What is another word for Bad feeling?
mental stress, bitterness of feeling
bitterness of feeling, disagreement
hate, bitterness of feeling
bad blood
bitterness of feeling, hate
bitterness of feeling, hostility
ill will
hate, hostility
resentment, hate
resentment, hate
ill feeling
hostility, resentment
hard feelings
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Synonyms for Bad feeling. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 30, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bad_feeling
Synonyms for Bad feeling. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bad_feeling>.
Synonyms for Bad feeling. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/bad_feeling.
- acrimony
- animosity
- animus
- antagonism
- bitterness
- distrust
- enmity
- hatred
- hostility
- ill will
- nastiness
- rancor
- resentment
- anger
- antipathy
- bad chemistry
- bad vibes
- bad will
- disaccord
- dislike
- hard feelings
- ill-disposedness
- malevolence
- malice
- mutual hostility
- odium
- oppugnancy
- oppugnation
- personality conflict
- unfriendliness
- venom
- animosity
- antagonism
- bad blood
- bickering
- conflict
- discontent
- discord
- disharmony
- dispute
- dissension
- hassle
- hatred
- hostility
- quarrel
- resentment
- resistance
- rivalry
- strife
- trouble
- wrangling
- counteraction
- faction
- flak
- impedance
- incompatibility
- interference
- opposition
- row
- ruckus
- rumpus
- set-to
- bone to pick
- factionalism
- sour note
- acerbity
- acrimony
- animosity
- animus
- annoyance
- antagonism
- bitterness
- choler
- cynicism
- displeasure
- dudgeon
- embitterment
- exacerbation
- exasperation
- fog
- fury
- gall
- grudge
- huff
- hurt
- ill feeling
- ill will
- indignation
- ire
- irritation
- malice
- malignity
- miff
- offense
- outrage
- passion
- perturbation
- pique
- rage
- rancor
- resentfulness
- rise
- spite
- umbrage
- vehemence
- vexation
- virulence
- virulency
- wrath
- acerbity
- acrimony
- animosity
- animus
- annoyance
- antagonism
- bitterness
- choler
- cynicism
- displeasure
- dudgeon
- embitterment
- exacerbation
- exasperation
- fog
- fury
- gall
- grudge
- huff
- hurt
- ill feeling
- ill will
- indignation
- ire
- irritation
- malice
- malignity
- miff
- offense
- outrage
- passion
- perturbation
- pique
- rage
- rancor
- rancorousness
- rise
- spite
- umbrage
- vehemence
- vexation
- virulence
- virulency
- wrath
- acrimony
- animosity
- animus
- annoyance
- antagonism
- bitterness
- cynicism
- displeasure
- exasperation
- fury
- grudge
- ill will
- indignation
- ire
- irritation
- malice
- outrage
- passion
- rage
- rancor
- acerbity
- choler
- dudgeon
- exacerbation
- fog
- huff
- hurt
- malignity
- miff
- offense
- perturbation
- pique
- rise
- spite
- umbrage
- vehemence
- vexation
- wrath
- ill feeling
- anxiety
- apprehension
- concern
- discomfort
- hostility
- jitters
- nervousness
- pressure
- strain
- suspense
- unease
- worry
- agitation
- brunt
- disquiet
- edginess
- jumps
- nerves
- restlessness
- shakes
- uneasiness
- worriment
- antsiness
- ants in pants
- nail-biting
- pins and needles
- acerbity
- acrimony
- animosity
- animus
- annoyance
- antagonism
- bitterness
- choler
- cynicism
- displeasure
- dudgeon
- embitterment
- exacerbation
- exasperation
- fog
- fury
- gall
- grudge
- hostility
- huff
- hurt
- indignation
- ire
- irritation
- malice
- malignity
- miff
- offense
- outrage
- passion
- perturbation
- pique
- rage
- rancor
- rise
- spite
- umbrage
- vehemence
- vexation
- virulency
- wrath
- ill feeling
- ill will
- rancorousness
- resentfulness
- resentment
- acerbity
- acrimony
- animosity
- animus
- annoyance
- antagonism
- bitterness
- choler
- cynicism
- displeasure
- dudgeon
- embitterment
- exacerbation
- exasperation
- fog
- fury
- gall
- grudge
- hostility
- huff
- hurt
- indignation
- ire
- irritation
- malice
- malignity
- miff
- offense
- outrage
- passion
- perturbation
- pique
- rage
- rancor
- rise
- spite
- umbrage
- vehemence
- vexation
- virulence
- wrath
- ill feeling
- ill will
- rancorousness
- resentfulness
- resentment
On this page you’ll find 394 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to bad feeling, such as: acrimony, animosity, animus, antagonism, bitterness, and distrust.
