What is another word for Among?
between, surrounded by
surrounded by, amidst
between, in the midst of
amid, betwixt
surrounded by
between, in the midst of
position, to
in the midst of
between, amidst
out of
included in, in a group
in the company of
surrounded by, in the group of
jointly, with one another
with one another
jointly, in a group
in the middle of
surrounded by, in the midst of
in the thick of
surrounded by, in the midst of
by all of
with one another, in a group
by the whole of
with one another, in a group
together with
in the midst of, in a group
position, of
included in
in the group of
one of
included in, in the group of
in the group of
included in
in the number of
included in, in the group of
in the class of
in the group of
along with
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Synonyms for Among. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 30, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/among
Synonyms for Among. N.p., 2016. Web. 30 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/among>.
Synonyms for Among. 2016. Accessed April 30, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/among.
- amid
- amidst
- betwixt
- encompassed by
- in dispersion through
- in the midst of
- in the thick of
- mid
- surrounded by
- with
- by all of
- by the whole of
- in association with
- in connection with
- in the class of
- in the company of
- mutually
- out of
- together with
- with
- with one another
On this page you’ll find 31 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to among, such as: amid, amid/amidst, betwixt, encompassed by, in dispersion through, and in the midst of.
- away from
- outside
- separate
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
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How to use among in a sentence
At this moment an extraordinary commotion began among the watches.
Above all, he was amazed to hear me talk of a mercenary standing army in the midst of peace and among a free people.
He spoke clearly and slowly, well knowing that some among the natives would understand him.
A far-off volley rumbled over the plain, and a few birds stirred uneasily among the trees.
OCTOBER 26, 1985
- amidst
- among
- amongst
- between
- during
- mid
- over
- surrounded by
- throughout
- amid
- amidst
- among
- at intervals
- betwixt
- bounded by
- centrally located
- enclosed by
- halfway
- in
- in the middle
- in the midst of
- in the seam
- in the thick of
- inserted
- interpolated
- intervening
- medially
- mid
- midway
- separating
- ‘tween
- amid
- amidst
- among
- betwixt
- halfway
- in
- in the middle
- in the midst of
- in the seam
- in the thick of
- inserted
- interpolated
- intervening
- medially
- mid
- midway
- separating
- along
- alongside
- amidst
- among
- beside
- by
- for
- including
- near
- plus
- upon
Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
Определения слова among
- среди
- между
Синонимы к слову among
- along with
- amid
- amidst
- amongst
- between
- betwixt
- in the company of
- in the middle of
- in the midst of
- surrounded by
- together with
- with
Похожие слова на among
- among
- amongst
Однокоренные слова для among
- amongst
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- Словарь значения слов pravoslavje
- Грамматическое значение pravoslavlje
- Значение слова ortodoxia
- Прямое и переносное значение слова orthodoxie
- Происхождение слова amongst
- Синоним к слову mbohapysa
- Антоним к слову treqind
- Омоним к слову driehonderd
- Гипоним к слову kolmsada
- Холоним к слову trehundra
- Гипероним к слову trecento
- Пословицы и поговорки к слову trescientos
- Перевод слова на другие языки trehundre
, amongst
1 amid, amidst, in association with, in the middle of, in the midst of, in the thick of, midst, surrounded by, together with, with
3 in the class of, in the company of, in the group of, in the number of, out of
4 by all of, by the joint action of, by the whole of, mutually, with one another
English Collins Dictionary — English synonyms & Thesaurus
The form amongst is also used, but is more literary.
1 prep Someone or something that is situated or moving among a group of things or people is surrounded by them.
They walked among the crowds in Red Square., …a little house among the trees.
2 prep If you are among people of a particular kind, you are with them and having contact with them.
Things weren’t so bad, after all. I was among friends again…, I was brought up among people who read and wrote a lot.
3 prep If someone or something is among a group, they are a member of that group and share its characteristics.
A fifteen year old girl was among the injured…, Also among the speakers was the new American ambassador to Moscow.
