What is another word for Babysitter?
keeper, person caring for child
sitter, person caring for child
keeper, person caring for child
person who accompanies for supervision
person who accompanies for supervision
person who accompanies for supervision
person who accompanies for supervision
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What is another word for babysitter?
611 synonyms found
[ bˈe͡ɪbɪsˌɪtə], [ bˈeɪbɪsˌɪtə], [ b_ˈeɪ_b_ɪ_s_ˌɪ_t_ə]
Table of Contents
- adopt,
- care,
- adoption.
• TV (noun)
- television set.
• au pair (noun)
- housekeeper.
• baby-sitter (noun)
- child-care worker,
- nanny,
- day-care provider,
- governess,
- mother’s helper.
• babysitter (noun)
- sitter,
- baby-sitter.
• caregiver (noun)
- father,
- parent,
- caretaker,
- nurse,
- custodian,
- mother.
• chaperon (noun)
- companion,
- bird dog,
- escort,
- alarm clock.
• daycare (noun)
- kindergartens,
- PRE-K,
- kindergarten,
- pre-school,
- nursery school,
- pre-schools,
- playgroups,
- playgroup.
• guardian (noun)
- guard,
- sponsor,
- superintendent,
- shepherd,
- overseer,
- trustee,
- warden,
- cerberus,
- chaperone,
- supervisor,
- watchdog,
- sentinel,
- defender,
- attendant,
- preserver,
- angel,
- vigilante,
- patrol,
- conservator,
- safeguard,
- champion,
- paladin,
- curator,
- cop.
• nanny (noun)
- Wet nurse,
- nursemaid.
• nursemaid (noun)
- nurserymaid.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- live in,
- daycare,
- live-in,
- au pair,
- caregiver,
- domestic servant,
- day care provider,
- keeper,
- chaperon.
• television (noun)
- receiver,
- tv,
- telly,
- idiot box,
- tube,
- small screen,
- VID,
- eye,
- video,
- boob tube,
- station,
- audio,
- box,
- Tv Set.
Other synonyms:
- in loco parentis,
- houseparent,
- day care,
- care order,
- childcare,
- foster,
- adoption agency,
- ward,
- babysit,
- sit,
- adoptive,
- guardian,
- adopted.
• Other relevant words:
- go on,
- call forth,
- accompanying,
- buns,
- cart,
- founding father,
- father-god,
- fire,
- boxwood,
- maintenance,
- thermionic vacuum tube,
- send,
- bulge out,
- fellow traveler,
- zori,
- pediatrist,
- starting line,
- attention,
- loge,
- title-holder,
- land,
- keep company,
- baby-sit,
- buttocks,
- bodyguard,
- borrowing,
- assume,
- saint,
- embrace,
- female parent,
- further,
- bread and butter,
- baby-walker,
- salary increase,
- caution,
- pamper,
- back end,
- conjure,
- outset,
- tenderise,
- indulge,
- baby doctor,
- collar,
- drug trafficker,
- donjon,
- hands,
- comrade,
- evoke,
- generate,
- give suck,
- keister,
- defend,
- guardianship,
- kickoff,
- child care,
- apprehend,
- hold back,
- bring forth,
- sore,
- charge,
- concern,
- startle,
- bug out,
- contemplative,
- guard duty,
- ruminative,
- church father,
- frequent,
- overprotect,
- swathe,
- institute,
- living,
- renovator,
- first,
- pass catcher,
- electron tube,
- adoptive parent,
- bestow,
- entertain,
- sit down,
- jump,
- forethought,
- legal tender,
- come out,
- counselor,
- head start,
- fosterage,
- rise,
- handle,
- cosset,
- commencement,
- sentry duty,
- espouse,
- rearing,
- heighten,
- reflective,
- featherbed,
- babysitter,
- cutter,
