1 beaming, blazing, brilliant, dazzling, effulgent, flashing, gleaming, glistening, glittering, glowing, illuminated, intense, lambent, luminous, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, scintillating, shimmering, shining, sparkling, twinkling, vivid
2 clear, clement, cloudless, fair, limpid, lucid, pellucid, pleasant, sunny, translucent, transparent, unclouded
3 acute, astute, aware, brainy, brilliant, clear-headed, clever, ingenious, intelligent, inventive, keen, quick, quick-witted, sharp, smart, wide-awake
4 auspicious, encouraging, excellent, favourable, golden, good, hopeful, optimistic, palmy, promising, propitious, prosperous, rosy
5 cheerful, chirpy (informal) full of beans (informal) gay, genial, glad, happy, jolly, joyful, joyous, light-hearted, lively, merry, sparky, upbeat (informal) vivacious
6 distinguished, famous, glorious, illustrious, magnificent, outstanding, remarkable, splendid
1 & 2 cloudy, dark, dim, dusky, gloomy, grey, overcast, poorly lit
3 dense, dim, dim-witted (informal) dull, dumb (informal) foolish, idiotic, ignorant, retarded, simple, slow, stupid, thick, unintelligent, witless
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
( brighter comparative) ( brightest superlative )
1 adj A bright colour is strong and noticeable, and not dark.
usu ADJ n, ADJ colour
…a bright red dress., …the bright uniforms of the guards parading at Buckingham Palace.
brightly adv
…a display of brightly coloured flowers.
brightness n-uncount oft the N of n
You’ll be impressed with the brightness and the beauty of the colors.
2 adj A bright light, object, or place is shining strongly or is full of light., (Antonym: dull)
…a bright October day…, She leaned forward, her eyes bright with excitement.
brightly adv ADV with v
…a warm, brightly lit room…, The sun shone brightly.
brightness n-uncount oft the N of n
An astronomer can determine the brightness of each star.
3 adj If you describe someone as bright, you mean that they are quick at learning things.
usu v-link ADJ
I was convinced that he was brighter than average.
4 adj A bright idea is clever and original.
usu ADJ n
Ford had the bright idea of paying workers enough to buy cars.
5 adj If someone looks or sounds bright, they look or sound cheerful and lively.
(=cheerful, lively)
The boy was so bright and animated…, `May I help you?’ said a bright American voice over the telephone.
brightly adv ADV with v
He smiled brightly as Ben approached.
6 adj If the future is bright, it is likely to be pleasant or successful.
(=promising) (Antonym: bleak)
Both had successful careers and the future looked bright…, There are much brighter prospects for a comprehensive settlement than before.
7 If you look on the bright side, you try to be cheerful about a bad situation by thinking of some advantages that could result from it, or thinking that it is not as bad as it could have been.
to look on the bright side phrase V inflects
bright lights
If someone talks about thebright lights, they are referring to life in a big city where you can do a lot of enjoyable and exciting things and be successful. n-plural the N
The bright lights of Hollywood beckon many.
bright spark ( bright sparks plural ) If you say that some bright spark had a particular idea or did something, you mean that their idea or action was clever, or that it seemed clever but was silly in some way.
INFORMAL n-count
`Why not give out one of the cybercafe’s e-mail addresses?’ suggested one bright spark…, Some bright spark turned the heating off last night!
