- aide
- apprentice
- associate
- attendant
- backup
- colleague
- companion
- deputy
- friend
- partner
- representative
- secretary
- abettor
- accessory
- accomplice
- adherent
- adjunct
- ally
- appointee
- auxiliary
- backer
- coadjutor
- collaborator
- confederate
- cooperator
- flunky
- follower
- gofer
- help
- helpmate
- mate
- patron
- peon
- subordinate
- supporter
- temp
- coadjutant
- fellow worker
- right-hand person
- temporary worker
On this page you’ll find 108 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to assistant, such as: aide, apprentice, associate, attendant, backup, and colleague.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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OCTOBER 26, 1985
- abettor
- accomplice
- aid
- aide
- assistant
- associate
- co-conspirator
- colleague
- confederate
- conspirator
- helper
- insider
- partner
- plant
- ringer
- shill
- stall
- subordinate
- abettor
- accessory
- aid
- aide
- ally
- assistant
- associate
- co-conspirator
- collaborator
- colleague
- confederate
- conspirator
- insider
- partner
- plant
- stall
- abettors
- accessories
- aides
- aids
- allies
- assistants
- associates
- co-conspirators
- collaborators
- colleagues
- confederates
- conspirators
- insiders
- partners
- plants
- stalls
- aid
- assistant
- follower
- helper
- ad interim
- adjutant
- alternate
- assistant
- delegated
- deputy
- interim
- pro tem
- pro tempore
- provisional
- surrogate
- temporary
- abettor
- actor
- advocate
- ambassador
- assignee
- assistant
- attorney
- broker
- commissioner
- delegate
- deputy
- doer
- emissary
- envoy
- executor
- factor
- factotum
- functionary
- go-between
- handler
- intermediary
- lawyer
- mediary
- middleperson
- minister
- mover
- negotiator
- officer
- operative
- operator
- principal
- proctor
- promoter
- proxy
- representative
- salesperson
- servant
- steward
- substitute
- surrogate
- ten percenter
- worker
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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Synonyms for Assistant. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 30, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/assistant
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Synonyms for Assistant. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/assistant.
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2364 synonyms found
[ ɐsˈɪstənt], [ ɐsˈɪstənt], [ ɐ_s_ˈɪ_s_t_ə_n_t]
Table of Contents
• acting (adjective)
- provisional.
• all (adjective)
- assistant.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- Aiding,
- acting,
- subsidiary,
- mercenary,
- Assisting,
- inferior,
- supportive.
• subsidiary (adjective)
- co-operative,
- tributory,
- Brancher.
- casual,
- cooperative.
• accessory (noun)
- coconspirators,
- co conspirator,
- co-conspirators,
- in sider,
- in-sider,
- co conspirators.
• adjunct (noun)
- adjunct.
• agent (noun)
- worker,
- operatives,
- ten percenter,
- executors,
- handler,
- functionary,
- assignees,
- mediary,
- movers,
- middleperson,
- Operators,
- handlers,
- gobetween,
- assignee,
- officers,
- Functionaries,
- mover,
- Intermediaries,
- executor.
• aid/aide (noun)
- co-adjutants,
- co adjutants,
- co-adjutant,
- co adjutant.
• aide (noun)
- second-in-command,
- sidekick,
- adherent,
- gal Friday,
- bodyguard,
- lackey,
- right-hand man,
- right hand,
- standby,
- yes-man,
- gofer.
• aide-de-camp (noun)
- right hand woman,
- right-hand women,
- right hand women,
- righthand woman,
- number twos,
- right hand man,
- righthand women,
- aide de camp.
• assistant (noun)
- acolyte,
- junior,
- chaperone,
- abettor,
- low-level,
- hireling,
- accessory,
- underling,
- henchman,
- accomplice,
- backer,
- aide,
- patsy,
- follower,
- menial,
- lieutenant,
- attorney,
- stooge,
- supporter,
- extra,
- deputy,
- proxy,
- ancillary,
- flunky,
- helper,
- laborer,
- Aider,
- minion.
• associate (noun)
- co-operators,
- co operator,
- one folks,
- one of the folk,
- one the folks,
- one of folk,
- one of folks,
- co operators,
- co workers,
- one the folk,
- one folk,
- pards.
• attendant (noun)
- under-study,
- under study,
- under-studies,
- under studies.
• auxiliary (noun)
- re-serves,
- re serve,
- re-serve.
• benefactor (noun)
- Wellwisher,
- altruists,
- subsidizers,
- grubstaker,
- subsidizer,
- philanthropist,
- fairy godparent,
- wellwishers,
- well-wisher,
- altruist.
• cohort (noun)
- confreres,
- confrere,
- myrmidon,
- myrmidons,
- consociates,
- consociate.
• collaborator (noun)
- running dog,
- fellow traveller,
- team player.
• companion (noun)
- co-mates,
- counter part,
- co mate,
- counter-part,
- counter-parts,
- comates,
- counter parts,
- co mates,
- cuzzes.
• confederate (noun)
- ally.
• curate (noun)
- dominies.
• deputy (noun)
- double,
- substitute,
- surrogate,
- backup,
- dummy,
- delegate,
- representative,
- spokeswoman,
- understudy,
- spokesman,
- figurehead,
- alternate,
- appointee,
- ghost,
- arm,
- token,
- stand in,
- emissary,
- envoy,
- nominee,
- mouthpiece.
• employee (noun)
- pink collars,
- sales helps,
- staff members,
- wageearners,
- company people,
- blue collars,
- wageearner,
- white collars,
- company persons,
- blue collar.
• fellow (noun)
- co worker,
- co ordinate,
- co ordinates.
• gal Friday (noun)
- righthand girl,
- righthand girls,
- gal-friday,
- right-hand girls,
- second selves,
- right hand girls,
- right hand girl.
• girl Friday (noun)
- girl-friday.
• help (noun)
- right hand person,
- right-hand people,
- right hand persons,
- right-hand persons,
- right hand people,
- righthand persons,
- righthand people,
- ancillas.
• helper (noun)
- friend,
- patron,
- peon,
- confederate,
- temporary worker,
- coadjutor,
- temp.
• henchman (noun)
- hatchet manwoman,
- yesperson,
- hatchet man-woman,
- righthand manwoman,
- right-hand man-woman,
- right hand man women,
- right hand manwoman,
- hatchet man women,
- yes person,
- hatchet man woman,
- right-hand man-women,
- hatchet manwomen,
- right hand man woman,
- hangeron,
- right hand manwomen,
- hatchet man-women,
- right-hand manwoman,
- right-hand manwomen,
- righthand manwomen,
- hanger on.
• man Friday (noun)
- righthand man,
- right arm.
• messenger (noun)
- errand runner.
• midwife (noun)
- Mid-wife,
- obstetrician,
- obstetricians,
- accoucheuse.
• minister (noun)
- cabinet members.