- heave,
- ablactate,
- ass,
- baby carriage,
- ship’s boat,
- date,
- proceed,
- commence,
- sheepherder,
- counsel,
- arse,
- acceptation,
- adept,
- prosaic,
- box seat,
- kick upstairs,
- go-cart,
- peddler,
- begin,
- keep back,
- elicit,
- zimmer,
- stamp,
- start out,
- whiz,
- maven,
- lift,
- part,
- spoil,
- can,
- advance,
- angel falls,
- alarm,
- produce,
- male parent,
- contribute,
- bring up,
- nail,
- associate,
- sound recording,
- audio recording,
- fatherhood,
- showtime,
- refinisher,
- starting time,
- fetch,
- posture,
- vacuum tube,
- paediatrician,
- fellow traveller,
- keep on,
- child,
- bull,
- regent,
- babe,
- buy at,
- telephone receiver,
- sequent,
- pram,
- sire,
- retain,
- cellblock,
- meditative,
- meeter,
- baby minder,
- post,
- accompany,
- acceptance,
- mavin,
- life preserver,
- see,
- tutelage,
- fellow,
- patronize,
- provoke,
- advocate,
- attender,
- admirer,
- surrogate,
- middle,
- hero,
- orphans’ asylum,
- eyeball,
- guard dog,
- presenter,
- shop at,
- pop,
- back,
- spotter,
- liquidator,
- tramper,
- hind end,
- protrude,
- boxful,
- picture,
- originate,
- bringing up,
- take,
- grow,
- stay fresh,
- pose,
- set out,
- consequent,
- model,
- deal,
- set about,
- put up,
- drug dealer,
- nourish,
- pleader,
- supply ship,
- upgrade,
- call down,
- optic,
- lookout man,
- bum,
- ace,
- subway system,
- musing,
- genius,
- tail,
- sound,
- follow,
- dungeon,
- erect,
- infant,
- raising,
- steward,
- shielder,
- support,
- metro,
- lookout,
- resultant,
- sustenance,
- take over,
- patron,
- tubing,
- nanny-goat,
- make for,
- pop out,
- hike,
- handcart,
- safety device,
- sentry,
- sweep up,
- safety,
- counselor-at-law,
- untoughened,
- lend,
- beginning,
- accompaniment,
- brooding,
- pig,
- safe-conduct,
- seat,
- earthbound,
- shop,
- rise up,
- scratch,
- company,
- detention,
- begetter,
- continue,
- take up,
- health care provider,
- thermionic tube,
- tending,
- protagonist,
- wiz,
- supporter,
- pick up,
- fostering,
- rearward,
- arouse,
- enhance,
- take on,
- shover,
- executive program,
- pass receiver,
- rear end,
- kindle,
- breeding,
- precaution,
- get down,
- booster,
- hotshot,
- copper,
- convey,
- harbor,
- patronise,
- climb,
- lovesome,
- cranky,
- primary care provider,
- fighter,
- prat,
- resurrect,
- ensuant,
- hold on,
- audio frequency,
- ascent,
- depart,
- aaron montgomery ward,
- butt,
- prosy,
- supervisory program,
- maintain,
- stroller,
- starting signal,
- super,
- attendee,
- health professional,
- elevate,
- tail end,
- wish,
- flotation device,
- baby buggy,
- perambulator,
- fundament,
- set up,
- snitch,
- center,
- borrow,
- champ,
- upkeep,
- underground,
- padre,
- restorer,
- offset,
- play,
- fond,
- fanny,
- pcp,
- behind,
- founder,
- recipient,
- watch,
- sensitive,
- celebrate,
- initiate,
- suck,
- sleep in,
- scout,
- centre,
- wreak,
- conjure up,
- bulge,
- keep open,
- tooshie,
- like,
- oculus,
- thermionic valve,
- coddle,
- tramp,
- impart,
- enkindle,
- take in,
- sentry go,
- rump,
- she-goat,
- goggle box,
- espousal,
- upraise,
- pipe,
- affectionate,
- police,
- thieve,
- prizewinning,
