11 misspelling
bbrought abbout
broought aboout
brougght about
broughht about
brought aabout
brought abou
broughtt aboutt
brouught abouut
brrought about
bruoght abuot
rought about
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synonyms for brought about
synonyms for brought about
- complete
- completed
- concluded
- consummated
- depleted
- drained
- effected
- ended
- executed
- exhausted
- fixed
- fulfilled
- perfected
- performed
- realized
- rendered
- set
- spent
- succeeded
- terminated
- wired
- wrought
- a wrap
- all in
- all over
- brought to pass
- buttoned-up
- compassed
- over
- through
- used-up
- closed
- concluded
- decided
- ended
- full
- realized
- resolved
- satisfied
- settled
- stopped
- accomplished
- achieved
- ceased
- compassed
- consummated
- discharged
- dispatched
- effected
- effectuated
- elaborated
- executed
- finalized
- fulfilled
- lapsed
- made
- perfected
- performed
- shut
- terminated
- come to an end
- disposed of
- done for
- done with
- entire
- final
- in the past
- over
- over and done
- put into effect
- sewn-up
- through
- tied-up
- worked out
- wound-up
- wrapped-up
- realized
- satisfied
- accomplished
- achieved
- actualized
- attained
- compassed
- concluded
- consummated
- crowned
- delighted
- dispatched
- effected
- effectuated
- executed
- finished
- gratified
- matured
- obtained
- perfected
- performed
- pleased
- reached
- brought to a close
- carried out
- made good
- put into effect
- accomplished
- achieved
- actualized
- attained
- compassed
- concluded
- consummated
- content
- crowned
- delighted
- dispatched
- effected
- effectuated
- executed
- finished
- matured
- obtained
- brought to a close
- carried out
- happy
- made good
- perf
On this page you’ll find 145 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to brought about, such as: complete, completed, concluded, consummated, depleted, and drained.
- incomplete
- unfinished
- disappointed
- incomplete
- unfinished
- unfulfilled
- unsatisfied
- depressed
- unhappy
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- a wrap
- all in
- all over
- brought about
- brought to pass
- buttoned-up
- compassed
- complete
- completed
- concluded
- consummated
- depleted
- drained
- effected
- ended
- executed
- exhausted
- fixed
- fulfilled
- over
- perfected
- performed
- realized
- rendered
- set
- spent
- succeeded
- terminated
- through
- used-up
- wired
- wrought
- accomplished
- achieved
- brought about
- ceased
- closed
- come to an end
- compassed
- concluded
- consummated
- decided
- discharged
- dispatched
- disposed of
- done for
- done with
- effected
- effectuated
- elaborated
- ended
- entire
- executed
- final
- finalized
- fulfilled
- full
- in the past
- lapsed
- made
- over
- over and done
- perfected
- performed
- put into effect
- realized
- resolved
- satisfied
- settled
- sewn-up
- shut
- stopped
- terminated
- through
- tied-up
- worked out
- wound-up
- wrapped-up
- accomplished
- achieved
- actualized
- attained
- brought about
- brought to a close
- carried out
- compassed
- concluded
- consummated
- crowned
- delighted
- dispatched
- effected
- effectuated
- executed
- finished
- gratified
- made good
- matured
- obtained
- perfected
- performed
- pleased
- put into effect
- reached
- realized
- satisfied
- accomplished
- achieved
- actualized
- attained
- brought about
- brought to a close
- carried out
- compassed
- concluded
- consummated
- content
- crowned
- delighted
- dispatched
- effected
- effectuated
- executed
- finished
- happy
- made good
- matured
- obtained
- perf
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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Synonyms for Brought about. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 29, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/brought_about
Synonyms for Brought about. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/brought_about>.
Synonyms for Brought about. 2016. Accessed April 29, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/brought_about.
What is another word for brought about?
149 synonyms found
[ bɹˈɔːt ɐbˈa͡ʊt], [ bɹˈɔːt ɐbˈaʊt], [ b_ɹ_ˈɔː_t ɐ_b_ˈaʊ_t]
Table of Contents
• done (adjective)
- more succeeded,
- more compassed,
- most effected,
- most succeeded,
- more effected,
- more consummated,
- most compassed,
- most consummated,
- most concluded,
- more concluded,
- most performed,
- most terminated,
- more performed,
- more terminated.
