Человек синонимы на английском

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  • человек сущ м

    1. man, person, human, individual, people, party

      (мужчина, лицо, человеческий, люди)

      • средний человек – average person
      • здоровье человека – human health
      • группа людей – group of individuals
      • молодые люди – young people
      • великий человек – great man
    2. fellow


      • молодой человек – young fellow
    3. being


      • невинные люди – innocent human beings
    4. soul, spirit

      (душа, дух)

    5. subject


    6. body


    7. mortal


    8. personage


    9. casualty


    10. devotee

    11. jack

    12. head


    13. walla

    14. rat

  • люди сущ ср

    1. people, folk


имя существительное
man человек, мужчина, муж, человечество, приятель, слуга
human человек, человеческое существо, смертный
human being человек
person человек, лицо, личность, особа, персонаж, субъект
individual человек, личность, индивидуум, особь, особа
soul душа, дух, человек, сердце, сущность, воплощение
fellow парень, человек, товарищ, малый, собрат, приятель
being существо, бытие, существование, человек, жизнь, суть
subject предмет, объект, тема, субъект, сюжет, человек
body тело, корпус, кузов, организация, труп, человек
personage персонаж, человек, особа, действующее лицо, выдающаяся личность, важная персона
spirit дух, спирт, душа, настроение, сущность, человек
head глава, голова, руководитель, начальник, головка, человек
bird птица, пташка, парень, человек, бабенка, тюрьма
fellow creature ближний, человек
bones человек, домино
hominid гоминид, человек
devil дьявол, черт, бес, сатана, парень, человек
Jack Джек, валет, парень, детектив, матрос, человек
bod парень, человек
dowser лозоискатель, человек
bone кость, костяк, скелет, тело, останки, человек
tabernacle скиния, шатер, дарохранительница, храм, палатка, человек
wight существо, человек
wallah хозяин, парень, слуга, служащий, человек
kipper копченая рыба, копченая селедка, парень, человек, лосось-самец во время нереста
joker джокер, шутник, балагур, парень, непредвиденное обстоятельство, человек
cleanskin неклейменое животное, человек
bet ставка, пари, предмет, человек
card карты, карта, открытка, карточка, билет, человек
party группа, участник, партия, сторона, вечеринка, человек
per. особа, человек, период
pers. особа, человек

Предложения со словом «человек»

Но развитие дополненной реальности позволит завернуть робота в красивую голограмму, которая выглядит и действует как живой человек .

But with advances in augmented reality, it will be easy to wrap the robot in a nice hologram that actually looks and moves like a person.

Это означает, что один человек из 10 потерял работу в промышленном секторе из-за вывода производства за рубеж.

So that means that one out of 10 lost manufacturing jobs was due to offshoring.

Например, мы считаем, что человек , носивший тунику до колен и ходивший босым — священник.

For example, we believe that by wearing a knee — length tunic and open bare feet, this was representative of a priest.

Но главный вопрос в следующем: сколько человек , потерявших работу из-за ИИ, смогут найти новую, особенно когда ИИ поумнеет так, что станет учиться лучше, чем большинство из нас?

But the real question is: How many of those who may lose their jobs to AI will be able to land a new one, especially when AI is smart enough to learn better than most of us?

Министерство транспорта подсчитало, что в прошлом году 35 000 человек погибло в автомобильных авариях в США.

The Department of Transport estimated that last year 35,000 people died from traffic crashes in the US alone.

В мире 1,2 миллиона человек погибает в авариях ежегодно.

Worldwide, 1,2 million people die every year in traffic accidents.

Один человек предложил, что машина должна повернуть так, чтобы проехать между пешеходами и прохожим.

One person suggested the car should just swerve somehow in between the passengers and the bystander.

Бернар, чернокожий человек слева, получил 10 из 10.

Bernard, on the left, the black man, was scored a 10 out of 10.

Эти же пять долларов, если вы отдали их в один из наших лагерей, могут накормить сегодня семь человек .

That same five dollars, if you gave it to one of our shelters, could feed seven people today.

А если бы вы отдали их в один из местных пищевых банков или благотворительную столовую, мы могли бы накормить 20 человек .

And if you gave it to one of our local food banks or food pantries, we could actually feed 20 people with that money.

Издатели ежемесячного веб-комикса с аудиторией в 20 000 читателей — 20 000 человек ежемесячно!