• nurse (noun)
- practical nurses,
- Nurse Practitioners,
- wet nurses.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- jobholder,
- teacher,
- hired gun,
- curate,
- faculty member,
- participators,
- fellow worker,
- bird dog,
- subaltern,
- pal,
- premiers,
- auxiliary,
- hanger-on,
- working stiff,
- INS,
- co-workers,
- enabler,
- kissing cousin,
- professor,
- sharers,
- cooperator,
- farmers,
- runner-up,
- fellow,
- sitter,
- savant,
- officeholders,
- Co-operator,
- companion,
- collaborator,
- help,
- colleague,
- partaker,
- mate,
- second-banana,
- partner,
- prof,
- Subsidiaries,
- Participator,
- aide-de-camp,
- educator,
- minders,
- Orderlies,
- nurse,
- righthand person,
- classmates,
- right-hand woman,
- runnerup,
- working stiffs,
- pink collar,
- minder,
- insider,
- right-hand girl,
- wage-earners,
- staff member,
- roomie,
- RNS,
- CUZ,
- stall,
- crewmen,
- coworkers,
- exponent,
- yeoman,
- roomies,
- sharer,
- placers,
- sitters,
- Clubber,
- joiners,
- Co-ordinates,
- Wet nurse,
- benefactor,
- employee,
- partners,
- Bedmate,
- servant,
- participant,
- workmates,
- second self,
- attendant,
- co-conspirator,
- foster parent,
- bedmates,
- sales help,
- minister,
- fellow workers,
- shill,
- secretary,
- cooperators,
- Coworker,
- kissing cousins,
- officeholder,
- hired hand,
- familiars,
- cohort,
- company person,
- helpmate,
- shills,
- second-rater,
- number two,
- a party to,
- wage-earner,
- dominie,
- runners up,
- one of the folks,
- practical nurse,
- right-hand person,
- subordinate,
- nurse practitioner,
- placer,
- joiner,
- classmate,
- reciprocals,
- ancilla,
- workmate,
- co-worker,
- Quant,
- freeholders,
- Co-mate,
- Plants,
- Pard,
- second stringer,
- foster parents,
- clubbers,
- cabinet member,
- crewman,
- supporting role,
- insiders,
- agent,
- second,
- co-ordinate,
- concomitants,
- associate,
- comate,
- white collar,
- partakers,
- freeholder,
- coconspirator,
- domestics,
- baby sitter.
• participant (noun)
- a party tos.
• professor (noun)
- pro-fessor,
- faculty members,
- pro fessors,
- pro-fessors,
- quants,
- pro fessor.
• second (noun)
- runner up,
- re productions,
- re-productions,
- runnersup,
- runners-up,
- re-production.
• second banana (noun)
- second rater,
- second raters,
- second-raters,
- runnerups,
- secondraters,
- supporting roles,
- secondrater.
• secretary (noun)
- word processor,
- executive secretary,
- typist,
- typists,
- receptionists,
- receptionist.
• servant (noun)
- hand,
- pawn,
- aid,
- subject,
- vassal,
- helping hand,
- serf,
- chattel,
- volunteer.
• standby (noun)
- replacement,
- temporaries,
- stalwarts,
- pinch-hitter,
- Temps.
• subaltern (noun)
- sub altern,
- sub-altern.
• subordinate (noun)
- third string,
- juniors,
- poor relation.
• substitute (noun)
- procurator,
- changeling,
- supplanter,
- Succedanea,
- changelings,
- temporary expedient,
- vicar,
- locum,
- locum tenens,
- procurators,
- succedaneum,
- dernier ressort.
• teacher (noun)
- schoolteachers,
- Abecedary,
- teachers,
- schoolteacher.
• underling (noun)
- second stringers.
Other synonyms:
- custodial,
- page,
- social secretary,
- nonresidential,
- collegiate,
- ceremonial,
- bureaucrat,
- contributory,
- peripatetic,
- handmaiden,
- high-ranking,
- Girl Friday,
- salvation,
- semiskilled,
- fixer,
- Coadjutant,
- official,
- squire,
- personal assistant,
- unskilled,
- apprentice,
- entry-level,
- buddy,
- prop,
- knight-errant,
- adjutant,
- secretarial,
- Man Friday,
- patrolman,
- lifesaver,
- advance person,
- collaborative,
- steward,
- antisocial,
- administrative assistant,
- clerical,
- facilitator,
- mentor,
- in-house,
- honest.
- monotonous,
- clerk,
- probationary,
- skilled,
- P.A.,
- promoter,
- responsible,
- freelance,
- industrial,
- vocational,
- pastoral,
- multiparty.
- professionally,
- collateral,
- professional.
- voluntary.
• accoucheuse
- midwife.
• jack of all trades
- factotum.
• Other relevant words:
- envoy extraordinary,
- jr,
- martinet,
- capital,
- exchange,
- toilsome,
- maiden,
- qualified,
- writing table,
- picket,
- machinator,
- sit,
- comose,
- pm,
- assert,
- shamus,
- below,
- butt,
- salve,
- power,
- curry,
- incidental,
- corking,
- goat,
- executive director,
- ship’s officer,
- prick,
- conjunct,
- tick,
- half-wit,
- diplomatist,
- courtyard,
- attention,
- smashing,
- line-shooter,
- creditworthy,
- cloggy,
- collegial,
- desert,
- swain,
- legal document,
- military volunteer,
- alumnus,
- vanity,
- bread and butter,
- political party,
- billet,
- gird,
- drive home,
- plunk for,
- learn,
- kiosk,
- dominus,
- worldly-minded,
- tail,
- creature,
- affair,
- easing,
- puppet,
- outstanding,
- substantiating,
- endorsement,
- taxi,
- grave,
- disengagement,
- military personnel,
- police officer,
- gangster’s moll,
- unloose,
- deputize,
- checkmate,
- recall dose,
- aristotelian,
- partizan,
- safety,
- pose,
- subdivision,
- enter,
- mental capacity,
- scout troop,
- atomic number 49,
- schnozzle,
- accept,
- shore up,
- frequenter,
- liege subject,
- shadower,
- medical officer,
- literary hack,
- pathfinder,
- vacate,
- taciturnity,
- assign,
- dig,
- married person,
- humble,
- fair,
- meet,
- sullen,
- initiate,
- discipline,
- theoretical account,
- terminus a quo,
- flight attendant,
- leech,
- arcadian,
- chief,
- procreation,
- hasten,
- field,
- print,
- incumbent,
- witness,
- fipple pipe,
- courier,
- excess,
- amour,
- punishing,
- shooter,
- push,
- influence peddler,
- skillful,
- successor,
- cozy,
- piffling,
- human race,
- concord,
- magic,
- affaire,
- author,
- prime,
- pass judgment,
- booster station,
- protester,
- sympathizer,
- stand,
- ussher,
- pattern,
- backing,
- plugger,
- proceed,
- fill in,
- second-stringer,
- gestate,
- virtuoso,
- supernumerary,
- bring up,
- aristotelean,
- twice,
- envoi,
- train,
- pay off,
- column,
- second base,
- learner,
- subject area,
- pullout,
- political hack,
- acquit,
- free-lance,
- stockpile,
- cross out,
- ease,
- married woman,
- tutelar,
- chop,
- go on,
- tag,
- confirming,
- moment,
- proponent,
- case,
- following,
- check off,
- breastfeed,
- legal instrument,
- gallant,
- human being,
- carrel,
- help oneself,
- liege,
- direct,
- lummox,
- study,
- neb,
- laboured,
- day-to-day,
- pi,
- scout,
- boob,
- grab,
- listener,
- manus,
- provoke,
- secondly,
- gain,
- guess,
- athlete,
- interpreter,
- denounce,
