Business синонимы на английском

What is another word for Business?

  • concern

    company, firm

  • job

    work, action

  • work

    undertaking, action

  • occupation

    profession, work

  • trade

    transactions, work

  • line

    work, action

  • firm

    company, enterprise

  • matter

    affair, thing

  • affair

    concern, enterprise

  • thing

    matter, affair

  • employment

    work, action

  • company

    thing, group

  • enterprise

    company, firm

  • vocation

    action, profession

  • profession

    vocation, occupation

  • industry

    commerce, firm

  • calling

    profession, job

  • commerce

    trade, event

  • corporation

    company, firm

  • patronage

    custom, customers

  • pursuit

    profession, job

  • traffic

    trade, commerce

  • house

    thing, group

  • racket

    commerce, job

  • function

    duty, profession

  • trading

    trade, commerce

  • establishment

    group, company

  • career


  • responsibility

    concern, matter

  • field

    job, sector

  • duty

    concern, matter

  • craft


  • organization

    establishment, firm

  • operation


  • transaction

    barter, commerce

  • undertaking


  • interest

    affair, personal concern

  • problem

    concern, matter

  • task

    concern, matter

  • game


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Synonyms for Business. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 30, from

Synonyms for Business. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2023. <>.

Synonyms for Business. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2023.

  • Определения слова business

    • дело, занятие; работа, профессия
    • бизнес, предпринимательская деятельность, направление бизнеса
    • (коммерческое) дело, начинание, предприятие
    • сфера ответственности; обязанность, долг

Синонимы к слову business

    • affair
    • big business
    • commerce
    • commercial
    • company
    • concern
    • conglomerate
    • contract
    • corporate
    • corporation
    • custom
    • dealing
    • dealings
    • enterprise
    • establishment
    • firm
    • industry
    • interest
    • issue
    • matter
    • multinational
    • occupational
    • organization
    • partnership
    • problem
    • production
    • question
    • responsibility
    • selling
    • small business
    • sphere
    • subject
    • thing
    • topic
    • trade
    • transaction
    • transnational
    • venture

Похожие слова на business

    • business
    • business’s
    • businesslike
    • businessman
    • businessman’s
    • businessmen
    • businesswoman
    • businesswoman’s
    • businesswomen

Фразеологизмы для слова business

    • business hours
    • everybody’s business is nobody’s business
    • get down to business
    • out of business

Посмотрите другие слова

    • Что такое bum
    • Определение термина bulrush
    • Толкование слова bully
    • Что означает понятие bullseye
    • Лексическое значение bullpen
    • Словарь значения слов bullion
    • Грамматическое значение bullet
    • Значение слова bull-bitch
    • Прямое и переносное значение слова bulk
    • Происхождение слова busker
    • Синоним к слову bustard
    • Антоним к слову butcher
    • Омоним к слову butternut squash
    • Гипоним к слову button
    • Холоним к слову buttress
    • Гипероним к слову butty
    • Пословицы и поговорки к слову buzzard
    • Перевод слова на другие языки buzzer

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • business [ˈbɪznɪs] сущ

    1. бизнесм


      • small innovative business – малый инновационный бизнес
      • private business development – развитие частного бизнеса
    2. предприятиеср, фирмаж, компанияж

      (enterprise, firm, company)

      • family business – семейное предприятие
      • business name – название фирмы
      • business combination – объединение компаний
    3. делоср


      • health resort business – курортное дело
    4. коммерческая деятельность, предпринимательствоср, предпринимательская деятельность

      (commercial activity, entrepreneurship)

      • innovation business – инновационное предпринимательство
    5. деятельностьж, хозяйственная деятельность

      (activity, economic activity)

      • core business – основной вид деятельности
    6. предпринимательм, деловой человек

      (entrepreneur, businessman)

    7. коммерческое предприятие, деловое предприятие

      (business enterprise)

    8. деловая активность

      (business activity)

  • business [ˈbɪznɪs] прил

    1. деловой, коммерческий, предпринимательский, хозяйственный

      (commercial, enterprise, economic)

      • business reputation – деловая репутация
      • business advisory council – деловой консультативный совет
      • high business activity – высокая деловая активность
      • daily business newspaper – ежедневная деловая газета
      • new business partner – новый деловой партнер
      • business circle – деловой круг
      • business enterprise – коммерческое предприятие
      • business initiative – предпринимательская инициатива
      • business transaction – хозяйственная операция
    2. рабочий


