What is another word for Antisocial?
asocial, nonparticipating
objectionable, unsociable
unsociable, asocial
unsociable, eremitic
unsociable, eremitic
unsociable, nonparticipating
eremitic, nonparticipating
eremitic, nonparticipating
asocial, disruptive
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Synonyms for Antisocial. (2016). Retrieved 2023, May 02, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/antisocial
Synonyms for Antisocial. N.p., 2016. Web. 02 May. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/antisocial>.
Synonyms for Antisocial. 2016. Accessed May 02, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/antisocial.
- alienated
- introverted
- standoffish
- ascetic
- asocial
- austere
- cold
- cynical
- eremetic
- hermitlike
- misanthropic
- reclusive
- remote
- reserved
- retiring
- solitary
- uncommunicative
- unfriendly
- unsociable
- withdrawn
On this page you’ll find 41 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to antisocial, such as: alienated, introverted, standoffish, ascetic, asocial, and austere.
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use antisocial in a sentence
Again a crowd—a mob is an example of this—may be distinctly antisocial, if we attach any ethical meaning to the term.
And so many survival reactions outlast their usefulness, becoming essentially antisocial and antisurvival.
Even such antisocial persons as outlaws frequently move in bands and have their chiefs.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- aloof
- antisocial
- brooding
- clammed up
- close
- close-mouthed
- cold
- curt
- distant
- dour
- dried-up
- dumb
- incommunicative
- laconic
- mum
- mute
- quiet
- reserved
- reticent
- sententious
- silent
- sparing
- speechless
- tight-lipped
- tightlipped
- uncommunicable
- uncommunicative
- unexpressive
- unforthcoming
- withdrawn
- aloof
- antisocial
- brooding
- clammed up
- close
- close-mouthed
- cold
- curt
- distant
- dour
- dried-up
- dumb
- incommunicable
- laconic
- mum
- mute
- quiet
- reserved
- reticent
- sententious
- silent
- sparing
- speechless
- tight-lipped
- tightlipped
- uncommunicable
- uncommunicative
- unexpressive
- unforthcoming
- withdrawn
- antisocial
- egoistic
- egotistical
- eremitic
- hating
- inhumane
- malevolent
- misanthropical
- reclusive
- reserved
- sarcastic
- selfish
- solitary
- standoffish
- unfriendly
- antisocial
- ascetic
- cloistered
- eremetic
- hermetic
- isolated
- misanthropic
- monastic
- reserved
- retiring
- secluded
- secluse
- seclusive
- sequestered
- solitary
- standoffish
- withdrawn
- antisocial
- ascetic
- cloistered
- eremitic
- hermetic
- hermit-like
- isolated
- misanthropic
- monastic
- recluse
- reserved
- retiring
- secluded
- secluse
- seclusive
- sequestered
- solitary
- standoffish
- withdrawn
- antisocial
- ascetic
- cloistered
- eremetic
- hermetic
- isolated
- misanthropic
- monastic
- reserved
- retiring
- secluded
- secluse
- seclusive
- sequestered
- solitary
- standoffish
- withdrawn
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
All synonyms in one line
cynical, hostile, misanthropic, reclusive, reserved, en.synonym.one, solitary, unfriendly, unsociable, asocial.
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What is another word for antisocial?
1110 synonyms found
[ ˌantɪsˈə͡ʊʃə͡l], [ ˌantɪsˈəʊʃəl], [ ˌa_n_t_ɪ_s_ˈəʊ_ʃ_əl]
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Table of Contents
• all (adjective)
- antisocial.
• incommunicable (adjective)
- in communicable,
- un-communicative,
- in-communicable.
• incommunicative (adjective)
- in communicative,
- in-communicative.
• misanthropic (adjective)
- anti-social,
- eremitic,
- misanthropical,
- inhumane.
• nonparticipating; avoiding company (adjective)
- cold,
- introverted,
- solitary,
- austere,
- cynical,
- uncommunicative,
- remote,
- ascetic.
• Other relevant words: (adjective)
- hermitlike,
- unneighborly,
- unfriendly,
- Seclusive,
- eremetic,
- stag,
- hermitical,
- standoffish,
- Uncompanionable,
- reclusive,
- unsocial,
- misanthropic,
- ill-disposed,
- thoughtless,
- hermit-like,
- secluse.