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
bright colours
Additional comments:
Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus
! catchlight |
n. |
The specular reflection of light from the surface of an eye in a photograph visible as a bright white spot on the eye. |
The separate lights of the studio flash kit should be positioned so that the portrait exhibits only one catchlight per eye. |
when life gives you lemons, make lemonade! |
exp. |
make the best out of a difficult situation ; turn sth negative into a positive. By making sth sweet (lemonade) out of sth bitter (lemon), the phrase encourages to look on the bright side of life even in the face of adversity or misfortune |
When life gives you lemons, make lemonade; but when life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic! |
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Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
bright [braɪt] прил
яркий, блестящий, светлый, более яркий
(vivid, brilliant, light, more vivid)
- bright white light – яркий белый свет
- bright red color – яркий красный цвет
- bright blue eye – яркий голубой глаз
- bright full moon – яркая полная луна
- bright summer day – яркий летний день
- bright sun – яркое солнце
- bright idea – блестящая идея
- bright future – светлое будущее
умный, шустрый, сообразительный, смышленый
- bright kid – умный ребенок
- bright costumes – красочные костюмы
- bright appearance – броская внешность
bright [braɪt] прич
светящийся, сияющий
(luminous, shining)
adjective | ||
яркий | bright, vivid, colorful, shining, flamboyant, glaring | |
светлый | light, bright, blond, blonde, fair, luminous | |
ясный | clear, bright, lucid, plain, fine, obvious | |
блестящий | brilliant, shiny, shining, bright, glossy, sparkling | |
полированный | polished, burnished, bright | |
смышленый | intelligent, bright, quick, quick-witted | |
сообразительный | smart, bright, astute, cute, quick, acute | |
веселый | cheerful, merry, gay, glad, happy, bright | |
живой | live, living, alive, lively, animate, bright | |
прозрачный | transparent, clear, limpid, crystalline, crystal, bright | |
способный | capable, able, apt, gifted, clever, bright | |
расторопный | quick, bright, prompt | |
великолепный | great, sumptuous, gorgeous, magnificent, excellent, bright | |
разбитной | bright | |
adverb | ||
ярко | bright, brightly, dramatically, gaily, glaringly, flamingly | |
блестяще | brilliantly, bright, luminously | |
noun | ||
яркость | brightness, bright, brilliance, intensity, flamboyance, illumination |
Синонимы (v1)
Синонимы (v2)
bright прил
- vivid · vibrant · colourful · striking · lively · garish · lightsome
- light · radiant
- shining · lustrous · blazing · gleaming · glittering · iridescent · glistening · effulgent
- brilliant · notable
- luminous · lucent
- shiny · rosy
- clear
- cheerful · sunny · lucid
- shining, brilliant, dazzling, beaming, glaring, sparkling, flashing, glittering, scintillating, gleaming, glowing, luminous, radiant, undimmed, shiny, lustrous, glossy
- sunny, sunshiny, cloudless, clear, fair, fine
- vivid, brilliant, intense, strong, bold, glowing, rich, gaudy, lurid, garish, colorful, vibrant, gay
- clear, vibrant, pellucid, high-pitched
- clever, intelligent, quick-witted, smart, canny, astute, intuitive, perceptive, ingenious, resourceful, gifted, brilliant, brainy
- happy, cheerful, cheery, jolly, merry, sunny, beaming, lively, exuberant, buoyant, bubbly, bouncy, perky, chirpy, gay
- promising, rosy, optimistic, hopeful, favorable, propitious, auspicious, encouraging, good, golden
- promising, hopeful
- smart
- shining, lustrous, burnished, shiny
- undimmed
- brilliant
- brilliant, vivid
- brightly, brilliantly, intensely, undimmed
- brilliantly, brightly
Предложения со словом «bright»
I mean, the day remained bright. |
То есть день оставался светлым. |
And up above, in the twilight, bright stars and planets had come out. |
И наверху, в сумерках, появились яркие звёзды и планеты. |
In fact, we look identical to the one next door, except that we’re bright yellow. |
Он и правда похож на соседние дома, только наш — ярко — жёлтый. |
