Bad public gossip синоним

Synonyms for gossip
ˈgɒs əp

This thesaurus page is about all possible synonyms, equivalent, same meaning and similar words for the term gossip.

Princeton’s WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms:

chitchat, chit-chat, chit chat, small talk, gab, gabfest, gossip, tittle-tattle, chin wag, chin-wag, chin wagging, chin-wagging, causerie (noun)

light informal conversation for social occasions

gossip, comment, scuttlebutt (noun)

a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people

«the divorce caused much gossip»

gossip, gossiper, gossipmonger, rumormonger, rumourmonger, newsmonger (verb)

a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others

dish the dirt, gossip (verb)

wag one’s tongue; speak about others and reveal secrets or intimacies

«She won’t dish the dirt»

chew the fat, shoot the breeze, chat, confabulate, confab, chitchat, chit-chat, chatter, chaffer, natter, gossip, jaw, claver, visit (verb)

talk socially without exchanging too much information

«the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze»

Wiktionary (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms:

To talk about someone else’s private or personal business, especially in a way that spreads the information.

A genre in contemporary media, usually focused on the personal affairs of celebrities.

English Synonyms and Antonyms (5.00 / 1 vote) Rate these synonyms:

Most of these words are onomatopoetic. The cackle of a hen, the gabble of a goose, the chatter of a magpie, the babble of a running stream, as applied to human speech, indicate a rapid succession of what are to the listener meaningless sounds. Blab and blurt (commonly blurt out) refer to the letting out of what the lips can no longer keep in; blab, of a secret; blurt out, of passionate feeling. To chat is to talk in an easy, pleasant way, not without sense, but without special purpose. Chatting is the practise of adults, prattling that of children. To prate is to talk idly, presumptuously, or foolishly, but not necessarily incoherently. To jabber is to utter a rapid succession of unintelligible sounds, generally more noisy than chattering. To gossip is to talk of petty personal matters, as for pastime or mischief. To twaddle is to talk feeble nonsense. To murmur is to utter suppressed or even inarticulate sounds, suggesting the notes of a dove, or the sound of a running stream, and is used figuratively of the half suppressed utterances of affection or pity, or of complaint, resentment, etc. Compare SPEAK.

Babies babble for the moon; the crowd babbles of a hero; the sick man babbles of home.

Editors Contribution (0.00 / 0 votes) Rate these synonyms:

it means to talk a lot and gabled is like talking a lot.

alex gossiped on and on about the fight that happened three weeks ago.

Источник статьи:

Synonyms for gossip


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Antonyms for gossip


No wonder Florence has a hard time of it; but isn’t it wretched of me to gossip?

That’s all gossip, you know; not a word of truth in it, and it’s been very annoying to us both.

For her part, she was busy and could not spare time to gossip.

I don’t know what the hell she’d do for gossip if we were to get married.

Narcisse listened, smiling, and in his turn began to gossip confidentially.

Or because of the gossip that Arthur is to have the estates?

With no close neighbors there would be no gossip to worry about in this little corner.

For if I remain here much longer the gossip that you arouse will ruin me.

In truth they did not attempt to follow the sense of the gossip of the good old lady.

Much of this gossip deals with matters which are not of an elevating character.

Источник статьи:

Exercise 3. Say what kind of false assimilation one should avoid in the following cus­ters.

Say what kind of false assimilation one should avoid in the following cus­ters.

Was thrown, had heard, wife was, is the anniversary, was strong, was sent, is something, was so, is pressing, was she.

Exercise 4

I. Listen to the following sentences with enumeration. Pronounce after the announcer, transcribe and intone the sentences.

There were ‘two ‘French /traders | and a ‘Belgian /colonel, | an I’talian /tenor, | the A’merican proprietor of a ‘circus with his/wife, | and a re’tired ‘French official with his. ||

The ‘French official had been accompanied on /board by the ‘French ‘minister at Bang/kok, | one or two /secretaries | and a ‘prince of a ‘royal family. ||

Talking of ‘one ‘thing and a/nother | we ‘watched the ‘day de/cline, | we /dined, | and ‘then we ‘sat ‘out a’gain on ‘deck un­der the stairs. ||

II. Find other sentences with enumeration in the text and read them aloud.


Exercise 1

Find in the text words similar in meaning to the following:

A human being, an owner, a statesman, getting to know some­one, the celebration of a date, a single man, a post, bad public gossip, a person who strives for getting something, a single lady, stimulus, a present, a madman, a precious stone.