- glom,
- fuss,
- television system,
- leaven,
- get,
- get up,
- stir,
- telecasting,
- pondering,
- backer,
- give care,
- prove,
- set off,
- dramatise,
- hold,
- backside,
- wage increase,
- package,
- save,
- thruster,
- crank,
- video recording,
- restrain,
- tenderize,
- hold open,
- vigilance man,
- engender,
- tippy,
- pensive,
- preserve,
- harbour,
- bring in,
- sustain,
- corner,
- tribulation,
- drug peddler,
- starting,
- add,
- work,
- worry,
- wizard,
- wet-nurse,
- go,
- tube-shaped structure,
- start up,
- posterior,
- picket,
- acquire,
- hook,
- put forward,
- raw,
- bid,
- place,
- bottom,
- concomitant,
- carriage,
- pinnace,
- tutelary,
- levy,
- superstar,
- mollycoddle,
- beginner,
- virtuoso,
- sensation,
- footnote,
- take off,
- friend,
- livelihood,
- withstander,
- hellhound,
- incidental,
- forefather,
- receiving system,
- stern,
- wage hike,
- hospital ward,
- acclivity,
- trial,
- fear,
- invoke,
- get-go,
- derriere,
- holy man,
- go along,
- recruit,
- don,
- hindquarters,
- promote,
- tush,
- manage,
- ride,
- cocker,
- heart,
- nates,
- sheepman,
- dramatize,
- prevent,
- television receiver,
- regulator,
- sit around,
- lead off,
- knock off,
- legal guardian,
- beget,
- tutelar,
- star,
- set forth,
- holy person,
- nab,
- subway,
- whizz,
- fuzz,
- offer,
- get going,
- aid,
- co-occurrence,
- arrest,
- scratch line,
- collateral,
- observe,
- suckle,
- embark on.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- nurser,
- dogsitter,
- pusher,
- walker,
- rambler,
- instructor,
- protector,
- child-minder,
- duenna,
- minder,
- childminder,
- television,
- hiker,
- catsitter,
- pushchair,
- teacher,
- babyminder,
- pushcart,
- footer,
- tender,
- babysitters,
- governor,
- ayah,
- broody hen,
- pedestrian,
- broody,
- setting hen,
- Bonne,
- brood hen.
How to use «Babysitter» in context?
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of jobs in the babysitting industry will grow by 9% through 2020. This is good news for those looking for a summer job, as the Bureau reports that babysitting can provide an excellent opportunity to make some money. In order to become a babysitter, it is important to know the basics.
When looking for a babysitting job, it is important to consider the age and age range of the children in question. Some babysitting jobs may only require care for babies or pre-schoolers, while others may require care for children up to age 12.
Paraphrases for Babysitter:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Forward Entailment
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
Noun, singular or mass
Other Related
Noun, singular or mass
babysitting, guardian, keeper, nanny, caregiver.
Noun, singular or mass
Homophones for Babysitter:
- beach heather, Bestower, bushy aster, buckwheat tree, baby-sitter, bigotry, booster, backwater, Bay Stater, bistre, big sister, beech tree, bass guitar, big tree, bestiary, beach aster, basketeer, bestir, bestrew, back door, begetter, bog star, bog aster, buster, backstair, backdoor, bookstore, baster, baby buster, basketry, boaster, bacteria, bustier, bister, basseterre, bistro, backscatter.