      • next business day – следующий рабочий день
бизнес business, biz
дело case, business, matter, point, deal, thing
занятие employment, occupation, class, exercise, business, work
фирма firm, company, business, concern, biz
сделка deal, transaction, bargain, trade, business, swap
коммерческая деятельность business, biz
профессия profession, occupation, trade, career, business, vocation
обязанность duty, responsibility, obligation, office, business, ought
история history, story, anecdote, business, biz
право right, law, title, freedom, faculty, business
торговое предприятие business, biz
мимика gesture, business, biz
жесты business, biz
действие act, action, effect, force, influence, business
игра game, play, act, performance, acting, business
деловой business, businesslike, managing, biz, no-nonsense
практический practical, practice, pragmatic, realistic, business, economic

Предложения со словом «business»

You know, the Small Business Administration tells us that 64 percent of new jobs created in the private sector in the USA are thanks to small businesses like mine.

По данным Управления по делам малого бизнеса 64% рабочих мест в частном секторе США обеспечивают компании, подобные моей.

I recently read about what the young generation of workers want in Harvard Business Review.

Недавно я прочитала о том, чего хотят молодые специалисты, в журнале «Harvard Business Review».

First of all, the business models were changing all the time.

Во первых, бизнес модели всё время менялись.

And that involves questioning big things, like the business model of advertising.

А это подвергает сомнению важные принципы, такие как бизнес — модель рекламы.

She’ll probably need some accommodation that no other employee at this business needs.

Наверняка ей нужны особенные приспособления, которые без надобности для других работников.

Madison became the Secretary of State, his friend and mentor Jefferson became president, and they actually, over time, managed to put the Federalists completely out of business .

Мэдисон стал Государственным секретарём, его друг и наставник Джефферсон стал президентом, и они действительно постепенно сумели полностью выбросить федералистов из игры.

Your surveys, your methods have been designed to optimize an existing business model, and I’m looking at these emergent human dynamics that haven’t happened yet.

Ваши опросы и ваши методы были разработаны для оптимизации существующей бизнес — модели, а я вижу среди людей динамику роста, которая ещё не случилась.

Their business fell off a cliff.

Их бизнес потерпел полный крах.

Thick data grounds our business questions in human questions, and that’s why integrating big and thick data forms a more complete picture.

Плотные данные погружают вопросы бизнеса в проблемы человека, поэтому совмещение больших и плотных данных создаёт более полную картину.

Now, when Netflix did this, they unlocked a whole new way to transform their business .

Когда это делал Netflix, они открыли совершенно новый способ трансформации бизнеса.

By integrating big data and thick data, they not only improved their business , but they transformed how we consume media.

Сведя вместе большие и плотные данные, они не только улучшили свой бизнес, но также изменили процесс потребления людьми медиа — информации.

But fast-forward to the end of the century under a business-as-usual scenario, and climate models don’t really agree anymore.

Но перемотаем вперёд к концу нашего века, при обычных условиях, и увидим, что климатические модели начинают расходиться.

This strategy is now known as dogfooding, and it’s a common strategy in the business world.

Эта стратегия называется поедание собачьего корма и часто применяется в мире бизнеса.

So for the last five years, as a professor of business and psychology, I’ve been studying the effect of screens on our lives.

В течение последних пяти лет как профессор бизнеса и психологии я изучаю влияние экранов на нашу жизнь.

The leg room in economy is like business class.

Пространство для ног в эконом — классе прямо как бизнес — класс.

These kinds of things are necessary to create jobs, but also what we’re saying is you may think that the technology you’re working on or the business that you’re working on may not have applications in the developing world, but look at Zipline.

Всё это необходимо для создания рабочих мест, но что мы также говорим, это что вы можете подумать, что технология или бизнес, над которыми вы работаете, могут не иметь практического применения в развивающемся мире, но посмотрите на Zipline.

And the tool I’ve found which has proven to be the most reliable safety net for emotional free fall is actually the same tool that has helped me to make my best business decisions.

Я обнаружил, что самой надёжной страховкой в случае эмоционального спада служит то же средство, которому я обязан принятием лучших деловых решений.

