What is another word for attract attention?
593 synonyms found
[ ɐtɹˈakt ɐtˈɛnʃən], [ ɐtɹˈakt ɐtˈɛnʃən], [ ɐ_t_ɹ_ˈa_k_t ɐ_t_ˈɛ_n_ʃ_ə_n]
Related words: attract attention to, attention getter, get attention, attract more attention, increase sales, attract customer attention
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• be conspicuous, prominent (verb)
- stand out.
• boast (verb)
- gasconade,
- advertise,
- exult,
- flatter oneself,
- swagger,
- flourish,
- shuck,
- bluster,
- grandstand,
- hug oneself,
- exaggerate,
- crow,
- cock-a-doodle-doo,
- prate,
- talk big,
- blow smoke,
- puff,
- sling,
- give a good account of oneself,
- sound off,
- shovel,
- shoot,
- triumph,
- gloat,
- showboat,
- lay on thick,
- aggrandize,
- con,
- show off,
- strut,
- congratulate oneself,
- jive,
- preen,
- vapor,
- flaunt,
- blow,
- fake,
- bully,
- glory.
• brag (verb)
- boast.
• divert (verb)
- deter,
- detract,
- bend the rules,
- disengage,
- lead away,
- draw away,
- get around,
- discourage,
- dissuade,
- lead astray,
- sidetrack,
- catch flies,
- send on a wild-goose chase,
- detach,
- circumlocute,
- Disadvise,
- distract,
- stall,
- disturb.
• gasconade (verb)
- brag.
• stand out (verb)
- jut,
- protrude,
- stick out,
- overhang,
- poke,
- be highlighted,
- loom,
- project,
- bulge,
- emerge,
- bulk,
- be distinct,
- be striking,
- beetle,
- pouch.
Other synonyms:
• boast
- jiving,
- showboating,
- showboats,
- psychs,
- Grand-stand,
- psyching,
- Preened,
- laid on thick,
- blow one’s horn,
- Strutting,
- cock-a-doodle-doos,
- vaporing,
- Strutted,
- jives,
- blow horn,
- jived,
- Vapored.
• Other relevant words:
- fanfare,
- fraud,
- boss,
- betray,
- jutting,
- nonfigurative,
- talk through one’s hat,
- pullulate,
- scam,
- ottoman,
- falsify,
- vex,
- dig,
- tear,
- victimize,
- power shovel,
- speak up,
- pigeon berry,
- bag,
- rowdy,
- phoney,
- imposter,
- buck,
- boom,
- gloating,
- dawdler,
- float,
- great,
- prance,
- embellish,
- corvus,
- agitate,
- digger,
- thrust,
- publicise,
- magnify,
- shock,
- twaddle,
- visualize,
- line-shooting,
- surpass,
- be adrift,
- drag one’s feet,
- labor,
- hornswoggle,
- lard,
- fumble,
- frivol away,
- dress,
- manipulate,
- burn out,
- confidence trick,
- promote,
- heave,
- gabble,
- chatter,
- imitation,
- quetch,
- boasting,
- brook,
- cook,
- catapult,
- bump,
- abide,
- excrescence,
- dash,
- spoil,
- upset,
- nose,
- shake up,
- envision,
- feature,
- come away,
- excavator,
- pull,
- bogus,
- bunco,
- image,
- peachy,
- withdraw,
- laggard,
- puff up,
- abstract,
- counterfeit,
- kick,
- mishandle,
- glee,
- clack,
- jab,
- victory,
- inject,
- memorize,
- amplify,
- bourgeon,
- whiff,
- pop,
- strong-arm,
- congratulate,
- stand,
- majority,
- precis,
- carrel,
- warn,
- flimflam,
- swing,
- germinate,
- phony,
- hover,
- nifty,
- dramatize,
- fritter away,
- externalize,
- shove off,
- overdraw,
- sales booth,
- chuff,
- black eye,
- siding,
- cabbage,
- memorise,
- blow out,
- drone,
- puff of air,
- ruffle,
- palaver,
- squander,
- tolerate,
- groovy,
- fly high,
- old,
- scoke,
- reverse,
- fool away,
- rodomontade,
- jactitation,
- mess up,
- straw,
- shoot down,
- evaporation,
- slingshot,
- spadeful,
- pretender,
- expand,
- suck,
- prominence,
- purloin,
- sneak,
- gibbosity,
- corking,
- misdirect,
- egress,
- get out,
- tattle,
- overstate,
- resplendence,
- wave,
- mallet,
- bungle,
- confidence game,
- vaunt,
- sting,
- nose candy,
- bastard,
- bang-up,
- dilly-dally,
- jubilate,
- drag,
- snow,
- vaporization,