- au pair
- governess
- baby-sitter
- nursemaid
- wet nurse
- ayah
- baby-sitter
- governess
- au pair
- nurserymaid
- wet nurse
- caregiver
- governess
- housekeeper
- day-care provider
- domestic servant
- live-in
- audio
- box
- station
- TV set
- video
- baby-sitter
- eye
- receiver
- telly
- tube
- TV
- boob tube
- idiot box
- small screen
- vid
- audio
- baby-sitter
- box
- eye
- receiver
- station
- telly
- tube
- video
- boob tube
- idiot box
- small screen
- television set
- TV set
- vid
- caregiver
- governess
- nanny
- au pair
- child-care worker
- day-care provider
- mother’s helper
- au pair
- caretaker
- custodian
- nanny
- nurse
- father
- governess
- mother
- parent
- companion
- escort
- alarm clock
- bird dog
- kindergarten
- nursery school
- playgroup
- pre-K
- pre-school
- angel
- attendant
- baby-sitter
- Cerberus
- champion
- chaperon
- chaperone
- conservator
- cop
- curator
- custodian
- defender
- escort
- guard
- keeper
- nurse
- overseer
- paladin
- patrol
- preserver
- safeguard
- sentinel
- shepherd
- sitter
- sponsor
- superintendent
- supervisor
- trustee
- vigilante
- warden
- watchdog
- bird dog
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
On this page you’ll find 108 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to babysitter, such as: au pair, governess, baby-sitter, nursemaid, and wet nurse.
Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!
How to use babysitter in a sentence
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- babysitter
- caregiver
- day-care provider
- domestic servant
- governess
- housekeeper
- live-in
- au pair
- babysitter
- caretaker
- custodian
- father
- governess
- mother
- nanny
- nurse
- parent
- alarm clock
- babysitter
- bird dog
- companion
- escort
- babysitter
- kindergarten
- nursery school
- playgroup
- pre-K
- pre-school
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Предложения со словом «babysitter»
She was my math teacher in middle school and my babysitter , and she taught driver’s ed. |
В средней школе она преподавала у меня математику, была моей няней и научила водить. |
Well, there was a little girl that says that the killer’s her babysitter , but, I mean, what kind of parent would let this sociopath watch their kid? |
Какая — то девочка утверждает, что убийца присматривает за ней, но какой родитель поручит ребёнка социопату? |
The babysitter tried to bust me for drinking, but I own her. |
Нянька пыталась меня наказать за распитие, но я ее поимела. |
It’s cheaper than after-school care, or a babysitter and it’s usually quiet here after lunch. |
Это дешевле продленки или няни, и после обеда здесь довольно тихо. |
I left a note for the babysitter , and I. |
Я оставил приходящей няне записку, а сам. |
When I was 11, I was molested by my babysitter . |
Когда мне было 11, ко мне приставала моя няня. |
There’s no better babysitter for a kingpin than… |
Нет лучшей няньки для наркодилера… |
In any case, uh, we just got a text message from our babysitter saying she’s puking her guts out, so one of us has to go home and look after little aanjaneya and jaahanvi. |
В любом случае, наша няня прислала сообщение, говорит, её жутко тошнит. Так что кто — то должен вернуться и приглядеть за Анджанеей и Джаханви. |
When we think about what skills you’ve got we can narrow this list ofjob options down to babysitter and bramble-picker. |
Подумав о том, какими навыками вы обладаете я могу предложить вам работу сиделки или сборщика ежевики. |
He took light bulbs out of all the lights and would lock the babysitter in, came outside and just became really unruly. |
Он вывернул все лампочки — Оставаясь с няней и Ким, он стал непослушным. |
I don’t need a pity date or a babysitter , okay? |
Мне не нужно жалостливое свидание или нянька, ладно? |
This is my after-school hangout, my babysitter , my community center. |
Это мое развлечение после школы, моя няня, мой общественный центр. |
When did I become the diddler’s babysitter ? |
С каких пор я стал нянькой, для этого проходимца? |
I invite someone up for a nightcap and pay off the babysitter ? |
