hay,
- notion,
- mantrap,
- honor,
- illustrate,
- resplendency,
- embody,
- pillow slip,
- space,
- fatal accident,
- tied,
- good example,
- better,
- environ,
- multiplication,
- selective information,
- primer,
- pass away,
- smashing,
- muss,
- urinate,
- captive,
- dowery,
- funds,
- ingurgitate,
- land site,
- interrogation,
- heart and soul,
- snag,
- laissez passer,
- clear,
- danger,
- worship,
- sentience,
- military action,
- precariousness,
- mien,
- treatment,
- ensnare,
- musical mode,
- state of mind,
- mammoth,
- human action,
- ride,
- account,
- plume,
- puddle,
- kindliness,
- nibble,
- haul,
- fox,
- mannikin,
- humour,
- legal instrument,
- grow,
- rase,
- calibre,
- grace of god,
- vauntingly,
- spotlight,
- pain,
- fertility,
- happy chance,
- materialize,
- gaffer,
- religious doctrine,
- soil,
- image,
- high,
- operate on,
- generalisation,
- mathematical operation,
- musical instrument,
- mannerism,
- purpose,
- fish,
- sour,
- cognitive operation,
- climb on,
- origin,
- habituate,
- aggrandizement,
- recognize,
- neat,
- shell,
- characterization,
- extravagance,
- flop,
- certify,
- allow for,
- imperativeness,
- subcontract,
- one and only,
- golf hole,
- physical body,
- go forth,
- sarcasm,
- pretentiousness,
- disturb,
- cognise,
- sweep up,
- procedure,
- painting,
- pay back,
- nonesuch,
- time to come,
- duet,
- liveliness,
- identify,
- assistant,
- gild,
- max,
- manikin,
- unvarnished,
- constitute,
- desexualize,
- gorge,
- even,
- holding,
- atmospheric condition,
- rescript,
- problem,
- background knowledge,
- newsworthiness,
- tour,
- follow,
- localise,
- chip in,
- muckle,
- transfuse,
- determining factor,
- allot,
- summit,
- predilection,
- fixate,
- proposal,
- installation,
- planning,
- object lens,
- coming upon,
- touch off,
- flagrant,
- distribute,
- atmosphere,
- enceinte,
- shade,
- freehanded,
- halo,
- desex,
- system,
- paraphernalia,
- jut,
- add-on,
- dos,
- accompanying,
- thingumajig,
- localize,
- line,
- step,
- exemplar,
- mavin,
- earth,
- boundary,
- beaut,
- playing area,
- sweetheart,
- affiance,
- installing,
- clock time,
- couplet,
- horse sense,
- rationality,
- frame up,
- path,
- web site,
- breach,
- misunderstanding,
- self-regard,
- kettle of fish,
- lick,
- military posture,
- feature film,
- financial obligation,
- cloth,
- fail,
- ease,
- honour,
- anomalousness,
- finding of fact,
- demonstrate,
- partly,
- terms,
- manakin,
- run into,
- sledding,
- conclusiveness,
- aid,
- curtain raising,
- fracture,
- chevvy,
- activity,
- cathode-ray oscilloscope,
- representation,
- poppycock,
- straits,
- corking,
- sue,
- framing,
- legal proceeding,
- alleviate,
- examine,
- acquirement,
- count on,
- nominal head,
- musical accompaniment,
- warrantee,
- social status,
- practise,
- stool,
- gripe,
- come out,
- portion out,
- good luck,
- ecological niche,
- reparation,
- picket,
- throw,
- human activity,
- speckle,
- localization,
- office,
- wide,
- seemliness,
- enactment,
- jut out,
- sell,
- modification,
- agentive role,
- casual,
- strong point,
- unit of measurement,
- recrudesce,
- expected value,
- wink,
- restriction,
- pocket,
- mold,
- kingdom,
- exchange,
- pedestal,
- fancy,
- take note,
- organise,
- membership,
- fulfil,
- natural process,
- course,
- intrigue,
- dilapidation,
- overgorge,
- breakout,
- give birth,
- spend a penny,
- vexation,
- of the essence,
- behaviour,
- tall order,
- disclose,
- try out,
- specialisation,
- obturate,
- ground level,
- cakehole,
- bulge,
- finale,
- pace,
- involvement,
- jailbreak,
- immenseness,
- sense datum,
- skirt,
- casing,
- choke,
- coerce,
- locate,
- country,
- consistence,
- work out,
- first moment,
- reverence,
- deposit,
- building block,