• finished (adjective)
- dis charged,
- in past,
- dis patched,
- most elaborated,
- over done,
- most achieved,
- more dispatched,
- come end,
- more effectuated,
- more ceased,
- re-solved,
- put in to effect,
- more shut,
- come an end,
- come to end,
- most resolved,
- most dispatched,
- most shut,
- most ceased,
- dis-patched,
- more elaborated,
- more resolved,
- most effectuated,
- dis-charged,
- more achieved.
• fulfilled (adjective)
- brought to close,
- more obtained,
- de lighted,
- more reached,
- brought a close,
- most actualized,
- most reached,
- most attained,
- brought close,
- de-lighted,
- re-ached,
- more attained,
- more actualized,
- more crowned,
- re ached,
- most crowned,
- most obtained.
• gratified (adjective)
- perfest,
- perfer.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- finished,
- all in,
- over and done,
- buttoned up,
- gratified,
- all over,
- made good,
- in the past,
- brought to a close,
- terminated,
- put into effect,
- a wrap,
- completed,
- most pleased,
- sewn up,
- done with,
- done,
- come to an end,
- wrapped up,
- used up.
• brought about (noun)
- established,
- constituted.
• caused (verb)
- driven,
- Brought,
- Acted,
- forced,
- elicited,
- enforced,
- induced,
- Generated,
- gave rise to,
- Caused,
- Originated,
- Engineered,
- given rise to,
- made,
- provoked,
- produced,
- drove,
- evoked,
- inspired,
- motivated,
- Engendered,
- effected.
• effected (verb)
- Achieved,
- executed.
Other synonyms:
• accomplished
- fulfilled.
• conducted
- Operated.
• Other relevant words:
- divine,
- beat,
- realised,
- goaded,
- big,
- complete,
- brocaded,
- constrained,
- elevated,
- conventional,
- naturalized,
- implemented,
- over,
- bushed,
- bound up,
- through,
- everywhere,
- embossed,
- grownup,
- adult,
- aggravated,
- ended,
- determined,
- impelled,
- everyplace,
- dead,
- elysian,
- strained,
- full-grown,
- through with,
- swarm,
- fully grown,
- concluded,
- ruined,
- realized,
- compulsive,
- drove chisel,
- accomplished,
- horde.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- grown,
- Precipitated,
- raised.
How to use «Brought about» in context?
Brought about is a verb meaning to cause to happen. It is often used to describe the process of creating something. When we say something was brought about by a particular event or circumstance, we are signaling that this event was the responsible cause of the thing that happened.
Word of the Day
bow 1
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twist tie,
Nearby words
- Brought
- brought a close
- brought a focus
- brought a screeching halt
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- Brought about
- (be) -uncertain
- (be) accustomed
- (be) acquainted
- (be) agitated
- (be) aimed at (doing) something
- BROUGHT ABOUT synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- BROUGHT ABOUT synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— BROUGHT ABOUT synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of BROUGHT ABOUT
— another words for BROUGHT ABOUT
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote
bring about
Do is the one comprehensive word which includes this whole class. We may say of the least item of daily work, «It is done,» and of the grandest human achievement, «Well done!» Finish and complete signify to bring to an end what was previously begun; there is frequently the difference in usage that finish is applied to the fine details and is superficial, while complete is comprehensive, being applied to the whole ideal, plan, and execution; as, to finish a statue; to complete a scheme of philosophy. To discharge is to do what is given in charge, expected, or required; as, to discharge the duties of the office. To fulfil is to do or to be what has been promised, expected, hoped, or desired; as, a son fulfils a father’s hopes. Realize, effect, execute, and consummate all signify to embody in fact what was before in thought. One may realize that which he has done nothing to bring about; he may realize the dreams of youth by inheriting a fortune; but he can not effect his early designs except by doing the utmost that is necessary to make them fact. Effect includes all that is done to accomplish the intent; execute refers rather to the final steps; consummate is limited quite sharply to the concluding act. An officer executes the law when he proceeds against its violators; a purchase is consummated when the money is paid and the property delivered. Execute refers more commonly to the commands of another, effect and consummate to