Business hours are over at five o’clock.

«Рабочий день заканчивается в 5».

She gave this to me to put on my desk for personal health, because at the time, I was working on my first real business .

Она хотела, чтобы что — то на рабочем столе напоминало мне о здоровье, так как тогда я работал над своим первым серьёзным делом.

For me, it was taking my first vacation in four years and stepping away from my business for a month to go to London, where I could stay in a friend’s room for free, to either remove myself as a bottleneck in the business or shut it down.

Для меня это было взять первый за четыре года отпуск, отойти на месяц от дел и поехать в Лондон, где я мог гостить у друга, чтобы дать своей компании развиваться независимо от меня или вовсе её закрыть.

I was self-medicating, my business was going to implode at any moment at all times, if I didn’t step away.

Я занимался самолечением, мой бизнес мог рухнуть в любой момент, если бы я не отступил.

I was able to extricate myself from the business .

Я смог отвлечься от дел.

And every time business would get bad, he’d remind me of that mantra: no condition is permanent.

И каждый раз, когда дела не шли в гору, он мне как мантру напоминал слова: ничто не вечно.

So we don’t usually put our business in the streets.

Обычно мы не занимаемся уличной рекламой.

I’m convinced that the road to climate progress in the United States runs through the Republican Party and the business community.

Я убеждён, что дорога к климатическому прогрессу в США лежит через Республиканскую партию и бизнес — сообщество.

So in launching the Climate Leadership Council, I started by reaching out to a who’s who of Republican elder statesmen and business leaders, including James Baker and George Schultz, the two most respected Republican elder statesmen in America; Martin Feldstein and Greg Mankiw, the two most respected conservative economists in the country; and Henry Paulson and Rob Walton, two of the most successful and admired business leaders.

Запустив Совет руководителей по климату,

я первым делом обратился к списку старших политиков — республиканцев и бизнес — лидеров, включая Джеймса Бейкера и Джорджа Шульца — двух наиболее уважаемых и старших республиканских политиков в Америке; Мартина Фельдстейна и Грегори Мэнкью — двух самых уважаемых экономистов — консерваторов в стране; Генри Полсона и Роба Уолтона — двух из самых успешных и обожаемых бизнес — лидеров.

This is a key selling point to Republicans and business leaders.

Это ключевой выигрышный момент для республиканцев и бизнес — лидеров.

Advantages: most effective climate solution, popular and populist, pro-growth and pro-business, shrinks government and helps the working class.

Преимущества: самое эффективное решение проблемы климата,

популярное и популистское, подходящее для роста и для бизнеса, уменьшающее влияние правительства и помогающее рабочему классу.

One, the business community is fundamentally parting ways with the White House on climate change.

Во — первых, бизнес — сообщество фундаментально расходится с Белым домом по вопросу климата.

So, international, business and even the Republican base will all be calling for a Republican replacement plan.

Итак, другие страны, бизнес и даже сторонники республиканцев — все будут требовать республиканский план на замену.

In its immense generosity, India decided somehow that I, the Muslim son of a broke freedom fighter who accidentally ventured into the business of selling dreams, should become its king of romance, the Badhshah of Bollywood, the greatest lover the country has ever seen , with this face.

В своей огромной щедрости Индия почему — то решила, что я, мусульманин и сын нищего борца за свободу, случайно попавший в бизнес, где торгуют мечтами, должен стать королём мелодрам, Бадшахом Болливуда, величайшим из любовников, которого когда — либо видели, с таким лицом.

During the business of communicating information, in addition to releasing neurotransmitters like glutamate into the synapse, neurons also release a small peptide called amyloid beta.

В процессе передачи информации в синапсе, помимо высвобождения такого медиатора, как глутамат, нейроны выделяют небольшой пептид под названием бета — амилоид.

And I encourage everyone that I talk to — I’m like, listen, if you lose or if something happens — not in sports — in business or in school — learn from it.

И я призываю всех, с кем сталкиваюсь: если ты проиграешь или если что — то произойдёт — не в спорте, а на работе или в школе, — вынеси из этого урок.

One day, I rushed to grab the sports page of the newspaper so my cellie could read it to me, and I accidentally picked up the business section.

Однажды я пошёл за спортивной частью газеты, чтобы мой сокамерник мне её прочитал, и случайно захватил часть со статьями на тему бизнеса.