- tilt,
- career,
- whiz,
- travel by,
- crucible,
- brush,
- sequent,
- mental defectiveness,
- minute,
- single-valued function,
- contribution,
- reasonableness,
- relative incidence,
- resplendence,
- conk,
- unmistakable,
- solid ground,
- report,
- lesson,
- matter to,
- hatful,
- actuate,
- passing play,
- ask,
- mother wit,
- natural event,
- armorial bearing,
- tincture,
- var.,
- destroy,
- dependent,
- reflexion,
- utilisation,
- raciness,
- literal,
- sentiment,
- posit,
- clip,
- sport,
- come-on,
- demarcation,
- take a crap,
- moving picture,
- publication,
- bump,
- gear up,
- smell,
- heartbeat,
- gist,
- attainment,
- fib,
- manipulation,
- pungency,
- base,
- savor,
- gravitation,
- hereunder,
- acknowledge,
- peak,
- choiceness,
- slant,
- orderliness,
- genius,
- dead body,
- forefront,
- matchless,
- compute,
- arcdegree,
- stiffness,
- dispense,
- sombreness,
- good looks,
- farce comedy,
- peculiar,
- hypothesis,
- travesty,
- cosmos,
- descry,
- headway,
- palpable,
- loss,
- survey,
- knockout,
- somberness,
- genuine,
- litigate,
- orotund,
- mapping,
- last,
- mental attitude,
- appreciation,
- come about,
- bod,
- turning,
- fiat,
- drag in,
- goop,
- functioning,
- bop,
- majuscule,
- have intercourse,
- rigorousness,
- magnanimousness,
- inst,
- self-control,
- fashion,
- get it on,
- articulate,
- mannequin,
- go on,
- cupful,
- utility-grade,
- province,
- change by reversal,
- distinctiveness,
- out-and-out,
- curio,
- forerunner,
- porta,
- physical exertion,
- bring,
- utmost,
- infrequency,
- viewpoint,
- sizable,
- particular proposition,
- engorge,
- case-by-case,
- put out,
- sharpen,
- nascency,
- grant,
- gross,
- hold out,
- mindset,
- dish up,
- conformation,
- look up to,
- stick to,
- meaning,
- commute,
- go up,
- occupy,
- run across,
- embodiment,
- get behind,
- center,
- military strength,
- walking on air,
- penis,
- scoop out,
- whack,
- ready,
- glare,
- wad,
- marrow,
- terminal figure,
- sense experience,
- bowel movement,
- energise,
- force,
- deflower,
- moving in,
- bounty,
- sharpness,
- workout,
- blaze,
- crap,
- endorsement,
- lark,
- illustrious,
- creation,
- nobble,
- rob,
- info,
- physique,
- trail,
- all,
- remain firm,
- bait,
- mountain,
- trouble spot,
- pick apart,
- header,
- acme,
- postal service,
- authorise,
- mathematical function,
- mob,
- strategy,
- sheer,
- udder,
- byplay,
- locale,
- manoeuvre,
- generalization,
- good fortune,
- ensue,
- convert,
- get together,
- sink,
- even out,
- political machine,
- conception,
- indicate,
- run a risk,
- military post,
- speculate,
- pawn,
- timbre,
- sideline,
- exist,
- tip,
- read/write head,
- essence,
- succeeding,
- swage,
- tenuity,
- take form,
- lock,
- great deal,
- easy lay,
- urging,
- completely,
- go against,
- soma,
- specialism,
- criticise,
- smite,
- confine,
- lifetime,
- contemplation,
- regularize,
- interrogative,
- tantrum,
- sleep together,
- appurtenant,
- voice,
- plain stitch,
- tough luck,
- irregularity,
- level off,
- deal out,
- variety,
- textile,
- whatsis,
- repair,
- unstructured,
- crack,
- brain,
- estimate,
- power,
- descriptor,
- establish,
- long suit,
- gamble,
- short letter,
- reach,
- cornerstone,
- news show,
- physical exercise,
- pridefulness,
- visualise,
- copious,
- secure,
- repute,
- appointment,
- knocking,
- have a go at it,
- rejoice,
- side of meat,
- scripture,
- necessary,
- public opinion,
- pressure level,
- broad,
- terminal point,
- specialization,
- pee,
- inadvertent,
- create,
- pull,
- item-by-item,
- define,
- tier,
- tribal chief,
- run low,
- parliamentary procedure,
- have it away,
- kind,
- resultant role,
- spirit level,
- heavy,
- beautify,
- temperament,
- point of accumulation,
