Bar синонимы на английском

Synonyms for (noun) bar

Synonyms: prevention, bar

Definition: the act of preventing

Usage: there was no bar against leaving; money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza

Synonyms: bar

Definition: a rigid piece of metal or wood; usually used as a fastening or obstruction or weapon

Usage: there were bars in the windows to prevent escape

Similar words: implement

Definition: instrumentation (a piece of equipment or tool) used to effect an end

Synonyms: bar

Definition: an obstruction (usually metal) placed at the top of a goal

Usage: it was an excellent kick but the ball hit the bar

Synonyms: bar

Definition: a counter where you can obtain food or drink

Usage: he bought a hot dog and a coke at the bar

Similar words: counter

Definition: table consisting of a horizontal surface over which business is transacted

Synonyms: bar

Definition: (law) a railing that encloses the part of the courtroom where the judges and lawyers sit and the case is tried

Usage: spectators were not allowed past the bar

Similar words: rail, railing

Definition: a barrier consisting of a horizontal bar and supports

Synonyms: bar

Definition: a heating element in an electric fire

Usage: an electric fire with three bars

Similar words: heating element

Definition: the component of a heater or range that transforms fuel or electricity into heat

Synonyms: bar

Definition: a horizontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts as they perform exercises

Similar words: support

Definition: any device that bears the weight of another thing

Usage: there was no place to attach supports for a shelf

Synonyms: bar, barroom, taproom, saloon, ginmill

Definition: a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter

Usage: he drowned his sorrows in whiskey at the bar

Similar words: room

Definition: an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling

Usage: the rooms were very small but they had a nice view

Synonyms: Browning automatic rifle, BAR

Definition: a portable .30 caliber automatic rifle operated by gas pressure and fed by cartridges from a magazine; used by United States troops in World War I and in World War II and in the Korean War

Synonyms: cake, bar

Definition: a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax)

Usage: a bar of chocolate

Similar words: block

Definition: a solid piece of something (usually having flat rectangular sides)

Usage: the pyramids were built with large stone blocks

Synonyms: bar, streak, stripe

Definition: a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background

Usage: a green toad with small black stripes or bars; may the Stars and Stripes forever wave

Similar words: marking

Definition: a pattern of marks

Synonyms: bar, measure

Definition: musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats

Usage: the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song

Synonyms: legal community, legal profession, bar

Definition: the body of individuals qualified to practice law in a particular jurisdiction

Usage: he was admitted to the bar in New Jersey

Similar words: profession

Definition: the body of people in a learned occupation

Usage: the news spread rapidly through the medical profession; they formed a community of scientists

Synonyms: bar

Definition: a submerged (or partly submerged) ridge in a river or along a shore

Usage: the boat ran aground on a submerged bar in the river

Similar words: barrier

Definition: anything serving to maintain separation by obstructing vision or access

Similar words: ridge

Definition: a long narrow natural elevation or striation

Synonyms: bar

Definition: (meteorology) a unit of pressure equal to a million dynes per square centimeter

Usage: unfortunately some writers have used bar for one dyne per square centimeter