A monthly web comic with 20,000 monthly readers — 20,000 monthly readers.

Что это за системы мы создали, где этого недостаточно, чтобы человек мог заработать себе на жизнь?

What systems have we built where this is insufficient for a person to make a living?

Человек провёл 17 лет за решёткой.

The man spent 17 years behind bars.

Население Центральноафриканской Республики насчитывает примерно 5 миллионов человек .

The Central African Republic is a country of about five million people the size of Texas in the center of Africa.

Последние 100 лет человек искал решение проблемы микробов — следующие 100 лет микробы будут служить решением проблем человека .

The last 100 years have featured human solutions to microbial problems, but the next 100 years will feature microbial solutions to human problems.

В 1999 году в Мюнхене я присоединился к сотням тысяч человек , которые заполнили улицы и крыши и радовались в унисон, когда появилась солнечная корона.

In 1999, in Munich, I joined hundreds of thousands who filled the streets and the rooftops and cheered in unison as the solar corona emerged.

Как я уже говорил: я не религиозный человек .

As I said: I am not a spiritual person.

К 2050 году каждый пятый из нас, почти два миллиарда человек , будут в возрасте старше 60.

By 2050, one out of five of us, almost two billion people, will be age 60 and up.

Но, к его большому удивлению, человек на составном портрете получается красивым.

But to his surprise, the composite portrait that he produces is beautiful.

В 1930-х годах человек по имени Максимилиан Факторович признал важность симметрии для красоты, изобретя микрометр красоты.

In the 1930s, a man named Maksymilian Faktorowicz recognized the importance of symmetry for beauty when he designed the beauty micrometer.

Есть причина, по которой этот человек — самый высокий в композиции.

There is a reason why he is the highest in the composition here.

Учёные предположили, что человек может уловить до триллиона различных запахов.

One study estimates that humans can detect up to one trillion different odors.

И в этом зале может быть человек , окружённый тысячью людей, но при этом чувствующий себя одиноко.

There could be somebody in this room right now surrounded by a thousand people experiencing loneliness.

Возможно, вы так же, как и я, попадали в ситуацию, когда вы встретились взглядом с кем-то, улыбнулись, поздоровались, а этот человек вытащил наушники и спросил: «Простите, вы что-то сказали?

Maybe, like me, you’ve been in a situation where you’ve made eye contact, smiled and said hello, and have that person yank out their earbuds and say, I’m sorry, what did you say?

Человек, который заложил основу этой истории, — это Джеймс Мэдисон.

The person who’s at the core of that story is James Madison.

Этот человек в отпуске, он вернётся и вам ответит,» там говорят.

This person’s on vacation, they’ll get back to you eventually.

Этот человек в отпуске, поэтому мы удалили ваше письмо.

This person’s on vacation, so we’ve deleted your email.

65,3 миллиона человек в мире были вынуждены покинуть свои дома по причине войны или гонений.

There are 65,3 million people who have been forcibly displaced from their homes because of war or persecution.

65,3 миллиона человек были вынуждены покинуть свои дома из-за войны — самое крупное число за всю историю.

There are 65,3 million people who have been forced out of their homes because of war — the largest number in history.

В 2013 году Лидерский центр общедоступности компании «Делойт» опубликовал доклад: в ходе исследования взяли 3 000 человек , занимающих управляющую должность, которым необходимо было скрывать на работе свою истинную внешность, свои интересы, пристрастия и связи.

In 2013, a white paper published by the Deloitte Leadership Center for Inclusion, studied 3,000 individuals in executive leadership roles on the concept of covering in the workplace based on appearance, advocacy, affiliation and association.

Человек рядом со мной указывает на существование меня, и все очень смущаются.

The person next to me in the queue points to my existence and everyone is embarrassed.

Мне напоминают, что я маленький человек , когда прохожий показывает на меня пальцем, глазеет, смеётся надо мной, обзывает меня или фотографирует меня.

I’m reminded that I’m a little person when a stranger points, stares, laughs, calls me a name, or takes a photograph of me.

Я невероятно горда тем, что я маленький человек , тем, что я унаследовала заболевание ахондроплазии.

I am incredibly proud to be a little person, to have inherited the condition of achondroplasia.

Моя мама среднего роста, мой отец — маленький человек , а я старшая из пяти детей.

