What is another word for Canvas?
painting on coarse material
material, painting on coarse material
painting on coarse material
painting on coarse material
painting on coarse material
Use filters to view other words, we have 402 synonyms for canvas.
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- tarp
- tarpaulin
- duck
- fly
- sailcloth
- shade
- tenting
- awning cloth
- art
- artwork
- picture
- piece
- portrait
- watercolor
- oil
- still life
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
On this page you’ll find 24 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to canvas, such as: tarp, tarpaulin, duck, fly, sailcloth, and shade.
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How to use canvas in a sentence
Every detail of this canvas is perfect, because every detail is true, drawn straight from life, the fruit of minute observation.
He, Bastien-Lepage, painter of the soil, found himself unable to transfer to canvas the enchantment of that land of fairy tale!
A terrific roar followed, the canvas was instantly torn open, and the whole tent fell in dire confusion on the top of its inmates.
Then he got slowly upon his knees, and, gently removing the incumbent folds of canvas, looked out.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- awning
- bark
- binding
- canopy
- canvas
- cap
- caparison
- case
- ceiling
- cloak
- clothing
- coating
- covering
- coverlet
- dome
- dress
- envelope
- hood
- integument
- jacket
- lid
- marquee
- overlay
- paint
- parasol
- roof
- screen
- sheath
- sheet
- shroud
- stopper
- tarp
- tarpaulin
- tegument
- tent
- top
- umbrella
- wrapper
- wraps
- asylums
- camouflages
- concealment
- coverts
- defenses
- drops
- fronts
- guards
- harborages
- harbors
- havens
- ports
- protections
- refuges
- retreats
- safeties
- sanctuaries
- screens
- securities
- shelters
- basement
- boards
- canvas
- carpet
- cellar
- deck
- downstairs
- flat
- flooring
- ground
- landing
- lowest point
- mat
- mezzanine
- nadir
- rug
- stage
- story
- tier
- upstairs
- art
- canvas
- composition
- design
- drawing
- mural
- oil
- picture
- portrait
- seascape
- watercolor
- canvas
- hawk
- huckster
- market
- monger
- push
- shove
- solicit
- trade
- vend
- account
- art
- blueprint
- canvas
- cartoon
- copy
- delineation
- depiction
- description
- doodle
- double
- draft
- drawing
- duplicate
- effigy
- engraving
- figure
- icon
- image
- impression
- lookalike
- outline
- painting
- panorama
- photo
- photograph
- piece
- portrait
- portrayal
- presentment
- re-creation
- replica
- report
- representation
- ringer
- similitude
- simulacrum
- sketch
- spectacle
- spitting image
- statue
- tableau
- twin
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
canvas [ˈkænvəs] сущ
холстм, полотноср, холстинаж
(linen, cloth)
- canvas size – размер холста
- historical canvas – историческое полотно
- clean canvas – чистая холстина
картинаж, живописное полотно
- large canvases – большие картины
брезентм, парусинаж, тентм
(tarpaulin, sailcloth, awning)
- thin canvas – тонкий брезент
- white canvas – белая парусина
canvas [ˈkænvəs] прил
брезентовый, парусиновый, холщовый, полотняный, холстяной
(tarpaulin, linen)
- canvas tent – брезентовая палатка
- canvas bag – парусиновый мешок
- canvas sack – холщовый мешок
noun | ||
холст | canvas, linen, scrim, cloth, sackcloth, crash | |
полотно | canvas, cloth, blade, linen, bed, Holland | |
парусина | canvas, sailcloth, duck, linen | |
брезент | tarpaulin, canvas | |
картина | picture, painting, scene, view, piece, canvas | |
канва | canvas | |
паруса | sail, canvas, clothing | |
парус | sail, canvas, velum, sheet, brattice | |
суда | vessels, canvas, water-craft | |
adjective | ||
брезентовый | canvas, tarpaulin | |
verb | ||
закрывать холстом | canvas | |
оснащать парусами | canvas |
Предложения со словом «canvas»
And we washed them, we cut them up, we glued them together, and we began to draw on them, creating a huge canvas. |
Мы их мыли, нареза́ли, склеивали и рисовали на них, создавая гигантское полотно. |
I painted on guitars, I started doing murals, anything I could find my hand on I painted, and everything became my canvas. |
Я расписывал гитары, расписывал стены, я расписывал всё, что мог расписать, и это всё становилось моим холстом . |
So I used to have an old Saab — the kind of canvas top that drips on your head when it rains — and I drove all the way down to the eastern shore of Maryland. |
У меня был старенький Saab — знаете, такой с парусиновым верхом, который протекает в дождь — и я поехала на нём на восточное побережье Мэриленда. |
Canvas case, containing scissors, dressings, forceps. |
Завернутые в ткань ножницы, перевязочный материал, щипцы. |
I use oil paint and brushes and canvas. |
Я использую масляные краски, кисти и холст . |
Miguel tossed him a flashlight from his canvas bag. |
Мигель достал из холщового мешка фонарик и бросил ему. |
Orest Kiprenskiy, Alexander Ivanov (including his well-known canvas The Appearance of Christ Before the People), Ivan Kramskoy, and sculptures by Fedot Shubin. |
— картины Дмитрия Левицкого, Федора Рокотова, Карла Брюллова, Ореста Кипренского, Александра Иванова (включая его известное полотно Явление Христа народу), Ивана Крамского и скульптуры Федота Шубина. |
There was a canvas bag that was buried there. |
Тело нашли в брезентовом мешке, который был зарыт там. |
Magic is when usual packing of oil paints turns on a canvas to a surprising landscape. |
Волшебство — это когда обычная упаковка масляных красок превращается на холсте в удивительный пейзаж. |
I read somewhere that at the time he had not seen the works of French Impressionists, who tried to catch the sunlight and the air and transfer it to the canvas. |
Я читал, что в то время он еще не видел работ французских импрессионистов, которые пытались поймать солнечный свет и воздух, и передать его на полотне. |
He deeply felt what he wished to express and his brush transferred these feelings to the canvas. |
Он глубоко чувствовал, то что он хотел бы выразить и его кисти передавали эти чувства на холст . |
He was prone on a makeshift litter devised from oars and canvas. |
Вернее, он лежал распростертым на носилках, на скорую руку сооруженных из весел и парусины. |
It was a terrible sight, but more terrible were the small rips that were appearing in the canvas. |
Зрелище было жуткое, но еще страшней были прорехи, тут и там появлявшиеся на парусах. |
He spread paint across a paper stencil and pushed it against the canvas with a brush. |
Он наносил краски через бумажный трафарет и с нажимом вел кистью по полотну. |
Some weave stout canvas for sails, and others cut and sew it. |
Некоторые ткут плотное полотно для парусов, а другие кроят и шьют их. |
Light spruce beams and stretched white sheets of canvas. |
И праздничные лучи света, и натянутые вдоль стен белые полотна. |
