Capacity синоним

What is another word for Capacity?

  • capability

    ability, talent

  • competence

    ability, talent

  • power

    ability, energy

  • volume

    contents, quantity

  • ability

    talent, possibility

  • faculty

    ability, talent

  • aptitude

    ability, potential

  • size

    volume, contents

  • space

    volume, room

  • efficiency

    responsibility, reliability

  • scope

    extent, size

  • position

    post, function

  • talent

    faculty, competence

  • room

    contents, size

  • magnitude

    size, quantity

  • gift

  • aptness

    potential, competence

  • competency


  • strength

    energy, potential

  • post

    position, function

  • genius

    potential, competence

  • dimensions

    size, contents

  • might

    energy, competence

  • potential


  • function

    role, duty

  • content

  • intelligence


  • facility


  • measure

    volume, contents

  • office

    position, duty

  • skill

  • compass

    extent, size

  • role


  • range

    extent, volume

  • quantity

    volume, dimension

  • bent

    inclination, faculty

  • knack


  • forte


  • endowment

    talent, potential

  • capacitance


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capability, capacious, capaciousness, capacitance, capacitor

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Synonyms for Capacity. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 29, from

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Synonyms for Capacity. 2016. Accessed April 29, 2023.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • capacity [kəˈpæsɪtɪ] сущ

    1. мощностьж, производительностьж, вместимостьж, объемм, емкостьж, пропускная способность, грузоподъемностьж, вместительностьж

      (power, performance, tonnage, volume, tank, bandwidth, carrying capacity, spaciousness)

      • total annual production capacity – суммарная производственная мощность
      • expansion of production capacity – расширение производственных мощностей
      • original design capacity – первоначальная проектная мощность
      • capacity range – диапазон производительности
      • tank capacity – вместимость бака
      • memory capacity – объем памяти
      • functional residual capacity – функциональная остаточная емкость
      • hard disk drive capacity – емкость жесткого диска
      • capacity of the vessel – грузоподъемность судна
    2. способностьж, возможностьж, дееспособностьж, потенциалм

      (ability, capability, potential)

      • heat storage capacity – теплоаккумулирующая способность
      • passenger handling capacity – пропускная способность
      • accommodation capacity – возможность размещения
      • full legal capacity – полная дееспособность
      • institutional capacity – институциональный потенциал
    3. качествоср


      • professional capacities – профессиональные качества
    4. правоспособностьж

      (legal capacity)

      • legal capacity – гражданская правоспособность
    5. должностьж


    6. нагрузкаж


    7. производственная мощность

      (production capacity)

    8. работоспособностьж


      • mental capacity – умственная работоспособность
  • capacity [kəˈpæsɪtɪ] прил

    1. емкостный


мощность power, capacity, output, energy, duty, width
емкость capacity, capacitance, volume, content, holding capacity, volumetric capacity
способность ability, capacity, power, capability, faculty, aptitude
вместимость capacity, holding capacity, content, bulk
объем volume, capacity, size, bulk, space, content
производительность performance, productivity, capacity, output, efficiency, productiveness
пропускная способность capacity, throughput, carrying capacity, output, out-turn
возможность opportunity, possibility, potential, capacity, ability, chance
нагрузка load, burden, loading, strain, capacity, weight
правоспособность legal capacity, capacity
качество quality, character, grade, property, degree, capacity
мощь power, might, capacity, vis
разрядность capacity
компетенция competence, competency, expertise, terms of reference, scope, capacity
электрическая емкость capacity, permittance
умственные способности intelligence, mind, capacity, brain, mentality, intellectual facilities
электроемкость capacity
положение position, location, situation, provision, state, capacity

Предложения со словом «capacity»

It detonates a mindset of less than that utterly disregards capacity , ability, potential, instead prioritizing brokenness and lack.

Он вызывает ассоциации с чем — то ущербным, совершенно не учитывая потенциал, способности и возможности, вместо этого уделяя первостепенное внимание беспомощности и недостаткам.

But despite the fact that the Federalists, once in power, actually enacted laws that criminalized criticism of the government — that happened in the United States — nevertheless, the Republicans fought back, and Madison began to emphasize the freedom of speech, which he had built into the Bill of Rights, and the capacity of civil society to organize.