- accord
- agreement
- concord
- happiness
- harmony
- liking
- love
- peace
- pleasure
- calm
- calmness
- cheer
- comfort
- delight
- friendliness
- glee
- good will
- happiness
- joy
- kindness
- love
- pleasure
- sweetness
- sympathy
- affection
- liking
- calmness
- ease
- peace
- calm
- contentedness
- looseness
- relaxation
- slack
- calm
- calmness
- cheer
- comfort
- delight
- glee
- good will
- happiness
- joy
- kindness
- love
- pleasure
- sweetness
- sympathy
- understanding
- calm
- calmness
- cheer
- comfort
- delight
- glee
- good will
- happiness
- joy
- kindness
- love
- pleasure
- sweetness
- sympathy
- understanding
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- acrimony
- anger
- animosity
- animus
- antagonism
- antipathy
- bad chemistry
- bad feeling
- bad vibes
- bad will
- bitterness
- disaccord
- dislike
- distrust
- enmity
- hard feelings
- hatred
- hostility
- ill will
- ill-disposedness
- malevolence
- malice
- mutual hostility
- nastiness
- odium
- oppugnancy
- oppugnation
- personality conflict
- rancor
- resentment
- unfriendliness
- venom
- animosity
- antagonism
- bad blood
- bad feeling
- bickering
- bone to pick
- conflict
- counteraction
- discontent
- discord
- disharmony
- dispute
- dissension
- faction
- factionalism
- flak
- hassle
- hatred
- hostility
- impedance
- incompatibility
- interference
- opposition
- quarrel
- resentment
- resistance
- rivalry
- row
- ruckus
- rumpus
- set-to
- sour note
- strife
- trouble
- wrangling
- acerbity
- acrimony
- animosity
- animus
- annoyance
- antagonism
- bad feeling
- bitterness
- choler
- cynicism
- displeasure
- dudgeon
- embitterment
- exacerbation
- exasperation
- fog
- fury
- gall
- grudge
- huff
- hurt
- ill feeling
- ill will
- indignation
- ire
- irritation
- malice
- malignity
- miff
- offense
- outrage
- passion
- perturbation
- pique
- rage
- rancor
- resentfulness
- rise
- spite
- umbrage
- vehemence
- vexation
- virulence
- virulency
- wrath
- acerbity
- acrimony
- animosity
- animus
- annoyance
- antagonism
- bad feeling
- bitterness
- choler
- cynicism
- displeasure
- dudgeon
- embitterment
- exacerbation
- exasperation
- fog
- fury
- gall
- grudge
- huff
- hurt
- ill feeling
- ill will
- indignation
- ire
- irritation
- malice
- malignity
- miff
- offense
- outrage
- passion
- perturbation
- pique
- rage
- rancor
- rancorousness
- rise
- spite
- umbrage
- vehemence
- vexation
- virulence
- virulency
- wrath
- acerbity
- acrimony
- animosity
- animus
- annoyance
- antagonism
- bad feeling
- bitterness
- choler
- cynicism
- displeasure
- dudgeon
- exacerbation
- exasperation
- fog
- fury
- grudge
- huff
- hurt
- ill feeling
- ill will
- indignation
- ire
- irritation
- malice
- malignity
- miff
- offense
- outrage
- passion
- perturbation
- pique
- rage
- rancor
- rise
- spite
- umbrage
- vehemence
- vexation
- wrath
- agitation
- ants in pants
- antsiness
- anxiety
- apprehension
- bad feeling
- brunt
- concern
- discomfort
- disquiet
- edginess
- hostility
- jitters
- jumps
- nail-biting
- nerves
- nervousness
- pins and needles
- pressure
- restlessness
- shakes
- strain
- suspense
- unease
- uneasiness
- worriment
- worry
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
What is another word for bad feelings?
535 synonyms found
[ bˈad fˈiːlɪŋz], [ bˈad fˈiːlɪŋz], [ b_ˈa_d f_ˈiː_l_ɪ_ŋ_z]
Related words: bad feelings song, feel bad song, bad feelings club, bad feelings chords
Related questions:
Table of Contents
• bad blood (noun)
- anger,
- hostility,
- hatred,
- disaccord,
- dislike,
- Oppugnancy,
- distrust,
- ill will,
- resentment,
- Oppugnation,
- odium,
- malice,
- bad will,
- animosity,
- mutual hostility,
- hard feelings,
- bad feeling,
- venom,
- personality conflict,
- ill-disposedness,
- bitterness,
- acrimony,
- rancor,
- malevolence,
- bad chemistry,
- bad vibes,
- animus,
- nastiness,
- antagonism,
- unfriendliness,
- antipathy,
- enmity.