/Приглашу кого — нибудь выпить /и в то же время заплачу няньке? |
Yeah. They’re gonna meet us there, you know, depending on if they can get a babysitter , and one that doesn’t show up completely stoned out of her gourd this time. |
Да, мы встретимся там, если они найдут няньку, которая в этот раз не будет пот кайфом. |
In case someone mistakes you for a kid whose parents couldn’t round up. A babysitter . |
Ты так не похож на ребёнка, которому нужна нянька. |
Or maybe the baby crying interfered with his enjoyment of watching the babysitter bleed out? |
Или плач ребенка мешал ему насладиться соцерцанием истекающей кровью няни? |
Maybe try a phone repairman or a babysitter . |
Можешь проверить ремонтников или няню. |
Well, you didn’t because your eyes are glued on Hector and the salacious babysitter . |
Что же, ты этого не сделала, поскольку следила за Гектором и его сладострастной няньке. |
If I can get the crotchety judgmental babysitter from Ireland to trust me, I say why not you? |
Если я могу получить своенравную субъетивную няню из Ирландии, поверь мне, я говорю, почему не ты? |
I’m head of your security and you want me to be a chauffeur and babysitter ? |
Хотите превратить главу охраны в няньку? |
Kid said he put this on the babysitter’s hairbrush. |
Пацан сказал, что насыпал это няне на расческу. |
No, I don’t need a babysitter , and definitely not one with uncontrollable anger issues. |
Нет, нянька мне не нужна. И уж точно не такая, у которой бывают приступы неконтролируемого гнева. |
Your babysitter must have called all her Russian friends. |
Твоя сиделка, должно быть, вызвала своих русских друзей. |
Isn’t that the catchphrase of the world’s creepiest babysitter ? |
Разве это не слоган самой страшной в мире няни? |
Remember, I’m just a babysitter , so I’ll change your diapers and feed you your bottle and… save you from a strike force of armed mercenaries, but I am not joining your fight. |
Запомните, я просто нянька, я буду менять подгузники, кормить из бутылочки, спасать вас от вооруженных наемников, но я не присоединюсь к вашей битве. |
Olivia Garcia was one year old when she mysteriously died at her babysitter’s house. |
Оливие Гарсия был год когда она странным образом умерла в доме ее няни. |
Reschedule the meetings, and I’ll be back as soon as I get a babysitter . |
Переназначьте время приемов, и я вернусь, как только найду сиделку. |
Yeah, he practically needs a… twenty-four hour babysitter . |
Ага, он фактически нуждается в круглосуточной няньке |
Our babysitter just pounded another chardonnay. |
Наша няня только что открыла еще одну бутылку Шардоне. |
He couldn’t find a babysitter . |
Он не смог найти няню. |
‘Mrs Mantovani’s always my babysitter . |
Мисс Мантовани всегда была моей няней. |
I tried to be a good babysitter , but I failed. |
Я хотел быть хорошей няней, но я потерпел неудачу. |
Well, what happened to the babysitter ? |
Так что случилось с няней? |
The babysitter doesn’t trust me because of the lies. |
Няня не доверяет мне из — за лжи. |
I’m getting her a babysitter . |
Найду ей няню. |
You nearly broke that babysitter . |
Вы почти сломали ту няню. |
He worked a while washing dishes, I’ve heard, then as babysitter , expanding into a nursery school, and then into a creche. |
Некоторое время он, как я слыхал, работал посудомойкой, потом нянькой, потом из этого занятия вырос детский сад а потом и приют. |
When I was over there, I felt like I was a babysitter . |
Когда я там был, то почувствовал себя нянькой. |
I thought maybe you could use a babysitter . |
Я подумал, может тебе нужна нянька. |
I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t hire Mrs Poggit as a babysitter . |
Не знаю, как вы, но я бы не стал нанимать миссис Поггит нянькой. |
Good, ’cause you’re the babysitter . |
Отлично, потому что ты моя нянька. |
I’d say we have ourselves babysitter . |
Кажется, мы нашли нам новую няньку! |
Sorry, Marge, but I am the royal babysitter . |
Прости, Мардж, но я королевская нянька. |
I’m watching the kids right now, so I suppose that makes me the babysitter . |