Instinctively he saw them rendered as motionless reproductions captured in oil on canvas. |
Инстинктивно он превращал их в своем сознании в статичные картины, словно запечатленные маслом на полотне. |
Tracy was awakened by the slash of light hitting the inside of the truck as someone raised the canvas. |
Трейси очнулась от яркого света, ударившего ей в глаза, так как кто — то открыл брезент. |
A portrait painter rendered his subject, the enchantments in the brush enabling him to fill the canvas with astonishing speed. |
Художник — портретист с изумительной скоростью заполнял холст волшебной кистью. |
Now this is an inexpensive canvas from the turn of the century, painted by an amateur. |
Вот недорогой холст периода начала прошлого века с картиной какого — то любителя. |
The painter stumbles like a blind man in the darkness of the white canvas. |
Художник подобен слепцу, а белый холст играет роль окружающей темноты. |
There were hard bulges under the canvas that tightened in the rain. |
Твердые выпуклости торчали под брезентом, намокшим от дождя. |
Needle and palm in hand, he took Clout’s place and sewed up the canvas cover over the top of the keg. |
Он быстро сел на место Клута и зашил отверстие в парусине. |
I drilled a little hole with a paperclip, and I enlarged this hole in the canvas with a conical end of a ball-point pen. |
Я проделал скрепкой небольшое отверстие в парусине и расширил его конусообразным концом щариковой ручки. |
Canvas, tarpaulin, something that doesn’t stick. |
Брезент, парусину, что — то что не липнет. |
A handful of canvas scraps was on one corner of the table. |
На одном конце стола стопочкой лежали куски разглаженной парусины. |
I’d trade a sketch or a canvas for room, board, a ride to the next town. |
Я торговал эскизами и холстами , чтобы снимать комнату, питаться и ездить в другие города. |
Hornblower had not ventured to hoist sail, lest a gleam of canvas might be visible to the distant ship at sea. |
Хорнблауэр не поставил паруса, дабы с далекого корабля в море не приметили их отблеск. |
There was a canvas bag filled with other books resting at his feet. |
У его ног лежал брезентовый мешок, полный книг. |
Tina dropped the phone back on the receiver before she changed her mind, grabbed her oversized canvas bag and headed out the door. |
Тина положила трубку, схватила большую брезентовую сумку и направилась к двери. |
He and Loiselle had looked at a canvas bag on the bank’s floor. |
Он и Луазель заглянули в брезентовый мешок на полу банка. |
He looked in the canvas bag at the big cleaned fish and felt a twinge of appetite. |
Потом заглянул в брезентовую сумку, увидел большую выпотрошенную рыбину и почувствовал, как рождается аппетит. |
Royal dug a hole for Buckley behind the garden shed and buried him in a canvas duffel bag. |
Ройал выкопал могилу для Бакли у ограды сада и похоронил его в парусиновой охотничьей сумке. |
The car rocked alarmingly on the jack, and the spare was down to the canvas in two places. |
Машина опасно покачивалась на домкрате, а запасная покрышка оказалась протертой до основы в двух местах. |
He worked the fingers of his right hand between the buttons of his waistcoat, feeling for the buttoned flap of the canvas belt. |
Мэллори просунул пальцы правой руки между пуговицами жилета и нащупал клапан парусинового пояса. |
Two blocks down the street a canvas-topped truck careened around the corner and pulled to a stop. |
В двух кварталах от нас из — за угла выехал грузовик с обтянутым брезентом кузовом и остановился. |
In the center of each was a mound of supplies covered with red canvas and secured with ropes. |
В середине каждого каноэ высилась гора припасов, накрытая красным брезентом и надежно обтянутая веревками. |
It seemed made of a strong canvas-like material. |
Занавес был сшит из плотного, похожего на брезент материала. |
Their truck was parked beside it, and another canvas of some sort had been rigged over its bed. |
Их грузовик стоял рядом, а над кузовом уже был натянут брезент. |
The flows should have been as steady as the threads in tight-woven canvas. |
Потокам надлежало застыть на месте, подобно нитям в плотном холсте . |
She changed sunglasses and stuffed the dress, heels and panty hose into a canvas gym bag. |
Переменила темные очки, сунула в сумку платье, туфли, пояс с чулками. |
She was sitting at her ease in the little canvas chair, with a book on her lap, watching him calmly. |
Она свободно сидела на парусиновом стульчике с книгой на коленях и невозмутимо смотрела на него. |
I went back to the houseboat and found an old canvas money bag that I used to collect pennies in. |
Я вернулся домой и отыскал старый кошелек из ткани, в который собирал пенни. |
With evident reluctance he reached up, slipped the canvas straps off his shoulders, shrugged the knapsack off and held it out toward the shepherd. |
С явной неохотой он все же скинул с плеч брезентовые лямки и протянул мешок пастырю. |
That was covered with several layers of canvas soaked in mastic. |
Трубка была покрыта несколькими слоями ткани, пропитанной мастикой. |
The canvas-topped wagon was rolling over level gray paving stones that stretched just the width of the village. |
Фургон под брезентом катился по серой брусчатке, которая простиралась во всю ширину деревни. |
Lady Progae removed a canvas sack tied about her waist with a bit of rope and placed it on the floor with gentle care. |
Леди Прога сняла привязанный к ее поясу холщовый мешок и бережно положила его на пол. |
Azzie stuffed his winnings into a stout canvas bag which he had been carrying around for just such a purpose. |
Аззи затолкал свои трофеи в прочный холщовый мешок, заранее припасенный именно для этой цели. |
He gave orders for the immediate re-establishment of the canvas ventilating shafts which had been removed when the decks were cleared for action. |
Хорнблауэр велел немедленно спустить вниз парусиновые вентиляционные шланги, убранные на время боя. |
In the center of the room an artist worked at an easel on a nearly completed canvas. |
В центре комнаты стоял на треноге мольберт с почти готовой картиной. |
He stared at the canvas above the mantelpiece, lighted now by the flare of burning wood. |
Он поднял глаза на картину над камином, озаряемую колышущимся пламенем. |
Jack joined the boy, then frowned and leaned closer to the canvas. |
Джек встал рядом с мальчиком, прищурился и приблизил лицо к картине. |
The mate had crouched beside him and was unrolling a canvas kit of tools. |
Старпом опустился на корточки подле него и уже разворачивал холщовую сумку с инструментами. |
They sat on small casks or piles of canvas and rope and used an old empty crate for a playing table. |
Они сидели на бочонках и бухтах каната, а игральным столом им служил пустой ящик. |