- false,
- maunder,
- conk,
- resplendency,
- disport,
- bravado,
- complain,
- outline,
- yobo,
- diddle,
- aura,
- gibber,
- gust,
- deviate,
- misguide,
- dramatise,
- be on cloud nine,
- railroad siding,
- see,
- idle talk,
- foul up,
- short-circuit,
- mass,
- come forth,
- gasp,
- bulk large,
- prattle,
- interrupt,
- fancy,
- slap-up,
- touch,
- muck up,
- hassock,
- undertaking,
- drag one’s heels,
- piffle,
- fellate,
- mislead,
- dart,
- hive off,
- plan,
- kiosk,
- deflect,
- step up,
- picture,
- browbeat,
- coke,
- straggle,
- shillyshally,
- step forward,
- spud,
- short-change,
- puffed,
- blabber,
- kvetch,
- abstractionist,
- lead off,
- louse up,
- digress,
- halo,
- ball up,
- faux,
- externalise,
- husk,
- hyperbolise,
- triangular bandage,
- photograph,
- take,
- scud,
- not bad,
- depart,
- get about,
- propose,
- amuse,
- throw,
- trouble,
- come to the fore,
- synopsis,
- pry,
- shovelful,
- disorder,
- chaff,
- perturb,
- clout,
- contrive,
- filch,
- advertize,
- draw off,
- raise up,
- bumble,
- stalk,
- bunko,
- impostor,
- waste,
- fritter,
- primp,
- stab,
- cast,
- turnout,
- paper bag,
- swindle,
- pant,
- bollix up,
- go forth,
- yardbird,
- monish,
- opine,
- intrude,
- chin music,
- hook,
- start,
- carrier bag,
- nonobjective,
- break,
- disquiet,
- bear,
- glorification,
- self-praise,
- scarf bandage,
- rejoice,
- simulated,
- bypass,
- reversal,
- botch,
- blab,
- tower,
- extrusion,
- scoot,
- support,
- yard bird,
- rhodomontade,
- defraud,
- puff out,
- bulge out,
- huff,
- shammer,
- drift,
- digest,
- free,
- sac,
- fool,
- protrusion,
- botch up,
- faker,
- issue,
- forge,
- flash,
- hustle,
- fluff,
- shove along,
- embroider,
- gibbousness,
- figure,
- con game,
- overdo,
- sprout,
- admonish,
- cock,
- bollocks,
- plume,
- put up,
- projection,
- stalling,
- deceive,
- swell,
- blow up,
- booth,
- draw,
- pouffe,
- pop out,
- snarf,
- aureole,
- pull off,
- trailer,
- jabbing,
- blast,
- wangle,
- vapour,
- horn in,
- endure,
- animadvert,
- come out,
- bullshit,
- hyperbolize,
- dillydally,
- wallow,
- brood,
- sashay,
- walk on air,
- gloriole,
- bug out,
- thrive,
- ballyrag,
- hulk,
- roughneck,
- swelling,
- fuck up,
- thrusting,
- misrepresent,
- charge,
- boss around,
- tittle-tattle,
- role player,
- garget,
- slug,
- push around,
- smashing,
- lift,
- rook,
- sport,
- bullyrag,
- strike up,
- comforter,
- punch,
- lick,
- stubble,
- pseudo,
- tough,
- protuberance,
- stir up,
- ruffian,
- step to the fore,
- task,
- publicize,
- design,
- comfort,
- yobbo,
- dandy,
- goldbrick,
- send off,
- bollix,
- swing music,
- bobble,
- snap,
- fudge,
- ostentate,
- nimbus,
- swank,
- learn,
- go down on,
- powderpuff,
- go around,
- visualise,
- leap out,
- jump out,
- carrell,
- excel,
- quilt,
- bunko game,
- blether,
- cracking,
- mulct,
- braggadocio,
- sack,
- hooligan,
- nobble,
- cark,
- cubicle,
- poking,
- volume,
- inmate,
- prevail,
- vaporisation,
- come off,
- jut out,
- plain,
- biff,
- tout,
- suffer,
- screw up,
- gas,
- pilfer,
- swipe,
- shoot a line,
- hump,
- pound,
- muff,
- pocket,
- speak out,
- pouf,
- yob,
- lagger,
- abstraction,
- sham,
- bollocks up,
- bragging,
- pad,
- hector,
- commove,
- take away,
- crowing,
- dissipate,
- keen,
- aggrandise,
- film,
- pip,
- bull,
- procrastinate,
- predominate,
- stomach,
- swash,
- neat,
- postiche,
- prod,
- burgeon forth,
- jump,
- prosper,
- setback,
- covered stand,
- flub,
- push,
- brandish,
- convict,
- unhinge,
- pseud,
- slingback,
- pinch,
- jump for joy,
- thump.