Но несмотря на то, что федералисты, придя к власти, ввели законы, уголовно преследовавшие критику действий правительства, — это действительно произошло в США — тем не менее республиканцы сопротивлялись, и Мэдисон стал придавать большое значение свободе слова, которую он включил в Билль о правах, и потенциалу гражданского общества к организации.

The capacity to put together private groups, individuals, political parties and others who would organize to try to bring about fundamental change.

Его потенциал объединять частные группы, отдельные личности, политические партии и организации, которые образовываются, чтобы попытаться привнести кардинальные изменения.

I’m pushing us to challenge our own capacity to fully experience our humanity, by understanding the full biography of people who we can easily choose not to see.

Я призываю всех нас собрать весь свой гуманизм и насколько это возможно попытаться понять, чем живут люди, которых нам проще не замечать.

We measured her strength by her capacity to endure pain and suffering.

Мы мерили её силу тем, насколько легко она переносила боль и страдания.

My country has taught me the capacity for a human being to love is akin to godliness.

Моя страна научила меня, что способность человека к любви сродни святости.

But within that celebration the quest to cultivate our capacity for love and compassion has to assert itself, has to assert itself, just as equally.

Но в рамках этого чествования нужно в равной степени уделять внимание стремлению развивать нашу способность к любви и состраданию.

Thank God, no system can nullify our desire to open up to the good, to compassion and to our capacity to react against evil, all of which stem from deep within our hearts.

Слава Богу, никакая система не может запретить открыться навстречу добру, состраданию и нашей способности сопротивляться злу, которые исходят из глубины нашего сердца.

I could see that the security guard was moved by the building and that architecture has that capacity to move you.

Я увидел, что здание взяло его за живое и что архитектура может взять за живое других людей.

Laughter and tears are both involuntary human reactions, testaments to our capacity for expression.

Смех и слёзы — простые человеческие реакции, свидетельства способности самовыражения.

If we truly want young people to engage safely, ethically, and yes, enjoyably, it’s time to have open honest discussion about what happens after yes, and that includes breaking the biggest taboo of all and talking to young people about women’s capacity for and entitlement to sexual pleasure.

Если мы реально хотим, чтобы отношения молодых людей были безопасными, этичными и, да, приятными, пора честно поговорить о том, что происходит после да, в том числе нарушить самое главное табу и поговорить с молодыми людьми о способности женщин получать удовольствие от секса и их праве на это.

You’d stay until, at some point, the jail would be booked to capacity , and they’d want to book someone new in.

Ты бы оставался там до тех пор, пока тюрьма не была бы заполнена, и им захотелось бы взять туда новенького.

These needs must be prioritized by NGO workers, policy makers, the WHO, the UNHCR and every single one of us in whatever capacity it is that we function in our society.

Особенно это касается работников НПО, политических деятелей, членов ВОЗ, УВКБ и каждого из нас, независимо от роли в обществе.

Soap operas teach us to push away doubt and believe in our capacity for bravery, vulnerability, adaptability and resilience.

Сериалы учат нас, как отбросить сомнения и поверить в наши способности: быть смелыми, уязвимыми, гибкими и жизнестойкими.

Neal had over two decades of experience in journalism, but he makes it clear that he’s not there in his capacity as journalist, but as a neighbor who wants to help.

У Нила больше 20 лет опыта в журналистике, но он дал понять, что пришёл не как журналист, а по — соседски, с желанием помочь.

In healthy conditions, more than 95 percent of their oxygen capacity is utilized.

Если вы здоровы, то используется более 95% ёмкости кислорода.

Now, when you view trust through this lens, it starts to explain why it has the unique capacity to enable us to cope with uncertainty, to place our faith in strangers, to keep moving forward.

Если взглянуть на доверие c этой стороны, становится понятно, почему у него есть уникальная способность помогать нам справляться с неопределённостью, полагаться на незнакомцев, продолжать движение вперёд.

The spores have the capacity for male and female organs.

У спор есть как мужские, так и женские органы.

Her mother had an amazing capacity for rationalization and denial.

У матери была удивительная способность к рационализации и опровержениям.

The motive also came second to the capacity to hate.

Мотив всегда был вторичен по отношению к способности ненавидеть.

Rectification of Doppler will consume most of their enhancement capacity .

Коррекция эффекта Доплера съела бы всю их дополнительную мощность.

Notice how the lung capacity has already nearly doubled?

Вы заметили, что объем легких уже почти удвоился?

She had that capacity I found so disconcerting in Soulcatcher.