• recluse/reclusive (adjective)
- more sequestered,
- most seclusive,
- most eremetic,
- with-drawn,
- more reclusive,
- more secluse,
- re-tiring,
- most secluse,
- re tiring,
- more seclusive,
- more eremetic,
- most sequestered,
- with drawn.
• reclusive (adjective)
- more hermit-like,
- most hermitlike,
- hermit like,
- most hermit like,
- more hermit like,
- more hermitlike,
- most hermit-like.
• secluded (adjective)
- anonymous,
- alone,
- maverick,
- detached,
- lonely,
- isolated,
- Disbarred,
- blacklisted,
- aloof,
- Extirpated,
- secluded,
- Excluded,
- Blackballed,
- confined,
- Ejected,
- xenophobic,
- outcast,
- segregated,
- Banished,
- Ostracized,
- Expatriated,
- Excommunicated,
- Eliminated,
- Exiled,
- boycott,
- cloistered,
- hermitic,
- closeted,
- separated,
- sequestered,
- cordoned,
- Extradited,
- Deported.
• solitary (adjective)
- more hermitical,
- un-attended,
- in-dividual,
- in dividual,
- most hermitical,
- de-solate,
- re-mote,
- un-approachable,
- un-frequented,
- re tired,
- un companionable,
- staggest,
- most unsocial,
- un attended,
- un-companionable,
- un frequented,
- un-accompanied,
- un accompanied,
- most uncompanionable,
- un-social,
- more unsocial,
- more uncompanionable,
- un social,
- un approachable,
- de solate.
• standoffish (adjective)
- in different,
- un-sociable,
- in-different.
• taciturn (adjective)
- dried up,
- dried-up,
- clammed up,
- unexpressive.
• thoughtless (adjective)
- unheeding,
- Hot-headed.
• tightlipped (adjective)
- tight lipped.
• uncommunicable (adjective)
- un communicable,
- un-communicable.
• unfriendly (adjective)
- more grudging,
- in auspicious,
- un-friendliest,
- more ill disposed,
- most illdisposed,
- more unneighborly,
- most grudging,
- most ill disposed,
- illdisposed,
- in-hospitable,
- in hospitable,
- most against,
- dis agreeable,
- un propitious,
- not speaking terms,
- more illdisposed,
- un charitable,
- un-charitable,
- un-neighborly,
- dis affected,
- not on speaking terms,
- un friendliest,
- un friendly,
- un friendlier,
- more estranged,
- un-favorable,
- ill disposed,
- dis-affected,
- in-auspicious,
- un neighborly,
- un congenial,
- dis-agreeable,
- more against,
- most estranged,
- more ill-disposed,
- un-friendlier,
- un-congenial,
- un-friendly,
- most unneighborly,
- un favorable,
- most ill-disposed.
• unthoughtful (adjective)
- un-thoughtful,
- dis regardful,
- dis-regardful,
- un thoughtful,
- un-thinking,
- un thinking.
- cooperative,
- adjunct,
- assistant,
- clerical,
- casual,
- associate.
- two’s company, three’s a crowd,
- insular,
- keep to yourself,
- rebellious.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- reserved,
- alienated,
- unsociable,
- asocial,
- hostile.
• unfriendly (noun)
- antagonistic,
- unpleasant,
- stony.
Other synonyms:
- semiskilled,
- nonresidential,
- secretarial,
- peripatetic,
- stay-at-home,
- official,
- custodial,
- unskilled,
- ceremonial,
- honest,
- hermetic,
- high-ranking,
- lock away,
- collegiate,
- entry-level,
- withdrawn,
- retiring,
- collaborative,
- in-house.
- pastoral,
- industrial,
- skilled,
- vocational,
- freelance,
- self-contained,
- monotonous,
- responsible,
- probationary,
- multiparty.
- professional,
- professionally.
- voluntary.
- withdraw,
- withdrawal.