He rolled a blanket tight, wrapped it with a small patch of oiled canvas, and tied it with leather thongs to the bottom of his pack. |
Он скатал одеяло, завернул в промасленную холстину и привязал кожаным шнуром к мешку. |
I have never understood your fascination with canvas and crusted pigment. |
Я, кстати, никак не пойму вашего увлечения засохшей краской на мешковине. |
It could be canvas, fabric, or even a mesh, that will protect from sun, wind, and mosquitoes. |
Это может быть холст , ткань, или марля, что защитит солнца, ветра и мошкары. |
Base of Katepal shingles is thick nonwoven glass canvas each side of which is covered with high quality bitumen. |
Основой плитки Katepal служит толстый нетканый стеклохолст, с двух сторон покрытый битумом высшего качества. |
You thought I was wearing Acrylic, but it was canvas. |
Ты подумал, что я ношу акрил, но это был холст . |
Is your destiny canvas or crepe de Chine? |
Товоя судьба — это парусина или китайский шёлк? |
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 2 votes
canvas, canvassnoun
a heavy, closely woven fabric (used for clothing or chairs or sails or tents)
canvas tent, poll, sail, canvass, opinion poll, sheet, public opinion poll -
canvas, canvassnoun
an oil painting on canvas fabric
canvas tent, poll, sail, canvass, opinion poll, sheet, public opinion poll -
canvas, canvassnoun
the setting for a narrative or fictional or dramatic account
«the crowded canvas of history»; «the movie demanded a dramatic canvas of sound»
canvas tent, poll, sail, canvass, opinion poll, sheet, public opinion poll -
canvas tent, canvas, canvassnoun
a tent made of canvas fabric
canvas tent, poll, sail, canvass, opinion poll, sheet, public opinion poll -
sail, canvas, canvass, sheetnoun
a large piece of fabric (usually canvas fabric) by means of which wind is used to propel a sailing vessel
rag, canvas tent, bed sheet, public opinion poll, weather sheet, plane, sheet, flat solid, tack, sheet of paper, sail, canvass, shroud, poll, tabloid, mainsheet, opinion poll, piece of paper, cruise -
canvas, canvassverb
the mat that forms the floor of the ring in which boxers or professional wrestlers compete
«the boxer picked himself up off the canvas»
canvas tent, poll, sail, canvass, opinion poll, sheet, public opinion poll -
canvass, canvasverb
solicit votes from potential voters in an electoral campaign
analyse, canvass, poll, analyze, study, examine -
poll, canvass, canvasverb
get the opinions (of people) by asking specific questions
analyze, poll, study, canvass, examine, analyse, pollard -
cover with canvas
«She canvassed the walls of her living room so as to conceal the ugly cracks»
analyse, study, poll, canvass, analyze, examine -
analyze, analyse, study, examine, canvass, canvasverb
consider in detail and subject to an analysis in order to discover essential features or meaning
«analyze a sonnet by Shakespeare»; «analyze the evidence in a criminal trial»; «analyze your real motives»
examine, contemplate, try out, psychoanalyse, consider, essay, meditate, psychoanalyze, break down, hit the books, test, learn, dissect, canvass, analyse, read, take apart, study, poll, take, try, analyze, probe, prove, see
Matched Categories
- Cover
- Fabric
- Oil Painting
- Piece Of Cloth
- Setting
- Tent
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «canvas»:
toile, painting, weave, web, cloth, sling, twill, screen, ticking, tarp
Suggested Resources
Song lyrics by canvas — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by canvas on the Lyrics.com website.
How to pronounce canvas?
How to say canvas in sign language?
How to use canvas in a sentence?
Andrew Schneider:
If you were in a burning house and there was a cat and a Rembrandt, what would you save The cat…you would save the cat, because the cat is alive. The art is dead. It’s just paint on a canvas, ink on a page. To live for art is to deny life. It’s just to destroy life.
Charles Hamm:
You would never burn a Picasso or any piece of art you invested in and had a passion for, your tattoo is also art with a unique story, just on a different canvas.
Alexander MacLaren:
Every life has dark tracts and long stretches of somber tint, and no representation is true to fact which dips its pencil only in light, and flings no shadows on the canvas.
Bob Buehner:
It didn’t seem like there was any overall game plan that made sense in terms of a systematic investigation, one of the things I’d asked them to do from the first couple weeks is now impossible to do — to do a hotel-motel canvas looking for the mystery woman seen with Ray and then match the names with photo IDs which police have access to.
Henry David Thoreau:
The world is but a canvas to the imagination.
Translations for canvas
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- قماشArabic
- платно, платно за рисуване, брезент, платнищеBulgarian
- lona, tela, llençCatalan, Valencian
- plátnoCzech
- lærredDanish
- Leinen, LeinwandGerman
- tela, lienzo, lonaSpanish
- kanvaasi, purjekangasFinnish
- toile, toiler, entoilerFrench
- anairt, canbhásIrish
- कैनवासHindi
- vászon, vitorlavászon, kanavászHungarian
- tela, canovaccio, intelareItalian
- 帆布, 画布, カンバス, キャンバス地, ズックJapanese
- kānawehiMāori
- kanvasMalay
- canvas, doek, schilderslinnen, linnenDutch
- lerretNorwegian
- tela, lonaPortuguese
- canavaRomanian
- брезент, холст, полотно, парусинаRussian
- platnoSlovene
- målardukSwedish
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[ kˈanvəs], [ kˈanvəs], [ k_ˈa_n_v_ə_s]
Related words: create a canvas, canvas art, american flag canvas, customized canvas prints, diy canvas art, canvas prints, blank canvas art, white canvas art
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Table of Contents
• fabric (adjective)
- cheesecloth,
- felt,
- nylon,
- horsehair,
- moleskin,
- calico,
- jersey,
- mohair,
- net,
- cotton,
- cambric,
- linen,
- denim,
- suede,
- taffeta,
- fleece,
- twill,
- grenadine,
- paisley,
- baize,
- burlap,
- satin,
- rayon,
- foulard,
- crepe,
- gabardine,
- duffel,
- worsted,
- gossamer,
- chintz,
- gingham,
- sharkskin,
- herringbone,
- wool,
- percale,
- muslin,
- madras,
- brocade,
- plaid,
- orlon,
- silk,
- quilting,
- serge,
- tulle,
- sacking sailcloth,
- tweed,
- chenille,
- alpaca,
- velour,
- astrakhan,
- dacron,
- bunting,
- crinoline,
- cashmere,
- sateen,
- batik,
- acrilan,
- longcloth,
- tricot,
- velvet,
- broadcloth,
- lame,
- Celanese,
- seersucker,
- matting,
- chiffon,
- damask,
- challis,
- corduroy,
- flannel.
- abstract,
- aquatint,
- duck,
- drill.
- acrylic,
- awning,
- ring,
- shade,
- fly,
- waterproof,
- brush.
- oil.
• artifact (noun)
- canvas.
• canvas (noun)
- sheet,
- canvas tent,
- poll.
• coarse material (noun)
- tarp,
- tarpaulin,
- awning cloth,
- tenting.
• cover (noun)
- tegument,
- window-dressing,
- fig leaf,
- varnish,
- masquerade,
- false front,
- teguments.