Similar words: pressure unit

Definition: a unit measuring force per unit area

Synonyms for (verb) bar

Synonyms: bar, debar, exclude

Definition: prevent from entering; keep out

Usage: He was barred from membership in the club

Synonyms: bar

Definition: secure with, or as if with, bars

Usage: He barred the door

Similar words: fix, fasten, secure

Definition: cause to be firmly attached

Usage: fasten the lock onto the door; she fixed her gaze on the man

Synonyms: stop, bar, barricade, block, block off, block up, blockade

Definition: render unsuitable for passage

Usage: block the way; barricade the streets; stop the busy road

Synonyms: relegate, banish, bar

Definition: expel, as if by official decree

Usage: he was banished from his own country

Similar words: kick out, expel, throw out

Definition: force to leave or move out

Usage: He was expelled from his native country

Visual thesaurus for bar

All synonyms in one line

browning automatic rifle, accent, adversity, axle, band,, bank, barricade, barrier, barroom, beer garden, bench, block, blockade, bolt, boom, bottom, brace, branch, brick, cabaret, café, cake, cane, cantina, catch,, check, clasp, clip, closure, club, coffee shop, cop, court, cross-piece, cube, cylinder, deterrent, difficulty, dive, dowel, fastener, fastening, fence, foot, forum, forum of justice, fountain, ginmill, handle, hasp,, hindrance, impediment, ingot, interval, judge, latch, legal community, legal profession, loaf, lobby, lock, lounge, lounge bar, magistrate, mallet, maul, measure, meter, mezzanine, night club, obstacle, obstruction, palisade, parlour, peg, perch, pin, pole, prevention, pub, public house, public room, railing, ram, rampart, reception room, reef, restraint, ribbon, ridge, road house, rod, roost, salon, saloon, saloon bar, screen, seat, shaft, shallow, shank, shoal, siege, spool, staff, standard, stave, stem, stick, stockade, streak, stripe, taproom, tavern, timber, traverse, tribunal, trouble, tube, twig, unit of poem, upright, wand, ban, banish, barricade, block, block off,, block up, blockade, bolt, boycott, check, clasp, close, confine, debar, delete, disable, disallow, disqualify, drop, eliminate, embargo, encircle, enjoin, except, exclude,, exile, fasten, forbid, fortify, halt, hinder, impair, impede, incapacitate, indispose, interdict, intertwine, isolate, keep out, leave out, link, lock, obstruct, omit, ostracise, ostracize, outlaw, preclude, prevent, prohibit,, refuse, reject, relegate, restrain, rule out, secure, shut, shut in, shut out, siege, stop, suspend, lounge, pub, public house, road house, tavern,

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English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:1.0 / 1 vote

  1. bar

    A bar is something that is or may be firmly fixed, ordinarily with intent to prevent entrance or egress; as, the bars of a prison cell; the bars of a wood-lot. A barrier obstructs, but is not necessarily impassable. Barrier is used of objects more extensive than those to which bar is ordinarily applied. A mountain range may be a barrier to exploration; but a mass of sand across the entrance to a harbor is called a bar. Discovered falsehood is a bar to confidence. Barricade has become practically a technical name for an improvised street fortification, and, unless in some way modified, is usually so understood. A parapet is a low or breast-high wall, as about the edge of a roof, terrace, etc., especially, in military use, such a wall for the protection of troops; a rampart is the embankment surrounding a fort, on which the parapet is raised; the word rampart is often used as including the parapet. Bulwark is a general word for any defensive wall or rampart; its only technical use at present is in nautical language, where it signifies the raised side of a ship above the upper deck, topped by the rail. Compare BOUNDARY; IMPEDIMENT.

    barricade, barrier, breastwork, bulwark, hindrance, obstacle, obstruction, parapet, prohibition, rampart, restraint, restriction

    admittance, entrance, opening, passage, road, thoroughfare, transit, way

    A barrier to progress, against invasion; a barrier between nations.

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. barroom, bar, saloon, ginmill, taproomnoun

    a room or establishment where alcoholic drinks are served over a counter

    «he drowned his sorrows in whiskey at the bar»

    cake, sedan, prevention, legal profession, legal community, pothouse, gin mill, public house, barroom, ginmill, taphouse, measure, bar, saloon, stripe, streak, taproom, pub


  2. barnoun

    a counter where you can obtain food or drink

    «he bought a hot dog and a coke at the bar»

    measure, taproom, stripe, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  3. barnoun

    a rigid piece of metal or wood; usually used as a fastening or obstruction or weapon

    «there were bars in the windows to prevent escape»

    measure, taproom, stripe, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  4. measure, barnoun

    musical notation for a repeating pattern of musical beats

    «the orchestra omitted the last twelve bars of the song»

    measure, standard, measuring stick, metre, quantity, meter, amount, mensuration, legal profession, measuring, taproom, criterion, streak, barroom, step, bill, prevention, measurement, bar, saloon, beat, cake, stripe, legal community, ginmill, cadence, measuring rod, touchstone