• Other relevant words:
- expressionless,
- pettish,
- juiceless,
- erratic,
- barbarous,
- disoriented,
- dogged,
- dissolute,
- combatant,
- snoop,
- superficial,
- bow out,
- drab,
- crusted,
- straightlaced,
- fellow,
- uncorrectable,
- sequestrate,
- cruel,
- jolty,
- secret,
- suspect,
- severable,
- outside,
- bestial,
- ball,
- assort,
- moderate,
- dependable,
- rummy,
- counter,
- precipitous,
- bilious,
- free lance,
- red,
- aristotelian,
- fantastic,
- uncut,
- stern,
- captive,
- immaterial,
- onanism,
- chaotic,
- hazardous,
- draw,
- queer,
- nip,
- marooned,
- uncivilized,
- turbulent,
- blue,
- contrary,
- barbarian,
- insensate,
- pillory,
- burred,
- relate,
- cold-blooded,
- freelancer,
- ghastly,
- appropriate,
- crimson,
- impassive,
- ok,
- enmity,
- waste,
- comrade,
- off,
- nonchalant,
- free-lance,
- peckish,
- denounce,
- lush,
- angry,
- self-possessed,
- stale,
- sinister,
- intimate,
- free,
- imperturbability,
- away,
- nongregarious,
- extemporaneous,
- tight-laced,
- sweep,
- sourness,
- liverish,
- pull away,
- military volunteer,
- link,
- clock,
- frigidity,
- vehement,
- uncheerful,
- cursory,
- disengage,
- sequester,
- closemouthed,
- funny remark,
- crossbreeding,
- crucify,
- severe,
- repulsion,
- provisional,
- hybridise,
- dusty,
- stunned,
- hotheaded,
- good story,
- acidify,
- shop,
- high-level,
- tumultuous,
- obelisk,
- self-centred,
- self-conceited,
- supporter,
- macabre,
- heedless,
- swollen,
- low temperature,
- reservation,
- unbiased,
- iciness,
- coy,
- encrusted,
- understood,
- helper,
- crawfish out,
- withered,
- pastorale,
- individual,
- pull in one’s horns,
- techy,
- square-toed,
- acetify,
- rimy,
- glooming,
- tie in,
- stiff,
- lowering,
- insouciant,
- barbellate,
- functionary,
- incubation,
- secretive,
- splenic,
- chance,
- amateurish,
- degenerate,
- spartan,
- malcontent,
- unequalled,
- unintegrated,
- track,
- crook,
- beast,
- lock up,
- nervelessness,
- apart,
- meter,
- antipathetic,
- chili,
- bound,
- depraved,
- abrasive material,
- tutelar,
- sleuth,
- self-respecting,
- take,
- chilliness,
- off-the-cuff,
- chill,
- back out,
- acidity,
- idle,
- down,
- swallow,
- withdrawal method,
- grating,
- disjointed,
- grisly,
- atrabilious,
- unforgiving,
- sear,
- baseless,
- inexpert,
- friendless,
- privy,
- recede,
- outback,
- jailed,
- disconnected,
- unfrequented,
- flat,
- baleful,
- rasping,
- unreached,
- set,
- irritable,
- self-centered,
- monotone,
- victorian,
- granitelike,
- scotch,
- robustious,
- curmudgeonly,
- concerted,
- get over,
- roughshod,
- interbreed,
- prim,
- sang-froid,
- interbreeding,
- bouldered,
- banning,
- downcast,
- free-and-easy,
- degraded,
- misogynistic,
- felonious,
- homebody,
- unparalleled,
- libertine,
- barbed,
- fighter,
- singular,
- backlog,
- untamed,
- crustlike,
- imperturbableness,
- sere,
- meditative,
- contemplative,
- fast,
- independent,
- jumpy,
- extempore,
- ad-lib,
- cloistral,
- pull back,
- risky,
- beastly,
- crisp,
- overmodest,
- obscure,
- melancholy,
- stranded,
- minatory,
- earmark,
- deviant,
- stately,
- blast,
- felon,
- cool down,
- pensive,
- occasional,
- reticence,
- foil,
- indocile,
- entirely,