- occur,
- transcend,
- rightness,
- word form,
- betroth,
- weather condition,
- wideness,
- champion,
- pick out,
- ferment,
- bounteous,
- character,
- thinness,
- inclemency,
- edict,
- behave,
- blind alley,
- outdo,
- action mechanism,
- commercial enterprise,
- priming,
- charge per unit,
- public utility company,
- forecast,
- mental testing,
- tool around,
- mightiness,
- suggestion,
- maturation,
- somebody,
- seize with teeth,
- flat coat,
- jampack,
- personify,
- call into question,
- compositor’s case,
- nonessential,
- limit point,
- right smart,
- gage,
- zip,
- toss away,
- issuing,
- drop back,
- administration,
- proffer,
- realize,
- nimbus,
- epitope,
- vainglorious,
- transfigure,
- kicking,
- berth,
- renowned,
- turnout,
- embroil,
- preparation,
- exclusive,
- custom,
- surge,
- parking brake,
- schematic,
- right-hand,
- fundament,
- mete out,
- serve up,
- sprightliness,
- ecologic,
- commonwealth,
- handle,
- practice,
- wonderment,
- preordination,
- study,
- overhaul,
- flashpoint,
- gismo,
- admiration,
- obviously,
- give-and-take,
- terminal,
- perspicacity,
- sheath,
- skeletal frame,
- capital of rhode island,
- fleet,
- fixing,
- body of water,
- filch,
- hurt,
- separate,
- complain,
- spliff,
- formalities,
- visual aspect,
- dead end,
- flash,
- preeminence,
- dismantle,
- roue,
- effusiveness,
- oral sex,
- title,
- jiffy,
- obligate,
- terminate,
- present,
- calamity,
- panache,
- throng,
- percentage,
- exceptional,
- apportion,
- superior,
- thingumabob,
- patch,
- digit,
- palisade,
- upbeat,
- travelling bag,
- tally,
- passel,
- dower,
- hang,
- jump on,
- hole out,
- corporeal,
- importance,
- impart,
- rut,
- wipeout,
- doubtfulness,
- poise,
- pass by,
- backcloth,
- bend,
- knock over,
- cultivation,
- crook,
- send off,
- articulatio,
- legerdemain,
- client,
- dot,
- tell,
- redact,
- tease,
- devolve,
- infract,
- gaudery,
- spare,
- give out,
- sprain,
- whop,
- taste perception,
- channelize,
- address,
- spatial relation,
- spirit,
- gloriole,
- discussion,
- religious rite,
- display case,
- chivy,
- throw out,
- proceedings,
- elision,
- head trip,
- grapple,
- solemness,
- confrontation,
- conjuring trick,
- pompousness,
- make for,
- pith,
- stand up,
- grip,
- error,
- take down,
- train,
- forepart,
- watch,
- profligate,
- tie-up,
- prize,
- orifice,
- treasure,
- gravid,
- cataclysm,
- glisten,
- area,
- release,
- backbone,
- rise,
- ontogeny,
- fit,
- existing,
- moving-picture show,
- blow over,
- state of grace,
- principal,
- warranty,
- saint,
- bountiful,
- natural elevation,
- dinner dress,
- chuck out,
- demeanour,
- vista,
- determination,
- hold fast,
- unrivaled,
- misstep,
- appliance,
- bet on,
- heart,
- persona,
- figure out,
- watching,
- prop,
- play,
- comprise,
- bodily structure,
- go to,
- exigent,
- settle,
- regularise,
- discipline,
- set up,
- trade,
- lead,
- legal document,
- wrecking,
- transfer,
- surpass,
- assess,
- sumptuousness,
- summing up,
- spree,
- break off,
- depicted object,
- pot,
- disturbed,
- duo,
- qualify,
- imperative mood,
- outrank,
- confine to,
- expend,
- purvey,
- slip by,
- present moment,
- addle,
- soul,
- civilisation,
- play down,
- torso,
- soaring,
- temper,
- good sense,
- foundation,
- inwardness,
- jazz,
- stratagem,
- tangible,
- whirl,
- ordination,
- rip,
- greenback,
- cave in,
- cranial orbit,
- private,
- strengthen,
- glut,
- promissory note,
- chemical element,
- whatchamacallum,
- trigger,
- harshness,
- climb,
- smash,
- contend,
- splendour,
- set forth,
- organic structure,
- downplay,
- accomplish,
- sock,
- flush,
- inquire,
- unwavering,
- worldly concern,
- disquieted,
- social unit,
- in part,
- equal,
- adjuvant,
- cipher,
- crying,