Some recent plazas like Federation Square in Melbourne or Superkilen in Copenhagen succeed because they combine old and new, rough and smooth, neutral and bright colors, and because they don’t rely excessively on glass. |
Современные площади, такие как площадь Федерации в Мельбурне или Суперкилен в Копенгагене, успешны, потому что сочетают в себе старое и новое, грубые и гладкие материалы, спокойные и яркие цвета и не полагаются чрезмерно на стекло. |
In nearby Oaxaca, even ordinary plaster buildings become canvasses for bright colors, political murals and sophisticated graphic arts. |
В соседнем штате Оахака даже обычные оштукатуренные здания стали яркими полотнами, политическими фресками и сложными графическими картинами. |
Through the darkness of today’s conflicts, each and every one of us can become a bright candle, a reminder that light will overcome darkness, and never the other way around. |
И во тьме раздирающих мир противоречий каждый из нас может загореться свечой, которая напомнит о том, что свет побеждает тьму, а не наоборот. |
Now, if we zoom in, these blue dots are ionized plasma around very bright stars, and what happens is that they block the red light, so they appear blue. |
А сейчас, если приблизить, видно, что эти точки — ионизированная плазма вокруг очень ярких звёзд, они блокируют красный цвет и поэтому кажутся синими. |
Within a very short period of time, they began to complain of headaches, of sore throats, of itchy eyes, in addition to the interference of the noise, vibration and the bright lights from the flaring of natural gas. |
Спустя небольшой промежуток времени они стали жаловаться на головные боли, першение в горле, зуд в глазах, и это в добавок к беспокоившим их шуму, вибрации, яркому свету от сжигания газа. |
Set against a backdrop of bright gas, the black hole’s massive gravitational pull bends light into a ring. |
На фоне яркой вспышки газа сильнейшее гравитационное притяжение чёрной дыры изгибает свет в кольцо. |
If you go out past the bright city lights tonight, you may just be lucky enough to see a stunning view of the Milky Way Galaxy. |
Если вы выйдете сегодня вечером за пределы города и его огней, вам, возможно, посчастливится созерцать захватывающий вид Галактики Млечного пути. |
In other words, the black hole casts a shadow on this backdrop of bright material, carving out a sphere of darkness. |
Другими словами, чёрная дыра отбрасывает тень на фон из светлого материала, создавая тем самым сферу из темноты. |
This bright ring reveals the black hole’s event horizon, where the gravitational pull becomes so great that not even light can escape. |
Это яркое кольцо очерчивает горизонт событий чёрной дыры, где притяжение становится настолько сильным, что даже свет не может вырваться. |
That seems to me to become the fertile conversation of the future: How do we rebuild communities in this modern age, with technology doing what it’s doing, and reimagine this bright future? |
Вот плодотворная тема для обсуждения о будущем: как перестроить общество современного мира, учитывая при этом роль технологий, и трактовать заново светлое будущее? |
The lights on the ward were fluorescent and too bright. |
Освещение в палате было слишком ярким . |
Rather than the bright, noisy quarters of the hospital, their rooms are calm and comfortable, with actual living spaces for the families, a sanctuary of gardens and a wonderful outdoor playground with special structures for children with physical limitations. |
Вместо ярко освещённых и шумных больничных палат, здесь у них уютные, спокойные комнаты, в которых есть место и для их родственников, дом окружён великолепным садом и прекрасной игровой площадкой с турниками для детей с ограниченными физическими способностями. |
When I look at myself in this photo, if I were to describe myself, I think I’d say something like, 19-year-old Indian male, bright T-shirt, wearing glasses. |
Когда я смотрю на себя на этом фото, если бы я себя описывал, я думаю, что сказал бы что — то вроде: 19 — летний индус, мужчина, в очках и яркой футболке. |
Would my daughter’s bright, happy eyes lose their shine? |
Потеряли бы светлые счастливые глаза моей дочери этот блеск? |