• friction (noun)
- faction,
- ruckus,
- strife,
- rumpus,
- trouble,
- row,
- set-to,
- rivalry,
- resistance,
- discord,
- opposition,
- incompatibility,
- conflict,
- bad blood,
- discontent,
- dispute,
- bone to pick,
- bickering,
- quarrel,
- flak,
- disharmony,
- hassle,
- factionalism,
- sour note,
- interference,
- counteraction,
- wrangling,
- impedance,
- dissension.
• rancorousness (noun)
- gall,
- embitterment,
- resentfulness,
- virulence,
- virulency.
• resentfulness (noun)
- rancorousness.
• resentment (noun)
- choler,
- displeasure,
- vehemence,
- ill feeling,
- huff,
- acerbity,
- perturbation,
- malignity,
- ire,
- passion,
- irritation,
- exacerbation,
- annoyance,
- hurt,
- spite,
- exasperation,
- rise,
- pique,
- dudgeon,
- vexation,
- indignation,
- outrage,
- rage,
- fog,
- cynicism,
- wrath,
- grudge,
- umbrage,
- fury,
- offense,
- miff.
• tension (noun)
- restlessness,
- discomfort,
- nervousness,
- uneasiness,
- agitation,
- strain,
- edginess,
- shakes,
- apprehension,
- ants in pants,
- suspense,
- worriment,
- antsiness,
- jitters,
- jumps,
- pins and needles,
- disquiet,
- concern,
- brunt,
- worry,
- anxiety,
- unease,
- nerves,
- pressure,
- nail-biting.
Other synonyms:
• Other relevant words:
- difficulty,
- mist,
- appal,
- fight,
- altercate,
- puff,
- assault,
- violate,
- striving,
- nisus,
- trauma,
- neutralisation,
- ache,
- love,
- scrap,
- haggling,
- spat,
- rise up,
- unrest,
- have to do with,
- preventive,
- business organization,
- aggravator,
- force,
- cheekiness,
- maliciousness,
- peevishness,
- hate,
- disturb,
- cark,
- fluster,
- melodic phrase,
- problem,
- discordance,
- climb,
- breed,
- bear on,
- infliction,
- try,
- intervention,
- yellow bile,
- discontentedness,
- difference of opinion,
- disorder,
- wildness,
- catch,
- come to,
- move up,
- detriment,
- battle,
- mental strain,
- competition,
- savvy,
- fogginess,
- dishonor,
- attack,
- ira,
- hullabaloo,
- rape,
- contention,
- dread,
- temper,
- uprise,
- unhinge,
- harm,
- hale,
- ravish,
- incommode,
- melody,
- disoblige,
- grievance,
- upgrade,
- cacoethes,
- disturbance,
- bitchiness,
- care,
- ail,
- squabble,
- chevvy,
- electric resistance,
- oppositeness,
- bicker,
- engagement,
- opponent,
- suffering,
- rising,
- tenor,
- challenge,
- prove,
- trouble oneself,
- ack-ack,
- stand up,
- straining,
- disfavour,
- disagreement,
- touch,
- refer,
- antiaircraft,
- contravene,
- impudence,
- aggravation,
- course,
- haze over,
- ferocity,
- stress,
- inharmoniousness,
- eumenides,
- cattiness,
- frenzy,
- tumult,
- disagree,
- underground,
- furiousness,
- malaise,
- turmoil,
- irk,
- inquietude,
- surface,
- repugnance,
- force per unit area,
- harass,
- delirium,
- provoke,
- difference,
- wound,
- tussle,
- ruction,
- pom-pom,
- cliff-hanging,
- go up,
- dustup,
- advance,
- discourtesy,
- haggle,
- come up,
- botheration,
- fermentation,
- pain in the neck,
- electrical resistance,
- dissonance,
- bitter,
- bother,
- daze,
- relate,
- flack catcher,
- inconsistency,
- mutual exclusiveness,
- headache,
- pressure level,
- impertinence,
- scandalisation,
- salary increase,
- chafe,
- heighten,
- mistrust,
- hike,
- jaundice,
- puree,
- hindrance,
- desecrate,
- filter out,
- business,
- furor,
- lift,
- seeing red,
- noise,
- mania,
- form,
- abhorrence,
- chivvy,
- words,
- hitch,
- din,
- line,
- jitteriness,
- inconvenience oneself,
- malevolency,
- coerce,
- anguish,
- uncomfortableness,
- anxiousness,
- score,
- imperativeness,
- freshness,
- erinyes,
- bruise,
- fret,
- murkiness,
- confrontation,
- neutralization,
- molest,
- see red,
- melodic line,
- pressing,
- warmth,
- passionateness,
- emanation,
- scandal,
- haze,
- pain,
- fidget,
- distort,
- filter,
- aggression,
- resistor,
