Boiling синонимы

What is another word for Boiling?

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Synonyms for boiling

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Similar words of boiling

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  • baking
  • fiery
  • scalding
  • scorching
  • sizzling
  • blistering
  • broiling
  • burning
  • roasting
  • warm
  • hot
  • red-hot
  • torrid
  • tropical
  • raging
  • enraged
  • fuming
  • incensed
  • infuriated
  • angry
  • furious
  • indignant
  • mad

On this page you’ll find 62 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to boiling, such as: baking, fiery, scalding, scorching, sizzling, and blistering.

  • freezing
  • happy

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

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How to use boiling in a sentence

Considering the many of uses that fire provides, from water boiling, to heating, lighting, and cooking, it makes sense to carry multiple fire starting methods in your kit, but even these can be inadequate in cold, wet, and windy weather.


The camp grew still, except for the rough and ready cook pottering about the fire, boiling buffalo-meat and mixing biscuit-dough.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • ardent
  • baking hot
  • blistering
  • boiling
  • broiling
  • burning
  • fiery
  • hot
  • piping hot
  • red-hot
  • roasting
  • scalding
  • scorching
  • searing
  • sizzling
  • steaming
  • sultry
  • sweltering
  • uncomfortably warm
  • very warm
  • baking
  • blistery
  • boiling
  • broiling
  • burning
  • fiery
  • heated
  • intense
  • red-hot
  • roasting
  • scalding
  • scorching
  • searing
  • severe
  • sizzling
  • sweltering
  • torrid
  • baking
  • boiling
  • brewing
  • broiling
  • browning
  • grilling
  • heating
  • roasting
  • simmering
  • sizzling
  • steaming
  • stewing
  • airy
  • boiling
  • bouncy
  • bubbling
  • bubbly
  • carbonated
  • elastic
  • expansive
  • fermenting
  • frothing
  • frothy
  • resilient
  • sparkling
  • volatile
  • aggravated
  • angered
  • angry
  • boiling
  • exasperated
  • fuming
  • incensed
  • inflamed
  • infuriated
  • irate
  • livid
  • mad
  • pushed too far
  • riled
  • upset
  • angry
  • annoyed
  • bent out of shape
  • boiling
  • burned up
  • good and mad
  • hot and bothered
  • hot under the collar
  • mad as hell
  • outraged
  • pissed-off
  • steamed
  • teed off
  • ticked off

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • boiling [ˈbɔɪlɪŋ] прич

    1. кипящий, бурлящий

      (simmering, bubbling)

    2. вскипевший, закипевший

  • boiling [ˈbɔɪlɪŋ] прил

    1. варочный


  • boiling [ˈbɔɪlɪŋ] сущ

    1. кипениеср, кипячениеср, вскипаниеср, закипаниеср


      • boiling temperature – температура кипения
      • boiling time – время кипячения
    2. варкаж


    3. увариваниеср

    4. отвариваниеср


    5. выкипаниеср

  • boil [bɔɪl] гл

    1. кипеть, кипятить, бурлить, закипеть, закипать, вскипеть, вскипать

      (simmer, seethe, bubble up)

      • boil inside – кипеть внутри
    2. варить, отварить, сварить, отваривать, выварить, разварить

      (cook, taste, decoct, boil soft)

      • boil rice – отварить рис
    3. вскипятить, прокипятить, поварить, проварить, уварить

      (boil thoroughly)

      • boil the kettle – вскипятить чайник
    4. выкипеть

      (boil away)

кипение boiling, boil, ebullience, ebullition, seethe, ebulliency
кипячение boiling
варка cooking, brew, boiling, cure, curing
варение cooking, boiling
кипящий boiling, boiling hot, ebullient, on fire

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • boiling сущ

    • boiling
    • simmering
    • hot · scalding
    • cooking · brew
  • boil гл

    • simmer · stew · boiling point · rage · fume
    • seethe · poach · parboil · boil thoroughly
    • furuncle


  • at boiling point, at 212 degrees Fahrenheit, at 100 degrees Celsius/centigrade, very hot, piping hot, bubbling
  • very hot, scorching, blistering, sweltering, sultry, torrid, broiling, roasting, baking, sizzling


  • stewing, simmering


  • bring to a boil, simmer, parboil, poach, cook
  • simmer, bubble, stew
  • churn, seethe, froth, foam, roil
  • moil, churn, roil
  • seethe

Предложения со словом «boiling»

Inaccuracies in boiling potatoes irritate me greatly

Погрешности в количестве воды оказывают значительное влияние на результат.