To meet by chance, to travel together with somebody, to call somebody, to cease employment, to take back, to protest, to give to somebody, to finish abruptly, to ask for advice, to give instructions, to summarize.

In bad condition, bad-looking, full-bodied, tiny, tender, silly, firm, appropriate, urgent, admirable, good enough, moving.

Exercise 2

Explain in other words the following phrases.

To confide troubles, to lose temper, without reproach, of a suitable age, to nurse somebody, to be taken aback, to do someone the honour of marrying him, to be on tenterhooks, to give a start, to come as a surprise, to pass the age, to be of full age, a proper foundation for marriage, a person of conse­quence, an aspirant to someone’s hand, to be adamant, a mar­riage of convenience.

Exercise 3

Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases.

Брак по расчёту; годовщина; составить объявление; претендент(ка) на чью-либо руку; поделиться с кем-либо своими проблемами; любовное послание; подходящего возраста; незамужняя женщина; преподнести коробку конфет от чьего-либо имени; оказать честь выйти замуж; выйти из определённого возраста; быть совершеннолет­ним; один на тысячу; страсть — это прекрасно, но. ; хо­рошая основа для брака; быть счастливым в браке; ува­жать друг друга; союз.

Сопровождать; важная персона; обращаться к кому-либо; намного ниже среднего роста; возвышаться над кем-либо; познакомиться; говорить о том, о сём; на палу­бе; нарушить тишину; служить во флоте; ничего не помо­гало; решить; развеяться; изо всех сил; выйти из себя; в глаза не видеть кого-либо;никоим образом; быть удив­лённым; уронить; вздрогнуть; дело безотлагательное; по­

жать плечами;быть как на иголках;очень рекомендовать; закончить рассказ.

Дата добавления: 2015-09-13 ; просмотров: 8 ; Нарушение авторских прав

Источник статьи:

Exercise 1. Find in the text words similar in meaning to the following: Nouns: A.. 3179

Find in the text words similar in meaning to the following:

A human being, an owner, a statesman, getting to know some­one, the celebration of a date, a single man, a post, bad public gossip, a person who strives for getting something, a single lady, stimulus, a present, a madman, a precious stone.

To meet by chance, to travel together with somebody, to call somebody, to cease employment, to take back, to protest, to give to somebody, to finish abruptly, to ask for advice, to give instructions, to summarize.

In bad condition, bad-looking, full-bodied, tiny, tender, silly, firm, appropriate, urgent, admirable, good enough, moving.

Exercise 2

Explain in other words the following phrases.

To confide troubles, to lose temper, without reproach, of a suitable age, to nurse somebody, to be taken aback, to do someone the honour of marrying him, to be on tenterhooks, to give a start, to come as a surprise, to pass the age, to be of full age, a proper foundation for marriage, a person of conse­quence, an aspirant to someone’s hand, to be adamant, a mar­riage of convenience.

Exercise 3

Find in the text the English equivalents for the following Russian words and phrases.

Брак по расчёту; годовщина; составить объявление; претендент(ка) на чью-либо руку; поделиться с кем-либо своими проблемами; любовное послание; подходящего возраста; незамужняя женщина; преподнести коробку конфет от чьего-либо имени; оказать честь выйти замуж; выйти из определённого возраста; быть совершеннолет­ним; один на тысячу; страсть — это прекрасно, но. ; хо­рошая основа для брака; быть счастливым в браке; ува­жать друг друга; союз.

Сопровождать; важная персона; обращаться к кому-либо; намного ниже среднего роста; возвышаться над кем-либо; познакомиться; говорить о том, о сём; на палу­бе; нарушить тишину; служить во флоте; ничего не помо­гало; решить; развеяться; изо всех сил; выйти из себя; в глаза не видеть кого-либо;никоим образом; быть удив­лённым; уронить; вздрогнуть; дело безотлагательное; по­

жать плечами;быть как на иголках;очень рекомендовать; закончить рассказ.