My mother is average height, my father is a little person and I am the eldest of five children.

Чтобы дать вам понимание того, что за человек я на сегодняшний день, я хотела показать вам жизнь с нового ракурса.

In giving you an insight into who I am today I wanted to offer you a new perspective.

В следующем 2016 году погибли 5 000 человек .

The next year, 2016, 5,000 people died.

Я спросил у руководства лагеря, многие ли из 330 000 присутствующих родились в этом лагере, на что мне ответили: 100 000 человек .

And then when I asked the camp management how many of the 330,000 people in that camp were born there, they gave me the answer: 100,000.

Поразительный человек .

He’s an impressive guy.

Сейчас он живёт в Вудсайде в Калифорнии в очень уютном месте, и из всех более чем 10 000 человек , которых я повстречал за жизнь, я бы отнёс его к 10% наиболее успешных и счастливых людей.

He now lives in Woodside, California, in a very nice place, and of the 10,000 — plus people I’ve met in my life, I would put him in the top 10, in terms of success and happiness.

Эмерсон сказал, что самый счастливый человек на Земле — это тот, кто берёт уроки богослужения у природы.

Emerson said that the happiest person on Earth is the one who learns from nature the lessons of worship.

Трудно пережить, когда несколько человек , без которых вы не можете жить, умирают.

It’s so hard to bear when the few people you cannot live without die.

Нам, христианам, нравится думать о смерти как о смене адреса, но в любом случае человек снова заполнит ваше сердце, если вы не закроете его.

We Christians like to think of death as a major change of address, but in any case, the person will live again fully in your heart if you don’t seal it off.

Итак, человек с СДВГ не может подавлять факторы, отвлекающие внимание, и поэтому эти люди и не могут долго фокусироваться на одном задании.

So a person with ADHD cannot inhibit these distractors, and that’s why they can’t focus for a long time on a single task.

Но что, если такой человек сможет играть в определённую компьютерную игру со своим мозгом, подключённым к компьютеру, и потом научит свой мозг подавлять эти факторы, отвлекающие внимание?

But what if this person could play a specific computer game with his brain connected to the computer, and then train his own brain to inhibit these distractors?

Человек, сидящий рядом с вами, может обладать неординарным внутренним миром, но вы никогда не узнали бы об этом, ведь у всех было бы одинаковое бесстрастное выражение лица.

That person sitting right next to you might have the most idiosyncratic inner life, but you don’t have a clue because we’re all wearing the same blank expression all the time.

Когда мне было четыре, к моей любящей маме пристал человек хозяина.

When I was four, my loving mam was cornered by the boss’s man.

И в пике кризиса, когда нам сообщили, что инфицированы могут быть 1,4 миллиона человек , когда нам сообщили, что большинство из них погибнет, когда мы практически потеряли надежду, я помню, как встречаюсь с группой медицинских работников в лесу, где только что началась вспышка.

At the height of the crisis, when we were told that 1,4 million people could be infected, when we were told that most of them would die, when we had nearly lost all hope, I remember standing with a group of health workers in the rainforest where an outbreak had just happened.

Но один мудрый человек сказал мне: «Ничто не вечно».

But as a wise man once told me: no condition is permanent.

Человек плюс машина — это не будущее, это настоящее.

Human plus machine isn’t the future, it’s the present.

Это привело к взрывной вспышке, во время которой пострадали почти 30 000 человек .

That led to an explosive outbreak in which almost 30,000 people were affected.

Тогда семья из четырёх человек будет получать 2 000 долларов в год с самого начала.

A family of four would receive 2,000 dollars per year from the get — go.

И когда я прочла это если, я поняла, почему один из четырёх человек получает избыточное или ненужное лечение, или член его семьи.

And when I read that if, I understood better why one in four people receives excessive or unwanted medical treatment, or watches a family member receive excessive or unwanted medical treatment.

Человек может отключить меня, но только если я допущу ошибку.

It says, OK, the human might switch me off, but only if I’m doing something wrong.

КА: Вы не можете свести всё к одному закону, который бы гласил: Если когда-нибудь человек попытается меня выключить, я подчинюсь.

And you couldn’t just boil it down to one law, you know, hardwired in: if any human ever tries to switch me off, I comply.

Чем более рационален человек , тем вероятнее робот согласится на отключение.