Booce saw Wend blown outward in a wind of live steam laced with boiling water.

На глазах у Буса струя густого пара, перемешанная с кипящей водой, вышвырнула Венд вовне.

The kettle was boiling and he made the tea, and put two cups on a tray, and took it to their bedroom.

Чайник уже кипел , Питер заварил чай, поставил на поднос две чашки и пошел в спальню.

Ingold scrambled to his feet as rain began to slash from the black, boiling skies.

Едва Ингольд поднялся на ноги, дождь начал хлестать из черных, клокочущих небес.

He stood impatiently as Kahlan poured the contents of shallow bowls into the boiling pot of water.

Он нетерпеливо ждал, пока Кэлен выльет содержимое мисок в котел.

I stood, braced myself, and made another foray into the cauldron of boiling family blood.

Я встал, встряхнулся и снова окунулся в кипящий котел большого семейного сбора.

He seized the enormous ladle, which was lying on one of his kettles, and began to stir the boiling liquid with great diligence.

Он выхватил из котла огромный черпак и начал старательно размешивать кипящую жидкость.

The crater was again boiling with lava which overflowed the back of the volcano.

Кратер вновь наполнился вулканическими веществами, которые изливались по всем склонам вулкана.

A pretty brass samovar was boiling on a little round table covered with a handsome and expensive tablecloth.

Хорошенький томпаковый самовар кипел на круглом столике, накрытом прекрасною и дорогою скатертью.

I’m never done boiling , and soaking stuff in Milton!

Я никогда не слышала, чтобы в Милтоне замачивали и кипятили такие вещи!

There’s this water dragon that sprays boiling water at your face.

Там есть про водяного дракона, который плюётся кипятком в лицо.

Why go to all that trouble of peeling and scraping and boiling when you can get a perfectly good soup out of a can?

Зачем возиться, чистить, резать и варить, если можно достать абсолютно нормальный суп прямо из банки?

At the depth of 12 kilometers the shaft penetrated a massive layer of boiling gold.

На глубине двенадцати километров шахта вошла в мощный слой кипящего золота.

He said that the various germs of poison present in the water would be killed by the boiling .

Он сказал, что зловредные микробы, которые живут в воде, скончаются при кипячении.

You could clean those clothes in bleach and boiling water, but I’m still gonna find evidence.

Вы могли постирать ту одежду с отбеливателем и прокипятить, но я все равно найду доказательства.

A wave of boiling water washed him off the top of the stove, and he fell to the ground in a smoking heap.

Волна кипящей воды смыла ее с плиты, и кошка упала дымящимся комочком.

Through the arched openings he could see the boiling black clouds that hugged the ground.

Сквозь арочные проемы он видел бурю, свирепствовавшую снаружи.

Put the fat in the water, and get the water boiling .

Положи жир в воду, доведи воду до кипения .

Bitek functioned almost flawlessly despite the energistic turmoil boiling around his cells.

Несмотря на энергетический вихрь, бушевавший в клетках головного мозга Льюиса, биотех функционировал почти безупречно.

Moiraine tossed a handful of something into the boiling water and moved the kettle from the fire.

Морейн бросила пригоршню чего — то в кипящую воду и сняла котелок с огня.

The barmaid brought the stranger his boiling water, and he brewed himself a cup of tea with it.

Официантка принесла незнакомцу кружку кипятка, в которой он заварил свой чай.

Some waifs were sitting beside an asphalt vat, breathing in the pleasant smell of boiling tar.

Беспризорные сидели возле асфальтового чана и с наслаждением вдыхали запах кипящей смолы.

Soon after this, there came a very hot day with a boiling sun.

Вскоре выдался очень жаркий день с испепеляющим солнцем.

Boiling water, switch off, let stand for one moment.

Вскипятить воду, залить, дать постоять минутку.

This liquid has been boiling for 15 years, and will have to boil for another five.