Hala had been a confident, bright, bubbly, loving, caring mother to her children, but the war had changed all of that. |
Она была уверенной, живой, энергичной, любящей и заботливой матерью своих детей, но война всё изменила. |
Of course there is a bright spot to this story. |
Конечно, у этой истории есть и светлая сторона. |
The cities are shown shining bright. |
Ярко светятся города. |
The following day was bright, but not particularly warm. |
Следующий день выдался солнечным, но не особенно жарким. |
Bright golden DIM beads crawled slowly about in her hair. |
В волосах медленно ползают крошечные золотистые ДИМ — головки. |
The bright colors glowed mockingly in the lurid afternoon sun. |
Яркие краски с издевкой сияли в палящих лучах полуденного солнца. |
He was young, bright, ambitious, well educated. |
Он был молод, умен, честолюбив, хорошо образован. |
Round, bright-painted shields hung on their sides. |
По бокам у чудовищ висели круглые, ярко раскрашенные щиты. |
If you were in New York City in December you would go on the Christmas Lights bus tour to see all the glamour of the avenues and the bright lights of the Manhattan skyline turning red and green — the traditional colours of Xmas. |
Окажись вы в Нью — Йорке в декабре, вы бы поехали на автобусную экскурсию Рождественские огни, чтобы увидеть все великолепие улиц и освещенный силуэт Манхэттена, мигающий красными и зелеными огнями, традиционными для Рождества. |
Trevize watched the bright daylit portion drifting past them below. |
Тревиз смотрел на ярко освещенные солнцем участки, проплывавшие внизу. |
He had the same bright sparkle in his eyes. |
У него были такие же светлые искорки в глазах. |
Wolff entered into a large cavern bright with torches. |
Вольф вошел в большую пещеру, ярко освещенную факелами. |
He is a traditional Hollywood man of action in some ways, he is strong and handsome with bright blue eyes. |
По некоторым меркам он типичный голливудский деловой человек, он сильный и привлекатель — — ный с ярко — голубыми глазами. |
When she meets Harriet who is not as bright as she is and not as cultured as she is, Emma decides to try to improve her and help her find love. |
Когда она встречает Гэрриет, которая не так умна и не так культурна, как она, Эмма решает попытаться сделать ее совершеннее и помочь ей встретить свою любовь. |
Mack had a wicker chaise longue painted bright red. |
Маку принадлежал плетеный шезлонг, выкрашенный им в красный цвет. |
The colors of the forest suddenly grew bright and new. |
Краски леса ожили, заиграли, налились яркой свежестью. |
Poor Esme never liked painting sunshine or bright colours. |
Бедный Эсми не любил солнечные пейзажи и яркие цвета. |
Sometimes our blind spots keep our lives bright and shiny. |
Иногда наши слепые места делают нашу жизнь веселой и яркой. |
The light in here was still too bright this evening. |
Освещение там этим вечером казалось все еще слишком сильным. |
I went from bright sunlight to cool dappling shade. |
После яркого солнца я попал в прохладную прозрачную тень. |
For eyes the reptile sported two bright red gems. |
Глазами ей служили два ярких драгоценных камня красного цвета. |
Most good science came from bright minds at play. |
Многие великие науки были рождены ясными умами во время игры. |
Nassef was bright, fearless, hard, and competent. |
Нассеф был умен, бесстрашен, жесток и умел. |
Always cool, clear and bright |
Всегда прохладной, яркой и чистой |
May your days be merry and bright |
Пусть твои дни будут веселыми и яркими |
It`s very beautiful there — the warm sea and the bright sun. |
Там очень красиво — теплое море и яркое солнце. |
My room is small, but it is very cozy and bright. |
Моя комната маленькая, но очень уютная и светлая. |
It is thought that the bright hues used to decorate Easter eggs were meant to mirror the colors of the reawakening spring growth. |
Считается, что яркие тона, украшавшие пасхальные яйца, были предназначены для того, чтобы отражать цвета пробуждение весны. |
In the city the streets and shop windows are decorated with bright and motley garlands. |
В городе украшают улицы и витрины магазинов яркими , разноцветными гирляндами. |