Источник статьи:

Exercise 3 — понятие и виды. Классификация и особенности категории «Exercise 3» 2015, 2017-2018.

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Siberian Transport University Historical Background. Siberian State University of Railways is one of the oldest higher schools of Russia in the field of transport and transport engineering. It was established in 1932 and named Novosibirsk Institute of Railway Engineers. The building itself is unique for its expressive architecture. The University Museums preserve and share historical spirit with new coming generations. The university is one of the largest educational and scientific centers in. [читать подробнее].

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Exercise 7. What do you think is the happiest time of a person’s life – when a person is young or when he / she is old? In groups suggest the pros and cons of these ages. Exercise 8. Listen to the survey findings; fill in the script and compare your suggestions. Then answer the questions after it: Are people 1) … or more happy the older they get? If you answered 2) …, then you were right, based on a study in 2008. It found that people generally become happier and experience less. [читать подробнее].

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1. Degree(to receive / get / earn / obtain a

) a. student at a college or University who has not taken a first and esp. a bachelor’s degree 2. Bachelor’s degree bachelor’s degree / BA = Bachelor of Arts / BSc= Bachelor of Science b. an area of land that contains the main buildings and grounds of a university or college, or one of the sites on which such buildings are located 3. Master’s degree master’s degree / MA = Master of Arts /. [читать подробнее].

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Источник статьи:

All synonyms in one line

aspersion, backbiting, blabbermouth, buzz, calumny,, causerie, chatter, chatterbox, chatterer, chin wag, chin wagging, chin-wag, chin-wagging, chit chat, chit-chat, chitchat, comment, defamation, gabfest, goss, gossiper, gossipmonger, hearsay, intimation, jabberer,, magpie, meddler, news, newsmonger, prattler, report, rumble, rumormonger, rumour, rumourmonger, scandal, scuttle-butt, slander, small talk, snoop, suggestion, talk, tattler, tittle-tattle, wind, windbag, natter, babble, blab, chaffer, chat,, chatter, chew the fat, claver, communicate, confab, confabulate, confer, converse, discuss, dish, dish the dirt, gab, gas, jabber, jaw, noise, palaver, prate, prattle, pronounce,, ramble, rumour, shoot the breeze, speak, talk, tattle, visit, hearsay, inside information, rat, rumble, scuttlebutt,, snitch, talk, tattletale, telltale, the grapevine, troublemaker, word getting around, blab, chatter, noise, palaver, prate,, prattle, rumour.

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What is another word for Gossip?

  • idle talk, spread rumours

  • sense of hearing, spread rumors

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WiktionaryRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. gossipnoun


  2. gossipnoun

    To talk about someone else’s private or personal business, especially in a way that spreads the information.


  3. gossipnoun

    To talk idly.


  4. gossipnoun

    A genre in contemporary media, usually focused on the personal affairs of celebrities.


English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:5.0 / 1 vote

  1. gossip

    Most of these words are onomatopoetic. The cackle of a hen, the gabble of a goose, the chatter of a magpie, the babble of a running stream, as applied to human speech, indicate a rapid succession of what are to the listener meaningless sounds. Blab and blurt (commonly blurt out) refer to the letting out of what the lips can no longer keep in; blab, of a secret; blurt out, of passionate feeling. To chat is to talk in an easy, pleasant way, not without sense, but without special purpose. Chatting is the practise of adults, prattling that of children. To prate is to talk idly, presumptuously, or foolishly, but not necessarily incoherently. To jabber is to utter a rapid succession of unintelligible sounds, generally more noisy than chattering. To gossip is to talk of petty personal matters, as for pastime or mischief. To twaddle is to talk feeble nonsense. To murmur is to utter suppressed or even inarticulate sounds, suggesting the notes of a dove, or the sound of a running stream, and is used figuratively of the half suppressed utterances of affection or pity, or of complaint, resentment, etc. Compare SPEAK.

    babble, blab, blurt, blurt out, cackle, chat, chatter, gabble, jabber, murmur, palaver, prate, prattle, tattle, twaddle

    Babies babble for the moon; the crowd babbles of a hero; the sick man babbles of home.

Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. chitchat, chit-chat, chit chat, small talk, gab, gabfest, gossip, tittle-tattle, chin wag, chin-wag, chin wagging, chin-wagging, causerienoun

    light informal conversation for social occasions

    gab, comment, tittle-tattle, rumormonger, chin-wagging, chin wagging, small talk, chin wag, chin-wag, gossipmonger, chit chat, chit-chat, rumourmonger, gossiper, chitchat, gabfest, causerie, newsmonger, scuttlebutt

  2. gossip, comment, scuttlebuttnoun

    a report (often malicious) about the behavior of other people

    «the divorce caused much gossip»

    gab, comment, remark, tittle-tattle, rumormonger, chin-wagging, input, chin wagging, small talk, chin wag, commentary, chin-wag, gossipmonger, gossiper, rumourmonger, chitchat, gabfest, newsmonger, causerie, chit-chat, chit chat, scuttlebutt

  3. gossip, gossiper, gossipmonger, rumormonger, rumourmonger, newsmongerverb

    a person given to gossiping and divulging personal information about others

    gab, comment, tittle-tattle, rumormonger, chin-wagging, chin wagging, small talk, chin wag, chin-wag, gossipmonger, gossiper, rumourmonger, chitchat, gabfest, newsmonger, causerie, chit-chat, chit chat, scuttlebutt

  4. dish the dirt, gossipverb

    wag one’s tongue; speak about others and reveal secrets or intimacies

    «She won’t dish the dirt»

    jaw, chitchat, chaffer, shoot the breeze, visit, confab, chit-chat, claver, chatter, dish the dirt, chat, natter, confabulate, chew the fat

  5. chew the fat, shoot the breeze, chat, confabulate, confab, chitchat, chit-chat, chatter, chaffer, natter, gossip, jaw, claver, visitverb

    talk socially without exchanging too much information

    «the men were sitting in the cafe and shooting the breeze»

    bawl out, chitchat, chide, yack, call down, masticate, bring down, huckster, shoot the breeze, twaddle, inspect, consult, impose, take to task, prattle, call on the carpet, inflict, reproof, manducate, call in, lambaste, palaver, jaw, higgle, claver, tittle-tattle, lambast, maunder, see, haggle, chew out, remonstrate, call, tattle, have words, berate, rebuke, natter, travel to, trounce, visit, dress down, confab, chit-chat, chew up, gibber, click, blab, reprimand, rattle on, piffle, scold, confabulate, confer, chew the fat, dish the dirt, yap away, chew, prate, rag, chat, chatter, yack away, chaffer, lecture, gabble, blabber, clack

Editors ContributionRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. gabled

    it means to talk a lot and gabled is like talking a lot.

    alex gossiped on and on about the fight that happened three weeks ago.

    Submitted by anonymous on December 17, 2019  

Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes

  1. gossipnoun

    tattler, babbler, chatterer, gadabout, idle talker

  2. gossipnoun

    chat, chitchat, tattle, prate, prattle, cackle, clack, small talk, idle talk

  3. gossipverb

    chat, tattle, prate, prattle, gabble, clack, cackle, talk idly

How to pronounce gossip?

How to say gossip in sign language?

How to use gossip in a sentence?

  1. Spanish Proverb:

    Whoever gossips to you will gossip about you.

  2. Author Unknown:

    Conversation is an exercise of the mind; gossip is merely an exercise of the tongue.

  3. Turkish:

    Who gossips to you will gossip about you.

  4. Elbert Hubbard:

    Gossip is only the lack of a worthy memory.