- keepsake,
- chap,
- better half,
- secondary coil,
- phantom,
- link up,
- commemorate,
- template,
- chum,
- ransom,
- element,
- gull,
- role model,
- flatfoot,
- freelancer,
- mavin,
- shade,
- gentleman’s gentleman,
- ramify,
- free-and-easy,
- peachy,
- security guard,
- doubled,
- middleman,
- prentice,
- corpus,
- book,
- working,
- attend,
- nether,
- galley slave,
- stamp,
- bailiwick,
- bull’s eye,
- hero sandwich,
- outgrowth,
- school principal,
- apple polisher,
- component,
- target,
- service of process,
- moneymaking,
- fool,
- tug,
- set,
- religious service,
- lad,
- zep,
- restrain,
- fond,
- agentive role,
- pad,
- weakling,
- band together,
- two-baser,
- suspect,
- genius,
- fork over,
- forsake,
- take over,
- label,
- hulk,
- soft touch,
- frequent,
- relievo,
- junior-grade,
- piece,
- filer,
- extremity,
- fight,
- recommend,
- groveller,
- congresswoman,
- trace,
- policeman,
- connect,
- lout,
- nestling,
- withstander,
- hangout,
- arranger,
- impermanent,
- subjugate,
- taxicab,
- stopgap,
- bridegroom,
- imagination,
- beseech,
- legal tender,
- mankind,
- repair,
- repairer,
- persuade,
- keep company,
- federal agency,
- maneuver,
- kick upstairs,
- working person,
- dress,
- nipper,
- economic assistance,
- amah,
- heftiness,
- tyke,
- labored,
- endorse,
- royal court,
- harbour,
- championship,
- domesticated,
- alum,
- instrumentate,
- salvage,
- official emissary,
- lpn,
- submarine,
- national,
- hooked,
- counselor,
- mercantile,
- subsidiser,
- shaft,
- nanny,
- put forward,
- marcher,
- labour,
- world,
- role player,
- playacting,
- allow,
- reenforcement,
- honorable,
- sleep in,
- bear out,
- exemplar,
- father surrogate,
- sucker,
- fixing agent,
- provisionary,
- depress,
- thespian,
- wantonness,
- index,
- duple,
- dumbbell,
- tugboat,
- gumshield,
- relic,
- expect,
- suck up,
- harmonise,
- accoutrement,
- moralist,
- vender,
- sound,
- ref,
- mug,
- campaigner,
- day of the month,
- bring through,
- bureau,
- enlistee,
- setting hen,
- legal guardian,
- field of study,
- calibrate,
- score,
- materialistic,
- right,
- minister plenipotentiary,
- hard worker,
- sports fan,
- wedge,
- fight down,
- supply ship,
- nous,
- overweight,
- facts of life,
- varlet,
- methadon,
- feudatory,
- suck,
- sorcerous,
- counselor-at-law,
- carry through,
- typewriting,
- carrell,
- guard dog,
- clothes designer,
- instance,
- encouraging,
- takeoff booster,
- versed,
- broody,
- donjon,
- reliever,
- improvised,
- alternative,
- adequate,
- witching,
- private instructor,
- let down,
- tie in,
- agonist,
- inch,
- relay transmitter,
- escritoire,
- occasional,
- atomic number 91,
- deficient,
- stock,
- modelling,
- idyll,
- sustenance,
- indirect,
- beefeater,
- financial assistance,
- check,
- date stamp,
- inter-group communication,
- elevate,
- humanistic,
- woo,
- ersatz,
- substitution,
- removal company,
- furcate,
- age group,
- divine service,
- little,
- alleviation,
- cede,
- licensed practical nurse,
- front,
- drag one’s heels,
- patronage,
- excite,
- intelligence officer,
- office staff,
- reservation,
- raw,
- step up,
- shillyshally,
- scar,
- petit larceny,
- bucolic,
- dwarf,
- granger,
- word processing system,
- truckle,
- recording equipment,
- researcher,
- sponge,
- cursory,
- computer backup,
- gopher tortoise,
- divine,
- wetnurse,
- guard duty,
- cross,
- assume,
- spotter,
- pillar,
- extend,
- birth,
- buy at,
- pardner,
- blackbeard,
- principal sum,
- dual,
- replace,
- lower berth,
- make unnecessary,
- fella,
- go out,
- decision maker,
- impinging,
- preach,
- sinew,
- not bad,
- diplomatic minister,
- back,
- financial backing,
- deputy sheriff,
- approximate,
- dilly-dally,
- validatory,
- encephalon,
- scrape,
- actor,
- groveler,
- mutual,
- house servant,
- effortless,
- confidant,
- dressing table,
- wear,
- appointment,
- welfare,
- instrumentalist,
- fit in,
- gauge,
- manual laborer,
- get hold of,
- life buoy,
- booster shot,
- deputise,
- sponger,
- proficient,
- building block,
- overshadow,
- property,
- templet,
- labor,
- stumblebum,
- fellow member,
- neat,
- offset,
- director,
- sales rep,
- take turns,
- spectator,
- assuagement,
- predominate,
- bully,
- backbreaking,
- school teacher,
- idiot,
- wraith,
- arouse,
- hold open,
- lifeguard,
- bring down,
- hold,
- matter,
- sleeve,
- tike,
- pronounce,
- loom,
- schoolmate,
- strike out,
- favourable,
- marketer,
- meanwhile,
- levy,
- thatch,
- hold on,
- profound,
- monotonic,
- sanctuary,
- crank,
- transposition,
- keep on,
- movable,
- patronise,
- represent,
- empty,
- pick,
- viewer,
- impresario,
- front man,
- hitter,
- fighter,
- private detective,
- bolster up,
- turn down,
- protactinium,
- berth,
- weighty,
- court of law,
- contributive,
- favorable,
- animal trainer,
- monotone,
- swell,
- adumbrate,
- adjutant bird,
- dependable,
- separate,
- churchman,
- negotiant,
- piddling,
- proletarian,
- subscript,
- hoagy,
- engraft,
- pedagogue,
- primary,
- feller,
- playing,
- fiddling,
- stableman,
- slap-up,
- superfluous,
- tack,
- police detective,
- secretaire,
- attendee,
- embossment,
- stave,
- chump,
- confederative,
- poor boy,
- parson,
- abide,
- justice department,
- strong-armer,
- shop,
- pock,
- cause,
- breeding,
- fork out,
- plump for,
- hooter,
- collaborationist,
- similitude,
- government agency,
- contact lens,
- trafficker,
- old,
- induce,
- bragger,
- fashion designer,
- brand,
- handmaid,
- posture,
- indiana,
- pop,
- set aside,
- tenderise,
- loose,
- do good,
- incompetent,
- administrative official,
- shielder,
- framework,
- sodbuster,
- agency,
- whiz,
- pigboat,
- hold up,
- scout group,
- day-after-day,
- keystone state,
- keep back,
- surrender,
- peer review,
- factor out,
- render,
- assort,
- travail,
- technical,
- prop up,
- note,
- divisor,
- matching,
- police,
- sore,
- official document,
- magician,
- urge,
- third-year,
- replicate,
- child,
- open,
- striver,
- stick out,
- yield,
- grouping,
- protoactinium,
- interior designer,
- pastorale,
- babysitter,
- fit,
- intemperate,
- police force,
- practiced,
- schnoz,
- indorse,
- methadone,
- digest,
- chest of drawers,
- mo,
- recording machine,
- buckle down,
- sensation,
- punctuate,
- go along,
- pensionary,
- artist’s model,
- majuscule,
- gemini,
- tool around,
- lawcourt,
- implemental,
- booth,
- weapon,
- sensitive,
- lookout man,
- tributary,