Эта жидкость кипит уже 15 лет и должна кипеть еще следующих 5.

And maybe instead of boiling all these guys every now and then you could French fry a couple of them.

И вместо того чтобы просто варить всех этих ребят так и сяк можно парочку сделать в стиле картофеля фри.

She’s out there now, licking her lips, boiling the saucepan, grating the cheese.

Теперь она там, облизывается, что — то варит, натирая сыр.

We got her temperature down below boiling .

Благодаря нам, ее температура сейчас чуть ниже температуры кипения .

We will be dipping raw meat into boiling chocolate.

Мы будем обмакивать сырое мясо в кипящий шоколад.

Tuesdays are just a relentless round of weighing, measuring, and boiling urine.

Вторники — это лишь непрекращающиеся взвешивания, измерения, и кипячение мочи для анализов.

The goal of boiling of wort together with hops is stabilization of its composition and imparting hop aroma.

Целью кипячения сусла с хмелем является стабилизация его состава и ароматизация хмелем.

Pour the boiling water in the basin and bring it here.

Налей в тазик кипятку и принеси сюда.

We realized that designing these templates allowed us to give shape to raw silk without boiling a single cocoon.

Мы сообразили, что с такой технологией мы сможем получать сырой шёлк, не убивая шелкопрядов кипятком.

Baking, boiling , steaming, poaching… everything hot I know you like.

Варить, парить, жарить, печь… все то горяченькое, что тебе нравится.

Because with that beautiful photo, maybe I can also package this little box here that talks about how steaming and boiling actually take different amounts of time.

Объясняя эту красивую фотографию, у меня есть шанс поместить маленькую вставку в углу, которая рассказывает, почему обычная варка и варка на пару требуют разного количества времени.

She’s out there now, licking her lips, boiling the saucepan, grating the cheese.

Теперь она там, облизывается, что — то варит, натирая сыр.

Advantages: water does not contain ions of temporary rigidity, possesses bacteriological stability, the incrustation during boiling is impossible.

Преимущества: не содержит ионов временной жёсткости, обладает бактериологической стабильностью, при кипячении исключено образование накипи.

Slowly evaporate the ether from the flask by carefully placing on a boiling water bath.

Медленно выпарить эфир из колбы, осторожно помещая ее в кипящую водяную баню.

Butthe pièce de résistance, a round bottom boiling flask, 5000 milliliters.

Но жемчужина коллекции она: перегонная колба с широким основанием. 5000 миллилитров.

Boiling in channels decreased sharply, xenon poisoning of reactor begun.

Кипение в каналах резко снизилось, началось ксеноновое отравление реактора.

Remember, 6 tablespoons of salt in every gallon of boiling water.

Запомни: 6 чайных ложек соли на 4 литра воды.

And boiling does not save this situation, since not all microorganisms are killed.

Кипячение не спасает. Погибают не все микроорганизмы.

The Middle East is burning and Africa is boiling over with conflict.

Горит Ближний Восток, в Африке кипят конфликты.

The question of Palestine has now reached a boiling point because of the failure of the peace process.

Обсуждение вопроса о Палестине достигло сейчас точки кипения из — за неудачи мирного процесса.

Israel is aware that this brutal crime will bring the situation in the entire region to a boiling point.

Израилю известно, что это жестокое преступление до предела накалит обстановку во всем регионе.

It’s used in fruit and vegetables industry for boiling juice.

Используется в фруктово — овощной промышленности для варения соков.

It’s used for boiling and heating up solutions except acetic and salt ones.

Используется для варки и подогрева растворов кроме уксусных и соленых.

Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 1 rounded teaspoon of tea.

Залить 1 полную чайную ложку чая 200 мл кипятка. Дать настояться 4 — 5 минут.

The mixture is easily prepared and does not require boiling .

Смесь легка в приготовлении, не требует кипячения.

Fluid in this sort of appliance must both protect the system from freezing and have adequately high boiling point.

Жидкость в таких оборудованиях должна защищать проводку от замерзания и иметь соответственно высокую температуру.

Because can you imagine everything boiling ?

Ну вы можете себе представить, если там всё просто кипит.

The inventive scorovar tea-kettle is used for accelerated water heating and boiling on a gas stove.