The more rational the person, the more willing you are to be switched off.

Если это случайный человек или даже злоумышленник, он отключится с меньшей охотой.

If the person is completely random or even malicious, then you’re less willing to be switched off.

И вот какое совпадение: это был тот же человек , который добавил шестую струну к тому, что потом назовут испанской гитарой.

And listen to this coincidence: he was the same guy who added the sixth string to what would later be called the Spanish guitar.

Человек — не больше, чем просто человек , и если есть Бог, это он этого хотел.

A man is but a man and if there is a God, this was his wish.

Но выясняется, что этот человек держал в руке телефон.

And it turns out that thing in this person’s hand was a cell phone.

Всё в мозгу меняется, в результате чего человек тоже подвергается поразительным изменениям.

Everything in the brain changes, and out of this come extraordinary examples of human change.

WiktionaryRate these synonyms:4.0 / 1 vote

  1. peoplenoun

    A group of persons regarded as being employees, followers, companions or subjects of a ruler.

    fans, groupies, supporters

  2. peoplenoun

    The mass of a community as distinguished from a special class (elite); the commonalty; the populace; the vulgar; the common crowd; the citizens.

    commoners, populace, citizenry

  3. peoplenoun

    ledeEtymology 2, leod

  4. peoplenoun

    community, folk, collective, caste, race, tribe, club, congregation, nation, class, clan

  5. peoplenoun

    kith, folks, kin

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.7 / 3 votes

  1. people

    A community is in general terms the aggregate of persons inhabiting any territory in common and viewed as having common interests; a commonwealth is such a body of persons having a common government, especially a republican government; as, the commonwealth of Massachusetts. A community may be very small; a commonwealth is ordinarily of considerable extent. A people is the aggregate of any public community, either in distinction from their rulers or as including them; a race is a division of mankind in the line of origin and ancestry; the people of the United States includes members of almost every race. The use of people as signifying persons collectively, as in the statement «The hall was full of people,» has been severely criticized, but is old and accepted English, and may fitly be classed as idiomatic, and often better than persons, by reason of its collectivism. As Dean Alford suggests, it would make a strange transformation of the old hymn «All people that on earth do dwell» to sing «All persons that on earth do dwell.» A state is an organized political community considered in its corporate capacity as «a body politic and corporate;» as, a legislative act is the act of the state; every citizen is entitled to the protection of the state. A nation is an organized political community considered with reference to the persons composing it as having certain definite boundaries, a definite number of citizens, etc. The members of a people are referred to as persons or individuals; the individual members of a state or nation are called citizens or subjects. The population of a country is simply the aggregate of persons residing within its borders, without reference to race, organization, or allegiance; unnaturalized residents form part of the population, but not of the nation, possessing none of the rights and being subject to none of the duties of citizens. In American usage State signifies one commonwealth of the federal union known as the United States. Tribe is now almost wholly applied to rude peoples with very imperfect political organization; as, the Indian tribes; nomadic tribes. Compare MOB.

    commonwealth, community, nation, population, race, state, tribe

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 2 votes

  1. people

    nation, community, populace, mob, crowd, vulgar, herd, mass, persons, inhabitants, commonalty, fellow-creatures, tribe, race

    aristocracy, nobility, government, ruler, oligarchy

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. peoplenoun

    (plural) any group of human beings (men or women or children) collectively

    «old people»; «there were at least 200 people in the audience»

    the great unwashed, masses, mass, hoi polloi, multitude, citizenry

  2. citizenry, peoplenoun

    the body of citizens of a state or country

    «the Spanish people»

    the great unwashed, masses, mass, hoi polloi, multitude, citizenry

  3. peoplenoun

    members of a family line

    «his people have been farmers for generations»; «are your people still alive?»

    the great unwashed, masses, mass, hoi polloi, multitude, citizenry

  4. multitude, masses, mass, hoi polloi, people, the great unwashedverb

    the common people generally

    «separate the warriors from the mass»; «power to the people»

    tidy sum, plurality, wad, peck, mint, plenty, lot, pack, hoi polloi, batch, raft, quite a little, passel, pile, muckle, volume, mass, good deal, stack, mountain, multitude, deal, battalion, throng, flock, hatful, mickle, slew, citizenry, heap, mess, sight, large number, concourse, spate, the great unwashed, bulk, great deal, masses, pot