- grouchy,
- sluggish,
- deaf,
- briary,
- mark,
- tenacious,
- mirthful,
- pariah,
- coldness,
- unappealing,
- auxiliary,
- crank,
- prohibitionist,
- good,
- past,
- stockpile,
- odd,
- span,
- take out,
- prudish,
- pondering,
- nonchalantly,
- thwartwise,
- frozen,
- frigidly,
- indrawn,
- snitch,
- swollen-headed,
- deplorable,
- crabbed,
- incompatible,
- preceding,
- amusing,
- so-so,
- groundless,
- okay,
- untalkative,
- curious,
- detachment,
- ban,
- monotonic,
- length,
- self-effacing,
- frustrate,
- hybridizing,
- disobedient,
- egoistical,
- briery,
- admirer,
- outdistance,
- ceremony,
- conventional,
- nippy,
- roughly,
- crossbreed,
- gloomful,
- acquaintance,
- raspy,
- ominous,
- volunteer,
- courtly,
- recall,
- luxuriant,
- remote control,
- passing,
- chile,
- apprenticed,
- scrapper,
- disagreeable,
- master,
- unassuming,
- come out of the closet,
- still,
- furious,
- connect,
- companion,
- mute,
- thorny,
- dingy,
- responsible for,
- timid,
- thwart,
- vicious,
- inert,
- neutral,
- fell,
- low-spirited,
- perfunctory,
- all right,
- obstinate,
- tender,
- prison term,
- shut up,
- call back,
- bucolic,
- reliable,
- taboo,
- cantankerous,
- quick-tempered,
- malefactor,
- minacious,
- rimed,
- priggish,
- relentless,
- clock time,
- irrepressible,
- unthinking,
- book,
- ancillary,
- solo,
- scratchy,
- offhanded,
- help,
- transversal,
- nipping,
- separable,
- pass over,
- turn,
- ceremonial occasion,
- arcadian,
- nerveless,
- come out,
- dissipated,
- extinct,
- conventual,
- sick,
- prissy,
- assuredness,
- tacit,
- waspish,
- brute,
- monastical,
- verboten,
- tetchy,
- protagonist,
- debauched,
- militant,
- substitute,
- rebel,
- rat,
- troubled,
- hybridisation,
- arctic,
- fair,
- pertinacious,
- self-loving,
- bristly,
- metre,
- rancid,
- mum,
- unyielding,
- unneighbourly,
- knocked out,
- threatening,
- ironic,
- snappy,
- chilli,
- ugly,
- aloofness,
- unsmooth,
- moth-eaten,
- nonsocial,
- solitudinarian,
- unique,
- give away,
- obdurate,
- accommodative,
- teetotal,
- honorable,
- peculiar,
- poise,
- disaffect,
- acidulate,
- daily,
- parochial,
- unkindly,
- evening gown,
- castaway,
- crossing,
- wayfaring,
- space,
- raving mad,
- back away,
- fishy,
- exuberant,
- lone,
- cheerless,
- deadpan,
- comical,
- battler,
- nettlesome,
- raging,
- stark,
- hunky-dory,
- testy,
- draw back,
- persistent,
- trigger-happy,
- huffish,
- move back,
- crude,
- forbidden,
- buck private,
- gruesome,
- cool off,
- jolting,
- anomic,
- funny story,
- harsh,
- ferment,
- hot-tempered,
- brutish,
- profuse,
- ill-affected,
- uninvolved,
- disaffected,
- provisionary,
- remove,
- fractious,
- low,
- aggressive,
- prohibited,
- indentured,
- war-ridden,
- short-tempered,
- narcissistic,
- flint,
- crawfish,
- tell on,
- unrelenting,
- topsy-turvy,
- inhuman,
- modesty,
- pulling out,
- unappeasable,
- kayoed,
- suspicious,
- fixed,
- anon.,
- bristled,
- off-key,
- sepulchral,
- unaccompanied,
- dispassionate,
- seclude,
- shady,
- ferocious,
- reprobate,
- egotistic,
- conceited,
- shut away,
- irascible,
- second-stringer,
- uncaring,
- take away,
- mordant,
- wintery,
- spy,
- disjunct,
- puritanical,
- idyll,