Чайник SCOROVAR предназначен для ускоренного нагрева и кипячения воды на газовых плитах.

Secondary boiling worsens the quality of water even more.

Вторичное кипячение еще более ухудшает качество воды.

Food is prepared in two main steam boiling and frying.

Пища готовится двумя основными приемами — варка паром и обжаривание.

Boiling again begins in an active zone.

В активной зоне вновь начинается кипение .

No longer will you find the white scum on the inside of pans after boiling water.

Вы больше не увидети белого осадка внутри кастрюли после кипячения воды.

They sell different kinds for boiling , frying, freezing.

На варку, на жарку, на заморозку — продаются разные сорта.

This system enables the evaporator to be completely filled with boiling refrigerant.

Эта система позволяет испарителю быть полностью заполненным кипящим охладителем.

If you put boiling water in, it will shatter.

Если вы наполните ее кипящей водой, она тоже разобьется.

But the drama is there; it is boiling across the world.

Но эта драма есть, она существует. : synonyms dictionary, antonyms dictionary

Grammar : Adj
Spell : boi-ling
Phonetic Transcription : ˈbɔɪ lɪŋ

Top 10 synonyms for boiling

Other synonyms for the word boiling

  • angry
  • fuming
  • furious
  • hot
  • incensed
  • indignant
  • infuriated
  • mad
  • red-hot
  • roasting
  • torrid
  • tropical
  • warm

Définition of boiling

Origin :

  • early 13c., from Old French bolir «boil, bubble up, ferment, gush» (12c., Modern French bouillir), from Latin bullire «to bubble, seethe,» from PIE base *beu- «to swell» (see bull (n.2)). The native word is seethe. Figurative sense of «to agitate the feelings» is from 1640s.
  • I am impatient, and my blood boyls high. [Thomas Otway, «Alcibiades,» 1675]
  • Related: Boiled; boiling. Boiling point is recorded from 1773.

  • adj very hot
  • adj angered

Example sentences :

  • The elevation of the camp by the boiling point, is 8,050 feet.
  • Extract from : « The Exploring Expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California » by Brevet Col. J.C. Fremont
  • Usually, 30 to 45 minutes after boiling has begun will be sufficient.
  • Extract from : « Woman’s Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 5 » by Woman’s Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
  • Mix the sugar and flour and stir them into the boiling water.
  • Extract from : « Woman’s Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 4 » by Woman’s Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
  • Add the salt to the water and bring it to the boiling point.
  • Extract from : « Woman’s Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 1 » by Woman’s Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
  • While the maccaroni is boiling, take care that it does not get into lumps.
  • Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
  • When it comes to a boil, put in the clams, and keep them boiling an hour.
  • Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
  • Keep it boiling from half an hour to an hour in proportion to its size.
  • Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
  • Put some lard into a pan, and when it is boiling hot, fry the crabs in it.
  • Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
  • Cover them with boiling water, and let them stew slowly for about an hour.
  • Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie
  • They should all be laid in a pan of cold water for a while previous to boiling.
  • Extract from : « Directions for Cookery, in its Various Branches » by Eliza Leslie

Antonyms for boiling

  • cold
  • cool
  • freezing
  • happy

Based on : — — — Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019

All synonyms in one line

angry, blistering, bubbling, burning, cooking,, ebullition, effervescing, fiery, flaming, frothing, fuming, heated, hot, infuriated, molten, raging, red-hot, scalding, scorching, seething, sizzling, steaming, torrid, bubbling, ebullition, effervescence, fermentation, frothing,, seething, simmering, stewing, working, baking, roasting, sweltering, churning, moiling, roiling.

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Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. boilingnoun

    the application of heat to change something from a liquid to a gas

    simmering, stewing

  2. boiling, stewing, simmeringadverb

    cooking in a liquid that has been brought to a boil

    simmering, stewing

  3. boilingadverb


    «boiling mad»

Matched Categories

    • Heating
    • Vaporization

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. boilingadjective

    seething, ebullient, effervescent, simmering

  2. boilingnoun

    ebullition, coction, effervescence, seething, gurgitation, simmering, ebullience

How to pronounce boiling?

How to say boiling in sign language?

How to use boiling in a sentence?