  5. barnoun

    an obstruction (usually metal) placed at the top of a goal

    «it was an excellent kick but the ball hit the bar»

    measure, taproom, stripe, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  6. prevention, barnoun

    the act of preventing

    «there was no bar against leaving»; «money was allocated to study the cause and prevention of influenza»

    measure, taproom, stripe, bar, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  7. barnoun

    (meteorology) a unit of pressure equal to a million dynes per square centimeter

    «unfortunately some writers have used bar for one dyne per square centimeter»

    measure, taproom, stripe, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  8. barnoun

    a submerged (or partly submerged) ridge in a river or along a shore

    «the boat ran aground on a submerged bar in the river»

    measure, taproom, stripe, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  9. legal profession, bar, legal communitynoun

    the body of individuals qualified to practice law in a particular jurisdiction

    «he was admitted to the bar in New Jersey»

    measure, taproom, stripe, bar, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  10. stripe, streak, barnoun

    a narrow marking of a different color or texture from the background

    «a green toad with small black stripes or bars»; «may the Stars and Stripes forever wave»

    cake, prevention, legal profession, legal community, barroom, ginmill, measure, bar, run, stripe, streak, band, taproom, chevron, stripes, grade insignia, saloon, banding


  11. cake, barnoun

    a block of solid substance (such as soap or wax)

    «a bar of chocolate»

    measure, taproom, stripe, bar, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, patty, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  12. Browning automatic rifle, BARnoun

    a portable .30 caliber automatic rifle operated by gas pressure and fed by cartridges from a magazine; used by United States troops in World War I and in World War II and in the Korean War

    measure, taproom, stripe, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  13. barnoun

    a horizontal rod that serves as a support for gymnasts as they perform exercises

    measure, taproom, stripe, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  14. barnoun

    a heating element in an electric fire

    «an electric fire with three bars»

    measure, taproom, stripe, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  15. barverb

    (law) a railing that encloses the part of the courtroom where the judges and lawyers sit and the case is tried

    «spectators were not allowed past the bar»

    measure, taproom, stripe, streak, legal community, legal profession, saloon, cake, ginmill, barroom, prevention


  16. bar, debar, excludeverb

    prevent from entering; keep out

    «He was barred from membership in the club»

    except, ward off, debar, leave out, fend off, block up, banish, avoid, forfend, avert, boot out, suspend, turf out, block off, shut, blockade, head off, leave off, deflect, stave off, take out, keep out, block, exclude, stop, forefend, chuck out, bar, barricade, turn out, obviate, relegate, shut out, eject, omit


  17. barricade, block, blockade, stop, block off, block up, barverb

    render unsuitable for passage

    «block the way»; «barricade the streets»; «stop the busy road»

    debar, block up, banish, lug, cease, immobilize, seal off, relegate, obturate, hold on, give up, jam, arrest, block off, close up, end, blank out, freeze, finish, obstruct, terminate, deflect, parry, embarrass, hold back, kibosh, lay off, draw a blank, stop over, hinder, break, impede, block, shut off, forget, exclude, stop, stuff, stymy, break off, turn back, blockade, immobilise, bar, occlude, barricade, discontinue, halt, contain, close off, barricado, choke up, intercept, stymie, quit, check


  18. banish, relegate, barverb

    expel, as if by official decree

    «he was banished from his own country»

    barricade, blockade, block up, relegate, bump, cast out, banish, classify, ban, blackball, submit, demote, break, debar, block, kick downstairs, bar, ostracize, block off, pass on, exclude, ostracise, stop, shun


  19. barverb

    secure with, or as if with, bars

    «He barred the door»

    stop, block, exclude, relegate, banish, barricade, block up, block off, debar, blockade


Matched Categories

    • Automatic Rifle
    • Barrier
    • Block
    • Counter
    • Expel
    • Forbid
    • Heating Element
    • Hindrance
    • Implement
    • Law
    • Marking
    • Meteorology
    • Musical Notation
    • Obstruction
    • Pressure Unit
    • Profession
    • Ridge
    • Room
    • Secure
    • Support