If a man is getting ready for a business meeting, he doesn’t worry about looking too masculine and therefore not being taken for granted.

Если мужчина готовится к деловой встрече, он не боится, что из — за мужественной одежды его никто не будет воспринимать всерьёз.

If a woman has to get ready for business meeting, she has to worry about looking too feminine and what it says and whether or not she will be taken seriously.

Если же женщина готовится к деловой встрече, она должна постараться не выглядеть слишком женственно, и позаботиться о том, чтобы её воспринимали всерьёз.

But I really can’t blame the Empire, since health and safety regulations aren’t really their first order of business .

Но я и вправду не могу винить Империю: охрана здоровья и безопасность — это явно не то, что они держат в приоритете.

The businesses — this isn’t just about business — but the businesses that do consistently, who break out of short-termism not surprisingly are family-run businesses .

В бизнес — хотя речь не только о нём — устойчивые компании, которые вырываются из краткосрочности, — это семейные предприятия, что не удивительно.

It’s true if you’re a business owner, if you’re an employee, if you’re a job seeker.

И если вы владелец бизнеса, и если работаете по найму или находитесь в процессе поиска работы.

Now, I approach this today through the lens of the woman business owner, because in my work I’ve observed that women underprice more so than men.

Далее, я подхожу к этому с точки зрения женщины — владелицы бизнеса, так как в своей работе столкнулась с тем, что женщин недооценивают чаще, чем мужчин.

A woman business owner earns just 80 cents for every dollar a man earns.

Бизнесвумен зарабатывает всего 80 центов на каждый доллар, заработанный мужчинами.

In my work, I’ve often heard women express that they’re uncomfortable communicating their value, especially early on in business ownership.

В своей работе я часто слышу, как женщины говорят, что им неприятно озвучивать ценность своих услуг, особенно, когда они только начинают свой бизнес.

I hear very different narratives in working with male business owners, and I think this difference is costing women 20 cents on the dollar.

Я слышу совершенно другие рассказы от мужчин — бизнесменов, и я думаю, это различие стóит женщинам 20 центов.

After my first year in business , I saw the profit increases that my clients were realizing in working with me, and I realized that I needed to reevaluate my pricing.

После первого года в бизнесе я видела увеличение прибыли, которую мои клиенты получают, работая со мной, и я поняла, что мне нужно пересмотреть свою ценовую политику.

What if my business fails?

Что, если мой бизнес прогорит?

She’s now charging three times as much for web design, and her business is growing.

Сейчас её цены на услуги веб — дизайна увеличились в три раза, и её бизнес растёт.

So what Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton proposed to do for the Americans is frankly none of our business .

То, что американскому народу обещали Дональд Трамп и Хиллари Клинтон, нас, честно говоря, не касается.

So I’m in there doing my business , and the door flies open.

Вот я там занимаюсь своим делом, и дверь распахивается.

And Nairobi, the major business hub, was rated 177th on the quality of living index.

И Найроби, главный бизнес центр, был на 177 — м месте по качеству уровня жизни.

Economies thrive when business are able to quickly and easily set up shop.

Экономика процветает, когда бизнес может быстро и легко развиваться.

Business owners create new sources of income for themselves, new jobs get added into the economy and then more taxes are paid to fund public projects.

Хозяева бизнеса создают новые ресурсы для своих доходов, новые рабочие места появляются в экономике и поступление налогов увеличивается, что идёт на общественные проекты.

New business is good for everyone.

Новый бизнес — это хорошо для всех.

And it’s such an important measure of economic growth, the World Bank has a ranking called the Ease of Doing Business Ranking, which measures how easy or difficult it is to start a business in any given country.

Бизнес является важным мерилом развития экономики, Мировой Банк составляет Рейтинг благоприятность условий для бизнеса как показатель того, насколько легко или сложно начать бизнес в какой — либо стране.

And as you can imagine, starting or running a business in a country with an ailing government — almost impossible.

И вы можете представить, начать или развить бизнес стране с больным правительством будет почти невозможно.

The President of Kenya knew this, which is why in 2014, he came to our lab and asked us to partner with him to be able to help Kenya to jump-start business growth.

Президент Кении знал это, поэтому в 2014 году он обратился к нам за помощью помочь Кении начать мощный рост бизнеса.