• floor (noun)
- downstairses,
- lowest points,
- up-stairs,
- up stairs.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- oil painting,
- floor,
- Water color,
- mezzanine,
- piece of cloth,
- nadir,
- similitude,
- photo,
- presentment,
- thing,
- mural,
- Re-presentation,
- dropcloth,
- Effigies,
- gym mat,
- cityscape,
- setting,
- lookalike,
- presentments,
- Photos,
- sailcloths,
- tent,
- collapsible shelter,
- seascapes,
- cloth,
- background,
- tier,
- lowest point,
- scope,
- re-creations,
- fabric,
- cityscapes,
- piece of material,
- seascape,
- watercolor,
- water colors,
- sailcloth,
- material,
- mat,
- art work,
- downstairs,
- textile,
- abstract design,
- oilcloth,
- re-creation,
- upstairs,
- murals,
- painting,
- watercolors.
• painting (noun)
- de sign,
- de signs,
- abstract designs,
- art works,
- de-signs,
- oil paintings,
- de-sign.
• picture (noun)
- out line,
- out-lines,
- de-lineations,
- re presentation,
- de-lineation,
- re creations,
- re creation,
- out-line,
- re-presentations,
- re presentations,
- out lines,
- re plica,
- re-plica,
- de lineation,
- de lineations.
• tarpaulin (noun)
- dropcloths,
- oilcloths.
• tent (noun)
- hogan,
- tepee,
- yurt,
- yurts,
- Wikiup,
- tepees,
- tupik.
• Other relevant words: (verb)
- activity,
- beg,
- solicit,
- survey,
- picture,
- tap,
- cover.
• peddle (verb)
- mongered.
Other synonyms:
- fresco,
- line drawing,
- easel,
- toweling,
- tracing,
- gymnasium,
- lithograph,
- etching,
- ticking,
- linocut,
- primitive,
- gauze,
- sketch,
- caricature,
- fixative,
- fustian,
- scribble,
- daub,
- whipcord,
- old master,
- crepe paper,
- airbrush,
- self-portrait,
- hologram,
- ocher,
- matchstick man,
- flannelette,
- diptych,
- schmaltz,
- bas relief,
- mezzotint,
- view,
- silhouette,
- paintbox,
- organdy,
- print,
- miniature,
- drawing,
- portfolio,
- paintbrush,
- primer,
- sisal,
- hessian,
- rubbing,
- coir,
- turpentine,
- triptych,
- overlay,
- chalk,
- limited edition,
- Glazing,
- landscape,
- crayon,
- doodle,
- oil paint,
- sepia,
- poplin,
- portrait,
- barkcloth,
- terrycloth,
- ink,
- woodblock,
- cartoon,
- buckram,
- life drawing,
- India Ink,
- collage,
- palette,
- palette knife,
- engraving,
- inset,
- sculpture,
- glaze.
- enamel,
- tableau,
- original,
- overhead,
- installation,
- woodcut,
- paint,
- khaki,
- stencil,
- pastel,
- gouache.
- medium,
- oilskin,
- projection,
- pique.
• Other relevant words:
- eyeshot,
- oppose,
- confirmation,
- piece of music,
- entrance hall,
- baste,
- on a lower floor,
- background knowledge,
- viewgraph,
- program,
- figure of speech,
- render,
- thicket,
- movie,
- fib,
- braid,
- control,
- accompany,
- make out,
- sidestep,
- capitulum,
- action,
- localize,
- leaven,
- moisten,
- base on balls,
- ragtime,
- cut across,
- genus circus,
- coggle,
- vestibule,
- romp,
- background signal,
- heading,
- dump,
- water-color,
- mezzanine floor,
- weatherboarding,
- ft,
- treat,
- reverberate,
- work,
- gaoler,
- stinger,
- takings,
- moulder,
- liken,
- break apart,
- friction,
- rouge,
- mark off,
- clash,
- cutting,
- deletion,
- lavation,
- make love,
- acrylic resin,
- gash,
- burn,
- contain,
- stiff,
- portrayal,
- ape,
- constitution,
- airplane,
- turnkey,
- rase,
- abridge,
- cotton plant,
- balk,
- genus sepia,
- incubate,
- identify,
- cripple,
- raft,
- boat paddle,
- master,
- tupek,
- embrocate,
- brood,
- pilotage,
- political program,
- oil color,
- pic,
- news report,
- witwatersrand,
- breed,
- lay,
- realise,
- conniption,
- rock oil,
- echo,
- irritation,
- copse,
- cobweb,
- hold back,
- washcloth,
- welkin,
- skim,
- ask out,
- get over,
- multi-coloured,
- ice,
- bodily function,
- cheat,
- irritate,
- call,
- cutting off,
- attend,
- terry cloth,
- diaphanous,
- water system,
- photographic print,
- telltale,
- theatrical performance,
- head word,
- stove,
- audited account,
- cover version,
- coppice,
- acoustic projection,
- battlefield,
- halting,
- authorship,
- hold,
- baulk,
- intertwine,
- tick off,
- bloodsucker,
- switch,
- manor hall,
- trial run,
- dormitory,
- patch,
- raise,
- eruditeness,
- turn out,
- demand,
- boast,
- circumstance,
- lave,
- matt,
- race,
- nj,
- mass medium,
- screening,
- come in,
- tint,
- impress,
- twill weave,
- water sport,
- track,
- duffel bag,
- learnedness,
- crumble,
- crude,
- teepee,
- plume,
- motion picture,
- drafting,
- seafaring,
- website,
- resoluteness,
- screwing,
- installment,
- interpretation,
- jockey,
- sculpt,
- sack up,
- run into,
- jibe,
- judge,
- shaft,
- rot,
- memorise,
- grave,
- aeroplane,
- bring,
- disintegrate,
- drift,
- keep an eye on,
- hump,
- take leave,
- wing,
- get to,
- invest,
- interrogation,
- jean,
- exact,
- get wind,
- rough drawing,
- history,
- edit,
- course of study,
- smear,
- grasp,
- comprehend,
- visit,
- prospect,
- duffle bag,
- watch,
- gliding,
- school principal,
- nous,
- hangman’s halter,
- proceeds,
- come,
- average,
- book binding,
- part,
- draftsmanship,
- clue,
- adopt,
- pall,
- characterisation,
- curb,
- abbreviate,
- fishing net,
- tag,
- market,
- inquiry,
- discharge,
- matted,
- phone,
- sportsman,
- lambast,
- adjudicate,
- upper side,
- composing,
- agency,
- stop,
- walk of life,
- flat coat,
- dry wash,
- comparison,
- break up,
- razz,
- tee shirt,
- field of operations,
- arrange,
- acquisition,
- accost,
- inunct,
- withdraw,
- determine,
- paradigm,
- impersonation,
- bleed,
- go out,
- counterpart,
- learning,
- tag end,
- channelise,
- use up,
- graphics,
- encyclopaedism,
- investigating,
- examen,
- head teacher,
- master of arts in teaching,