And then to be at home at the TV with a cup of coffee and to wrap them in celebratory packing, without feeling sorry for bright paints and spangles. |
А потом сидеть дома у телевизора с чашечкой кофе и заворачивать их в праздничные упаковки, не жалея ярких красок и блёсток. |
Around the base of the tree lie the gifts and toys wrapped up in bright colourful paper. |
Вокруг основы дерева лежат подарки и игрушки, обернутые в яркой красочной бумаге. |
We haven`t the right to forget those soldiers, who died for our bright future. |
Мы не имеем права забыть тех солдат, которые погибли ради того, чтобы мы сейчас жили. |
Let every minute of your life be bright and exciting, let men always embrace you with care and loving tenderness, and their eyes shine at you with the never-ending admiring glance. |
Пусть каждая минута вашей жизни будет яркой и увлекательной, пусть мужчины окружают вас заботой, лаской и любовью, а в их глазах будет сиять бесконечное восхищение вами. |
People enjoy bright summer days if they are in the country or at the seaside. |
Люди наслаждаются яркими солнечными днями, если они в деревне или на море. |
But not only the nature puts on bright colours, people also take off their warm coats. |
Но не только природа наряжается в яркие краски, но и люди сбрасывают с себя теплые шубы. |
In summer the sun is bright, the sky is blue and bottomless. |
Летом солнце яркое, а небо голубое, бездонное. |
I like its song about the warm wind, kind sun, and bright juicy fruits. |
Мне нравится его песня о теплом ветре, ласковом солнце, спелых фруктах. |
The bright pages of the city history, immortallized in stone and bronze, names of streets and squares, are connected with the revolutionary, war and labour traditions. |
Яркие страницы истории города, увековечены в бронзе и камне, названиях улиц и площадей, связаны с революционными, боевыми и трудовыми традициями. |
The whole our small church is bright and cozy, like lace, it is thanks to wonderful carved iconostasis, icon frames, breastwork, all of it is made by our father`s hands. |
Весь наш небольшой храм, светлый и уютный, словно кружевной, благодаря прекрасному резному иконостасу, окладам икон, аналою — все это сделано руками нашего батюшки. |
The lights are so bright and kind there. |
Огни в них такие добрые и яркие . |
The golden domes are reflected in the bright sky. |
Позолоченные купола отражаются в отблеске неба. |
This painting is portrayed in bright colours of nature. |
Сама картина изображена в ярких красках природы. |
But no matter how many new languages I will learn, I will never stop loving English – the one that has made my life so bright. |
Но сколько языков я ни выучу, я никогда не перестану любить английский – язык, сделавший мою жизнь такой яркой. |
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
Clever, as used in England, especially implies an aptitude for study or learning, and for excellent tho not preeminent mental achievement. The early New England usage as implying simple and weak good nature has largely affected the use of the word throughout the United States, where it has never been much in favor. Smart, indicating dashing ability, is now coming to have a suggestion of unscrupulousness, similar to that of the word sharp, which makes its use a doubtful compliment. The discriminating use of such words as able, gifted, talented, etc., is greatly preferable to an excessive use of the word clever. Compare ACUMEN; ASTUTE; POWER.
able, adroit, apt, capable, clever, dexterous, expert, gifted, happy, ingenious, intellectual, intelligent, keen, knowing, quick, quick-witted, sharp, skilful, smart, talentedAntonyms:
awkward, bungling, clumsy, dull, foolish, idiotic, ignorant, senseless, slow, stupid, thick-headed, witless
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote
shining, brilliant, burnished, luminous, lucid, sparkling, limpid, clever, happy, witty, joyous, cheerful, radiantAntonyms:
opaque, dull, dead, muddy, stupid, slow, sullen, dejected, cheerless, joyless, imbecile
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
emitting or reflecting light readily or in large amounts