one’s own designs; as, the commander effected the capture of the fort, because his officers and men promptly executed his commands. Achieve — to do something worthy of a chief — signifies always to perform some great and generally some worthy exploit. Perform and accomplish both imply working toward the end; but perform always allows a possibility of not attaining, while accomplish carries the thought of full completion. In Longfellow’s lines, «Patience; accomplish thy labor,» etc., perform could not be substituted without great loss. As between complete and accomplish, complete considers rather the thing as done; accomplish, the whole process of doing it. Commit, as applied to actions, is used only of those that are bad, whether grave or trivial; perpetrate is used chiefly of aggravated crimes or, somewhat humorously, of blunders. A man may commit a sin, a trespass, or a murder; perpetrate an outrage or a felony. We finish a garment or a letter, complete an edifice or a life-work, consummate a bargain or a crime, discharge a duty, effect a purpose, execute a command, fulfil a promise, perform our daily tasks, realize an ideal, accomplish a design, achieve a victory. Compare TRANSACT; TRANSACTION.
accomplish, achieve, actualize, bring to pass, carry out, carry through, commit, complete, consummate, discharge, do, effect, execute, finish, fulfil, perform, perpetrate, realize, transact, work outAntonyms:
baffle, come short, defeat, destroy, fail, frustrate, mar, miscarry, miss, neglect, ruin, spoil
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
bring aboutverb
cause to move into the opposite direction
«they brought about the boat when they saw a storm approaching»
give rise, produce -
produce, bring about, give riseverb
cause to happen, occur or exist
«This procedure produces a curious effect»; «The new law gave rise to many complaints»; «These chemicals produce a noxious vapor»; «the new President must bring about a change in the health care system»
farm, get, develop, create, acquire, raise, bring out, bring forth, produce, bring on, make, grow, give rise
How to pronounce bring about?
How to say bring about in sign language?
How to use bring about in a sentence?
Pope Francis:
Accepting the urgency, it seems clear to me also that climate change is a problem, which can no longer be left to a future generation, when it comes to the care of our ‘common home,’ we are living at a critical moment of history. We still have time to make the changes needed to bring about a sustainable and integral development, for we know that things can change.
Kerry Brown:
They (the U.S) will be concerned about the freeloading off the hard work Washington has done in having ‘hard talk’ with China’s leaders, but as long as the UK can say that in creating a more equitable and sustainable economic relationship with China they will bring about better quality dialogue with China on other issues, then that’s something the British and Americans can overcome.
German Chancellor Angela Merkel:
The international environment around Iraq is very complicated and therefore we agreed that all efforts need to be made, for example today in Munich, to have talks on the future of Syria and to bring about peace in the region.
Clive Efford:
Those sexist jokes that just slip off the tongue around the coffee machine, that’s where it starts, that’s the small steps that create the environment where people feel that they can become violent and aggressive towards women and girls, so if we want to bring about change, we have to live that change and be that change.
South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham:
Today’s decision only reinforces why we need a President who will bring about real reform that repeals Obamacare and replaces it with a plan that expands consumer choice, increases coverage, delivers better value for the dollar, and gives states more control, without stifling job creation, as President, this is the kind of reform I would put in place.
Translations for bring about
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- zustande bringen, bewirken, bedingen, bewerkstelligenGerman
- provocar, lograr, traerSpanish
- aiheuttaa, saavuttaaFinnish
- causer, provoquer, réaliser, occasionnerFrench
- bevirke, foranledige, forårsake, avstedkommeNorwegian
- teweegbrengen, veroorzaken, bewerkstelligen, verwezenlijkenDutch
- dokonywać, powodować, wywoływaćPolish
- ocasionar, provocar, causarPortuguese
- вызыватьRussian
- yerine getirmek, başarmakTurkish
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