- ensure,
- mull over,
- coldcock,
- tableau vivant,
- word-painting,
- portraying,
- paper,
- reach,
- of course,
- go bad,
- simulacrum,
- band,
- subscribe to,
- earth,
- delegacy,
- refinement,
- read/write head,
- lustrelessness,
- summercater,
- insure,
- light touch,
- filmy,
- thinned,
- rationalize,
- assembly,
- release,
- man,
- montage,
- palestra,
- inferno,
- run across,
- mutant,
- laundry,
- worsted yarn,
- curve,
- lead,
- mental representation,
- piebald,
- muse,
- deliberate,
- hindrance,
- hirudinean,
- skylark,
- infernal region,
- settle,
- invite out,
- meth,
- subscribe,
- place setting,
- jeans,
- press,
- description,
- review,
- enlist,
- rile,
- pee,
- tarradiddle,
- present,
- hallway,
- scrawl,
- hint,
- cite,
- crank,
- question,
- profits,
- budget items,
- filch,
- sunblind,
- ikon,
- pull up stakes,
- mountain range,
- degree,
- get at,
- dig into,
- solve,
- drive,
- double,
- lyceum,
- hang on,
- feature,
- anatomise,
- wellington,
- shadiness,
- comply,
- sweep,
- roll in the hay,
- pursue,
- peal,
- dissolve,
- scrutiny,
- locus,
- surroundings,
- encompass,
- video,
- fill in,
- command processing overhead,
- train,
- cotton fiber,
- motion-picture show,
- report,
- take off,
- jazz,
- cyberspace,
- reckon,
- transcend,
- rally,
- blusher,
- residence,
- field of force,
- spirit level,
- range of a function,
- order of payment,
- dismissal,
- match,
- hire,
- nett,
- methamphetamine,
- fancy,
- recital,
- multicoloured,
- reexamination,
- even out,
- gusset,
- eyelet,
- weewee,
- implore,
- lacing,
- grummet,
- characterization,
- acrylate resin,
- lottery,
- play,
- offend,
- sketch pad,
- check off,
- dryer,
- frustrate,
- set out,
- protrusion,
- storey,
- lycee,
- gauze-like,
- go,
- think over,
- vex,
- ship,
- ankara,
- matte,
- body process,
- find out,
- cue,
- notification,
- pes,
- peak,
- saddlery,
- turn back,
- histrionics,
- candy,
- critical review,
- sports stadium,
- chennai,
- claptrap,
- nuance,
- observe,
- upside,
- append,
- lease,
- toy,
- abstractionist,
- bivouac,
- chide,
- interpret,
- house painting,
- charcoal-gray,
- whirligig,
- recapitulation,
- know,
- lark about,
- shear,
- duck’s egg,
- rollick,
- facility,
- trading floor,
- stomp,
- practise,
- mesh,
- stagecoach,
- charcoal-grey,
- poster color,
- ramble,
- deal,
- annulus,
- tipple,
- water tap,
- compensate,
- bailiwick,
- land,
- dismantle,
- anchor ring,
- taradiddle,
- frizzle,
- answer,
- affair,
- snarl,
- disport,
- dry land,
- address,
- spank,
- lamp shade,
- irrigate,
- topographic point,
- psychometric test,
- cause,
- play along,
- larn,
- knock,
- glaze over,
- romance,
- body of water,
- accept,
- feel out,
- dilute,
- comparability,
- cerement,
- garden state,
- pass over,
- theatre of operations,
- cut back,
- smock,
- fall over,
- row,
- base,
- order,
- web,
- alikeness,
- diverge,
- spook,
- carnival,
- wrap up,
- stamp,
- force field,
- halter,
- sheer,
- chit,
- blanket,
- political campaign,
- see to it,
- assess,
- antechamber,
- lay out,
- web site,
- god tree,
- tent flap,
- theatre,
- mutation,
- vegetable silk,
- launder,
- saucer,
- mat up,
- graze,
- fossa,
- crusade,
- crest,
- take after,
- screen out,
- key out,
- canvass,
- testify,
- traverse,
- gelded,
- fusain,
- nether region,
- glass,
- charcoal grey,
- push,
- exam,
- look,
- size up,
- aviate,
- poster paint,
- flush,
- headway,
- initiation,
- count,
- persuasion,
- gazump,
- residence hall,
- list,
- portraiture,
- angora rabbit,
- heavens,
- assure,
- matt-up,
- expulsion,
- hawk,
- internet,
- bagging,
- annoy,
- cabbage,
- leg,
- maneuver,
- trounce,
- natural covering,
- drawing off,
- detrition,
- paseo,
- mansion house,
- jaw,
- hook,
- checker,
- kashmir,
- projection screen,
- look back,
- blank space,
- context,
- sector,
- down the stairs,
- pack,
- twine,
- testing,
- vaporous,
- scrabble,
- project,
- navigate,
- localise,
- keep up,
- wash out,
- deviate,
- recitation,
- reduce,
- evaluate,
- dismember,
- conform to,
- back,
- sound out,
- choose,
- evidence,
- trash,
- groundwork,
- tipi,
- hoof,
- start,
- anoint,
- reappraisal,
- tailor,
- have intercourse,
- imperial,
- say,
- brushing,
- rationalise,
- propagate,
- account,
- go through,
- limn,
- soak,
- cut off,
- yachting,
- gunny,
- celestial sphere,
- nooky,
- amphitheatrum flavium,
- fuzee,
- substantial,
- compass,
- manner of walking,
- hempen necktie,
- practice session,
- vagabond,
- sponger,
- fill,
- purview,
- thin out,
- mineral pitch,
- slicker,
- blind,
- dip,
- corporeal,
- navigation,
- lithograph machine,
- huckster,
- selective service,
- top off,
- quarry,
- fall out,
- mark,
- shot,
- sailing ship,
- break,
- property,
- liberation,
- experience,
- oral sex,
- wear round,
- slice,
- register,
- run,
- makeup,
- hoof it,
- dismission,
- steer,
- send,
- linen paper,
- tad,
- wander,
- reading,
- follow-up,
- crop,
- necessitate,
- kitchen stove,
- rent,
- chicken feed,
- starchy,
- ochre,
- bit,
- political platform,
- vegetable oil,
- call down,
- earnings,
- dress down,
- particoloured,
- naive,
- pilfer,
- trim,
- mahlstick,
- torment,
- depict,
- sunshade,
- position,
- psyche,
- face cloth,
- drying agent,
- flying field,
- tied,
- primer coat,
- lift,
- cannabis,
- shabu,
- exposure,
- tree stump,
- subject area,
- masquerade costume,
- primitive person,
- n.j.,
- pluck,
- skirmish,
- leg it,
- feeble,
- theatrical,
- station,
- postulate,
- construe,
- demonstrate,
- top of the inning,
- run aground,
- artistic production,
- condition,
- embark,
- pipe bowl,
- swig,
- make,
- witness,
- fly sheet,
- straits,
- draw,