• stand out
- Bulked,
- beetling,
- Bulking,
- pouched,
- Beetled,
- beetles,
- Pouching.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- come forward,
- catch the eye,
- divert,
- arrest the thoughts.
How to use «Attract attention» in context?
When you want to attract attention, there are a few things you can do. For starters, you can try standing out in a crowd. This can be done by dressing in a way that is different from the other people around you, or by wearing something unusual. Additionally, you can make noise or make something interesting to look at. Activity is also a great way to attract attention. By standing andwalking around, you will be more likely to attract the attention of people who are nearby. Additionally, by being active and talking, you can make new friends and bring attention to yourself.
synonyms for attract attention
synonyms for attract attention
- advertise
- aggrandize
- blow
- bluster
- bully
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- con
- crow
- exaggerate
- exult
- fake
- flaunt
- flourish
- gasconade
- gloat
- glory
- grandstand
- jive
- prate
- preen
- puff
- shoot
- shovel
- showboat
- shuck
- sling
- strut
- swagger
- triumph
- vapor
- blow one’s own horn
- blow smoke
- congratulate oneself
- flatter oneself
- give a good account of oneself
- hug oneself
- lay on thick
- psych
- show off
- sound off
- talk big
- deter
- detract
- discourage
- distract
- abstract
- detach
- disengage
- dissuade
- disturb
- sidetrack
- stall
- bend the rules
- catch flies
- circumlocute
- disadvise
- draw away
- get around
- lead astray
- lead away
- send on a wild-goose chase
- advertise
- aggrandize
- blow
- bluster
- brag
- bully
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- con
- crow
- exaggerate
- exult
- fake
- flaunt
- flourish
- gloat
- blow one’s own horn
- blow smoke
- congratulate oneself
- flatter oneself
- give a good account of oneself
- emerge
- loom
- stick out
- be distinct
- beetle
- be highlighted
- be striking
- bulge
- bulk
- catch the eye
- jut
- overhang
- poke
- pouch
- project
- protrude
On this page you’ll find 128 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to attract attention, such as: advertise, aggrandize, blow, bluster, bully, and cock-a-doodle-doo.
- encourage
- attach
- combine
- connect
- unite
- anger
- irritate
- maintain
- stay
- upset
- be sad
- conceal
- hide
- obscure
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Don’t Go Retrograde On Your Word Of The Day Quiz Streak!