Сейчас я присматриваю за детьми, так что, думаю, можно меня назвать нянькой. |
If the pizza man truly loves this babysitter … |
Если разносчик пиццы правда любит эту няньку |
Yeah, so it’s, uh, Sydney, the killer babysitter , not the mom. |
Так , значит это , Сидни, Нянька — убийца, а не мама |
Mia has a night shift, and the babysitter couldn’t. |
У Мии ночная смена, а сиделка не смогла выручить. |
Um, can you just leave us a little bit for babysitter ? |
Эм, а можно мы оставим немного на сиделку? |
Uh, actually, I need to go pick up my son from the babysitter soon. |
Вообще — то мне скоро нужно забрать сына у сиделки. |
I have an hour left with the babysitter . |
Сиделка отпустила меня на час. |
My babysitter canceled at the last second, so I really need you to help me out, okay? |
Моя сиделка отказалась в последний момент, так что мне действительно нужна твоя помощь, ладно? |
I wouldn’t be much of a babysitter for Bobby. |
Я не могу быть сиделкой. |
What do I look like, his babysitter ? |
Я что, похож на его сиделку? |
I mean, you need to start looking for another babysitter . |
Я говорю, что тебе надо найти другую сиделку. |
Half of men make love to their wives thinking about the babysitter . |
Половина мужчин, занимаясь любовью со своими женами, думают о бебиситтере. |
People gonna use you as a babysitter . |
Люди будут использовать тебя как нянечку. |
We already know you’re a good babysitter . |
Мы уже знаем ты хорошая нянечка. |
Right here at the Lafitte Hotel except we have a babysitter at home. |
Здесь, в Лаффит отеле, за исключением того, что у нас будет нянечка дома. |
I’m here because you needed a babysitter . |
Я здесь, потому что тебе нужна была нянечка! |
How to pronounce babysitter?
How to say babysitter in sign language?
How to use babysitter in a sentence?
Lowell Police:
The boy was dropped off at his babysitter’s house by his parents at about 7 a.m. Lowell Police have spoken with a neighbor who saw the boy in the babysitter’s yard at about 9:15 a.m. That remains the last known sighting of the boy.
Trey and Matt Stone Parker:
I think that parents only get so offended by television because they rely on it as a babysitter and the sole educator of their kids.
Barbara Bracquene:
You just click once, send, then you have all the responses come in one go, the app was a more efficient way to find the babysitter.
Melissa Joan Hart:
Moms have to take care of themselves — get a babysitter, read a book, i didn’t have a nanny with my first son because I stayed home and had the mindset of ‘I didn’t have a baby for someone else to raise,’ but I did have a sitter come to the house so could work out. By the time I had my second son, I was shooting a movie and I needed the help. I actually found my nanny through Alex Trebek because my sister is best friends with his children.
Lucas Lambert:
She wasn’t shy at all. She introduced both her little brother and babysitter to us and had no problems asking questions. And then she went on to tell us her story and started showing off her scars and telling us what she had been through the past month or so.
Translations for babysitter
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- مربية, حاضنةArabic
- Kinderbetreuer, Babysitterin, Kinderhüter, Babysitter, Kinderhüterin, KinderbetreuerinGerman
- μπεϊμπισίτερ, μπέμπι−σίτερGreek
- vartistino, vartistoEsperanto
- niñeraSpanish
- lapsehoidjaEstonian
- haurtzainBasque
- gardienne d’enfant, baby-sitter, bonne d’enfantFrench
- feighlí páistíIrish
- שמרטף, שמרטפית, בייביסיטרHebrew
- दाईHindi
- bébiszitter, pótmamaHungarian
- pramusiwiIndonesian
- barnapíaIcelandic
- baby-sitterItalian
- ベビーシッター, 子守Japanese
- អ្នកមើលក្មេងKhmer
- 베이비시터Korean
- babysitterLatin
- aukleLatvian
- bejbisiterMaltese
- babáPortuguese
- doicăRomanian
- бебиситтер, няня, бэбиситтер, приходящая няняRussian
- дадиља, dadiljaSerbo-Croatian
- dadoAlbanian
- barnvaktSwedish
- ఆయాTelugu
- người giữ trẻVietnamese
- cilijikälädan, cilikälädan, cilihikälädanVolapük
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