Она тоже обладала способностью, столь раздражавшей меня в Душелове.

But being a retrovirus, it has the rare capacity to copy and insert its genes right into a human DNA.

Но из — за того что он является ретровирусом, он имеет редкую способность копировать и встраивать свои гены прямо в ДНК человека.

It might be pointed out that we have been operating in the C-Block for a number of years now in this capacity .

Замечу, что мы действуем в подобном качестве внутри К — блока вот уже несколько лет.

She can’t be photographed, booked, or fingerprinted In any official capacity .

Ее нельзя фотографировать, прогонять через систему или снимать отпечатки пальцев в любом официальном качестве.

Each enrolled in the Communist Party, should improve their work capacity manual and intellectual.

Каждый член Коммунистической партии должен улучшать качество работы как физической, так и интеллектуальной.

We were hoping to involve you with the campaign in a more official capacity .

Мы надеялись на твое участие в кампании в более официальном качестве.

Each enrolled in the Communist Party, should improve their work capacity manual and intellectual.

Каждый член Коммунистической партии должен улучшать качество работы как физической, так и интеллектуальной.

We were hoping to involve you with the campaign in a more official capacity .

Мы надеялись на твое участие в кампании в более официальном качестве.

She can’t be photographed, booked, or fingerprinted In any official capacity .

Ее нельзя фотографировать, прогонять через систему или снимать отпечатки пальцев в любом официальном качестве.

It might be pointed out that we have been operating in the C-Block for a number of years now in this capacity .

Замечу, что мы действуем в подобном качестве внутри К — блока вот уже несколько лет.

Each enrolled in the Communist Party, should improve their work capacity manual and intellectual.

Каждый член Коммунистической партии должен улучшать качество работы как физической, так и интеллектуальной.

We were hoping to involve you with the campaign in a more official capacity .

Мы надеялись на твое участие в кампании в более официальном качестве.

She can’t be photographed, booked, or fingerprinted In any official capacity .

Ее нельзя фотографировать, прогонять через систему или снимать отпечатки пальцев в любом официальном качестве.

It might be pointed out that we have been operating in the C-Block for a number of years now in this capacity .

Замечу, что мы действуем в подобном качестве внутри К — блока вот уже несколько лет.

But the result appears to be a total collapse of the enemy’s capacity to fight.

Но результатом стала полная неспособность нашего врага к боевым действиям.

Robots were developed with telepathic capacity , but that meant that even human thought could be monitored, so that human behavior became still more dependent on robotic oversight.

Роботы развили телепатические способности, и это означало, что стало возможным управлять мыслями человека.

It actually weakens your will takes away the capacity for free and creative thought and makes you a slave to the state.

Ослабляет желание лишает способности свободно, творчески мыслить и превращает тебя в раба государства.

Its limitless organising capacity refined to a single frame and obedient to the will of your Keeper.

Его безграничная способность к организации усовершенствовалась до единой структуры и послушна желанию вашего Хранителя.

They need the tendency to doubt and the capacity to believe in equal measure.

Им необходима склонность к сомнениям и способность верить в равной мере.

Still, you arrogantly guarantee a capacity to withstand an unknown force with unknown armaments.

При этом ты самонадеянно гарантируешь его способность противостоять незнакомой силе с незнакомым вооружением.

Its absence robs us of all pleasure of our capacity for joy.

Её отсутствие лишает нас всех наслаждений и вкуса к радостям жизни.

A capacity to absorb vast amounts of arcane knowledge and to work with it.

Нужна способность глубоко погружаться в тайные знания и работать с ними.

We are equipped with ten phaser banks 250 photon torpedoes, and a high-capacity shield grid.

Корабль оборудован десятью фазерными массивами, 250 фотонными торпедами и системой щитов высокой емкости.

We engaged Logan in his capacity as a mental-deficiency nurse.

Мы наняли Логана как специалиста по уходу за психически больными.

He’s not living in a past time and place, he’s living in the present, with the capacity and intelligence to evade law enforcement.

Он живет не в прошлом, а в настоящем, и способен уклоняться от правоохранительных органов.

Because the Ancients didn’t design these things to run continuously at maximum capacity .

Потому что Древние не предназначали эти штуки для непрерывной работы на максимуме возможностей.

Soon, very soon, the central processing engine of the construct’s brain was whirring and clicking at full capacity .