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- advertise
- aggrandize
- attract attention
- blow
- blow one’s own horn
- blow smoke
- bluster
- bully
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- con
- congratulate oneself
- crow
- exaggerate
- exult
- fake
- flatter oneself
- flaunt
- flourish
- gasconade
- give a good account of oneself
- gloat
- glory
- grandstand
- hug oneself
- jive
- lay on thick
- prate
- preen
- psych
- puff
- shoot
- shovel
- show off
- showboat
- shuck
- sling
- sound off
- strut
- swagger
- talk big
- triumph
- vapor
- advertised
- aggrandized
- attracted attention
- blew
- blew one’s own horn
- blew smoke
- blustered
- bullied
- cock-a-doodle-dooed
- congratulated oneself
- conned
- crowed
- exaggerated
- exulted
- faked
- flatter oneself
- flaunted
- flourished
- gasconaded
- gave a good account of oneself
- gloated
- gloried
- grandstanded
- hugged oneself
- jived
- lay on thick
- prated
- preened
- psyched
- puffed
- shot
- shoveled
- showboated
- showed off
- shucked
- slung
- sounded off
- strutted
- swaggered
- talked big
- triumphed
- vapored
- advertises
- aggrandizes
- attracts attention
- blows
- blows one’s own horn
- blows smoke
- blusters
- bullies
- cock-a-doodle-doos
- congratulates oneself
- cons
- crows
- exaggerates
- exults
- fakes
- flatter oneself
- flaunts
- flourishes
- gasconades
- gives a good account of oneself
- gloats
- glories
- grandstands
- hugs oneself
- jives
- lies on thick
- prates
- preens
- psyches
- puffs
- shoots
- shovels
- showboats
- shows off
- shucks
- slings
- sounds off
- struts
- swaggers
- talks big
- triumphs
- vapors
- abstract
- attract attention
- bend the rules
- catch flies
- circumlocute
- detach
- deter
- detract
- disadvise
- discourage
- disengage
- dissuade
- distract
- disturb
- draw away
- get around
- lead astray
- lead away
- send on a wild-goose chase
- sidetrack
- stall
- advertise
- aggrandize
- attract attention
- blow
- blow one’s own horn
- blow smoke
- bluster
- brag
- bully
- cock-a-doodle-doo
- con
- congratulate oneself
- crow
- exaggerate
- exult
- fake
- flatter oneself
- flaunt
- flourish
- give a good account of oneself
- gloat
- attract attention
- be distinct
- be highlighted
- be striking
- beetle
- bulge
- bulk
- catch the eye
- emerge
- jut
- loom
- overhang
- poke
- pouch
- project
- protrude
- stick out
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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Synonyms for Attract attention. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 29, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/attract_attention
Synonyms for Attract attention. N.p., 2016. Web. 29 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/attract_attention>.
Synonyms for Attract attention. 2016. Accessed April 29, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/attract_attention.
Synonyms for Attract attention
catch the eye
blow smoke
flatter oneself
take attention away
take attention away
take attention away
be striking
be highlighted
be distinct
stick out
show off
congratulate oneself
hug oneself
For more similar words, try Attract attention on Thesaurus.plus dictionary
Предложения с «attract attention»
We’ll do nothing to attract attention . |
Не будем делать ничего, что привлекло бы внимание . |
Attract attention in a word, the mouth is also a Governor Hasamazu festivals it too, it’s going to seem a trivial matter. |
Привлечь внимание на слова, рот также губернатору Hasamazu фестивалей это тоже, It’s Going показаться тривиальным вопросом. |
Driving up there will attract attention . |
Не стоит выезжать наверх, это бросится в глаза. |
Your ads will attract attention with a strong call to action, Play Now, or Use Now and a large engaging image. |
Чтобы привлечь внимание аудитории, добавьте в рекламу призыв к действию, например, Play Now или Use Now, а также большое эффектное изображение. |
Now, normally a man with this kind of defect would attract attention . |
Но человек с таким дефектом обычно привлекает внимание . |
Yeah, how ’bout we don’t attract attention to ourselves by singing a song? |
Как насчёт того,что мы не должны привлекать внимание к себе распеванием песен? |
A full sermon might attract attention . |
Церемония могла привлечь слишком много внимания . |
She insisted that she was anxious to remain in Chicago, so as to be with him as much and as long as possible, but they must arrange things so as not to attract attention . |
Она говорила, что ей хотелось бы остаться в Чикаго, чтобы быть поближе к нему, но, конечно, им надо устроиться так, чтобы не привлекать внимания . |
Lennie crept to his bunk and sat down, trying not to attract attention . |
Ленни прокрался к своей койке, сел, стараясь не привлекать внимания . |
They gathered everything necessary into three bundles, so as not to attract attention with suitcases, and began putting off the move to the hotel from day to day. |
Собрали самое необходимое в три узла, чтобы не привлекать внимания чемоданами, и стали со дня на день откладывать переход в гостиницу. |