- wield,
- keep open,
- sentry,
- functional,
- promenade,
- indium,
- touch,
- wait,
- wiz,
- trivial,
- reduplicate,
- wakeless,
- good example,
- quizzer,
- big,
- gent,
- channel,
- see,
- rector,
- stableboy,
- try,
- litigator,
- special,
- boyfriend,
- respite,
- living,
- issue,
- bench vise,
- playfellow,
- muscular tissue,
- appendage,
- replication,
- shake up,
- managing director,
- day-by-day,
- flat,
- homunculus,
- copulate,
- musical instrument,
- hold back,
- auditor,
- adept,
- stumper,
- jack,
- life ring,
- obsess,
- pro,
- youngster,
- insinuate,
- ghostwriter,
- law of nature,
- hit man,
- repository,
- takeoff rocket,
- theme,
- military officer,
- straight man,
- put up,
- advertize,
- prepare,
- large,
- psyche,
- methadone hydrochloride,
- strawman,
- petty larceny,
- substandard,
- bloke,
- fancier,
- steer,
- lour,
- snoot,
- everyday,
- hero,
- lilliputian,
- designate,
- threatening,
- gospel according to mark,
- watchman,
- domestic help,
- sprocket,
- nursemaid,
- charge,
- interchange,
- uphold,
- plug,
- machine politician,
- wit,
- observation post,
- secret agent,
- long pillow,
- moderation,
- show,
- free,
- master,
- regent,
- energize,
- servicing,
- jnr,
- doubling,
- coach,
- ramification,
- relate,
- dad,
- slavish,
- vertical flute,
- earmark,
- conjure up,
- sales booth,
- mathematical group,
- impart,
- joyride,
- whizz,
- law court,
- bellman,
- friction match,
- ghostwrite,
- laborious,
- stamping ground,
- suffer,
- drag one’s feet,
- private eye,
- counsellor,
- accommodative,
- homo,
- nifty,
- pappa,
- refilling,
- guide on,
- backup man,
- company,
- advisor,
- cutter,
- practice of law,
- present,
- outlook,
- preserves,
- proposer,
- lifter,
- modeling,
- kowtow,
- sec,
- shaver,
- subscriber,
- sequent,
- cross off,
- shop clerk,
- voice,
- truckler,
- get,
- spectre,
- observatory,
- ship’s boat,
- humanist,
- equalise,
- daddy,
- adjutant stork,
- take,
- public address system,
- contributing,
- booster amplifier,
- reenforce,
- notary public,
- jump,
- minute,
- business office,
- registrar,
- aidoneus,
- gruelling,
- perfunctory,
- submarine sandwich,
- groovy,
- sentinel,
- flip,
- sculptural relief,
- boost,
- pastor,
- jurist,
- conjunctive,
- good,
- comal,
- tolerate,
- abetter,
- unloosen,
- advance,
- souvenir,
- superstar,
- overhaul,
- rocket engineer,
- einstein,
- prevent,
- dense,
- stalling,
- odd-job man,
- human-centred,
- eq,
- go steady,
- brainiac,
- learning ability,
- post,
- sentry duty,
- professional person,
- stigmatise,
- mender,
- chum up,
- adulator,
- 2d,
- towboat,
- tick off,
- cut up,
- natural law,
- embouchure,
- pageboy,
- exert,
- reciprocal cross,
- affirm,
- succor,
- pocket gopher,
- ecclesiastic,
- academic,
- bellboy,
- conjure,
- physical contact,
- tantamount,
- relay station,
- grad,
- pocket-size,
- sympathiser,
- passing,
- amateurish,
- self-employed person,
- pascal,
- stomach,
- romance,
- position,
- schoolfellow,
- retard,
- reach,
- second gear,
- wise man,
- pundit,
- lookout station,
- distinguish,
- further,
- co-op,
- saint mark,
- lowering,
- differentiate,
- improver,
- fortify,
- isle of man,
- economic aid,
- hotshot,
- hyponym,
- affectionate,
- subsidiary company,
- alternating,
- social unit,
- arduous,
- make,
- seller,
- workman,
- improvisation,
- lumbering,
- establish,
- grade,
- winnow,
- mark off,
- industrial plant,
- judicature,
- military reserve,
- wildness,
- wayfaring,
- pass on,
- example,
- part,
- reproductive memory,
- twofold,
- punk,
- carry on,
- premiere,
- vigilance man,
- three-fold,
- conk,
- bill,
- give suck,
- shop at,
- charming,
- content,
- record-keeper,
- topic,
- renewal,
- grievous,
- ponderous,
- pouched rat,
- dead ringer,
- sorcerer,
- brainpower,
- be,
- earner,
- conducive,
- notice,
- neaten,
- combining weight,
- call down,
- lucifer,
- insouciant,
- striking,
- script,
- looker,
- paladin,
- public mover,
- airscrew,
- save up,
- point,
- free lance,
- main,
- unconstraint,
- brother,
- situation,
- shade off,
- editor in chief,
- advertise,
- implant,
- convey,
- simulate,
- enrol,
- congressman,
- small-minded,
- goffer,
- head,
- counsel,
- grinder,
- flora,
- intimacy,
- small-scale,
- accoucheur,
- adapter,
- armed service,
- shore,
- tagalong,
- verificatory,
- stay fresh,
- tec,
- humans,
- blank,
- blank shell,
- scratch,
- trefoil,
- express,
- meeter,
- pack,
- backlog,
- fleshy,
- emancipate,
- chance,
- human,
- department of justice,
- precaution,
- resort hotel,
- buster,
- cashier,
- necromancer,
- broody hen,
- architect,
- head teacher,
- relay link,
- lead,
- reticence,
- putz,
- return,
- pocket-sized,
- transmit,
- blighter,
- rival,
- allied,
- reliable,
- running,
- penis,
- arcsecond,
- true,
- title-holder,
- leaden,
- submissive,
- ministration,
- pecker,
- placeholder,
- safety device,
- suggest,
- umpire,
- bit,
- jurisprudence,
- underage,
- pitch,
- reinforcement,
- rilievo,
- place,
- surplus,
- relieve,
- academician,
- instant,
- plant life,
- item,
- pendant,
- channelise,
- suckle,
- first mate,
- observance,
- consultant,
- police lieutenant,
- helot,
- personal digital assistant,
- subscribe,
- ind.,
- get through,
- presenter,
- nag,
- darkness,
- engagement,
- meantime,
- usurper,
- financial support,
- duplication,
- prole,
- asocial,
- soak,
- tincture,
- harbor,
- booby,
- constituent,
- shop steward,
- dick,
- wuss,
- picayune,
- moving company,
- dude,
- constabulary,
- rest,
- grind,
- peck,
- nonchalant,
- stigma,
- observation tower,
- set free,
- brawn,
- link,
- perk up,
- tough,
- double up,
- write,
- two-base hit,
- musculus,
- sales demonstrator,
- step in,
- bootlick,
- subject field,
- play off,
- jibe,
- choir,
- shoplifter,
- dope,
- pinnace,
- cretin,
- bridget,
- partisan,
- husbandman,
- run,
- bridge player,
- small,
- nib,
- appeal,
- imbed,
- lay aside,
- secondment,
- redundant,
- toller,
- phallus,
- leg,
- enceinte,
- adjudicate,
- nominal,
- concerted,
- bang-up,
- minister of religion,
- function,
- np,
- vestige,
- editor program,
- financial aid,
- moron,
- u-boat,
- care,
- documentation,
- compeer,
- soldiery,
- monitor,
- mold,
- portion,
- build up,
- home run,
- tending,
- resourcefulness,
- gravid,
- accouterment,
- agree,
- toilet table,
- cab,
- pa system,
- advocator,
- procrastinate,
- embed,
- equalize,
- knuckle down,
- foliate,
- two-fold,
- unpaid,
- profit,