Уже весьма скоро центральный процессор мозга стрекотал и пощелкивал во всю мощь.

I had already witnessed Aahz’s capacity for alcohol, astounding in an era noted for heavy drinkers.

Я уже был свидетелем способности Ааза поглощать спиртное, поразительной даже в эпоху, славившуюся горкими пьяницами.

Their combined computation capacity is producing predictions of our behavior already.

Совместная мощность их компьютеров уже дает прогнозы наших действий.

We have managed this through allocation of additional manufacturing capacity to construction equipment and the extraordinary efforts of our personnel.

Это удалось благодаря увеличению мощности строительного оборудования и неимоверным усилиям нашего персонала.

You, however, have accomplished great things and have the capacity to accomplish even more.

Ты же достиг больших высот и у тебя есть возможность достичь ещё большего.

Fast couriers gained most of their speed by trading off carrying capacity .

Курьеры большую часть своих скоростных качеств приобретали за счет ограниченной грузоподъемности.

His problems are such that he isn’t able to function in the capacity he is intellectually capable of.

Его проблемы таковы, что он не может полностью реализовать возможности своего интеллекта.

The Council was set up shortly after our arrival to act in an advisory capacity .

Совет в качестве консультативного органа был учрежден сразу же после основания колонии.

His body, so recently old and frail, is now operating at the very limits of human capacity .

Его тело, ещё недавно старое и больное, теперь действует на пределе человеческих возможностей.

This will demonstrate system flexibility and capacity to spontaneously emote to changes in programming.

Это продемонстрирует гибкость системы и ее возможность самостоятельно реагировать на изменения в программировании.

Their differences bring symmetry their unique capacity to fight against impossible odds.

Их различия вносят симметрию в их редкую способность сражаться с превосходящим по силе противником.

He’d intended to say that he and Pharaun wished to consult Smylla in her professional capacity as a trader in information.

Он уже собирался сказать, что они хотят обсудить со Смиллой кое — что и получить нужную информацию.

All synonyms in one line

ability, adequacy, appointment, aptitude, aptness,, area, arm, attitude, beef, bent, bias, bounty, business, capability, capacitance, charge, competence, content, contents, cunning, dimensions, dint, disposition, efficiency, electrical capacity,, endowment, expanse, faculty, fondness, force, forte, frequency, function, genius, gift, health, hire, hope, inclination, knack, leaning, magnitude, mass, measure, mental ability, might, office, penchant, position, possibilities,, post, potency, potential, potentiality, power, predilection, proclivity, proficiency, propensity, province, purpose, quantity, reliability, responsibility, room, service, sinecure, size, skill, space, spread, stability, station, strength, talent, trustworthiness, turn, utility, vigour, volume.

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. capacitynoun


  2. capacitynoun

    Electrical capacitance.


  3. capacitynoun

    The maximum that can be produced on a machine or in a facility or group.

    Its capacity rating was 150 tons per hour, but its actual maximum capacity was 200 tons per hour.


  4. capacitynoun

    Filling the allotted space.

    There will be a capacity crowd at Busch stadium for the sixth game.


  5. capacitynoun

    A measure of such ability; volume


  6. capacitynoun

    The maximum amount that can be held


  7. capacitynoun

    Capability; the ability to perform some task


  8. capacitynoun

    The maximum that can be produced.


  9. capacitynoun

    Mental ability; the power to learn


  10. capacitynoun

    A faculty; the potential for growth and development


  11. capacitynoun

    A role; the position in which one functions


  12. capacitynoun

    Legal authority (to make an arrest for example)


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. capacity

    Power is the most general term of this group, including every quality, property, or faculty by which any change, effect, or result is, or may be, produced; as, the power of the legislature to enact laws, or of the executive to enforce them; the power of an acid to corrode a metal; the power of a polished surface to reflect light. Ability is nearly coextensive with power, but does not reach the positiveness and vigor that may be included in the meaning of power, ability often implying latent, as distinguished from active power; we speak of an exertion of power, but not of an exertion of ability. Power and ability include capacity, which is power to receive; but ability is often distinguished from capacity, as power that may be manifested in doing, as capacity is in receiving; one may have great capacity for acquiring knowledge, and yet not possess ability to teach. Efficiency is active power to effect a definite result, the power that actually does, as distinguished from that which may do. Competency is equal to the occasion, readiness prompt for the occasion. Faculty is an inherent quality of mind or body; talent, some special mental ability. Dexterity and skill are readiness and facility in action, having a special end; talent is innate, dexterity and skill are largely acquired. Our abilities include our natural capacity, faculties, and talents, with all the dexterity, skill, and readiness that can be acquired. Efficacy is the power to produce an intended effect as shown in the production of it; as, the efficacy of a drug. Efficiency is effectual agency, competent power; efficiency is applied in mechanics as denoting the ratio of the effect produced to the power expended in producing it; but this word is chiefly used of intelligent agents as denoting the quality that brings all one’s power to bear promptly and to the best purpose on the thing to be done. Compare ADDRESS; DEXTERITY; SKILFUL.