Well, in Kenya it was taking 72 days for a business owner to register their property, compared to just one day in New Zealand, which was ranked second on the World Bank list.

В Кении бизнесмену нужно было 72 дня, чтобы зарегистрировать свой бизнес, в сравнении со всего одним днём в Новой Зеландии, занимавшей второе место в рейтинге Мирового Банка.

So we met with everyone, from the clerk whose sole job is to remove staples from application packets, to the legal drafters at the attorney general’s office, to the clerks who are responsible for serving business owners when they came to access government services.

Поэтому мы встретились с каждым, начиная с секретаря, который снимает скрепки с бланков заявлений, до разработчиков законов в конторе прокуратуры, до секретарей, кто помогал владельцам бизнесменов, когда они обращались за правительственной помощью.

Previously, if you look at the trajectory of the industrial revolution, when machines replaced humans in one type of work, the solution usually came from low-skill work in new lines of business .

Раньше, во времена индустриальной революции, когда машины заменяли ручной труд в какой — то одной области, обычно при этом появлялись низкоквалифицированные функции в новых сферах деятельности.

We built a business model based on consistent, high-quality information, and convening the top minds on the issue.

Мы построили бизнес — модель на достоверных данных, привлекая лучшие умы по этому вопросу.

These companies have very little incentive to help protect our privacy because their business models depend on us sharing everything with as many people as possible.

У них нет стимула помогать защищать нашу личную неприкосновенность, ведь их бизнес — модели строятся на том, что мы делимся всем с как можно бóльшим количеством людей.

English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 2 votes

  1. business

    A business is what one follows regularly; an occupation is what he happens at any time to be engaged in; trout-fishing may be one’s occupation for a time, as a relief from business; business is ordinarily for profit, while the occupation may be a matter of learning, philanthropy, or religion. A profession implies scholarship; as, the learned professions. Pursuit is an occupation which one follows with ardor. An avocation is what calls one away from other work; a vocation or calling, that to which one is called by some special fitness or sense of duty; thus, we speak of the gospel ministry as a vocation or calling, rather than a business. Trade or trading is, in general, the exchanging of one thing for another; in the special sense, a trade is an occupation involving manual training and skilled labor; as, the ancient Jews held that every boy should learn a trade. A transaction is a single action, whether in business, diplomacy, or otherwise; affair has a similar, but lighter meaning; as, this little affair; an important transaction. The plural affairs has a distinctive meaning, including all activities where men deal with one another on any considerable scale; as, a man of affairs. A job is a piece of work viewed as a single undertaking, and ordinarily paid for as such. Trade and commerce may be used as equivalents, but trade is capable of a more limited application; we speak of the trade of a village, the commerce of a nation. Barter is the direct exchange of commodities; business, trade, and commerce are chiefly transacted by means of money, bills of exchange, etc. Business, occupation, etc., may be what one does independently; employment may be in the service of another. Work is any application of energy to secure a result, or the result thus secured; thus, we speak of the work of God. Art in the industrial sense is a system of rules and accepted methods for the accomplishment of some practical result; as, the art of printing; collectively, the arts. A craft is some occupation requiring technical skill or manual dexterity, or the persons, collectively, engaged in its exercise; as, the weaver’s craft.

    affair, art, avocation, barter, calling, commerce, concern, craft, duty, employment, handicraft, job, occupation, profession, trade, trading, traffic, transaction, vocation, work

    The business of a druggist; in business with his father; doing business for his father; have you business with me? business in New York; business about, concerning, or in regard to certain property.

Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. business

    occupation, profession, vocation, transaction, trade, calling, office, employment, interest, duty, affair, matter, concern

    stagnation, leisure, inactivity

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:1.0 / 2 votes

  1. business, concern, business concern, business organization, business organisationnoun

    a commercial or industrial enterprise and the people who constitute it

    «he bought his brother’s business»; «a small mom-and-pop business»; «a racially integrated business concern»

    headache, business concern, business sector, business organisation, business organization, line of work, business enterprise, worry, job, byplay, care, stage business, commercial enterprise, line, patronage, occupation, business, vexation, clientele, concern, fear