- keep up,
- expectant,
- spokesperson,
- weighed down,
- bivalent,
- hock,
- muscleman,
- turn out,
- hood,
- inner,
- bid,
- yeoman of the guard,
- aggroup,
- heavily,
- chancellor of the exchequer,
- gopher turtle,
- couturier,
- unit of measurement,
- sonorous,
- evaluate,
- institute,
- flip-flop,
- skivvy,
- chest,
- examiner,
- whole,
- contain,
- transport,
- inwards,
- observe,
- mentality,
- behave,
- found,
- fawn,
- image,
- villein,
- nock,
- reward,
- graphic designer,
- recur,
- doorkeeper,
- hard,
- get down,
- tennessean,
- lower-ranking,
- welcome mat,
- offer,
- with child,
- upgrade,
- subordinate word,
- host,
- draw,
- easement,
- mitt,
- expedience,
- tutelary,
- next-to-last,
- sherlock,
- personal chattel,
- weapon system,
- enroll,
- humanity,
- illustration,
- court of justice,
- simulation,
- brigid,
- threefold,
- gentleman,
- booster rocket,
- fork,
- tokenish,
- jade,
- role,
- table service,
- cut,
- internal,
- spare,
- bell ringer,
- clod,
- lag,
- amateur,
- keen,
- patronize,
- motor lodge,
- sticker,
- corroborate,
- evoke,
- flock,
- form,
- homage,
- give up,
- spermophile,
- dealer,
- attend to,
- replacing,
- labor organizer,
- supplement,
- gun moll,
- housemaid,
- sign,
- double over,
- day by day,
- inward,
- snout,
- faculty,
- class fellow,
- private investigator,
- stigmatize,
- energise,
- mouth,
- musical accompaniment,
- secondary winding,
- handwriting,
- asseverate,
- fend for,
- salesclerk,
- involvement,
- subdue,
- toil,
- cock,
- hoagie,
- marker,
- brace,
- dungeon,
- orbiter,
- mock up,
- instruct,
- saint bride,
- supererogatory,
- sailor,
- oaf,
- toughie,
- kissing kin,
- gibe,
- cistron,
- lubber,
- turn over,
- musician,
- irregular,
- permutation,
- acquaintance,
- verifying,
- sustain,
- courtroom,
- cubicle,
- doyen,
- age bracket,
- pennsylvania,
- fry,
- lector,
- serviceman,
- prescribed,
- nozzle,
- vaunter,
- wait on,
- jury-rigged,
- validating,
- replenishment,
- humdrum,
- torpedo,
- pair,
- adult male,
- champ,
- suckled,
- straw man,
- pleader,
- clone,
- angel,
- synthetic heroin,
- nursing aide,
- escalate,
- turn in,
- fine-tune,
- solicit,
- dominee,
- tippy,
- candidate,
- superficial,
- hacker,
- gun for hire,
- papa,
- guinea pig,
- tangency,
- fag,
- succour,
- appurtenance,
- utile,
- two-bagger,
- limb,
- filing clerk,
- proofreader,
- gun,
- keep going,
- cuss,
- sexual,
- stain,
- star,
- alumna,
- confirm,
- underpin,
- co-occurrence,
- manipulator,
- hustler,
- conserves,
- ensuant,
- kotow,
- hack writer,
- married man,
- confirmatory,
- raise,
- manoeuver,
- serve,
- twin falls,
- babyminder,
- break one’s back,
- comport,
- life belt,
- high-level,
- take down,
- dummy up,
- paginate,
- informal,
- parallel,
- magical,
- twinned,
- adorer,
- skilful,
- wheeler dealer,
- resultant,
- prizewinning,
- works,
- foster-parent,
- corroboratory,
- accompany,
- oppose,
- liegeman,
- blowhard,
- translator,
- dark,
- treater,
- gene,
- exemplary,
- continue,
- chucker-out,
- venial,
- fellow traveler,
- strike off,
- pendent,
- funding,
- release,
- mastermind,
- economise,
- shake,
- lowly,
- ceremonial occasion,
- colligate,
- inspection and repair,
- pay,
- ass-kisser,
- back up,
- asylum,
- tenderize,
- consequent,
- booster unit,
- autocue,
- low-altitude,
- nonaged,
- hand over,
- motor inn,
- deepen,
- invigilate,
- substantiate,
- horde,
- load-bearing,
- constitute,
- self-employed,
- kid,
- accompanying,
- moil,
- unpaid worker,
- pal up,
- airplane propeller,
- capable,
- mediocrity,
- spear carrier,
- manoeuvre,
- fipple flute,
- untoughened,
- ward-heeler,
- hearer,
- research worker,
- fall back,
- endure,
- factor in,
- medick,
- accord,
- redemption,
- nurse clinician,
- lump,
- gunman,
- corroborative,
- equivalent weight,
- utilitarian,
- hack on,
- modest,
- learned person,
- upper-level,
- military service,
- maven,
- mind,
- crawler,
- deal,
- ceremony,
- quaker,
- ghillie,
- pinhead,
- flight simulator,
- treble,
- hades,
- stunt woman,
- multiplicative inverse,
- beau,
- parade,
- showman,
- triggerman,
- conduct,
- concomitant,
- rescue,
- depicted object,
- compound,
- give birth,
- couple,
- superintendent,
- extradite,
- associate degree,
- accompaniment,
- dribble,
- tally,
- safeguard,
- modesty,
- pa.,
- deutschmark,
- small fry,
- ostler,
- removal firm,
- have,
- knowledgeable,
- foster,
- chemical group,
- wizardly,
- fork up,
- press,
- drug-addicted,
- crisscross,
- military recruit,
- infantryman,
- confirmative,
- human-centered,
- planet,
- encourage,
- add-on,
- healer,
- surgical,
- hubby,
- apparition,
- marking,
- ace,
- sir frederick handley page,
- specter,
- bear on,
- lovesome,
- strung-out,
- braggart,
- intermediator,
- counterpart,
- haunt,
- booster dose,
- dandy,
- appropriate,
- sentry go,
- legal philosophy,
- dillydally,
- guidebook,
- navvy,
- human beings,
- ingredient,
- soldier of fortune,
- deport,
- sway,
- cranky,
- poseur,
- dada,
- estimate,
- do-gooder,
- second fiddle,
- inscribe,
- footslogger,
- adjure,
- crew member,
- stunt man,
- grueling,
- federal agent,
- stir,
- tentative,
- justness,
- artificial satellite,
- performing,
- clayey,
- desolate,
- minnesotan,
- deutsche mark,
- gawk,
- intelligence agent,
- personal organizer,
- replica,
- celebrate,
- watch,
- military man,
- roomy,
- inexpert,
- imbecile,
- mould,
- pass,
- fight back,
- hostler,
- glower,
- give,
- 2nd,
- postgraduate,
- brook,
- rn,
- facilitate,
- holiday resort,
- doubly,
- cracking,
- rush,
- utility,
- private,
- footling,
- equate,
- radical,
- responsible for,
- correspond,
- tourist court,
- gunslinger,
- frown,
- make-do,
- spook,
- frailty,
- independent,
- ward,
- niggling,
- humankind,
- hoodlum,
- evaluator,
- coordinate,
- adjoin,
- heighten,
- teller,
- motor hotel,
- iceman,
- instrumental role,
- relay race,
- harmonize,
- silent person,
- impenetrable,
- pit,
- hitman,
- bomber,
- plotter,
- baby minder,
- pull through,
- paw,
- honker,
- buff,
- spot,
- nominal head,
- livelihood,
- channelize,
- repeat,
- electrical relay,
- vicereine,
- whoop,
- switch,
- forked,
- tiddler,
- consideration,
- paired,
- brood hen,
- authority,
- substantiative,
- second best,
- have a bun in the oven,
- look-alike,
- rest period,
- sales representative,
- laughingstock,
- ground squirrel,
- government minister,
- domine,
- entertain,
- detective,
- catch,
- reviewer,
- call forth.