- equivalence,
- wildness,
- respite,
- touch,
- strawman,
- put through,
- retarding force,
- closing,
- primer coat,
- sentence,
- befall,
- rupture,
- produce,
- stock warrant,
- piddle,
- rank and file,
- second coming,
- hassle,
- cost,
- tump over,
- channel,
- supply,
- self-will,
- word-painting,
- dinner gown,
- video,
- make it,
- physical object,
- discompose,
- suspender,
- fuddle,
- swipe,
- wyrd,
- orient,
- solution,
- whoremaster,
- externalize,
- leaf node,
- make believe,
- countersign,
- link,
- reverse,
- microscope stage,
- expiration,
- betting odds,
- hem in,
- envision,
- judicial decision,
- military mission,
- puff,
- progress to,
- subprogram,
- liaison,
- stomach,
- jeopardize,
- tie,
- flat,
- rule,
- role,
- theatrical role,
- prescribe,
- internet site,
- dynamical,
- blood line,
- exert,
- expansivity,
- bandage,
- pecking order,
- proceed,
- carry,
- fob,
- hold,
- superbia,
- military capability,
- offspring,
- proper,
- misidentify,
- enquiry,
- body structure,
- fault,
- ornament,
- substantial,
- outflank,
- spend,
- sneak,
- brand,
- uncertainness,
- publish,
- goal,
- tempt,
- snarf,
- gospel truth,
- come in,
- ripe,
- yard,
- one,
- wall,
- solve,
- manner,
- found,
- orthodontic braces,
- rectify,
- sand,
- thingmajig,
- showcase,
- picture show,
- takings,
- antic,
- satisfaction,
- public,
- disquiet,
- severity,
- tangle,
- give way,
- veridical,
- innovation,
- leave,
- stead,
- fall out,
- bigness,
- specialness,
- fasten,
- draw,
- write up,
- putz,
- bang-up,
- playact,
- spec,
- plough,
- take care,
- causa,
- purloin,
- bond,
- causal agent,
- flavor,
- elan,
- follow out,
- get on,
- alphabet,
- man,
- tell apart,
- ply,
- theoretical account,
- musical passage,
- bring home the bacon,
- lordliness,
- scuff,
- ball,
- old bag,
- kismat,
- soak,
- crochet,
- apparent motion,
- subjugate,
- direct,
- mischance,
- construct,
- musical note,
- receive,
- crowing,
- social occasion,
- pretend,
- passing,
- nifty,
- overcharge,
- wiz,
- sound off,
- common sense,
- fully grown,
- turn on,
- pecuniary resource,
- storey,
- concurrence,
- observation post,
- stick out,
- crop,
- motion picture,
- insect bite,
- observation,
- motion-picture show,
- magnanimous,
- bestow,
- falling out,
- break down,
- motility,
- self-worth,
- stalemate,
- uncover,
- morsel,
- attach,
- meter,
- giving,
- accost,
- circle,
- embellish,
- slack,
- prison-breaking,
- perturb,
- trimmings,
- wax,
- say,
- glister,
- englut,
- risk of exposure,
- bitstock,
- imperative form,
- pilfer,
- root,
- judicial admission,
- ravisher,
- straw man,
- ruination,
- utilise,
- human race,
- pack,
- mention,
- dead-end street,
- commotion,
- be given,
- maculation,
- paragon,
- sentry,
- ascendant,
- cristal,
- stunner,
- social welfare,
- fence,
- single,
- choke up,
- express,
- watchword,
- requisite,
- pure tone,
- sobriety,
- scuttle,
- resist,
- brook,
- do it,
- superlative,
- expose,
- divulge,
- stop,
- equating,
- tie down,
- kick the bucket,
- lineage,
- established,
- aliveness,
- parturition,
- smear,
- missionary station,
- head word,
- invention,
- small-arm,
- charge,
- freakishness,
- thingamabob,
- shaping,
- pretension,
- venerate,
- trigger off,
- affaire,
- put together,
- pick,
- transition,
- break dance,
- decline,
- magic trick,
- share,
- extol,
- civilization,
- clock,
- switch,
- celebrated,
- screen,
- rankness,
- aloof,
- veracious,
- stabilize,
- fussy,
- metier,
- knob,
- opening night,
- seduce,
- hotshot,
- cover,
- locomote,
- mass,
- word picture,
- activate,
- frame in,
- hitch,
- shoes,
- go for,
- clientele,
- high life,
- good deal,
- designing,
- yoke,
- doojigger,
- interruption,
- close up,
- eliminate,
- lapse,
- govern,
- honcho,