  2. commercial enterprise, business enterprise, businessnoun

    the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects

    «computers are now widely used in business»

    occupation, clientele, job, line, byplay, patronage, business organisation, concern, business, business organization, line of work, business concern, business sector, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, stage business

  3. occupation, business, job, line of work, linenoun

    the principal activity in your life that you do to earn money

    «he’s not in my line of business»

    personal credit line, occupancy, cable, business, billet, stemma, commercial enterprise, business concern, ancestry, byplay, agate line, business organisation, stage business, lineage, crinkle, stock, task, telephone circuit, clientele, seam, bloodline, course, crease, melodic line, air, channel, short letter, line of products, job, assembly line, contrast, problem, patronage, product line, business sector, military control, blood, bank line, tune, line of merchandise, personal line of credit, concern, melody, strain, dividing line, transmission line, moving in, caper, line of descent, chore, argumentation, logical argument, phone line, furrow, rail line, parentage, wrinkle, descent, blood line, melodic phrase, occupation, line of business, pedigree, pipeline, line of credit, line, business line, railway line, demarcation, subscriber line, origin, business organization, communication channel, telephone line, credit line, production line, business enterprise, line of reasoning, line of work, note, argument

  4. businessnoun

    a rightful concern or responsibility

    «it’s none of your business»; «mind your own business»

    occupation, clientele, job, line, byplay, patronage, business organisation, line of work, concern, business organization, business concern, business sector, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, stage business

  5. businessnoun

    an immediate objective

    «gossip was the main business of the evening»

    occupation, clientele, job, line, byplay, patronage, business organisation, line of work, concern, business organization, business concern, business sector, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, stage business

  6. businessnoun

    the volume of commercial activity

    «business is good today»; «show me where the business was today»

    occupation, clientele, job, line, byplay, patronage, business organisation, line of work, concern, business organization, business concern, business sector, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, stage business

  7. business, business sectornoun

    business concerns collectively

    «Government and business could not agree»

    occupation, clientele, job, line, byplay, patronage, business organisation, line of work, concern, business, business organization, business concern, business sector, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, stage business

  8. clientele, patronage, businessnoun

    customers collectively

    «they have an upper class clientele»

    business concern, business sector, patronage, backing, clientele, backup, business organization, line of work, business enterprise, condescension, job, business organisation, byplay, stage business, commercial enterprise, line, trade, championship, disdain, occupation, business, concern

  9. business, stage business, byplaynoun

    incidental activity performed by an actor for dramatic effect

    «his business with the cane was hilarious»

    occupation, clientele, job, line, byplay, patronage, business organisation, line of work, concern, business, business organization, business concern, business sector, business enterprise, commercial enterprise, stage business

Matched Categories

    • Acting
    • Activity
    • Aim
    • Business
    • Business Activity
    • Commerce
    • Concern
    • Enterprise
    • People
    • Sector

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:2.5 / 2 votes

  1. businessnoun

    calling, employment, occupation, pursuit, vocation, profession, craft, AVOCATION, walk of life

  2. businessnoun

    trade, commerce, traffic, dealing

  3. businessnoun

    concern, matter, affair, transaction

  4. businessnoun

    office, duty, function

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. businessnoun

    vocation, calling, pursuit, craft, trade, occupation, profession, avocation, traffic, trade, commerce, enterprise, industry, barter, duty, function, work, place, affair, concern, matter

    Associated words:
    commercial, mercantile, technical, technicality, technology

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «business»:

    commercial, enterprise, affairs, company, trade, enterprises, operational, undertaking, corporate, businesses, ‘affaires, companies, activity, commerce, entrepreneurial, trading, firm, activities, undertakings, firms, operations, entrepreneurship, operating, work, cases, industry, venture, undertaken, case, empresarial, corporations, ‘entreprise, businessmen, operation, matters, affaires, endeavour, entreprise, negócios, professional

How to pronounce Business?

How to say Business in sign language?

How to use Business in a sentence?

  1. Andrew Vaughan Winterbottom:

    The due diligence industry has seen a boom in business in recent years as new and unknown bidders emerge out of China, our clients are interested in identifying a bidder’s source of funds, understanding whether they have links to the government, or are affiliated with larger state-run firms that have been investigated by Chinese anti-corruption authorities.

  2. Silicon Valley billionaire Peter Thiel:

    I would underscore that I don’t expect to make any money from this, this is not a business venture.