4 prep If you want to focus on something that is happening within a particular group of people, you can say that it is happening among that group.
Unemployment is quite high, especially among young people.
5 prep If something happens among a group of people, it happens within the whole of that group or between the members of that group.
I am sick of all the quarrelling among politicians who should be concentrating on vital issues.
6 prep If something such as a feeling, opinion, or situation exists among a group of people, most of them have it or experience it.
The biggest fear among parents thinking of using the Internet is that their children will be exposed to pornography…
7 prep If something applies to a particular person or thing amongothers, it also applies to other people or things.
…a news conference attended among others by our foreign affairs correspondent…
8 prep If something is shared among a number of people, some of it is given to all of them.
Most of the furniture was left to the neighbours or distributed among friends…
9 prep If people talk, fight, or agree amongthemselves, they do it together, without involving anyone else.
PREP pron-refl
European farm ministers disagree among themselves…
Translation English Cobuild Collins Dictionary
Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus
gay |
adj. |
in modern usage, especially among young people, also used disparagingly to mean ‘rubbish’ or ‘ridiculous’ |
that is so gay: c’est nase |
bottom-up |
n. |
something that is bottom-up originates among the lower-ranking members of a hierarchy and moves upwards to affect those higher up |
comradery |
n. |
Mutual trust and friendship among people spending a lot of time together. Another term for camaraderie. |
[US] [mass noun] Ex: That teamsport is an ideal pastime for the young people, an opportunity to socialise and make new friends in a strong spirit of comradery |
love locks |
n. |
padlocks that couples lock on a bridge or fence among others to symbolise their love |
employerism |
n. |
the preferred terminology used among the management hierarchy of a business establishment in reference to native ideas and common interests related to their particular field. |
syn.: slang, jargon |
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- в числе (из числа, к числу, в среде)
- наряду
Синонимы: aside, betwixt.
- среди
- между
- из
- у
- посреди
- помимо
Синонимы: against, off, between, beyond, except, under, besides, near, outside, with, amongst, intra, forth, in, along, on, amid, betwixt, about, across, for, from, additionally, out, amidst.
among them
среди них
relations among States
отношения между государствами
They divided the money among themselves.
Они поделили деньги между собой.
Divide this among yourselves.
Поделите это между собой.
Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis is a common condition among the general population in Western countries.
Сезонный аллергический ринит — частый недуг большинства населения в западных странах.
The money was divided among the three.
Деньги разделили на троих.
The fortune was divided among the three brothers.
Наследство было разделено между тремя братьями.
Tom was among the few who survived.
Том был среди тех немногих, кто выжил.
The movie is popular among the youngsters.
Фильм популярен среди молодёжи.
The word became flesh and lived for a while among us.
Слово стало плотию, и обитало с нами.
The abuse of alcohol among young people is a serious problem.
Злоупотребление алкоголем среди молодёжи — серьёзная проблема.
A squirrel hid among the branches.
Белка спряталась в ветвях.
I sat among them.
Я сел среди них.
Divide the cake among you three.
Раздели торт между вами троими.
I lost him among the crowd.
Я потерял его в толпе.
Soccer is very popular among Japanese students.
Футбол очень популярен среди японских студентов.
Mary was chosen from among 500 applicants.
Мэри была выбрана из пятисот претендентов.
Among the five of us, he’s surely the one who can speak the most languages.
Среди нас пятерых он определённо тот, кто говорит на наибольшем количестве языков.
He stands out among the painters of his time.
Он выделялся среди прочих художников своего времени.
The future belongs to the few among us who are still willing to get their hands dirty.
Будущее принадлежит тем немногим из нас, кто всё ещё готов замарать руки.
Among the guests were two foreign women.
Среди гостей были две иностранки.
Bees are flying among the flowers.
Пчёлы летают среди цветов.
Tom was listed among the missing.
Том числился среди пропавших без вести.
The criminal is among us.