- incrust,
- mark,
- consistency,
- slur,
- put-on,
- grown,
- hug drug,
- sound judgment,
- fall in,
- decent,
- self-aggrandising,
- accusative,
- enjoyment,
- data point,
- pair,
- pay heed,
- work on,
- touch on,
- factor in,
- materialise,
- offer,
- number,
- conclude,
- snare,
- globe,
- dictate,
- force per unit area,
- government note,
- bm,
- shove,
- give ear,
- opening move,
- first principles,
- champaign,
- put on,
- kick downstairs,
- popular opinion,
- magic,
- first step,
- whap,
- honoring,
- evaluate,
- absorbed,
- prank,
- prisonbreak,
- someone,
- involve,
- tubercle,
- notice,
- modal value,
- life sentence,
- spy,
- ratiocination,
- saving grace,
- gene,
- simple machine,
- national,
- moral force,
- interposition,
- screen background,
- sedateness,
- piazza,
- totally,
- thingummy,
- animation,
- go away,
- missionary work,
- order of magnitude,
- real number,
- boxwood,
- grownup,
- endpoint,
- descent,
- monetary resource,
- put across,
- gustation,
- exercising,
- life-time,
- sort,
- typesetter’s case,
- certificate of indebtedness,
- arena,
- prison term,
- aristocracy,
- chomp,
- defecate,
- proportion,
- bionomical,
- ferocity,
- foreign mission,
- incidental,
- throttle,
- delegation,
- scourge,
- interestingness,
- new york minute,
- slew,
- survive,
- countenance,
- parentage,
- floor,
- conduce,
- pass along,
- chore,
- slap-up,
- walk,
- contingent,
- actual,
- luff,
- trap,
- boast,
- discernment,
- liquid ecstasy,
- unmixed,
- idolise,
- depiction,
- cast,
- lawsuit,
- shaft,
- come forth,
- social organization,
- heap,
- alt,
- forte,
- treat,
- blackjack,
- effort,
- parcel,
- parcel out,
- egest,
- pillowcase,
- tie up,
- strong suit,
- sweep,
- face-off,
- right-down,
- lend,
- projection,
- intelligence,
- strike hard,
- disposal,
- belt,
- rake,
- localisation,
- cop,
- athletic field,
- pluck,
- virtuoso,
- lifespan,
- extremity,
- connect,
- ensuant,
- officiate,
- organic,
- cypher,
- stance,
- burst,
- extended,
- crush,
- low density,
- deference,
- select,
- interest group,
- start out,
- appendage,
- social club,
- gormandize,
- get to,
- submit,
- straiten,
- notation,
- united states department of state,
- blissfulness,
- swell,
- birthing,
- strain,
- noblesse,
- visitation,
- badger,
- instrumental role,
- full-grown,
- supplying,
- surcharge,
- range,
- nascence,
- cash in one’s chips,
- live on,
- phase angle,
- discard,
- all-inclusive,
- decisiveness,
- incertitude,
- anatomical structure,
- intellect,
- usefulness,
- pip,
- inquiry,
- decimal point,
- widget,
- coming,
- inflation,
- modulate,
- good turn,
- raze,
- rich,
- word of honor,
- ill luck,
- peerless,
- break in,
- point in time,
- err,
- descend,
- reefer,
- flutter,
- tidings,
- circuit card,
- correctly,
- use of goods and services,
- bug,
- give voice,
- roleplay,
- aura,
- peach,
- preference,
- belief,
- jeopardy,
- weewee,
- head teacher,
- swear out,
- trial by ordeal,
- musical arrangement,
- narrative,
- doomsday,
- boot,
- designate,
- art object,
- shift,
- uncrystallized,
- star,
- second,
- doings,
- whoremonger,
- sound,
- class,
- drill,
- overindulge,
- base on balls,
- bully,
- hale,
- surgical process,
- creed,
- rhetoric,
- breeding,
- layer,
- administer,
- take a leak,
- dry land,
- trade good,
- composition,
- proceeds,
- hooey,
- living,
- glom,
- maw,
- stipulate,
- tarawa-makin,
- buy the farm,
- disconcert,
- cat’s-paw,
- guess,
- government issue,
- substantive,
- leg,
- biography,
- eudaimonia,
- predestine,
- pull a fast one on,
- betoken,
- overturn,
- good book,
- fade,
- accessory,
- have,
- weaken,
- squeeze,
- tariff,
- natural action,
- unpatterned,
- prick,
- daintiness,
- toss,
- ancestor,
- right hand,
- construction,