  3. Eddie Gossage:

    I’ve met American Presidents and scholars. Astronauts and artists. World famous musicians and athletes. But the greatest man I ever met was Bruton Smith, we had so much fun working together. He always treated me like an equal as he taught me lessons about business and life.

  4. Chief Executive Tim Cook:

    We have limited travel to business-critical situations as of last week, the situation is emerging, and we’re still gathering lots of data points and monitoring it very closely.

  5. Alondra Ruiz:

    Like every small business, we struggled.

Translations for Business

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  • عمل, رعاية, مشروع, تجارةArabic
  • negociCatalan, Valencian
  • byznys, podnik, obchod, záležitost, věcCzech
  • forretning, brancheDanish
  • Unternehmen, Geschäft, AngelegenheitGerman
  • επιχείρησηGreek
  • entrepreno, komerco, establoEsperanto
  • negocio, asunto, empresaSpanish
  • äriEstonian
  • بنگاه تجاری, کار, پیشه, تجارتخانهPersian
  • ala, asia, elinkeinoelämä, yritystoiminta, liiketoiminta, yritykset, juttu, asiat, kauppa, yritys, ammatti, liikkeenjohto, liike, bisnes, asiakkuus, työ, tehtävä, lauma, liikevaihtoFinnish
  • entreprise, affaireFrench
  • עסק, עסקיםHebrew
  • व्यापारHindi
  • ügy, üzletHungarian
  • affaires, negotiosInterlingua
  • aziendaItalian
  • עסקיםHebrew
  • 企業, 業務, ビジネス, 商売, 景気, 事業Japanese
  • ವ್ಯವಹಾರKannada
  • 기업, 업무, 企業, 사업, 事業Korean
  • жанжал, ишмердүүлүк, ишкана, иш, амал, промысел, соода-сатык, ишкердүүлүк, профессия, окуя, чарбачылык, бизнес, соода, скандал, өнөр жай, ишкердик, компания, чарба, кесип, чатак, жумуш, фирма, аракетKyrgyz
  • negotiumLatin
  • verslasLithuanian
  • nodarbošanās, uzņēmums, biznessLatvian
  • kanonkanona, talidy, raharaha, tadidyMalagasy
  • pakihiMāori
  • занимање, дејност, работа, прометMacedonian
  • negozju, negozjanta, negozjantMaltese
  • vak, bedrijf, zakenleven, zaak, businessclass, klandizie, onderneming, zakenDutch
  • forretningNorwegian
  • zajęcie, biznes, sprawaPolish
  • negócio, trabalho, ramoPortuguese
  • afacere, întreprindereRomanian
  • занятие, работа, дело, бизнес, предприятиеRussian
  • firma, poduzećeSerbo-Croatian
  • biasharaSwahili
  • వ్యాపారముTelugu
  • กงกางThai
  • negosyoTagalog
  • Turkish
  • kinh doanhVietnamese
  • 商業Chinese

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     ( businesses    plural  )

1       n-uncount   Business is work relating to the production, buying, and selling of goods or services.  
…young people seeking a career in business…, Jennifer has an impressive academic and business background., …Harvard Business School.     

2       n-uncount   Business is used when talking about how many products or services a company is able to sell. If business is good, a lot of products or services are being sold and if business is bad, few of them are being sold.  
They worried that German companies would lose business…, Business is booming.     

3       n-count   A business is an organization which produces and sells goods or which provides a service.  
(=company, firm)  

The company was a family business…, The majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months…, He was short of cash after the collapse of his business.     

4       n-uncount   Business is work or some other activity that you do as part of your job and not for pleasure.  
oft on N  
I’m here on business…, You can’t mix business with pleasure., …business trips.     

5       n-sing   You can use business to refer to a particular area of work or activity in which the aim is to make a profit.  
oft supp N  
May I ask you what business you’re in?, …the music business.     

6       n-sing   You can use business to refer to something that you are doing or concerning yourself with.  
with supp  
…recording Ben as he goes about his business…, There was nothing left for the teams to do but get on with the business of racing.     

7       n-uncount   You can use business to refer to important matters that you have to deal with.  
The most important business was left to the last…, I’ve got some unfinished business to attend to.     