    ability, aptitude, capability, cleverness, cogency, competency, dexterity, efficacy, efficiency, energy, expertness, faculty, force, might, power, qualification, readiness, skill, strength, susceptibility, talent

    awkwardness, dulness, feebleness, helplessness, imbecility, impotence, inability, inaptitude, incapacity, incompetence, inefficiency, maladroitness, stupidity, unskilfulness, weakness

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.5 / 2 votes

  1. capacity

    space, size, volume, tonnage, calibre, ability, faculty, compatability, cleverness, talents, magnitude, parts, competency, compressiveness, accommodation

    narrowness, restriction, incapacity, coarctation, contractedness

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. capacitynoun

    capability to perform or produce

    «among his gifts is his capacity for true altruism»; «limited runway capacity»; «a great capacity for growth»

    mental ability, content, capacitance, electrical capacity, capability


  2. capability, capacitynoun

    the susceptibility of something to a particular treatment

    «the capability of a metal to be fused»

    capability, potentiality, mental ability, capacity, capacitance, capableness, content, electrical capacity


  3. capacity, contentnoun

    the amount that can be contained

    «the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons»

    mental object, capacitance, depicted object, contentedness, substance, message, subject matter, capacity, capability, cognitive content, subject, mental ability, content, electrical capacity


  4. capacitynoun

    the maximum production possible

    «the plant is working at 80 per cent capacity»

    mental ability, content, capacitance, electrical capacity, capability


  5. capacitynoun

    a specified function

    «he was employed in the capacity of director»; «he should be retained in his present capacity at a higher salary»

    mental ability, content, capacitance, electrical capacity, capability


  6. capacitynoun

    (computer science) the amount of information (in bytes) that can be stored on a disk drive

    «the capacity of a hard disk drive is usually expressed in megabytes»

    mental ability, content, capacitance, electrical capacity, capability


  7. capacitance, electrical capacity, capacitynoun

    an electrical phenomenon whereby an electric charge is stored

    electrical condenser, capacitance, capacitor, mental ability, condenser, capacity, capability, content, electrical capacity


  8. capacity, mental abilitynoun

    the power to learn or retain knowledge; in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior

    mental ability, content, capacitance, capacity, electrical capacity, capability


  9. capacitynoun

    tolerance for alcohol

    «he had drunk beyond his capacity»

    mental ability, content, capacitance, electrical capacity, capability


Matched Categories

    • Capability
    • Computer Science
    • Electrical Phenomenon
    • Function
    • Indefinite Quantity
    • Production
    • Susceptibility
    • Tolerance
    • Volume

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. capacitynoun

    capaciousness, magnitude (in reference to contents), volume, dimensions, amplitude, extent of room or space

  2. capacitynoun

    power (of apprehension), faculty, talent, genius, gift, turn, FORTE, parts, brains, aptness, aptitude, discernment, wit, mother-wit, calibre

  3. capacitynoun

    ABILITY, ableness, capability, cleverness, skill, skilfulness, competency, efficiency, readiness

  4. capacitynoun

    office, post, sphere, province, character, function, service, charge

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «capacity»:

    ability, capacities, capability, capabilities, abilities, capacity-, capacity-building, skills, quality, title, potential, power, proficiency, competence, capable, means, capacités, able, skill

How to pronounce CAPACITY?

How to say CAPACITY in sign language?

How to use CAPACITY in a sentence?

  1. Adar Poonawalla:

    We are in a unique position to be able to make so many different vaccines at a huge volume and capacity, for an investor to come in an at a $12-13 billion valuation, it will be a fantastic deal, leaving a lot of upside.

  2. Myles Allen:

    It will need the development of a capacity for disposing of CO2 on a reasonably large scale, either captured from the air or from emissions from fossil fuels that countries or companies simply cannot bring themselves to leave in the ground.