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. barnoun

    obstacle, hinderance, obstruction, barrier, BARRICADE, stop, impediment

  2. barnoun

    rail, railing

  3. barnoun

    tribunal, judgment-seat

  4. barnoun

    body of lawyers

  5. barverb

    fasten with a bar

  6. barverb

    hinder, obstruct, stop, prevent

  7. barverb

    exclude, shut out

Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:2.0 / 1 vote

  1. barnoun

    obstruction, barrier, impediment, obstacle, barricade, hindrance, shoal, sandbar, bank, ingot, lever, pole, rod, tribunal, judgment-seat, jimmy, betty

  2. barverb

    debar, except, exclude, obstruct, restrain, hinder

PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. List of paraphrases for «bar»:

    bars, barra, barreau, barre, rod, lawyers, barrette, rbb, helm, barristers, bass, toolbar, handrail, counsel, saloon, pub, barrister, solicitors, cantina, stroke, stand, attorneys, slash, handlebar, solicitor, colegio, lawyer, tiller, solidus, striped

Suggested Resources

  1. bar

    The bar symbol — In this article you will learn about the meaning of the bar symbol and its characteristic.

  2. BAR

    What does BAR stand for? — Explore the various meanings for the BAR acronym on the website.

How to pronounce BAR?

How to say BAR in sign language?

How to use BAR in a sentence?

  1. Steve Ricchetti:

    He just set a high bar, a strong direction and expectation that President Joe Biden would be very responsive and alert to what’s going on up there.

  2. Chris Currie:

    I don’t see anything in the guidance or statutes that restricts where they could purchase or lease units for direct housing assistance, there is nothing that would just absolutely bar them from that.

  3. Pat Dillingham:

    We are most proud to run into a country bar in the rural South and see our product is the only moonshine on the shelf. We’re honored when see that.

  4. Matthew Sprague:

    I met a franchise broker at the expo. We started going through concepts, and I found Bar-B-Clean. I decided that’s the one I’m going with.

  5. Trent Telenko:

    Ukraine is throwing smart people at their maintenance issues along with both true mechanized logistics and modern warehousing information technology to help keep track of parts with modern 2D and 3D bar coding on their spares packaging.

Translations for BAR

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • خانة, بارArabic
  • бар, адвакату́ра, піўна́яBelarusian
  • ивица, бар, тактова черта, пръчка, адвокатура, препречвам, преграждам, пускам резе, изключвам, отстранявамBulgarian
  • barCzech
  • barDanish
  • Barren, Kneipe, Stück, Strich, Block, Bar, Verbot, Beisl, Sandbank, Takt, Theke, Taktstrich, Balken, Streifen, Tafel, Stange, Tresen, blockieren, versperren, verbietenGerman
  • κομμάτι, πλάκα, διαστολή, πλακίδιο, μπαράκι, ποινικολογία, μπαρ, καπηλειό, ράβδος, δικηγορία, ποτοπωλείο, δικηγόροιGreek
  • malpermeso, bufedo, prohibicio, stango, malpermesi, bloki, bariEsperanto
  • barra, bar, barrarSpanish
  • baarikapp, baarEstonian
  • میله, بارPersian
  • anniskelupaikka, tiski, lakimieskunta, särkkä, kapakka, tanko, pala, palkki, patukka, baarikaappi, rima, harkko, bee, tahti, baari, kielto, tahtiviiva, pylväs, viiva, baaritiski, tukkia, estää, kieltää, teljetä, sulkea, salvataFinnish
  • ølstova, bar, barr, barrskiva, ølklubbiFaroese
  • bar, barre, mesure, comptoir, zinc, bloquer, interdire, barrerFrench
  • urchoiscIrish
  • bàr, gàdScottish Gaelic
  • barrManx
  • באר, סורגHebrew
  • rúd, kocsma, bár, keresztbetesz, útját álljaHungarian
  • բարArmenian
  • prohibition, bar, barra, prohibir, barrarInterlingua
  • pöbb, slá, stöng, bar, ölstofa, taktur, taktstrik, kráIcelandic
  • bar, asticella, barra, bancone, vietareItalian
  • パブ, 居酒屋, バーJapanese
  • ბარიGeorgian
  • 술집, 바Korean
  • forum, oecusLatin
  • bārs, stienis, krogs, bāriņšLatvian
  • aukatiMāori
  • баарMongolian
  • drikkested, bjelke, kneipe, felt, bar, bom, linje, buleNorwegian
  • maat, blok, taveerne, bar, balie, reep, stang, tapkast, advocatuur, baar, verbod, maatstreep, café, orde van advocaten, toog, ban, zandbank, staaf, stuk, versperren, verbieden, vergrendelen, barreren, blokkerenDutch
  • -bar, barNorwegian
  • barPolish
  • barra, bar, proibição, advocacia, balcão, barrar, proibirPortuguese
  • bara, barRomanian
  • стержень, бар, отмель, прут, плитка, такт, стойка, брус, планка, кабак, тактовая черта, пивная, брусок, банкаRussian
  • тозибSerbo-Croatian
  • bary, barSlovak
  • drogSlovene
  • förbud, bar, ribba, stång, krog, advokatsamfund, grund, disk, bank, bom, takt, barskåp, taktstreck, sandbank, pub, spärra, avlysa, regla, utesluta, förbjudaSwedish
  • பாளம்Tamil
  • కడ్డీTelugu
  • bar, meyhane, yasaklamak, sürgülemek, önünü kesmekTurkish
  • пивна́, каба́к, бар, пивни́ця, кна́йпаUkrainian
  • quán rượuVietnamese