8       n-uncount   If you say that something is your business, you mean that it concerns you personally and that other people have no right to ask questions about it or disagree with it.  
with poss  
(=affair, concern)  

My sex life is my business…, If she doesn’t want the police involved, that’s her business…, It’s not our business.     

9       n-sing   You can use business to refer in a general way to an event, situation, or activity. For example, you can say something is `a wretched business’ or you can refer to `this assassination business’.  
supp N  

We have sorted out this wretched business at last…, This whole business is very puzzling.     

10       n-sing   You can use business when describing a task that is unpleasant in some way. For example, if you say that doing something is a costly business, you mean that it costs a lot.  
INFORMAL   supp N  

Coastal defence is a costly business…, Parenting can be a stressful business.     

  big business  

  show business  

12    If two people or companies do businesswith each other, one sells goods or services to the other.  

do business      phrase   V inflects, PHR with n, pl-n PHR  
I was fascinated by the different people who did business with me.     

13    If you say that someone has no businessto be in a place or to do something, you mean that they have no right to be there or to do it.  

have no business      phrase   V inflects, PHR to-inf, PHR -ing  
Really I had no business to be there at all.     

14    A company that is in business is operating and trading.  

be in business      phrase   v-link PHR  
You can’t stay in business without cash.     

15    If you say you are in business, you mean you have everything you need to start something immediately.  

be in business      phrase   V inflects, v-link PHR  
All you need is a microphone, and you’re in business.     

16    If you say that someone means business, you mean they are serious and determined about what they are doing.  

mean business      phrase   V inflects  
Now people are starting to realise that he means business.     

17    If you say to someone `mind your own business’ or `it’s none of your business’, you are rudely telling them not to ask about something that does not concern them.  

mind your own business/it’s none of your business      phrase  
I asked Laura what was wrong and she told me to mind my own business.     

18    If a shop or company goes out of business or is put out of business, it has to stop trading because it is not making enough money.  

out of business      phrase   PHR after v  
Thousands of firms could go out of business.     

19    In a difficult situation, if you say it is business as usual, you mean that people will continue doing what they normally do.  

business as usual      phrase   usu v-link PHR  
The Queen was determined to show it was business as usual.     

big business  

1       n-uncount   Big business is business which involves very large companies and very large sums of money.  
Big business will never let petty nationalism get in the way of a good deal.     

2       n-uncount   Something that is big business is something which people spend a lot of money on, and which has become an important commercial activity.  
Sport has become big business.     

business angel        ( business angels    plural  ) A business angel is a person who gives financial support to a commercial venture and receives a share of any profits from it, but who does not expect to be involved in its management.      n-count  

business card        ( business cards    plural  ) A person’s business card or their card is a small card which they give to other people, and which has their name and details of their job and company printed on it.      n-count   oft poss N  

business class     
Business class seating on an aeroplane costs less than first class but more than economy class.      adj   ADJ n  
You can pay to be upgraded to a business class seat.     
      Business class is also an adverb., adv   ADV after v  
They flew business class.     
      Business class is the business class seating on an aeroplane., n-uncount  
The Australian team will be seated in business class.     

business end     
The business endof a tool or weapon is the end of it which does the work or causes damage rather than the end that you hold.  
INFORMAL      n-sing   usu N of n  
…the business end of a vacuum cleaner.     

business hours     
Business hours are the hours of the day in which a shop or a company is open for business.      n-plural  
All showrooms are staffed during business hours.     

business person        ( business people    plural  ) Business people are people who work in business.      n-count  
…a self-employed business person.     

business plan        ( business plans    plural  ) A business plan is a detailed plan for setting up or developing a business, especially one that is written in order to borrow money.      n-count  
She learned how to write a business plan for the catering business she wanted to launch.     

business school        ( business schools    plural  ) A business school is a school or college which teaches business subjects such as economics and management.      n-count  

e-business        ( e-businesses    plural  )

1       n-count   An e-business is a business which uses the Internet to sell goods or services, especially one which does not also have shops or offices that people can visit or phone.     (BUSINESS)  

2       n-uncount   E-business is the buying, selling, and ordering of goods and services using the Internet.     (BUSINESS)   oft N n  
…proven e-business solutions.     

show business     
Show business is the entertainment industry of film, theatre, and television.      n-uncount  
He started his career in show business by playing the saxophone and singing.     

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