Преступник среди нас.
A harmony prevailed among them.
Между ними возобладала гармония.
Choose any one from among these.
Выберите одно из них.
The telephone is among the inventions attributed to Bell.
Телефон находится среди изобретений, приписываемых Беллу.
Shopping malls are popular among teenagers.
Торговые центры популярны у подростков.
Was anybody among your relatives ill with cancer?
Кто-либо из ваших родственников болел раком?
Tom and Mary were among the new arrivals.
Том и Мэри были среди вновь прибывших.
London is among the world’s largest cities.
Лондон — один из самых больших городов мира.
Cuban cigars are among the best in the world.
Кубинские сигары считаются одними из лучших в мире.
What is another word for Among?
594 synonyms found
[ ɐmˈʌŋ], [ ɐmˈʌŋ], [ ɐ_m_ˈʌ_ŋ]
Related words: among the sleep gameplay, among the sleep review, among the sleep download, among the sleep wiki, among the sleep system requirements, among the sleep steam
What is among the sleep?
How long is among the sleep?
How many people have played among the sleep?
Can you play among the sleep with a controller
Table of Contents
• between (adverb)
- be-twixt,
- in midst of,
- in thick of,
- be-tween,
- mid way,
- be tween,
- be twixt.
• between (adverb)
- medially,
- centrally located,
- half-way,
- tween,
- at intervals,
- bounded by,
- mid-way,
- betwixt,
- in the seam,
- enclosed by.
adv. & prep.
• between (adverb, preposition)
- half way,
- in seam,
- in middle.
• amid (noun)
- Amid.
• among (noun)
- in the midst of,
- surrounded by,
- in the thick of,
- together with,
- in the middle of,
- midst,
- With.
• Other relevant words: (noun)
- position.
• in the middle of; between (preposition)
- in dispersion through,
- encompassed by.
• with (preposition)
- up on,
- be-side,
- be side.
Other synonyms:
- hidden,
- Thru,
- indivisible,
- Onto,
- preposition,
- mutually,
- barring,
- Against,
- Upon,
- Amongst,
- equidistant,
- Qua,
- intervening,
- halfway,
- pending,
- segmented,
- Into,
- midway,
- mid,
- in-between,
- quarry,
- Toward,
- simple,
- twixt,
- Unto,
- Amidst,
- location,
- signpost.
- corporate,
- placement,
- flag,
- failing,
- trace,
- distributed,
- at,
- disembodied,
- uneven,
- prep,
- Of,
- aboard,
- poised,
- individual,
- undivided.
- accessible,
- intermediate,
- collective.
- common,
- mutual,
- give up.
- personal.
• between
- Inserted,
- Separating,
- within,
- in the middle.
• Other relevant words:
- ease up,
- emplacement,
- nether,
- flunk,
- free,
- masses,
- approximate,
- wrench,
- mismatched,
- atomic number 49,
- deliver,
- people,
- abreast,
- annihilate,
- touch,
- puffiness,
- footle,
- spot,
- include,
- between,
- east,
- police chief,
- au courant,
- aristocracy,
- city block,
- cube,
- come near,
- rough-cut,
- inch,
- bodied,
- describe,
- segmental,
- draw close,
- favorable position,
- droop,
- situation,
- surrounded,
- order,
- conjointly,
- black whale,
- deflect,
- clump,
- transcendence,
- shadow,
- lot,
- fondness,
- mickle,
- quite a little,
- go into,
- bruiser,
- devil,
- egregious,
- principal,
- heap,
- noblesse,
- forget,
- incarnate,
- penny-pinching,
- simple-minded,
- soul,
- occlusion,
- dispense with,
- rip out,
- collocate,
- tracing,
- bodiless,
- close,
- glaring,
- gargantuan,
- tear out,
- plenty,
- eliminate,
- homework,