«the sun was bright and hot»; «a bright sunlit room»
smart, hopeful, vivid, promising, shiny, undimmed, shining, brilliant, lustrous, burnishedAntonyms:
unhappy, lacklustre, mat, matte, inglorious, unintelligent, dull, unfortunate, unpolished, colourless, matted, colorless, subdued, nonresonant, lustreless, flat, inauspicious, unreverberant, dark, lusterless, soft, stupid, matt, lackluster -
bright, brilliant, vividadjective
having striking color
«bright dress»; «brilliant tapestries»; «a bird with vivid plumage»
shining, promising, hopeful, splendid, intense, smart, smart as a whip, lifelike, superb, brilliant, bright, lustrous, pictorial, burnished, brainy, graphic, vivid, magnificent, undimmed, glorious, shinyAntonyms:
colourless, mat, lusterless, dark, lustreless, matte, subdued, unfortunate, unreverberant, matt, stupid, lackluster, unintelligent, unpolished, unhappy, lacklustre, inglorious, matted, inauspicious, colorless, dull, soft, flat, nonresonant -
bright, smartadjective
characterized by quickness and ease in learning
«some children are brighter in one subject than another»; «smart children talk earlier than the average»
shining, promising, voguish, wise, smart, fresh, chic, brilliant, bright, lustrous, burnished, saucy, impertinent, vivid, sassy, hopeful, undimmed, overbold, impudent, shinyAntonyms:
matte, unintelligent, unreverberant, unhappy, nonresonant, subdued, colourless, dark, unpolished, dull, soft, matt, flat, mat, lustreless, stupid, inglorious, colorless, matted, lusterless, unfortunate, lacklustre, inauspicious, lackluster -
having lots of light either natural or artificial
«the room was bright and airy»; «a stage bright with spotlights»
smart, hopeful, vivid, promising, shiny, undimmed, shining, brilliant, lustrous, burnishedAntonyms:
mat, inglorious, matte, nonresonant, unintelligent, subdued, dull, lustreless, matt, soft, lackluster, lacklustre, unhappy, inauspicious, unpolished, lusterless, flat, stupid, colourless, matted, dark, colorless, unreverberant, unfortunate -
bright, burnished, lustrous, shining, shinyadjective
made smooth and bright by or as if by rubbing; reflecting a sheen or glow
«bright silver candlesticks»; «a burnished brass knocker»; «she brushed her hair until it fell in lustrous auburn waves»; «rows of shining glasses»; «shiny black patents»
smart, hopeful, vivid, promising, glistening, shiny, undimmed, bright, glossy, shining, glazed, brilliant, lustrous, burnishedAntonyms:
lusterless, mat, dull, inglorious, subdued, dark, unfortunate, matted, unintelligent, matte, unreverberant, unhappy, lustreless, matt, lackluster, lacklustre, colorless, unpolished, stupid, soft, nonresonant, flat, colourless, inauspicious -
«the bright stars of stage and screen»; «a bright moment in history»; «the bright pageantry of court»
smart, hopeful, vivid, promising, shiny, undimmed, shining, brilliant, lustrous, burnishedAntonyms:
lackluster, lustreless, soft, unfortunate, unintelligent, colorless, unhappy, matte, unreverberant, matt, matted, flat, dark, subdued, nonresonant, lusterless, inglorious, dull, inauspicious, lacklustre, stupid, unpolished, colourless, mat -
undimmed, brightadjective
not made dim or less bright
«undimmed headlights»; «surprisingly the curtain started to rise while the houselights were still undimmed»
smart, hopeful, vivid, promising, shiny, undimmed, bright, shining, brilliant, lustrous, burnishedAntonyms:
matte, lustreless, inglorious, colorless, colourless, matt, mat, unreverberant, unfortunate, flat, nonresonant, unpolished, unintelligent, dull, unhappy, lusterless, lacklustre, soft, inauspicious, subdued, stupid, lackluster, dark, matted -
bright, brilliantadjective
clear and sharp and ringing
«the bright sound of the trumpet section»; «the brilliant sound of the trumpets»
shining, promising, hopeful, splendid, smart, smart as a whip, superb, brilliant, bright, lustrous, burnished, brainy, vivid, magnificent, undimmed, glorious, shinyAntonyms:
inauspicious, lusterless, unreverberant, unfortunate, lustreless, flat, lacklustre, mat, unintelligent, subdued, lackluster, unpolished, colorless, dull, nonresonant, matted, dark, matte, matt, soft, inglorious, stupid, unhappy, colourless -