- excitation,
- upheaval,
- violence,
- injury,
- disquietude,
- argufy,
- foeman,
- excitement,
- angriness,
- rebel,
- annoying,
- camarilla,
- variant,
- incumbrance,
- high dudgeon,
- malignance,
- flack,
- grow,
- suspensive,
- ascend,
- pain in the ass,
- storm,
- abomination,
- junto,
- stock,
- damage,
- bile,
- boost,
- injure,
- furore,
- befog,
- dogfight,
- immunity,
- distrustfulness,
- fire,
- filth,
- shock,
- discontented,
- reach,
- spitefulness,
- sift,
- cult,
- heebie-jeebies,
- distract,
- suspect,
- discernment,
- disruption,
- hysteria,
- irritability,
- gainsay,
- inconvenience,
- loathing,
- scuffle,
- petulance,
- tense,
- snort,
- var.,
- murk,
- crust,
- ferment,
- offensive activity,
- spring up,
- wage hike,
- taking into custody,
- wax,
- offensive,
- fuss,
- provocation,
- rear,
- dishonour,
- turn out,
- smart,
- restiveness,
- madness,
- touch on,
- interest,
- jumpiness,
- scandalise,
- infringe,
- commotion,
- heat,
- raise,
- troublesomeness,
- filtrate,
- ascension,
- contravention,
- press,
- vex,
- insistency,
- mount,
- scathe,
- fussiness,
- obscure,
- deform,
- cabal,
- struggle,
- tempestuousness,
- run-in,
- saddle sore,
- fretfulness,
- offence,
- filthiness,
- atmospheric pressure,
- rancour,
- chevy,
- stew,
- tense up,
- appall,
- collar,
- resurrect,
- soreness,
- blackmail,
- pertain,
- extend,
- suspenseful,
- procession,
- pains,
- resistivity,
- execration,
- malignancy,
- wounded,
- wage increase,
- wrangle,
- perturb,
- squeeze,
- jump,
- harry,
- discontentment,
- tartness,
- scandalize,
- blackjack,
- fad,
- separate out,
- preventative,
- acclivity,
- upset,
- air pressure,
- rowing,
- encumbrance,
- cost increase,
- chivy,
- rough-and-tumble,
- distress,
- chuff,
- impatience,
- blast,
- profane,
- suffer,
- self-consciousness,
- occupy,
- ramp,
- sieve,
- arise,
- fear,
- emphasis,
- queasiness,
- craze,
- nervous strain,
- foe,
- understanding,
- opposite,
- antiaircraft gun,
- climb up,
- fidgetiness,
- rising slope,
- put out,
- detestation,
- fierceness,
- misgiving,
- ascent,
- song,
- discommode,
- cloud,
- aversion,
- insolence,
- beset,
- get up,
- flak catcher,
- business concern,
- apprehensiveness,
- crossness,
- weakened,
- originate,
- strive,
- tune,
- disapproval,
- distaste,
- suspicion,
- arrest,
- enemy,
- pressure sensation,
- sect,
- air,
- plague,
- pinch,
- foulness,
- thorniness,
- offend,
- insistence,
- disfavor,
- scandalization,
- innervation,
- develop,
- run afoul,
- ascending,
- becloud,
- tiff.
How to use «Bad feelings» in context?
Emotions can be good or bad. They can make us happy or sad, excited or angry. But there are some emotions that are considered to be bad feelings. Here are six of them:
This is a very painful emotion. It feels like you’re in a lot of pain and you can’t stop thinking about it. It’s often associated with losses, like when a loved one dies.
This is when you feel like you’re responsible for something bad happening. Maybe you did something that caused the pain and you feel bad about it.
This is a very painful emotion.
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APA | Classic Thesaurus. (2015). Synonyms for Bad feeling. Retrieved May 2, 2023, from https://www.classicthesaurus.com/bad_feeling/synonyms |
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Harvard | Classic Thesaurus 2015, Synonyms for Bad feeling, Classic Thesaurus, viewed 2 May, 2023, <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/bad_feeling/synonyms>. |
MLA | Classic Thesaurus. «Synonyms for Bad feeling» 13 April 2015. Web. 2 May 2023. <https://www.classicthesaurus.com/bad_feeling/synonyms> |
What is another word for bad feeling?
Synonyms for bad feeling
bad feel·ing
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