• secretary
- file clerk.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- dependant,
- advantageous,
- conspirator,
- paraprofessional,
- batman,
- associate professor,
- striker,
- supporting actor,
- retain,
- defend,
- petty,
- visiting professor,
- advocate,
- legal secretary,
- messenger,
- intensify,
- executive officer,
- champion,
- factor,
- serving,
- carry,
- judge,
- save,
- Coadjutrix,
- workfellow,
- protect,
- second banana,
- additional,
- lecturer,
- service,
- consign,
- enthusiast,
- man,
- redeem,
- Paranymph,
- admirer,
- sponsor,
- abandon,
- support,
- flunkey,
- Yokemate,
- profitable,
- instructor,
- professor emeritus,
- usher,
- law student,
- numerous,
- his lordship,
- emeritus,
- keep,
- best man,
- tribunal,
- fan,
- store clerk,
- invoke,
- avail,
- shadow,
- partner in crime,
- secondary,
- maintain,
- helpful,
- useful,
- dresser,
- appurtenant,
- labourer,
- garter,
- his honor,
- get help,
- aficionado,
- staff,
- retainer,
- accessary,
- resource,
- bear,
- disciple,
- shop assistant,
- parasite,
- jockstrap,
- Understrapper,
- comrade,
- attache,
- entreat,
- instrumental,
- sycophant,
- beak,
- staffer,
- alter ego,
- usherette,
- chaperon,
- dependent,
- lots of,
- starting point,
- tutor,
- cleric,
- bolster,
- sideman,
- justiciar,
- assistance,
- subservient,
- Coadjutress,
- salutary,
- ministerial,
- puisne judge,
- benefit,
- escort,
- court,
- satellite,
- daily,
- contributor,
- helpmeet,
- wizard,
- hired man,
- liberate,
- assistant professor,
- bellhop,
- police magistrate,
- take hold of,
- pensioner,
- ministering,
- booster,
- economize,
- protagonist,
- assist,
- recorder,
- justiciary,
- magistrate,
- reader,
- gillie,
- chancellor,
- great,
- fall guy,
- comrade-in-arms,
- supplemental,
- promote,
- orderly,
- supplementary,
- suspensor,
- servitor,
- recruit,
- devotee,
- stimulate,
- adjuvant,
- nurse’s aide,
- preserve,
- justice,
- reinforce,
- slavey,
- deliver,
- editor,
- domestic,
- conserve,
- helping.
How to use «Assistant» in context?
There is no one «perfect» definition of an «assistant» and the role can vary greatly depending on the individual’s job and experience. Generally, assistants are people who help their bosses or managers with their work, by carrying out specific tasks or providing support.
Assistant roles can vary enormously, from administrative assistant positions which require little or no independent work, to more hands-on roles such as office support staff and production assistants. In many cases, assistants will have prior experience in the field they are working in, which will help them to be able to carry out their tasks more quickly and efficiently.
Paraphrases for Assistant:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Verb, 3rd person singular present
Verb, 3rd person singular present
Forward Entailment
Noun, plural
Noun, plural
Reverse Entailment
Proper noun, singular
Noun, singular or mass
aide, second-in-command.
Proper noun, singular
helper, valet, Annexed, Subordinated.
Proper noun, singular
adjutant, helper, undersecretary, Duties, Hires, Publications, Trustees, servants, members, assitant.
Noun, plural
Missions, Nurses, helpers, stooges, airmen, delegations.
Noun, singular or mass
data, helper, servant, sidekick.
Verb, past participle
Other Related
Proper noun, singular
adjunct, associates.
Noun, plural
Noun, singular or mass
adjunct, undersecretary.
Homophones for Assistant:
- actinoid, aquatint, accident, austenite, accustomed, actinide, actinidia, astounded, astonied, astound, acetamide.
Hyponym for Assistant:
English Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:3.0 / 1 vote
Colleague is used always in a good sense, associate and coadjutor generally so; ally, assistant, associate, attendant, companion, helper, either in a good or a bad sense; abetter, accessory, accomplice, confederate, almost always in a bad sense. Ally is oftenest used of national and military matters, or of some other connection regarded as great and important; as, allies of despotism. Colleague is applied to civil and ecclesiastical connections; members of Congress from the same State are colleagues, even though they may be bitter opponents politically and personally. An Associate Justice of the Supreme Court is near in rank to the Chief Justice. A surgeon’s assistant is a physician or medical student who shares in the treatment and care of patients; a surgeon’s attendant is one who rolls bandages and the like. Follower, henchman, retainer are persons especially devoted to a chief, and generally bound to him by necessity, fee, or reward. Partner has come to denote almost exclusively a business connection. In law, an abettor (the general legal spelling) is always present, either actively or constructively, at the commission of the crime; an accessory never. An accomplice is usually a principal; an accessory never. If present, though only to stand outside and keep watch against surprise, one is an abettor, and not an accessory. At common law, an accessory implies a principal, and can not be convicted until after the conviction of the principal; the accomplice or abettor can be convicted as a principal. Accomplice and abettor have nearly the same meaning, but the former is the popular, the latter more distinctively the legal term. Compare APPENDAGE; AUXILIARY.
abetter, abettor, accessory, accomplice, ally, associate, attendant, coadjutor, colleague, companion, confederate, follower, helper, henchman, participator, partner, retainerAntonyms:
adversary, antagonist, betrayer, chief, commander, enemy, foe, hinderer, instigator, leader, opponent, opposer, principal, rivalPreposition:
An accessory to the crime; before or after the fact; the accessories of a figure in a painting.
Complete Dictionary of Synonyms and AntonymsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
helper, aider, attendant, coadjutor, auxiliary, ally, associate, contributor, partner, confederateAntonyms:
hinderer, opposer, rival, foe, antagonist
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:2.3 / 3 votes
assistant, helper, help, supporteradjective
a person who contributes to the fulfillment of a need or furtherance of an effort or purpose
«my invaluable assistant»; «they hired additional help to finish the work»
friend, garter, assist, aid, supporter, patron, booster, avail, champion, assistance, suspensor, benefactor, jock, helper, jockstrap, help, admirer, service, sponsor, athletic supporter, protagonistAntonyms:
dominant -
adjunct, assistantadjective
of or relating to a person who is subordinate to another
accessory, auxiliary, adjuvant, appurtenant, ancillary, adjunctAntonyms:
Dictionary of English SynonymesRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
coadjutor, helper, aider, co-operator, co-aid, ally, auxiliary, abettor, ADJUTANT, CLERK, right hand man
Synonyms, Antonyms & Associated WordsRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
helping, auxiliary, subsidiary, coöperating, adjuvant -
helper, auxiliary, aider, coöperator, collaborator, coadjutor, abettor, aid, accessory, ally, adjuvant, adjunct, confrère, accomplice, confederate, subsidiary
PPDB, the paraphrase databaseRate these paraphrases:0.0 / 0 votes
List of paraphrases for «assistant»:
deputy, wizard, assistants, aide, auxiliary, under-secretary, associate, helper, adjoint, sub, adjunct, undersecretary, ancillary, assitant, sidekick, subledger, sub-harnesses, asst
How to pronounce assistant?
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How to use assistant in a sentence?
Congressman Scott Perry of Pennsylvania:
Throughout the past four years, I worked with Assistant Attorney General Clark on various legislative matters. When President Trump asked if I would make an introduction, I obliged.