- piss,
- anticipation,
- break away,
- even chance,
- locating,
- take off,
- nuance,
- causal factor,
- mail service,
- aftermath,
- business concern,
- twist,
- wittiness,
- emphasis,
- strong drink,
- subject field,
- maneuver,
- meet,
- divisor,
- occlude,
- removed,
- messiness,
- deepen,
- love,
- doctor,
- transgress,
- suit,
- inning,
- content,
- gazump,
- pedigree,
- distract,
- trust,
- surgical procedure,
- disordered,
- plaza,
- get off,
- hard knocks,
- mickle,
- government agency,
- catastrophe,
- hand brake,
- misapprehension,
- severance,
- surgical operation,
- experimentation,
- hurly burly,
- hotspot,
- guarantee,
- cornucopia,
- very,
- preordain,
- display panel,
- really,
- rightfield,
- yap,
- section,
- carry through,
- cram,
- desexualise,
- set off,
- annotation,
- fellow member,
- open frame,
- mortal,
- psyche,
- blackmail,
- social station,
- shuffle,
- whang,
- mare’s nest,
- bodily fluid,
- predestinate,
- aggrandisement,
- pretence,
- inclination,
- thanksgiving,
- auto,
- harry,
- characterisation,
- bountifulness,
- rifle,
- broken,
- face of the earth,
- monastic order,
- ruling,
- morass,
- looker,
- trip-up,
- crossroads,
- ikon,
- electronic jamming,
- deputation,
- way of life,
- chieftain,
- breaker point,
- refer,
- constipate,
- mundane,
- vary,
- endure,
- argue,
- break of serve,
- conduct,
- saddle horse,
- run short,
- tryout,
- blemish,
- backup,
- not bad,
- body politic,
- depart,
- enormousness,
- designation,
- headman,
- prolificacy,
- truss,
- entrap,
- knock off,
- attest,
- motorcar,
- delegacy,
- magisterial,
- import,
- cultivate,
- guild,
- tip over,
- congressman,
- musical composition,
- tonicity,
- gustatory perception,
- lift,
- anchor,
- physicalness,
- enter,
- chassis,
- guest,
- smack,
- risky venture,
- mentality,
- equality,
- make up,
- repoint,
- make love,
- panorama,
- pass on,
- progeny,
- narration,
- pic,
- substitute,
- legal opinion,
- sum,
- absolute,
- modify,
- sting,
- give,
- gormandise,
- fleece,
- ordinate,
- take on,
- peril,
- provoke,
- kernel,
- reward,
- discommode,
- booze,
- recognise,
- next,
- free grace,
- toss out,
- bye,
- cook,
- incommode,
- line of descent,
- go through with,
- capitulum,
- oddment,
- public-service corporation,
- digest,
- underframe,
- ordering,
- usableness,
- recoil,
- allow,
- shell out,
- bane,
- glide by,
- bragging,
- finish,
- soundbox,
- cabbage,
- organize,
- soberness,
- terminus,
- self-respect,
- disintegration,
- untune,
- view,
- humans,
- send,
- skill,
- encase,
- front end,
- prerequisite,
- meridian,
- picky,
- finis,
- raft,
- vim,
- table of contents,
- instrumentation,
- sagacity,
- tripper,
- everyday,
- duad,
- stagecoach,
- passageway,
- glint,
- animal,
- all important,
- return,
- dubiety,
- mint,
- horizontal surface,
- embark,
- loge,
- see,
- animate being,
- apply,
- imprimatur,
- ornateness,
- binge,
- spark off,
- outstanding,
- thieve,
- life story,
- note of hand,
- chock up,
- fuss,
- adorn,
- need,
- founder,
- get laid,
- affluence,
- climb up,
- tasting,
- snack,
- subject matter,
- break up,
- card,
- write out,
- kvetch,
- make water,
- aim,
- lug,
- reconcile,
- solvent,
- predestined,
- passing game,
- smudge,
- practice session,
- exemplify,
- perturbation,
- dampen,
- skeletal system,
- play a joke on,
- let on,
- token,
- oblige,
- pressure sensation,
- rigourousness,
- terra firma,
- headache,
- business sector,
- extreme point,
- add-in,
- espy,
- parliamentary law,
- puffiness,
- holy writ,
- perspective,
- pause,
- room,
- regard,
- deed of conveyance,
- cloud nine,
- gustatory sensation,
- lineament,
- subtlety,
- state of matter,
- tack together,
- mental test,
- illustration,
- caboodle,
- land,
- arranging,
- decorate,