  3. Warren East:

    This is essentially capacity management by some of our customers.

  4. Mathieu Jaton:

    We’ll have 600 places, doubling our capacity. There was so much demand. Stanley Clarke, Brad Mehldau, Chick Corea, all the big jazz names will be there.

  5. Federal Prosecutor General Harald Range:

    We are at the limits of our capacity.

Translations for CAPACITY

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • سعةArabic
  • компетентност, производителност, правоспособност, вместимост, капацитет, способностBulgarian
  • capacitatCatalan, Valencian
  • KapazitätGerman
  • ιδιότητα, ικανότητα, θέση, χωρητικότητα, απόδοσηGreek
  • capacidadSpanish
  • kapasiteetti, kykyFinnish
  • capacitéFrench
  • acmhainnIrish
  • כושר, יכולתHebrew
  • सामर्थ्यHindi
  • kapacitásHungarian
  • capacitàItalian
  • 容量Japanese
  • 생산 능력Korean
  • āheitangaMāori
  • isian, kapasiti, muatanMalay
  • kapasitetNorwegian
  • capaciteit, hoedanigheid, capaciteitenDutch
  • kapasitetNorwegian Nynorsk
  • pojemnośćPolish
  • capacidadePortuguese
  • capacitateRomanian
  • правоспособность, вместимость, способность, ёмкость, мощность, компетентность, производительностьRussian
  • nosivostSerbo-Croatian
  • திறன்Tamil
  • సామర్థ్యంTelugu
  • yetenekTurkish
  • ємністьUkrainian
  • sức chứaVietnamese
  • 容量Chinese

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  • English (English)


Use the citation below to add these synonyms to your bibliography:

Are we missing a good synonym for CAPACITY?


1    amplitude, compass, dimensions, extent, magnitude, range, room, scope, size, space, volume  

2    ability, aptitude, aptness, brains, capability, cleverness, competence, competency, efficiency, facility, faculty, forte, genius, gift, intelligence, power, readiness, strength  

3    appointment, function, office, position, post, province, role, service, sphere  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  



     ( capacities    plural  )

1       n-var   Your capacityfor something is your ability to do it, or the amount of it that you are able to do.  
oft with poss, N for n/-ing, N to-inf  
Our capacity for giving care, love and attention is limited…, Her mental capacity and temperament are as remarkable as his., …people’s creative capacities.     

2       n-uncount   The capacity of something such as a factory, industry, or region is the quantity of things that it can produce or deliver with the equipment or resources that are available.  
Bread factories are working at full capacity…, The region is valued for its coal and vast electricity-generating capacity…     

3       n-count   The capacity of a piece of equipment is its size or power, often measured in particular units.  
…an aircraft with a bomb-carrying capacity of 454 kg.     

4       n-var   The capacity of a container is its volume, or the amount of liquid it can hold, measured in units such as litres or gallons.  
…the fuel tanks, which had a capacity of 140 litres…, Grease 6 ramekin dishes of 150 ml (5-6 fl oz) capacity.     

5       n-sing   The capacity of a building, place, or vehicle is the number of people or things that it can hold. If a place is filled to capacity, it is as full as it can possibly be.  
also no det, oft to N  
Each stadium had a seating capacity of about 50,000…, Toronto hospital maternity wards were filled to capacity.     

6       adj   A capacity crowd or audience completely fills a theatre, sports stadium, or other place.  
ADJ n  
A capacity crowd of 76,000 people was at Wembley football stadium for the event.     

7       n-count   If you do something in a particular capacity, you do it as part of a particular job or duty, or because you are representing a particular organization or person.  
WRITTEN   with supp, in N, oft poss N as n  
Ms Halliwell visited the Philippines in her capacity as a Special Representative of Unicef…, This article is written in a personal capacity…     

Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary  

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Any person, including a captain, who is employed or engaged or works in any capacity on board a ship and whose normal place of work is on a ship.

burst at the seams


to be filled beyond regular capacity; a garment like trousers you’re wearing and bursting at the seams (whether because they shrank in the wash or you gained weight) would be a perfect literal example of this idiom and figuratively, it means: to be beyond full.

[Fig.] The initially intimate celebration Forrest had organised was soon flooded with unexpected guests; his small house burst at the seams and ended up getting wildly trashed

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