  5. peopleverb

    fill with people

    «Stalin wanted to people the empty steppes»

  6. peopleverb

    furnish with people

    «The plains are sparsely populated»

Matched Categories

    • Dwell
    • Family
    • Group
    • Populate

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:4.5 / 2 votes

  1. peoplenoun

    tribe, nation, race, clan, family

  2. peoplenoun

    population, folks, persons, the public, the community, the bulk of mankind

  3. peoplenoun

    commonalty, populace, CANAILLE, rabble, mob, the vulgar, vulgar herd, lower classes, humbler classes, the multitude, the million, the peasantry, the masses

  4. peopleverb


  5. peopleverb

    pepper-wort (lepidium sativum)

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. peoplenoun

    folks, inhabitants, population, citizens, populace, commonalty, rabble, canaille, relatives, relations, kindred, laity

  2. peoplenoun

    Associated words:
    demotic, democratic, democracy, popular, lay, depopulate, depopulation

  3. peopleverb

    populate, colonize

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «people»:

    persons, peoples, individuals, population, citizens, populations, inhabitants, person, pueblo, humans, residents, peuple, gens, beings, folks, folk, men, nation, personnel, personnes, volk, human, nationals, those, employees, public

Suggested Resources

  1. people

    Song lyrics by people — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by people on the Lyrics.com website.

How to pronounce people?

How to say people in sign language?

How to use people in a sentence?

  1. Fran Beyrtison:

    Clean water freezes in the tanks, sanitation becomes an issue, and diseases can spread more easily, lebanon and the UN recently issued an appeal to help up to 2.9 million vulnerable people. The international community needs to fund this appeal urgently to allow aid to reach people in need.

  2. Chinese:

    Those who cause dissensions in order to injure other people are preparing pitfalls for their own ruin.

  3. Ivan Ljubicic:

    (Milos is) one of the most determined and motivated people that I have ever met, and that meets my needs and my type of people that I want to work with.

  4. Mike Lindell:

    Every outlet in the country, they go, ‘Mike Lindell, there’s no evidence, and he’s making fraudulent statements.’ No. I have the evidence. I dare people to put it on. I dare Dominion to sue me because then it will get out faster. So, this is – you know, they don’t – they don’t want to talk about it, no, they don’t.

  5. Donald Trump:

    Last week in Phoenix, I held a record breaking rally with thousands of people. They are devastated by what is happening with illegal immigration. This group was totally united — the silent majority became alive, these were fabulous people and great Americans but John McCain called them ‘crazies,’.


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1    human beings, humanity, humans, mankind, men and women, mortals, persons  

2    citizens, clan, community, family, folk, inhabitants, nation, population, public, race, tribe  

3    commonalty, crowd, general public, grass roots, hoi polloi, masses, mob, multitude, plebs, populace, proles     (derogatory slang, chiefly Brit.)   proletariat, rabble, rank and file, the herd  

4    colonize, inhabit, occupy, populate, settle  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( peoples    plural & 3rd person present)   ( peopling    present participle)   ( peopled    past tense & past participle  )

1       n-plural   People are men, women, and children. People is normally used as the plural of person, instead of `persons’.  
Millions of people have lost their homes., …the people of Angola., …homeless young people…, I don’t think people should make promises they don’t mean to keep…     

2       n-plural   The people is sometimes used to refer to ordinary men and women, in contrast to the government or the upper classes.  
the N  
…the will of the people.     

3       n-count-coll   A people is all the men, women, and children of a particular country or race.  
…the native peoples of Central and South America…     

4       verb   If a place or country is peopled by a particular group of people, that group of people live there.  
usu passive  

It was peopled by a fiercely independent race of peace-loving Buddhists.      be V-ed by/with n  
…a small town peopled by lay workers and families.      V-ed  

boat people     
Boat people are people who escape from their country in small boats to travel to another country in the hope that they will be able to live there..      n-plural  
…50,000 Vietnamese boat people.     

old people’s home        ( old people’s homes    plural  ) An old people’s home is a place where old people live and are cared for when they are too old to look after themselves.  
  (mainly BRIT)      n-count  

people carrier        ( people carriers    plural  ) A people carrier is a large family car which looks similar to a van and has three rows of seats for passengers.      n-count  

people mover        ( people movers    plural  ) , people-mover   A people mover is the same as a people carrier.      n-count  

street people     
Street people are homeless people who live outdoors in a town or city.      n-plural  