characterized by happiness or gladness
«bright faces»; «all the world seems bright and gay»
smart, hopeful, vivid, promising, shiny, undimmed, shining, brilliant, lustrous, burnishedAntonyms:
unhappy, matted, lustreless, lusterless, unpolished, unfortunate, mat, subdued, nonresonant, soft, lacklustre, matte, dark, colourless, inauspicious, flat, lackluster, colorless, unreverberant, dull, stupid, matt, inglorious, unintelligent -
bright, hopeful, promisingadverb
full or promise
«had a bright future in publishing»; «the scandal threatened an abrupt end to a promising political career»; «a hopeful new singer on Broadway»
smart, hopeful, vivid, promising, shiny, undimmed, bright, shining, brilliant, lustrous, burnishedAntonyms:
unpolished, soft, unintelligent, unfortunate, matted, inglorious, stupid, lusterless, mat, dark, subdued, matte, matt, lackluster, dull, flat, inauspicious, colorless, unhappy, nonresonant, lacklustre, colourless, lustreless, unreverberant -
brilliantly, brightly, brightadverb
with brightness
«the stars shone brilliantly»; «the windows glowed jewel bright»
brilliantly, brightly, brightAntonyms:
dull, subdued, unreverberant, unpolished, mat, unfortunate, lusterless, inglorious, lustreless, lackluster, unhappy, inauspicious, flat, colourless, stupid, lacklustre, colorless, matt, soft, nonresonant, matte, matted, unintelligent, dark
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
luminous, shining, resplendent, glowing, lustrous, beaming, gleaming, radiant, brilliant, effulgent, refulgent, splendid, beamy, silvery, argent -
clear, transparent, lucid, pellucid, limpid -
illustrious, glorious, famous -
acute, ingenious, discerning, keen, INTELLIGENT -
auspicious, promising, propitious
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
luminous, gleaming, lustrous, radiant, resplendent, glistening, beaming, shimmering, phosphorescent, luciferous, luminiferous, argent, orient, dazzling, glowing, glittering, flashing, scintillating, sparkling, refulgent, effulgent, brilliant, vivid, glossy, fulgent, naif, lucent, glaring, garish, crystalline, intelligent, precocious, apt, acute, discerning, clever, smart, knowing, auspicious, propitious, illustrious, gloriousAntonyms:
dull, lackluster, obscure, dim, opaque, murky, nebulous, dingy, tarnished, sullied
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «bright»:
brilliant, guangming, brillantes, gloss, brightness, glossy, shiny, luminous, smart, promising, intelligent, radiant, auburn, clever, light, high-gloss, shining, rosy, glowing, vif, glittering, brite, sunny, brighter
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Song lyrics by bright — Explore a large variety of song lyrics performed by bright on the Lyrics.com website.
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How to use BRIGHT in a sentence?
Jordan Patch:
Animal Adventure is no stranger to having awesome happenings and experiences, and here we are today going into 2021 with some light at the end of the tunnel, and it’s bright, it’s white, and its name is Cosmo.
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow:
All the means of action — the shapeless masses — the materials — lie everywhere about us. What we need is the celestial fire to change the flint into the transparent crystal, bright and clear. That fire is genius.
Andrei Pivovarov:
In these elections, The Kremlin has set The Kremlin the task of completely clearing out the electoral field… In the context of the falling ratings of Open Russia and the growth of protest sentiments, strong independent candidates, due to their bright campaigns, could significantly affect the situation, the Kremlin could not allow this on the eve of the 2024 elections and decided to completely clear up [ the political ground ] from all living things.
Michael Wong:
It’s kind of like a jack-o-lantern, you see bright infrared light coming from cloud-free areas, but where there are clouds, it’s really dark in the infrared.
Ashiru Abduljeleel O.:
Make dreams of your future without closing an eye, when you wake up plan for it walk towards and see how bright it will be.