- pate,
- cacography,
- lineation,
- tincture,
- start out,
- trope,
- tack on,
- broadcast,
- encounter,
- occupy,
- purple,
- keep abreast,
- plait,
- veiling,
- brushwood,
- chink,
- acrylic paint,
- low-water mark,
- shield,
- cross,
- foundation,
- trough,
- sailplaning,
- range of mountains,
- majestic,
- operating cost,
- wall painting,
- trend,
- anele,
- show,
- speculate,
- woolen,
- aspect,
- tartan,
- put,
- stratum,
- write out,
- block out,
- slash,
- pray,
- return,
- playing field,
- fly ball,
- forcing out,
- relation,
- see-through,
- trial,
- give way,
- layer,
- parry,
- abstraction,
- strike,
- fuse,
- deck,
- sensitive,
- set off,
- cover charge,
- experiment,
- poke into,
- substructure,
- smudge,
- course of instruction,
- distinguish,
- tooth enamel,
- halt,
- trim back,
- pitfall,
- convey,
- oil of turpentine,
- spike,
- riddle,
- terra firma,
- gambol,
- have sex,
- remove,
- venue,
- schmalz,
- blow out of the water,
- overlayer,
- take up,
- piece of ass,
- prime,
- mart,
- shred,
- collapse,
- cathode-ray oscilloscope,
- grade,
- peddling,
- pull down,
- conclude,
- metrical unit,
- spigot,
- variation,
- manoeuvre,
- have it off,
- matter,
- kink up,
- equivalence,
- crucify,
- overcompensate,
- slipstream,
- game,
- moving-picture show,
- endeavour,
- seek,
- vista,
- ambit,
- larrup,
- snub,
- physical composition,
- vignette,
- regal,
- square,
- decide,
- painted,
- flip-flop,
- shortened,
- fossil oil,
- inquire,
- empyrean,
- set forth,
- interlace,
- header,
- audition,
- tease,
- muster in,
- yacht,
- rank,
- cold shoulder,
- spread over,
- area,
- hunt,
- acrylic fiber,
- fancy dress,
- waterproofed,
- mob,
- lobby,
- loop,
- hack,
- particolored,
- penning,
- promontory,
- acme,
- take in,
- headspring,
- vending,
- real,
- diffuse,
- muster,
- duster,
- resume,
- weigh,
- handle,
- chew out,
- swipe,
- locate,
- border,
- pink,
- ball over,
- reading material,
- hitch,
- advert,
- velvet-textured,
- phlebotomize,
- film,
- tantalise,
- walkway,
- guide,
- wraith,
- scan,
- field of view,
- shag,
- poll parrot,
- get a line,
- contract,
- pinnacle,
- erudition,
- downplay,
- multi-color,
- culture medium,
- story,
- seal,
- network,
- shop,
- fell,
- fundament,
- key,
- nark,
- probe,
- illumination,
- weave,
- cutis,
- expect,
- sponge,
- sketch block,
- impression,
- organdie,
- priming coat,
- discover,
- exploit,
- internal representation,
- ethereal,
- shock,
- lose it,
- gravel,
- mind,
- intermediate,
- set up,
- tally,
- ingest,
- piazza,
- be,
- tack together,
- ride,
- h2o,
- stable gear,
- bring down,
- query,
- deoxyephedrine,
- cobwebby,
- appoint,
- bonk,
- take stock,
- call up,
- delineate,
- take aim,
- lecture,
- fucking,
- frizz,
- nonfigurative,
- envision,
- pick out,
- concealment,
- regard,
- knell,
- pasture,
- chenille cord,
- go off,
- skin,
- jailer,
- sail,
- do it,
- revaluation,
- commit,
- version,
- exceed,
- typography,
- impediment,
- conceive,
- rob,
- suede cloth,
- quiz,
- military campaign,
- artistry,
- skirt,
- make-up,
- purloin,
- reddish brown,
- oscilloscope,
- have,
- motley,
- opus,
- fly front,
- theme,
- be known as,
- pilot,
- encamp,
- browsing,
- sugarcoat,
- entwine,
- rand,
- matte up,
- hydrant,
- subject field,
- meshing,
- arrest,
- pitch,
- sack,
- command overhead,
- suggestion,
- leave,
- sample,
- checkout,
- frisk,
- resound,
- desktop,
- undercoat,
- get,
- filmdom,
- instruct,
- microscope stage,
- overview,
- archaic,
- research,
- valuate,
- overcharge,
- twin,
- landscape painting,
- teetotum,
- washing,
- baseball swing,
- carving,
- multicolor,
- chicane,
- tent-fly,
- pulpit,
- manoeuver,
- scold,
- call on the carpet,
- plow,
- flatness,
- know as,
- chain,
- manse,
- cavort,
- ejection,
- imitation,
- array,
- charge,
- firearm,
- splash around,
- brain,
- sidetrack,
- middle school,
- exercise,
- enshroud,
- metier,
- taunt,
- land site,
- pictorial matter,
- enquiry,
- disassemble,
- dais,
- reprimand,
- head up,
- examination,
- waddle,
- cooking stove,
- turps,
- vault of heaven,
- undercut,
- switch off,
- cogitation,
- quit,
- hunting expedition,
- record,
- realize,
- gimpy,
- spectre,
- prototype,
- hound,
- verbal description,
- bodily process,
- tacking,
- excogitate,
- bear witness,
- sportswoman,
- home,
- foot up,
- distribute,
- pat,
- reassessment,
- raft foundation,
- firmament,
- musical composition,
- mansion,
- vestige,
- smash,
- scar,
- channelize,
- level off,
- intercept,
- scratch,
- singing,
- sisal hemp,
- translate,
- installing,
- conk out,
- vapourous,
- devil,
- master copy,
- retard,
- capital of turkey,
- take aback,
- gang,
- revealing,
- debate,
- shoot,
- doughnut,
- entangle,
- washrag,
- camping,
- tag on,
- fuck,
- sailboat,
- put together,
- prison guard,
- found,
- bother,
- cro,
- headland,
- invertebrate foot,
- cut through,
- fountainhead,
- watered,
- word picture,
- hide,
- bill of exchange,
- class,
- disregard,
- charter,
- point,
- shoes,
- shorten,
- represent,
- try on,
- shmaltz,
- involve,
- pinch,
- spinning top,
- ignore,
- raze,
- jailor,
- ruminate,
- activeness,
- taste,
- tale,
- dodder,
- varicolored,
- lusterlessness,
- acquire,
- critique,
- holograph,
- crush,
- angora cat,
- review article,
- gibe,
- synopsis,
- internet site,
- cut down,
- be intimate,
- disperse,
- spread,
- shave,
- plain,
- orbit,
- depicting,
- admit,
- get hold of,
- hatch,
- yarn,
- glass over,
- encampment,
- office,
- anteroom,
- shtup,
- ass,
- naturally,
- mix up,
- crippled,
- airfield,
- bring up,
- tryout,
- shadow,
- lark,
- sailing boat,
- slue,
- berate,
- impressive,