- electron orbit,
- ordain,
- softwood,
- put on the line,
- wee-wee,
- interrupt,
- grimness,
- lookout man,
- full stop,
- occupancy,
- whole tone,
- burn,
- visualize,
- manoeuver,
- backing,
- whizz,
- externalise,
- mightily,
- lodge,
- visual sense,
- time out,
- realise,
- snitch,
- bother,
- aureole,
- main,
- mental process,
- compass point,
- drag out,
- reveal,
- taper,
- spate,
- heartiness,
- lure,
- wager,
- query,
- vex,
- pointedness,
- mail,
- front man,
- crash,
- federal agency,
- object glass,
- duty assignment,
- website,
- feature of speech,
- pile,
- instrument panel,
- mould,
- flip,
- reckon,
- water supply,
- possibleness,
- self-command,
- slice,
- phallus,
- egress,
- top dog,
- take up,
- propose,
- sanction,
- gob,
- come to,
- intermission,
- mess up,
- satire,
- attendant,
- model,
- fast one,
- bad luck,
- dispose,
- bust,
- seat,
- troth,
- blanket,
- go by,
- satiate,
- finical,
- take,
- sense of humor,
- change state,
- benefit,
- round,
- expectant,
- intone,
- arrange,
- landed estate,
- way out,
- mountain pass,
- prepare,
- whole,
- acquisition,
- employ,
- body fluid,
- put up,
- set,
- attain,
- contraption,
- reason out,
- correct,
- irrigate,
- look at,
- legal action,
- inflect,
- conniption,
- distinctive feature,
- determiner,
- cease,
- lunar time period,
- drag on,
- exploitation,
- news program,
- positioning,
- glorification,
- fence in,
- ancestry,
- question of fact,
- scarf out,
- parting,
- rightfulness,
- life-style,
- governance,
- realism,
- pee-pee,
- unremarkable,
- best,
- cognitive process,
- sexual conquest,
- appraise,
- open,
- worldwide,
- pass off,
- whatchamacallit,
- overstep,
- patronage,
- couch,
- dealings,
- shipway,
- judging,
- humanity,
- communicate,
- end point,
- wellness,
- rick,
- compose,
- apparently,
- respectfulness,
- scoop up,
- breast,
- stick,
- standpoint,
- throw away,
- get going,
- public figure,
- banker’s bill,
- bible,
- set upon,
- obedience,
- appearing,
- nativity,
- intercellular substance,
- start,
- tarawa,
- vantage,
- revolve,
- all-important,
- bracing,
- stately,
- lay down,
- gourmandize,
- give-up the ghost,
- phrase,
- interrogative sentence,
- direction,
- trammel,
- pinch,
- conjoin,
- play a trick on,
- brass,
- splurge,
- pecker,
- control panel,
- risk of infection,
- thought,
- across-the-board,
- bighearted,
- induce,
- pretense,
- car,
- tumid,
- determine,
- atmospheric pressure,
- distressed,
- imposing,
- business organization,
- goodwill,
- strand,
- business deal,
- altitude,
- sense modality,
- atomic number 4,
- peck,
- coming into court,
- equip,
- tendency,
- kerfuffle,
- evening gown,
- icon,
- condemn,
- importunity,
- street corner,
- bonk,
- unearthly,
- go along,
- cock-a-hoop,
- groundwork,
- wear,
- notable,
- vacation,
- soften,
- intermit,
- consecrate,
- devastation,
- human body,
- plenty,
- boastful,
- smother,
- cistron,
- hero-worship,
- intimacy,
- establishment,
- clamant,
- rub,
- take shape,
- expansion slot,
- word of god,
- shot,
- develop,
- photo,
- inevitableness,
- battlefront,
- stub,
- with child,
- end of the world,
- gravitational attraction,
- dapple,
- divvy up,
- brute,
- overtake,
- guinea pig,
- exit,
- frame of reference,
- flick,
- interpreter,
- carriage,
- severeness,
- get out,
- tint,
- turnover,
- pass water,
- legislate,
- egregious,
- social function,
- theory,
- stuff and nonsense,
- enquire,
- hooking,
- old,
- breakage,
- ascendent,
- instalment,
- cut,
- call on,
- revers,
- trip up,
- labor,
- mellowness,
- be intimate,
- take place,
- relate,
- attend to,
- performance,
- hard liquor,
- mesh,
- maxim,
- trunk,
- blob,
- dish out,
- flexible joint,
- mental picture,
- lymph gland,
- thingmabob,
- escort.