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  • English (English)


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Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)

  • bar [bɑː] сущ

    1. барм, стойкаж

      (pub, rack)

      • hotel bar – гостиничный бар
    2. штангаж, стерженьм, прутокм, слитокм, прут

      (rod, ingot)

      • reinforcing bar – арматурный стержень
      • bar feeder – устройство подачи прутка
      • bar of gold – слиток золота
    3. решеткаж


      • wrought iron bars – кованые решетки
    4. брусокм, брусм, перекладинаж

      (block, beam)

      • horizontal bar – горизонтальный брусок
      • parallel bars – параллельные брусья
    5. адвокатураж


    6. коллегия адвокатов

      (bar association)

    7. панельж


      • navigation bar – навигационная панель
    8. строкаж


      • address bar – адресная строка
    9. адвокатское сословие

    10. адвокатым

    11. батончикм

      (candy bar)

      • candy bar – шоколадный батончик
  • bar [bɑː] прил

    1. барный

      • bar stool – барный табурет
бар bar, bar, cafe, saloon, tavern, barroom
полоса band, strip, stripe, streak, lane, bar
стержень kernel, rod, bar, core, stem, shaft
брусок bar, block, rail, stick, brick, cake
планка bar, strap, strip, plank, lath, slat
брус timber, bar, beam, cant, rod, block
стойка rack, stand, counter, bar, pillar, strut
буфет buffet, sideboard, cupboard, canteen, bar, refreshment room
пруток bar
плитка tile, bar, cake
такт tact, time, measure, beat, bar, grace
кусок piece, chunk, lump, bit, bite, bar
пластина bar, slab, platten
барьер barrier, hurdle, bar, wall, division
препятствие let, obstacle, obstruction, barrier, hurdle, bar
адвокатура advocacy, bar
засов bolt, bar, hasp, fast
закусочная snack-bar, eatery, lunchroom, bar, bistro, tavern
решетка lattice, grille, grid, grating, grill, bar
заготовка blank, billet, provision, bar, curing
преграда block, barrier, hedge, wall, bar, barricade
прилавок counter, stall, bar
чушка pig, ingot, bar
отмель shallow, shelf, sandbank, beach, bank, bar
болванка blank, ingot, pig, billet, bar
тактовая черта bar
суд court, trial, tribunal, court of law, law, bar
бур Boer, drill, auger, bit, borer, bar
вага crowbar, bar, heaver, clevis, lever, bolster
мелководье shallow, shoal, shoal water, bar
пряжка на орденской ленте bar
штык bayonet, spit, bar
нанос песка bar, hirst
небольшой ресторан bar
штанга бура bar
застава outpost, gate, barrier, turnpike, bar
суждение judgment, assertion, assessment, verdict, estimation, bar
запирать lock, shut, lock up, pawl, latch, bar
препятствовать let, prevent, hinder, impede, inhibit, bar
запирать на засов bar, bolt
преграждать block, obstruct, bar, stop, interrupt, head back
мешать interfere, disturb, prevent, stir, interrupt, bar
запрещать forbid, prohibit, ban, disable, disallow, bar
не любить dislike, loathe, object, bar, abominate, disrelish
отстранять bar, estrange, put by, throw aside
аннулировать cancel, annul, void, revoke, nullify, bar
отменять cancel, revoke, override, abolish, abrogate, bar
исключать exclude, rule out, eliminate, delete, expel, bar
иметь что-л. против bar, mind
брусковый squared, bar
не считая bar
исключая excluding, except, excepting, saving, save and except, bar