- halt,
- lounge around,
- giant star,
- bare,
- bulge,
- muckle,
- resign,
- hound,
- auction block,
- jumbo,
- grandness,
- einsteinium,
- set,
- draw,
- unsubdivided,
- es,
- get into,
- hippo,
- blank out,
- whooper swan,
- vitamin e,
- pulley,
- bum about,
- get out,
- e.g.,
- lummox,
- skinny,
- loll,
- whooping crane,
- elephantine,
- kibosh,
- fiend,
- sag,
- glob,
- seed,
- reward,
- swelling,
- attitude,
- middle,
- absolute majority,
- stone pit,
- rate,
- engine block,
- atomic number 99,
- chieftain,
- hulk,
- displume,
- stead,
- blackball,
- inward,
- rank and file,
- bury,
- put,
- vacate,
- approachable,
- through with,
- private,
- virtually,
- foreman,
- passel,
- intromit,
- lay to rest,
- lay off,
- reciprocally,
- mortal,
- pulling,
- sheer,
- forfeit,
- part with,
- office,
- positioning,
- fix,
- about,
- over,
- police captain,
- battle of midway,
- bum around,
- self-collected,
- fancy,
- guidepost,
- throw in the towel,
- honcho,
- ejaculate,
- goon,
- mess about,
- mental block,
- uncouth,
- come,
- aggregative,
- close up,
- titan,
- deal,
- pin,
- immobilize,
- green,
- berth,
- wideness,
- mill around,
- legal age,
- go up,
- freeze,
- headwaiter,
- doctor,
- perpetrate,
- iris,
- au fait,
- lubber,
- round-eyed,
- ease off,
- good,
- masthead,
- gross,
- mill about,
- somebody,
- drop by the wayside,
- side,
- seminal fluid,
- item-by-item,
- stack,
- pulley-block,
- cylinder block,
- cheeseparing,
- complete,
- move into,
- partisanship,
- post,
- goliath,
- kick,
- throw overboard,
- top dog,
- semen,
- retrace,
- allow in,
- preparation,
- secret,
- stance,
- jointly,
- clout,
- immensity,
- wad,
- hoi polloi,
- inhume,
- spare,
- uncomplicated,
- reciprocal,
- nigh,
- admit,
- intercede,
- locating,
- hinder,
- commons,
- posture,
- localization,
- tear,
- military position,
- loaf of bread,
- pot,
- center,
- surrender,
- someone,
- embarrass,
- sea captain,
- puff,
- localisation,
- perspective,
- chunk,
- block off,
- drop out,
- mint,
- barricade,
- deplume,
- throw in,
- out-and-out,
- bum,
- social status,
- loll around,
- fuck off,
- freak,
- ghost,
- electric cord,
- sperm whale,
- signal flag,
- ball,
- obscure,
- obturate,
- hunk,
- immobilise,
- membership,
- choke up,
- pull up,
- mess,
- dictum,
- grade,
- scratchy,
- atomic number 85,
- nearly,
- renounce,
- end-to-end,
- target,
- dim-witted,
- lollygag,
- almost,
- loiter,
- simpleton,
- chuck up the sponge,
- right-down,
- blockage,
- closure,
- fair game,
- come in,
- everywhere,
- entomb,
- headman,
- take out,
- immenseness,
- park,
- raft,
- hint,
- odd,
- collected,
- decipher,
- allow,
- passim,
- demon,
- extract,
- repair,
- dewy-eyed,
- jam,
- pull out,
- head,
- deplumate,
- everyplace,
- aside,
- drag,
- lay,
- samson,
- restore,
- great deal,
- flock,
- hunt,
- discontinue,
- draw in,
- stymy,
- lug,
- pose,
- lurk,
- billet,
- waive,
- vantage,
- gaffer,
- fleur-de-lis,
- follow,
- concluded,
- release,
- sword lily,
- collectively,
- primary,
- line,
- suggestion,
- vastness,
- master,
- slew,
- most,
- enter,
- gawk,
- past,
- delineate,
- self-possessed,
- tincture,
- pull in,
- weakness,
- indiana,
- the great unwashed,
- spotty,
- wide-eyed,
- unwashed,
- occlude,
- spatial relation,
- incorporated,
- quit,
- view,
- wipe out,
- single,