  5. Author Unknown:

    Gossip is sometimes referred to as halitosis of the mind

Translations for gossip

From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary

  • ғәйбәт тоҡсайы, ғәйбәт, ғәйбәтсеBashkir
  • xafarder, xafarderia, xafardejarCatalan, Valencian
  • klatschen, Klatsch, tratschen, schwatzen, TratschGerman
  • klaĉo, klaĉiEsperanto
  • chambre, cotilleo, chismosa, chimento, argüende, cotilla, copuchento, chisme, chismorrear, copucha, chismoso, cahuín, alcahuete, chismear, vinazo, cuecho, cotillear, chirmol, mitote, argüendero, cocoa, bochinche, brete, argüenderaSpanish
  • juoruilija, juoruta, jutella, juorukello, juoru, juoruillaFinnish
  • commère, commérage, bavarder, cancan, commérer, ragot, potinsFrench
  • scéalaíochtIrish
  • seanchasScottish Gaelic
  • רכילות, לרכלHebrew
  • गप-शपHindi
  • pletykás, pletykál, pletyka, pletykafészekHungarian
  • gosipIndonesian
  • chiaccherare, ciarla, chiacchera, comare, pettegolo, linguacciuto, spettegolare, chiacchierone, pettegolezzo, chiacchierona, pettegola, ciarlatano, diceriaItalian
  • ゴシップ, 噂Japanese
  • tarawau, pōtinitini, pakitara, ngutungutuMāori
  • roddelaarster, kletspraatje, zeveren, kletsen, roddelaar, zwetsen, roddelen, babbelen, roddelDutch
  • slarve, sladder, sladreNorwegian
  • aseezį́Navajo, Navaho
  • plotkarz, plotkarka, plotkować, plotkaPolish
  • fofoqueiro, bisbilhotice, papear, bater papo, fofocar, mexericar, fofoca, mexerico, mexeriqueiroPortuguese
  • сплетничать, болтун, болтунья, сплетник, слухи, сплетница, болтовня, сплетниRussian
  • tračati, brbljati, ogovaranje, оговарање, ogovaratiSerbo-Croatian
  • çuçurjar, thashetheme, çuçurimë, thashethemexhiAlbanian
  • skvaller, skvallerkäring, skvallerranta, sladder, sladderkärring, skvallertaska, sladdertacka, skvallertant, skvallerkvarn, tjallare, skvallerbytta, skvallermosterSwedish
  • fakachi, fitina, tetesiSwahili
  • గాలి కబుర్లుTelugu
  • dedikoducu, dedikodu yapmak, dedikodu, çene çalmakTurkish
  • گپ شپUrdu

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Перевод по словам

let [noun]

verb: препятствовать, позволять, пускать, давать, оставлять, разрешать, мешать, давать возможность, не трогать, сдавать внаем

noun: препятствие, помеха, сдача внаем

        do [noun]

        verb: делать, выполнять, заниматься, поступать, проделать, действовать, принимать, деть, вести себя, исполнять

        noun: до, успех, надувательство, вечеринка, обман, мошенничество, прием гостей, распоряжение, приказание, развлечение

        abbreviation: то же самое

        adverb: таким же образом

          their [article]

          pronoun: их, свои, свой, свое

            worst [adjective]

            adjective: наихудший, злейший

            noun: наихудшее, самое худшее

            adverb: хуже всего, очень сильно

            verb: одержать верх, побеждать, наносить поражение, одержать победу

              Предложения с «let the gossips do their worst»

              Because people these days, they make friends, they chat, gossip and flirt from the comfort of their sofa.

              Всё потому, что сейчас люди заводят друзей, общаются, сплетничают и флиртуют, сидя дома на диване.

              Every armed conflict is accompanied by a propaganda war, and I don’t blame the rebels for reporting gossip or lies or wishful thinking if it serves their aims.

              Любой вооруженный конфликт сопровождается пропагандистской войной, и я не виню мятежников за то, что они сообщают слухи или ложь или то, что им нравится думать, если это служит их целям.

              People might jabber about them; he knew what he knew and did not care a straw for their gossip , for he had respectability on his side.

              Пусть про них болтают что угодно, он, Купо, плюет на эти сплетни, он уверен в честности своего друга.

              So long as gossip busied itself in coupling their names together, any other vagaries of the doctor’s passed unobserved.

              До тех пор, пока продолжались слухи об их романе, доктор был уверен, что его странности и причуды не привлекут особого внимания.

              So Gossip Girl loses her readers, and her attacks lose their power.

              Так Сплетница потеряет своих читателей, а ее нападки — свою силу.

              Fresh scandals have eclipsed it, and their more piquant details have drawn the gossips away from this four-year-old drama.

              Новые скандальные истории своими более пикантными подробностями затмили эту драму и отвлекли от нее внимание салонных болтунов, тем более что с тех пор прошло уже четыре года.

              The peaceful habits of the two old ladies, the routine of their uneventful existence and their quiet gossip , excited her compassion.

              Мирные привычки двух старых дам, рутина их бедной событиями жизни, безмятежная болтовня возбуждали в Джулии жалость.