Синонимы (v1)

Синонимы (v2)

  • bar сущ

    • pub · cafe · tavern · saloon · barroom · snack bar · wine bar · cocktail lounge
    • rod · rack · beam · barbell · crossbar
    • band · block · stripe · streak · strap
    • grill · grille · grate
    • legal profession
    • grid · lattice
    • plank · slat · timber
    • balk


  • rod, pole, stick, batten, shaft, rail, paling, spar, strut, crosspiece, beam
  • block, slab, cake, tablet, brick, loaf, wedge, ingot
  • counter, table, buffet, stand
  • tavern, cocktail lounge, barroom, taproom, pub, after-hours club, lounge, nightclub, speakeasy, roadhouse, beer hall, boîte, club, inn, rathskeller, cantina, bodega, singles bar, sports bar, watering hole, gin mill, dive, nineteenth hole, public house, saloon, alehouse
  • obstacle, impediment, hindrance, obstruction, block, hurdle, barrier, stumbling block
  • lawyers, barristers, advocates, counsel, counselors, solicitors
  • sandbar, sandbank, shoal, shallow, reef
  • saloon, barroom, ginmill, taproom
  • stripe, streak
  • measure
  • cake
  • prevention
  • legal profession


  • bolt, lock, fasten, secure, block, barricade, obstruct
  • prohibit, debar, preclude, forbid, ban, interdict, inhibit, exclude, keep out, obstruct, hinder, block, enjoin
  • relegate, banish
  • block off, stop, blockade, block, barricade, block up
  • exclude, debar

Предложения со словом «bar»

If I put up a second version of the image here and join the two patches with a gray-colored bar, you can see there’s no difference.

Если я возьму вторую версию этого изображения и соединю оба поля полосой серого цвета, вы не увидите разницы.

And if you still don’t believe me, I’ll bring the bar across and join them up.

Если вы всё ещё мне не верите, я перетащу полосу и соединю поля друг с другом.

What happened is the Kosi River jumped its banks, and for reference, the scale bar here is 40 miles.

Случилось так, что Коси вышла из берегов, для сравнения, масштаб здесь 1:65 км.

What have I learned in these 15 years since the song was born from going all over the world with four lines written on a coaster from a bar in Madrid?

Чему я научился за эти 15 лет с момента рождения песни, с её путешествия по миру, начавшегося с четырёх строк на подстаканнике в баре в Мадриде?

Janma, meaning birth, contained a blood-absorbing sheet for the woman to give birth on, a surgical scalpel, a cord clamp, a bar of soap, a pair of gloves and the first cloth to wipe the baby clean.

Джанма означает рождение, в комплект входит впитывающая кровь простыня для рожениц, хирургический скальпель, зажим для шнура, кусок мыла, пара перчаток и ткань, чтобы вытереть ребёнка.

Bar charts for the steps you walked, pie charts for the quality of your sleep — the path of your morning runs.

Графики с количеством пройденных шагов, круговые диаграммы качества вашего сна, маршрут ваших утренних пробежек.

They finish dinner, go to their rooms, close the door, get on their computer, their cell phones, and get into a bar, into a club.