  1. Tim Kaine:

    For years, I’ve been deeply concerned about President Trump stumbling into a war with Iran. We’re now at a boiling point, and Congress must step in before President Donald Trump puts even more of our troops in harm’s way. We owe it to our servicemembers to have a debate and vote about whether or not it’s in our national interest to engage in another unnecessary war in the Middle East.

  2. Saxby Chambliss:

    The Russia investigation was just boiling up at that time, and the conversation was about the fact that look, whatever y’ all do collectively, you just got to make sure at the end of the day, you put out a report that both of you can sign, they were very clear with each other that that was their goal.

  3. Lois Greste:

    I can’t tell Lois Greste that real mix of emotions that was boiling inside, it’s a relief and excitement but also real, real stress at having to say goodbye to my colleagues and friends, the people who have really become family inside that prison.

  4. Ivor Prickett:

    When the siege of Kobani started, I was there right at the border working for the (U.N. refugee agency), it was overwhelming … boiling-hot, and thousands and thousands of people were clogged up on side of the border fence with Turkey. …

  5. Brandon Michon:

    Look,we’ve gone for monthsto these school board meetings andas parents, you know, our voicewasn’t being heard, and so what happened was, when Igot up there, you know, my bloodstarted boiling a little bit.And as I began speaking, I said,’Look, I want them to hearme.I want them to look up and payattention,’andI think we’ve got someacknowledgment from that.

Translations for boiling

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • الغليانArabic
  • врял, врящ, кипящ, кипенеBulgarian
  • bullentCatalan, Valencian
  • varCzech
  • καυτόςGreek
  • hirviendoSpanish
  • kiehuttaminen, keittäminen, kiehuva, helteinen, tulikuuma, läkähtyäFinnish
  • bouillant, ébullitionFrench
  • רוֹתֵחַ, לוֹהֵט, קוֹדֵחַHebrew
  • ebollizione, bollenteItalian
  • кайнап жаткан, бышып жаткан, бышыруу, кайнаган, кайнатуу, кайнооKyrgyz
  • ferventePortuguese
  • кипениеRussian
  • vreloSerbo-Croatian
  • కాలుతున్న, మరుగు, మరుగుతున్న, మరుగుచున్న, కాలుచున్న, మండుచున్నTelugu
  • sôiVietnamese
  • 沸騰Chinese

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Phrases with Boiling

Things Boiling often describes

  • boiling lava

  • boiling blood

  • boiling pot

  • boiling acid

  • boiling cauldron

  • boiling lake

  • boiling tea

  • boiling soup

  • boiling rage

  • boiling liquid

How Boiling often is described

  • milky boiling

  • white boiling

  • forced boiling

  • hydrochloric boiling

  • hot boiling

  • silent boiling

Boiling is the first word in phrase

  • boiling rock

  • boiling vat

  • boiling veins

  • boiling temperature

  • boiling prison

  • boiling specifically

  • boiling challenge

  • boiling superheater

  • boiling tension

  • boiling burrow

Boiling is the last word in phrase

  • blood boiling

  • lamp boiling

  • flash boiling

  • egg boiling

  • water boiling

  • kettle boiling

  • phone boiling

  • death boiling

  • anticipation boiling


1    baking, blistering, hot, roasting, scorching, tropical, very hot  

2    angry, choked, cross, enraged, fit to be tied     (slang)   foaming at the mouth, fuming, furious, incensed, indignant, infuriated, on the warpath  

English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus  




1       adj   Something that is boiling or boiling hot is very hot.  

`It’s boiling in here,’ complained Miriam…, Often the food may be bubbling and boiling hot on the top, but the inside may still be cold.     

2       adj   If you say that you are boiling or boiling hot, you mean that you feel very hot, usually unpleasantly hot.  
v-link ADJ  

When everybody else is boiling hot, I’m freezing!     

boiling point   , boiling-point  

1       n-uncount   The boiling point of a liquid is the temperature at which it starts to change into steam or vapour. For example, the boiling point of water is 100° centigrade.  
The boiling point of water is 373 K…, Heat the cream to boiling point and pour three quarters of it over the chocolate.     

2       n-uncount   If a situation reaches boiling point, the people involved have become so angry that they can no longer remain calm and in control of themselves.  
The situation is rapidly reaching boiling point, and the army has been put on stand-by…     

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