Thomas Saenz:
If Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke’re doing something similar, then even if Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke’re not in a covered situation Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke should pause, and consider whether Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke want to go through with it, because the risk Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke will be sued by a private party or the government is pretty high at that point.
Police Chief Kathleen O’Toole:
I had a discussion with the four current SPD Assistant Chiefs. I explained that I would be announcing a new leadership team on Wednesday, and sincerely thanked them for their service on the command staff.
Ben CrumpReplayMore:
Today was a huge step toward justice. We are grateful for the diligence and dedication of the FBI and the DOJ as they investigated what led to Breonna’s murder and what transpired afterwards. The justice that Breonna received today would not have been possible without the efforts of Attorney General Merrick Garland or Assistant AG for Civil Rights Kristen Clarke, we hope this announcement of a guilty plea sends a message to all other involved officers that it is time to stop covering up and time to accept responsibility for their roles in causing the death of an innocent, beautiful young Black woman.
Maxim Behar:
Knowing social media to the tiniest detail is an absolute must for every single PR expert — from the CEO of the large PR corporation to the regular assistant or intern who sits behind a desk and does something on behalf of a client.
Translations for assistant
From our Multilingual Translation Dictionary
- مساعدArabic
- спомагателен, асистент, помощникBulgarian
- assistente, auxiliarCatalan, Valencian
- asistent, asistentka, pomocnice, pomocníkCzech
- helfend, Assistent, hilfreich, Helfer, MitarbeiterGerman
- βοηθόςGreek
- asistente, ayudanteSpanish
- آسیستان, دستیارPersian
- avustaja, apulainen, apulais-, aputyöntekijä, assistentti, avustavaFinnish
- auxiliaire, aide, assistantFrench
- cúntóirIrish
- asistenteGalician
- helyettes, asszisztens, segédHungarian
- օգնականArmenian
- helpanto, helperoIdo
- assistenteItalian
- アシスタント, 助手Japanese
- ასისტენტიGeorgian
- អ្នកជំនួយKhmer
- 조수Korean
- شاگرد, asîstanKurdish
- optiōLatin
- taituarā, kaiāwhinaMāori
- pembantuMalay
- အကူBurmese
- assistent, medhjelper, assisterendeNorwegian
- assistentDutch
- medhjelpar, assistentNorwegian Nynorsk
- asystentPolish
- assistente, ajudantePortuguese
- asistentRomanian
- помощница, вспомогательный, ассистентка, ассистент, помощникRussian
- asistente, asistentAlbanian
- assistentSwedish
- naibuSwahili
- ผู้ช่วยThai
- asistanTurkish
- yufanVolapük
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Все синонимы в одной строке
опора, палочка-выручалочка, поддержка, помощник, правая рука, ru.synonym.one, коллега, сотрудник, подручный, главное, старпом, прислужник, лакей, приспешник, помощь, помочь, подмога, сподручный, бык, бабка, башмак, копыл, пособник, прихвостень.
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Синонимы в строку
бабка, башмак, бык, главное, коллега, копыл, лакей, опор, опора, опоры, палочка-выручалочка, поддержка, подмога, подручный, помочь, помощник, помощь, пособник, правая рука, прислужник, приспешник, прихвостень, сотрудник, сподручный, старпом
Синонимы таблицей
бабка |
башмак |
бык |
главное |
коллега |
копыл |
лакей |
опор |
опора |
опоры |
палочка-выручалочка |
поддержка |
подмога |
подручный |
помочь |
помощник |
помощь |
пособник |
правая рука |
прислужник |
приспешник |
прихвостень |
сотрудник |
сподручный |
старпом |
Синонимы списком
- бабка
- башмак
- бык
- главное
- коллега
- копыл
- лакей
- опор
- опора
- опоры
- палочка-выручалочка
- поддержка
- подмога
- подручный
- помочь
- помощник
- помощь
- пособник
- правая рука
- прислужник
- приспешник
- прихвостень
- сотрудник
- сподручный
- старпом
- Синонимы в строку
- Синонимы таблицей
- Синонимы списком
Synonyms of assistant
as in aide
as in assisting
- as in aide
- as in assisting
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Definition of assistant
as in aide
a person who helps a more skilled person
the chief assistant to the director
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girl Friday
man Friday
gal Friday
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as in assisting
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“Assistant.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/assistant. Accessed 1 May. 2023.
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Варианты (v1)
Варианты (v2)
assistant [əˈsɪstənt] сущ
помощникм, ассистентм, заместительм, помощницаж, ассистенткаж
(aide, assistant professor, deputy, helper)
- special assistant – специальный помощник
- assistant head coach – помощник главного тренера
- assistant chief of staff – помощник начальника штаба
- assistant military attache – помощник военного атташе
- assistant u.s. attorney – помощник федерального прокурора
- assistant commissioner of police – помощник комиссара полиции
- assistant referee – ассистент рефери
- assistant general secretary – заместитель генерального секретаря
- assistant to executive director – заместитель исполнительного директора
- faithful assistant – верная помощница
сотрудникм, специалистм
(employee, specialist)
- veterinary assistant – ветеринарный фельдшер
assistant [əˈsɪstənt] прил
noun | ||
помощник | assistant, helper, mate, aide, help, aid | |
ассистент | assistant, adjutant | |
лаборант | assistant, tester, demonstrator, demonstrationist | |
заместитель судьи | assistant | |
adjective | ||
помогающий | helping, supporting, assistant, adjutant |
Предложения со словом «assistant»
So you can have a conversation, for example, with your intelligent personal assistant that might be available in a few years’ time. |
Итак, например, вы беседуете с умным личным помощником , который может появиться через несколько лет. |
If I want to create an artificially intelligent legal assistant , I will teach it some corpus of law but at the same time I am fusing with it the sense of mercy and justice that is part of that law. |
Если я захочу создать помощника юриста с ИИ, я познакомлю его с законодательством, при этом обучая его милосердию и справедливости, которые являются частью закона. |
So you can imagine how much I loved my eight years as the assistant casting director on As the World Turns. |
Теперь вы можете представить, как я наслаждалась восемь лет, работая помощником директора по кастингу Как вращается мир. |
I suggest that you and your assistant leave now. |
Так что предлагаю вам с вашим ассистентом уезжать немедленно. |
Peyton Charles, Assistant District Attorney |
Пейтон Чарльз, помощник окружного прокурора |
The Assistant Chief Constable trusts me to be impartial. |
Помощник главного констебля полагается на мою объективность |
You were the assistant prosecutor on the Eddie Fornum homicide. |
Вы были помощником прокурора в деле об убийстве Эдди Форнама. |
I had to select an assistant from a new transport |
Я должна была выбрать помощницу среди прибывших с очередным транспортом. |
Assistant to General Manager of Chengfa Group |
Помощник генерального менеджера компании Чэнфа |
Let me introduce my gorgeous assistant , Miss Van Eyck. |
Позволь представить мою прекрасную ассистентку мисс Ван — Айк. |
The cashier gave us a receipt and with it we came up to the shop-assistant. |
Кассир выдал нам товарный чек, и мы подошли с ним к продавцу. |
If it is not a self-service shop, and most small shops are not, the shop-assistant helps the customer in finding what he wants. |
Если же в магазине нет самообслуживания, как в большинстве маленьких магазинов, то продавец помогает покупателю подобрать то, что о хочет. |
I think he’ll settle for assistant embassy secretary. |
Я считал, что его устроит пост помощника секретаря посольства. |
By Assistant Director Granger and my operations manager Hetty Lange. |
Помощник директора Гренджер и мой управляющий операцией Хэтти Лэнж. |