Ужинают и уходят в свою комнату, закрывают дверь, включают компьютер, мобильный телефон и попадают в боулинг — клуб, на дискотеку.

What was the bar that we were expecting last night?

Какого уровня мы ожидали вчера?

So it all came to life in a dark bar in Madrid.

Всё началось в тёмном баре Мадрида.

Put in a bar, like, put vegan food in the food court and invite millennials and hipsters to come and drink and eat, and I guarantee you within three weeks H&.

Сделать внутри бар, продавать веганскую еду на фуд — корте, пригласить хипстеров и миллениалов, чтобы они там ели и пили, и я гарантирую, что через три недели H&.

And there’s nothing wrong with wanting to feel close to your partner, or wanting him to be happy, and orgasm isn’t the only measure of an experience , but absence of pain — that’s a very low bar for your own sexual fulfillment.

Нет ничего плохого в желании сблизиться с партнёром или желании его осчастливить, и оргазм — не единственная мера успешности процесса, но отсутствие боли — это очень низкая планка для твоей сексуальной удовлетворённости.

And as it so happens, I’m at MIT and I’m in a bar, and I was talking to a scientist who happens to be a chemist and a plant scientist.

И случилось так, что однажды в баре МТИ я разговорилась с учёным, который оказался химиком и исследователем растений.

This is a very low bar.

Довольно низкая планка.

Employment growth in the United States and in much of the developed world looks something like a barbell with increasing poundage on either end of the bar.

Рост занятости в Соединённых Штатах и в большинстве развитых стран выглядит как нечто, похожее на штангу с растущим грузом на обоих концах перекладины.

It’s on the wall outside the Alley Sports Bar.

Это находится на стене за пределами Видов спорта Бара Аллеи.

The bartender looked up the bar and then back.

Бармен посмотрел в зал и опять воззрился на пьяного.

Somebody crammed a bar of soap down his gullet.

Кто — то засунул ему в глотку кусок мыла.

A fine horizontal bar terminating in two vertical protrusions.

Идеальная горизонтальная линия с двумя вертикальными выступами на концах.

Resting in an old silver shaker behind the bar.

Покоится в старом серебряном шейкере прямо за барной стойкой.

I moved to the bar and poured myself a sambuca.

Я подошел к стойке бара и налил себе бокал самбуки.

Kit stepped behind the bar and borrowed the phone.

Кит зашел за стойку бара и взял телефонную трубку.

Behind the bar was an overweight bearded man washing glassware.

За стойкой бара тучный бородач мыл стаканы и рюмки.

I eased up onto the bar stool next to his.

Я уселась на стул за стойкой бара рядом с ним.

I leaned on the bar and studied him openly.

Я облокотился о стойку и рассматривал бармена с откровенным любопытством.

I finished my drink and set it on the bar.

Я допил свой коктейль и поставил бокал на стойку.

But you found Clyde Belasco hiding behind the bar.

Но вы обнаружили Клайда Беласко, прятавшимся за барной стойкой.

Your husband said that you were suspended from the bar.

Ваш муж сказал, что вас отстранили от адвокатуры.

An orange candy bar wrapper lay twisted on the floor.

На полу валялась скрученная оранжевая обертка от шоколадного батончика.

Thank you, Cook County Bar Association for this acknowledgment.

Благодарю Ассоциацию адвокатов округа Кук за столь тёплый приём.

He tapped a world Sambo champion in a knee bar!

Он вынудил сдаться чемпиона по самбо приёмом на колене!

Quark always makes his clandestine calls after the bar closes.

Кварк всегда совершает все секретные звонки после закрытия бара.

It’s called ‘Sunday Saloon and Grill’, and it’s a bar-restaurant type of style, and he’s been doing that now for a few years.

Заведение называется Воскресный Салун — Гриль, он сделан в стиле бара — ресторана, отец занимается этим уже несколько лет.

You can get appetizers or a dinner, and that’s mostly, what they focus on is food for later in the evening, because it’s also a bar.

Вы можете заказать закуски или ужин, большей частью они ориентированы на поздний ужин, поскольку это еще и бар.