I found I had caught a fresh cold, and had to turn out after a time lest my sneezes should attract attention . |
Я, видно, сильно простудился и вынужден был вскоре уйти, чтобы не привлечь внимания своим чиханьем. |
A shoeless man might attract attention in a shoe store. |
Человек с одним ботинком или без оных в магазине — вызовет непомерный интерес у продавцов. |
Isn’t she a fair-haired woman who has a side-box at the Opera? She comes sometimes to the Bouffons, and laughs loudly to attract attention . |
Она блондинка, у нее боковая ложа в Опере; она бывает также у Буфонов и, чтобы привлечь к себе внимание , смеется очень громко? |
We’ll sell them at our window, just to attract attention , and then, when they sell out, we’ll effortlessly switch to cupcakes. |
Мы будем продавать их в окошке, чтобы привлечь внимание , А потом, когда они закончатся, мы без труда переключимся на кексы. |
Wait! cried Dolokhov, hammering with the bottle on the window sill to attract attention . Wait a bit, Kuragin. Listen! |
Постой! — закричал Дол охов, стуча бутылкой по окну, чтоб обратить на себя внимание . — Постой, Курагин; слушайте. |
Well, standing in the middle, gawking at passing women, would certainly attract attention , like you’re doing now. |
Ну, стоящий посередине и глазеющий на проходящих женщин безусловно привлекает внимание . Как ты сейчас. |
She’s just playing up. Trying to attract attention . |
Она просто дурачится, пытается привлечь внимание . |
Stepan Arkadyevitch saw Matvey wanted to make a joke and attract attention to himself. |
Степан Аркадьич понял, что Матвей хотел пошутить и обратить на себя внимание . |
‘We might drop in somewhere for a quick one,’ said the little fellow, feeling he could count on the lanky one’s consent, ‘but somewhere where it won’t attract attention .’ |
По одной кружке и мы бы пропустили, — сказал маленький, почувствовав, что верзила тоже согласен, — но там, где бы на нас не очень глазели. |
Gervaise, not wishing to attract attention , took a chair and sat down at a short distance from the table. |
Чтобы не привлекать к себе внимания , Жервеза взяла стул и уселась шагах в трех от стола. |
Do not attract attention to yourselves. |
Не нужно привлекать внимания . |
Attract attention to an important issue, make people listen to me. |
Привлечь внимание к важной детали, чтобы люди слушали меня. |
You’re gonna attract attention to yourself. |
Ты привлечёшь к себе внимание . |
This would have been a favorable occasion to secure his dinner; but Dantes feared lest the report of his gun should attract attention . |
Это был удобный случай обеспечить себе обед; но Дантес боялся, что ружейный выстрел привлечет кого — нибудь. |
The visitor walks up and down the rail like a tiger, trying to attract attention by making signs. |
Посетитель, как тигр, ходит вдоль барьера, стараясь знаками обратить на себя внимание . |
But you attract attention somehow. |
Но вы внимание привлекаете . |
They were keyed to cause interference and attract attention this way. |
Они вызывают интерференцию, чтобы привлечь к себе внимание . |
If we start a fire for light and hit the bucket for noise, we can attract attention . |
Если развести огонь ради света и бить по ведру, производя шум, мы сможем привлечь внимание . |
An informal term for a word created and used to produce a special effect or attract attention , as if it were part of the performance of a stunt man or a conjuror. |
Неофициальный термин для слова, созданного и используемого для создания особого эффекта или привлечения внимания , как если бы это было частью выступления каскадера или фокусника. |
An informal term for a word created and used to produce a special effect or attract attention , as if it were part of the performance of a stunt man or a conjuror. |
Неофициальный термин для слова, созданного и используемого для создания особого эффекта или привлечения внимания , как если бы это было частью выступления каскадера или фокусника. |
The male on the ground or rooftops puffs up the feathers on his neck to appear larger and thereby impress or attract attention . |
Самец на земле или на крыше раздувает перья на шее, чтобы казаться крупнее и тем самым произвести впечатление или привлечь внимание . |
In my opinion, the QI statement is basically made to attract attention and is not notable or accurate enough to add to the article. |
На мой взгляд, утверждение ци в основном сделано для привлечения внимания и не является достаточно заметным или точным, чтобы добавить к статье. |
During Nero’s reign of terror, Pliny avoided working on any writing that would attract attention to himself. |
Во время царствования террора Нерона Плиний избегал писать что — либо, что могло бы привлечь к нему внимание . |
There are controversial articles that are not evidence based and rely on opinions that are published and attract attention . |
Есть спорные статьи, которые не основаны на доказательствах и опираются на мнения, которые публикуются и привлекают внимание . |
It is a color which is used to attract attention . |
Это цвет, который используется для привлечения внимания . |
Most made little effort to blend with their surroundings — they were designed to attract attention . |