- field of honor,
- subtlety,
- urine,
- establish,
- agree,
- closed chain,
- top side,
- field of study,
- have a go at it,
- net profit,
- twit,
- theater of operations,
- sailing craft,
- silk-cotton tree,
- write up,
- nonobjective,
- con,
- nominate,
- sound projection,
- have words,
- measure,
- mahogany,
- straggle,
- smirch,
- get across,
- sealskin tent,
- soaring,
- foreland,
- blah,
- colliery,
- stray,
- interrogatory,
- presentation,
- stone pit,
- equate,
- bore,
- fit,
- charcoal gray,
- crumple,
- picture show,
- recap,
- fusee,
- sheepskin,
- court,
- knock down,
- burnt sienna,
- strand,
- water faucet,
- turn off,
- slashed,
- emasculated,
- weapons platform,
- take the air,
- bank check,
- tumble,
- screw propeller,
- forefront,
- mention,
- petroleum,
- molder,
- prowess,
- target,
- succeed,
- substantiation,
- nibble,
- wiretap,
- seat,
- nobble,
- slur,
- silk cotton,
- come after,
- principal,
- domain,
- fine art,
- line,
- mull,
- temper,
- course of action,
- ringing,
- moderate,
- cast,
- nettle,
- gauzy,
- nookie,
- stead,
- tear down,
- methedrine,
- bang,
- panorama,
- meet,
- bawl out,
- take to task,
- tissue,
- top dog,
- crack,
- resolution,
- stone,
- visualize,
- plaza,
- field of operation,
- firmness,
- landing field,
- transport,
- polypropenonitrile,
- flick,
- stuff,
- blot,
- masque,
- written report,
- carpenter’s plane,
- prune,
- chopine,
- take out,
- put off,
- flip,
- practice,
- believe,
- soil,
- carry,
- ambo,
- downstair,
- artistic creation,
- on a higher floor,
- plaster,
- get it on,
- turn up,
- drumhead,
- travel along,
- tintinnabulation,
- rainfly,
- followup,
- weakened,
- white,
- public figure,
- issue,
- tramp,
- berth,
- come off,
- caput,
- value,
- enquire,
- oil colour,
- study,
- lace up,
- upstair,
- cover song,
- playing area,
- understructure,
- anchor,
- correspond,
- skip,
- fight,
- sailing vessel,
- vary,
- surf,
- trimmed,
- swing,
- stoppage,
- lucre,
- weighty,
- toddle,
- geld,
- bombast,
- claim,
- basis,
- mountain chain,
- chew over,
- chequer,
- go past,
- framework,
- basso relievo,
- bowlful,
- planer,
- take care,
- shadowiness,
- duffle,
- vaporize,
- methamphetamine hydrochloride,
- phase,
- gulp,
- fun,
- overstep,
- come out,
- feed,
- command processing overhead time,
- mental test,
- chouse,
- ponder,
- delineation,
- meeting place,
- circulate,
- rap,
- discipline,
- inspection,
- escort,
- need,
- mental image,
- nicety,
- flee,
- date,
- basso rilievo,
- new jersey,
- cotton wool,
- draft copy,
- go away,
- lieu,
- stay,
- flooring,
- covert,
- hear,
- check-out procedure,
- art object,
- bug,
- profit,
- instalment,
- elude,
- find,
- airstream,
- racing yacht,
- look-alike,
- winding-sheet,
- slew,
- espouse,
- chip at,
- student residence,
- even,
- secondary school,
- cut of meat,
- binding,
- love,
- take the field,
- take down,
- teach,
- chain of mountains,
- vanish,
- transparent,
- ghost,
- douse,
- washout,
- assemble,
- schema,
- eff,
- thought,
- recounting,
- natural process,
- washables,
- dun,
- firmness of purpose,
- totter,
- priming,
- have it away,
- take flight,
- edit out,
- height,
- final,
- blueprint,
- overlie,
- subject,
- check mark,
- shade off,
- get word,
- roll,
- retrospect,
- hoop,
- stick to,
- horizontal surface,
- camp,
- hedge,
- firing,
- wax crayon,
- hangman’s rope,
- evade,
- rise,
- play off,
- bedevil,
- dabble,
- mown,
- gens,
- dungaree,
- disseminate,
- situation,
- first balcony,
- moot,
- woollen,
- play down,
- fudge,
- velours,
- chronicle,
- champaign,
- verification,
- pied,
- multi-colour,
- purpose,
- tattle,
- adumbrate,
- hoopskirt,
- cogent,
- refresh,
- podium,
- specter,
- watered-silk,
- rainproof,
- bridle,
- consume,
- apprisal,
- spiritualist,
- catch,
- objet d’art,
- turn over,
- halo,
- orchestra pit,
- up the stairs,
- stress,
- describe,
- refer,
- scheme,
- meridian,
- handicap,
- kink,
- perdition,
- mask,
- veer,
- continue,
- varicoloured,
- limited review,
- tissue paper,
- field of battle,
- last,
- strain,
- go steady,
- rag week,
- kitchen range,
- visualise,
- wood block,
- horizon,
- backwash,
- pick up,
- lap,
- while,
- underwrite,
- limning,
- vendition,
- covering,
- piece of tail,
- lambaste,
- snarf,
- constitute,
- pick,
- die,
- piloting,
- crimp,
- decay,
- roam,
- electric cord,
- raincoat,
- rate,
- come across,
- endocarp,
- charade,
- straddle,
- watercolour,
- mental picture,
- reflect,
- masquerade party,
- metrical foot,
- dab,
- persona,
- chalk out,
- screen background,
- shew,
- perspective,
- revue,
- multi-colored,
- rinse,
- demonstration,
- telescope,
- dorm,
- hold in,
- tip,
- deterrent,
- hessian boot,
- vend,
- flat,
- circumvent,
- semblance,
- footing,
- tantalize,
- rostrum,
- chew up,
- elevation,
- tantrum,
- sheathing,
- direct,
- animated cartoon,
- think,
- bait,
- chip,
- blue jeans,
- understand,
- oxford grey,
- superlative,
- pock,
- investigation,
- covering fire,
- water supply,
- yield,
- glide,
- narration,
- bowling ball,
- suede leather,
- piss,
- foreshorten,
- gauze bandage,
- scholarship,
- thin,
- gaberdine,
- silver screen,
- walking,
- watch over,
- effort,
- swerve,
- fail,
- winding-clothes,
- extend,
- marquee,
- cut up,
- sailing,
- jutting,
- tone,
- piddle,
- unwavering,
- swan,
- chafe,
- dampen,
- billet,
- clear,
- weatherboard,
- trim down,
- infantry,
- interchange,
- chief,
- battleground,
- meshwork,
- attempt,
- declaration,
- sight,
- opinion,
- insert,
- postdate,
- cheque,
- safari,
- delay,
- form,
- environ,
- backcloth,
- brush up,
- dodge,
- crown,
- angora goat,
- low relief,
- sport,