- grieve,
- absolute,
- stoppage,
- boss,
- tribal chief,
- tint,
- monstrosity,
- downright,
- dear,
- oaf,
- due east,
- slacken off,
- rive,
- cease,
- social station,
- teras,
- out of sight,
- indium,
- lallygag,
- astatine,
- coarse,
- pit,
- senior pilot,
- rend,
- elementary,
- sight,
- social rank,
- parry,
- waste one’s time,
- bar,
- prey,
- heavyweight,
- lout,
- flagrant,
- lounge,
- magnanimousness,
- eradicate,
- multitude,
- grandeur,
- vernacular,
- spate,
- discorporate,
- concealed,
- sizeableness,
- well-nigh,
- flagstone,
- plebeian,
- eastward,
- pluck,
- exclusive,
- liaise,
- come on,
- cede,
- metameric,
- corduroy,
- done,
- self-contained,
- mere,
- rip,
- extinguish,
- get in,
- tarry,
- bull,
- fall by the wayside,
- thick,
- inside,
- commit,
- volume,
- range,
- skipper,
- blocking,
- on board,
- mountain,
- furbish up,
- main,
- slapper,
- crying,
- lieu,
- terminated,
- enormousness,
- good deal,
- equanimous,
- status,
- arrangement,
- approach,
- aggregate,
- transcendency,
- person,
- stuff,
- unbodied,
- childlike,
- place,
- linger,
- pulley block,
- below,
- usual,
- outrank,
- forgo,
- river horse,
- ind.,
- passing comment,
- draw near,
- carry off,
- obstruct,
- stymie,
- hang around,
- unembodied,
- block up,
- overstretch,
- embodied,
- stop,
- medium,
- ended,
- frig around,
- corporal,
- lounge about,
- draw out,
- impede,
- batch,
- relinquish,
- tocopherol,
- maitre d’,
- blockade,
- mediate,
- diva,
- unproblematic,
- forego,
- peck,
- twist,
- arbitrate,
- pile,
- tidy sum,
- inwards,
- vulgar,
- stumblebum,
- case-by-case,
- vestige,
- touch on,
- ogre,
- mend,
- abandon,
- swag,
- away,
- gigantic,
- attract,
- high quality,
- average,
- root for,
- hatful,
- through and through.
How to use «Among» in context?
Among is a word meaning «among» or «in between.» It is used in phrases such as «among friends,» «among foes,» and «among strangers.» In some cases, «among» is used as an adverb, meaning «around.»
Among can be used in everyday conversations to show different points of view, or to show where something is situated. For example, a person might say, «I live among the trees.» This means that the person lives in a forest, which is surrounded by trees. Alternatively, a person might say, «My car is among the cars in the lot.
Paraphrases for Among:
Paraphrases are highlighted according to their relevancy:
Preposition or subordinating conjunction
along, alongside, between, on, throughout, under, Amidst, Of.
Proper noun, singular
between, less, deals, aims.
Verb, 3rd person singular present
between, falls, links, ties, Comes, Forms, goes, crosses, gets, takes, connects, joins, divides, moves, performs, separates, qualifies, walks, arises, fits, becomes, belongs.
Preposition or subordinating conjunction
Other Related
Preposition or subordinating conjunction
Proper noun, singular
Verb, 3rd person singular present
Preposition or subordinating conjunction
Word of the Day
bow 1
- Synonyms:
twist tie,
Nearby words
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- (all) by itself
- (all) by yourself
- (all) joking aside/apart
- (all) on your own
- AMONG synonyms at Thesaurus.com
- AMONG synonyms and antonyms — Merriam-Webster dictionary
— AMONG synonyms - Collins Dictionary — synonyms of AMONG
— another words for AMONG