Большинство из них не прилагали особых усилий, чтобы слиться со своим окружением — они были созданы для привлечения внимания . |
By 1968 the Who had started to attract attention in the underground press. |
К 1968 году ВОЗ начала привлекать внимание в подпольной прессе. |
Then Danielle will try to surpass everyone and will do some action that will attract attention of media and public. |
Тогда Даниэль постарается превзойти всех и сделает какое — то действие, которое привлечет внимание СМИ и общественности. |
His work immediately began to attract attention , both for its results among Catholics and the number of converts who were brought into the Church. |
Его работа сразу же стала привлекать к себе внимание , как своими результатами среди католиков, так и количеством новообращенных, которых приводили в церковь. |
With the translation of the Upanishads in the early 19th century they also started to attract attention from a western audience. |
С переводом Упанишад в начале 19 века они также начали привлекать внимание западной аудитории. |
Sometimes the purpose of a revised history is to sell more books or to attract attention with a newspaper headline. |
Иногда цель пересмотренной истории — продать больше книг или привлечь внимание газетным заголовком. |
The band started to attract attention in the Irish music press almost immediately, as the band began rehearsals in January 1970. |
Группа начала привлекать внимание в ирландской музыкальной прессе почти сразу же, как только группа начала репетиции в январе 1970 года. |
Today, Stendhal’s works attract attention for their irony and psychological and historical dimensions. |
Сегодня произведения Стендаля привлекают внимание своей иронией и психологическими и историческими аспектами. |
At St Paul’s, Fender began to attract attention as a cricketer. |
В Соборе Святого Павла Фендер начал привлекать к себе внимание как игрок в крикет. |
Anything that’s really interesting will attract attention . |
Все, что действительно интересно, привлечет к себе внимание . |
Wilhelm replied that not doing so might attract attention . |
Вильгельм ответил, что если он этого не сделает, то может привлечь к себе внимание . |
The reason and first sentence of the old one are in the top, which is colored safety orange to attract attention . |
Причина и первое предложение старого находятся в верхней части, которая окрашена в оранжевый цвет безопасности, чтобы привлечь внимание . |
I don’t know if this was the right thing to do but making a change is the only way to attract attention to this issue. |
Я не знаю, правильно ли это было, но внесение изменений — это единственный способ привлечь внимание к этому вопросу. |
The first requirement is to attract attention . |
Первое требование — привлечь к себе внимание . |
The preparations began to attract attention , and informants started reporting details to Athens. |
Приготовления начали привлекать внимание , и осведомители начали сообщать Афинам подробности. |
Nominations will be moved to /Removed if they do not attract attention . |
Номинации будут перемещены в /удалены, если они не привлекают внимания . |
In order to attract attention , street marketing events not only involve unusual activities, but use technology as part of the events. |
Чтобы привлечь к себе внимание , уличные маркетинговые мероприятия не только предполагают необычные мероприятия, но и используют технологии в рамках самих мероприятий. |
It also helps to attract the attention of people to different important problems, such as hunger, earthquakes, water pollution and so on. |
Оно также помогает привлечь внимание людей к таким важным проблемам как голод, землетрясения, загрязнение воды и так далее. |
The only aim of all of these is to attract our attention and make money on us via advertisement. |
И их цель одна — привлечь наше внимание и заработать на нас через рекламу. |
But we always knew binding the circle might attract unwanted attention . |
Мы всегда знали, что связанный круг привлечёт нежелательное внимание . |
This time she was deliberately trying to attract as much attention as possible from the gods. |
Девушка совершенно сознательно пыталась обратить внимание богов к собственной персоне. |
It would attract a lot of undesirable attention to me, from a Security viewpoint. |
Это привлечет ко мне внимание , что нежелательно с точки зрения безопасности. |
A mentor system could also be contemplated, not least to attract further attention in countries considering acceding to the conventions. |
Можно также рассмотреть целесообразность создания системы курирования, причем не только для того, чтобы привлечь к этой проблеме дополнительное внимание в странах, рассматривающих возможность присоединения к конвенциям. |
Business must define issues to attract popular attention . |
Бизнес должен сформулировать те вопросы, которые привлекут всеобщее внимание . |
Some participants stated that ranking would be useful to attract media attention . |
Некоторые участники заявили, что присвоение рейтинга было бы целесообразной мерой с точки зрения привлечения внимания средств массовой информации. |