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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used as written abbreviation



characteristic of awesome people or things

problem solver


one who solves people‘s problems



face that people are showing during orgasm





snubbing people by using one’s mobile phone

[Neologism] portmanteau word : phone + snubbing



prejudice or discrimination against people who are fat

elderly sitter


person who assists elderly people in their daily life

laugh and the world will laugh with you; weep and you will weep alone


when you are happy, people will want to be around you and share your happiness, but when you are sad, people will avoid you.




a member of a European people of Russia, living chiefly in the middle Volga region

a member of a European people of Russia, living chiefly in the middle Volga region

cash mob


a group of people who decide to meet and make purchases at a local business. The aim is both to support it and to meet up with the community.

Inspired by the phenomenon of flash mobs, which refers to groups of people mobilized by social media to perform entertaining or unusual acts in public, such as choreographies



a small group of people or things within a much larger group

There are a lot of national minorities in my home country (Denmark). We have a lot of people from Poland, Somalia etc.



police crowd management technique that consists of herding people into a compact group. AKA corralling

top that!


You say ‘top that!’ when you have achieved something and you want to challenge other people to do better

I know four celebrities — top that!



a person who prefers to interact with his/her Google glasses rather than communicating with people in real life





A meeting of people who have the same interests, or belong to the same organization

I like conventions more than meeting with people who have nothing in common with me.



a person who is always thinking of what other people want and is anxious not to disturb them

I want to be a considerate person who always help friends when they are in trouble.



financial support for project provided collectively by a network of people on the Internet


Cyber Terrorism


The attack on computers, networks and interconnected infrastructures with intent to intimidate or coerce a national, international, groups of people or organizations in furtherance of political, social or personal objectives.

[Tech.];[Leg.] The attack on computers, networks and interconnected infrastructures with intent to intimidate or coerce a national, international community.

residential care


care provided for old or sick people or children in a residential facility («home»)

resettlement programme


a government scheme that moves people to a new area (e.g. because a dam is being built where they live)

rotten apple OR bad apple


Arotten apple is a member of a group, or a single element in a set of things, that is bad and likely to corrupt the other people or things in the group

Allusion to the expression «One bad apple spoils the barrel»

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  • community
  • crowd
  • family
  • folk
  • nation
  • population
  • public
  • society
  • bodies
  • bourgeois
  • citizens
  • clan
  • commonality
  • folks
  • heads
  • herd
  • horde
  • humanity
  • humankind
  • humans
  • inhabitants
  • kin
  • masses
  • mob
  • mortals
  • multitude
  • nationality
  • persons
  • plebeians
  • populace
  • proletariat
  • race
  • tribe
  • John/Jane Q. Public
  • body politic
  • common people
  • general public
  • hoi polloi
  • human race
  • person in the street
  • rabble
  • rank and file
  • riffraff

See also synonyms for: peoples

On this page you’ll find 93 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to people, such as: community, crowd, family, folk, nation, and population.

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • earth
  • flesh
  • human species
  • humanity
  • humankind
  • man
  • mortality
  • people
  • society
  • universe
  • world
  • conquer
  • found
  • immigrate
  • migrate
  • people
  • pioneer
  • transplant
  • body politic
  • citizenry
  • citizens
  • commonality
  • democracy
  • federation
  • nation
  • people
  • polity
  • republic
  • society
  • associations
  • body politics
  • centers
  • colonies
  • commonalities
  • commonwealths
  • companies
  • districts
  • general publics
  • hamlets
  • localities
  • nations
  • neck of the woods
  • neighborhoods
  • people
  • populaces
  • publics
  • residents
  • societies
  • states
  • stomping grounds
  • territories
  • turfs
  • association
  • body politic
  • center
  • colony
  • commonality
  • commonwealth
  • company
  • district
  • general public
  • hamlet
  • locality
  • nation
  • neck of the woods
  • neighborhood
  • people
  • populace
  • public
  • residents
  • society
  • state
  • stomping ground
  • territory
  • turf
  • balloters
  • body of voters
  • body politic
  • citizenry
  • city
  • county
  • district
  • electorate
  • electors
  • faction
  • nation
  • people
  • precinct
  • state
  • system
  • voters
  • voting area
  • ward

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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