- associate degree,
- spiny,
- baffle,
- unaffectionate,
- military reserve,
- burry,
- cut through,
- hart,
- broody,
- accessory,
- hugger-mugger,
- climb-down,
- war advocacy,
- untempting,
- crown of thorns,
- pensiveness,
- wilderness,
- sorry,
- quaker,
- crazy,
- rough out,
- wry,
- hoarse,
- appurtenant,
- hybrid,
- abstainer,
- conjunct,
- forbiddance,
- deviate,
- set aside,
- retreat,
- ill-humored,
- secession,
- work,
- soundless,
- champion,
- traverse,
- gelid,
- aplomb,
- introspective,
- hardhearted,
- shit,
- disconsolate,
- outlaw,
- grass,
- rough in,
- spaced,
- unwarranted,
- consociate,
- unrehearsed,
- tearing,
- ruminative,
- irregular,
- professional person,
- consort,
- dry out,
- incompetent,
- disloyal,
- rampantly,
- solely,
- sociable,
- lonesome,
- mercenary,
- upstage,
- close,
- sole,
- unlikable,
- ally,
- bilk,
- conjunctive,
- dark,
- adjourn,
- cover,
- intersect,
- bumpy,
- extemporary,
- solitary confinement,
- gaga,
- dotty,
- link up,
- gravelly,
- draw off,
- humdrum,
- unsay,
- outstrip,
- boisterous,
- fierce,
- put away,
- co-op,
- get across,
- ironical,
- self-employed,
- clip,
- dispirited,
- tutelary,
- prescribed,
- unlikeable,
- rocky,
- chili pepper,
- nervelessly,
- down in the mouth,
- straight-laced,
- hold,
- abradant,
- call in,
- lock,
- ornery,
- collegial,
- stray,
- poised,
- false,
- upper-level,
- everyday,
- stonyhearted,
- wildcat,
- unreflective,
- perverted,
- common soldier,
- self-collected,
- crisscross,
- take back,
- hermit,
- condemnable,
- alienate,
- hybridize,
- removed,
- common cold,
- unequaled,
- set-apart,
- ungovernable,
- imprisoned,
- dislocated,
- quiet,
- wayward,
- closelipped,
- unfounded,
- downhearted,
- jumbled,
- unorthodox,
- transverse,
- heavy,
- degage,
- out of reach,
- self-employed person,
- strict,
- tentative,
- dinner dress,
- rambunctious,
- fourth dimension,
- tie,
- fussy,
- observance,
- reprehensible,
- higgledy-piggledy,
- drug withdrawal,
- unreachable,
- hostility,
- collected,
- parky,
- shriveled,
- retire,
- rum,
- equanimous,
- sentence,
- dumb,
- glowering,
- slight,
- unbiassed,
- granitic,
- glum,
- state of nature,
- self-respectful,
- tempestuous,
- drear,
- monastic,
- approximative,
- schematic,
- allow,
- amateur,
- flinty,
- cut across,
- sharp,
- booster,
- musing,
- effortless,
- social,
- laughable,
- vain,
- creditworthy,
- coolheaded,
- reflective,
- polar,
- unsounded,
- fine,
- sober,
- ko’d,
- taciturnity,
- approximate,
- troglodyte,
- lock in,
- feral,
- aristotelean,
- quarantined,
- turned,
- unsure,
- lienal,
- risible,
- profligate,
- eremitical,
- inflexible,
- self-examining,
- barbaric,
- proscribed,
- closed,
- male chauvinist,
- husky,
- tippy,
- sticker,
- shrivelled,
- wolf,
- warring,
- inexorable,
- spoil,
- diffident,
- exclusively,
- colligate,
- straitlaced,
- somber,
- backdown,
- hybridization,
- ishmael,
- ascetical,
- natural state,
- pro,
- uncivilised,
- unmanageable,
- bouldery,
- recluse,
- egoist,
- adjuvant,
- rumbustious,
- affiliate,
- black,
- impromptu,
- comic,
- true,
- offhandedly,
- antipathetical,
- rocklike,
- pugnacious,
- only,
- dinner gown,
- betray,
- tabu,
- godforsaken,
- tartness.