Translations for BRIGHT
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- ساطع, نير, مستنير, لامعArabic
- зирәк, яҡты, аҡыллы, асыҡ, сағыу, баҙыҡ, башлыBashkir
- здо́льны, светлы, яркіBelarusian
- весел, умен, жив, ярък, буден, светълBulgarian
- brillant, clarCatalan, Valencian
- jasný, bystrý, světlýCzech
- hoywWelsh
- livlig, munter, klar, kvik, funklende, opvakt, lys, lyseDanish
- intelligent, hell, brilliant, lebhaft, strahlend, heiter, glänzendGerman
- φωτεινός, λαμπρός, λαμπερός, έξυπνος, ευφυήςGreek
- brillante, resplandeciente, inteligente, alegre, claro, genial, vivo, lucio, expresivo, luminoso, vívidoSpanish
- شاد, فروزان, زنده, هوشمند, روشن, زیرک, تابناک, خوشPersian
- kirkas, terävä, iloinen, älykäs, välkkyFinnish
- brillant, luisant, intelligent, clair, heureux, vivideFrench
- grianmhar, spéiriúil, gealIrish
- tuigseach, geur, soilleir, toinisgeilScottish Gaelic
- katupyryGuaraní
- sullyrManx
- בהיר, בהירהHebrew
- उज्ज्वल, चमकीला, रौशनHindi
- fényesHungarian
- պայծառArmenian
- brillante, intelligente, viveInterlingua
- pintar, terangIndonesian
- glaðlegur, greindur, björt, skær, bjartur, skarpur, skínandi, bjart, greindarlegur, hýr, ljómandiIcelandic
- brillante, allegro, intelligente, felice, lucente, luminoso, luminosaItalian
- בָּהִירHebrew
- 賢い, 明るい, 聡明, 鮮明, 鮮やかJapanese
- 밝다Korean
- زیرهک, بریقهدارKurdish
- splann, spladnCornish
- жарык, жаркырап турган, жаркыраганKyrgyz
- lucidumLatin
- fénkeleg, frou, blénkeg, intelligent, hell, brillantLuxembourgish, Letzeburgesch
- šviesus, ryškus, gyvybingas, protingas, gudrusLithuanian
- spožs, gaišs, spilgtsLatvian
- светолMacedonian
- terangMalay
- စိုBurmese
- slim, monter, fel, levendig, bont, opgeruimd, intelligent, helder, vrolijkDutch
- glad, klok, dyktig, livlig, intelligent, lystig, lysNorwegian
- jasnyPolish
- radiante, alegre, luminoso, vívido, brilhante, inteligente, claroPortuguese
- deștept, strălucitor, clar, luminosRomanian
- умный, яркий, сияющий, светлыйRussian
- उज्ज्वलSanskrit
- свијетао, svetao, svijetao, светаоSerbo-Croatian
- svetlý, jasnýSlovak
- brihten, inteligenten, svetelSlovene
- klyftig, intelligent, glad, klar, ljus, färggrannSwedish
- பிரகாசமானTamil
- తెలివైన, ప్రకాశవంతమైనTelugu
- matalino, maliwanagTagalog
- parlak, aydınlıkTurkish
- світлий, яскравийUkrainian
- روشن, اججول, چمکیلاUrdu
- sáng sủa, sánh dạ, thông minh, sáng, nhanh tríVietnamese
- ליכטיק, העלYiddish
- 亮Chinese
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able, active, acute, adept, adroit, en.synonym.one, advantageous, agile, alert, alight, alluring, animated, apt, argent, artful, astute, auspicious, beaming, benign, blazing, brave, brilliant, brisk, burnished, calm, cheerful, en.synonym.one, cheery, clarion, clean, clear, clever, cloudless, colourful, competent, crystal, crystal-clear, crystalline, cunning, dazzling, debonair, deep, definite, designing, dexter, discerning, distinguished, effective, effulgent, elaborate, eminent, encouraging, en.synonym.one, enlightening, enlivening, exhilarating, fair, famous, favorable, favourable, fiery, fine, fortunate, fresh, gala, gay, genial, gifted, glad, glaring, gleaming, glistening, glittering, glorious, glossy, glowing, golden, happy, igneous, illustrious, immaculate, impeccable, incisive, ingenious, inspiring, intelligent, intense, inventive, joyful, joyous, kaleidoscopic, keen, light, lighted, lighthearted, limpid, lively, lucid, lucky, luminous, lustrous, merry, molten, observant, opalescent, optimistic, peep, pellucid, placid, pleasant, polished, predisposed, prismatic, proficient, promising, propitious, prosperous, quick, radiant, rainbow-coloured, rainless, ready, resourceful, resplendent, rich, rosy, sanguine, serene, sharp, shimmering, shining, shiny, showy, shrewd, silver, silvery, slag, smart, sparkling, spectral, splendid, spotless, stainless, strong, sunny, talented, translucent, transparent, unclouded, unsullied, vivid, white, wise, colored, glowing, kaleidoscopic, psychedelic, reddened, en.synonym.one, resplendent, tinged, hopeful, undimmed, brightly, brilliantly.
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