              A slight rustling sound from somewhere sent the two gossipers on their several ways, but Aileen had heard enough to understand.

              Легкий шорох заставил сплетниц отскочить друг от друга, но Эйлин и так уже слышала достаточно.

              And other warrens much same, people who work and raise kids and gossip and find most of their fun around dinner table.

              Другие поселения сходны в этом отношении с Луна — Сити — там тоже люди работают, воспитывают детей, сплетничают и в основном развлекаются не отходя от обеденного стола.

              Had she not gone out of her way to bury old hatchets and show these people that she bore them no ill will for their gossiping and backbiting?

              Разве она не сделала все, чтобы забыть прошлые обиды и показать этим людям, что не питает к ним зла за их сплетни и подкусывания?

              At last the whole company observed that they had gossiped over their time, for it was already night.

              Наконец вся компания опомнилась и увидела, что заболталась уже чересчур, потому что уже на дворе была совершенная ночь.

              Meme theory suggests that items of gossip are like living things that seek to reproduce using humans as their host.

              Теория мемов гласит что известия о сплетнях — это живые существа, которые стремятся воспроизвести себя используя при этом человека как своего хозяина.

              The one that reveres the gossip of the English upper classes and their friends?

              В ней печатают сплетни о людях из высшего света и их друзьях?

              And that I had the doctoring of those slanderous gossips . I’d make their tongues lie still awhile.

              А если бы я услышал эти мерзкие сплетни, я заставил бы это прекратить.

              He had at all costs to forestall, to cut short any gossip before it was too late, and if the news had already spread, to hush up, to stifle the rumors at their source.

              Надо было любой ценой, пока не поздно, предупредить, пресечь сплетни, а если весть уже распространилась, замять, затушить слухи при самом возникновении.

              Such dreams have a charm of their own; they are something akin to evening gossip round the winter fire, when one sets out for some voyage in China.

              Подобные мечты не лишены некоторой прелести, — не напоминают ли они беседу зимним вечером, когда, сидя у очага, совершаешь путешествие в Китай?

              Ever since Gossip Girl went into hiding, people have been sending their blasts to me.

              С тех пор Gossip Girl ушел в подполье, люди посылают сплетни мне.

              As soon as Gervaise learned of their gossiping , furious, she stopped giving them credit for generosity.

              Жервеза, узнав об этих сплетнях, пришла в бешенство и с тех пор перестала верить их любезностям.

              Joining in their conversation is a civil servant named Lebedyev—a man with a profound knowledge of social trivia and gossip .

              К их беседе присоединяется государственный служащий по фамилии Лебедев — человек с глубоким знанием социальных мелочей и сплетен.

              Gossip cited her as one of their influences for their 2009 album Music for Men.

              Сплетни упоминали ее в качестве одного из своих влияний на их альбом 2009 года Music for Men.

              While both she and Poe were still married to their respective spouses, the two carried on a public flirtation that resulted in much gossip among the literati.

              Хотя и она, и по все еще были женаты на своих супругах, они продолжали флиртовать на публике, что привело к многочисленным сплетням среди литераторов.

              The victim may be excluded, made the subject of gossip , persistently discredited or questioned to destroy their confidence.

              Жертва может быть исключена, стать предметом сплетен, постоянно дискредитирована или подвергнута допросу, чтобы разрушить их доверие.

              She realizes that her habit of gossiping and talking about her classmates behind their back has kept them from befriending her.

              Она понимает, что ее привычка сплетничать и говорить о своих одноклассниках за их спиной удерживает их от дружбы с ней.

              The relationship between Kulikovsky and the Grand Duchess was not public, but gossip about their romance spread through society.

              В ньютоновской механике все эти энергии намного меньше массы объекта, умноженной на скорость света в квадрате.

              The Post and the Daily News often take potshots at each other’s work and accuracy, particularly in their respective gossip-page items.

              Пост и Дейли Ньюс часто критикуют работу и точность друг друга, особенно в своих соответствующих статьях на страницах сплетен.

              Mrs Noye and her Gossips enter to an F sharp minor distortion of the children’s tune, which reflects their mocking attitude.

              Миссис Нойе и ее сплетники вступают в фа — диез незначительного искажения детской мелодии, что отражает их насмешливое отношение.

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