• Other relevant words (noun):
- grim,
- offish,
- dyspeptic,
- unforthcoming,
- egotistical,
- funereal,
- dour,
- bad-tempered,
- splenetic,
- grumpy,
- criminal,
- private,
- lugubrious,
- taciturn,
- ungregarious,
- unpatriotic,
- uncommunicable,
- inhospitable,
- tightlipped,
- unemotional,
- egocentric,
- unbending,
- misogynous,
- unreceptive,
- rigid,
- temperamental,
- savage,
- egoistic,
- unsympathetic,
- chilly,
- warmongering,
- cross,
- cool,
- cold-eyed,
- ill-natured,
- crabby,
- perverse,
- restrained,
- Pouting,
- dismal,
- strait-laced,
- uninviting,
- anchoritic,
- sombre,
- gloomy,
- depressing,
- sulking,
- crusty,
- man-hating,
- inimical,
- unwelcoming,
- guarded,
- cold-fisted,
- controlled,
- Unamiable,
- sullen,
- formal,
- ice-cold,
- incommunicative,
- silent,
- unruly,
- brooding,
- violent,
- frosty,
- dissociable,
- petulant,
- sexist,
- frigid,
- uncongenial,
- dry,
- retired,
- unapproachable,
- shy,
- uncontrollable,
- cranky,
- reticent,
- ill-humoured,
- morose,
- Incommunicable,
- non-gregarious,
- icy,
- unthoughtful,
- unfeeling,
- churlish,
- ill-tempered,
- close-mouthed,
- dreary,
- indifferent,
- distant,
- moody,
- Anchoretic,
- sulky,
- demure,
- selfish,
- unclubbable,
- woman-hating,
- dignified,
- undemonstrative,
- wild,
- unresponsive,
- depressed,
- rough,
- apathetic,
- poker-faced,
- riotous,
- peevish,
- aberrant,
- crotchety,
- choleric.
How to use «Antisocial» in context?
Most people wouldn’t class someone as «antisocial» if they were loudly animated and seemingly enjoying themselves, but these are some of the characteristics often associated with the condition. If you find it hard to connect with others and feel uncomfortable in social situations, you may have antisocial tendencies. There’s no single cause of antisocial behaviour, but it can be linked to a range of problems, including shyness, a lack of confidence, and a troubled family history. If you think you might have antisocial traits, it’s important to get help. There are treatments available that can help you develop better social skills and understand your behaviour.
Paraphrases for Antisocial:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
asocial, anti-society.
Homophones for Antisocial:
- antithetical.
Word of the Day
bow 1
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twist tie,
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- Antisocial
- (all) agog
- (all) by itself
- (all) by yourself
- (all) joking aside/apart
- (all) on your own
- ANTISOCIAL synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- ANTISOCIAL synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— ANTISOCIAL synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of ANTISOCIAL
— another words for ANTISOCIAL
Princeton’s WordNetRate these synonyms:0.0 / 0 votes
shunning contact with others
«standoffish and antisocial»; «he’s not antisocial; just shy»
sociable, social -
antisocial, asocialadjective
hostile to or disruptive of normal standards of social behavior
«criminal behavior or conduct that violates the rights of other individuals is antisocial»; «crimes…and other asocial behavior»; «an antisocial deed»
sociable, social
How to pronounce antisocial?
How to say antisocial in sign language?
How to use antisocial in a sentence?
Imohimi Edgal:
It is the duty of everybody, not only the police, to ensure that such antisocial behavior, such social vices, such crimes, are checked so that we can create communities that protect our children from such deviant behavior.
Adam Lankford:
There are several pathways we observe : antisocial individuals who are part of a gang, depressed and despondent persons who are highly distressed over a grievance and believe they have no future, and a small group of persons with severe mental illness that includes delusional thinking, in a workplace shooting, you want to look at the latter two as most likely.
Joan Didion:
It is impossible to think of Howard Hughes without seeing the apparently bottomless gulf between what we say we want and what we do want, between what we officially admire and secretly desire, between, in the largest sense, the people we marry and the people we love. In a nation which increasingly appears to prize social virtues, Howard Hughes remains not merely antisocial but grandly, brilliantly, surpassingly, asocial. He is the last private man, the dream we no longer admit.
Susan Whitbourne:
It’s just a plain old version of antisocial behavior, it is an antisocial act, and it’s outside the bounds of proper social behavior.
Adonis Sfera:
As their behavior looks like mental illness, some of these people end up admitted in psychiatric hospitals, while others are imprisoned or placed in state psychiatric hospitals after being diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.
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