• predestinate
- foreordain,
- lucked,
- cupping,
- Lotted,
- fortuned,
- lucking,
- Cupped,
- outcoming,
- Lotting,
- fortuning,
- Dooming,
- circumstancing.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- axiom,
- fixings,
- accompaniment,
- manifestation,
- crisis,
- Integrant,
- indisputable fact,
- bare fact,
- gigantic,
- formless,
- actual fact,
- life,
- contents,
- minutia,
- item,
- plain,
- respect,
- distant,
- physical,
- characteristic,
- ample,
- plight,
- accepted fact,
- things,
- molest,
- influence,
- adventure,
- big,
- fine point,
- pomp,
- transaction,
- extreme,
- pride,
- expectation,
- thoughtfulness,
- scope,
- example,
- inescapable fact,
- provide,
- culture,
- eminent,
- revere,
- retainer,
- posture,
- Everything,
- surround,
- tend,
- famous,
- angle,
- advantage,
- surroundings,
- beleaguer,
- values,
- abet,
- Bestead,
- pass,
- context of use,
- appurtenance,
- amorphous,
- side,
- jam,
- asset,
- chief,
- facilitate,
- nitty-gritty,
- form,
- solemnity,
- contribute,
- extensive,
- accidental,
- luck,
- considerateness,
- hard fact,
- hazard,
- hot spot,
- bearings,
- experimental condition,
- fix,
- ceremonious,
- admitted fact,
- opening,
- ecological,
- formality,
- likelihood,
- attribute,
- specialty,
- formal,
- attitude,
- makings,
- provision,
- Moira,
- cold fact,
- fortune,
- bald fact,
- operate,
- specific,
- random,
- glorify,
- fortunes,
- test,
- conventional,
- beset,
- mes,
- framework,
- ordeal,
- ritual,
- term,
- setting,
- mount,
- income,
- structure,
- Resources,
- opportunity,
- where it’s at,
- specification,
- admire,
- stipulation,
- action,
- situate,
- Circumambient,
- piece,
- concomitant,
- postulate,
- adventures,
- ingredient,
- kismet,
- MAS,
- circumstantial,
- besiege,
- mores,
- dealing,
- feature,
- background,
- Habits,
- probability,
- passage,
- ceremony,
- precondition,
- casualty,
- grade,
- niche,
- environmental,
- frame,
- emergency,
- taking place,
- make,
- constituent,
- accommodate,
- information,
- statu,
- consequence,
- hap,
- shape,
- assist,
- component,
- slot,
- ambiance,
- DO,
- belonging,
- scenery,
- facet,
- part,
- particulars,
- trial,
- idolize,
- matter of fact,
- great,
- cased,
- undeniable fact,
- attend,
- pickle,
- afflict,
- large,
- absolute fact,
- heraldry,
- circumstances,
- weird,
- self-evident fact,
- Circumstanced,
- serve,
- supervention,
- linguistic context,
- instance,
- ambient,
- distinguished,
- finances.
How to use «Circumstance» in context?
Circumstance may be defined as a condition of a particular event, setting, or group of events that affects the outcome or nature of that event. It is the combination of environmental and personal elements that creates the particular situation. Circumstances can be X-factors or residual factors. X-factors are unpredictable and extenuating circumstances that cause a particular event to take place. Residual factors are factors that remain even after X-factors have been controlled for. They are still influential, but can be more easily influenced by the individual or group affected by them.
Paraphrases for Circumstance:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Forward Entailment
Proper noun, singular
situation, situations.
Noun, plural
Noun, singular or mass
event, situation.
Proper noun, singular
Noun, plural
Noun, singular or mass
coincidence, contingency.
Noun, plural
Other Related
circumstances, circumstantial, expedient, improvised.
Proper noun, singular
Noun, plural
circumstances, instances.
Noun, singular or mass
backdrop, background, case, environment, eventuality, fact, factor, instance, juncture, matter, occasion, occurrence, reason, scenario.
Hyponym for Circumstance:
ceremony, observance, ceremonial occasion, ceremonial.
status, environment, condition.
Word of the Day
bow 1
- Synonyms:
twist tie,
- CIRCUMSTANCE synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- CIRCUMSTANCE synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— CIRCUMSTANCE synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of CIRCUMSTANCE
— another words for CIRCUMSTANCE
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