- white silk-cotton tree,
- alternate,
- fuze,
- herringbone pattern,
- t-shirt,
- tiptop,
- touch,
- path,
- decipher,
- solid ground,
- grommet,
- jut,
- mount,
- dust coat,
- brushup,
- spot,
- sneak,
- desiccant,
- rude,
- fortify,
- rant,
- topgallant mast,
- post,
- tab,
- sort,
- wood coal,
- writing,
- embrace,
- submit,
- terylene,
- meter reading,
- camp out,
- felt up,
- backdrop,
- phlebotomise,
- indication,
- space,
- rove,
- soapbox,
- enlace,
- surcharge,
- movement,
- monger,
- crude oil,
- reason,
- set,
- rebuke,
- pallet,
- woodworking plane,
- natural action,
- small-arm,
- induction,
- tapdance,
- stick with,
- call for,
- drive in,
- excision,
- multicolored,
- yellow journalism,
- athletics,
- snap,
- precis,
- cover up,
- frolic,
- market place,
- spirit of turpentine,
- bivouacking,
- run down,
- select,
- voyage,
- art,
- telephone,
- pose,
- sleep with,
- agitate,
- foyer,
- mental testing,
- potation,
- publish,
- get laid,
- epitome,
- peddle,
- telling,
- sphere of influence,
- wash off,
- screenland,
- remonstrate,
- sleep together,
- venetian red,
- engage,
- memorize,
- aim,
- woo,
- disk overhead,
- payoff,
- cavity,
- operating expense,
- lie with,
- epithet,
- royal stag,
- take on,
- surveil,
- pass around,
- run around,
- tick,
- require,
- tatter,
- endeavor,
- oxford gray,
- wood engraving,
- pass,
- wash away,
- give out,
- figure,
- masking,
- flow,
- lampshade,
- velvety,
- pallette,
- tangle,
- sentiment,
- surround,
- conduct,
- bed,
- conscription,
- take away,
- multicolour,
- net income,
- archetype,
- search,
- jackboot,
- below,
- retrace,
- digress,
- narrative,
- parasite,
- abide by,
- spell,
- line of business,
- tier up,
- moving picture,
- wellington boot,
- assume,
- human foot,
- animal foot,
- summit.
• peddle
- Huckstered,
- Huckstering,
- mongering,
- traded,
- Hawked,
- hawking.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- cringle,
- public square,
- artwork,
- stump,
- circularise,
- icon,
- ascertain,
- ask,
- cruise,
- hippodrome,
- gym,
- pit,
- prize ring,
- bowl,
- Air brush,
- check,
- get under way,
- oar,
- representation,
- photograph,
- mainsail,
- tempera,
- range,
- auditorium,
- circus,
- Earing,
- effigy,
- prove,
- Tentage,
- break down,
- carry sail,
- foot,
- on the wing,
- likeness,
- consider,
- clapboard,
- appraise,
- resolve,
- scratchboard,
- milieu,
- place,
- ground,
- mainsheet,
- Pigments,
- luff,
- scene of action,
- analyze,
- pen-and-ink,
- bear garden,
- spray gun,
- rag,
- electioneer,
- scene,
- charcoal,
- colosseum,
- collate,
- campaign,
- terrain,
- water,
- cut,
- still life,
- coliseum,
- amphitheatre,
- sacking,
- screw,
- tack,
- Siccative,
- investigate,
- reef point,
- stage set,
- site,
- bull ring,
- surveying,
- sheet of paper,
- boating,
- meditate,
- weather sheet,
- piece,
- wash drawing,
- reefed sail,
- decompose,
- athletic field,
- sphere,
- fore-and-aft sail,
- concrete,
- plane,
- sketchpad,
- image,
- lists,
- scenery,
- flat solid,
- work of art,
- leech,
- amphitheater,
- precinct,
- headsail,
- discus,
- bed sheet,
- stage setting,
- under way,
- stage,
- theater,
- sketchbook,
- drier,
- drawing paper,
- analyse,
- depiction,
- walk,
- explore,
- stadium,
- marketplace,
- course,
- spatula,
- contemplate,
- outline,
- tiltyard,
- art paper,
- circularize,
- depart,
- screen,
- pencil,
- head,
- put to sea,
- psychoanalyse,
- arena,
- examine,
- Whitetop,
- set sail,
- in orbit,
- agora,
- draft,
- wash,
- press of sail,
- Aquarelle,
- campus,
- Purlieu,
- opinion poll,
- composition,
- level,
- compare,
- palaestra,
- piece of paper,
- hall,
- asphalt,
- cockpit,
- pavilion,
- platform,
- shroud,
- forum,
- field,
- draught,
- big top,
- pigment,
- take apart,
- in flight,
- paddle,
- carve,
- locale,
- under sail,
- canvas fabric,
- boxing ring,
- top,
- aquatics,
- maulstick,
- dissect,
- round top,
- Camera Obscura,
- aileron,
- clew,
- square sail,
- Boltrope,
- public opinion poll,
- Camera Lucida,
- try,
- take,
- wrestling ring,
- browse,
- take ship.
How to use «Canvas» in context?
Canvas is an illustrative surface made of a heavy fabric, coated on one side with a thin layer of oil or wax paste and heated to a soft, pliable state. The fabric is then stretched over a wooden frame, often shaped like a rectangle or a circle, to create a painting.
Paraphrases for Canvas:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Reverse Entailment
Noun, plural
Noun, plural
Proper noun, plural
Schedules, charts.
Proper noun, singular
Tableaux, Schedules, figures, exhibits, charts, enclosures, pictures, tabulations.
Noun, plural
Indexes, Matrices, Schedules, Templates, figures, exhibits, charts, fronts, breakdowns, scenes, illustrations, pictures, frameworks, worlds, webs, FORMATS, tabulations, blackboards, worksheets, scoreboards, graphs, spreadsheets, switchboards.
Noun, singular or mass
backdrop, carpet, carpeting, display, ticking, twill, Tradesmen.
Proper noun, plural
Other Related
Proper noun, singular
paintings, toile.
Noun, plural
Noun, singular or mass
fabric, painting, screen, sling, tent, weave.
Proper noun, singular
Homophones for Canvas:
- canvass.
Holonyms for Canvas:
Hyponym for Canvas:
cloth, fabric, material, oil painting, mat, textile, gym mat.
Meronym for Canvas:
Word of the Day
bow 1
- Synonyms:
twist tie,
- CANVAS synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- CANVAS synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— CANVAS synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of CANVAS
— another words for CANVAS
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