Your assistant confirmed Deschamps collected the file in person. |
Ваш ассистент подтвердил, что Дешампс забирал документы лично |
I just got off the phone with Dre’s assistant . |
Я только что разговаривала по телефону с ассистентом Дре. |
Or so I was told by a very perky assistant . |
По крайней мере мне так сказал очень бойкий ассистент. |
The Internet is not only the assistant in daily work, it is also the other world in which there are mail boxes, libraries, photo galleries, games, shops. |
Интернет — это не только помощник в повседневной работе, Интернет — это иной мир, в котором есть свои почтовые ящики, библиотеки, фотогалереи , игры, магазины. |
Certainly, the Internet can be the excellent assistant in information search. |
Конечно, Интернет может быть отличным помощником в поиске информации. |
And then the Internet will be not the terrible enemy, but the indispensable assistant . |
И тогда Интернет будет не страшным врагом, а незаменимым помощником . |
You may learn the trade of a builder, a turner, a dressmaker, a shop assistant , a carpenter, a hairdresser. |
Вы можете научиться профессии строителя, токаря, портнихи, продавца, плотника и парикмахера. |
The shop assistant shows the customer various goods and sells them. |
Продавец показывает клиенту различные товары и продает их. |
The assistant stage manager saw Jewel enter her dressing room at 9am. |
Помощник руководителя видела, как Джуэль входит в гримерку. |
I am preparing an interview for Will to conduct on Friday with the the Deputy Assistant Administrator of the EPA. |
Я готовлю интервью для Уилла с заместителем помощника руководителя охраны окружающей среды на пятницу. |
Peter looked at the price tag, picked up the mower, and went to find the assistant . |
Питер посмотрел на ярлык с ценой, подхватил косилку и направился к продавцу. |
She’s chatting away to the sales assistant , and suddenly I hear her say something about Christmas. |
Она о чем — то болтает с продавцом, и я слышу, что она упоминает Рождество. |
I worked as an assistant district attorney for the county of New York for two years. |
Я работал помощником окружного прокурора в округе Нью — Йорк в течение двух лет. |
And Agent Barnes has recently been named the Assistant Special Agent in Charge of the Los Angeles Bureau of the FBI. |
И агент Барнс был недавно назначен помощником руководящего специального агента Лос — Анджелесского отдела ФБР. |
She really responded to the chapter where your 40-year-old patient pretends to be a 26-year-old assistant . |
Она заинтересовалась главой где 40 — летняя пациентка претендует на роль 26 — летней ассистентки. |
The physician’s assistant gave Susan a basic physical exam and wanted to consult with a doctor. |
Помощник врача провела первичный осмотр Сьюзен и захотела посоветоваться с врачом. |
Мне неприятно было бы знать, что я нанял помощника менеджера, который отказывается выполнять свою работу. |
The assistant backed out first, pulling the gurney, which was being pushed gently by Mr. Magargel. |
Ассистент покатил к двери носилки, которые сзади осторожно подталкивал мистер Мэйгарджел. |
Then you may exhibit them to myself and my assistant . |
Тогда вы можете их показать мне и моему помощнику . |
At the registers one of the store’s assistant managers had started counting the money and setting the tapes for tomorrow. |
Помощники кассиров подсчитывали выручку и заряжали ленты на следующий день. |
I’m going back to the Destiny to be an assistant counsellor. |
Я собираюсь вернуться на Судьбу и быть помощником советника. |
Keren kicked the squirming assistant gunner in the crotch, turned and triggered a single round into the squad leader’s face. |
Керен пнул извивающегося помощника наводчика в пах, повернулся и выстрелил прямо в лицо старшины отделения. |
The assistant gunner had been deep in the belly of the beast when the grenade came flying into the compartment and rolled to the front. |
Помощник наводчика находился глубоко в брюхе зверюги, когда граната влетела в отсек и покатилась вперед. |
You went straight from an editorial assistant to a contributing editor to Managing Editor of the magazine? |
Вы поднялись от помощника редактора до главного редактора журнала? |
Assistant District Attorney Blake’s jury hung on a homicide she was trying. |
Жюри, отобранное заместителем окружного прокурора Блейк, не вынесло единогласного вердикта по убийству. |
Just wanted to see how my interim Assistant Director is holding up. |
Решил проведать, как поживает мой временный заместитель директора. |
The careers advisor said she’d make a brilliant research assistant . |
Консультант по профориентации говорил, что она может стать великолепным научным сотрудником. |
She was a veterinary assistant I was dating at the time. |
Она была помощницей ветеринара, и с ней я встречался в то время. |
I took a position as assistant professor of zoology here at Indiana University. |
Я добился поста ассистента профессора зоологии в университете Индианы. |
So they’re offering you special assistant to the deputy director. |
Поэтому тебе предлагают место специального ассистента для заместителя директора. |
I started as an assistant to a marketing vp, And then i worked my way up to junior editor. |
Я начинала как ассистент вице — президента по маркетингу, и меня повысили до должности младшего редактора. |
Now, is it too much to expect that the same thing happened to some UN lab assistant ? |
Разве нельзя предположить, что подобное произошло с каким — нибудь лаборантом Объединенных Наций? |
Landon was gonna take the money and run away with that leggy assistant . |
Лэндон собирался забрать деньги и сбежать с той длинноногой ассистенткой. |
This Black Friday sales incentive says the assistant manager could win a new high definition TV. |
Тут написано, что помощник менеджера может выиграть новое телевидение высокой четкости. |
Immediate assistant and an ambulance required at the old board school off Commercial Street. |
Срочно требуется врач и карета скорой помощи к старому пансиону около Коммёршиал — стрит. |
He requested an audience with the assistant warden and made a startling confession. |
Он попросил встречи с помощником начальника тюрьмы и сделал ему поразительное признание. |
When can we expect you to announce your promotion to Assistant Chief Constable? |
Когда мы услышим объявление о назначении на должность Заместителя начальника полиции? |
He carried the rank of assistant director, but he did not displace the existing incumbent. |
Он получил должность заместителя директора, но не сменил прежнего руководителя отделения. |
Assistant Director in Charge Joe Pistillo had recently announced that he would retire at the end of the year. |
Заместитель директора ФБР Джозеф Пистилло объявил, что в конце года уходит в отставку. |
Ladies and gentlemen, my new assistant , Miss Flora Weston. |
Леди и джентльмены, мой новый помощник , мисс Флора Вестон. |
And I’d delegated all the annoying work to my assistant , who lives for that crap. |
А всю нудную рутину я делегировал ассистентке, которая дышала этим дерьмом. |
There’s a guy coming in here from corporate to interview you and Tang for the assistant manager spot. |
Пришел парень из корпорации насчет собеседования с тобой И Тэнгом о работе помощником менеджера. |
It is not every day that one of these shabby street performers has a beautifully dressed and distinguished person as an assistant . |
Не каждый день кому — то из этих жалких бродяг ассистирует прилично одетый джентльмен. |
ASSISTANT PIO JAYNE GITTLEMAN apologizes profusely for making Scarpetta wait. |
Сотрудница информационной службы Джейн Джитльмэн извиняется за то, что Скарпетте пришлось столько ждать. |
I’m now joined by Assistant Chief Constable Gerry Bryant from the Unified Crime Directorate. |
Ко мне сейчас присоединился Помощник Главного Констебля Джерри Брайант из Управления криминальной полиции. |
I worked as the staff assistant at the Physics Department at Harvard. |
Я был секретарём — референтом на физфаке в Гарварде. |