We have a favorite place, called ‘Lindy’s Red Lion’, and it’s a bar and restaurant, and they have some, some very, very good hamburgers.

У нас есть любимое место, оно называется Линдис Ред это бар и ресторан, у них там очень — очень вкусные гамбургеры.

The smallest bar of light appeared on the west horizon.

Узенькая полоска света видна была на горизонте с западной стороны.

Then I’ll have a brandy from the mini-bar

Потом растянусь на кровати и буду потягивать коньяк из минибара.

There are a lot of eating places: cafe, cafeteria, lunch counter, bar, snack bar, canteen, tea-shop, restaurant, self-service restaurant.

Существует много таких мест : кафе , кафетерий , закусочная , бар , столовая , чайная , ресторан , ресторан самообслуживания.

You could make real money at a jazz bar.

Ты мог бы зарабатывать настоящие деньги в джаз — баре.

Women’s group meetings all over Iowa, bar functions.

Собрания женских организаций по всей Айове, мероприятия коллегии.

A lot of fresh bar mitzvah money down there.

Там крутится куча свеженьких денег с бар — мицвы.

Why did you take the iron bar into the park?

Почему вы взяли с собой в парк железный прут?

The paper bag, can of soup, candy bar.

Бумажный пакет, банка с соусом, шоколадный батончик.

Placing a containment field around the entire bar

Установим защитное поле вокруг всего бара

His initial impression of the bar was smoke and noise.

Его первым впечатлением был густой табачный дым и шум.

A bar brawl had turned into major racial trouble.

Обычная драка в таверне переросла в серьезные расовые беспорядки.

Inside there is often a “salad bar”, where you can help yourself to as much salad as you want.

Внутри часто есть салатная стойка, где вы можете положить себе столько салатов, сколько захотите.

It contained a bathtub, a toilet, a sink, several bottles of shampoo, a bar of soap, and a towel.

В ней имелись ванна, унитаз, раковина, несколько флаконов шампуня, кусок мыла и полотенца.

They hunched over pints of beer at the bar and delved into steak-and-kidney pies at the little tables, chatting and chuckling.

Они пили пиво за стойкой или поглощали мясо с почками за столами, болтали и смеялись.

You should try that crowd down there at the end of the bar.

Тебе стоит попытать счастья с той серой массой в углу бара.

It’s a bar fight trick I learned long ago.

Этому приему драки в тесном баре меня научили давным — давно.

Because he saw me at the hotel bar hanging out with Amazing Dick.

Потому что он встретил меня в баре отеля в паре с Невероятным Диком.

It was like a party at the bar in the international departure lounge at JFK airport.

В баре отделения международных вылетов аэропорта Кеннеди собралась целая компания.

Put your cash on the bar and open your pretty little mouths.

Кладите наличку на барную стойку и открывайте ваши прелестные ротики.

She was currently perched up on a bar stool, scanning the local papers while she smoked a cigarette.

Сейчас она восседала на стуле за стойкой бара, курила и просматривала местные газеты.

But the goalie stretches out and tips the ball over the bar!

Вратарь вытягивается в струнку и кончиками пальцев перебрасывает мяч через перекладину.

Inside my room, I reset every latch and bolt meticulously, then added the heavy bar to the door.

В своей комнате я тщательно проверил замки и задвинул дверь на тяжелый засов.

He was at the snack bar eating a hot fudge sundae.

Он был в буфете и ел сливочное фруктовое мороженое.

Angua leapt towards the window and flung aside the bar restraining the shutters.

Ангва, в свою очередь, мгновенно прыгнула к окну и отшвырнула в сторону засов, удерживающий ставни.

The plastic control bar hung just in front of him, and Caine felt a touch of trepidation as he grasped it with both hands.

Пластиковый рычаг управления находился чуть впереди, и Кейн с волнением вцепился в него обеими руками.

Leesil steered Magiere down the bar toward the kitchen’s curtained doorway.

Твердой рукой Лисил провел Магьер вдоль стойки к прикрытому занавеской кухонному проходу.

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